org (ISSN-2349-5162)
Corresponding Author-
Name- Jayashri Nagare
Contact Number- 9021895890
Contact Mail-
Address- Kalyani charitable trust's Ravindra Govindrrao Sapkal College of Pharmacy Anjaneri, Nashik
Topical drug delivery can be defined as the application of a drug-containing formulation to the skin for the direct treatment of skin
disorders or skin manifestations of systemic disease. For example, psoriasis to limit the pharmacological or other pathological effects of
the drug on the skin surface or on the skin. The topical drug delivery system includes a variety of pharmaceutical dosage forms such as
semi-solids, liquid preparations, sprays, and solid powders. The most widely used semi-solid preparations for topical drug delivery
include gels, creams, and ointments. Antifungal therapy is one of the most effective mechanisms for eliminating fungal infections to
improve quality of life. Systemic treatment is usually reserved for nail infections, extensive skin infections, or those that do not respond
to topical treatment. Conventional topical formulations cannot maintain and control long-term drug delivery and therefore require longer
treatment periods or must be supplemented with oral therapy. Fungal infections require regular application of conventional formulations
for a longer period of time. Emulgel will facilitate long-term drug contact with the skin, and also has the ability to change the skin
properties of the drug, thus improving the local treatment of skin infections. The strategy is to create a drug contained in Nanoemulgel
that can control the release of the drug to the surface of the skin for 24 hours. Emulsion stability problems were also overcome by
making a drug-containing Nanoemulgel, where almond oil (%) and homogenization rate (rpm) were considered as toxic factors. create.
on 3 different levels.
Topical drug delivery is a machine that delivers topical medication to any area of the pelvis through ophthalmic, rectal, vaginal, and
skin routes as a topical route. The skin is one of the most convenient organs in the human body for topical use and forms the backbone
of the local drug delivery apparatus. Topical use can be described as the application of a medicinal ingredient to the skin for the direct
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treatment of skin disorders (e.g., acne) or cutaneous manifestations of systemic disease. For example, psoriasis to limit the effects of
drugs or diseases deep inside or inside the skin [1].
The topical drug delivery system includes a variety of pharmaceutical dosage forms such as semi-solids, liquid preparations, sprays and
solid powders. The most widely used semi-solid preparations for topical drug delivery include gels, creams, and ointments. Most
preparations are applied to the skin. Therefore, basic knowledge of the skin and its physiological function is crucial for designing topical
dosage forms. The skin of an average adult body covers an area of about 2 square meters and receives about one-third of the blood
circulating in the body [2].
It is known that an average human skin surface contains between 40 and 70 hair follicles and 200 to 300 sweat ducts per square centimeter
of skin. The pH of the skin varies from 4 to 5.6. Topical nanoemulsions Emulsions are a promising alternative to increase the penetration
of drug delivery systems and target poorly soluble drugs, by increasing transdermal absorption, improving retention time in the target
region and, ultimately, a reduction in adverse events. The benefits of nanoemulsions with emulsion nanoparticles are independent of the
physical properties of the emulsion itself; Importantly, the nanoemulsion also improves the drug's ability to penetrate the skin.
Ringworm, also known as ringworm, is a fungal infection of the skin. Typically, this results in a red, itchy, scaly, and circular rash. Hair
loss may occur in the affected area. Symptoms begin four to fourteen days after exposure. Several areas may be affected at the same
time. About 40 types of fungi can cause ringworm [3].
They are usually of the Trichophyton, Microsporum, or Epidermophyton type. Risk factors include the use of public showers, tactile
sports activities such as wrestling, excessive sweating, animal advertising, obesity, and negative immune function. Ringworm can be
transmitted by different animals or between people. Diagnosis is usually based solely on appearance and symptoms. It can be shown
traditionally or by examining skin pores and scratches under a microscope [4].
Prevention includes keeping skin dry, not going barefoot in public, and sharing private items. Treatment usually includes antifungal
creams including clotrimazole or miconazole. If applied to the scalp, oral antifungal medications including fluconazole may be needed.
Globally, up to 20% of the population may have ringworm at any given time. Infections in the groin are more common in men, while
the scalp and body [5].
Table no 1. - The Material used in the formulation
Material used Manufacturer/ Supplier
Eberconazole Invochem Laboratory.
Almond Oil Research -lab Fine Chem Industry, Mumbai.
Tween 80 Research -lab Fine Chem Industry, Mumbai.
Propylene Glycol Research -lab Fine Chem Industry, Mumbai.
Carbopol 934 Molychem, Mumbai
Methanol, Ethanol (Absolute) Research -lab Fine Chem Industry, Mumbai.
Potato dextrose Agar Himedia Lab Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
Triethanolamine (TEA) Research -Lab Fine Chem Industry, Mumbai.
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate Research -Lab Fine Chem Industry, Mumbai.
Potassium Phosphate (monobasic) Research -Lab Fine Chem Industry, Mumbai.
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3.2. Melting Point:
The melting point of the drug was determined by using open capillary method using the melting point apparatus. The melting point done
in triplicate [7].
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Table no 02 - Composition of Nanoemulsion formulation
Formulation code
Ingredients (%)
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9
Eberconazole (w/w) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Tween 80 (v/v) 5.25 4.50 3.75 5.25 4.50 3.75 5.25 4.50 3.75
Propylene glycol (v/v) 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.75 1.50 1.25
Methyl Paraben (w/w) 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Propyl Paraben (w/w) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
BHT 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Water (v/v) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Carbopol 934 1%
Triethanolamine 0.1%
Water (q.s.) 100
Weighed amounts of carbopol 934 were mixed in distilled water (400 °C), with the addition of triethanolamine to maintain the desired
pH range of the solution. The homogeneity of stirring was maintained after which the gel was stored in the refrigerator for 24 h [15].
4.5. Preparation of Emulgel:
Further incorporation of 10% nanoemulsion containing 10% drug was incorporated to obtain 100 % (w/w) emulgel.
4.6. Filling to container-
The formulation was transferred into previously cleaned and dry containers.
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5.1. Appearance-
The prepared nanoemulgel formulations were inspected visually for their colour, homogeneity, consistency and pH. The pH values of
0.1% aqueous solutions of the prepared Gellified Emulsion were measured by a pH meter [16,17].
Scanning Electron Microscopy-
The morphology of nanoemulsion can be determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SEM gives a three-dimensional image
of the partical. The samples are examined at suitable accelerating voltage, usually 20 kV, at different magnifications. A good analysis
of surface morphology of disperse phase in the formulation is obtained through SEM. Image analysis software, may be employed to
obtain an automatic analysis result of the shape and surface morphology [18].
5.2. Particle Size Analysis-
Formulated Nanoemulsion should be analysed for their hydrodynamic particle size. Generally, in case of nanoemulsion dynamic light
scattering method used for the measurement of particles and further particle size distribution [19].
5.3. Zeta potential measurements-
Zeta potential for nanoemulsion was determined using zetasizer hsa 3000 (Malvern instrument Ltd., UK). Samples were placed in clear
disposable zeta cells and results were recorded. Before putting the fresh sample, cuvettes were washed with the methanol and rinsed
using the sample to be measured before each experiment [20].
5.4. Entrapment efficiency-
Entrapment efficiency is defined as the percentage amount of drug which is entrapped by the Nanoemulsion. For the determination of
entrapment efficiency, the unentrappped drug was first separated by centrifugation at 15000 rpm for 30 minutes. The resulting solution
was then separated and supernatants liquid was collected. The collected supernatants were then diluted appropriately with methanol and
estimated using UV visible spectrophotometer at 261 nm [21].
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7.1. Preformulation study-
7.1.1. Organoleptic properties-
Eberconazole was studied for its organoleptic properties such as appearance, colour and odour. The result shows the details of
organoleptic properties of Eberconazole were found to be similar as mentioned in literature.
Table no 05 - Organoleptic properties of Eberconazole
Drug Properties Observed Results
Appearance Crystalline powder
Eberconazole Colour White
Odour Slight Odour
All the physical properties of the drugs were within the limit of reported standards which assures the purity of the drug samples.
7.1.3. Solubility
Solubility and its solubility features was utilised for the UV spectroscopy and drug content.
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7.1.4. Determination of (λ max) of Eberconazole in Methanol-
The UV spectrum of Eberconazole solution (100µg/ml) scanned between 400-200 nm using UV spectrophotometer exhibited
wavelength of absorbance maxima at 261 nm. λmax of Eberconazole in Methanol has been shown in the following figure 13.
Calibration curve of Eberconazole was performed in methanol as Eberconazole is soluble in methanol. Methanol solution of drug was
very clear and readily analysed by the UV- visible spectrophotometer. The calibration curve was found to be linear in the concentration
range of 100 µg/ml given in following table.
Conc.(ppm) Absorbance
5 0.2136
10 0.4159
15 0.5894
20 0.7689
25 0.9736
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y = 0.0375x + 0.0304
R² = 0.9991
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
PPM Solutions
Oils Solubility
Solubility of Eberconazole in different oils was determined and indicated in above table.
Tween 20 27.15
Span 20 4.56
Tween 80 35.64
Span 80 29.16
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7.1.7. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy-
The FTIR spectrum of Eberconazole has been shown in figure 15. The major peaks observed and corresponding functional groups are
given in Table 22. The spectrum shows characteristic peaks for Eberconazole.
The absorption bands shown by Eberconazole are characteristics of the groups present in its molecular structure. The presence of
absorption bands corresponding to the functional groups present in the structure of Eberconazole confirms the identification and purity
of the Eberconazole sample used in the study.
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The maximum Entrapment efficiency was found to be 96.1% and the minimum Entrapment efficiency was found to be 70.6% in figure.
It has been observed that the drug entrapment efficiency was highest for optimized batch (F1).
F1 96.1
F2 95.6
F3 90.1
F4 88.4
F5 85.4
F6 71.0
F7 75.1
F8 70.6
F9 85
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F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9
The Particle size of the Nanoemulsion of optimised batch was found to be 100 nm. It is seen with increase in concentration of Almond
oil with high speed of homogenizer decrease in particle size.
Table no 14 - Size distribution and PDI
Zeta potential shows the stability of the (colloidal dispersion) nanoemulsion under the stress testing condition according to ICH
guidelines of stability studies of various pharmaceutical formulations. Zeta potential is affected by particle size, lowest particle size in
nano size i.e. 100, shows -29.5 mV. Zeta potential which indicate thermodynamic instability of the dispersion.
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Table no 15 - Zeta Potential
Scanning electron microscopy of Nanoemulsion is shown in figure. The shape of Nanoemulsion was Spherical and the size of the
Nanoemulsion was below micrometer range. Moreover, the micrograph also revealed the |some agglomeration of nanoemulsion which
might be due to the evaporation of water present in formulation during sample preparation prior to SEM analysis.
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7.3. Evaluation of Emulgel-
7.3.1. Physical appearance-
Parameters Inference
Homogeneity Homogeneous
Consistency Consistent
The physical appearance of the emulgel formulation was found to be Translucent, homogeneous and consistent.
7.3.2. pH-
pH of various emulgel are shown in the following table 28 which was found to be in range of 5.05 to 5.92 pH values indicate the
suitability of emulgel for topical application, so as to minimize discomfort or irritation due to acidic pH and microbial growth due to
basic pH.
F1 5.56
F2 5.41
F3 5.92
F4 5.24
F5 5.63
F6 5.14
F7 5.05
F8 5.84
F9 5.47
7.3.3. Viscosity
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9
10 14659 14025 14264 14365 13655 13664 13986 13894 13564
20 14102 13648 14102 13787 12664 12054 13264 13024 12548
30 13865 12645 13841 12745 12024 11546 12856 12874 11544
40 12984 11652 12635 11566 11654 11054 12054 11987 10645
50 12325 10254 11424 10325 11265 9634 11856 10953 9841
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Emulgel spreadability is important in topical emulgel formulations. Spreadability shows an inverse relationship with emulgel
viscosity. Higher viscosity formulations are very dense in nature, difficult to spread; conversely, emulsifiers with too low viscosity
are liquid, two extremes unsuitable for any topical formulation. Therefore, gels with optimum viscosity provide appropriate
spreadability for formulations. Formula F1, has an optimal viscosity and spreadability of this formulation of 18.14
7.3.4. Spreadability-
Emulgel spreadability is important in topical emulgel formulations. Spreadability shows an inverse relationship with emulgel viscosity.
Higher viscosity formulations are very dense in nature, difficult to spread; conversely, emulsifiers with too low viscosity are liquid, two
extremes unsuitable for any topical formulation. Therefore, gels with optimum viscosity provide appropriate spreadability for
formulations. Formula F1, has an optimal viscosity and spreadability of this formulation of 18.14
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F1 18.14
F2 16.02
F3 15.45
F4 14.26
F5 15.48
F6 14.94
F7 16.55
F8 14.02
F9 13.68
Table no 21 - in- vitro release of Eberconazole from its various emulgel formulae are represented in the table
Time hr F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 9.56 8.64 9.65 5.69 4.16 6.56 6.56 5.61 3.15
2 15.26 12.64 15.26 10.59 12.64 15.46 20.16 15.16 23.16
3 25.64 24.6 20.26 25.94 20.49 21.26 20.31 18.16 22.31
4 31.64 32.64 26.46 27.59 25.46 22.94 23.96 22.16 25.46
5 39.64 41.6 31.6 30.19 33.64 35.49 30.23 28.64 35.16
6 46.45 45.4 42.95 43.19 40.49 39.46 39.14 32.46 40.16
7 58.56 55.46 51.06 45.94 45.16 42.64 42.1 36.54 43.61
8 66.6 60.12 59.54 55.40 55.4 52.08 48.46 42.15 50.14
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12 75.46 74.6 63.19 61.02 59.16 56.49 55.12 56.94 59.14
16 85.16 76..12 69.94 67.94 65.46 62.12 59.51 60.16 68.41
24 96.16 80.46 72.49 75.06 70.16 66.19 62.01 65.51 76.14
The in- vitro release of Eberconazole from its various emulgel formula are represented in the table.
0 0 0 0
1 9.56 1 8.32
2 15.26 2 13.25
3 25.64 3 24.65
4 31.64 4 32.15
5 39.64 5 40.41
6 46.45 6 47.95
7 58.56 7 56.41
8 66.6 8 62.63
12 75.46 9 72.15
16 85.16 10 83.14
24 96.16 12 92.36
It was observed that drug release from an optimized emulgel formulation (F1) was superior to that of a commercial gel. (0.1% gel). The
optimized formulation's drug release shows controlled release up to 24 hours (96%) and the commercially available formulation shows
(92%) drug release up to 12 hours. Formula F1 showed steady state release for up to 24 h, which also indicates that this formulation
would exhibit better exposure to biofilm. The drug is trapped in the oil phase, so once the formulation has been applied to the egg
membrane, penetration occurs for up to 24 hours. This drug release phenomenon also suggests that when such formulations are applied
to the skin surface, drug diffusion follows the mechanism.
The drug adsorbed on the nano-emulsion diffuses rapidly through the stratum corneum and is readily available in the epidermis.
Formulas with a more miniaturization effect will follow this mechanism since the drug is more freely available on the surface. Drugs
embedded in nano-emulsions can penetrate the skin surface by diffusion, and this washed-out drug can further diffuse through the
stratum corneum. Nanoemulsions with low trapping efficiency also follow this principle in addition to principle A above. It, therefore,
indicates rapid drug availability in the epidermal region. The highest drug-loaded nanoemulsion monitors drug diffusion by following
the mechanism, i.e. skin moisturizing is enhanced by preventing trans-epidermal water loss due to the gel loaded in the nano-emulsion.
Nano-emulsions migrate to the skin with higher water concentration through the stratum corneum due to longer hydration times, nano-
emulsions are applied through large pores and nano-emulsions are available in the epidermal area. From the pre-existing epidermal
nanoemulsion, the drug is released in a controlled manner, which enhances the antifungal activity of the drug trapped in the
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Series1 Series2
Figure no 12 - In-Vitro Drug release profile of optimized formulation (F1) and Marketed formulation.
In the present study, the drug release was analysed to study the kinetics of drug release mechanism. The results for zero order model
kinetics and Higuchi model kinetics have shown in following.
Zero order describes the system where the release rate of drug is independent of its concentration. The equation is:
C = CO-K0 t
y = 0.0687x + 15.604
Zero Order Kinetics R² = 0.8618
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time (min)
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Table no 23- R2 Value for the optimized formulation of Zero Order Kinetic
F1 0.8618 0.0687
Higuchi developed model to study the release of water soluble and low soluble drugs incorporated in semisolid and solid matrices. To
study the dissolution from a planer system having a homogeneous matrix the relation obtained as
A = [D (2C - Cs) Cs ×t] 1/2
y = 10.385x - 18.486
Higuchi plot R² = 0.9169
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
In the zero-order drug release study and Higuchi kinetics study, it was found that the optimized formulation exhibits the Higuchi
mechanism based on drug diffusion and nanoemulsion from the frost matrix.
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7.4. Evaluation of Optimized batch
7.4.1. Best fit kinetic model for optimized formulation
The most suitable kinematic model for the optimization formula with the highest R2 value and the lowest slope value is the Higuchi
model. The R2 value for the Higuchi model of the optimized formulation indicates that drug release occurs by diffusion.
Model R2 Slope
The classical zero-order release curve was found to be linear. The curve plotted for the Higuchi release model was found to be linear.
For the curves of the Higuchi release model, R2 was found to be 0.9169, R2 for zero-order release was found to be 0.8618 for the
optimized formulations. The most suitable kinematic model for the optimization formula with the highest R2 value and the lowest slope
value is the Higuchi model. This indicates that the formulation shows possible drug release by diffusion.
The optimized formulation was evaluated after storage under accelerated conditions and at room temperature. The results of stability
studies show that this formulation is stable under accelerated temperature conditions (400 C ± 20 C, 75% RH ± 5% RH). The results are
presented in Table. The stability study of the optimized batch F1 was performed at room temperature.
Table no 26 - Stability Study data for F1 formulation at Accelerated condition (400 C± 20 C, 75 % RH±5% RH)
Antifungal therapy is one of the most effective mechanisms for eliminating fungal infections to improve quality of life. Systemic
treatment is usually reserved for nail infections, extensive skin infections, or those that do not respond to topical treatment. For all these
parameters, a Nanoemulgel formulation containing the drug has been formulated. Nanoemulsions were prepared by high-speed
homogenization and studied various parameters. Emulsion stability problems were also overcome by making a drug-containing
Nanoemulgel in which almond oil (%) and homogenization rate (rpm) were taken as independent factors at 3 levels. different degrees.
Prior to the formulation of these formulations, pre-preparation tests were performed to characterize the drug and analyze its purity and
compatibility. Sensory properties, melting point, solubility testing, UV spectroscopy, and FTIR studies were performed for Eberconazole
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and the purchased sample was found to be compatible with the excipients used. in the formula. The drug-loaded nanoemulsion was
evaluated for particle size, polychromatic dispersion index, and zeta potential, and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Drugs
containing emulsions have been evaluated for appearance, pH, viscosity, spreadability, drug content, in vitro drug release studies
(diffusion studies), stability and resolution studies. drug release 'accelerator. antifungal medicine.
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