Bbs Case Study
Bbs Case Study
Bbs Case Study
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1 author:
Rafiq M. Choudhry
Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University
All content following this page was uploaded by Rafiq M. Choudhry on 29 September 2018.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This work presents the results of a case study and describes an important area within the field of con-
Received 29 March 2013 struction safety management, namely behavior-based safety (BBS). This paper adopts and develops a
Received in revised form 27 January 2014 management approach for safety improvements in construction site environments. A rigorous behav-
Accepted 12 March 2014
ioral safety system and its intervention program was implemented and deployed on target construction
sites. After taking a few weeks of safety behavior measurements, the project management team imple-
mented the designed intervention and measurements were taken. Goal-setting sessions were arranged
Construction site
on-site with workers’ participation to set realistic and attainable targets of performance. Safety per-
Behavior-based safety
formance measurements continued and the levels of performance and the targets were presented on
Feedback feedback charts. Supervisors were asked to give workers recognition and praise when they acted safely
Intervention or improved critical behaviors. Observers were requested to have discussions with workers, visit the site,
Safety performance distribute training materials to workers, and provide feedback to crews and display charts. They were
required to talk to operatives in the presence of line managers. It was necessary to develop awareness and
understanding of what was being measured. In the process, operatives learned how to act safely when
conducting site tasks using the designed checklists. Current weekly scores were discussed in the weekly
safety meetings and other operational site meetings with emphasis on how to achieve set targets. The
reliability of the safety performance measures taken by the company’s observers was monitored. A clear
increase in safety performance level was achieved across all categories: personal protective equipment;
housekeeping; access to heights; plant and equipment, and scaffolding. The research reveals that scores
of safety performance at one project improved from 86% (at the end of 3rd week) to 92.9% during the
9th week. The results of intervention demonstrated large decreases in unsafe behaviors and significant
increases in safe behaviors. The results of this case study showed that an approach based on goal setting,
feedback, and an effective measure of safety behavior if properly applied by committed management,
can improve safety performance significantly in construction site environments. The results proved that
the BBS management technique can be applied to any country’s culture, showing that it would be a good
approach for improving the safety of front-line workers and that it has industry wide application for
ongoing construction projects.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction the behavioral intention to emit the behavior. The theory pro-
posed that behavior is affected by behavioral intentions which, in
What is behavior? Behavior is simply anything someone does turn, are affected by attitudes toward the act and by subjective
or says. Psychologically, behaviors are actions or reactions of per- norms (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975). For this research, the behav-
sons or things in response to external or internal stimuli. Over ior means the observable actions, because observable practices are
the past decade, much research has been conducted on Ajzen what matters more for workers’ safety on construction sites. Behav-
and Fishbein’s (1980; Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975) theory of rea- ioral approach addresses how people behave on the job. One can
soned action. According to the theory, behavior is determined by know about someone’s attitude by conducting observations of how
they behave and what they convey on-site. According to McSween
(2003), if we change safety habits of people, their attitudes about
safety will follow, especially as their colleagues adopt better safety
∗ Tel.: +966 35895401; fax: +966 35817068.
habits. When we have a group of people with similar habits and atti-
E-mail addresses:,
Formerly at: Department of Construction Engineering and Management,
tudes about safety, we begin to talk about people having a common
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Sector H-12, Islamabad, safety culture; then we want to talk about changing the culture, we
Pakistan. have to talk about changing people’s behavior (McSween, 2003).
0001-4575/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.M. Choudhry / Accident Analysis and Prevention 70 (2014) 14–23 15
This work presents a case study for using behavior-based safety offer a better solution to this problem besides improving safety
(BBS) management in construction fields. BBS is the systematic on the company’s construction sites. Many manufacturing com-
application of psychological research on human behavior to the panies experienced a 40–75% reduction in their accidents rates
problems of safety (Cooper, 1994). Heinrich (1959) estimated that within twelve months as a direct consequence of implementing
85% of accidents can be attributed to unsafe acts. Blackmon and the techniques associated with BBS (Behavioral Safety, 2012).
Gramopadhye (1995) stated that 98% of all accidents are caused This work is an attempt to adopt and develop existing man-
by unsafe behavior. HSE (2002) revealed that 80–90% of all work- agement techniques for safety improvement for the construction
place accidents and incidents are attributed to unsafe behaviors. company and to evaluate their effectiveness in a BBS field study on
Nishigaki et al. (1994) found that most accidents occur because a construction site in Hong Kong. Attempts to improve safety using
of human-ware failure. Reducing accidents and improving safety safety poster campaigns have been attempted. Saarela et al. (1989)
performance can only be achieved by systematically focusing upon revealed that such campaigns did not make a lasting impact on acci-
those unsafe behaviors at construction sites (Choudhry and Fang, dent and injury rates. Other methods such as incentive and reward
2008; Choudhry, 2012). For example, not holding the handrail systems (McAfee and Winn, 1989) were normally used to speed up
when ascending or descending stairs, not storing equipment after the progress of work but usually did not reward safe working proce-
completing a task, etc., are all unsafe behaviors. The triggers for dures. Incentives used to foster safe behavior could be expensive or
behaving unsafely include a wide range of management system applicable for the short term and might discourage operatives from
faults that are associated with each incident. These triggers com- reporting accidents and incidents. In this study, operatives mean
monly include getting the job done, meeting excessive production the front-line workers (including both trades people and general
targets, competing priorities, tight construction schedule, lack of operatives), supervisors, and drafts-people. The use of disciplinary
training and lack of availability of equipment or materials. Accord- action and punishment were likely not to be effective as those were
ing to Behavioral Safety (2012), other triggers are often in the direct infrequent, delayed, or of mild intensity. Additionally, construction
control of front line-management and or employees such as poor supervisors were often reluctant to use them because of fear that
housekeeping and using personal protective equipment (PPE). resentment would lead to lowered morale, lack of cooperation and
According to the accident pyramid, Heinrich (1959) proposed loss of productivity (Peter, 1991).
that for every 300 unsafe acts there are 29 minor injuries and On the company’s construction sites, serious accidents were
1 major injury. In other words, he suggested that the ratio relatively rare and non-serious accidents were under-reported, it
between major injuries, minor injuries and no-injury accidents was then made sense to focus on behaviors that could improve con-
1:29:300. Widespread acceptance of Heinrich’s theory of accident struction site safety. McAfee and Winn (1989) demonstrated that
causation that unsafe acts lead to minor injuries and over time to a safety behavior could be improved by systematically monitoring
major injury sent safety managers and company presidents in pur- safety-related behaviors and providing feedback in conjunction
suit of unsafe acts under the assumption that if they could control with goal setting and training. Goal setting coupled with feedback
unsafe behavior then the major injury would not occur. With senior were better than feedback alone; and participative goal setting
management commitment, a good safety program starts by con- was more effective than assigned goal-setting (Duff et al., 1994).
ducting a thorough evaluation and step-by-step Job Safety Analysis Research in other countries was conducted on BBS including goal
(JSA) followed by the development of a written Safe Operating Pro- setting and feedback techniques (Komaki et al., 1978; Chhokar and
cedure (SOP) for each construction activity (Hinze, 1997). If JSA and Wallin, 1984; Duff et al., 1994; Sulzer-Azaroff and Austin, 2000;
SOPs are poorly developed merely to satisfy administrative require- Geller, 2001, 2005; Svensson and Hyden, 2006). The results indicate
ments of the safety management systems, damage to safety efforts that behavioral approaches could be one of the best techniques to
is possible. improve site safety (Duff et al., 1994). BBS initiatives were useful
toward improving safety performance (Al-Hemoud and Al-Asfoor,
1.1. Objective 2006; Choudhry, 2012). Nonetheless, no attempts have been made
to apply BBS techniques for improving construction site safety
This work was carried out at a construction site of a construction within the company. Past studies (Duff et al., 1994; Geller, 2005)
firm (hereinafter called the company), that is considered a leader were done in western cultures and this study was carried out in
in the construction industry of Hong Kong. The company strives the Chinese culture providing an insight into the generalizability
to focus on customers’ needs and construct high quality buildings of BBS concept beyond western cultures. The aim of this research
and infrastructure projects. The management of the company val- is to find ways for further improving construction site safety at the
ues its staff and always tries to ensure that their employees are company’s construction projects. Specifically, the following main
working in a safe and healthy environment. Having achieved a good objectives are included for this research:
safety record over the past years, the company management con-
siders that it is the right time to further improve site safety through
1. To develop, and introduce a suitable method of measuring safety
a bottom up approach namely behavior-based safety (BBS) tech-
performance to help the company to improve construction site
niques. In addition, there is no alternate for the company’s Health, safety;
Safety and Environment Management Systems (HSEMS) whether
2. To find ways for improving construction safety for the company’s
they are ISO 14001 or Occupational Health and Safety Assessment subcontractors conducting work on the firm’s construction site;
Series (OHSAS, 18001) standards (Choudhry et al., 2008). The Area
Management System was working well for the company’s construc-
3. To use a method to assess safety management, based upon
tion projects. So, the company seems committed to continuously
proven techniques for changing work behavior thus improving
strengthening the implementation of its safety systems.
site safety by fostering safe behavior.
There were numerous subcontractors performing work on all
the company’s projects. All subcontractors were responsible to plan
and conduct their own work. Nonetheless, when a safety lapse 2. Background
occurred resulting in an accident, the accident was charged to the
prime contractor, the company. The writer was requested to help Safety management by walking around (SMBWA), an inter-
the company to devise ways for solving site safety problems. In vention based on managers and employees participation was
the present scenario, the research team thought that BBS could presented by Luria and Morag (2012) to demonstrate the ways in
16 R.M. Choudhry / Accident Analysis and Prevention 70 (2014) 14–23
which this practice can improve safety in organizations. Fogarty modification is based upon the principle that behavior is a func-
and Shaw (2010) presented the model highlighting the importance tion of its consequences and the frequency of desirable behaviors
of management attitudes and group norms as direct and indirect can be increased by positively reinforcing safe behaviors (Lingard
predictors of violation behavior. The study concludes that the The- and Rowlinson, 1994). Additionally, BBS toward improving safety
ory of Planned Behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991) is a useful tool for differs from traditional approaches in two simple ways (Behavioral
understanding the psychological background to the procedural vio- Safety, 2012). The first is its concentration on observable safety
lations associated with incidents and accidents. The effectiveness of behavior, rather than unobservable attitudes toward safety. The
a road safety intervention was described in a recent study (Glendon second is its emphasis on the encouragement of safe behavior,
et al., 2014) by measuring attitudes toward unsafe behavior and rather than the punishment for unsafe behavior.
risk perception. Other studies indicate that safety management When non-compliance to legislation or safety rules occurs, man-
practices not only improve working conditions but also positively agement often places an emphasis upon punishment to rectify
influence workers attitudes and behaviors with regard to safety, the situation. This is in contrast to the rewarding of compliance,
thereby reducing accidents on construction sites (Choudhry et al., which will have the effect of increasing the likelihood of com-
2008; Vinodkumar and Bhasi, 2010). pliance. Cooper (1994) revealed that punishment must fulfill two
Within the field of construction, many efforts were made to criteria to be effective. It must take place every time the unsafe
improve safety on construction sites including legislation (Hinze, behavior occurred and as soon as possible after the behavior. One
1997; Choudhry et al., 2006), engineering failures (Cooper, 1994), cannot punish everyone immediately and every time one commits
safety awareness campaigns (Saarela et al., 1989), safety train- an unsafe act. This is because one is not always going to be there to
ing (Cooper and Cotton, 2000; Hale, 1984), and unsafe acts (Duff observe it. Encouraging desirable behavior, however, by positively
et al., 1994; Choudhry, 2012). The legislative approach has not acknowledging safe behavior is more likely to be successful, as it
made much of an impact because the resources necessary to police does not have to be given immediately and every time. Evidence
construction sites have not always been forthcoming (Choudhry indicates that one of the most powerful methods of encouraging
et al., 2006). Engineering approaches have typically focused on desirable behavior is to provide social rewards in the form of praise
designing out the possibility of accident occurrences, which does or recognition (Cooper, 1994). After a period, when the behavior
not match the rapidly changing technologies (Cooper, 1994). Other becomes an established part of the individual’s repertoire, rewards
interventions designed to improve construction safety by raising can be given on a less frequent basis. Additionally, incentives have
operative’s safety consciousness using safety poster campaigns, been used successfully to improve safety behaviors (Peter, 1991)
and other informational safety campaigns, have not been consis- but can be expensive. In addition, material rewards sometimes apt
tently successful (Saarela et al., 1989). Safety training has been one to discourage operatives from reporting accidents and near misses.
of the fundamental methods for improving safety (Hale, 1984). This Cooper (1994) further explained that in all occupations, we
is based on the assumption that safety training in itself is a good are provided with feedback from many sources that subsequently
thing, those who know what to do will conduct themselves in a safe affect our behavior. For example, when driving our car, we get feed-
manner. Nonetheless, this has not always been the case. Despite back from the speedometer. If we are breaking the speed limit, we
the view that safety training will cure most ills concerning acci- tend to adjust our speed and slow down. In terms of improving
dents, evidence exists that it is not always effective (Hale, 1984), the safe behavior of employees as a whole, a powerful behavioral
which may be related to the variability of the quality of the provided change agent is the public posting of the feedback as to how well
training. This is because both safety training and safety campaigns employees are doing; in relation to those areas of safety, they are
concentrate upon changing people’s attitudes in the hope of influ- specifically trying to improve (McAfee and Winn, 1989; Cooper,
encing their subsequent behavior (Cooper, 1994). Similarly, both 1994). The advantage of feedback is that all personnel including
engineering and legislative approaches are based on the assump- sub-contractors can tell whether their collective efforts have been
tion that influencing a situation will influence people’s behavior. To successful. This type of feedback is usually in the form of chart
some extent, this is correct, but it is not the whole picture (Cooper, posted in a public location (e.g. site canteens or site notice boards).
1994; Wilson, 1989). Very often, employees watch actual posting of the weekly per-
Many approaches to improve safety concentrate upon chang- formance results. This could result in a focusing of attention and
ing people’s attitudes, in the hope of influencing their subsequent reinforcement of particular aspects of safety by stimulating con-
behavior. The underlying assumption of this approach is that versations among employees as to how well they are progressing.
attitudes cause behavior, which is inaccurate (Cooper, 1999). Def- Other effects include raising general level of safety awareness
initely, attitudes are often expression of how people would like to and positively changing attitudes and improving safety because
see them behaving, rather than the behaviors that they actually goal setting and feedback provides a direct measure of safety per-
engaged in (Cooper, 1999). For example, evidence has shown that formance (Duff et al., 1994). Based on some 400 laboratory and field
workers with the most favorable attitudes toward personal pro- studies, goal setting theory (Lock and Latham, 1990) was devel-
tective equipment (PPE) are least likely to use them in practice. oped inductively in the industrial/organizational psychology over
Similarly, senior management in many companies expresses the a period of 25 years. These studies showed that specific, high (hard)
view that safety of its employees is of the utmost importance. goals lead to a higher level of task performance than do easy goals
Nevertheless, very often these same managers design the overall or vague, abstract goals such as the exhortation to “do one’s best.”
workflow system, and or the reward system in such a fashion that As long as a person is committed to the goal, has the requisite ability
unsafe practices are inevitably encouraged (Cooper, 1994; Wilson, to attain it, and does not have conflicting goals, there is a positive,
1989). linear relationship between goal difficulty and task performance
The BBS approach is founded on behavioral science as concep- (Lock and Latham, 1990).
tualized by Skinner (1938, 1953). Experimental behavior analysis, Varied results were reported regarding the application of the
and applied behavior analysis emerged from Skinner’s research BBS approach in the construction industry. Lingard and Rowlinson
and the intervention process targets specific behavior for construc- (1998) have reported mixed results of a BBS study in the con-
tive change (Williams and Geller, 2000; Hayes, 2001; Geller, 2005). struction industry of Hong Kong that a significant improvement
Peterson (2000) revealed that the concept of safe behavior rein- in safety performance occurred in the housekeeping category but
forcement is not new when systematic application of safe behavior no improvements were observed in the access to heights and
in safety was first conducted by Komaki et al. (1978). Behavior bamboo scaffolding categories. Mattila and Hyodynmaa (1988)
R.M. Choudhry / Accident Analysis and Prevention 70 (2014) 14–23 17
revealed that a behavioral safety program affected safety posi- materials or equipment. Everyone on site was required to con-
tively even in the difficult setting of two building sites in Finland. tribute toward improvements of on-site housekeeping.
A review argued that safe behavior programs have been seen as Access to height category of work included not using short, bro-
complementary to safety programs aimed at changing organiza- ken or defective ladders; also, ladders must be tied or secured.
tional culture and proposed a theoretical integration of the two for Mobile tower scaffolds and mobile work platforms were required
managing safety (DeJoy, 2005). Hopkins (2006) revealed that BBS to be used safely and as recommended by their manufacturers.
programs do not work when the workforce mistrusts the manage- Plant and equipment category required that equipment was not
ment and argued that the safety program is just another way to to be parked near excavations. Operatives do not have to drive
hold workers responsible, though, Hopkins certainly sees BBS as an equipment too fast and the equipment was not to be loaded inse-
important component of any comprehensive safety management curely. Equipment was not to be used to carry illegal passengers
system. Unlike the typical top-down control approach to industrial and workers. Excavators, dump trucks, dumper, cranes and other
safety, behavior based safety provides tools and procedures work- vehicles were required to be operated safely.
ers can use to take personal control of occupational risks (Geller, Scaffolding category of work was related to few specialty trades.
2005). It appears that diversity in the effects of the BBS approach Frequently additional materials required resulted in increase in cost
needs further investigation on construction sites particularly in the and the project schedule. For example, if a scaffold was to be fitted
implementation process of the approach, which is addressed in the with an adequate closely planked working platform, guardrails and
present study. toe boards. Good quality timber was required for use as platforms
and toe boards.
3. Method
3.2. Goal-setting meeting
This section describes the research method, questionnaires
development and data collection process. Both quantitative and Goal-setting theory hypothesizes that goals are the immediate,
qualitative methods were utilized in analyzing the data. The though not sole, regulators of human action and that performance
research was divided into four phases: preliminary study phase, can improve when goals are hard, specific and accepted by the
data collection phase, data analysis phase, and report writing phase. employees (Lock and Latham, 1990). The literature on goal setting
In the preliminary study phase, appropriate literature was searched provided clear guidance on how to operate the theory to good effect
from journals and books in order to gather background data. Plan- (Cooper, 1994; Robertson et al., 1999; Choudhry, 2012). At the tar-
ning for the research method was completed during this phase get project, goal-setting meeting were arranged on-site with the
along with the research schedule. Questionnaires required to col- participation of workers to set realistic and attainable targets of
lect safety information from the construction sites were developed. safety performance. Operatives were asked to agree upon a goal
A rigorous BBS management approach and its intervention pro- that was difficult but achievable for safety improvements in rela-
grams as implemented at the target project were prepared during tion to the appropriate base period scores. When consensus was
this phase. not reached, operatives’ suggested goal levels were recorded. Sub-
sequently, all the suggested figures were summed up and averaged
to provide a goal on which operatives agreed. When all operatives
3.1. Categories of safety behavior modifications in each trade agreed upon a goal, the trade goals were summed and
averaged to provide the goal for the identified category. This par-
An extensive literature review was carried out to introduce a ticipation process induced commitment to and ownership of to the
BBS management approach in the company including learning from improvement process. The respective goal-level was then entered
the UK experience (Duff et al., 1994). Related modifications were as a solid line on each of the feedback charts. After the goal-setting
incorporated to make an approach suitable for the construction session, feedback on safety performance was provided regularly to
site of the company. Safety management systems, work proce- operatives since it was the key feature of the BBS initiative.
dures and site safety plans on a complicated elevated expressway
project provided by the company were studied. Being the most
risky, five categories of safety behavior modifications were iden- 3.3. Feedback charts
tified and were measured in this case study. These are personal
protective equipment (PPE), housekeeping, access to heights, plant The researches on feedback (Duff et al., 1994; McSween, 2003;
and equipment, and scaffolding. Choudhry, 2012) demonstrated that performance was enhanced
PPE included wearing safety helmets, safety shoes, safety gloves, when management provided clear feedback of performance-
using ear defenders, or wearing hearing protection in noisy envi- related information. Following the goal setting meetings, the
ronments, wearing goggles or eye protectors while doing welding feedback charts were posted at appropriate places on the project
or using motorized cutting equipment, and wearing respirators in site where operatives can see them easily. Observations continued
dusty conditions. Breathing apparatus were made available for use at the same rate as that during the base period. The results of weekly
in confined spaces. Fall arresting equipment or a safety harness observations were posted on the feedback charts every week.
was an excellent PPE for personnel working at height where it was
impracticable to provide a working platform. Reflective waistcoats 3.4. Observers and behavior observations
or vests were made available for personnel involved with oper-
ations where good visibility was required. Life jackets or other Each safety observer was provided a half-day training session
buoyancy aids were provided for workers liable to fall into water. in the basic theory and practice of the BBS management approach.
Housekeeping included items related to such aspects of site The training content included elements of goal-setting, behavior
safety as storage and stacking of materials as well as the main- modification, decision making, how to manage resistance from oth-
tenance of clear access routes. Housekeeping on construction sites ers, the provision of individual feedback, observational techniques
included removing nails from the site, keeping floor openings cov- and scoring of the operatives checklists. Similarly, part of the train-
ered or guarded, not throwing objects from heights and providing ing was devoted to practice observations. Any misunderstanding
barricades around open excavations. Improvement in housekeep- in scoring was identified during this process. Originally, different
ing was made without the requirement of substantial additional trades were requested to spare one observer for the training. By
18 R.M. Choudhry / Accident Analysis and Prevention 70 (2014) 14–23
Table 1 Table 2
List of checklist items for PPE category. List of questionnaires.
1. What proportions of the site personal on the site are not I General requirements for behavioral safety
wearing safety helmets? II Behavior safety assessment survey
2. What proportions of site personnel are not wearing protective III Participating contractors and subcontractors
footwear? IV Feedback charts
3. What proportions of site personnel are not wearing gloves V Project information for the BBS
while handling materials that had sharp edges, hot or could VI Training checklist for safety performance measure
cause skin problems? VII Observer checklist for safety performance measure
4. What proportions of operatives are not using ear defenders
while using noisy equipment?
5. What proportions of the site personnel on the site are not 3.5. Scoring of the safe behavior
wearing goggles or other items of eye protectors when using
motorized cutting equipment, welding, and cartridge operated
tools? When taking BBS performance measurements, the observer
6. What proportions of operatives are not wearing face masks in remained on-site from 45 min to 1 h with the amount of time spent
dusty conditions? at each site was determined by the number of operatives in the crew
of a category; more time was spent with larger crews. Normally, no
observations were recorded in the first 5–15 min to allow workers
to become accustomed to the observers. The number of workers in
a crew, the crew type and its number (e.g. scaffolding crew) were
this training, observers became comfortable and conversant with noted and observations were recorded. After having base period
their task. scores for three weeks, participative safety improvement goals
Qualified supervisors of the company with relevant site experi- were set on the construction project. During the subsequent inter-
ence hereinafter called observers were observing behavior. Safety vention period, operatives were requested to adopt the observation
performance observations were taken two times a week. Obser- checklists for their work area.
vations were taken at differing times of the day to overcome any Observations were taken for 2 months. Nonetheless, the com-
systematic time of day effects and to avoid management expecta- pany intended to continue the process and behaviors recorded as
tions affecting the results. Safety behavior measurements involved 100% safe are to be removed and replaced with others identified
observing behavior at random to determine safe performance. Fol- during the observations or obtained from the accident and near-
lowing this, observations were taken on-site, and were never taken miss records. The company then introduced new observers when
twice on the same day. For validity issues, two observers always the research finished. The new observers were selected and the
measured the observations independently and simultaneously to experienced observers continued to point out non-compliance to
avoid any bias and to ensure level of agreement and acceptabil- their peers. The experienced observers provided a support resource
ity. Where possible, these observations were carried out jointly for subsequent observers. In effect, the initiative was constantly
by the research team to minimize bias. Inter-observer reliability refreshed in an attempt to embed the process into normal proce-
(IOR) checks were performed on several occasions when the writer dures so that it would not be viewed as a flavor of the 2 months
and an observer independently completed a checklist for the same attempt. The company provided all necessary training for the new
site. Using the percentage agreement method (Komaki et al., 1978), observers and resources they required.
these checks showed 94% agreement between observers. In the data collection phase, the BBS was introduced at a mega
Following the base period scores, a copy of the checklist was construction project of the company. Base period scores were mea-
publicly displayed on the health and safety notice board. This was sured. The behavior-based safety interventions were employed on
done to make it explicit to the workforce, which behaviors were the project. The company’s observers were trained and assigned
being monitored by the observers (a sample checklist items for to take safety performance measurements on the construction
personal protective equipment is shown in Table 1). Checklists project. After base period scores of the BBS were determined, the
were also distributed to all operatives during the goal-setting ses- project management team implemented the designed intervention
sions. Observers were required to submit completed checklists to and the measured safety performance scores were made available
the writer to compile the results. The writer was responsible for to the writer daily. The collected data was entered and analyzed.
entering these results from the checklist into a computer and for The writer spent a total of 2 months and 7 days at the target project
preparing the feedback chart and graphs. Each week’s scores were in Hong Kong for the purpose of data collection and introduc-
calculated and averaged to provide an overall index of safety per- ing the BBS technique to the company. Based on the field study,
formance level. a system of measuring, monitoring, and improving safety on the
To provide feedback, it was required to conduct meeting ses- company’s construction project is documented in this paper. An
sions with smaller groups. Copies of checklists were given to all observer is a nominated supervisor of the construction company
those present in the meeting, to clarify particular behaviors that who was trained to take observations during the implementation
were being monitored. Base period scores were measured for first of BBS management approach specifically for this research.
3 weeks on the site in all categories. The results of the base period
observations were then presented to operatives in graphical form 3.6. Research instrument
for their feedback. Observers were asked to visit operatives’ respec-
tive trades and groups and talk to workers individually, in the Questionnaires were used as the research instrument. Designed
presence their line manager in order to minimize interruptions to set of questionnaires was submitted to the company both in English
the site work. These meetings begin with an explanation of the and Chinese languages well in advance (see Table 2). Question-
purpose and the philosophy behind the BBS approach. Particular naire I contains requirements for behavioral safety research such
emphasis was placed on the fact that no individual employee is to be as participation of the construction sites, research design, safety
identified because of the observations and therefore no disciplinary team of the company, observers’ selection, observers’ qualification
action was taken against employees who even did not follow the and training, measuring safety by behavioral observations, goal-
procedures advocated by the BBS technique in the checklists. setting, feedback and charts. Questionnaire II comprises behavioral
R.M. Choudhry / Accident Analysis and Prevention 70 (2014) 14–23 19
safety assessment survey which was prerequisite for any project Seen” option simply reflects the fact that during a particular obser-
for inclusion in the behavioral safety research. Questionnaire III vation session, people were not undertaking that specific activity.
lists names of all the participating contractors and subcontractors. This allows these items to be discarded from further calculation.
Questionnaire IV provides information about the feedback charts;
their number, sizes, where and when to be placed. Questionnaire V 3.8. Workshop and progress meeting
records project information including name of the project, designer,
contractor, consultant, and contract amount. Questionnaire VI com- A workshop was held in Beijing with four participants from the
prises on the training checklist for safety performance measure. company and five researchers. It was agreed that the writer would
Questionnaire VII provides the observer checklist for safety per- help in launching the company’s BBS program and would monitor
formance measure. All questionnaires were pilot tested before the the research for at least 60 days in Hong Kong. Following this, the
data collection period. writer visited target project sites for 8 days prior to the data collec-
The behavior safety assessment survey was carried out. The tion period to get information about site activities, to carry out the
construction site was selected for the behavior-based safety after behavioral safety assessment survey, and to make final adjustments
reviewing the outcome of the behavior assessment survey. This to the questionnaires submitted to the company. Upon arriving
task was completed during the first visit of the writer. It was in Hong Kong, the writer presented the research program to the
the responsibility of the project manager and safety managers to company’s management before proceeding to the site visits. Seven
ensure feedback charts were placed and properly updated. Train- projects were visited and three were selected for the BBS study after
ing checklist for safety performance measure (Questionnaire VI) reviewing the outcome of the BBS assessment survey.
was prepared and observers were asked to read it repeatedly. The Later, a progress meeting was held in Beijing. Top management
questionnaire in the training checklist included 42 questions and of the company, the writer and other researchers participated in
111 training statements. Copies of the training checklist were dis- the meeting. It was agreed that the BBS research shall be carried out
tributed to all the operatives after the base period measurements. on only three projects. It was decided that the company needs to
One copy of this checklist was given to every operative attend- select three observers for each construction site. The writer is to be
ing the goal setting session. This checklist provided information to stationed at project “A”, where the detailed case study is to be car-
operatives as to how they could act safely when compared to safety ried out. It was agreed that due to time constraints the writer is to
performance measurements. There was no requirement to fill or administer and coordinate the BBS technique for 60 days. Nonethe-
return this checklist. The observer’s checklist for taking safety per- less, the company desired to continue with the BBS observations
formance measurement (Questionnaire VII) was mainly adopted by their staff until construction activities are completed. The data
from the study of Robertson et al. (1999); modifications were made were collected from the target construction sites in Hong Kong.
after incorporating feedback from the project manager, middle More than 15 employees of the company directly supported and
managers, engineers, site supervisors, and safety representatives participated in the research work including an Executive Director,
of the company. Safe and unsafe behavior items were identified a Project Manager, a Head Safety Officer, and the Coordinator of this
from the company’s safety management systems. The purpose of research, 3 Safety Managers, and 9 observers.
this process was to foster employee ownership, which is considered
vital for the success of this study. Observers were required to take 3.9. Project information
measurements two times a week preferably on Monday and Thurs-
day while visiting the entire construction site. They can choose their The BBS was introduced on the three projects in Hong Kong.
own time to take the measurements. Proportional rating scale was The three sites are named as Project “A”, “B” and “C” and have the
used for measuring safety performance, which is more suitable workforces from 550, 270 and 400 operatives who were selected
to construction industry environments. Additionally, seven man- to implement the BBS techniques. Project “A” was an elevated
agement interviews were conducted with the project managers, expressway contract where this case study was carried out. It cov-
safety managers and higher management to collect qualitative data. ers a four-kilometer dual 3-lane carriageway linking the future
Qualitative data were also collected from seven semi-structured Hong Kong–Shenzhen Western Corridor with the Southern Section
interviews with operatives. These interviews provided a broad of the Link located in Yuen Long. According to the tender document,
understanding of the industry, operative’s issues and their site the contract was signed with a contract completion time of 860
safety. days. Project “B” was a dual carriageway tunnel construction for a
3 plus 3-lane roadway into a mountain in Hong Kong. The Project
3.7. Percentage rating “C” was also a 3 plus 3-lane elevated road but is mostly across the
sea including a cable stay bridge that is to connect Hong Kong with
This research uses the percentage rating scale for measurements Mainland China. The selected construction sites have contract val-
as demonstrated by Duff et al. (1994). Other research involving ues of HK$1.7 billion for project “A”, HK$ 1.5 billion for project “B”
measures of safety performance normally utilized either an “all and HK$ 2.2 billion for project “C”. Both goal-setting and feedback
or nothing” measure of safety performance, i.e. 100% safe or 100% techniques were used to implement the intervention.
unsafe (Komaki et al., 1978). A proportional rating scale is better Safety management practices on the project included imple-
suited to deal with construction industry environments. For exam- mentation of the company’s Health, Safety and Environment
ple, a scaffold with only 75% of the required toe-boards correctly Management System (HSEMS) Manual, the Company’s HSEMS
fixed was assessed as 25% unsafe for that particular measurement Operational Control Procedure, and the Site Safety Plan (Choudhry
item, rather than just “unsafe”. This method permits changes in et al., 2008). The entire measurement process was designed for five
safety performance to be measured with increased sensitivity. categories of construction activity and it was implemented simul-
In this research, an eleven-point rating (none unsafe, scarcely taneously in all five categories.
any unsafe, very few unsafe, a few unsafe, some unsafe, consid-
erable unsafe, a lot of unsafe, a great deal of unsafe, an extreme 3.10. Weekly progress and training
unsafe, almost entirely unsafe, all unsafe) was used for each indi-
vidual item while taking measurement. Scores for each category The writer introduced the 60 day research project at a kick-off
of safety performance, for example, housekeeping are calculated meeting. After the kick-off meeting, observers were provided a half-
by combining scores for the individual items observed. The “Not day training session to implement BBS on the projects i.e. project
20 R.M. Choudhry / Accident Analysis and Prevention 70 (2014) 14–23
“A”, “B” and “C”. Observers were trained in theory of goal-setting, 3. access to heights;
about safe and unsafe behaviors, and the scoring of safety perfor- 4. plant and equipment;
mance measures in a classroom setting. In total, nine observers 5. scaffolding.
were trained, three from each project. Other training was pro-
vided when required. Observers were not required to be engineers. After completing all planning, the practical implementation of
Supervisors of the company, who got training of how to record the 60 days observations was started. A detailed case study was car-
observations, were asked to collect data. Safety managers of the ried out at one site and the same BBS techniques were implemented
company were also provided training. Criteria for the selection and on the other two sites for comparison purposes. The safety man-
qualification of observers were issued in advanced, and were uti- ager and his team including three observers implemented the BBS
lized for training and discussions with safety managers and the research on the three projects. Baseline scores were measured by
project management team. observers touring the whole site and filing the designed checklists.
The 60 day research schedule was distributed to all safety man- Goal-setting sessions were arranged on site with the participation
agers and observers so that they can understand the daily research of workers to set realistic and attainable targets of performance.
activities for the data collection phase. To improve coordination These sessions were held at project site “A”, after three weeks of
between participants, weekly coordination meetings were held at measurements. At project site “B”, the goal-setting session was held
project site “A” where the writer was residing. Participation of the after 5 weeks of measurements. The writer presented goal-setting
company’s Coordinator for this research project, Safety Managers materials to achieve the set target and to motivate the operatives
of the three projects, and all Observers were required to attend for improving safety at project “B”. The goal setting session was held
these weekly meetings. Participation of senior management and at project site “C” after taking 4 weeks of measurements. Similarly,
project managers were appreciated at the weekly meetings. The the writer presented goal-setting materials to encourage opera-
writer prepared the minutes of each weekly meeting and emailed tives in achieving the set target at project “C”. The writer helped in
them regularly to every participant including the project manage- conducting the goal-setting sessions at all three projects.
ment team, safety managers, and observers for their information On the day of the goal setting session for project “A”, the com-
and follow-up. pany requested that the whole day be taken to conduct a complete
The writer visited project site “A” several times during the safety review. Owing this, everyone was determined to put the
data collection period. Each visit typically contained an element safety in order at project site “A”. In the goal setting session, site
of training concerning either clarification of the BBS techniques or operatives were informed about the measured safety performance
reinforcement of intervention awareness among observers, super- level during the last three weeks at project “A”. A score of 92% was
visors, and operatives. During the weekly meetings, it was stated set as target after participation of the operatives. Operatives agreed
that data were to be incorporated from project “A” since it was that every effort is to be made to achieve the set target within the
designated as the case study project to explain the research work. next 5 weeks. The training checklist for safety performance mea-
Nonetheless, safety managers of project “B” and “C” were requested sure was distributed among site operatives to let them understand
to pay more attention to the BBS management system on their what is being measured. The training questionnaire and feedback
projects to ensure proper implementation by the company’s per- charts were distributed to the site people. The operatives received
sonnel for comparison purposes. Then on all three projects, both feedback of the current week safety performance scores.
quantitative and qualitative data were collected. Quantitative data Feedback charts were displayed at suitable places so that the
covered safety performance measurements and qualitative data operatives can see the current safety scores in relation to achieving
collected included management interviews and semi-structured their set targets. Consequently, updated feedback charts were dis-
interviews with operatives. played on 1st day of every week i.e. on Monday. Feedback charts
showing graphically the results of the safety measure were placed
in positions where the workforce could see them at least once a
3.11. Data collection
day. They were displayed at each check-in point of the operatives’
canteen and on the site notice boards. Safety performance as a per-
As per the plan, the company implemented the BBS manage-
centage was plotted against time. Charts of computer printouts
ment system with the company’s management team and writer
were used in great numbers for providing feedback to the oper-
was involved in the development of the BBS techniques. The
writer supported the launch of the program at the construction
During the goal-setting meeting, the project manager and safety
projects. A letter was issued to all observers at the beginning of
manager of the project “A” encouraged operatives to achieve the set
the data collection period. Observers were requested to be hon-
goal for improving safety. A special review session for improving
est about their feeling while taking observations. A checklist for
safety and intervention awareness was held at project site “A” dur-
safety performance measure was issued to observers for taking
ing 6th week. The writer presented the research progress of project
safety performance measurements two times a week. Observers
site “A”. Participants repeated their commitment to achieve the set
were required to visit the entire site when taking measurements.
target of 92%. Subsequently, another review session for improving
Two questionnaires for participative goal-setting and the training
safety was held at project “A” wherein the writer presented more
checklist for safety performance measures were distributed to all
material on the benefits of BBS to improve site safety. In total, the
operatives during the goal-setting session at the three projects.
writer delivered five presentations including the last presentation
Operatives were not required to complete and return these two
on progress of the research at the company’s Headquarters. In all
questionnaires as they were for their information and recording
these sessions, introduction to BBS, what is being a measured, goal-
the explanation of how they need to act safely during conducting
setting material, how to achieve the set target, and benefits of BBS
their constructions tasks. Trained company’s observers were ready
to improve site safety were presented.
to record safety performance scores against the designed checklists.
After 3 weeks of base period measurement, observers were
Safety performance measurements were taken in the following five
asked to have discussions with the operatives, visit the site and dis-
tribute the training materials, provide feedback and display charts
on-site. They were asked to develop awareness and understanding
1. personal protective equipment; of what was measured in the presence of line managers. In the pro-
2. housekeeping; cess, operatives learned how to act safely in conducting their work
R.M. Choudhry / Accident Analysis and Prevention 70 (2014) 14–23 21
Fig. 1. Safety performance scores for PPE category at project “A”. Fig. 2. Safety performance scores for scaffolding category at project “A”.
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