Sample Incident Investigation Forms
Sample Incident Investigation Forms
Sample Incident Investigation Forms
The reason for investigating an incident or near miss is to determine: the cause or causes of the incident;
to identify any risks, hazards, systems or procedures that contributed to the incident; and to recommend
corrective action to prevent similar incidents.
Incidents should be investigated by people knowledgeable about the type of work involved at the time of
the incident. The JOHSC or relevant workers should also be involved in the investigation.
An incident /near miss investigation report should answer the WHO, WHERE, WHEN, WHAT, WHY
and HOW questions with regard to an incident.
Witness details
Date: Time: am / pm
3. Severity:
4. Treatment:
By Whom
Contributory Factors (refer to these when identifying the cause of the near miss / incident / accident)
Immediate Causes Substandard Acts
- Guarding - Operating without authority
- Defective tools or equipment - Disabling safety devices
- Hazardous arrangements - Using unsafe equipment
- Unsafe conditions - Non use of Personal Protective Equipment
- Unsafe design - Non use of lock out / isolation systems
- Housekeeping - Unsafe positioning
- Environmental conditions - Distraction / fooling about
7. Has a significant hazard been identified? Y/N
If yes, please investigate this hazard and update the Hazard Register in
your department or section accordingly
9. Corrective Action: (What will be done to minimise the risk of this happening again)
Action By Whom Completed
Signed: Position:
Signed: Position:
12. Incident / Accident recorded on Accident Register and all corrective actions completed:
Signed: Date:
Sample #3 Incident Investigation Form
Company Name
Who was involved?
What happened?
When? Date:
What were the immediate causes?
Person in Charge:
Reviewed by Senior Manager: