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This research is my original work and has not been presented by any one for
a degree or any other award in any other university

Nandawula .Samalie

Signature :............. ~~................................... .

• l-6-tti )oJ oo 1~ •
This Project Research has been under my supervision and has been submitted
for examination with my approval as University Supervisor:

:~;:~~ :
... .......................... .

Date \.b~..9..?:: ..:..~ ..\.c ...... .'............. .


A dedication to my father Mr. lukanga Augustine and Mr. Hans who have
been always there for me during compilation of this report and for their
contributions , I also give glory to God for giving me wisdom and
understanding the course study .


Appreciation is extended to the course lecturers, my friends for facilitating in

the preparation of this handbook.

The exercise to produce this handbook required a lot of consultations and


Special thanks go to Dr Augustine Wandiba for his dedication and open

mindedness during the whole exercise.

A gratitude to Loving mother ,my late sisters Nabadda Rosemary and Ndagire
Monica that you laid my foundation despite my earlier resistance to your
desire. I unconsciously fulfill their wish that i will teach and touch the young
ones you left to help them get the foundation you gave me.

This guide is dedicated to all those who are committed to reduce and manage

The study was about conflict management and employee performance as
perceived employees in Xclusive Cuttings Uganda Limited .

The purpose of this study in this connection sought to investigate the effects
of conflict management on employee performance and to offer a
comprehensive review on the management. By scanning the existing literature
on conflict ,there are still identified gaps within ,this review will thereby serve
as a starting point for analysis in the conflict management research project.
The study was guided by objectives which were, to find the causes, establish
the effects and measures of reducing conflict in organization.

The study was carried out using interview guide and semi-structured
questionnaire to get in-depth inforrnation,taking a sample size of 100
respondents, results were analyzed and presented in frequency tables and
graphs and in content.

The research revealed that emerging themes were, limited resources , poor
communication, competition, interdependence, poor planning and personality
differences .Themes described sources of the conflict as well as helping to
to manage them.

Although conflict-control approaches have been extensively researched

throughout , there are still a number of challenges that need to be addressed
at all levels the organization ,.,,..,,,,.,,,.,,..,. conflict management, no research-
based data are available on the perception of conflict and effective resolutions
.How ever the significance of this study lied in the fact that its finding will
enable managers to have in-depth knowledge of the causes of conflict and
how to manage them ,not only in Uganda but across the world. Managers
should be encouraged to try to resolve conflicts at the early stage before they

The the organizations should make
interventions like identifying common causes of conflicts, addressing issues to
solve them ,this can be done through motivating workers to feel as part of
the organization .

DECLARATION ..........................................................................................•.i
DEDICATION ..............................................................................................iii

ABSTRACT.................................................................................................. vi

TABLE Of CONTENTS............................................................................. 1
1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................ 1
1.1Background of the study.................................................................... 1,2
1. 2Statement of the problem.....................................................................3
1.3 Purpose of the Study.................................................................... 3
1.4 Project Objectives of the study...........................................................3
1.5 Research questions..............................................................................3
1.6 Scope of the study...............................................................................4
1.6.1 geographical study.....................................................................4
1.6.2 Content Scope...........................................................................4
1.7Significance of the study...................................................................... 4

2.0 Introduction ...........................................................................................5
2.1Theoretical frame oork .........................................................................5
2.2 Conceptual framework .........................................................................6
2.3 Related review......................................................................................7
2.3.1 causes of conflicts ........................................................8 ,9,10,11
2.3.2 Effects of conflk::ts on employee performance ......... 12,13, 14,15
2.3.3 Measures of conflict management ................................ 16,17,18
3.0 Introduction ......................................................................................... 19
3.1 Research design........... ....................................................................19
3.2 Study population .................................................................................19
3.3 Sample size .........................................................................................19
3.4 Sample techniques ............................................................................ 19
3.5 Sources of data ...................................................................................19
3.5.1 primary data .............................................................................19
3.5.2 Secondary data .........................................................................20
3.6 Data collection instrument .................................................................20
3.6.1 interview ...................................................................................20
3.6.2 Questionnaire ...........................................................................20
3.7 Data analysis and findings ...................................................................20
3.8 Data Reliability and Validity of the Instruments ................................. 20
3.9 Research Procedure ...............................................................................21

4.0 Introduction .......................................................................................22
4.1 The causes of conflicts in organization .......................................22,23
4.2 Effects of conflict on employee performance in organization ......24,25
4.3 The measures of reducing conflicts in organization ..................26,27
5.0 Introduction .........................................................................................28
5.1 Discussion ........................................................................................28
5.1.1 The causes of conflicts in organization ........................................... 28

5.1.2 The effects of conflict in organization ............................................28

5.1.3 The Measures of reducing conflicts in organization ....................... 28

5.2 Conclusion ...................................................................................29,30
5.3 Recommendations..................................................................30,31,32
5.4 limitations of the study ................................................................... 32
5.5 Area of further study .................................................................... 33

REFERENCIES ........................................................................................ 34
Appendix I : Research questionnaire......................................................36
Appendix II: Interview guide..................................................................37
Appendix III: Budget................................................................................38
Appendix N: Proposed Time Frame........................................................39


This Chapter contains the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose,
objectives, research questions, scope and significance .

1.1 Background of the study.

Businesses now days are operating in a turbulent environment where organizations are
searching for measures that will allow them to improve their performance and
competitiveness (Dodd, 2003).

Conflicts are a universal and normal phenomenon in social life (Dahrendorf 1979). ,
They occur but they are managed by family members, friends and relatives. The same
case applies to organizations, when conflicts arise, it needs to be resolved by
management for the sake of the organizational growth, survival and enhance
performance. (Barker et al., 1987). As a consequence, employees and their employers
can not have mutual support without any conflict, and conflict being inevitable part of
organizational life since the goals of different stakeholders such as managers and staff
are often incompatible (Jones et al, 2000), this is particularly true of work groups
because they are generally expediently assembled collections of individuals with
different backgrounds, perceptions, attitudes, and values.

Conflict is generally regarded as disagreement regarding interests. (Esquivel and

Kleiner, 1997) says it is as the discord that occurs when the goals, interests or values of
different groups are incompatible with those of individuals or groups block they
frustrate each others in an attempt to achieve their objectives.

Loomis and Loomis (1965) argue that Conflict is an ever-present process in human
relations. That is why various organizations have changed approaches to enable them
to manage their organizations effectively to avoid conflicts at all costs. Conflict is a fact
of life in any organizations as longer as people compete for jobs, resources, power,
recognition and security. Rain, J.S., Lane, I.M. & Steiner, D.D. (1991)

Conflict management involves implementing strategies to limit the negative aspects
and to increase the positive aspects of conflict at a level equal to or higher than where
it is taking place. Furthermore, the aim of conflict management is to enhance learning
and group outcomes .(Farace, Monge, & Russel, 1997).

De Church & Marks( 2001) defined conflict management as the practice of identifying
and handling conflict in a sensible, fair, and efficient manner. It requires such skills as
effective communicating, problem solving, and negotiating with a focus on interests.

Crohan (1992) defined conflict management as a key skill for all successful long-term
relationships. It may well be that the key skill in all long-term committed relationships is
conflict management--certainly the data on marriages suggests this is true. The
presence of conflict does not determine the quality of a marriage; rather, how the
couple handles conflict situations determines the quality of the relationship. Even beliefs
about conflict are more important to marital, happiness than whether or not the two
partners actually agree with one another.

Conflict Management theory states that a healthy management systems should be

integrated within the system of the organization and the integration should be at higher
level of hierarchy rather than being interconnection, conflict management is a human
sub-system which is achieved trough typical development process. The process starts
with assessment and inquiry, addresses the design, implementation and evaluation
(Ford, 2007). This indicates that in organization, management must have a system in
place to resolve conflicts.

Employee performance ,It is about how the workers can be able to achieve
organizational objectives basing on agreed measures, skills, competency requirements,
when there is a direct and quantifiable links between customer service variables such as
satisfaction , loyalty and employee variables like enthusiasm, commitment, capability,
and internal service quality to deliver results and to create a high performance
workforce, Frederick Reichheld's ( 1996) and James Heskett,

statement of the problem

Conflict resolution has received increasing attention in the organization;Despite the

interest made to manage conflicts, both employers and employees commitment has
persistently continued to be low and management practices have remained a much
neglected topic of the study . R.R. Blake and J. S. Mouton (1965), conflicts at work
place is inevitable , Xclusive cuttings Uganda Limited is facing more problems due to
factors like poor communication , poor planning, differences in personalities , limited
resources , interdependence , and employee health safety precautions are not
emphasized and health expenses are not supported by the company.(field survey
2011), If these problems are not well managed according to (S. Robbins 1978) , it
would seem to lead to low decision making and decline in performance.

1.3 Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between conflict
management and employee performance.

Research objectives

1. To find out the causes of conflicts in the organization.

2. To examine the effects of conflicts on performance in organization.

3. To establish measures for managing conflicts in the organization.

1.5 Research questions

1. Examine the causes of conflicts in organizations.

2. What are the effects of conflicts to both organization and it's employees?

3. What measures can be taken to reduce conflicts in organization?

1.6 Scope of the study

1.6.1 Geographical study

The study will be carried out at Xclusive Cuttings Uganda limited in Busukuma sub
country, wakiso district.

1.6.2 Content Scope

The study was focused on conflict management and employee performance at Xclusive
Cuttings Uganda limited.

1.7 Significance of the study

The study will be important in the following ways.

• Help managers to know the causes of conflicts.

• Help to establish the effects of conflicts in the organization.

• Help to establish the measures to manage conflicts in the organization.
• Help employees get working moral and interest in their job to perform

effectively since conflicts are being resolved .

• Help bring hope to enhance the understanding and building of co-

operation among people in the organization

• Help increase productivity in the organization ..

• Help the employers to achieve their set goals and objectives through trying

management and resolution process.

• The future researchers will use this work as a reference and a guide to their
• The community will use the findings collected as a source of motivation
to other persons in appreciating the need for conflict management.



2.0 Introduction

The chapter focuses on theoretical , conceptual frame work, and review of related
literature put up by different Authors .

Theoretical frame work

The study is guided by theories

Abraham Maslow (1908-1970), suggests that the needs underlie, many deep-rooted
and intractable conflicts. There is relationship between requirements, arranged
according to their importance for survival and their power to motivate the individual to
make them perform well. He says when social conflicts are caused by the denial of one
or more of the essential needs, the victims will fight indefinitely for their achievement
and will not give up until that goal is attained this applies to employees in organization.

Key findings is that there is a direct link between organizational performance and
employee satisfaction this will lead to good performance. Once these basic needs are
satisfied, humans are then motivated to satisfy higher-level needs for safety, love,
esteem, and self-actualization.

Chris Argyris (1923) argued that an over emphasis on control by managers encourage
workers to become passive , dependent and to shirk responsibility. As a result, workers
will become frustrated and dissatisfied with the workplace this lead to cause of conflicts
and employees will engage in behaviors that hamper the achievement of organizational
goals. Organizations that emphasize control are, in actuality, treating individuals as if
they were immature this will affect performance. Mary Parker Follett (1868-1933)
hypothesized that conflict is neither good nor bad and managers could resolve it by,
one side giving in, compromise, or integration.

Conceptual frame work

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

(IV) { DV)
types of conflicts

-Task conflicts.

-inter-organizational conflicts

-interpersonal conflict

Effects of conflict
Causes of conflicts
- builds cooperation
- poor planning
- helps individuals develop conflict
- poor communication resolution skills
- limited resources - improves quality decision making
- personality differences - innovation and productivity
-interdependence - interferes with organization
- competition
- leads to lack of cooperation

- wasting of resources

- low production

Measures to manage
- Compromise
- Collaboration

- Avoidance

- Negotiation

- Accommodation

-provide resources

Source: Thomas and Kilman, (1974)

Organizational Performance looks at the influence of the organization's norms, values,
and beliefs its culture on people and their performance, identifying cultural "levers"
available to organization leaders. (Jerome E. Singer and Daniel Druckman).

Happy employees are the key to an organization's success, when conflicts are
managed properly with good communication and the job satisfies needs, employees
may bring greater commitment to the job. (Peter F. Drucker)

Employee performance will be affected If what the firm provides is seen by the
employees as much poorer than what other firms in the area provide, dissatisfactions
will result. total limited resources, poor planning , disregard for employee complaints
(personnel practices) can lead to selrious problems for the firm. ( Meir Liraz 2007 &

2.3 Related Literature

The related literature is reviewed from objective by objective,

In organizations there are different groups of people working, this points to the paucity
of information relevant to this study and reveals many studies showing that conflict
arises because of misinformation , poor planning, and the relationship between conflict
and employee performance is impossible to rival or even approach the capabilities and
skills of employees if conflicts is not handled effectively. Diane Booker (2007).

The research clearly shows that effects of conflicts in the workplace are often wide
reaching and consuming , employees routinely do their jobs but due to varied impacts
of conflicts related to workplace further they can be beneficial or destructive and
damaging. organizations are often effected with employee leave requests as a result,
excessive absenteeism abounds and negatively affects the overall productivity (John
Wiley and Sons,1997). It also promotes team members' ability and perceptions about
decision-making effectiveness (Simons & Peterson 2000). Effective leaders must
differentiate between conflict that will boost productivity and build stronger teams and

conflict that will decrease output and hinder teamwork. Clearly, managers must resolve
conflict and channel it into positive competition and collaboration. Melissa McDowell
and Kim Coleman (2007).

Conflict is frequent incident in organization it influences behavior of employees ,at the

same time, these characteristics can be considered as the strategies to resolve conflict.
Early diagnosis of conflict is important and Interpersonal mediation is usually successful
in producing settlements.( Kresse! & Pruitt 1989). Yet "mutual understanding and
interaction" also can be used to prevent it . Therefore managers should encourage any
virtues and activity that enhances such understanding and interaction. This approach
will benefit the quality of production through a healthy work environment. .

2.3.1 Causes of conflict at the work places

Employee conflict in the workplace is a common occurrence, resulting from the issues
like differences in employees' personalities and values. Conflict arises, when rewards do
not exist or aversive reactions occur within the relationship (Home & Sayger, 1990).
Reciprocity as the social exchanges in which positive reinforcement is shared equitably
to maintain a relationship. Conversely, Coercion a relationship in which aversive
reactions are used to control the behaviour of the other negative reinforcement occurs
when aversive behaviours are not met with adverse consequences.

Poor communication, it is normally between managers and employers , This can result
due to failure to communicate with others. For example, a manager reassigned an
employee's task to the employee's co-worker but failed to communicate the
reassignment to the employee. This may cause the employee to feel slighted, which can
transform into animosity among the two employees and the manager, this may cause
employees to make incorrect assumptions and believe workplace gossip. Leading to
decrease in productivity and employee morale. Kim Harrison (2008)

Difference in Personalities , A difference in personalities among employees is another
cause of workplace conflict. Employees come from different backgrounds and
experiences, which play a role in shaping their personalities. When employees fail to
understand or accept the differences in each other's personalities, problems arise in the
workplace. Turner and Weed (1983).

Competition , Unhealthy workplace competition is a cause of employee conflict. Some

industries foster competitive environments more than others. When salary is linked to
employee production, a workplace may experience strong competition between
employees. Competition that is not properly managed can result in employees
sabotaging or insulting one another, which creates a hostile work environment.
Unhealthy workplace competition discourages teamwork and promotes individualism.
Ivancevich, Szilagyi and Wallace (1977).

Interdependence ,dependence on one party by another group or individual , people

may disagree under particular circumstances, such as on the who is to be the manager
of the other, under this condition , conflict is necessary, and even pleasurable.

Poor planning this can be related to structural design it arises from structures of
organization . A structural factor could be an actual or perceive in equity in the
distribution of material and non material advantages and rewards class status and
power differentials are driving forces of conflicts. Deutsch (1991).

Limited resources, time, money, space, materials, supplies, and equipment are all
valuable resource, competition for any of these resources will inevitably lead to
interpersonal and interdepartmental conflict. Mary Rau-Foster (2003)

Conflict of interest, individuals may fight for their personal goals and lose sight of
organizational goals. Each individual needs to know how his or her personal goals and
efforts fit within the organizational goals and efforts. Fisher D. (2000).

Personality differences, people's personalities are abrasive and their pattern of
acceptability is different these may include, disagreement on overall objectives and
on style (how to get things done), reflection on non-work related issues (like.
family), disagreement over control. when employees fail to accept the differences,
co-workers may insult each other's character and experiences. When insults occur,
the conflict intensifies until the right solution is offered and accepted.( (Robinson).

Stress is a huge motivator of conflict, for example every employee has a breaking
point, and will reach his or her breaking point at some time or another. On a good
day, employees can let issues and differences roll off their backs. However, as stress
from home and work deadlines collide, often tempers will flare. "When increased
stress levels are combined with time pressures, good people reach the limits of
composure and civil behavior," (Anna Maravelas) .

Different perspectives ,Individual perspectives are what give a business environment

its edge. In fact, "clashes between parties are the crucibles in which creative
solutions are developed," (Weiss and Hughes) .As a result, employers are looking for
diversity in people in order to ensure different perspectives are considered. Leaders
in this situation must carefully and clearly listen to and understand the different
perspectives. This one area can be the trickiest for managers. Since managers also
have perspectives, often perspectives different from their own are misunderstood or
pushed aside. Managers and leaders must remember that at least some of their
employees will likely have different perspectives.

Different work methods, employees often have the same goal but different
approaches for achieving it. Neither employee's approach may be incorrect, nor may
one approach be less productive than the other may. (Hastings ) he notes, the
ownership of the approach, or idea, is what gives each employee pride. When
approaches collide, a simple step toward resolution is for managers to encourage
employees to develop more fully their approaches.

Unclear definition of responsibility there will be numerous occasions for conflict to arise
over decisions made or actions taken in disputed territory since sub-units are not
properly coordinated and integrated . For example within an organization, sub-units if
they are made irresponsible for different or specialized tasks, this creates separation
and introduces differentiation or ambiguous jurisdiction, which occurs when two
individuals have responsibilities which are interdependent but no boundaries ( fiiley

Goal incompatibility, mutually exclusive goals, insufficient shared resources, different

time orientations. goal incompatibility and conflict of interest refer to accomplishment of
different but mutually conflicting goals by two individuals working together in an
organization. Obstructions in accomplishing goals and lack of clarity on how to do a job
may initiate conflicts. Barriers to goal accomplishment arise when goal attainment by an
individual is seen as preventing another party achieving their goal (Irving, J.L. 1971).

Unresolved prior conflicts which remain unsettled over time create anxiety and stress,
which can further intensify existing conflicts. A manager's most important function is to
avoid potential harmful results of conflict by regulating and directing it into areas
beneficial for the organization. workers are depending on to do their activities is not
cooperative yet they have to follow him or her. Kirchoff and Adams (1982),

Behaviour regulation. Organizations have to have firm regulations for individual

behaviour to ensure protection and safety. Individuals may perceive these regulations
differently, which can cause conflict and negatively affect output. ( Ivancevich, Szilagyi
and Wallace, 1977 ).

2.3.2 Effects of conflicts on employee performance in organizations.

Organizational life. S. Robbins ( 1978) has actually argued that functional levels of
conflict are conducive to innovation and higher quality decisions. K. W. Thomas ( 1976)
notes that "social scientists are coming to realize and to demonstrate that conflict itself
is no evil, but rather a phenomenon which can have constructive or destructive effects
depending on its management."

Stimulation of new facts or resolutions. When two parties who respect each other face
a conflict situation, the conflict resolution process may help in clarifying the facts and
stimulating a search for mutually acceptable solutions, this helps in building
cooperation. ( Filley, 1975)

Reformation and renewal of organizational programs for example training may be

developed to help in weak areas like managers who have a faulty skill set or because
they do not know the organization's policy on conflict management. All team members
need to know their conflict styles, conflict intervention methods, and strategies for
conflict skill improvement. ( Merry Lee Olson).

The emergency of creative ideas for example management coming up with views of
consulting negotiators with necessary skills to resolve conflicts,, arbitrators with decision
making power and workforce as individuals will be valued for their ability to act and
communicate with knowledge within a specific subject area. They will often advance the
overall understanding of that subject through focused analysis, design and or
development and to easily solve problems requires a combination of convergent,
divergent, and creative thinking (Reinhardt et al., 2011).

Formulation of new policies procedures and services, this may be formulated and put in
place to make easy communication channels open and information will be shared.
Bechtel!, Michele (1995).

High rate of damages to the organization , a lot of property is damaged during conflicts
which may result into strikes in which employee engage in practices like theft ,
intention destruction, which are totally destructive to the company as well as affecting
its performance ( Bell & vicki,2003).

Anderson,et al (2002)says that conflicts lead to increased employees unrest, unrest is

the general condition of un happiness with the job and may manifest itself in a number
of ways for example employees may not attend and do well his or her job and intended
carelessness as a result the forces of workers complaining about constant conflicts
between interacting groups it may not benefit both employees and organization.

Drop in Productivity, allowing a conflict to continue means that employee attention

becomes more focused on the conflict and not on productivity. As a problem is allowed
to linger, employees will attach more importance to resolving the issue in their favor
rather than attending to worker productivity.(Brahm, Eric 2007)

Lack of direction, conflict can sometimes arise when management is unable to

communicate the direction of the company to employees. Conflict will erupt as
employees are allowed to interpret change within the company in their own way.( New
Jersey 2001)

Fragmentation, conflict creates rival factions. Sometimes those factions are individuals,
sometimes they are groups. Unresolved conflict can create tension between groups that
may normally need to work together. Such rivalries can make progress within the
company difficult.

Lack of new Ideas, groups in conflict tend not to collaborate on new ideas. When
conflict goes unresolved it can be difficult to create new ideas the company needs to
solve problems it is facing.

Quality of work, If a conflict is allowed to go on long enough, the parties involved may
begin to show more interest in the conflict than in doing their jobs properly. Product
quality can suffer, and in some cases the safety of the employees can be in jeopardy as

Deadlines, in some companies, deadlines are very important. Groups in conflict may
start to push deadline limits as the conflict becomes more important than reaching their
deadlines. When both sides think they are right and the conflict is not brought in check
by management, the idea that each side must think they are right before they can
move on will begin to affect important deadlines. (Stephen P. Robbins).

Interferences with reasoned problem solving this may lead to delays in organization
achievement of the set goals and objectives because of the interruptions in solving
what is necessary to lead to achievement of the set goals.

Increased hostility and misperceptions it may arise through conflicts over race, religion,
language and identity becoming complex that they are more difficult to resolve or

Employee turnover this is very common in areas with non stop conflicts, employees loss
working morale, end result they look for other places with the conducive working
environment.( De Bono, E. 1985).

Help organizations strive to develop cohesiveness and promote agreement on work

environment that engenders positive thinking among the employees, when two or more
parties are in conflict, the performance and cohesion of each party is likely to improve
in this situation, an opponent's position is evaluated negatively, and group allegiance is
strongly reinforced, this increases group effort and cohesion. Heidi Burgess (1979).At
an initial stage it is easily controlled but it could lead to complications if allowed to
aggravate. Hence a strategy of conflict resolution in any organizations becomes
mandatory (Stephen and Julia, 1995).

Development of a sense of solidarity among members of groups engaged in conflict and
the responsibility to help employee develop their skills to participate on and lead teams
will be considered. For example task conflict can prove to be productive and augments
the team performance and it tends to come up with better decisions.( Jehn 1994).

Physical and psychological injury for example conflict may be misunderstood and
unappreciated, research shows that unresolved conflict can lead to aggression in the
organization resulting intQ injuries and emotional exhaustion this will include lose of

Necessary social changes and attainment of just society , for example fair wages among
medical staff, management will also provide the motivation to use different skills in
order for groups to function effectively.

Insubordination , for example a company with weak management develops problems

with conflict that continue for the long term. Employees see that management is unable
to resolve conflicts within the company, and respect for the authority of management
can be eroded. Insubordination develops because employees do not think management
can maintain control over the company. Arnold Anderson (1985).

John Paul Lederach (1990), says that "Conflicts happen for a reason," they would say.
"Is this resolution idea just another way to cover up the changes that are really
needed?" my own experience. My purpose is to add a voice to the ongoing discussion
and search for greater understanding and clarity in human relationships, therefore In
organizations where members participate in decision making, disputes are usually minor
and not acute as the closeness of members moderates belligerent and assertive
behavior into minor disagreements, which minimizes the likelihood of major fights.

2.3.3 Measures of reducing conflict in organization

Effective management of conflict would be the recognition of conflict and its sources
from the viewpoints of employees and then understanding how to moderate and control
them according to those viewpoints, Once the conflict and its source are identified,
addressing the conflict would be instrumental in enhancing professional development
and reducing the burnout rate among them. (Rahim, 2002)

Increase knowledge, awareness and training are a first step in managing conflict. Once
management and staff are knowledgeable about conflict then they are more able to
choose the appropriate resolution or management strategies ( chandan, 1994).

Open communication, this is so critical to everything that goes on in an organization.

without effective communication there can be little or no performance management,
lead to conflicts , to conquer conflict, managers must "clearly communicate work
priorities and responsibilities." In addition, effective managers must "provide feedback
on how well employees follow through" (Weinstein). Likewise, managers should solicit
feedback from employees, this will help managers to be familiar with the basic
concepts of conflict management and be able to resolve problems and anticipate future

Goal structure, goals should be clearly defined and the role and contribution of each
unit towards the organizational goal must be clearly defined. All units and the
individuals in these units must be aware of the importance of their role and such
importance must be fully recognized. (Maravelas, Anna 2005)

According to Tosi, Rizzo and Carroll, (1986.) Trust and communication, help in
managing conflicts for example ,having trust among members of the organization, is
more honest and open form of communication Individuals and units should be
encouraged to communicate openly with each others problems and help each other
when necessary.

Coordination, this is the next step to communication. proper coordinated activities
reduce conflict. this will ensure that roles are clearly articulated and that individuals are
aware of what they are supposed to do. this will ensure that conflict is detected and
managed early in time

Alternation, according to (Robbins 1974 ) this can be done in two ways - altering the
human variable and altering the structural variables. Altering the human variable
involves using behavioral change techniques such as human relations training to alter
attitudes and behaviors that cause conflict. Altering the structural variable may involve
changing the formal organization structure and interaction patterns of conflicting parties
through job redesign, transfers and creation of coordinating position.

Identifying the source of conflict, according to ( lisa Branche ) it is important to the

implementation of strategies aimed at reducing inter-group conflict. Conflict may be
between senior management and middle management. one department and another,.
Once the source of conflict has been identified, the next step will be to examine the
nature of the conflict.

Super - coordinated goal this involves creating a shared goal that cannot be attained
without cooperation of each of the conflicting parties, this helps to manage conflict at

Acknowledge conflict honestly, According to cram and McWilliams , conflicts exist in

many interactions which means that conflicts in organizations should be discussed at
staff meetings. Subordinates should be empowered to use creative ways to address
conflict and encourage them to learn conflict resolution strategies.

Establish standard procedures for resolving conflicts with training, managers can learn
how to act as arbitrators or mediators. in some organizations they use peer mediation
or conflict management committees. Manager's role conflict resolution requires a
delicate balance. if an organization has standard procedures then employees will be
more receptive to having their conflicts resolved. (McGraw-Hill, 1994).

Expansion of resources ,if conflict is caused by the scarcity of resources such as money
or promotion opportunities, expansion of the resources creates a win-win situation .this
may only be possible where resources are available and organizational practices when
improved. Tosi, Rizzo and Carroll,( 1986).

Separation, if interaction increases the depth of sentiments, separation could cool them.
This strategy can work if interdependence is not necessary because of the task. if it is
necessary ,then interaction will have to be managed by either coordinating device or
rules and regulations.

Policies and procedures, Policies and procedures and rules should be put in place and
the communication channels must be kept open so that each person knows what to do,
what role he or she has to play in the hierarchical structure. This helps to avoid
situations in which none of the parties does a job for the other. if each subordinate is
aware of his responsibility ,then it will be rear for problems to occur.

Authoritative command ( forcing ) ,this is where the management uses its formal
authority to resolve the conflict then communicates its desires to the parties involved (
Robbins 1974 ) it acts as the last resort method ,management employs after all other
measures have failed. it is usually not recommended because the conflict is silenced
and does not go away it may re-emerge with greater consequences .this normally ends
up will one party as a winner.

A key advantage to this measures lies in its capacity to think about multiple avenues of
response , this help builds on and integrates the contribution and strengths of conflict-
resolution approaches as well as the potential for broader constructive and desired



3.0 Introduction

This chapter will show the research design , source of data , methods of data collection,
data presentation and analysis of the findings and limitations to the study.

3.1 Research design

The researcher used descriptive research design to collect and analyze data so as to
explore relationships between two variables: conflict management and employee

3.2 Study population

The target population will 300 employees of Xclusive cuttings Uganda limited.

3.3 Sample size

A sample size of 100 will be selected from target population (workers and managers of
workers) to help collect information about the study.

3.4 Sampling Techniques

The study population was estimated using simple random sampling technique, giving
members a chance of being selected as a subject, on employees found around the
organization during the period of the research.

3.5 Source of data

The researcher mainly rely on both primary and secondary data.

3.5.1 primary data

Primary sources like interviews , questionnaires are selected to respondents to assist in

collecting information.

3.5.2 Secondary data

The fact that is secondary data is also important ,internal sources were used such as
records or recorded reports like in personal files, computer data presentations
concerning the subject matter of the study.

3.6 Data collection instruments.

The study will employ both the questionnaires and interviews as the research
instruments .

3.6.1 Interview

The researcher used the interview method to gather data from different respondents ,
oral interviews guide was used to assemble the real facts about the causes of conflict
using clear and simple language so as to induce confidence in them.

3.6.2 Questionnaires,

The researcher designed questionnaires, addressing the effects of conflict management

on employee performance , this will target employees within the company through
using both open and closed ended questions to allow the respondents express their
views freely and help in collection of large amount of information in a short period
,closed ended questionnaires which are precise and concise to answer.

Data Analysis the Findings

The researcher used frequencies tables and descriptive essays to present the findings
while analysis was done by use of Tables, graphs and content explanation.

3.8 Data Reliability and Validity of the Instruments
The above measures were tested using a structured questions in order to obtain
different perceptions of respondents, information obtained for test-retest reliability was
evaluated with information from the employees selected from the sample. The research
instrument was administered on two separate times to the employees, from this
employees had with the test-retest mean interval of 20 days to be able to get results of
the causes ,effects and measures to reduce conflict.

3.9 Research Procedure

The researcher got an introductory letter from the Dean school of business and
management to take to Xclusive cuttings Uganda limited for permission to carry out
research in the organization.

4.0 Introduction.
This chapter analyses data collected from the field based on the research questions in
chapter one. It deals with data presentations, interpretations and it is done objective by

4.1 The causes of conflicts in organization

The respondents were asked questions on objective 1 and their responses are shown
in table 1 below.

Table 4.1: The Causes of conflicts.

Causes of conflicts Frequency Percentage ( 0/o)

Poor planning 12 14

Lack of communication 9 11

Limited resources 25 29

Personality differences 8 9

Interdependence 16 19

Competition 15 18

Total 85 100

Source: Primary data.

·om the findings in the table 1 above, the respondents said that the causes of organization
mflict are limited resource and interdependence, which accounts for 29 % and 19%,
ispectively, employees compete in organization because of limited resources, poor
Jmmunication, personality differences ,competition takes 18%, for example among the
mployees it might take place in the form of promotion, financial, manpower equipments and
1formation resource. It also reflects that managers do not formulate plans properly (poor planning
iking 14%) either plans are in place or they are not interpreted and communicated to employees
ffectively and poor implementation leading to conflicts. This showed that the major cause of
onflict was limited resources in the organization as seen by 29% response. The data in table
.1. can be illustrated on graph as shown in figure 1.

=igure .1. The Conflicts in organization

p 30 •
r 25 '.
20 ..
t 15 .
10 .
( 0/o) 5 .

Ol 0 C: .c;- <.fl
C: ~ .Q 0
·c u ......
· - (I)
-ro u
ro B
C: (I)
0 '-
<.fl (I)
....0 ::::i
ijj lt:: (I)
/?_ E
CL. i:5
8 ......

Causes of conflicts

Jrther more the respondents were interviewed about causes of conflicts and the responses were
; follows;
9% of the respondents said that limited resources lead to cause of conflicts , while 19% said
1terdependence, 11% lack of communication, 18% competition,9% performance criteria , 14%
oor planning and 9% said personality differences. This showed that limited resources in the
rganization takes a higher rate as seen by 29% response .

.• 2. The effects of conflicts on employee performance in an organization

·he respondents were asked questions on objective 2 and the responses are shown below.

·able 2: Effects of conflict

:ffects Frequency Percentage ( 0/o)
~uilds cooperation 17 20
ielp develop skills 6 7
mproves quality decision 14 16
nnovation and productivity 05 6
nterferes with operations 15 18
..ack of cooperation 3 4
Nasting of resources 11 13
\lo production 4 5
'lo cohesion 10 11

Total 85 100

Source: primary data from field, 2011.

:rom the findings in table 2 , research clearly shows that conflicts have both positive and negative
ffects to the both employees and organization. 20% of respondents said that it builds cooperation
mong the employees, 6% said it encourages organizational innovativeness and improves quality
lecisions in resolving conflicts which accounts for 16% . Therefore, it's the duty of the
nanagement and employees to develop ways on how to promote cohesiveness in organizations
ind if possible conflicts should be resolved at their infancy stage to enhance organizational
ierformance .
·he data in table 4.2. can be illustrated on graph as shown in figure 2.

=igure 2: Effects of conflict on employee performance in an organization


p 21 ..
r 20
e 16 .
t =
a 12
g .
e 8
O/o) "

0 -P C
0 C C Ul i::: 0
0 ro::::; Ul
:;:::; (]J 0 :::l
,_ "Cl:= :::l ro (]J 0
:~ "Vi "Cl "'O l- Cl.. Ul '"Cl u
Cl.. "Cl Cl.. >-
0 (]J
1... ,._
0 C
..... 0 ro i:i.. 0 u 0)
0... z
8 <ii ::::; cl8 Ul :;:::; 0
(]J (]J
0 Ul
ro z
~ :s:
Ul .:,L
·s :::c 0
-~> 2C
Cl.. 0
.....E .5
Effects of conflicts

urther more the respondents were interviewed about the effects of conflict and the responses
,ere as follows;
8% of the respondents said that conflict interferes with organization operations, 13% said it leads
:> wasting of resources ,11 % lack of cohesion,4% said it brings low cooperation and
:-iisunderstandings, while 5% of the respondents said it leads low production in the organization.

~-3 Measures of reducing conflicts in organization

lespondents were asked questions about objective 3 and the responses are shown in table 3
·able 3: The measures of reducing conflict
-ieasures Frequency Percentage 010
:om promise 22 26
~ediation 14 16
:ollaboration 9 11
\voidance 8 9
:ommunication 15 18
~egotiation 8 9
\Ccommodating 9 11
rotal 85 100
iource: field survey 2011

=rom the findings in the table 3 above, 26% of the respondents said that compromise approach is
Jne of the measures of reducing conflict in organization, while mediation takes 16% , collaboration
l1 % , open communication 18% , 9% Negotiation , 11 % accommodating .This showed that the
Tiost effective measure of reducing conflict is compromise as seen by 26% response .

rhe data in table 4.3. can be illustrated on graph as shown in figure 3.

igure 3 : The measures of reducing conflict in an organization

p 30
r 25 .
20 .
t 15 '
g 10 .
/o) 5
(0 m


0 0 C
~0 ~
..0 :::i
..!S! E en
8 E z

Measures of reducing conflict

=urther more the respondents were interviewed about the measures of reducing conflicts in
Jrganization and the responses were as follows;

16% of the respondents said that mediation approach will help to reduce on conflict, 26% said
compromising can bring quick results when time is a consideration for an action, while 11% said
accommodating can also be detrimental to team efforts within the organization , 18% said open
communication will help bring a feeling of to employees and being consulted. , interestingly 11%
said collaboration can help reinforce mutual trust and respect and to builds a foundation for similar
solutions in the future, were the most effective measures of reducing conflict in organization.


5.0 Introduction.
This chapter discusses the findings, conclusion and recommendations that can be
adopted and implemented to manage conflict .

5.1 Discussion.
The discussion of the findings was done objective by objective.

5.1.1 The Causes of conflict in organization.

Basing on the research objective 1,according to the findings ,it was revealed that there
were many causes of conflicts they are lack of communication, poor planning , personal
differences and Limited resources,interdependence and competition. According to (Mary
Rau,Foster. 2004),she says cconflict is increased when there is sharing of resources
especially manpower, money,materials,equipment and space required among
departments. Collier, Paul (2003) emphasized that conflict also has a severe effect on
human health ,this results in strife among coworkers and people are affected by the
period for which their misunderstandings lasts. Thus the major causes of conflict in the
Xclusive cuttings Uganda were interdependence , competition and limited resources as
seen by 29% response.

5.1.2 The effects of conflict in organization.

Basing on the research objective 2 according to the findings ,it was revealed that
conflict help to build cooperation, improves quality decision making, innovation and
productivity, develop skills, low production and lack of cooperation , interfering with
organization operations and wasting of resources were the major effects of conflict on
employee performance in an organization. Conflict leads to other benefits which include
improved group learning and accuracy in situation assessment , promote the
development of new ideas and approaches. Organ, D. W., & Ryan, K. (1995).

Conflict is seen as a productive force that can stimulate members of the organization to
increase their knowledge and skills and contribute to organizational innovation and
productivity as also as pointed out by (Knippen and Green 1999).

5.1.3 The measures of reducing conflicts in organization

Basing on research objective 3 according to the findings it indicates that compromising
approach, and open communication were the most effective measures of reducing
conflict, however other supplemented measures are mediation, avoidance,
collaboration, Negotiation and accommodation, this reflects that management applies
more than one approach to resolve conflicts ,Therefore, it's the prerogative duty of the
management to put in place various approaches which will help achieve amicable and
acceptable solution to grieved parties, Employees can also change their attitude toward
their work as pointed out by Weiss HM, Crapanzano R. (1996).

5.2 Conclusion
From the findings in the table 1 above, respondents said that limited resources was the
major cause of conflict, while others said poor planning ,lack of communication,
personality differences, interdependence and competition. Researchers have noted that
competition for limited organizational resources can be a potential source of conflict ,
institutional priorities must be juggled against individual and departmental priorities in
the face of limited time and other resources. Conflict increases when employees work in
very crowded settings, their interactions with colleagues and patients increase and
potentially lead to stress, exhaustion and high labour turnover . Pugliesi K. (1999).
found that when an organization is facing conflict, employees would react with verbal or
physical aggression such as yelling and hitting , researchers as well found relationship-
destructive reactions such as criticism, faulting, humiliation, defensiveness and job
resignation in conflict situations.

According to the findings in the above table 2 it was revealed that organizations are
adversely affected positively and negatively by conflicts these are it interferes with
organization operations and low production as the major effects , conflict help build
cooperation, improve decision making , develop skills , it leads to no cohesion, brings
lack of cooperation and leads to wastage of resources as expressed by the respondents
Researchers say that, multiple roles of the individual can also give rise to conflicts
contend that both directions of conflict - work conflicts disrupting one's personal life
and life conflicts disrupting work affect health .

From the findings in the table 3 above, the respondents said that open communication
is most effective measure of reducing conflict in an organization, while others
mediation , collaboration, avoidance , Negotiation ,accommodating approach are also
good in reducing conflicts. According to Adomi & Anie (2005) and Rode, J. C. (2004).
Similarly argued that identifying the causes of conflicts is necessary this intervention will
help managers to develop appropriate strategies to resolve conflicts as they arise,
However, armed with the techniques and understandings outlined above, managers can
use conflict as a tool and addressing conflict in the workplace is no longer a task to be
avoided. Instead, leaders can embrace conflict as the mark of a productive workplace
environment. Saari, L. M., & Judge, T. A. (2004).

5.3 Recommendations
Basing on the research objectives of the study the researcher made the following

Xclusive cuttings Uganda limited should coordinate a rational division of responsibilities

among employees and their respective to avoid manipulation by warring factions over
the placement of resources and other unintended consequences of large-scale

Xclusive cuttings Uganda limited should sensitize their employees on the effects of
conflicts, workshops and constant talks should be done for most of employees are still
illiterate about the concept.

Xclusive cuttings Uganda limited should help facilitate a smooth way to communicate to
their managers for example upward and own ward communication. Open
communication and interpersonal relationship creates a supportive working social
environment this help provide employees with a chance to interact with one another
and breaks the divisions and hierarchy (centralized organization structure) that
discourages the formation of work groups. Conversely, the group cohesion created by
work group's results into less conflicts.

Xclusive cuttings Uganda limited should stay competent , they need to set up new
strategies of conflict management ,through this ,firms are in better position to have
best employee performers, for example Managers should develop diverse but
appropriate strategies to resolve and manage conflicts as they arise before escalating to
unmanageable level.

Xclusive cuttings Uganda limited should enhance coordination, through decision-making

chains of command among agencies, both within a country and regionally and
exchange of information among employee and between other neighborhood to get
more knowledge how to reduce conflicts in organizations.

Xclusive cuttings Uganda limited should to cooperate in jointly reviewing and evaluating
proposals of their company , if necessary also involve in consulting other concerned

Xclusive cuttings Uganda limited should plan to implement the new system ,in order to
carry out their operations swiftly for example making time interventions carefully such
as identifying causes of conflicts . for example early intervention is critical to prevent
conflicts, tools are available to prevent conflict from becoming violent or to keep
extinguished conflicts from reigniting. Yet early intervention requires resources,

especially political will, and experience shows it is offeh difficult to mobilize a national or
international constituency before a conflict escalates irito crisis.

Employers of Xclusive cuttings Uganda limited should set aside political and
bureaucratic obstacles and forecast on developing employees to help improve
employee performance through use of measures to reduction of conflicts which may
lead to poor performance.

This study provides a comprehensive understanding about factors that influence

occurrence and control of organizational conflict. It is recommended that further
research be carried out to explore conflict management in clinical settings.

5.4 Limitations of the study

Time consuming; a lot of time was wasted for example when using non reaction
measures checking in past records.

Inadequate information ,some employees could not answer fully the questions asked ,
so important information was missed.

Financial problem , due to frequent movement and high transport costs and buying
materials to be used during the research .

5.5 Area of further study

The areas below should be further researched on :
i. Advantages and disadvantages of conflicts in an organization
ii. What are the types of conflicts that employees face in an organization
iii. Measures to reduce conflict in organization


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Dear respondent;

I am Nandawula Samalie a final year student of Kampala International University

conducting a purely academic study on the topic "EFFECTS OF CONFLICT
UGANDA LIMITED ". It1s a partial requirement for the fulfillment of the award of the
Degree of Bachelor Human Resource Management of Kampala International University
I therefore kindly request you to participate in the study and to assist in the provision of
necessary information or answers to the asked questions .Responses provided will be
treated with utmost confidentiality and used for only academic purposes ..

SECTION A: BACK GROUND INFORMATION (Please tick as appropriate)

1. Highest Academic Qualification of the respondent.

High school Diploma Degree Masters Professional Others( specify)

2. Age of the respondent

18 years 19-25 years 26-32 years 33-42years 44-47 years 47years

3. Sex of the respondent (a) Male 1......_ __, (b) Female

4. Status of the Company (a) Registered 1......_ ___.

(b) Not Registered

5. Which Department do you belong? (a) Human resource _____,


(b)Procuremenl I (c) Finance I I (d) Marketing

What position do you hold in the company?

(a) Administrative ' ~ - - ~

(b) Operational

(c) Managerial

7. For how long have you worked with Xclusive Cuttings Uganda Limited?

(a) Less than year ~'- - ~ (c)S-10 years and a~,__ _ __,

(b) 3-6 years (e) 4-6yeaj.___ ___.

SECTION B: Causes of conflicts in Xclusive cuttings Uganda limited

1. Do you have conflicts in your organization?

Yes No .-I----,
2. If Yes What are the causes of these conflicts in your organization?

SECTION C: Effects of Conflicts in an organization

1. Has arise of conflicts affected your organization?

Yes No I I
2. If Yes What are the major positive effects of conflicts in your organization?

SECTION D: Measures to reducing conflict in an organization

1. Are there any measures taken to reduce conflicts in your organization?

Yes No I I
2. If Yes What are the measures taken to reduce conflicts in your organizat;IOQ?


1. What are the causes of conflicts in your organization?

2. What are the effects of conflicts in your organization?

3. what measures do you think can be taken to reduce conflicts in your

organization ?


Item Amount in Uganda shillings

Internet Surfing 25,000

Typing 30,000

Printing 18,000

Binding 1500

Transport 70,000

Miscellaneous 80,000

Total 224500

APPENDIX IV: Proposed Time Frame
Time schedule or frame

Date · ~";;., to carried out

September 2011 Preparing my self and materials to be

used in the study

Visiting (Xclusive Cutting Uganda

Limited) and Taking a Pilot study

October 2011 Data collection

Collection of data in the field
Survey started using different sources
of data.

November 2011 Data analysis

Entry of data into computer

December 2011 Visited library to make further analysis

and relating data collected from the
field with that in the books ..

And to get references

November 2011 Printing a draft , make corrections

January 2012

Retyping , editing and referencing

January 2012 Final Report and submitting in work


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