Aircraft Propellers: Arnaud Grandfils
Aircraft Propellers: Arnaud Grandfils
Aircraft Propellers: Arnaud Grandfils
Aircraft propellers
Arnaud Grandfils
Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, United Kingdom,
This paper is an introduction to aircraft propellers which gives an overview of how these devices work, are designed and
used. Their main evolutions over the past century have also been investigated to give a better understanding of these compo-
Section two is a description of the geometry and terminology used for propellers. This mandatory step is made to supply
readers with a minimum knowledge of blade design. The following paragraph deals with pitch angle and investigates fixed-
pitch and constant speed propellers. Then, the emphasis has been put on aerodynamic requirements and noise issues which
remain major challenges for manufacturers. Propellers mechanical design has been investigated too by focusing on forces,
moments and vibrations. A few sights have also been made to give some notions on blades material selection and new trends
in propellers engineering. Finally, operational procedures have been discussed focusing on synchronization problems for
multi-engines propelled aircrafts and protection systems against environmental stresses.
Nomenclature ever people said, this device remains up to date. The cur-
rent development of A400M turboprop aircraft is one of the
α Angle of attack best examples of those new high performance propellers
Pitch angle which can be operated till fly speeds of M0.79. More than
η Propelling efficiency that, with researches currently undertaken on propfan
Rotational speed designs, propellers seem to face a bright future. If this
B Number of blades device is broadly used with piston and turboprop engines,
L Chord length this is due to its high efficiency for flight speed under
R Blade radius M0.55. Indeed, above this limit, propelling efficiency drops
S Solidity due to air compressibility issues when blade tip approaches
d Reference element diameter sound speed. Avoiding this high velocity aerodynamic
m Blade element mass trouble, this large efficiency at low speed means that the
p Geometric pitch resulting specific fuel consumption (SFC) of propelled
ANR Active noise reduction system aircrafts is smallest than turbofan and turbojet ones under
CF Centrifugal force the same conditions. Thus, propellers achieve less expen-
SFC Specific fuel consumption sive operating flight at low speed than other propulsion
EPNL Effective perceived noise level systems. Finally, the purpose of propellers is only to con-
vert the engine power into thrust that allows the aircraft to
1. Introduction fly in the best efficient way. This aim is carried out by
accelerating a mass of air rearward while an equal but
Propeller is a key component of aircraft propulsion opposite reaction propels the aircraft forward. In this way,
systems. The development of aviation was closely linked to propeller blades just act like rotating wings.
this element which may seem simple at first sight. In fact, The following lines are made to give you a clear under-
this is an extremely technical component, the complexity of standing of how propellers are designed, manufactured and
which is a matter aerodynamics and mechanical require- operated. This goal can only be achieved with a minimum
ments. In 1903, Wright brothers managed the first fly of the knowledge of propeller geometry which is the purpose of
history, and already used propellers to take-off. Nowadays, the next paragraph.
even if most commercial aircrafts use turbofan engines, a
large amount of planes still fly with propellers, particularly 2. Propellers Geometry
short haul commercial narrow-bodies and general aviation
vehicles. Of course, a lot of technical improvements have A propeller is made of several blades (usually two to
been made from the Wright brother’s propellers, and what- five) which are assembled together on a hub, itself mounted
38th Engine Systems Symposium – March 2013 ESS-38-75
A.Grandfils / Aircraft propellers
2.1. Twisting
With p is the geometric pitch, d the diameter of the ref- 2.2. Propulsive efficiency
erence element and the blade angle at this reference
element. As explained in the introduction, the main advantage of
The helix angle is the angle between the plane of rota- the propeller is its good propelling efficiency under M
tion and the propeller actual path or relative airflow. The 0.55. This efficiency reflects the amount of energy convert-
angle of attack α is the angle between the chord line and ed in useful fly power relatively to the energy provided by
the actual blade path. the engine and can be expressed by the following formula.
𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 2
𝜂= =
𝐸𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 1 + 𝑉𝑠
2.3. Solidity
𝐵 𝑟 𝑟
𝑆= ∫ 𝐿( )𝑑( )
𝜋𝑅2 𝑟 𝑅 𝑅
38th Engine Systems Symposium – March 2013 ESS-38-75
A.Grandfils / Aircraft propellers
Where B is the number of blades, r/R the blade radius The main drawback of fixed pitch propellers is that the
ratio and L the chord length. thrust extracted by the propeller decreases when the aircraft
A high solidity factor is required to obtain a good pro- speed increases for a constant engine rotational speed. This
pulsive efficiency at high altitude. Turboprops commercial thrust reduction is due to the link within the velocity trian-
aircrafts are therefore sensitive to this parameter due to gle between the blade angle of attack and the aircraft speed.
their operational height. There are two ways of increasing This relationship tends to drop propelling efficiencies close
propeller solidity: to add more blades or to increase their to zero at high speed. A similar problem occurs at low
chord. But, this last solution has to be used carefully be- speed, during take-off for example, where a large amount
cause a too large chord will reduce propeller efficiency by of useful work is needed to accelerate. The propelling
increasing aerodynamic drag losses and injure its mechani- efficiency is low just like the aircraft speed which means
cal integrity. Increasing the number of blades after five or that the work extracted from the propeller is small. There-
six will also reduce propeller efficiency. Since 1930, the fore, fixed pitch propellers are only efficient at an optimum
trend for short haul narrow body aircrafts is to increase angle of attack which is chosen during blade design by the
propellers solidity. manufacturer, in accordance to performance requirements.
3. Pitch calibration
The first half of 20th century is for sure the one of huge
improvements in propeller pitch areas due to the interwar
researches undertaken to enhance propeller performances.
Increases of flying altitudes and speeds with power take-off
requirements have lead engineers to find a trade-off to
maintain a high propulsive efficiency.
38th Engine Systems Symposium – March 2013 ESS-38-75
A.Grandfils / Aircraft propellers
4. Aerodynamic forces and moments The performances of a propeller are given when it is not
mounted on any engine or aircraft. However, some aerody-
As underlined in the introduction, blades only act like namic interactions are possible with airplane components
rotating wings. They also produce the same aerodynamic (wings, fuselage, spinner...) and can modify propeller
forces. Because of the different shape that the upper and efficiency up to 10%. A huge care must therefore be taken
lower blade surfaces have, a differential pressure potential when designing a propeller to avoid such interactions.
is created on both surfaces. The pressure of the upper blade Propellers rotation also creates forces and moments on
surface decreases while it increases on the lower blade the aircrafts that single engine aircraft pilots must be aware
surface. This phenomenon tends to create a reaction that of. The first one is the torque reaction which pushes the
can be divided into two forces called lift and drag for a aircraft to turn about the longitudinal axis on the opposite
wing or thrust and torque for a propeller. direction of propeller rotation. This phenomenon is mostly
visible during quick torque increase like take-off but can be
4.1. Propeller thrust avoided by contra-rotating propeller implementation.
World War II Spitfire pilots were really careful with it,
This force is perpendicular to the aircraft plane of rota- because numbers crashed during take-off. Other reactions
tion and its magnitude varies along the blade. At the root, are gyroscopic effect, occurring when aircraft pitches or
where the rotational velocity is low and at the tip where the yaws and spiral slipstream effect which gives a yawing
pressure is equalized, this force equals to zero. moment to the aircraft due to the rotating flow of air pro-
duced by the propeller that surrounds the fuselage.
4.2. Propeller torque
4.5. Performance modeling methods
The propeller torque is due to the rotation of the blade
and creates drag. The torque profile along the blade is the There are lots of different methods to model the aerody-
same as thrust as illustrated in figure 9. Further discussion namics of a propeller. The choice of those methods only
concerning torque will be given in paragraph 6. depends of the result required. Momentum theories and
blade element theories are the simplest ones and are used at
the beginning of a design project to provide quick results.
When more accurate data are needed, at a more advanced
38th Engine Systems Symposium – March 2013 ESS-38-75
A.Grandfils / Aircraft propellers
time of the project, Euler or Navier Stockes methods are propeller vibrations. The second one is to use active noise
used because they take into account, air compressibility reduction systems. The objective there is to produce the
and viscosity further local and non-stationaries phenome- same noise as the one measured into the cabin and to pro-
non. The drawback of those last methods is however their duce a noise at the same frequency but with an opposed
too long modeling time and the huge computing resources phase. Then the passenger does not hear the propeller noise
needed. which is however actually there. This process of active
noise reduction systems (ANR) is now broadly developed
5. Noise for general aviation pilots headsets.
Noise is one of the main issues faced by propellers. In- 5.3. Synchronising and synchrophasing
deed nowadays, regional propelled commercial aircrafts
produce more disturbance than turbofan. With current For multi-engines propellers aircrafts, it is possible to
pressure exercised on air carriers, noise improvement has reduce noise levels and vibrations significantly by equaliz-
become a major objective of research over the past few ing the rotational speeds of the engines. This synchroniza-
years. tion process is a servitude system which works using a
master engine that gives, via a control unit, the rotational
5.1. Propellers noise emission speed to adopt to the other engines.
A significant reduction of propellers noise level can also
Aircraft noise is produced by a temporal variation of a be achieved ensuring that propeller tips are separated by an
fluid pressure and is often expressed in a specific aeronau- optimum angle which prevents noise interactions. This
tic unit, the EPNL scale, effective perceived noise level in process is called synchrophasing.
EPNdB. This specific noise scale is specially made for
aero-acoustics and is used to compare aircraft noise around 6. Mechanical design
airports. Usually, engineers use spectral representation to
plot the frequencies generated by a propeller and only take A number of different loads apply on a propeller and
into account the first eight frequencies because they are the their knowledge is important to understand the mechanical
most important sources of noise. Within those frequencies, requirements of this device.
three sounds can be distinguished: the layer sound which is
produced by the displacement of air caused by the propel- 6.1. Centrifugal force
ler, the bipolar noise, due to the pressure repartition around
the blades and the quadripolar noise due to the compressi- The first and most famous force applied on the blade is
bility of air around at high speed. Propeller noise is mainly the centrifugal stress force that acts outward of the rotating
driven by the blade tip speed, number of blades, aircraft blade. This force can be calculated by the following formu-
speed, the propelling efficiency and the blade geometry. la:
Even if huge progress have been made in this area during 𝐶𝐹 = 𝑚𝜔²𝑟
the past few years, noise is still not well understood by the
research community. With m the element mass of the blade, the rotational
It is also important to underline that noise is not only a speed in radians per seconds and r the section radius.
problem for people in the vicinity of airfields but it is an
issue in the cabin too, because of both passenger conven- 6.2. Bending and sharp stresses
ience and frame vibrations.
Bending and sharp stresses are more difficult to calcu-
late because of their close links to aerodynamics. Para-
graphs 2.1 and 4.1 to 4.3 deal with loads behind those
stresses. For a first approximation, the profile which is at
75% of the blade radius length must be considered because
it is the more efficient one. For a more precise calculation,
it is necessary to integrate the lift and drag local forces on
the whole blade length.
38th Engine Systems Symposium – March 2013 ESS-38-75
A.Grandfils / Aircraft propellers
7. Materials
7.1. Wood
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A.Grandfils / Aircraft propellers
7.3. Composites
8.2.1. Ice
38th Engine Systems Symposium – March 2013 ESS-38-75
A.Grandfils / Aircraft propellers
9. Conclusion