RCC42 Post Tensioned Analysis & Design

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Project Spreadsheets to BS 8110 REINFORCED CONCRETE COUNCIL

Client Advisory Group Made by Date Page

Location Level 2 - Beam on Grid 7
POST-TENSIONED ANALYSIS & DESIGN to BS 8110:1997 Checked Revision Job No
Originated from RCC42.xls on CD © 1999 RCC



SLS 1 Initial prestress + OW + construction load on all spans INPUT IS UNDERLINED.
INITIAL SLS 2 Initial prestress + OW + construction load on odd spans FRAMES ARE
SLS 3 Initial prestress + OW + construction load on even spans ASSUMED TO BE
SLS 4 Final prestress + dead + imposed load on all spans BRACED
FINAL SLS 5 Final prestress + dead + imposed load on odd spans
SLS 6 Final prestress + dead + imposed load on even spans
ULS 1 Final prestress + factored dead and imposed load on all spans
ULTIMATE ULS 2 Final prestress + factored dead + factored imposed load on odd spans
ULS 3 Final prestress + factored dead + factored imposed load on even spans


DEAD 1 1.4 Limiting reponse factor = 8

OPTIONS Stressing Ends B (L, R, B) Prestress system U (U, B) Assume 20% max redistribution
Jacking F/strength 0.7 BS 8110 Class 3 (Clause 4.1.3) .
Slab or beam B (B or S) iting crack width 0.2 mm .
In slabs, nominal top bonded
(Y reinforcement
or N;Yuse Y forindissimilar
span? spans)
Slab type
S or (W)affle, supported by beam Damping, z (2% to 8%) 5%

MATERIALCONCRETE fcu = 40 Ec28 = 28 sc = 13.20 st = 5.00 unmodified

At days 4.80 fci = 25.04 Eci = 21.72 sic = 10.02 sit = 3.20 unmodified
Cement content 330 /C ratio 0.55 OPC or RHPC ? OPC .
Ave ambient during curing = 15ºC Longterm R/H % 50 gm = 1.50

STRAND fpu = 1860 Ap, mm² = 100 µ = 0.140 K = 0.0010

Ep = 195 Rel % = 2 raw in= 6 Depth to strand centre = 40

REBAR fy = 460 COVERS Top Bottom Sides

gm = 1.05 to links 25 25 25

LOADING SEQUENC Permanent loads for Ø assessment 30% of Imposed is permanent

Load @ Age fcut Et Ø Ec
kN/m² days N/mm² kN/mm² Creep kN/mm²
Own weight 13.81 4.80 25.04 21.72 3.64 4.68
Applied dead 42.00 60 43.50 29.47 2.14 9.39
Quasi-Permanent Imposed 9.60 -=-
COMBINED 65.41 - - 26.76 2.45 7.75



Type Dia Area Breaking Weight RELAXATION at 0.7fpu
Standard 15.2 139 1670 1.090 Ambient ºC 20 40 60 80 100
12.5 93 1770 0.730 Relaxation 1.8 3.5 5.1 7.5 10.7
Super 15.7 150 1770 1.180
12.9 100 1860 0.785
Compact 15.2 165 1820 1.295
12.7 112 1860 0.890
Project Spreadsheets to BS 8110 REINFORCED CONCRETE COUNCIL
Client Advisory Group Made by Date Page
Location Level 2 - Beam on Grid 7
POST-TENSIONED ANALYSIS & DESIGN to BS 8110:1997 Checked Revision Job No
Originated from RCC42.xls on CD © 1999 RCC
(e) SHEAR Link Ø = 10
Span 1 Span 2 Span 3
Left Right Left Right Left Right
V 636.0 882.1 919.3 677.9 0.0 0.0
cracked? N Y Y N N N
Vc 1396.8 736.8 757.3 1396.8 0.0 0.0
No of legs 8 8 8 8 8 8
Link spacing 375 375 375 375 0 0


1000 938.7
-1000 -901.4


(f) VIBRATION Span 1 Span 2 Span 3

Response factor 0.62 0.70 0.00



7.90 9.20
Transfer Final -15.41
Col centres
-20 Zero axis

Span 1 = 9.6mm < 48 OK Span 2 = 15.8mm < 50 OK

- -

SUPPORT REACTIONS Supt 1 Supt 2 Supt 3 Supt 4

ULS 4 650.5 1840.2 677.9 0.0 kN
ULS 5 655.4 1362.1 232.0 0.0 kN
ULS 6 199.1 1409.3 677.9 0.0 kN
DEAD 274.4 803.8 289.0 0.0 kN
IMPOSED 147.0 484.4 152.6 0.0 kN

COLUMN MOMENTS Supt 1 Supt 2 Supt 3 Supt 4

ULS 4 Above 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 kNm
Below 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 kNm
ULS 5 Above 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 kNm
Below 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 kNm
ULS 6 Above 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 kNm
Below 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 kNm
Project Spreadsheets to BS 8110 COUNCIL
Client Advisory Group Made by Date Page
Location Level 2 - Beam on Grid 7
POST-TENSIONED ANALYSIS & DESIGN to BS 8110:1997 Checked Revision Job No
Originated from RCC42.xls on CD © 1999 RCC


for Span 1 at 3.60 m from C/L of LH support Reference
Class 3 Tee section, h = 525 mm, bw = 1800 mm hf = 200 mm, bf =3000 mm.
Ac = 1185000mm2, Z top = 120.0E6 mm³, and Z bottom = 93.3E6 mm³
Tendons are unbonded, Ap = 100mm2, fpu = 1,860 N/mm2 and 75.9 mm from soffite
There are 24 tendons, jacked to 1,302 N/mm² or 70.0% fpu SUMMARY!E71, DET
Prestress losses at this section are -2,500.7 kN at transfer and -2,237.1 kN longterm

(b) Stresses at transfer 4.3.5

M = 394.4 kNm hogging, and prestressing force = 2,761.1 kN
Max compression (bottom) = M/Z + P/A = 394.4E3 / 93.3 + 2,761.1 / 1185 = 6.56 N/mm²
< 10.02 N/mm² allowed
Max tension (bottom) = M/Z - P/A = -158.3E3 / 93.3 - 2,761.1 / 1185 = 0.96 N/mm²
< 3.00 N/mm² allowed
(c) Stresses in service 4.3.4
M = 400.5 kNm sagging, and prestressing force = 2,497.5 kN
Max compression (top) = 400.46E6 / 120.0E6 + 2,497.5E3 / 1185E3 = 5.44 N/mm²
< 13.33 N/mm² allowed
Max tension (bottom) = 400.46 / 93.3 - 2,497.5 / 1185 = 2.18 N/mm²
< 4.73 N/mm² allowed
(d) MOR at ultimate limit state 4.3.7
M = 1,382.7 kNm sagging, and prestressing force = 2,497.5 kN
fpe = 1000 x 2,497.5 / 24 / 100 = 1,040.6 N/mm²
Reinforcement d = 480 mm
Rp = 1860 x 100 x 24 / 40 / 3000 / (525 - 75.86) = 0.083
fpe/fpu = 1,040.6 / 1860 x 1.05 = 0.587
Lte = 12,250 mm
fpb (unbonded)
= 1,040.6 + 7000 x (525 - 75.86) / 12,250 (1 - 1.7 x 0.083) = 1,261.1 N/mm² Eq 52
Tendon force = 1,261.1 x 24 x 100 / 1000 = 3,026.7 kN
Rebar force = 460 / 1.05 x 6,283 / 1000 = 2,752.6 kN
Total tensile force = 3,026.7 + 2,752.6 = 5,779.4 kN
Compression block depth, dn = 1000 / 5,779.4 / 0.45 / 40 / 3000 = 107.03 mm
MOR = (3,026.7 ( 525 - 75.9 - 107.03 / 2) + 2,752.6 x (480 - 107.03 / 2)) / 1000 Eq 51
= 2,371.4 kNm > 1,382.7 ok
Project Spreadsheets to BS 8110 REINFORCED CONCRETE COUNCIL
Client Advisory Group Made by Date Page
Location Level 2 - Beam on Grid 7
Originated from RCC42.xls on CD © 1999 RCC
Supt 1 Supt 2 Supt 3 0
Span 1 Span 2 0
Right Left Right Left Right Left
DESIGN MOMENT 42.7 1522.1 1531.7 1502.2 1765.2 11.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
TENDON HEIGHT 300.0 40.7 480.0 480.0 40.7 300.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
fpe 1042 1040 1039 1039 1040 1042 0 0 0
Hinges 2 2 0
Lt 24.50 24.50 0.00
Lte 12250 12250 0
dt 300.0 484.3 480.0 480.0 484.3 300.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
dr 482.0 480.0 480.0 480.0 484.0 480.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Rp 0.207 0.077 0.129 0.129 0.077 0.207 0.000 0.000 0.000
fpe/fpu 0.588 0.587 0.586 0.586 0.587 0.588 0.000 0.000 0.000
TABLE 4.4 1a 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00
1b 0.92 1.00 1 1 1.00 0.92 0 0.00 0
2a 0.86 1.00 0.97 0.97 1.00 0.86 0 0.00 0
2b 0.88 1.00 0.99 0.99 1.00 0.88 0 0.00 0
fpb bonded 1616 1771 1758 1758 1771 1616 0 0 0
fpb unbonded 1153 1281 1253 1253 1281 1153 0 0 0
TENDON FORCE 2768 3073 3007 3007 3074 2768 0 0 0
As 4021 6283 6283 2262 6283 0 0
REBAR FORCE 1761.7 2752.6 2752.6 2752.6 990.9 2752.6 2752.6 0.0 0.0
TOTAL TENSION 4530 5826 5760 5760 4065 5521 2753 0 0
dn 139.8 107.9 177.8 177.8 75.3 170.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
Steel stress 438 438 438 438 438 438 0 0 0
Zt 230.1 430.3 391.1 391.1 446.7 214.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Zr 412.1 426.1 391.1 391.1 446.4 394.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
MOR 1362.9 2495.4 2252.7 2252.7 1815.1 1681.3 0.0 0.0 0.0

(e) SHEAR Span 1 Span 2 0 ft = 1.518

Left Right Left Right Left Right
V 636.0 882.1 919.3 677.9 0.0 0.0
Mu 42.7 1531.7 1502.2 11.5 0.0 0.0
M0 211.9 570.2 570.2 211.9 0.0 0.0
Cracked ? N Y Y N N N
UNCRACKED fcp 2.111 2.104 2.104 2.111 0.000 0.000
Vco 1396.8 1395.7 1395.7 1396.8 0.0 0.0
CRACKED Aps 2300 2300 2500 2500 0 0
As 6321 8583 8783 8783 0 0
d 415.8 480.0 480.0 209.0 0.0 0.0
As% 0.845 0.993 1.017 2.335 0.000 0.000
fpe/fpu 0.411 0.350 0.362 0.363 0.000 0.000
vc 0.555 0.585 0.590 0.915 0.000 0.000
Vcr 3479.3 736.8 757.3 12816.1 0.0 0.0
Vc 1396.8 736.8 757.3 1396.8 0.0 0.0 Links required
Asv/Sv 1.643 1.643 1.643 1.643 0.000 0.000
Sv 375 375 375 375 0 0

(f) VIBRATION nx = 2
Span 1 Span 2 0
ny : ly 5 6.000 5 6.000 0 0.000 Khan/Williams Ref
Ix : Iy 2.8E+10 1.5E+09 2.8E+10 1.5E+09 0 0 (Concrete Society Method)
lx : ly 1.934 5.170 2.015 4.963 0.000 0.000 (9.8)
kx : ky 1.267 1.037 1.246 1.041 0.000 0.000 (9.9, 9.10)
w 65.41 54.50 65.41 54.50 0.00 0.00
dx : dy 9.62 15.75 15.78 15.75 0.00 0.00
f'x : f'y 5.69 5.96 5.60 4.67 0.00 0.00 (9.11)
fbx : fby 5.69 5.96 5.60 4.67 0.00 0.00 (9.12, 9.13)
fx : fy 5.69 5.96 5.60 4.67 0.00 0.00 (9.14)
Nx : Ny 1.388 2.036 1.404 1.995 1.000 1.000 (9.17, 9.18)
Cx : Cy 253.2 249.0 254.7 356.5 0.0 0.0 (9.19)
Rx : Ry 0.37 0.25 0.36 0.34 0.00 0.00 (9.20)
R 0.62 0.70 0.00 (9.21)
Project Spreadsheets to BS 8110 REINFORCED CONCRETE COUNCIL
Client Advisory Group Made by Date Page
Location Level 2 - Beam on Grid 7 DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS (ii)
POST-TENSIONED ANALYSIS & DESIGN to BS 8110:1997 Checked Revision Job No
Originated from RCC42.xls on CD © 1999 RCC

SPAN 2 As(b) = 2262d = 484 h= 525 bw = 1800 bf = 3000 hf = 200 bd3/12 = 2.3E+10
Distance 0 550 1100
1725 2350 2975 3600 4225 4850 5475 6100 6725 7350 7975 8600 9225 9850 10475 11100 11725 12350
Element b 275 550 588
625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 625 313
d' 45 45 4545 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
As(t) 6283 6283 6283
6283 6283 6283 6283.19 6283.19 6283.19 6283.19 6283.19 6283.19 6283.19 6283.19 6283.19 6283 6283 6283 6283 6283 6283
A 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151 1255151
S A.Yt 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08
Yt 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767 225.767
Yb 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233 299.233
Ixx 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10 3.1E+10
A 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045 1397045
S A.Yt 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08 3.1E+08
Yt 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209 219.209
Yb 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791 305.791
Ixx 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10 3.6E+10
A 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447 1234447
S A.Yt 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08 2.8E+08
Yt 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849 226.849
Yb 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151 298.151
Ixx 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10 3E+10
M (SLS 2) 435.9 434.7 331.9 166.7 20.2 -107.7 -216.9 -307.5 -379.5 -432.8 -467.5 -483.5 -480.9 -459.6 -419.7 -361.1 -283.9 -188.1 -73.6 6.7 0.0
1/R 6.6E-07 6.6E-07 5E-07 2.5E-07 3.1E-08 -2E-07 -3E-07 -5E-07 -6E-07 -7E-07 -7E-07 -7E-07 -7E-07 -7E-07 -6E-07 -5E-07 -4E-07 -3E-07 -1E-07 1E-08 7.4E-21
Load 0.00018 0.00036 0.00029 0.00016 1.9E-05 -0.0001 -0.0002 -0.0003 -0.0004 -0.0004 -0.0004 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0004 -0.0004 -0.0003 -0.0003 -0.0002 -7E-05 6.3E-06 2.3E-18
Load x dist 0.02488 0.19852 0.32384 0.27141 0.04482 -0.3023 -0.7368 -1.226 -1.7366 -2.2358 -2.6906 -3.0679 -3.3349 -3.4584 -3.4056 -3.1434 -2.6389 -1.8591 -0.7709 0.07415 2.8E-14
End slope -0.001 -0.0024
Span d 0 -0.61 -1.45 -2.58 -3.81 -5.06 -6.24 -7.29 -8.16 -8.81 -9.20 -9.32 -9.15 -8.70 -7.97 -7.00 -5.82 -4.47 -3.01 -1.50 0
Cant d 0 -28.96 -28.48 -28.11 -27.84 -27.58 -27.26 -26.81 -26.18 -25.33 -24.22 -22.83 -21.16 -19.21 -16.98 -14.51 -11.83 -8.97 -6.01 -3.00 0
d 0 -0.61 -1.45 -2.58 -3.81 -5.06 -6.24 -7.29 -8.16 -8.81 -9.20 -9.32 -9.15 -8.70 -7.97 -7.00 -5.82 -4.47 -3.01 -1.50 0
M (SLS 7) -332.7 -129.7 -34.6 10.3 51.4 88.7 122.2 151.9 177.7 199.8 218.0 232.5 243.1 249.9 253.0 252.2 247.6 239.2 227.0 163.2 0.0
1/R -1E-06 -5E-07 -1E-07 3.7E-08 1.8E-07 3.1E-07 4.3E-07 5.4E-07 6.3E-07 7.1E-07 7.7E-07 8.3E-07 8.6E-07 8.9E-07 9E-07 9E-07 8.8E-07 8.5E-07 8.1E-07 5.8E-07 1.3E-20
Load -0.0003 -0.0003 -7E-05 2.3E-05 0.00011 0.0002 0.00027 0.00034 0.00039 0.00044 0.00048 0.00052 0.00054 0.00055 0.00056 0.00056 0.00055 0.00053 0.0005 0.00036 4.1E-18
Load x dist -0.0447 -0.1393 -0.0794 0.03948 0.26808 0.58554 0.97601 1.42365 1.91261 2.42707 2.95118 3.46909 3.96496 4.42296 4.82724 5.16196 5.41128 5.55936 5.59035 4.24526 4.9E-14
End slope 0.002 0.00429
Span d 0 1.23 2.65 4.31 5.95 7.52 8.97 10.25 11.32 12.14 12.68 12.92 12.84 12.43 11.66 10.55 9.08 7.28 5.14 2.68 0
Cant d 0 51.85 50.91 49.88 48.84 47.73 46.50 45.10 43.49 41.63 39.49 37.05 34.29 31.19 27.75 23.95 19.81 15.32 10.50 5.36 0
d 0.0 1.2 2.7 4.3 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.2 11.3 12.1 12.7 12.9 12.8 12.4 11.7 10.5 9.1 7.3 5.1 2.7 0.0
M(SLS 4-7) -460.7 -367.5 -281.0 -191.1 -109.8 -37.3 26.4 81.4 127.6 165.1 193.9 213.9 225.1 227.6 221.3 206.3 182.5 150.0 108.8 58.8 0.0
1/R -5E-07 -4E-07 -3E-07 -2E-07 -1E-07 -4E-08 3E-08 9.3E-08 1.5E-07 1.9E-07 2.2E-07 2.4E-07 2.6E-07 2.6E-07 2.5E-07 2.4E-07 2.1E-07 1.7E-07 1.2E-07 6.7E-08 1E-21
Load -0.0001 -0.0002 -0.0002 -0.0001 -8E-05 -3E-05 1.9E-05 5.8E-05 9.1E-05 0.00012 0.00014 0.00015 0.00016 0.00016 0.00016 0.00015 0.00013 0.00011 7.8E-05 4.2E-05 3.3E-19
Load x dist -0.0199 -0.1273 -0.208 -0.2358 -0.1847 -0.0795 0.06804 0.24611 0.443 0.64696 0.84627 1.02917 1.18393 1.2988 1.36206 1.36194 1.28673 1.12466 0.86402 0.49304 3.9E-15
End slope -0.0002 0.00092
Span d 0 -0.03 0.09 0.34 0.67 1.06 1.46 1.85 2.20 2.50 2.72 2.86 2.90 2.84 2.68 2.42 2.06 1.63 1.13 0.58 0
Cant d 0 10.86 10.47 10.14 9.90 9.71 9.54 9.35 9.13 8.85 8.49 8.05 7.52 6.88 6.14 5.30 4.37 3.36 2.28 1.15 0
d 0 -0.03 0.09 0.34 0.67 1.06 1.46 1.85 2.20 2.50 2.72 2.86 2.90 2.84 2.68 2.42 2.06 1.63 1.13 0.58 0
Project Spreadsheets to BS 8110
Location Level 2 - Beam on Grid 7 GRAPH DATA I Made by Job No
POST-TENSIONED ANALYSIS & DESIGN to BS 8110:1997 Date 30-Dec-99
Originated from RCC42.xls on CD © 1999 RCC REINFORCED CONCRETE COUNCIL

GEOMETRY -1395.15
BEAM X 0 0 0 12000 12000 12000 12000 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500
BEAM Y -1395 0 0 0 -1395.1 0 0 0 -1395.1 0 0 0 -1395.1 0
C SECa X 0 0 0 0 0 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500
C SECa Y 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
C SECb X -150 150 150 -150 -150 11850 12150 12150 11850 11850 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500
C SECb Y -1895 -1895 -2495 -2495.1 -1895.1 -1895.1 -1895.1 -2495.1 -2495.1 -1895.15 -1895.1 -1895.1 -1895.1 -1895.1 -1895.1 -1895.1 -1895.1 -1895.1 -1895.1 -1895.1
B SEC X 4500 7500 7500 6900 6900 5100 5100 4500 4500 16750 19750 19750 19150 19150 17350 17350 16750 16750 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500
B SEC Y -1500 -1500 -1700 -1700 -2025 -2025 -1700 -1700 -1500 -1500 -1500 -1700 -1700 -2025 -2025 -1700 -1700 -1500 -1500 -1500 -1500 -1500 -1500 -1500 -1500 -1500 -1500

LOADING scaling factor 8.54

UDL X 0 0 12000 12000 12000 12000 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500 24500
DEAD 0 476.67 476.67 0 0 476.67 476.67 0 0 0 0 0
IMPOSED 476.67 750 750 476.67 476.67 750 750 476.67 0 0 0 0
PUD X 0 0 0 0 12000 12000 12000 12000 24500 24500 24500 24500
PUD D 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 0 0 0 0
PUD L 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 0 0 0 0
PL X 0 0 0 0 12000 12000 12000 12000 24500 24500 24500 24500
PLs D 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 0 0 0 0
PLs L 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 0 0 0 0

STRESS DIAGRAMS X -0.30 12.00 12.00 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 0 0 12 12 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5
Balance scaling = 1 x profile Top 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 577.50 -52.5 577.5 -52.5 577.5 -52.5 577.5 -52.5
n/a 295.41 295.41 295.41 295.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 0 16 0 16 0 16 0
Vl Vr W1 we Vl Vr W1 we Vl Vr W1 we 351.835 -93.16 351.835 -93.165 351.835 -93.165 351.835 -93.165
166.09 215.58 278.03 -67.64 220.58 177.00 354.19 -61.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
S 181.12 200.56 278.03 -67.64 S 92.25 80.33 354.19 -61.54 S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
P 68.38 97.29 278.03 -67.64 P 209.73 187.84 354.19 -61.54 P 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LOAD COMBINATIONS
A 421.45 632.23 251.48 -61.18 A 655.99 441.58 320.36 -55.66 A 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SLS 1 Initial prestress + OW + construction load on all spans ULS 1 Final prestress + factored dead and imposed load on all spans
N 448.15 605.52 251.48 -61.18 N 427.85 269.73 320.36 -55.66 N 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INITIAL SLS 2 Initial prestress + OW + construction load on odd spans ULTIMATE ULS 2 Final prestress + factored dead + factored imp load on odd spans
247.74 421.94 251.48 -61.18 636.72 460.86 320.36 -55.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SLS 3 Initial prestress + OW + construction load on even spans ULS 3 Final prestress + factored dead + factored imp load on even spans
1 326.55 458.32 251.48 -61.18 2 477.01 340.56 320.36 -55.66 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SLS 4 Final prestress + dead + imposed load on all spans DEFLECTION SLS 7 Err:504
650.49 901.45 251.48 -61.18 938.71 677.89 320.36 -55.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FINAL SLS 5 Final prestress + dead + imposed load on odd spans
655.44 896.51 251.48 -61.18 465.56 232.01 320.36 -55.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SLS 6 Final prestress + dead + imposed load on even spans
199.10 470.57 251.48 -61.18 938.71 677.89 320.36 -55.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SPAN 1 0.6 Btm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0
X -0.15 -0.15 0.15 0.15 0.675 1.2 1.2 1.8 2.4 3 3.60 4.2 4.8 5.4 6 6.6 7.2 7.8 8.4 9 9.6 10.2 10.8 10.8 11.325 11.85 11.85 0 12 5.694 4.953 5.104 4.439 5.068 3.568
profile X 0 0.525 1.05 1.05 1.65 2.25 2.85 3.45 4.05 4.65 5.25 5.85 6.45 7.05 7.65 8.25 8.85 9.45 10.05 10.65 10.65 11.175 11.7 11.7 5.544 4.803 4.954 4.289 4.918 3.418
PROFILE 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 286.8 247.1 247.1 191.1 143.8 105.4 75.9 55.1 43.2 40.1 45.8 60.4 83.8 116.0 157.0 206.8 265.5 333.0 409.4 409.4 462.3 480.0 480.0 41.8 41.6 40.5 49.3 40.7 77.2
BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 239.51 239.51 239.51 -61.18 -61.18 -61.18 -61.18 -61.18 -61.18 -61.18 -61.18 -61.18 -61.18 -61.18 -61.18 -61.18 -61.18 -61.18 -61.18 -61.18 319.85 319.85 319.85 0.00
Beam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M-SLS 1 0 -52.275 -52.275 -52.275 -96.095 -58.166 -58.166 25.4469 96.1596 153.973 198.886 230.899 250.013 256.227 249.541 229.955 197.47 152.085 93.7997 22.6151 -61.469 -158.45 -268.34 -268.34 -317.01 -259.46 -27.72 -227.48 254.558 252.825
M-SLS 2 0 -41.01 -41.01 -41.01 -92.716 -62.673 -62.673 11.9274 73.6277 122.428 158.329 181.33 191.431 188.632 172.934 144.336 102.838 48.4406 -18.857 -99.054 -192.15 -298.15 -417.04 -417.04 -473.61 -423.93 -14.20 -394.21 182.542 191.943
M-SLS 3 0 -77.422 -77.422 -77.422 -73.842 6.52665 6.52665 132.566 239.225 326.505 394.405 442.925 472.066 481.827 472.207 443.209 394.83 327.072 239.934 133.416 7.51797 -137.76 -302.42 -302.42 -404.33 -404.98 -67.32 -390.54 479.529 476.399
M-SLS 4 0 -1.7512 -1.7512 -1.7512 -170.99 -250.01 -250.01 -283.98 -308.36 -323.15 -328.361 -323.99 -310.02 -286.48 -253.34 -210.63 -158.32 -96.433 -24.958 56.1018 146.748 246.979 356.796 356.796 513.26 782.084 60.48 875.93 -299.3 -319.57
M-SLS 5 0 18.275 18.275 18.2752 -164.98 -258.02 -258.02 -308.01 -348.41 -379.23 -400.462 -412.11 -414.17 -406.64 -389.53 -362.84 -326.56 -280.69 -225.24 -160.2 -85.575 -1.3657 92.4291 92.4291 234.873 489.678 84.51 579.52 -411.56 -414.08
M-SLS 6 0 -46.457 -46.457 -46.457 -131.43 -135 -135 -93.542 -54.017 -16.427 19.2287 52.95 84.7369 114.589 142.507 168.491 192.54 214.655 234.835 253.081 269.392 283.769 296.211 296.211 358.022 523.373 -9.92 586.04 100.097 65.8571
M-SLS 7 0 -13.019 -13.019 -13.019 -137.29 -177.52 -177.52 -174.71 -170.38 -164.52 -157.149 -148.25 -137.84 -125.9 -112.44 -97.456 -80.953 -62.928 -43.381 -22.314 0.27594 24.387 50.0196 50.0196 126.207 308.58 35.23 376.59
M-ULS 1 0 31.219 31.219 31.219 -249.27 -428.11 -428.11 -562.13 -671.62 -756.58 -817 -852.89 -864.24 -851.07 -813.35 -751.11 -664.33 -553.02 -417.17 -256.79 -71.876 137.571 371.552 371.552 648.921 1050.1 127.34 1183.86 -861.39 -814.38
M-ULS 2 0 30.477 30.477 30.4774 -252.61 -434.04 -434.04 -571.03 -683.49 -771.41 -834.798 -873.65 -887.97 -877.76 -843.02 -783.74 -699.92 -591.58 -458.7 -301.28 -119.34 87.1437 318.158 318.158 592.932 991.51 127.34 1124.53 -886.45 -832.02
M-ULS 3 0 -67.78 -67.78 -67.78 -127.22 -105.26 -105.26 -34.622 34.0815 100.851 165.686 228.587 289.553 348.584 405.682 460.845 514.073 565.367 614.726 662.151 707.642 751.198 792.819 792.819 880.162 1071.04 -38.54 1141.00 316.158 162.256
Pi 2764.9 2764.3 2763.8 2763.8 2763.1 2762.4 2761.8 2761.1 2760.4 2759.8 2759.2 2758.9 2758.7 2758.5 2758.2 2758.0 2757.7 2757.5 2757.2 2757.0 2757.0 2756.8 2756.6 2759.1 2759.6 2759.4 2760.2 2759.5 2761.1
Pf 2501.1 2500.5 2500.0 2500.0 2499.4 2498.7 2498.1 2497.5 2496.9 2496.2 2495.7 2495.5 2495.2 2495.0 2494.8 2494.6 2494.3 2494.1 2493.9 2493.6 2493.6 2493.5 2493.3 2495.6 2496.1 2495.9 2496.6 2496.0 2497.5
C top @ trans 0 2.978 2.978 2.978 3.133 2.854 2.854 2.232 1.718 1.311 1.011 0.819 0.734 0.757 0.888 1.126 1.471 1.924 2.484 3.152 3.928 4.811 5.801 5.801 6.272 5.858 0.808 0.730
C btm @ trans 0 1.894 1.894 1.894 1.541 2.402 2.402 3.753 4.895 5.830 6.558 7.077 7.389 7.493 7.390 7.079 6.560 5.834 4.899 3.757 2.408 0.850 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 7.468 7.435
T top @ trans 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.558 3.822 5.442 6.415 6.742 6.422 5.457 3.846 1.588 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.666 1.640
T btm @ trans 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.476 8.575 8.575 11.001 8.872 0.000 0.000
C top, final 0 2.498 2.498 2.498 3.535 4.259 4.259 4.675 5.011 5.267 5.444 5.540 5.557 5.494 5.351 5.128 4.826 4.444 3.981 3.439 2.818 2.116 1.334 1.334 0.148 0.000 5.535 5.556
C btm, final 0 2.306 2.306 2.306 0.701 0.663 0.663 1.106 1.530 1.932 2.314 2.675 3.015 3.334 3.633 3.912 4.169 4.406 4.622 4.818 4.992 5.146 5.929 5.929 7.606 10.487 3.179 2.813
T top, final 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.014 0.558 1.038 3.472 3.472 8.686 17.645 0.000 0.000
T btm, final 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.624 2.624 4.770 6.504 7.828 8.740 9.241 9.332 9.011 8.278 7.134 5.580 3.614 1.237 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.305 2.332
C top, ULS 0 2.675 2.675 2.675 4.215 5.726 5.726 6.866 7.803 8.534 9.062 9.385 9.504 9.418 9.129 8.635 7.936 7.034 5.926 4.615 3.099 1.379 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.491 9.039
C btm, ULS 0 2.445 2.445 2.445 0.746 0.981 0.981 1.738 2.474 3.189 3.884 4.557 5.210 5.843 6.454 7.046 7.616 8.166 8.694 9.203 9.690 10.157 10.603 10.603 11.539 13.585 5.495 3.847
T top, ULS 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.223 3.192 5.095 6.934 8.708 10.418 12.064 13.645 15.162 16.614 18.001 18.001 20.913 27.274 0.528 0.000
T btm, ULS 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.390 10.171 10.171 16.047 20.871 24.643 27.363 29.031 29.647 29.211 27.722 25.181 21.588 16.943 11.247 4.498 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 7.396 6.811
sc final 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00
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