Magnetism and Matter Short Notes
Magnetism and Matter Short Notes
Magnetism and Matter Short Notes
2. Write the expression for torque acting on a compass needle kept in a uniform magnetic field
in vector form.
𝑟→ = 𝑚 ⃗→
⃗⃗→ × 𝐵
3. What is Curie’s temperature? OR What is Curie’s point?
It is the temperature above which a ferromagnetic material becomes paramagnetic material.
4. What is the significance of the area of the hysteresis loop?
It indicates the energy loss per unit volume of the specimen per cycle of magnetization.
5. How does magnetic susceptibility of a paramagnetic substance depend on temperature?
Inversely proportional to its absolute temperature OR 𝜒𝑚 𝖺 𝑇
6. Write the relation between relative permeability and magnetic susceptibility?
𝜇𝑟 = 1 + 𝜒𝑚
1. Write the expression for magnitude of torque acting on a magnetic dipole placed in a
uniform magnetic field and explain the terms.
𝑟 = 𝑚𝐵 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 where m = magnetic dipole moment, B = uniform magnetic field
2. State and explain Gauss’s law in magnetism.
The net magnetic flux through any closed surface is zero.
⃗→ ∙ Δ𝑠→ = 0
(𝜙𝐵 )𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 = ∑𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝐵
where 𝐵⃗→ = magnetic field, ∆𝑠→ = small area element
3. State and explain Curie’s law in magnetism.
The magnetic susceptibility of a paramagnetic substance is inversely proportional to its absolute
temperature. That is: = 𝐶 0
where 𝜒𝑚 is magnetic susceptibility, T is absolute temperature and C is Curie’s constant
4. Write the expression for magnetic potential energy of a magnetic dipole kept in a uniform
magnetic field and explain the terms.
Potential energy, 𝑈 = − 𝑚 ⃗→ = −𝑚 𝐵 cos 𝜃
⃗⃗→ ∙ 𝐵
where m is magnetic dipole moment and B is uniform magnetic field.
5. When is the magnetic potential energy of a magnetic dipole kept in a uniform magnetic field
is (i) minimum? and (ii) maximum?
(i) When 𝜃 = 0°, PE is minimum and is called stable equilibrium
(ii) When 𝜃 = 180°, PE is maximum and is called unstable equilibrium
where θ is the angle between magnetic dipole moment and magnetic field.
6. Write the expression for time period of oscillation of magnetic needle in a uniform magnetic
field and explain the terms.
𝑇 = 2𝜋√ where I is moment of inertia of magnetic needle, m is magnetic moment of the
dipole, B is the magnetic field
7. Define magnetization of a sample? Mention its SI unit.
Magnetization is the net magnetic moment per unit volume. Its SI unit is Am-1
8. Define magnetic susceptibility? For which material it is low and positive?
Susceptibility of material is defined as the ratio of magnetization in the material to the magnetic
intensity. 𝜒 = . For paramagnetic material susceptibility is low and positive.
9. Define permeability? Mention its SI unit.
Permeability of material is defined as the ratio of magnetic field in the material to the magnetic
intensity. 𝜇 = SI Unit: Hm-1
10. At what place on the earth magnetic dip is (i) maximum and (ii) minimum.
(i) Maximum at magnetic poles (θ = 900) (ii) Minimum at magnetic equator (θ = 00)
11. Draw the variation of magnetic field with magnetic intensity when a ferromagnetic material
is subjected to a cycle of magnetization OR Draw the hysteresis curve for a ferromagnetic
4. What is hysteresis? Define the terms coercivity and retentivity of a ferromagnetic
Hysteresis: Hysteresis is lagging of magnetic field 𝐵 ⃗→ behind the magnetic intensity 𝐻
⃗→ when a
ferromagnetic substance is taken through a cycle of magnetization.
Retentivity: The property of the magnetic substance to retain magnetization even after the
removal of magnetizing field.
Coercivity: The property of the magnetic substance by which it gets demagnetized in the
presence of reverse magnetizing field is called coercivity.
5. Derive an expression for magnetic potential of a dipole in a magnetic field.
The magnetic potential energy = work done = 𝑈𝑚 = ∫ 𝑟 𝑑𝜃
The torque acting on needle is 𝑟 = 𝑚𝐵 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃
⟹ 𝑈𝑚 = ∫ 𝑚𝐵 sin 𝜃 𝑑𝜃
⃗⃗→ ∙ ⃗𝑩
⟹ 𝑼𝒎 = − 𝒎𝑩 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝜽 = −⃗𝒎 ⃗→
where m is magnetic dipole moment and B is uniform magnetic field.
1. Show that a current carrying solenoid is equivalent to a bar magnet.
The magnitude of the magnetic field at P due this element dx is:
𝜇0 2𝜋(𝑛𝑑𝑥)𝐼𝑅2
𝑑𝐵 =
4𝜋 [𝑅2 + (𝑟 − 𝑥)2]3/2
When r ≫ 𝑅 and 𝑟 ≫ 𝑥, [𝑅2 + (𝑟 − 𝑥)2]3/2 = 𝑟3
𝜇0 2𝜋(𝑛𝑑𝑥)𝐼𝑅2
⟹ 𝑑𝐵 =
4𝜋 𝑟3
The total magnetic field at P is:
𝜇0 2𝜋(𝑛𝑑𝑥)𝐼𝑅2 𝜇0 2𝜋𝑛𝐼𝑅2 +𝑙
⟹𝐵 = ∫ = ∫ 𝑑𝑥
−𝑙 4𝜋 𝑟3 4𝜋 𝑟3 −𝑙
𝜇0 2𝜋𝑛𝐼𝑅2 𝜇0 2𝜋𝑛𝐼𝑅2
⟹𝐵 = [𝑥] +𝑙 =
−𝑙 2𝑙
4𝜋 𝑟3 4𝜋 𝑟3
𝝁𝒐 𝟐𝒎
𝟒𝝅 𝒓𝟑
where 𝑚 = 𝑛 2𝑙 𝐼 𝜋𝑅2is the magnetic dipole moment
This is similar to the expression for magnetic field on axis of a short bar magnet. Hence a
solenoid carrying current is equivalent to a bar magnet.
2. Compare Diamagnetic, Paramagnetic and Ferromagnetic substances.
Diamagnetic substances Paramagnetic substances are Ferromagnetic substances are
are weakly repelled by weakly attracted by strong strongly attracted by magnetic
strong magnetic field. magnetic field. field.
Magnetic field lines are Magnetic field lines are Magnetic field lines are strongly
expelled weakly concentrated concentrated
Susceptibility is small Susceptibility is small and Susceptibility is large and
and negative. positive. positive
Relative permeability is Relative permeability is Relative permeability is much
slightly less than one slightly more than one greater than one
Susceptibility does not Susceptibility depends on Susceptibility depends on
depends on temperature temperature temperature
Ex:Copper, Gold, Water Ex:. Aluminium, Oxygen, Ex: Iron, Cobalt, Nickel