Lone Working Risk Assessment Form 2016
Lone Working Risk Assessment Form 2016
Lone Working Risk Assessment Form 2016
School: Department:
Hazard: Controls and precautions against the Comments/ Action Required (including who Action Party: By when:
hazards: and when):
Medical fitness: Is the Lone The Lone Worker must ensure that any
Worker subject to any medical conditions which might be relevant
medical condition that may to their working alone are fully discussed
place them at increased risk with their line manager and, if necessary,
when working alone. Occupational Health and own GP. Individuals
[Where they may be in doubt must not work alone if any such condition is
refer the Lone Worker to assessed as placing them at increased risk.
Human Resources or Student Any person who requires assistance to get
Support] out of the building in an emergency must not
work alone.
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Supervision: What The Lone Worker must comply with the out
arrangements are in place to of hours log in/out arrangements in
maintain contact with the operation within the building. Set up contact
Lone Worker? arrangements with family member.
Examples include:
Regular contact by phone - identify
who is responsible for maintaining
contact with the Lone Worker and how
it will be achieved.
End of shift contact
Periodic site visit to lone worker by
Identification of co-worker to be within
visual or audible contact of the lone
Signing in arrangements
Training & Competency : Any person authorised to be in the building
Has necessary information outside normal hours must be fully
instruction and training been competent to carry out the work safely and
given to the Lone Worker be fully conversant with emergency
and is the Lone Worker procedures.
competent to carry out the
work alone?
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Access: Is there a safe Entrances in the vicinity of the building and
means of access/egress for car park are well lit. The Lone Worker should
the lone worker (consider plan how to get to car/public transport after
lighting and personal security leaving, taking account of potential personal
issues and means of escape safety issues.
in emergency)
Emergencies: Does the Lone Lone Workers must know local arrangements
Worker have access to on how respond in event of fire or other
emergency warning devices emergency
to raise the alarm in event of
emergency e.g. fire alarm,
motion sensors /manual
device (panic alarms).
First aid: Are there First aiders are unlikely to be present. First
arrangements are in place to aid boxes are available and contents checked
deal with a situation where regularly. In the event of a Lone Worker
the Lone Worker becomes ill feeling unwell they should if possible return
or has an accident? (Access home or contact the Reid Reception for
to First aiders and facilities) assistance.
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Process/Work Activity
Use of computers and Lone Worker should ensure their work
general office equipment station complies, and is set up in accordance
with GSA’s Display Screen Equipment
Procedure and has undergone a DSE
assessment. Lone Worker should take regular
breaks from DSE work.
Slip/trips/falls Regular inspection of areas to ensure that
any trip hazards [torn carpets, uneven
flooring, trailing cables etc.] receive prompt
attention. Individuals with temporarily
impaired mobility must not work alone.
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