A Study of Clinical Presentations and Management o
A Study of Clinical Presentations and Management o
A Study of Clinical Presentations and Management o
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2349-2902.isj20192386
Original Research Article
Department of General Surgery, Chalmeda AnandRao Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, Telangana, India
Dr. Venkat Reddy,
E-mail: venkatrdd120@gmail.com
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Cholelithiasis or gallstones, is one of the most common and costly of all the gastrointestinal diseases.
Gallstones are associated with high-calorie diets, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hyperinsulinism, obesity, and
metabolic syndrome. The aim of the study was to analysis the incidence, clinical presentations, and management of
cholelithiasis in tertiary care Hospital at Karimnagar, Telangana, India.
Methods: This study was a prospective study; total 50 patients were enrolled in this study. The study was conducted
at Department of Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar from September 2016 to
September 2017. The data were analyzed and evaluated for clinical profile, management options of cholelithiasis.
Results: The present study shows gallstones diseases are a common problem in female population. The female to
male ratio is 3:2. Age, gender and incidence statistically there was no significant in this study.
Conclusions: Gallstones analysis showed mixed stone in 90% of the cases and cholesterol stones in 8% of the cases
as the most common variety. The period of post-operative stay in our study was 7 days for open cholecystectomy and
3 days for laparoscopic cholecystectomy in majority of the cases.
Cholelithiasis or gallstones, is one of the most common Total 50 patients with cholelithiasis were included in this
and costly of all the gastrointestinal diseases.1 Gallstones study. This study was a prospective study conducted at
are associated with high-calorie diets, type 2 diabetes Department of General Surgery, Chalmeda Anand Rao
mellitus, dyslipidemia, hyperinsulinism, obesity, and Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar during the
metabolic syndrome.2 The prevalence of gallbladder period of September 2015 to September 2017.
stone varies widely in different parts of the world. In
India it is estimated to be around 4%. An epidemiological All patients with echographic evidence of cholelithiasis
study restricted to rail road workers showed that north with age range 11-60 years were enrolled in the present
Indians have 7 times higher occurrence of gall stone as study.
compared with south Indians.2
Inclusion criteria
The aim of our study was to analysis the incidence,
clinical presentations, management and outcomes of All patients with symptoms and evidence of presence of
cholelithiasis in tertiary care hospital at Karimnagar. gallstones.
We recorded clinical, laboratory and echographic features Table 2 shows in present study pain was the commonest
of all patients, type of treatment and outcome. In the symptom presenting in 49 patients, 28 patients had
follow up period attention were given to subject to nausea and vomiting, dyspepsia was present in 12
improvement of the patients with regard to symptoms as patients and fever was present in 6 patients.
well as examination of the operative scar.
Table 3 shows that 43 patients had stones in the gall
bladder only. 24 % (12 patients) had solitary stones in
The protocol of this study was approved by the Institute
gall bladder, 76% (38 patients) had multiple stones in gall
ethics committee, Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of
bladder. Thickening of gall bladder was present in 80%
Medical Sciences, Karimnagar.
(40 patients) of the cases. Dilatation of the common bile
duct more than 1.5 cm was present in 6 patients.
Statistical Analysis Mucocele of the gall bladder was present in 4 cases.
All data was entered in the Microsoft excel sheet and Table 3: Ultrasound findings.
SPSS software version were analyzed using in this study.
No. of Percentage
RESULTS Findings of USG
patients (%)
Stones in gall bladder 50 100
During the study period, total 50 gall stone cases that 12 24
Solitary stone
were analyzed prospectively duration of 2 years. An
Multiple stones 38 76
informed consent form was obtained from all the cases.
There is an increased incidence of cholelithiasis in the 5th Bile duct stones 7 14
and 6th decade with the peak in the 5th decade. In my Thickening gall bladder 40 80
study the youngest patient was 15 years old and the oldest Dilated bile duct 6 12
patient is 72 years old. Mass 4 8
Table 1 shows age, gender and incidence statistically Table 4: Type of operation.
there was no significant in this study. The present study
shows gallstones diseases are a common problem in No. of Percentage
Type of operation
female population. The female to male ratio is 3:2. patients (%)
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 24 48
Open Cholecystectomy 26 52
Table 4 shows 26 patients undergone open cholecystec- site of pain was in the right hypochondrium and the next
tomy and 24 patients undergone lap cholecystectomy. commonest site was epigastrium.
The conversion rate from lap to open cholecystectomy
was 4%. The present study shows 5 patients complained of pain
radiating to the back. 48 patients had chronic recurring
Table 5 shows, 3 patients had wound infection. 1 patient pain, 2 patients had acute onset of pain, 13 patients had
had postoperative bile leak which was managed dull aching pain and 33 patients had colicky pain. Similar
conservatively and patient recovered. presentations were noted in the series of Goswitz et al.7
DISCUSSION Ultrasound scanning was done in all patients, all the cases
revealed stone in the gall bladder. 43 patients had stones
The frequency of gallstones increases with age, escalating in the gall bladder only. 24 % (12 patients) had solitary
markedly after age 40 to become 4 to 10 times more stones in gall bladder, 76% (38 patients) had multiple
likely in older individuals. The stone type also changes stones in gall bladder.
with age, initially being composed predominantly of
cholesterol (corresponding to an increased cholesterol Thickening of gall bladder was present in 80% (40
secretion into and saturation of bile) but in late life patients) of the cases. Dilatation of the common bile duct
tending to be black pigment stones. Further symptoms more than 1.5 cm was present in 6 patients. Mucocele of
and complications increase with age, leading to more the gall bladder was present in 4 cases.
frequent cholecystectomies.3 According to study in
epidemiology of gall bladder disease by Laura et al.9 Bansal et al, study shows ultrasound scanning revealed
gall bladder calculus only in 99 patients and 5 patients
Biliary tract disease is more common in women than men had stones both in gallbladder and common bile duct.
with a ratio of 4.2:1. Similar findings were seen in King Solitary calculi were found in 38 patients on sonography
Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh. A report from but on intra-operative correlation three of these patients
Belgium showed a male-female ratio of 3:1.8 were found to have multiple calculi. Thus, the USG
percentage of accuracy of solitary calculus is 92.1%.8
The female gender has a most compelling association
with gallstone disease, especially during the fertile years. In the present study, 90 % had mixed stones and 8 % had
Women are almost twice as likely as men to form stones; cholesterol stone, 2% had pigment stone. In our study
the gap narrows following menopause after which men showed the pigment stone is encountered in patient with
begin to catch up.2 sickle cell crises.
The underlying mechanism is female sex hormones; The majority of gallstones in developed countries consist
parity, oral contraceptive use and estrogen replacement predominantly of cholesterol (>85%), whereas the
therapy are established risk factors for cholesterol remainder constitutes black pigment stones (i.e.,
gallstone formation.5-6 composed of calcium bilirubinate). East Asia where
brown pigment stones are located in bile ducts,
Female sex hormones adversely influence hepatic bile predominately associated with parasitic infestation
secretion and gallbladder function. Estrogens increase according to study in epidemiology of gall bladder
cholesterol secretion and diminish bile salt secretion, disease by Stinton et al.9
while progestin act by reducing bile salt secretion and
impairing gallbladder emptying leading to stasis. A new In our study 50 patients had laparoscopic
4th generation progestin, drospirenone, used in some oral cholecystectomy and 43 patients underwent open
contraceptives may further heighten the risk of gallstone Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a feasible and safe
disease. procedure even in most cases of acute cholecystitis
enable it the conversion rate may be as high as 32%
In our study showed that pain was the predominant according to study in Maharastra by Bansal et al. The risk
symptoms in the present study with 98%. The commonest of bile duct injuries is higher and the operation time
longer than in elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy.