Joining Kit
Joining Kit
Joining Kit
Name: ________________________________________________
Company: _____________________________________________
Personal Information:
Graduation in
Post-Graduation in
Please give reference details of your previous last two organization. References can be
checked to get your work feedback from the organization as a part of joining process.
Reference 1:
Name of Person
Mobile Number
Reference 2:
Name of Person
Mobile Number
I hereby declare that the information given above are true to my knowledge and abide
and assure that at any point of time if I found guilty, the company has full right to take
action against me.
[See s u b -r u le(1 ) of r u le 6 ]
No m in at io n
4. (a ) My fa t h er / m ot h er / p a ren t s is / a r e n ot d ep en d a n t on m e.
(b ) m y h u s b a n d ’s fa t h er/ m ot h er / p a ren t s is / a r e n ot d ep en d a n t on m y
h u sban d.
5. I h a ve exclu d ed m y h u s b a n d fr om m y fa m ily b y a n ot ice d a te t h e …… to
t h e con t rollin g a u t h or it y in ter m s of t h e p r ovis o t o cla u s e (h ) of s ect ion 2
of t h e s a id Act .
No m in e e (S )
\\Sanjeevm\FILES\Winword\FORMS\files2001\GRATUITY\FORM ’F’(Nomination).doc/abc
S t at e m e n t
1. Na m e of em p loyee in fu ll
2. Sex.
3. Religion .
4. Wh et h er u n m a r r ied / m a r r ied / wid ow/ wid ower .
5. Dep a r t m en t / Br a n ch / Section wh ere em p loyed .
6. Pos t h eld with Tick et or S er ia l No., if a n y.
7. Da te of a p p oin t m en t .
8. Per m a n en t a d d res s .
1. 1.
2. 2.
Pla ce
Da te
S ign a tu re of t h e em p loyer /
Officer a u th orized
Da te Na m e a n d a d d r es s of t h e
E s t a b lis h m en t or r u b b er s t a m p
t h ereof.
Da te S ign a tu re of t h e em p loyee
\\Sanjeevm\FILES\Winword\FORMS\files2001\GRATUITY\FORM ’F’(Nomination).doc/abc
Nomination and Declaration form for Unexempted/Exempted Establishments
Declaration and Nomination Form under the Employees’ Provident Funds and Employees’ Pension Scheme
(Paragraphs 33 & 61(1) of the Employees Provident Fund Scheme, 1952 and Paragraph 18 of the Employees’ Pension
Scheme, 1995)
4. Sex : ……………………………………………………………….…………
Temporary: ……………………...…………………………………………………
I hereby nominate the person(s)/ cancel the nomination made by me previously and nominate the person(s) mentioned
below to receive the amount standing to my credit in the Employees’ Provident Fund, in the event of my death.
1. *Certified that I have no Family as defined in para 2(g) of the Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme, 1952 and should I
acquire a family hereafter the above nomination should be deemed as cancelled.
2. *Certified that my father/mother is /are dependent upon me.
S No. Name and Address of the family member Date of Relationship with member
Name Address
1 2 3 4 5
**Certified that I have no family as defined in para 2(vii) of Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995 and should I acquire a
family hereafter I shall furnish particulars thereon in the above form.
I hereby nominate the following person for receiving the monthly widow pension (admissible under para 162(a)(i) and
(ii) in the event of my death without leaving any eligible family member for receiving pension.
Certified that the above declaration and nomination has been signed/thumb impressed before me by Shri/Smt./Kum.
……………………………………………………employed in my establishment after he/she has read the entries/entries
been read over to him/her by me and got confirmed by him/her
Destination …………………………………
________________________________ ______________________________
(c) Details of the nominee u/s 71 of ESI Act1948 / Rule 56(2) of ESI (Central) Rules 1950 for payment of cash benefit in the event of death
Name of the Nominee Relationship with insured person Address
I hereby declare that the above particulars have been given by me and are correct to the best of my knowledge and I belief. I also under take to
intimate to the corporation any change in the membership of my family within 15 days of such change having occured.
Temporary Identity Card Valid for 3 months from the date of appointment
Dated Signature / T.I. of I P Signature of B.M. with Seal
2 *Family* means all or any one of the following relatives of an insured person namely:-
(I) a Spouse (ii) a minor legitimate or adopted child dependent upon the I.P.: (iii) a child who is wholly dependent on the earnings of
the I.P and who is (a) receiving education, till he or she attains the age of 21 years (b) an un married daughter; (iv) a child who is infirm
by reason of any physical or mental abnormality or injury and is wholly dependent on the earnings of the I.P. so long as the infirmly
continues; (v) dependent Parents
5 Submission of false information attracts penal action under section 84 of ESI Act, 1948
6 This form dully filled in must reach the concerned Branch office within 10 Days of appointment of an employee. Delay attracts penal
action under section 85 of the Act, against the employer
7 As an insured person you and your dependent family members are entitled to full medical benefit from today itself. The other benefits
in cash include (1) Sickness Benefit (2) Temporary Disablement Benefit (3) Permanent Disablement Benefit (4) Dependents Benefit and
(5) Maternity Benefit (in case of women employees) subject to fulfillment of contributory conditions
8 For more details contact website of ESIC at or contact Regional office or Branch office