MIT Note
MIT Note
MIT Note
Spring 2023
We’ll start with a bit of explanation for what functional analysis aims to do. In some previous math classes,
like calculus and linear algebra, the methods that we learn help us solve equations with finitely many
variables. (For example, we might want to find the minimum or maximum value of a function whose inputs
are in Rn , or we might want to solve a set of linear equations.) This helps us solve a lot of problems, but
then we come across ODEs, PDEs, minimization, and other problems, where the set of independent variables
is not finite-dimensional anymore:
Example 1
If we consider a problem like “finding the shortest possible curve between two points,” this problem is
specifying a functional, meaning that the input is a function. And we need infinitely many real numbers
to specify a real-valued function f : [0, 1] → R.
So functional analysis helps us solve problems where the vector space is no longer finite-dimensional, and
we’ll see later on that this situation arises very naturally in many concrete problems.
Lecture 1
We’ll use a lot of terminology from real analysis and linear algebra, but we’ll redefine a few terms just to
make sure we’re all on the same page.
We’ll start with normed spaces, which are the analog of Rn for functional analysis. First, a reminder of
the definition:
Definition 2
A vector space V over a field K (which we’ll take to be either R or C) is a set of vectors which comes
with an addition + : V × V → V and scalar multiplication · : K × V → V , along with some axioms:
commutativity, associativity, identity, and inverse of addition, identity of multiplication, and distributivity.
Example 3
Rn and Cn are vector spaces, and so is C([0, 1]), the space of continuous functions [0, 1] → C. (This
last example is indeed a vector space because the sum of two continuous functions is continuous, and so
is a scalar multiple of a continuous function.)
But C([0, 1]) is a completely different size from the other vector spaces we mentioned above, and this
is going back to the “finite-dimensional” versus “infinite-dimensional” idea that we started with. Let’s also
make sure we remember the relevant definition here:
Definition 4
A vector space V is finite-dimensional if every linearly independent set is a finite set. In other words,
for all sets E ⊆ V such that
ai vi = 0 =⇒ a1 = a2 = · · · = an = 0 ∀v1 , · · · , vN ∈ E,
We’ll be dealing mostly with infinite-dimensional vector spaces in this class, and we’re basically going to
“solve linear equations” or “do calculus” on them.
Example 5
We can check that C([0, 1]) is infinite-dimensional, because the set
What we’ll see is that facts like the Heine-Borel theorem for Rn become false in infinite-dimensional
spaces, so we’ll need to develop some more machinery.
In analysis, we needed a notion of “how close things are” to state a lot of results, and we did that with
metrics on metric spaces. We’ll try defining such a distance on our vector spaces now:
Definition 6
A norm on vector space V is a function || · || : V → [0, ∞) satisfying the following three properties:
1. (Definiteness) ||v || = 0 if and only if v = 0,
We can indeed check that this is consistent with the definition of a metric d : X × X → [0, ∞), which
has the following three conditions:
1. (Identification) d(x, y ) = 0 if and only if x = y ,
Proposition 7
Let || · || be a norm on a vector space V . Then
d(v , w ) = ||v − w ||
Proof. We just need to check the three conditions above: property (1) of the norm implies property (1) of
metrics, because
d(v , w ) = ||v − w || = 0 ⇐⇒ v − w = 0 ⇐⇒ v = w .
by using property (2) of the norm. And finally, property (3) of the metric is implied by property (3) of the
norm because (x − y ) + (y − z) = (x − z). ■
Example 8
The Euclidean norm on Rn or Cn , given by
||x||2 = |xi | ,
is indeed a norm (this is the standard notion of “distance” that we’re used to). But we can also define
(the “length” of a vector is the largest magnitude of any component), and more generally (for 1 ≤ p < ∞)
||x||p = |xi | .
We can draw a picture of the “unit balls” in R2 for the different norms we’ve defined above. Recall that
B(x, r ) is the set of points that are at most r away from x: under the norm || · ||2 , B(0, 1) looks like a circle,
but under the norm || · ||∞ , B(0, 1) looks like a square with vertices at (±1, ±1), and under the norm || · ||1 ,
it looks like a square with vertices at (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, −1), (−1, 0). In general, the different || · ||p norms will
give “unit balls” that are between those two squares described above.
So changing the norm does change the geometry of the balls, but not too drastically: if we take a large
enough ℓ1 ball (that is, a ball B(0, r ) with large enough r under the || · ||1 norm), it will always swallow up an
ℓ∞ ball of any fixed size. This “sandwiching” basically means that the norms are essentially equivalent, but
we’ll get to that later in the course.
But we can now get to examples of norms on vector spaces that aren’t necessarily finite-dimensional:
Definition 9
Let X be a metric space. The vector space C∞ (X) is defined as
For example, C∞ ([0, 1]) is C([0, 1]), because all continuous functions on [0, 1] are bounded.
Proposition 10
For any metric space X, we can define a norm on the vector space C∞ (X) via
Proof. Properties (1) and (2) of a norm are clear from the definitions, and we can show property (3) as
follows. If u, v ∈ C∞ (X), then for any x ∈ X, we have
by the triangle inequality for C, and this is at most ||u|| + ||v || (because u(x) is bounded by its supremum,
and so is v (x)). Thus, we indeed have
|u(x) + v (x)| ≤ ||u||∞ + ||v ||∞ ∀x ∈ X =⇒ ||u + v ||∞ = sup |u(x) + v (x)| ≤ ||u||∞ + ||v ||∞ .
And now that we have a norm, we can think about convergence in that norm: we have un → u in C∞ (X)
(convergence of the sequence) if
lim ||un − u||∞ = 0,
which is the definition of uniform convergence on X. So convergence in this metric (we’ll use metric and
norm interchangeably, since the metric is induced by the norm) is really a statement of uniform convergence
when we have bounded, continuous functions.
Let’s now write down a few more examples of normed vector spaces:
Definition 11
The ℓp space is the space of (infinite) sequences
ℓp = {{aj }∞
j=1 : ||a||p < ∞},
P∞ |a |p 1/p
j=1 j 1≤p<∞
||a||p =
1≤j≤∞|a | j p = ∞.
Example 12 n o
The sequence 1j is in ℓp for all p > 1 but not in ℓ1 (by the usual p-series test).
Checking that the triangle inequality holds in this space (or even in the finite-dimensional case) is nontrivial,
so it’s not clear that we necessarily have a normed vector space ℓp here! But it’ll be in the exercises for us
to work out the details.
And now we can talk about the central objects in functional analysis that we’re really interested in, which
are the analogs of Rn and Cn in that they’re complete (Cauchy sequences always converge).
Definition 13
A normed space is a Banach space if it is complete with respect to the metric induced by the norm.
We’ve learned in real analysis that Q is not complete, because we can construct a sequence of rationals
that converge to an irrational number. So R “fills in the holes,” and we want that property for our Banach
Example 14
For any n ∈ Z≥0 , Rn and Cn are complete with respect to any of the || · ||p norms.
Theorem 15
For any metric space X, the space of bounded, continuous functions on X is complete, and thus C∞ (X)
is a Banach space.
Proof. We want to show that every Cauchy sequence {un } converges, meaning that it has some limit u in
C∞ (X). This proof basically illustrates how we prove that spaces are Banach in general: take a Cauchy
sequence, come up with a candidate for the limit, and show that (1) this candidate is in the space and (2)
convergence does occur.
So if we have our Cauchy sequence {un }, first we show that it is bounded under the norm C∞ (X). To
see this, note by definition of Cauchy sequence, there exists some positive integer N0 ∈ N such that for all
n, m ≥ N0
||un − um ||∞ < ε
||un ||∞ ≤ ||un − uN0 ||∞ + ||uN0 ||∞ < 1 + ||uN0 ||∞
(because we need to make sure the first few terms are also small enough). So we can bound ||un ||∞ by some
finite positive B, and thus we have a bounded sequence in the space C∞ (X).
So now if we focus on a particular x ∈ X, we have
and because {un } is Cauchy, for any x ∈ X, the sequence of complex numbers {un (x)} (where we evaluate
each function un at the fixed x) is a Cauchy sequence. But the space of complex numbers is a complete
metric space, so for all x ∈ X, un (x) converges to some limit, which will help us define our candidate function:
This is basically the pointwise limit, and we now need to show this is in C∞ (X) and that we have convergence
under the uniform convergence norm. Now we know that
(if the limit exists, so does the limit of the absolute values), and now we know that the right-hand side is
bounded by the || · ||∞ norm, and thus by the B that we found above. That means that
sup |u(x)| ≤ B,
so u is indeed a bounded function. To finish the proof, we’ll show continuity and convergence, which we’ll
do with the usual definition. Fix ε > 0; since {un } is Cauchy, there exists some N such that for all n, m ≥ N,
we have ||un − um ||∞ < 2ε . So now for any x ∈ X, we have
|un (x) − um (x)| ≤ ||un − um ||∞ < ,
so taking the limit as m → ∞, we have that for all n ≥ N,
|un (x) − u(x)| ≤
(everything is still pointwise at a point x here). So it’s also true that supx |un (x) − u(x)| ≤ 2 < ε, and thus
||un − u||∞ → 0. And now because ||un − u||∞ → 0, we know that un → u uniformly on X, and the uniform
limit of a sequence of continuous functions is continuous. Therefore, our candidate u is in C∞ (X) and is the
limit of the un s, and thus C∞ (X) is complete and a Banach space. ■
This proof is a bit weird the first time we see it, but we can think about how to apply this proof to the
ℓp space (it will look very similar). And we can also try using this technique to show that the space
c0 = {a ∈ ℓ∞ : lim aj = 0}
is Banach. An important idea is that the “points” in our spaces are now sequences and functions instead of
numbers, which is making some of the argument more complicated than in the real-number case!
Lecture 2
We’ll continue our discussion of Banach spaces today. If V is a normed space, we can check that whether V
is Banach by taking a Cauchy sequence is seeing whether it converges in V . But there’s an alternate way of
thinking about this:
Definition 16
Pm ∞
Let {vn }∞
n=1 be a sequence of points in V . Then the series n vn is summable if n=1 vn m=1
P Pm ∞
converges, and n vn is absolutely summable if n=1 ||vn || m=1 converges.
This is basically analogous to the definitions of convergence and absolute convergence for series for real
numbers, and we have a similar result as well:
Proposition 17
P Pm ∞
If n vn is absolutely summable, then the sequence of partial sums n=1 vn m=1
is Cauchy.
This proof is left to us as an exercise (it’s the same proof as when V = R), and we should note that
the theorem is that we have a Cauchy sequence, not necessarily that it is summable (like in the real-valued
case). And that’s because we need completeness, and that leads to our next result:
Theorem 18
A normed vector space V is a Banach space if and only if every absolutely summable series is summable.
This is sometimes an easier property to verify than going through the Cauchy business – in particular,
it’ll be useful in integration theory later on.
Proof. We need to prove both directions. For the forward direction, suppose that V is Banach. Then V is
complete, so any absolutely summable series is Cauchy and thus convergent in V (that is, summable).
For the opposite direction, suppose that every absolutely summable series is summable. Then for any
Cauchy sequence {vn }, let’s first show that we can find a convergent subsequence. (This will imply that the
whole sequence converges by a triangle-inequality metric space argument.)
To construct this subsequence, we basically “speed up the Cauchy-ness of {vn }.” We know that for all
k ∈ N, there exists Nk ∈ N such that for all n, m ≥ Nk , we have
nk = N1 + · · · + Nk ,
so n1 < n2 < n3 < · · · is an increasing sequence of integers, and for all k, nk ≥ Nk . And now we claim that
{vnk } converge: after all,
||vnk+1 − vnk || < 2−k
(because of how we choose nk and nk+1 ), and therefore the series
(vnk +1 − vnk )
must be summable (it’s absolutely summable because k∈N 2 = 1, and we assumed that all absolutely
summable sequences are summable). Thus the sequence of partial sums
(vnk+1 − vnk ) = vnm+1 − vn1
converges in V , and adding vn1 to every term does not change convergence. Thus the sequence {vnm+1 }∞
converges, and we’ve found our convergent subsequence (meaning that the whole sequence indeed con-
verges). This proves that V is Banach. ■
Now that we’ve appropriately characterized our vector spaces, we want to find the analog of matrices
from linear algebra, which will lead us to operators and functionals. Here’s a particular example to keep in
mind (because it motivates a lot of the machinery that we’ll be using):
Example 19
Let K : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → C be a continuous function. Then for any function f ∈ C([0, 1]), we can define
Z 1
T f (x) = K(x, y )f (y )dy .
The map T is basically the inverse operators of differential operators, but we’ll see that later on.
We can check that T f ∈ C([0, 1]) (it’s also continuous), and for any λ1 , λ2 ∈ C and f1 , f2 ∈ C([0, 1]),
we have
T (λ1 f1 + λ2 f2 ) = λ1 T f1 + λ2 T f2
(linearity). We’ve already proven that C([0, 1]) is a Banach space, so T here is going to be an example of a
linear operator.
Definition 20
Let V and W be two vector spaces. A map T : V → W is linear if for all λ1 , λ2 ∈ K and v1 , v2 ∈ V ,
T (λ1 v1 + λ2 v2 ) = λ1 T v1 + λ2 T v2 .
(We’ll often use the phrase linear operator instead of “linear map” or “linear transformation.”)
We’ll be particularly curious about linear operators that are continuous: recall that a map T : V → W
(not necessarily linear) is continuous on V if for all v ∈ V and all sequences {vn } converging to v , we have
T vn → T v . (Equivalently, we can use the topological notion of continuity and say that for all open sets
U ⊂ W , the inverse image
T −1 (U) = {v ∈ V : T v ∈ U}
is open in V .) For linear maps, there’s a way of characterizing whether a function is continuous on a normed
space – in finite-dimensional vector spaces, all linear transformations are continuous, but this is not
always true when we have a map between two Banach spaces.
Theorem 21
Let V, W be two normed vector spaces. A linear operator T : V → W is continuous if and only if there
exists C > 0 such that for all v ∈ V , ||T v ||W ≤ C||v ||V .
In this case, we say that T is a bounded linear operator, but that doesn’t mean the image of T is
bounded – the only such linear map is the zero map! Instead, we’re saying that bounded subsets of V are
always sent to bounded subsets of W .
Proof. First, suppose that such a C > 0 exists (such that ||T v ||W ≤ C||v ||V for all v ∈ V ): we will prove
continuity by showing that T vn → T v for all {vn } → v . Start with a convergent subsequence vn → v : then
≤ C||vn − v ||V .
Since ||vn − v ||V → 0, the squeeze theorem tells us that ||T vn − T v ||W → 0 (since the norm is always
nonnegative), and thus T vn → T v .
For the other direction, suppose that T is continuous. This time we’ll describe continuity with the
topological characterization: the inverse of every open set in W is an open set in V , so in particular, the set
is an open set in V . Since 0 is contained in BW (0, 1), and T (0) = 0, we must have 0 ∈ T −1 (BW (0, 1)), and
(by openness) we can find a ball of some radius r > 0 so that BV (0, r ) is contained inside T −1 (BW (0, 1)).
This means that the image of BV (0, r ) is contained inside BW (0, 1).
Now, we claim we can take C = 2r . To show this, for any v ∈ V − {0} (the case v = 0 automatically
r r
satisfies the inequality), we have the vector 2||v ||V v , which has length 2 < r . This means that
r r
v ∈ BV (0, r ) =⇒ T v ∈ BW (0, 1)
2||v ||V 2||v ||V
by taking scalars out of T and using homogeneity of the norm, and we’re done. ■
The “boundedness property” above will become tedious to write down, so we won’t use the subscripts
from now on. (But we should be able to track which space we’re thinking about just by thinking about
domains and codomains of our operators.)
Example 22
The linear operator T : C([0, 1]) → C([0, 1]) in example 19 is indeed a bounded linear operator (and thus
We should be able to check that T is linear in f easily (because constants come out of the integral). To
check that it is bounded, recall that we’re using the C∞ norm, so if we have a function f ∈ C([0, 1]),
(and this supremum value will actually be attained somewhere, but that’s not important). We can then
estimate the norm of T f by noting that for all x ∈ [0, 1],
Z 1 Z 1
T f (x) = K(x, y )f (y )dy ≤ |K(x, y )| |f (y )|dy
0 0
by the triangle inequality, and now we can bound f and K by their supremum (over [0, 1] and [0, 1] × [0, 1],
respectively) to get
Z 1 Z 1
≤ |K(x, y )| ||f ||∞ dy ≤ ||K(x, y )|| ||f ||∞ dy = ||K(x, y )|| ||f ||∞ .
0 0
Since this bound holds for all x, it holds for the supremum also, and thus
and we can use C = ||K||∞ to show boundedness (and thus continuity). We will often refer to K as a kernel.
Definition 23
Let V and W be two normed spaces. The set of bounded linear operators from V to W is denoted
B(V, W ).
We can check that B(V, W ) is a vector space – the sum of two linear operators is a linear operator, and
so on. Furthermore, we can put a norm on this space:
Definition 24
The operator norm of an operator T ∈ B(V, W ) is defined by
||T v || ≤ C||v || = C
whenever ||v || = 1, and the operator norm is the smallest such C possible.
Theorem 25
The operator norm is a norm, which means B(V, W ) is a normed space.
Proof. First, we show definiteness. The zero operator indeed has norm 0 (because ||T v || = 0 for all v ). On
′ ′ v′
the other hand, suppose that T v = 0 for all ||v || = 1. Then rescaling tells us that 0 = T v = ||v ||T ||v ′ || =
0 for all v ′ ̸= 0, so T is indeed the zero operator.
Next, we can show homogeneity, which follows from the homogeneity of the norm on W . We have
and now we can pull the nonnegative constant |λ| out of the supremum to get
Finally, the triangle inequality also follows from the triangle inequality on W : if S, T ∈ B(V, W ), and we have
some element v ∈ V with ||v || = 1, then
So taking the supremum of the left-hand side over all unit-length v gives us ||S + T || ≤ ||S|| + ||T ||, and
we’re done. ■
For example, if we return to the operator T from example 19, we notice that for any f of unit length,
we have
||T f ||∞ ≤ ||K||∞ .
Therefore, ||T || ≤ ||K||. And in general, now that we’ve defined the operator norm, it gives us a bound of
the form
T ≤ ||T || =⇒ ||T v || ≤ ||T || ||v ||
||v ||
for all v ∈ V (not just those with unit length).
Since we have a normed vector space, it’s natural to ask for completeness, which we get in the following
Theorem 26
If V is a normed vector space and W is a Banach space, then B(V, W ) is a Banach space.
Proof. We’ll use the characterization given in theorem 18. Suppose that {Tn } is a sequence of bounded
linear operators in B(V, W ) such that
C= ||Tn || < ∞.
(In other words, we have an absolutely summable series of linear operators.) Then we need to show that
n Tn is summable, and we’ll do this in a similar way to how we showed that the space C∞ (X) was Banach:
we’ll come up with a bounded linear operator and show that we have convergence in the operator norm.
Our candidate will be obtained as follows: for any v ∈ V and m ∈ N, we know that
X m
||Tn v || ≤ ||Tn || ||v || ≤ ||v || ||Tn || = C||v ||.
n=1 n=1 n
(because this limit does indeed exist). We now need to show that this candidate is a bounded linear operator.
Linearity follows because for all λ1 , λ2 ∈ K and v1 , v2 ∈ V ,
T (λ1 v1 + λ2 v2 ) = lim Tn (λ1 v1 + λ2 v2 ),
Now each of the sums converge as we want, since the sum of the limits is the limit of the sums:
= λ1 T v1 + λ2 T v2 .
(The proof that the sum of two convergent sequences also converges to the sum of the limits is the same
as it is in R, except that we replace absolute values with norms.)
Next, to prove that this linear operator T is bounded, consider any v ∈ V . Then
||T v || = lim Tn v ,
where C is finite by assumption (because we have an absolutely summable series). So we’ve verified that T
is a bounded linear operator in B(V, W ).
It remains to show that m
n=1 Tn actually converges to T in the operator norm (as m → ∞). If we
consider some v ∈ V with ||v || = 1, then
m m ′ m m′
Tv − Tn v = lim Tn v − Tn v , = lim Tn v ,
m′ →∞ m′ →∞
n=1 n=1 n=1 n=m+1
and now we can bring the norm inside the limit and then use the triangle inequality to get
m ′ m′
≤ lim
||Tn v || ≤ lim
||Tn ||
m →∞ m →∞
n=m+1 n=m+1
(because v has unit length). And now this is a series of nonnegative real numbers
= ||Tn ||,
and thus we note that (taking the supremum over all unit-length v )
X ∞
T− Tn ≤ ||Tn || → 0
n=1 n=m+1
because we have the tail of a convergent series of real numbers. So indeed we have convergence in the
operator norm as desired. ■
Definition 27
Let V be a normed vector space (over K). Then V ′ = B(V, K) is called the dual space of V , and because
K = R, C are both complete, V ′ is then a Banach space by theorem 26. An element of the dual space
B(V, K) is called a functional.
We can actually identify the dual space for all of the ℓp spaces: it turns out that
(ℓp )′ = ℓp ,
1 1
where p, p ′ satisfy the relation p + p′ = 1. So the dual of ℓ1 is ℓ∞ , and the dual of ℓ2 is itself (this is the
only ℓp space for which this is true), but the dual of ℓ∞ is not actually ℓ1 . (Life would be a lot easier if this
were true, and this headache will come up in the Lp spaces as well.)
Lecture 3
Last time, we introduced the space of bounded linear operators between two normed spaces, B(V, W ), and
we proved that this space is Banach when W is Banach. Today, we’ll start seeing other ways to get normed
spaces from other normed spaces, namely subspaces and quotients.
We should recall this definition from linear algebra:
Definition 28
Let V be a vector space. A subset W ⊆ V is a subspace of V if for all w1 , w2 ∈ W and λ1 , λ2 ∈ K, we
have λ1 w1 + λ2 w2 ∈ W (that is, closure under linear combinations).
Proposition 29
A subspace W of a Banach space V is Banach (with norm inherited from V ) if and only if W is a closed
subset of V (with respect to the metric induced by the norm).
Proof sketch. If W is Banach, the idea is to show that every sequence of elements in W converges (to
something in V ) actually converges in W , and we show this by noticing that the sequence must be Cauchy,
meaning that (by completeness of W ) there is a convergence point, and then we use uniqueness of limits.
For the other direction, if W is closed, then any Cauchy sequence in W is also a Cauchy sequence in V ,
so it has a limit. Closedness tells us that the limit is in W , so every Cauchy sequence has a limit in W , which
proves that it is Banach. ■
Definition 30
Let W ⊂ V be a subspace of V . Define the equivalence relation on V via
v ∼ v ′ ⇐⇒ v − v ′ ∈ W,
and let [v ] be the equivalence class of v (the set of v ′ ∈ V such that v ∼ v ′ ). Then the quotient space
V /W is the set of all equivalence classes {[v ] : v ∈ V }.
We can check that the usual conditions for an equivalence relation are satisfied:
We will typically denote [v ] as v + W (using the algebra coset notation), since all elements in the
equivalence class of v are v plus some element of W . And with this notation, we have (for any v1 , v2 ∈ V )
and (for any λ ∈ K)
λ(v + W ) = λv + W.
We do need to check that these operations are well-defined (that is, the resulting equivalence class of
the operations is independent of the representative of v + W ), but that’s something that we checked in
linear algebra (or can check on our own). We typically pronounce V /W “V mod W ,” and in particular
W = 0 + W = w + W for any w ∈ W .
We introduced the concept of a seminorm when we defined a normed vector space – basically, seminorms
satisfy all of the same assumptions as norms except definiteness (so nonzero vectors can have seminorm 0).
Example 31
Consider the norm which assigns the real number sup |f ′ | to a function f : this satisfies homogeneity and
the triangle inequality, but it is not a norm because the derivative of any constant function is 0.
But the constant functions form a subspace, and this next result is basically talking about how we can
mod out by that subspace:
Theorem 32
Let || · || be a seminorm on a vector space V . If we define E = {v ∈ V : ||v || = 0}, then E is a subspace
of V , and the function on V /E defined by
Proof. First of all, E is a subspace because (by homogeneity and the triangle inequality)
for any v1 , v2 ∈ E and λ1 , λ2 ∈ K, and because a seminorm is always nonnegative, we must have ||λ1 v1 +
λ2 v2 || = 0 (and thus λ1 v1 + λ2 v2 ∈ E.
This means that V /E is indeed a valid quotient space, and now we must show that our function is well-
defined (in other words, that it doesn’t depend on the representative from our equivalence class). Formally,
that means that if we need to check that if v + E = v ′ + E, then ||v || = ||v ′ ||. And we can do this with the
triangle inequality: since v + E = v ′ + E, there exists some e ∈ E such that v = v ′ + e,
by the triangle inequality. But this argument is also true if we swap the roles of v and v ′ , so it’s also true
that ||v ′ || ≤ ||v ||, and thus their seminorms must actually be equal.
Checking that this function is actually a norm on V /E is now left as an exercise to us: the properties
of homogeneity and triangle inequality follow because || · || is already a seminorm, and definiteness comes
because everything that evaluates to 0 is in the equivalence class 0 + E. ■
So identifying the subspace of all zero-norm elements gives us a normed space, but we can also start with
a normed space V and consider some closed subset W of that normed space. Then V /W is a new normed
space – that will be left as an exercise for us.
With that, we’ve concluded the “bare-bones” part of functional analysis, and we’re now ready to get into
some fundamental results related to Banach spaces. (In other words, the theorems will now have names
attached to them, and we should be able to recognize the names.) First, we’ll need a result from metric
space theory:
(This theorem doesn’t have anything to do with category theory, despite the name.) Sometimes in
applying this theorem, we take Cn to not necessarily be closed, and then the result is that one of their
closures must contain an open ball. In other words, we can’t have all of the Cn be nowhere dense.
Remark 34. This theorem is pretty powerful – it can actually be used to prove that there is a continuous
function which is nowhere differentiable.
Proof. Suppose for the sake of contradiction that there is some collection of closed subsets Cn that are all
nowhere dense such that n Cn = M. We’ll prove that there’s a point not contained in any of the Cn s, using
completeness, below.
To do this, we’ll construct a sequence inductively. Because M contains at least one open ball, and C1
cannot contain an open ball, this means that M ̸= C1 , and thus there is some p1 ∈ M \ C1 . Because C1 is
closed, M \ C1 is open, and thus there is some ε1 > 0 such that B(p1 , ε1 ) ∩ C1 = ∅.
Now, B(p1 , ε31 ) is not contained in C2 (because the closed set C2 is assumed to not contain any open
ball), and thus there exists some point p2 ∈ B(p1 , ε31 ) such that p2 ̸∈ C2 . Because C2 is closed, we can then
find some ε2 < 3 such that B(p2 , ε2 ) ∩ C2 = ∅.
More generally (we’ll be explicit this time but cover this in less detail in the future), suppose we have
εk−1 ε1
constructed points p2 , · · · , pk and constants ε1 , · · · , εk such that εk < 3 < ··· < 3k−1
, and with the
constraint that
pj ∈ B(pj−1 , 3 ), B(pj , εj ) ∩ Cj = ∅
for all j. Then we construct pk+1 as follows: because B(pk , ε3k ) is not contained in Ck+1 , there exists an
element pk+1 ∈ B(pk , ε3k ) such that pk+1 ̸∈ Ck+1 . Then we can pick some εk+1 < εk
3 so that B(pk+1 , εk+1 )∩
Ck+1 = ∅ (because M \Ck+1 is open). So by induction we get a sequence of points {pk } in M and a sequence
of numbers εk ∈ (0, ε1 ), such that the two boxed statements above are satisfied.
This sequence is Cauchy, basically because we’ve made our εs decrease fast enough: for all k, ℓ ∈ N,
repeated iterations of the triangle inequality gives us
And now by the first boxed statement, we can bound this as
εk εk+1 εk+ℓ−1 ε1 ε1
< + + ··· + < k + · · · + k+ℓ .
3 3 3 3 3
This sum can be bounded by the infinite geometric series
X 1 ε1 −k+1
< ε1 m
= ·3 ,
3 2
and thus making k large enough bounds this independently of ℓ. So the sequence of points {pk } is Cauchy,
and because M is complete, there exists some p ∈ M such that pk → p.
And now we can show that p doesn’t lie in any of the Ck s (which is a contradiction) by showing that it
lives in all of the balls B(pj , εj ) – this is because for all k ∈ N, we have
1 1 1 X εk+1
d(pk+1 , pk+1+ℓ ) < εk+1 + 2 + · · · + ℓ < εk+1 3−n = .
3 3 3 2
And we can use this to prove some results in functional analysis now:
This set is closed, because for any sequence {bn } ⊂ Ck with bn → b, we have ||b|| = limn→∞ ||bn || = 1, and
for all m ∈ N, we have
||Tm b|| = lim ||Tm bn ||
(using the fact that these operators are bounded and thus continuous). And now ||Tm bn || ≤ k because
bn ∈ Ck , so the limit point must also be at most k.
But we have
{b ∈ B : ||b|| ≤ 1} = Ck ,
because for any b ∈ B, there is some k such that supm ||Tm b|| ≤ k (by assumption). And now the left-hand
side is a complete metric space, because it is a closed subset of M, and thus by Baire’s theorem, one of the
Ck s contains an open ball B(b0 , δ0 ).
So now for any b ∈ B(0, δ0 ) (meaning that ||b|| < δ0 ), we know that b0 + b ∈ B(b0 , δ0 ) ⊂ Ck , so
But then
sup ||Tn b|| = sup || − Tn b0 + Tn (b0 + b)|| ≤ sup ||Tn b0 || + sup ||Tn (b0 + b)|| ≤ k + k,
n n n n
because b0 , b0 + b are both in B(b0 , δ0 ). So for any b in the open ball B(0, δ0 ) satisfies supn ||Tn b|| < 2k,
and rescaling means that for any n ∈ N and for all b ∈ B with ||b|| = 1, we have
δ0 4k
Tn b ≤ 2k =⇒ ||Tn b|| ≤ ,
2 δ0
4k 4k
meaning that the operator norm of Tn is at most δ0 for all n, and thus supn ||Tn || ≤ δ0 , and we’re done. ■
Lecture 4
Last time, we proved the Uniform Boundedness Theorem from the Baire Category Theorem, and we’ll
continue to prove some “theorems with names” in functional analysis today.
Proof. We’ll begin by proving a specialized result: we’ll show that the image of the open ball B1 (0, 1) =
{b ∈ B1 : ||b|| < 1} contains an open ball in B2 centered at 0. (Then we’ll use linearity to shift and scale
these balls accordingly.)
Because T is surjective, everything in B2 is mapped onto, meaning that
B2 = T (B(0, n))
(because any element of B1 is at a finite distance from 0, it must be contained in one of the balls). Now
we’ve written B2 as a union of closed sets, so by Baire, there exists some n0 ∈ N such that T (B(0, n0 ))
contains an open ball. But T is a linear operator, so this is the same set as n0 T (B(0, 1)) (we can check
that closure respects scaling and so on). So we have an open ball inside T (B(0, 1)) – restated, there exists
some point v0 ∈ B2 and some radius r > 0 such that B(v0 , 4r ) is contained in T (B(0, 1)) (the choice of 4
will make arithmetic easier later).
And we want a point that’s actually in the image of B(0, 1) (not just the closure), so we pick a point
v1 = T u1 ∈ T (B(0, 1)) such that ||v0 − v1 || < 2r . (The idea here is that points in the closure of T (B(0, 1))
are arbitrarily close to points actually in T (B(0, 1)).) Now B(v1 , 2r ) is entirely contained in B(v0 , 4r ), which
is contained in T (B(0, 1), and now we’ll show that this closure contains an open ball centered at 0 (which
is pretty close to what we want). For any ||v || < r , we have
1 1 1
(2v + v1 ) ∈ B(v1 , 2r ) ⊂ T (B(0, 1)) = T (B(0, 21 )),
2 2 2
and thus v = −T u21 + 12 (2v + v1 ) is an element of −T u21 + T (B(0, 21 )) (this is not an equivalence class –
it’s the set of elements T (B(0, 12 )) all shifted by −T u21 ), and now by linearity this means that our element
v must be in the set T − u21 + B 0, 12 . But we chose u1 to have norm less than 1, so − u21 and any element
that ||v − T b1 − T b2 || < 8r . Continue iterating this for larger and larger n, so that we have a sequence {bk }
of elements in B1 such that ||bk || < 2−k and
v− T bk < 2−n−1 r.
And now the series n=1 bk
is absolutely summable, and because B1 is a Banach space, that means that
the series is summable, and we have b ∈ B1 such that b = ∞
k=1 bk . And
X n
||b|| = lim bk ≤ lim ||bk ||
n→∞ n→∞
k=1 k=1
because we chose our bk so that ||v − T b1 − T b2 − · · · − T bk || converges to 0. Therefore, since b ∈ B(0, 1),
v ∈ T (B(0, 1)), and that means the ball B(0, 2r ) in B2 is indeed contained in T (B(0, 1)).
We’ve basically shown now that 0 remains an interior point if it started as one, and now we’ll finish with
some translation arguments: if a set U ⊂ B1 is open, and b2 = T b1 is some arbitrary point in T (U), then (by
openness of U) there exists some ε > 0 such that b1 + B(0, ε) = B(b1 , ε) is contained in U. Furthermore,
by our work above, there exists some δ so that B(0, δ) ⊂ T (B(0, 1)). So this means that
B(b2 , εδ) = b2 + εB(0, δ) ⊂ b2 + εT (B(0, 1)) = T (b1 ) + εT (B(0, 1)) = T (b1 + B(0, ε)).
But b1 + B(0, ε) is contained in U, so indeed we’ve found a ball around our arbitrary b2 contained in T (U),
and this proves the desired result. ■
Corollary 37
If B1 , B2 are two Banach spaces, and T ∈ B(B1 , B2 ) is a bijective map, then T −1 is in B(B2 , B1 ).
Proof. We know that T −1 is continuous if and only if for all open U ⊂ B1 , the inverse image of U by T −1
(which is T (U)) is open. And this is true by the Open Mapping Theorem. ■
From the Open Mapping Theorem, we get this an almost topological result, which gives sufficient con-
ditions for continuity of a linear operator. But first we need to state another result:
Proposition 38
If B1 , B2 are Banach spaces, then B1 × B2 (with operations done entry by entry) with norm
is a Banach space.
(This proof is left as an exercise: we just need to check all of the definitions, and a Cauchy sequence in
B1 × B2 will consist of a Cauchy sequence in each of the individual spaces B1 and B2 . So it’s kind of similar
to proving completeness of R2 .)
Γ(T ) = {(u, T u) : u ∈ B1 },
is closed in B1 × B2 .
This can sometimes be easier or more convenient to check than the boundedness criterion for continuity.
And normally, proving continuity means that we need to show that for a sequence {un } converging to u, T un
converges and is also equal to T u. But the Closed Graph Theorem eliminates one of the steps – proving
that the graph is closed means that given a sequence un → u and a sequence T un → v , we must show
that v = T u (in other words, we just need to show that the convergence point is correct, without explicitly
constructing one)!
Proof. For the forward direction, suppose that T is a bounded linear operator (and thus continuous). Then
if (un , T un ) is a sequence in Γ(T ) with un → u and T un → v , we need to show that (u, v ) is in the graph.
B1 B2
Here, π1 and π2 are the projection maps from the graph down to B1 and B2 (meaning that π1 (u, T u) = u
and π2 (u, T u) = T u). We want to construct a map S : B1 → Γ(T ) (so that T = π2 ◦ S), and we do so
as follows. Since Γ(T ) is (by assumption) a closed subspace of B1 × B2 , which is a Banach space, Γ(T )
must be a Banach space as well. And now π1 , π2 are continuous maps from the Banach space Γ(T ) to
B1 , B2 respectively, so π1 is a bounded linear operator in B(Γ(T ), B1 ), and similarly π2 ∈ B(Γ(T ), B2 ) (we
can see this through the calculation ||π2 (u, v )|| = ||v || ≤ ||u|| + ||v || = ||(u, v )||, for example). Furthermore,
π1 : Γ(T ) → B1 is actually bijective (because there is exactly one point in the graph for each u), so by
corollary 37, it has an inverse S : B1 → Γ(T ) which is a bounded linear operator.
And now T = π2 ◦ S is the composition of two bounded linear operators, so it is also a bounded linear
operator. ■
Remark 40. The Open Mapping Theorem implies the Closed Graph Theorem, but we can also show the
converse (so the two are logically equivalent).
Each of the results so far has been trying to answer a question, and our next result, the Hahn-Banach
Theorem, is asking whether the dual space of a general nontrivial normed space is trivial. (In other words,
we want to know whether there are any normed spaces whose space of functionals B(V, K) only contains the
1 1
zero function.) For example, we mentioned that for any finite p ≥ 1, ℓp and ℓq are dual is p + q = 1, and
it’s also true that (c0 )′ = ℓ1 . So Hahn-Banach will tell us that the dual space has “a lot of elements,” but
first we’ll need an intermediate result from set theory:
Definition 41
A partial order on a set E is a relation ⪯ on E with the following properties:
• For all e ∈ E, e ⪯ e, this is known as Reflexivity
• For all e, f ∈ E, if e ⪯ f and f ⪯ e, then e = f , his is known as Anti-symmetry
• For all e, f , g ∈ E, if e ⪯ f and f ⪯ g, then e ⪯ g, his is known as Transivity
An upper bound of a set D ⊂ E is an element e ∈ E such that d ⪯ e for all d ∈ D, and a maximal
element of E is an element e such that for any f ∈ E, e ⪯ f =⇒ e = f (minimal element is defined
Notably, we do not need to have either e ⪯ f or f ⪯ e in a partial ordering, and a maximal element does
not need to sit “on top” of everything else in E, because we can have other elements “to the side:”
Example 42
If S is a set, we can define a partial order on the powerset of S, in which E ⪯ F if E is a subset of F .
Then not all sets can be compared (specifically, it doesn’t need to be true that either E ⪯ F or F ⪯ E).
Definition 43
Let (E, ⪯) be a partially ordered set. Then a set C ⊂ E is a chain if for all e, f ∈ C, we have either
e ⪯ f or f ⪯ e.
We’ll take this as an axiom of set theory, and we’ll give an application of this next lecture. But we can
use it to prove other things as well, like the Axiom of Choice.
Definition 45
Let V be a vector space. A Hamel basis H ⊂ V is a linearly independent set such that every element of
V is a finite linear combination of elements of H.
We know from linear algebra that we find a basis and calculate its cardinality to find the dimension for
finite-dimensional vector spaces. (So a Hamel basis for Rn can be the standard n basis elements, and a
Hamel basis for ℓ1 can be (1, 0, 0, · · · ), (0, 1, 0, · · · ), and so on.) And next time, we’ll use Zorn’s lemma to
talk more about these Hamel bases!
Lecture 5
We’ll prove the Hahn-Banach theorem today, which explains how to extend bounded linear functionals on a
subspace to the whole normed vector space, answering the question of whether the dual of bounded linear
functionals is nontrivial for normed vector spaces.
Last time, we discussed Zorn’s lemma from set theory (which we can take as an axiom), which tells us
that a partially ordered set has a maximal element if every chain has an upper bound. (Remember that this
notion involves a generalization ⪯ of the usual ≤.) As a warmup, today we’ll use this axiom to prove a fact
about vector spaces. Recall that a Hamel basis of a vector space V is a linearly independent set H, where
every element of V is a finite linear combination of elements of H. We know that finite-dimensional vector
spaces always have a (regular) basis, and this is the analog for infinite-dimensional spaces:
Theorem 46
If V is a vector space, then it has a Hamel basis.
Proof. We’ll construct a partially ordered set as follows: let E be the set of linearly independent subsets of
V , and we define a partial order ⪯ by inclusion of those subsets. We now want to apply Zorn’s lemma on E,
so first we must check the condition: if C is a chain in E (meaning any two elements can be compared), we
can define
c= e
to be the union of all subsets in the chain. We claim that c is a linearly independent subset: to see that,
consider a subset of elements v1 , v2 , · · · , vn ∈ c. Pick e1 , e2 , · · · , en ∈ C such that vj ∈ ej for each j: by
induction, because we can compare any two elements in C, we can also order finitely many elements in C as
well, and thus there is some J such that ej ⪯ eJ for all j ∈ [1, 2, · · · , n]. So that means that all of v1 , · · · , vn
are in eJ , which is a linearly independent set by assumption. So indeed our arbitrary set v1 , · · · , vn ∈ c is
linearly independent, meaning c is linearly independent.
And now notice that e ⪯ c for all e ∈ C – that is, c is an upper bound of C. So the hypothesis of Zorn
is verified, and we can apply Zorn’s lemma to see that E has some maximal element H.
We claim that H spans V – suppose otherwise. Then there is some v ∈ V such that v is not a finite
linear combination of elements in H, meaning that H ∪ {v } is linearly independent. But then H ≺ H ∪ {v }
(meaning ⪯ but not equality), so H is not maximal, which is a contradiction. Thus H must have spanned
V , and that means H is a Hamel basis of V . ■
Now that we’ve seen Zorn’s lemma in action once, we’re ready to use it to prove Hahn-Banach:
Theorem 47 (Hahn-Banach)
Let V be a normed vector space, and let M ⊂ V be a subspace. If u : M → C is a linear map such that
|u(t)| ≤ C||t|| for all t ∈ M (in other words, we have a bounded linear functional), then there exists
a continuous extension U : V → C (which is an element of B(V, C) = V ′ ) such that U|M = u and
||U(t)|| ≤ C||t|| for all t ∈ V (with the same C as above).
This result is very useful – in fact, it can be used to prove that the dual of ℓ∞ is not ℓ1 , even though the
dual of ℓ1 is ℓ∞ .
To prove it, we’ll first prove an intermediate result:
Lemma 48
Let V be a normed space, and let M ⊂ V be a subspace. Let u : M → C be linear with |u(t)| ≤ C||t||
for all t ∈ M. If x ̸∈ M, then there exists a function u ′ : M ′ → C which is linear on the space
M ′ = M + Cx = {t + ax : t ∈ M, a ∈ C}, with u ′ |M = u and |u ′ (t ′ )| ≤ C|t ′ | for all t ′ ∈ M ′ .
We can think of M as a plane and x as a vector outside of that plane: then we’re basically letting
ourselves extend u in one more dimension, and the resulting bounded linear functional has the same bound
that u did. The reason this is a helpful strategy is that we’ll apply Zorn’s lemma to the set of all continuous
extensions of u, placing a partial order using extension. Then we’ll end up with a maximal element, and we
want to conclude that this maximal continuous extension is defined on V . So this lemma helps us do that
last step of contradiction, much like with the proof of existence for a Hamel basis.
Let’s first prove the Hahn-Banach theorem assuming the lemma:
meaning that it is a bounded linear functional on N with the same bound C as the original functional u. This
is nonempty because it contains (u, M). We now define a partial order on E as follows:
(in other words, v2 is a continuous extension of v1 ). We can check for ourselves that this is indeed a partial
order, and we want to check the hypothesis for Zorn’s lemma. To do this, let C = {(vi , Ni ) : i ∈ I} be a
chain in E indexed by the set I (so that for all i1 , i2 ∈ I, we have either (vi1 , Ni1 ) ⪯ (vi2 , Ni2 ) or vice versa).
So then if we let N = i∈I Ni be the union of all such subspaces Ni , we can check that this is a subspace
of V . This is not too hard to show: let x1 , x2 ∈ N and a1 , a2 ∈ C. Then we can find indices i1 , i2 such that
x1 ∈ Ni1 and x2 ∈ Ni2 , and one of these subspaces Ni1 , Ni2 is contained in the other because C is a chain. So
(without loss of generality), we know that x1 , x2 are both in Ni2 , and we can use closure in that subspace to
show that a1 x1 + a2 x2 ∈ Ni2 ⊂ N.
And now that we have the subspace N, we need to make it into an element of E by defining a linear
functional u : N → C which satisfies the desired conditions. But the way we do this is not super surprising:
we’ll define v : N → C by saying that for any t ∈ N, we know that t ∈ Ni for some i , and then we define
v (t) = vi (t). But this is indeed well-defined: if t ∈ Ni1 ∩ Ni2 , it is true that vi1 (t) = vi2 (t), because we’re still
in a chain and thus one of (vi1 , Ni1 ) and (vi2 , Ni2 ) is an extension of the other by definition. Similar arguments
(exercise to write out the details) also show that v is linear, and that it’s an extension of any vi (including
the bound with the constant C). So (vi , Ni ) ⪯ (v , N), and we have an upper bound for our chain.
This means we’ve verified the Zorn’s lemma condition, and now we can say that E has a maximal element
(U, N). We want to show that N = V (which would give us the desired conclusion); suppose not. Then there
is some x ∈ V that is not in N, and then lemma 48 tells us that there is a continuous extension v of U to
N + Cx, which must then also be a continuous extension of u. So (v , N + Cx) is an element of E, but that
means (U, N) ≺ (v , N + Cx), contradicting (U, N) being a maximal element. So N = V and we’re done. ■
Proof of lemma 48. We can check on our own that M ′ = M + Cx is a subspace (this is not hard to do), but
additionally, we can show that the representation of an arbitrary t ′ ∈ M ′ as t + ax (for t ∈ M and a ∈ C) is
unique. This is because
t + ax = t˜ + ãx =⇒ (a − ã)x = t˜ − t ∈ M,
which means that x ∈ M (contradiction) unless a = ã, which then implies that t = t˜. We need this fact
because we want to define our continuous extension in a well-defined way: if we choose an arbitrary λ ∈ C,
then the map
u ′ (t + ax) = u(t) + aλ
is indeed well-defined on M ′ , and then the map u ′ : M ′ → C is linear. If the bounding constant C is zero,
then our map is just zero and we can extend that map by just using the zero function on M ′ . Otherwise, we
can divide by C and thus assume (without loss of generality) that C = 1. It remains to choose our λ so that
for all t ∈ M and a ∈ C, we have |u(t) + aλ| ≤ ||t + ax||, which would show the desired bound and give us
the continuous extension.
To do this, note that the inequality already holds whenever a = 0 (because it holds on M), so we just
need to choose λ to make the inequality work for a ̸= 0. Dividing both sides by |a| yields (for all a ̸= 0)
t t
u −λ ≤ −x .
−a −a
We know that −a ∈ M because t ∈ M, so this bound is equivalent to showing that
|u(t) − λ| ≤ |t − x| ∀t ∈ M.
To do this, we’ll choose the real and imaginary parts of λ. First, we show there is some α ∈ R such that
for all t ∈ M, where w (t) = 2 is the real part of u(t). Notice that |w (t)| = |Re u(t)| ≤ |u(t)| ≤ ||t||
by assumption, and because w is real-valued,
(the middle step here is where we use that w is real-valued). Connecting this back to the expression ||t − x||,
we can add and subtract x from above and use the triangle inequality to get
Thus, for all t1 , t2 ∈ M, we have
and thus we can take the supremum of the left-hand side over all t1 s to get
So now we choose α to be a real number between the left-hand side and right-hand side, and we claim this
value works. For all t ∈ M, we have
and we’ve shown the desired bound. So now we just need to do something similar for the imaginary part,
and we do so by repeating this argument with i x instead of x. This then defines our function u ′ on all of
M + Cx, and we’re done (we can check that because the desired bound holds on both the real and imaginary
“axes” of x, it holds for all complex multiples of x). ■
Lecture 6
We’ll finish our discussion of the Hahn-Banach theorem today – recall that this theorem tells us that a
bounded linear functional on a subspace of a normed space satisfying |u(t)| ≤ C||t|| (on the subspace) can
be extended to a bounded linear functional on the whole space with the same bound. The proof is important
to see, but what’s more important is how we can use it as a tool. We mentioned that we can show that the
dual of ℓ∞ is not ℓ1 , and here’s something else we can do:
Theorem 49
Let V be a normed space. Then for all v ∈ V \ {0}, there exists an f ∈ V ′ (a bounded linear functional)
with ||f || = 1 and f (v ) = ||v ||.
Proof. First, define the linear map u : Cv → C (here, Cv denotes the span of v ) by defining u(λv ) = λ||v ||
(this is well-defined because every element in the span of v can be uniquely represented this way, and it’s
also clearly linear because only λ is varying). Then it is indeed true that |u(t)| ≤ ||t|| for all t ∈ Cv , and
also u(v ) = ||v ||. Therefore, by Hahn-Banach, there exists an element of the dual space f extending u,
such that ||f (t)|| ≤ ||t|| for all t. So we’ve found a linear functional so that f (v ) = u(v ) = ||v ||, and also
with operator norm 1 (we know it is exactly 1 because we have equality when applying f to ||v || ), and we’re
done. ■
Definition 50
The double dual of a normed space V , denoted V ′′ , is the dual of V ′ .
In other words, V ′′ is the set of bounded linear functionals on the set of bounded linear functionals on V .
Example 51
Fix an element v ∈ V , and define the element Tv : V ′ → C by setting
Tv (v ′ ) = v ′ (v )
To check this, we should make sure Tv is linear in the argument v ′ , and this is true because we’re applying
functionals to a fixed v :
Tv (v1′ + v2′ ) = (v1′ + v2′ )(v ) = v1′ (v ) + v2′ (v ).
(because v ′ is some bounded linear functional with norm ||v ′ ||). And since ||v || is a constant, we’ve found
that the norm of Tv is at most ||v ||, and thus Tv is indeed in the double dual of V .
Definition 52
Let V and W be normed spaces. A bounded linear operator T ∈ B(V, W ) is isometric if for all v ∈ V ,
||T v || = ||v ||.
Theorem 53
Let v ∈ V , and define the element Tv : V ′ → C of the double dual via Tv (v ′ ) = v ′ (v ). Then T : V → V ′′
sending v to Tv is isometric.
Proof. We’ve already done a lot of the work here: we showed already that v 7→ Tv is a bounded linear
operator (noting that Tv (v ′ ) is linear in both v and in v ′ ). So the map T sending v 7→ Tv is in B(V, V ′′ ),
and we just need to show that it is isometric.
Since ||Tv || ≤ ||v || from our work above, we know that ||T || ≤ 1, and it suffices to show equality for all
v . It’s clear that ||T0 || = ||0||, and now if v ∈ V \ {0} is a nonzero vector, then there exists some f ∈ V ′
such that ||f || = 1 and f (v ) = ||v || (by theorem 49). So now
and thus ||v || ≤ ||Tv || . Putting this together with the reverse inequality above yields the result – ||Tv || =
||v ||, and thus T is isometric. ■
Notice that isometric bounded operators are one-to-one, because the only thing that can be sent to the
zero vector is the zero vector if lengths are preserved. It’s natural to ask whether operators are also onto
(surjective), and there is a special categorization for that:
Definition 54
A Banach space V is reflexive if V = V ′′ , in the sense that the map v 7→ Tv is onto.
Example 55
For all 1 < p < ∞, we know that ℓp is reflexive (since the dual of ℓp is ℓq , whose dual is ℓp again). But
ℓ1 is not reflexive, because the dual of its dual ℓ∞ is not ℓ1 . And the space c0 of sequences converging
to 0 is also not reflexive – we can identify (c0 )′ with ℓ1 , whose dual is ℓ∞ .
With this, we’ve concluded our general discussion about Banach spaces, and we are now moving to
Lebesgue measure and integration. We’ve been talking about ℓp spaces so far on sequences, and it makes
sense to try to define Lp spaces on functions in a similar way. But using Riemann integration isn’t quite
good enough – Lebesgue integration has better convergence theorems, in the sense that they’re more widely
useful. And for a concrete example, consider the space of Riemann integrable functions on [0, 1]
(We integrate a complex-valued function by integrating the real and imaginary parts separately here.) We
may try to define a norm via Z 1
||f ||1 = |f (x)|dx
(it’s not quite a norm because we can have a function which is nonzero at only a single point, but let’s
pretend it’s a norm), and the problem we’ll run into is that we don’t have a Banach space! So more general
integration will help us get completeness, which is important for applications like differential equations.
To get the Lebesgue Lp spaces, we can take the completion of the L1R space that we defined above,
much like the real numbers can be defined as the completion of the rational numbers. But we can do things
from the ground up instead, and we’ll indeed see along the way that the Riemann integrable functions are
dense in the set of Lebesgue integrable functions.
Fact 56
Our goal is to make a new definition of integration that is more general than Riemann integration: it
will still be a method of calculating area under a curve, but we’ll build it up in a way that allows for more
powerful formalism.
And the way we’ll define this is to start with functions 1E that are 1 on some set E and 0 otherwise,
which we call indicator functions. We’ll get to definitions and theorems in a second, but we know what
we want those functions to integrate to in some special cases: if E = [a, b], then the integral 1E (x)dx =
1[a,b] (x)dx should be the area under the curve, which is b − a. So the way we’ll define integrals over more
complicated functions E to look a lot like the “length” of E, and that’s more generally going to be called the
measure m(E) of E.
In other words, the first step of getting an integral defined is to get a measure defined on subsets of R,
and this is what will be called the Lebesgue measure. From our discussion above, there are a few properties
of this Lebesgue measure that we already know we want to have:
1. We want to be able to measure any subset of the real numbers (because Riemann integration can’t
deal with functions like 1Q ). In other words, we want to define the function m on P(R), the powerset
of R.
2. As a sanity check, if I is an interval, m(I) should be the length of I (and the measure shouldn’t care
about whether we have open or closed intervals).
3. The measure of a whole set should be the sum of the measures of its chunks: more formally, if {En }
is a countable collection of disjoint sets and E = ∪n En , then we want m(E) = n m(En ).
4. Translation invariance should hold: if E is a subset of R, and x ∈ R is some constant, then m(x + E) =
But unfortunately, even these four properties are impossible to satisfy at the same time – it turns out
that there is no function m : P(R) → [0, ∞] that satisfies these conditions! (We can search up the Vitali
construction for more details.) So what we’ll do is to drop the first assumption – we’ll try to define a
function m on only some of the subsets of R, while still satisfying properties (2), (3), (4), and we’ll show
that the set of such Lebesgue measurable sets is indeed pretty large.
The strategy for doing this comes from Caratheodory: we’ll first define a function m∗ : P(R) → [0, ∞)
called the outer measure, which satisfies conditions (2), (4), and “almost (3),” and then we’ll restrict m∗
to appropriately well-behaved subsets of R to get our actual construction.
Definition 57
For any interval I ⊂ R, let ℓ(I) denote its length (regardless of whether it is open, closed, or half-closed).
For any subset A ⊂ R, we define the outer measure m∗ (A) via
( )
X [
m∗ (A) = inf ℓ(In ) : {In } countable collection of open intervals with A ⊂ In .
n n
(Through this definition, we can see that m∗ (A) ≥ 0 for all A.)
Basically, we can cover any subset of the real numbers with a union of open intervals, and we take the
minimum possible length over all coverings. (The idea is that as we make the intervals smaller, we can get
more information about the subset A, and the infimum gives us the best possible information about “how
much length” is in A.)
Example 58
Consider the set A = {0} containing just a single point.
Then m∗ ({0}) = 0, because we can cover {0} with the interval (− 2ε , 2ε ) for any ε > 0, and this interval
has measure ε. So 0 ≤ m∗ ({0}) ≤ ε for all ε, and taking ε → 0 gives us m∗ ({0}) = 0. A similar argument
showing that any finite set of points has measure zero, and in fact the measure of a countable set is always
Theorem 59
If A ⊂ R is countable, then m∗ (A) = 0.
For example, even though there are a lot of rational numbers and they are dense in R, we’re saying that
they don’t actually fill up a lot of space – the measure of Q is zero.
Proof. (We can check the case where A is finite ourselves.) If A is countably infinite, then there is a bijection
from A to N, so we can enumerate the elements as {a1 , a2 , a3 , · · · } = {an : n ∈ N}. Pick some ε > 0 – we’ll
show that m∗ (A) ≤ ε.
ε ε
For each n ∈ N, let In be the interval an − 2n+1 , an + 2n+1 . Because In is an interval containing an , the
set A must be contained in the (countable) union of intervals In , and then the outer measure is an infimum
over all possible unions, so
X X ε
m∗ (A) ≤ ℓ(In ) = = ε.
n n
Finally, taking ε → 0 yields the result. ■
We can now talk about what it means for the outer measure to “almost satisfy (3)” in the set of properties
above, and the argument is pretty similar to what we did just now. But first, we establish a quick fact:
Lemma 60
If A ⊂ B, then m∗ (A) ≤ m∗ (B).
Proof. Any covering of B is a covering of A, so the infimum (of interval length sums) over all coverings of
A should be at most the infimum over all coverings of B. ■
Theorem 61
Let {An } be a countable collection of subsets of R, not necessarily disjoint. Then
[ X
m An ≤ m∗ (An ).
n n
Proof. First of all, if there is some n such that m∗ (An ) = ∞ (meaning we can’t cover the set by a collection
of intervals whose sum of lengths is finite), or if n m∗ (An ) = ∞, then the inequality is true (because the
right-hand side is already ∞). So we can just consider the case where all of the outer measures of An are
finite, and the sum of those outer measures also converges.
The strategy here is going to come up frequently: instead of proving an inequality of the form X ≤ Y
(for two quantities X and Y ), we can equivalently prove that X ≤ Y + ε for any ε > 0. We’ll do that here:
fix some ε > 0, and now define the collection {Ink }k∈N of intervals to be a covering of An with total length
P∞ ∗ ε
k=1 ℓ(Ink ) < m (An ) + 2n (we can’t always achieve the infimum given by the outer measure, but we can
always achieve a slightly larger number). Now because An is covered by {Ink }k , the union of the An s must
be contained in the union ∪n,k∈N Ink (which is indeed a countable union of intervals as well). Thus,
[ X XX
m∗ An ≤ ℓ(Ink ) = ℓ(Ink )
n n,k n k
In particular, we should notice the similarities in this proof with the one in theorem 59 – the previous
proof we did was basically a special case where each An was a single point.
In the relevant homework, we’ll be able to check that the outer measure is indeed translation-invariant
(so it satisfies (4)), and it seems like the next step is to show that m∗ (I) = ℓ(I) for an interval I (so (2) is
also satisfied). This may be intuitive, but it’ll take a bit of work to show! So that’ll be the first thing we do
next lecture, and it’ll complete our construction of the outer measure and allow us to define the Lebesgue
Lecture 7
Last time, we introduced the outer measure m∗ , which has many of the properties that we want in an actual
measure. We’ll now use this outer measure to define a measure on a class of well-behaved subsets or R
(which will then allow the measure to satisfy translation invariance and countable additivity).
We proved that we have countable subadditivity for the outer measure last lecture
[ X
m∗ En ≤ m∗ (En ).
n n
It turns out equality doesn’t hold until we restrict to measurable subsets, so (as we mentioned previously)
we don’t exactly get the condition we want for a measure. But we can verify one of the other conditions:
Proposition 62
If I is an interval of R, then m∗ (I) = ℓ(I).
In other words, we can’t cover an interval of length ℓ(I) with a collection of intervals of smaller total
Proof. First, suppose that I is a closed and bounded interval [a, b]. It suffices to show two inequalities. First,
we can easily check that m∗ (I) ≤ ℓ(I) (because I is contained in (a − ε, b + ε) for any ε > 0, meaning
that m∗ (I) ≤ ℓ(I) + 2ε, and then we can take ε → 0), and in particular this means that the outer measure
is finite. Next, let’s show that ℓ(I) ≤ m∗ (I): in other words, the sum of the lengths of a bunch of open
intervals covering [a, b] have total length at least b − a. Suppose that {In } is a collection of open intervals,
such that [a, b] ⊂ n In . A closed and bounded interval is a compact set, and this compact set is covered
by a bunch of open intervals. Thus, the Heine-Borel theorem tells us that a finite collection of the {In } is
sufficient to cover [a, b], and we will label this finite collection {J1 , · · · , JN }.
So now we know that [a, b] ⊂ N
k=1 Jk , and the idea now is to rearrange the indexing of the open
intervals. We know that one of the intervals must include the leftmost point a, so we’ll call that J1 . Then
(if we haven’t covered the whole interval yet) there is some interval that overlaps with J1 , which we call J2 .
Continuing in this way, we will eventually cover the rightmost point b of the interval, so that Ji and Ji+1 are
always linked.
More rigorously, we know that there exists some k1 ∈ {1, · · · , N} with a ∈ Jk1 , so we rearrange the
finitely many intervals so that k1 = 1, and suppose that this interval is (a1 , b1 ). If [a, b] is not completely
covered, then b1 ≤ b, and there must be some integer k2 such that b1 ∈ Jk2 (because it is not covered by the
first interval J1 ). We then rearrange the remaining intervals so that k2 = 2, and this new interval looks like
(a2 , b2 ). And now b2 is either larger than b, or we can repeat the process again to find (a3 , b3 ): eventually
we must pass b because the intervals do actually cover [a, b].
So now we know that there exists some K ∈ {1, · · · , N} such that for all k ∈ {1, · · · , K − 1}
and we also have b < bK (meaning the Kth interval gets us to the rightmost endpoint). But now
ℓ(In ) ≥ ℓ(Jk ) ≥ ℓ(Jk ) = (bK − aK ) + (bK−1 − aK1 ) + · · · + (b1 − a1 ),
n k=1 k=1
completing the proof of this special case (the sum of lengths of intervals is at least ℓ(I) for any collection,
meaning the infimum m∗ is at least ℓ(I) as well).
The cases for other types of intervals now follow easily. If I is any finite interval [a, b), (a, b], or (a, b),
note that [a + ε, b − ε] ⊂ I ⊂ [a − ε, b + ε] (making intervals a little fatter or thinner covers or gets us
completely inside I), and thus
and taking ε → 0 gives us the desired result. Finally, an infinite interval (−∞, a), (a, ∞), (−∞, a], [a, ∞),
or (−∞, ∞) cannot be covered by a collection of intervals of finite length (this is an exercise for us to work
out). ■
The next result basically tells us that the outer measure of sets can be approximated by the outer measure
of open sets:
Theorem 63
For every subset A ⊂ R and ε > 0, there exists an open set O such that A ⊂ O and m∗ (A) ≤ m∗ (O) ≤
m∗ (A) + ε.
Proof. The result is clear if m∗ (A) is infinite (take O to be the whole number line). Otherwise, m∗ (A) is
finite, and let {In } be a collection of open intervals that cover A and have total length at most m∗ (A) + ε.
Then O, this union of open intervals, is a union of open sets (so it is open), and it is clear that A ⊂ O and
(by the countable subadditivity we proved last time)
[ X X
∗ ∗
m (O) = m In ≤ m∗ (In ) ≤ ℓ(In ) ≤ m∗ (A) + ε.
n n n
So (indeed) with respect to outer measure, every set can be approximated by a suitable open set. And
now we’re ready to talk about what “suitably nice” subsets of R look like:
Definition 64
A set E ⊂ R is Lebesgue measurable if for all A ⊂ R,
m∗ (A) = m∗ (A ∩ E) + m∗ (A ∩ E c ).
In other words, E is well-behaved if it always cuts A into reasonable parts. Notice that we always know
m∗ (A) ≤ m∗ (A ∩ E) + m∗ (A ∩ E c )
m∗ (A ∩ E) + m∗ (A ∩ E c ) ≤ m∗ (A).
Lemma 65
The empty set ∅ and the set of real numbers R are measurable, and a set E is measurable if and only if
E c is measurable.
Proof. All of these are readily verifiable from the definition of measurability, which is symmetric in E and
Ec . ■
Proposition 66
If a set E has zero outer measure, meaning m∗ (E) = 0, then E is measurable.
m∗ (A ∩ E) + m∗ (A ∩ E c ) = m∗ (A ∩ E c ) ≤ m∗ (A)
This shows us that a lot of “uninteresting” sets are measurable, and we don’t have many interesting
examples of measurable sets. But it turns out that every open set is measurable, which means that (taking
complements) every closed set is also measurable. There are in fact many more sets that are measurable –
most things we can write down are – because taking unions and intersections of basic sets will always give
us measurable sets. But before we explain that, we need to establish a few properties:
Proposition 67
If E1 and E2 are measurable sets, then E1 ∪ E2 is measurable.
Proof. We need to verify the Lebesgue measurable condition. Let A be an arbitrary subset of R: since E2 is
measurable, we know that
and now E1c ∩ E2c = (E1 ∪ E2 )c by de Morgan’s law. On the other hand, we know that
A ∩ (E1 ∪ E2 ) = (A ∩ E1 ) ∪ (A ∩ E2 ) = (A ∩ E1 ) ∪ (A ∩ E2 ∩ E1c )
(because things that are in both A and E1 are already included in the first term). Putting these expressions
m∗ (A ∩ (E1 ∪ E2 )) ≤ m∗ (A ∩ E1 ) + m∗ (A ∩ E2 ∩ E1c ),
and now because E1 is measurable, we can rewrite this as
and rearranging the boxed expressions gives us the desired measurability inequality. ■
Using induction on the result above gives us a slightly more general fact:
Corollary 68
If sets E1 , · · · , En are measurable, then k=1 Ek is measurable.
(The base case is clear, and we induct on the number of sets included in the union by adding one more
set at a time: n+1
S Sn
k=1 Ek = k=1 Ek ∪ En+1 .) And with this result, now we’re ready to discuss the structure
of the set of measurable sets more explicitly:
Definition 69
A nonempty collection of sets A ⊂ P(R) is an algebra (not the same as the “algebra” in algebra) if for
all E ∈ A, we have E c ∈ A, and for all E1 , · · · , En ∈ A, we have nk=1 Ek ∈ A. Furthermore, an algebra
A is a σ-algebra if we have the additional condition that for any countable collection {En }∞
n=1 of sets in
A, the union n En is also in the algebra.
In words, algebras are closed under complements and finite unions, while sigma-algebras also need to
be closed under countable unions. And in fact, de Morgan’s laws tell us that if E1 , · · · , En ∈ A, then their
intersection nk=1 Ek = c c is also in the algebra. So closure holds under both finite unions and finite
T Sn
k=1 Ek
intersections, and in particular that means that ∅ = E ∩ E c must be a measurable set (because an algebra
is always nonempty), and thus R = ∅c is also always measurable. (And similarly, countable intersections of
sets are also in σ-algebras A.)
The point of these general definitions is that we’ll soon show (in the next lecture) that M, the set of all
measurable sets, is a σ-algebra. (And if we go into measure theory, we’ll see more examples of sigma-algebras
when we construct measure spaces.)
Example 70
The simplest sigma-algebra is given by A = {∅, R}, and the next simplest is A = P(R). For a slightly
more involved example, consider
A = {E ⊂ R : E or E c is countable} .
This last example A is a σ-algebra because it’s indeed closed under complements, and if we have a
collection {En }n ⊂ A with all sets En countable, then the union n En is a countable union of countable
sets, which is countable (and thus the union is in A). And on the other hand, if there is some N0 such that
ENc 0 is countable (instead of EN0 ), then
[ \
En = Enc ⊂ ENc 0
n n
is an intersection of sets, one of which is countable, so this union itself has a countable complement (and
is thus also in A). So we’ve verified the necessary conditions, and what we have here is often called the
countable sigma-algebra.
Proposition 71
Consider the set
Σ = {A : A sigma-algebra containing all open subsets of R}.
(For example, P(R) is one of the elements of Σ.) Then the intersection of all such sigma-algebras
B= A
is the smallest σ-algebra containing all open subsets of R, and it’s called the Borel σ-algebra.
(The last condition here basically says that if A is any σ-algebra in Σ, then B is a subset of A.)
Proof. The difficulty of this proof really comes in unpacking the definitions, and the main part of the proof
is showing that B is actually a σ-algebra. (This is because every open subset is contained in every A ∈ Σ,
so it must be an element of B, and because it is the intersection of all of the σ-algebras in Σ, it must be the
smallest one – it’s a subset of any fixed σ-algebra in Σ.)
Verifying that B is a σ-algebra will mostly be left to us, but we’ll show one part. Suppose that E ∈ B is
some subset of R: because E ∈ A for all A ∈ Σ, we must have E c ∈ A for all A ∈ Σ (because each element
of Σ is a σ-algebra, meaning it is closed under complements). So E c is in every element of Σ, meaning that
it must also be in B. So we’ve shown that the Borel σ-algebra is closed under complements. (The proof of
closure under countable unions is similar: those sets in the countable union must be in every A ∈ Σ, and
then we can apply closure under countable union within each A.) ■
We’ll show next time that the set of Lebesgue measurable sets is a σ-algebra, and in fact this set of
measurable sets contains the Borel sigma-algebra B. (Remember that this Borel sigma-algebra is pretty big,
because we can take countable unions and intersections of open sets and end up with a very rich collection
of subsets of R.)
Lecture 8
Last time, we discussed a few general kinds of collections of subsets of R: recall that an algebra is closed
under finite unions and complements, and a σ-algebra is also closed under countable unions. And the context
for this discussion is that we defined the set of (Lebesgue) measurable sets to be the E ⊂ R such that
m∗ (A) = m∗ (A ∩ E) + m∗ (A ∩ E c ) ∀A ⊂ R.
In other words, E divides sets nicely with respect to outer measure. We then defined the set of all measurable
sets M, and we showed last time that these do form an algebra. Today, we’ll show that M is actually also
a σ-algebra, and we’ll also show that the Borel sigma-algebra B, which is the smallest σ-algebra containing
all open sets, is a subset of M. (Then we’ll be able to define the Lebesgue measure: the measure of any
measurable set E is just m∗ (E).)
We’ll first prove a preliminary result that will make working with countable unions a bit easier:
Lemma 72
Let A be an algebra, and let {En } be a countable collection of elements of A. Then there exists a
disjoint countable collection {Fn } of elements of A, such that n En = n Fn .
In other words, if we want to verify that our collection is closed under taking countable unions (which is
a condition for being a σ-algebra), we can just check that it is closed under countable disjoint unions.
Sn S S
Proof. Let Gn = k=1 Ek , so that we have G1 ⊂ G2 ⊂ G3 ⊂ · · · , and n En = n Gn (we can check this for
ourselves by checking that every element in the left set is also in the right set, and vice versa). Now define
F1 = G1 and
Fn+1 = Gn+1 \ Gn ∀n ≥ 1.
Then we find that nk=1 Fk = nk=1 Gk (again, we can do the symbol-pushing if we want to check), so
S∞ S∞ S∞
k=1 Fk = k=1 Gk , and this is exactly k=1 Ek as desired. ■
So returning to measurable sets, we’ll now show that the collection of Lebesgue measurable sets is a
Proposition 73
Let A ⊂ R, and let E1 , · · · , En be disjoint measurable sets. Then
" n #! n
[ X
m A∩ Ek = m∗ (A ∩ Ek ).
k=1 k=1
For example, if we had two sets E and E c , the above equality is the definition of E being measurable.
Proof. We prove this by induction. The base case n = 1 is clear because both sides are identical. For the
inductive step, suppose that we know the equality is true for n = m. Suppose we have pairwise disjoint
measurable sets E1 , · · · , Em+1 , and we have some A ⊂ R. Since Ek ∩ Em+1 = ∅ for all 1 ≤ i ≤ m, we find
that "m+1 #
A∩ Ek ∩ Em+1 = A ∩ Em+1
(the only intersection comes from Em+1 in the big union), and
"m+1 # " m #
[ [
A∩ Ek ∩ Em+1 = A ∩ Ek
k=1 k=1
(we pick up everything else except Em+1 ). Now since Em+1 is measurable, we know that
"m+1 #! "m+1 # ! "m+1 # !
[ [ [
m∗ A ∩ Ek = m∗ A ∩ Ek ∩ Em+1 + m∗ A ∩ c
Ek ∩ Em+1 ,
k=1 k=1 k=1
Theorem 74
The collection M of measurable sets is a σ-algebra.
Proof. We already know that M is an algebra, and lemma 72 tells us that it remains to show closure
under countable disjoint unions (in other words, the countable disjoint union of a set of measurable sets is
measurable). Let {En } be such a countable collection of disjoint measurable sets with union E = ∞
n=1 En :
it suffices to show that m∗ (A ∩ E c ) + m∗ (A ∩ E) ≤ m∗ (A) (since the reverse inequality is always true).
To show this, take some N ∈ N. Since M is an algebra, the finite union N
n=1 En ⊂ M is measurable,
and thus #c !
" #! "
[ [
m∗ (A) = m∗ A∩ En + m∗ A∩ En .
n=1 n=1
SN hS ic
Because n=1 En is contained in E, its complement n=1 En contains E c , which means that we can write
the inequality
" #!
≥m A∩ En + m∗ (A ∩ E c ) .
Now we can rewrite the first term here (by proposition 73) to get
m (A) ≥ m∗ (A ∩ En ) + m∗ (A ∩ E c ).
Remark 75. Remember that the reason for all of this σ-algebra business is that this kind of structure is
imposed on us by our expectations of what a measure should do. Specifically, we wanted the measure of a
countable disjoint union of sets is the sum of the measures of the individual sets, and for that to be true we
need to be able to define the measure on an arbitrary countable disjoint union!
Thus, the collection of measurable sets does form a σ-algebra, and we can now show that it contains B
if we can show that it contains all open sets. We’ll start from a simpler case:
Proposition 76
For all a ∈ R, the interval (a, ∞) is measurable.
Proof. Suppose we have some subset A ⊂ R. Define the two sets A1 = A ∩ (a, ∞) and A2 = A ∩ (−∞, a];
we want to show that m∗ (A1 ) + m∗ (A2 ) ≤ m∗ (A).
If m∗ (A) is infinite, this automatically holds, so suppose that m∗ (A) < ∞. We’ll equivalently show that
m∗ (A1 ) + m∗ (A2 ) ≤ m∗ (A) + ε for an arbitrary ε > 0 as follows: let {In } be a collection of intervals such
ℓ(In ) ≤ m∗ (A) + ε
(again, we can do this because m∗ (A) is the infimum over all collections of intervals). If we now define
then for each n, Jn and Kn are each either an interval or empty (because they are intersections of two
intervals). Also, A1 ⊂ n Jn and A2 ⊂ n Kn , and we can check that ℓ(In ) = ℓ(Jn ) + ℓ(Kn ) for each n
(because we’re just working with intervals here). Thus,
m∗ (A1 ) + m∗ (A2 ) ≤ m∗ (Jn ) + m∗ (Kn )
(because {Jn } covers A1 and {Kn } covers A2 ), and we can simplify this as
= ℓ(Jn ) + ℓ(Kn ) = ℓ(In ) ≤ m∗ (A) + ε ,
n n
From here, it’s actually not too difficult to show that every open set is Lebesgue measurable:
Theorem 77
Every open set is measurable, so the Borel σ-algebra B is contained in the set of measurable sets M.
because the intervals in the last expression are measurable by proposition 76, meaning their complements are
also measurable, and then a countable union is also measurable because M is a σ-algebra. And thus any
finite open interval
(a, b) = (−∞, b) ∩ (a, ∞)
is also measurable because σ-algebras are closed under intersections (since they’re closed under unions and
complements, and we can use De Morgan’s law). Finally, every open subset of R is a countable union of
open intervals (this is on our homework), which completes the proof because we’ve shown all open intervals
are measurable. ■
Definition 78
The Lebesgue measure of a measurable set E ⊂ M is
m(E) = m∗ (E).
Finally, this means that we’ve restricted our outer measure to a set of nicely-behaved sets! And we can
now immediately get a few useful results about the Lebesgue measure:
Proposition 79
If A, B ∈ M and A ⊂ B, then m(A) ≤ m(B). Also, any interval I is measurable, and m(I) = ℓ(I).
Proof. These properties are almost all inherited directly from the outer measure, since m(A) = m∗ (A) for
measurable A. The only detail is to check that all intervals (open, closed, or half-closed) are measurable,
and we can prove this with arguments like
And this result is good, because one of our demands for the Lebesgue measure was that we can measure
intervals (and get the expected result back)! We can now check one of the other conditions that we wanted
to hold, countable additivity:
Theorem 80
Suppose that {En } is a countable collection of disjoint measurable sets. Then
[ X
m En = m(En ).
n n
Remember that outer measure satisfied a similar inequality, but we’re claiming that Lebesgue measure
gives us equality now that we’ve specialized to “nicer” sets.
Proof. We know that the set En is measurable, so we already get one side of the inequality
! !
[ [ X X
m En = m En ≤ m∗ (En ) = m(En )
n n n n
by using the inequality for outer measure. To show the reverse inequality, we will show that n m(En ) ≤
m n En . For any N ∈ N, we can rewrite
! !
[ [
m En = m∗ R∩ En ,
n=1 n=1
So for any finite disjoint set, the sum of the measures is the measure of the union (which we’ve basically
proved already). But now
N N ∞
! !
X [ [
m(En ) = m En ≤m En ,
n=1 n=1 n=1
and now we have a uniform bound over all N, so we can take N → ∞ to find that
∞ ∞
X [
m(En ) ≤ m En ,
n=1 n=1
as desired. ■
The final condition we still need to check is that the Lebesgue measure satisfies translation-invariance: in
other words, if E ∈ M and x ∈ R, then m(E +x) = m(E) (where we define the set E +x = {y +x : y ∈ E}).
(And this is a problem on our problem set.) But the point is that we’ve now indeed defined a measure on a
very rich class of subsets of R with the properties that we want!
Theorem 81 (Continuity of measure)
Suppose {Ek } is a countable collection of measurable sets such that E1 ⊂ E2 ⊂ · · · . Then
∞ n
! !
[ [
m Ek = lim m Ek = lim m(En ).
n→∞ n→∞
k=1 k=1
Proof. The equality between the second and third quantities here is because En = k=1 Ek by nesting. So
it suffices to show the equality between the first and third quantities, and we’ll do this by first writing the
countable union as a countable disjoint union. Like before, let F1 = E1 and Fk+1 = Ek+1 \ Ek for all k ≥ 1:
then each of the Fk s is measurable because Fk+1 = Ek+1 ∩ Ekc by nesting, and {Fk } is a disjoint collection
of measurable sets. Then for all n ∈ N, we can check (just like above) that
[ ∞
[ ∞
Fk = En , Fk = Ek .
k=1 k=1 k=1
∞ ∞
[ X
m Ek = m(Fk )
k=1 k=1
We’ll use the Lebesgue measure to define Lebesgue measurable functions next time, which are the analog
of continuous functions for Riemann integration. Specifically, if we have a function f : X → Y , then we have
continuity if the preimage of an open set in Y is an open set in X. And we’ll see how to make the analogous
definition next time!
Lecture 9
We concluded our discussion of measurable sets last lecture – remember that the motivation is to build
towards a method of integration that surpasses that of the Riemann integral, so that the set of integrable
functions actually forms a Banach space. To do that, we wanted to first integrate the simplest kinds of
functions, which are 1 on some set and 0 on others, and that’s why we cared about defining measure on
certain subsets of R (namely the sigma-algebra of Lebesgue measurable sets). We won’t go through the
construction of a non-measurable set – instead, we’ll move ahead to Lebesgue integration now.
Fact 82 (Informal)
If we have an increasing, continuous function f (x) on [a, b], Riemann integrates this function by breaking
up the domain into intervals of small width and calculating the area of the rectangles. But Lebesgue’s
theory of integration started (historically) by thinking about chopping up the range, looking at the piece
of f between two values yi and yi+1 , finding the corresponding xi and xi+1 where the function intersects
at those y -values, and forming a rectangle with small vertical width instead of small horizontal width.
In the above description, our function is increasing, so the x-values where f is between yi−1 and yi are just
a single interval. But in general, the function f can cross a given y -value multiple times, and instead we will
just have some subset of [a, b] that lies between the desired range.
And this is where measure comes in handy: we know how to measure the “length” of a Lebesgue mea-
surable set, so that is the condition we’ll put on objects like the preimage of [yi−1 , yi ].
We won’t actually define the Lebesgue integral as we do above, because it’s not clear that the result
is independent of how our sequence of partitions gets smaller. But it is a way that we can integrate a
Lebesgue measurable function, and it does tell us why we care about the inverse image of closed intervals
being measurable.
Fact 83
Throughout this discussion, we’ll be considering the extended real numbers [−∞, ∞] = R ∪ {−∞, ∞},
and we’ll allow functions to take on the values ±∞.
Remember (from 18.100) that a sequence of real numbers {an }n converges to ∞ if for all R > 0, there
exists an N ∈ N such that an > R for all n ≥ N. The rules that we’ll have for working with these extended
real numbers is that x ± ∞ = ±∞ for all x ∈ R, 0(±∞) = 0 (this equality is just about the algebraic objects,
not limiting procedures – we’ll see why soon), and x(±∞) = ±∞ for all x > 0 and ∓∞ for x < 0.
As mentioned just now, measurable functions should be those where inverse images of closed functions
are measurable sets, and that’s almost where we’ll start our definition:
Definition 84
Let E ⊂ R be measurable, and let f : E → [−∞, ∞] be a function. Then f is Lebesgue measurable if
for all α ∈ R, f −1 ((α, ∞]) ∈ M (in other words, the preimage is a measurable set).
We’re considering the half-open intervals in this definition, but this isn’t a particularly picky choice:
Theorem 85
Let E ⊂ R be a measurable set, and let f : E → [−∞, ∞]. Then the following are equivalent:
1. For all α ∈ R, f −1 ((α, ∞]) ∈ M,
and the right-hand side is a countable intersection of measurable sets by assumption and is thus measurable.
And (2) implies (1), because for all α ∈ R,
[ 1
−1 −1
(α, ∞] = α + , ∞ =⇒ f (α, ∞] = f α + ,∞
n n
is a countable union of Lebesgue measurable sets and is thus Lebesgue measurable. Therefore, (1) and (2)
are equivalent. A similar argument shows that (3) and (4) are equivalent as well. Finally,
and taking preimages of these and using that complements of measurable sets are measurable yields that (2)
and (3) are equivalent, which gives the desired result. ■
Theorem 86
If E is measurable, and f : E → R is a measurable function, then for all F ∈ B (the Borel sigma-algebra),
f −1 (F ) is measurable.
and both sets on the right-hand side are measurable and thus so is their intersection. Thus each open interval
is measurable, and similar to how we concluded that open sets are measurable, we can use the fact that
every open set can be written as a countable union of open intervals to show that f −1 (U) is measurable for
all open U ⊂ R. Thus, A = {F ⊂ R : f −1 (F ) measurable} is a sigma-algebra that contains all open sets,
and thus B must be a subset of A, as desired. ■
Thus, measurable functions make the preimage of Borel sets measurable, and we can also throw ±∞
into the mix:
Theorem 87
If f : E → R is measurable, then f −1 ({∞}) and f −1 ({−∞}) are measurable as well.
and because each set in the countable intersection on the right is measurable, so is the countable intersection.
Similarly, f −1 ({−∞}) = ∞ −1 ([−∞, −n)), and by using theorem 85, we again see that the set we care
n=1 f
about is the countable intersection of a bunch of Lebesgue measurable sets and is thus measurable. ■
This tells us that the inverse image of any Borel set, possibly tossing in ±∞, is always measurable for
measurable functions.
Example 88
If f : R → R is continuous, then it is measurable. (This is a good sanity check, because continuous
functions are Riemann integrable).
is the preimage of an open set and is thus open and thus measurable.
Example 89
If E, F ⊂ R are two measurable sets, then the indicator function χF : E → R
1 x ∈ F
χF (x) =
0 x ̸∈ F
is measurable.
and all of these sets are measurable.
Theorem 90
Let E ⊂ R be measurable, and suppose f , g : E → R are two measurable functions and c ∈ R. Then
cf , f + g, f g are all measurable functions.
This is useful to have because we will end up with Lp spaces for integrable functions, which are often
added together and multiplied.
Proof. We basically want to check the definition of measurability. For scalar multiplication, if c = 0, then
cf = 0 is a continuous function, so it is measurable by example 88. Otherwise, if α ∈ R, then
cf (x) > α ⇐⇒ f (x) > ,
so the inverse image (cf )−1 ((α, ∞]) = f −1 (( αc , ∞]) is measurable for any α (because f is measurable). And
this is exactly the condition for cf to measurable.
Next, we’ll consider the sum of two measurable functions. If α ∈ R, then we’ll check preimages via
f (x) + g(x) > α ⇐⇒ f (x) > α − g(x) ⇐⇒ f (x) > r > α − g(x)
for some rational number r , since there is a rational number between any two distinct real numbers. And
that means that there exists some r ∈ Q such that
and both expressions in the intersection are measurable by assumption, so the intersection is also measurable.
Thus the preimage of (f + g)−1 ((α, ∞]) is
(f + g)−1 ((α, ∞]) = f −1 ((r, ∞]) ∩ g −1 ((α − r, ∞]) ,
r ∈Q
which is measurable (because we’re taking countable intersections and unions, using that the rationals are
countable), so f + g is measurable.
Finally, for the product f g, we’ll pull a trick: we’ll first show that f 2 is measurable. Because f 2 is a
nonnegative function, for any α < 0,
(f 2 )−1 ((α, ∞]) = E
(the entire domain maps within (α, ∞]), which is measurable by assumption. The other case is where α ≥ 0,
√ √
in which case f 2 > α if and only if f (x) > α or f (x) < − α. So
√ √
(f 2 )−1 ((α, ∞]) = f −1 (( α, ∞]) ∪ f −1 ([−∞, − α)),
and both of the sets on the right here are measurable (again using theorem 85), so the union is measurable
and thus f 2 is measurable. We finish by noticing that
(f + g)2 − (f − g)2 ,
fg =
and f + g and f − g are measurable because f , g are measurable, and we can scale by −1 or add functions
together. Every operation we take here preserves measurability, and thus we’ve shown that the product of
two measurable functions is measurable, as desired. ■
(Notice that the functions above only go from E → R, and that’s because we wanted to avoid ∞ − ∞
showing up in some of the functions.) All of those properties we showed above also work for Riemann
integration, so this isn’t really anything special yet – what makes Lebesgue integration stand out is that we
have closure under taking limits.
Theorem 91
Let E ⊂ R be measurable, and let fn : E → [−∞, ∞] be a sequence of measurable functions. Then the
functions g1 (x) = supn fn (x), g2 (x) = inf n fn (x), g3 (x) = lim supn→∞ fn (x) = inf n supk≥n fk (x) , and
g4 (x) = lim inf n→∞ fn (x) = supn [inf k≥n fk (x)] are all measurable functions.
Since each set in the countable union is measurable, so is the union, and thus the preimage of ((α, ∞]) under
g1 is indeed measurable (meaning g1 is measurable). And very similarly (this time we’ll include α in the set),
we can check that
x ∈ g2−1 ([α, ∞]) ⇐⇒ x ∈ fn−1 ([α, ∞]),
and each fn−1 ([α, ∞]) is measurable, so the intersection is also measurable (meaning g2 is measurable).
Finally, g3 is the infimum of a sequence of functions defined as supremums of the fn s, and g4 is the
supremum of a sequence of functions defined as infimums of the fn s. Since we’ve shown closure under infs
and sups, that means we get the result for g3 and g4 immediately. ■
Corollary 92
Let E ⊂ R be measurable, and let fn : E → [−∞, ∞] be measurable for all n. If limn→∞ fn (x) = f (x),
then f is measurable.
Proof. If we have pointwise convergence of the functions, then f (x) = lim supn→∞ fn (x) = lim inf n→∞ fn (x)
is measurable by theorem 91. ■
And in fact, this corollary is false for Riemann integration (the pointwise limit of Riemann integrable
functions is not always Riemann integrable), so we’re starting to see difference between the Riemann and
Lebesgue approaches.
Example 93
The set Q ∩ [0, 1] is countable, so we can enumerate its elements as {r1 , r2 , r3 , · · · }. Then the functions
1 x ∈ {r , · · · , r }
1 n
fn (x) =
0 otherwise
are each Riemann integrable (because they are piecewise continuous), but their pointwise limit is the
indicator function χQ∩[0,1] , which is not Riemann integrable.
As an important note, being Lebesgue integrable and measurable are two different things (measurable
functions are candidates for being integrable), and in fact the pointwise limit of Lebesgue integrable functions
will not always be Lebesgue intergrable, but they will be under an additional mild condition. So we’re on
track to develop a stronger theory of integration here!
Definition 94
Let E be a measurable set. A statement P (x) holds almost everywhere (a.e.) on E if
(It may seem like we’re asking for the set to both be measurable and have measure zero, but remember
that any set with outer measure zero is of measure zero. So replacing m with m∗ above will give us the same
statement.) And the idea here is that sets of measure zero don’t affect measurability:
Theorem 95
If two functions f , g : E → [−∞, ∞] satisfy f = g a.e. on E, and f is measurable, then g is measurable.
In other words, changing a measurable function on a set of measure zero keeps it measurable.
Proof. Let N = {x ∈ E : f (x) ̸= g(x)}: by assumption, this set has outer measure zero, so m(N) = 0.
Then for α ∈ R,
Nα = {x ∈ N : g(x) > α} ⊂ N
(because the preimages are the same outside of N, and then we also have to account for the set where
g(x) > α and doesn’t agree with f ). But N is measurable, so N c is measurable, and thus the intersection
f −1 ((α, ∞]) ∩ N c is measurable. Finally, Nα is also measurable (it has measure zero), so the final expression
on the right is indeed measurable, proving that g is measurable as desired. ■
We’ll extend this idea of measurability to (finite) complex numbers next time, and then we’ll show that a
particular class of functions are the universal measurable functions. That will allow us to define the Lebesgue
integral for certain nonnegative functions, and from there, we’ll be able to move towards proving that the
set of Lebesgue integrable functions forms a Banach space.
Lecture 10
Last time, we introduced the idea of a measurable function: recall that a function f : E → [−∞, ∞]
(where E ⊂ R is measurable) is measurable if f −1 ((α, ∞]) is measurable for all α ∈ R. (And because we
can generate open sets with these half-open intervals, that shows that the preimage of any Borel set will be
measurable as well.) We also showed that measurable functions are closed under linear combinations, infs,
sups, and limits, and that changing a function on a set of measure zero preserves measurability.
Everything we’ve done so far is for extended real-valued functions, but often we’ll be dealing with complex-
valued functions instead, and we’ll extend our definition accordingly. Recall that we can write any complex-
valued function f as Re(f ) + i · Im(f ):
Definition 96
If E ⊂ R is measurable, a complex-valued function f : E → C is measurable if Re(f ) and Im(f ) (which
are both functions E → R) are measurable.
We can verify the following results (some will be assigned to our homework, and others follow from
arguments similar to the ones made last lecture):
Theorem 97
If f , g : E → C are measurable functions, and α ∈ C, then the functions αf , f + g, f g, f , |f | are all
measurable functions.
Theorem 98
If fn : E → C is measurable for all n, and we have point-wise convergence fn (x) → f (x) for all x ∈ E,
then f is measurable.
lim fn (x) = f (x) ⇐⇒ lim Re(fn (x)) = Re(f (x)) and lim Im(fn (x)) = Im(f (x)),
n→∞ n→∞ n→∞
and we can apply the results we know about real-valued measurable functions to get measurability of Re(f )
and Im(f ), which proves measurability of f . So general, we don’t need to work too hard to prove these
Last lecture, we showed that continuous functions are measurable, and so are indicator functions χE for
measurable sets E. theorem 97 then tells us that complex linear combinations of indicator functions are also
measurable, and those are “simple” because they only take on finitely many values:
Definition 99
A measurable function φ : E → C is simple (or a simple function) if |φ(E)| (the size of the range) is
The idea is that every measurable set will be approximately a simple function, but we’ll talk about that
soon. And to connect this definition to the “linear combination of indicator functions” idea, suppose that the
range φ(E) is the set of distinct values {a1 , · · · , an }. Then we can define the sets
Ai = φ−1 ({αi }) ,
which are all measurable (because they’re the intersections of the sets where Re(φ) = Re(αi ), and also
where Im(φ) = Im(αi )). And then for all i ̸= j, we know that Ai ∩ Aj = ∅, and ni=1 Ai = E (basically, here
we’re saying that the finitely many Ai s partition the domain based on the value of the function φ). So for all
x ∈ φ, we can write
φ(x) = ai · χAi (x),
and thus any simple function is indeed a complex linear combination of finitely many indicator functions.
Proposition 100
Scalar multiples, linear combinations, and products of simple functions are again simple functions.
(We can check in all cases that the resulting functions are still measurable, and also that their range
includes finitely many values.)
Theorem 101
If f : E → [0, ∞] is a nonnegative measurable function, then there exists a sequence of simple functions
{φn } such that the following properties hold:
(a) We have a pointwise increasing sequence of functions dominated by f : 0 ≤ φ0 (x) ≤ φ1 (x) ≤ · · · ≤
f (x) for all x ∈ E.
(c) For all B ≥ 0, φn → f converges uniformly on the set {x ∈ E : f (x) ≤ B} where f is bounded.
(This proof will basically carry over to the extended real-valued functions, and also the complex-valued
functions. But we’ll explain soon what the difference is.)
Proof. The idea will be to build our functions φn to have better and better resolution (2−n ) and larger and
larger range (2n ). Essentially, φ0 will only be able to tell whether the function is at least 1 (we’ll only let it
take on the values 0 and 1, being 1 if f ≥ 1 and 0 otherwise), φ1 will be able to tell the values of functions
up to 2 (resolving at intervals of 21 , so that it can take on the values 0, 12 , 1, 32 , 2), and so on. And we claim
that this sequence of approximations satisfies the three conditions we want above.
Formally, we define the sets
for all integers n ≥ 0 and 0 ≤ k ≤ 22n − 1. (This is the “interval of length 2−n ” described above, and this is
another way to write the inverse image f −1 ((k2−n , (k + 1)2−n ]), which is measurable.) We’ll also define
Fn = f −1 ((2n , ∞])
(another measurable set which grabs the part of the function f that we missed above), and that finally allows
us to define
2n −1
φn = (k2−n ) · χEnk + 2n χFn
(remembering that k2−n is a lower bound for the function on the interval Enk ). For example, we would have
1 3
φ1 = 0 · χf −1 ((0, 1 ]) + · χf −1 (( 1 ,1]) + 1 · χf −1 ((1, 3 ]) + · χf −1 (( 3 ,2]) + 2 · χf −1 ((2,∞]) .
2 2 2 2 2 2
It is indeed true that φn takes on finitely many values for each n, so φn is always a simple function, and by
design, 0 ≤ φn ≤ f . (For example, if f (x) = 1.7 at some point x, then we fall within the ( 23 , 2] range, and
then φ1 takes on the lower bound of that range 23 .) More rigorously, if x ∈ Enk , then
and otherwise x ∈ Fn , which means f (x) > 2n = φn (x). All that remains for proving part (a) is to show that
the φn s are pointwise increasing: notice that if x ∈ Enk , then
k2−n < f (x) < (k + 1)2−n =⇒ (2k)2−(n+1) < f (x) ≤ (2k + 2)2−(n+1) ,
Finally, if x ∈ Fn , then φn (x) ≤ φn+1 (x) by a similar argument. So we’ve shown that φn (x) ≤ φn+1 (x) on
each of the sets Fn and Enk (which partition E), and thus part (a) is proven.
We can now prove (b) and (c) because of the following: we claim that for all x ∈ {y ∈ E : f (y ) ≤ 2n },
Once we show this claim, we can show part (b) because for any x, either f (x) = ∞ (this case is easy to
verify) or f (x) is in the sets {y ∈ E : f (y ) ≤ 2n } for n large enough, so then for sufficiently large n we have
|f (x) − φn (x)| ≤ 2−n , which is enough for pointwise convergence. And part (c) follows because for any fixed
B, we can pick an N so that {x ∈ E : f (x) ≤ B} is contained in {x ∈ E : f (x) ≤ 2N }, and then the bound
in the claim also shows uniform convergence.
So in order to show the claim, remember that φn cuts up our range into intervals of resolution 2−n : since
{y ∈ E : f (x) ≤ 2 } = Enk ,
we can just check the claim on each individual Enk . And indeed, if x ∈ Enk , then
Now, as promised, we’ll extend this proof to the extended real numbers and the complex numbers:
Definition 102
Let f : E → [−∞, ∞] be a measurable function. Then we define the positive part and negative part
of f via
f + (x) = max(f (x), 0), f − (x) = max(−f (x), 0),
We know that f + and f − are indeed measurable (for example because they are the supremum of the
sequences {f , 0, 0, · · · } and {−f , 0, 0, · · · }), and they are also nonnegative by definition.
Theorem 103
Let E ⊂ R be measurable and f : E → C be measurable. Then there exists a sequence of simple
functions {φn } such that the following three properties hold:
(a) We again have pointwise increasing functions, in the sense that 0 ≤ |φ0 (x)| ≤ |φ1 (x)| ≤ · · · ≤
|f (x)| for all x ∈ E.
(b) Again, we have pointwise convergence limn→∞ φn (x) = f (x) for all x ∈ E.
It’s left to us to fill in the details, but the idea is to apply theorem 101 after splitting up the function f
into its real and imaginary parts, and then further splitting those up into their positive and negative parts.
The linear combinations of the simple functions that arise from each of those parts will then give us the
desired approximation for f .
The significance of this result is that we now have a way to define an integral by looking at the limit of
these types of simple functions, and the Lebesgue integral can be defined this way. But we’d run into issues
of whether the integral depends on the simple function representation, so we’ll do something different here.
Our first step is to start with Lebesgue integrals of nonnegative functions (to avoid things like ∞ − ∞,
and because as we’ve just seen, knowing properties for nonnegative functions will then generalize to all
complex-valued functions.)
Definition 104
If E ⊂ R is measurable, we define the class
We’ll try to define a Lebesgue integral for these functions, and we’ll start with the simple ones:
Definition 105
Suppose φ ∈ L+ (E) is a simple function such that φ = j=1 aj χAj , where Ai ∩ Aj = ∅ for all i , j and
∪nj=1 Aj = E. Then the Lebesgue integral of φ is
Z n
φ= aj m(Aj ) ∈ [0, ∞].
E j=1
(We may write φ as φdx as well.) Basically, we split up our simple function in a canonical way into
combinations of indicator functions on disjoint sets, and then we think of the integral of each of those pieces
as the “rectangle” with area equal to its length times height.
Theorem 106
Suppose φ, ψ are two simple functions. Then for any c ≥ 0, we have the following identities:
1. cφ = c φ,
2. (φ + ψ) = φ+ ψ,
3. φ≤ ψ if φ ≤ ψ, and
4. if F ⊂ E is measurable, then φ= φχF ≤ φ= φχE .
X n
Proof. We can prove (1) by noticing that if φ = aj χAj , then cφ = (caj )χAj , so
j=1 j=1
Z n
X n
cφ = caj m(Aj ) = c aj m(Aj ) = c φ.
E j=1 j=1 E
(This proof is not too hard because the decomposition over sets Ai is the same in both cases.) For (2), we
can again write φ = nj=1 aj χAj and write ψ = m
k=1 bk χBk , and then we can write
[ m
[ m
[ n
E= Aj = Bk =⇒ Aj = (Aj ∩ Bk ), Bk = (Aj ∩ Bk ),
j=1 k=1 k=1 j=1
and all of these unions are disjoint because the Aj s and Bk s are disjoint from each other. Therefore, the
additivity property of Lebesgue measure tells us that
Z Z n
X m
φ+ ψ= aj m(Aj ) + bk m(Bk )
E E j=1 k=1
can be rewritten as
= aj m(Aj ∩ Bk ) + bk m(Aj ∩ Bk ) = (aj + bk )m(Aj ∩ Bk ).
j,k j,k j,k
where technically this is no longer our canonical decomposition because it’s possible for the different aj + bk s
to be equal to each other for different sets (j, k), but that’s okay because we can just combine those disjoint
sets together where the function is equal. So indeed E (φ + ψ) = j,k (aj + bk )m(Aj ∩ Bk ), and we’ve shown
the desired equality for (2).
Next, for (3), assume φ, ψ are written in their canonical way. Then φ(x) ≤ ψ(x) if and only if aj ≤ bk
whenever Aj ∩ Bk ̸= ∅. So now additivity of the Lebesgue measure tells us that
Z n
φ= aj m(Aj ) = aj m(Aj ∩ Bk ),
E j=1 j,k
and now whenever this is nonzero we know that Aj ∩ Bk is nonempty, so aj ≤ bk . And thus we can rewrite
this as
X m
≤ bk m(Aj ∩ Bk ) = bk m(Bk ) = ψ.
j,k k=1 E
So we’ve now defined our “area under the curve” for Lebesgue integrals, and this is an indication that
Riemann integrable functions will indeed be Lebesgue integrable (because step functions are indeed Riemann
integrable and we have agreement there). Next time, we’ll go from here to defining the integral of a
nonnegative measurable function, and we’ll prove some properties (including two important convergence
theorems) along the way.
Lecture 11
Last time, we defined the Lebesgue integral for simple functions: for any simple function φ written in the
Xn Z Xn
canonical way aj χAj for disjoint sets Aj , we have φ= aj m(Aj ), and we proved some properties
j=1 E j=1 Z Z
about this integral last time (we have linearity of the integral, if f (x) ≤ g(x) for all x, then f ≤ g, and
so on). Today, we’ll define the integral for general nonnegative measurable functions, and much like Riemann
sums give better and better approximations for Riemann integrals as the rectangles become thinner, we can
think of Lebesgue integrals as being the result of a similar limiting procedure.
We saw last time already that for a nonnegative measurable function f , we can always find a sequence
of simple functions that increase pointwise to f . So it makes sense to try to define the Lebesgue integral
as the limit of the integrals of the simple functions, but then we run into issues where the final integral may
depend on the specific sequence of simple functions that we chose.
Definition 107
Let f ∈ L+ (E). Then the Lebesgue integral of f is
f = sup φ : φ ∈ L (E) simple, φ ≤ f .
Proposition 108 Z
Let E ⊂ R be a set with m(E) = 0. Then for all f ∈ L+ (E), we have f = 0.
In other words, it’s only interesting to take integrals over functions of positive measure. (And this is sort
of like how Riemann integrals over a point are always zero.)
Proof. Working from the definition, start with our function f ∈ L+ (E). If φ is a simple function in the
X Xn
canonical form aj χ(Aj ) with φ ≤ f , then m(Aj ) ≤ m(A) = 0, so in the sum aj m(Aj ), all terms
j=1 Z j=1
must be zero. So we always have φ = 0, and the supremum over all simple functions φ is also zero, as
desired. ■
We can also verify a bunch of results that were true of the Lebesgue integral for simple functions:
Proposition 109 Z
If φ ∈ L+ (E) is a simple function, then the two definitions of f (for simple functions and general
nonnegative measurable functions) agree Zwith each other.
Z If f Z, g ∈ L+Z(E), c ∈ [0, ∞) is a nonnegative
real number, and f ≤ g, then we have cf = c f and f ≤ g. Finally, if f ∈ L+ (E) and
F ⊂ E, then f ≤ f.
(The proof will be left for our homework, but the idea is that taking supremums shouldn’t change our
inequalities.) We can actually relax the second statement here to an “almost-everywhere” statement as well:
Proposition 110 Z Z
If f , g ∈ L+ (E), and f ≤ g almost everywhere on E, then f ≤ g.
Proof. Define the set F = {x ∈ E : f (x) ≤ g(x)}; this is a measurable set because g − f is measurable, so
the inverse image of [0, ∞] is measurable (with some small details about how functions behave at ∞, but
we’re dealing with that on our homework). By assumption, m(F c ) = 0, and thus by proposition 108 and
proposition 109, Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z
f = f + f = f ≤ g= g+ g= g,
E F Fc F F F Fc E
as desired. ■
In particular, if we know that f = g almost everywhere on E, then g. We may notice that we’re f =
missing the linearity that we had for simple functions: we haven’t mentioned that f + g = (f + g).
To prove that, we’ll need one of the big three results in Lebesgue integration:
Notice that the assumption of pointwise convergence here is much weaker than the uniform convergence
we usually need to assume for Riemann integration.
Proof. Since f1 ≤ f2 ≤ · · · , we know that f1 ≤ f2 ≤ · · · . Thus, fn is a nonnegative increasing
sequence of nonnegative numbers, meaning that the limit limn→∞ E fn exists in [0, ∞].
Z Furthermore, because
limn→∞ fn (x) = f (x) for all x, we know that fn ≤ f for all n, which means that f (which is also some
number in [0, ∞]) must satisfy
fn ≤ f =⇒ lim fn ≤ f.
E E n→∞ E E
It suffices to prove the reverse inequality (that f ≤ lim fn ), and we can show this by showing that
Z Z Z E E n→∞ E
φ≤ lim fn for every simple function φ ≤ f (the point being that eventually fn will be larger than
E E n→∞ E
We’ll first take some ε ∈ (0, 1) as “breathing room.” If φ = aj χAj is an arbitrary simple function with
φ ≤ f , then we can define the set
En = {x ∈ E : fn (x) ≥ (1 − ε)φ(x)} .
Since (1 − ε)φ(x) < f (x) for all x (we have strict equality now that ε is positive), and limn→∞ fn (x) = f (x),
every x must lie in some En . Therefore, we have
En = E.
(because the inequality holds on En , and the Aj ∩ En . are measurable and disjoint). And now, because En
increases to E, and therefore E1 ∩ Aj ⊂ E2 ∩ Aj ⊂ · · · increases to Aj , continuity of Lebesgue measure
tells us that as n → ∞, m(Aj ∩ En ) → m(Aj ). Therefore, we can take limits on both sides and find (because
we have a finite sum on the right-hand side) that for all ε ∈ (0, 1), we have
Z m
X m
lim fn ≥ lim (1 − ε) aj m(Aj ∩ En ) = (1 − ε) aj m(Aj ) = (1 − ε) φ.
n→∞ E n→∞ E
j=1 j=1
Taking ε → 0 yields the desired inequality φ ≤ lim fn , and combining the two inequalities finishes the
E n→∞ E
proof. ■
With this result, we now have tools for evaluating Lebesgue integrals that aren’t just using the definition
Corollary 112
Let f ∈ L+ (E), and let {φ
Z n }n be a sequence
Z of simple functions such that 0 ≤ φ1 ≤ φ2 ≤ · · · ≤ f , with
φn → f pointwise. Then f = lim φn .
E n→∞ E
In other words, we can take any pointwise increasing sequence of simple functions and compute the limit,
instead of needing to compute the supremum explicitly. (And this follows because we can just plug in the
φn s as fn s into the Monotone Convergence Theorem.)
Corollary 113 Z Z Z
If f , g ∈ L+ (E), then (f + g) = f + g.
Proof. Let {φn }n and {ψn }n be two sequences of simple functions, such that 0 ≤ φ1 ≤ φ2 ≤ · · · ≤ f and
φn → f pointwise, and similarly 0 ≤ ψ1 ≤ ψ2 ≤ · · · ≤ g and ψn → g pointwise. Then we have
0 ≤ φ1 + ψ1 ≤ φ2 + ψ2 ≤ · · · ≤ f + g,
where φn + ψn → f + g pointwise, and each φi + ψi is a simple function (because it’s the sum of two simple
functions). Then the Monotone Convergence Theorem tells us that
(f + g) = lim (φn + ψn ) = lim φn + ψn
E n→∞ E n→∞ E E
by using linearity for simple functions, and then the Monotone Convergence Theorem again tells us that this
is E f + E g, as desired. ■
Theorem 114
Let {fn }n be a sequence in L+ (E). Then
fn = fn .
E n n E
(The left-hand side is defined here, because we’re summing a bunch of nonnegative real numbers pointwise,
and we’re allowing ∞ as an output of the our functions.)
Now because
X 2
fn ≤ fn ≤ · · · ,
n=1 n=1
and by definition of the infinite sum, we have pointwise convergence n=1 fn → n=1 fn as N → ∞, the
Monotone Convergence Theorem tells us that
X ∞ Z
fn = lim fn = lim fn = fn ,
E n=1 N→∞ E N→∞
n=1 n=1 E n=1 E
as desired. ■
(And again, this kind of result is not going to hold for Riemann integration, if for example we enumerate
the rationals and let fn be the function which is 1 at the first n rational numbers and 0 everywhere else.)
Theorem 115
Let f ∈ L+ (E). Then
E f = 0 if and only if f = 0 almost everywhere on E.
Proof. First of all, if f = 0 almost everywhere, then f ≤ 0 almost everywhere, meaning E f ≤ E 0 = 0, so
the integral is indeed zero. For the other direction, define
Fn = x ∈ E : f (x) > , F = {x ∈ E : f (x) > 0}.
We know that F = ∞ 1
n=1 Fn (because whenever f (x) > 0, we have f (x) > n for some large enough n), and
we also have F1 ⊂ F2 ⊂ · · · ,. Now we can compute
1 1
0 ≤ m(Fn ) = ≤ f ≤ f = 0,
n Fn n Fn E
which means that n1 m(Fn ) = 0 =⇒ m(Fn ) for all n, and thus by continuity of measure
m(F ) = m Fn = lim m(Fn ) = 0,
as desired. ■
We can now slightly relax the assumptions of the Monotone Convergence Theorem as well:
Theorem 116
If {fn }n is aZsequence inZL+ (E) such that f1 (x) ≤ f2 (x) ≤ · · · for almost all x ∈ E and limn→∞ fn (x) =
f (x), then f = lim fn .
E n→∞ E
Proof. Let F be the set of x ∈ E where the two assumptions above hold. By assumption, m(E \ F ) = 0,
so f − χF f = 0 and fn − χF fn = 0 almost everywhere for all n. The Monotone Convergence Theorem then
tells us that Z Z Z Z
f = f χF = f = lim fn ,
E E F n→∞ F
where the first equality holds because the two functions f , f χF are equal almost everywhere, and the third
equality holds because {fn } satisfy the assumptions of the Monotone Convergence Theorem on F . We can
then simplify this to Z Z
= lim fn = lim fn ,
n→∞ F n→∞ E
because E \ F has measure zero so any integral over the region has measure zero. ■
In other words, sets of measure zero don’t affect our Lebesgue integral.
We’re now ready for the second big convergence theorem – it’s equivalent to the Monotone Convergence
Theorem, but it’s often a useful restatement:
(Recall that we define the liminf of a sequence via
lim inf an = sup inf ak ,
n→∞ n≥1 k≥n
and the expression inside the brackets on the right is increasing in n (since we’re taking an infimum over a
smaller set). So the supremum on the right-hand side is actually a limit of a pointwise increasing sequence
of functions:
= lim inf fk (x) .
n→∞ k≥n
and now for all j ≥ n and for all x ∈ E, we know that inf k≥n fn (x) ≤ fj (x), so for all j ≥ n, we have a fixed
bound Z Z
inf fk ≤ fj ,
E k≥n E
and thus we can take the infimum over all j on the right-hand side and still have a valid inequality:
inf fk ≤ inf fj .
E k≥n j≥n E
So we’ve successfully “swapped the integral and infimum,” and plugging this into the Monotone Convergence
Theorem equality above yields
lim inf fn = lim inf fk ≤ lim inf fj = lim inf fn ,
E n→∞ E k≥n n→∞ j≥n E E
as desired. ■
We might be worried about the fact that our functions can take on infinite values, and this next result
basically says that we don’t need to worry too much:
Theorem 118 Z
Let f ∈ L+ (E), and suppose that f < ∞. Then the set {x ∈ E : f (x) = ∞} is a set of measure
Proof. Define the set F = {x ∈ E : f (x) = ∞}. We know that for all n, we have nχF ≤ f χF , so integrating
both sides yields Z Z
nm(F ) ≤ f χF ≤ f < ∞.
Therefore, for all n, m(F ) ≤ n E f , which goes to 0 as n → ∞, so we must have m(F ) = 0. ■
Our next steps will be to define the set of all Lebesgue integrable functions, prove some more properties of
the Lebesgue integral, and then starting looking into Lp spaces (the motivation for this theory of integration
in the first place).
Lecture 12
Last time, we defined the Lebesgue integral of a nonnegative measurable function, and we’re going to extend
that definition today:
Definition 119
Let E ⊂ R be measurable. A measurable function f : E → R is Lebesgue integrable over E if
|f | < ∞.
(Recall that we can break up a function f as f + −f − , where f + and f − are the positive and negative parts
of f (both are nonnegative functions). Then |f | = f + + f − (which we’ve previously showed is measurable),
so we define the integral Z Z Z
|f | = f +
+ f −.
Since the left-hand side is infinite if and only if one of the two terms on the right-hand side is infinite, being
Lebesgue integrable is then equivalent to f + and f − both being Lebesgue integrable. So that makes the
next definition valid:
Definition 120
The Lebesgue integral of an integrable function f : E → R is
f = +
f − f −.
This is meaningful because we’re only defining this when both terms on the right-hand side are finite, so
we’re never subtracting things with infinities.
Proposition 121
Suppose f , g : E → R are integrable.
1. For all c ∈ R, cf is integrable with cf = c f,
2. The sum f + g is integrable with (f + g) = f + g, and
3. If A, B are disjoint measurable sets, then f = f + f.
Proof. For (1), scaling by c ̸= 0 either swaps or doesn’t change the positive and negative parts of f (depending
on whether c is positive or negative), so this is not too complicated and we can verify the details ourselves
(given the analogous linearity results for nonnegative measurable functions).
For (2), notice that |f + g| ≤ |f | + |g|, so by the results for nonnegative measurable functions
|f + g| ≤ |f | + |g| = |f | + |g| < ∞.
So f + g is indeed integrable, and then
f + g = (f + + g + ) − (f − + g − )
(though note that we’re not saying that f + + g + is the positive part of (f + g) here), which means that if
we split up the left-hand side into positive and negative parts, we get
(f + g)+ + (f − + g − ) = (f + + g + ) + (f + g)− .
Then each term here is a nonnegative measurable function, so linearity tells us that
(f + g) + (f + g ) = (f + g ) + (f + g)− .
+ − − + +
and then definition of the Lebesgue integral on the left side and linearity on the right side gives us
+ + − −
(f + g) = f + g − f − g = f + g,
as desired.
Finally, (3) follows from (2), the fact that
f χA∪B = f χA + f χB
when A and B are two disjoint sets, and the fact that f χF = f for general integrable functions f
because we can break everything up into positive and negative parts here as well. ■
Proposition 122
Suppose f , g : E → R are measurable functions. Then we have the following:
1. If f is integrable, then f ≤ |f |.
2. If g is integrable, and f = g almost everywhere, then f is integrable and f = g.
3. If f , g are integrable and f ≤ g almost everywhere, then f ≤ g.
(first step by definition, second step by the triangle inequality for numbers), and then we can simplify this
further by linearity as Z Z
= (f + + f − ) = |f |.
Z that |fZ| = |g| almost everywhere, so from results from nonnegative measurable functions,
For (2), we know
we know that |f | = |g| < ∞. So f satisfies the condition for being integrable, and then |f − g| is
nonnegative and zero almost everywhere. So (using part (1))
f − g = (f − g) ≤ |f − g| = 0,
since the integral of a nonnegative measurable function which is zero almost everywhere is 0. This implies
that the integrals are the same.
Finally, for (3), we can define a function
g(x) − f (x) g(x) ≥ f (x)
h(x) =
0 otherwise.
Remark 123. Compact subsets of R are Borel sets, so they are measurable and have finite measure. So
simple functions that are nonzero only on a compact subset of R will be integrable (because we have a
finite sum of coefficients times finite measures). For another example, continuous functions f on a closed,
bounded interval [a, b] also have continuous absolute value, so they attain some finite maximum c. Thus the
integral of |f | is indeed finite by monotonicity (it’s at most c(b − a)). So a continuous function on a closed
and bounded interval is also Lebesgue integrable.
But we’ll prove something stronger than that in just a minute, using this next result (which is one of the
most useful that we’ll encounter in integration theory):
This result is much stronger than anything we can say in Riemann integration – we only require pointwise
convergence and an additional condition that the functions are all bounded above by some fixed integrable
Proof. Because we know that |fn | ≤ g almost everywhere, we know that fn is integrable for each n. Further-
more, because fn → f almost everywhere, f is measurable (because pointwise convergence of measurable
functions is measurable) and |f | ≤ g almost everywhere, so f is also integrable.
Also, because changing f and fn on a set of measure zero does not change the value of the Lebesgue
integrals, we will assume that the assumptions in the theorem statement actually hold everywhere on E
(for example, just set the functions to all be 0 on that set of measure zero).
To start the proof, notice that Z Z Z
fn ≤ |fn | ≤ g,
so the sequence { E fn }n is a bounded sequence of real numbers, meaning that it has a finite liminf and
limsup. We will show that those two values are the same and equal to E f . First of all, because g ± fn ≥ 0
for all n, Z Z Z
(g − f ) = lim inf (g − fn ) ≤ lim inf (g − fn ),
E E n→∞ n→∞ E
where the first step by definition of pointwise convergence and second step is by Fatou’s lemma. And then
by linearity, this is Z Z
= g − lim sup fn ,
E n→∞ E
since g has no n-dependence, and flipping the sign of a liminf gives us the limsup. Similarly, we can find that
(g + f ) ≤ g + lim inf fn .
E E n→∞ E
All of the quantities here are finite numbers, and thus we find that (by linearity again)
lim sup fn ≤ g− (g − f ) = f = (g + f ) − g ≤ lim inf fn .
n→∞ E E E E E E n→∞ E
But the liminf is always at most the limsup, so these three boxed numbers are equal, as desired. ■
Theorem 125
Let f ∈ C([a, b]) for some real numbers a < b. (We know that this function is measurable.) Then
Z Z b
f = f (x)dx: in other words, f is integrable and the Riemann and Lebesgue integrals agree.
[a,b] a
Proof. First, because f ∈ C([a, b]) is continuous, so is |f |, and every continuous function on a closed and
bounded interval is bounded. Thus there exists some B ≥ 0 so that |f | ≤ B on [a, b], and thus
|f | ≤ B = Bm([a, b]) < ∞.
[a,b] [a,b]
So continuous functions are indeed Lebesgue integrable. Now the positive part and negative part of f are
continuous, because we can write
f + |f | |f | − f
f+ = , f− = .
2 2
So by linearity, it suffices to show the result for nonnegative f , since we can split up the Lebesgue and
Riemann integrals into positive and negative parts and verify the result in both cases.
Suppose we have a sequence of partitions
x n = a = x0n , x1n , · · · , xm
of [a, b], so that the norm of the partition ||x n || = max1≤j≤mn |xjn − xj−1
n | goes to 0 as n → ∞. Recall
that the Riemann integral is defined in terms of Riemann sums based on these partitions, and our goal is to
show that the sequence of Riemann sums converges to our Lebesgue integral. Now for each j, n, we define
ξjn ∈ [xj−1
n , x n ] to be the point in the interval at which the minimum is achieved (this exists by the Extreme
Value Theorem):
n ,x n ]
f (x) = f (ξjn ).
x∈[xj−1 j
By the theory of Riemann integration, we then know that the lower Riemann sums converge to the Riemann
X Z b
lim f (ξjn )(xjn − n
xj−1 ) = f (x)dx.
n→∞ a
which is a countable union of countable sets and is thus countable. So in particular, we have m(N) = 0, and
now we can look at the function
fn = f (ξjn )χ[xj−1
n ,x n ] + 0χ{x n } ,
j j
which is a nonnegative simple function for each n which basically traces out the lower Riemann sum (since we
choose the minimum value on each interval of the partition). And as we make the partition finer and finer,
the approximate areas converge to the full Riemann integral of f , but we can also think about the integrals
of each fn as the Lebesgue integral of certain simple functions. In particular, the Lebesgue integral
Z mn
X mn
f (ξjn )m([xj−1
, xjn ]) = f (ξjn ) xjn − xj−1
fn =
[a,b] j=1 j=1
is exactly the Riemann sum, and now we want to apply the Dominated Convergence Theorem: we just need
to show that fn → f pointwise almost everywhere and that they are all bounded by an integrable function,
because that would imply limn→∞ [a,b] fn = [a,b] f , and we know the left-hand side is the Riemann integral
because it’s the limit of the Riemann sums.
To show that the fn s are all bounded by an integrable function, notice that 0 ≤ fn (x) ≤ f (x) for all
x ∈ [a, b] \ N, and we’ve already shown that f is integrable. For pointwise convergence (everywhere except
N), pick some x ∈ [a, b]\N, and let ε > 0. Because f is a continuous function at x, we know that there exists
some δ > 0 so that for all |x − y | < δ, |f (x) − f (y )| < ε. And because the partitions get finer and finer (the
norms of the partitions go to 0), there is some M so that for all n ≥ M, we have max1≤j≤n (xjn − xj−1
n ) < δ.
So for all n ≥ M, we know that x is part of a partition interval of length at most δ, and
fn (x) = f (ξjn )χ[xj−1 n
n ,x n ] (x) = f (ξ )
j k
since |x − ξkn | < δ (we have two points within the interval of length δ). Thus we’ve shown that fn (x) → f (x)
for all x ∈ [a, b]\N, which means that we have pointwise convergence. Remembering that fn are all dominated
by f , the Dominated Convergence Theorem then gives us the desired result: writing out the argument in
more detail,
Z Z mn
X Z b
f = lim fn = lim f (ξjn )(xjn − n
xj−1 ) = f (x)dx.
[a,b] n→∞ [a,b] n→∞ a
So now everything we’ve proved for real integrable functions will also carry over to complex-valued
integrable functions: we define f : E → C to be Lebesgue integrable if E |f | < ∞, in which case we define
f = Re f + i Im f .
Then results like linearity of the integral and the Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem also generalize.
Here’s an example of that in action:
Proposition 126 Z Z
If f : E → C is integrable, then f ≤ |f |.
Proof. If f = 0, this inequality is clear. Otherwise, define the complex number
α = RE
(the integral of f over E is a complex number, and we want its normalized conjugate). Then |α| = 1, and
f =α f = αf
(first step by definition of the norm for a complex number, second step by linearity), and because the left-hand
side is a real number, so is αf , and thus this is equal to
= Re αf = Re(αf ) ≤ |Re(αf )|
by the triangle inequality for real-valued functions. And now Re(z) ≤ |z| for all complex numbers z, so this
can be simplified as Z Z
≤ |αf | = |f |,
since |α| = 1. ■
We’ll finish our discussion of measure and integration by introducing the Lp spaces next time, showing
that they’re Banach spaces and proving a few other properties,
Lecture 13
We’ll complete our discussion of Lebesgue measure and integration today, finding the “complete space of
integrable functions” that contains the space of continuous functions. Last time, we defined the class
of Lebesgue integrable functions and the Lebesgue integral, and we proved the Dominated Convergence
Theorem (which we then used to show that a continuous function on a closed and bounded interval has the
Riemann and Lebesgue integral agree with each other). And it can in fact be shown (in a measure theory
class) that every Riemann integrable function on a closed and bounded interval is Lebesgue integrable and
that those two integrals will agree, and this way we can completely characterize the functions which are
Riemann integrable: they must be continuous almost everywhere.
Definition 127
Let f : E → C be a measurable function. For any 1 ≤ p < ∞, we define the Lp norm
Z 1/p
||f ||Lp (E) = |f | .
||f ||L∞ (E) = inf{M > 0 : m({x ∈ E : |f (x)| > M}) = 0}.
(We’ll refer to them as norms and prove that they actually are norms later.) This Lebesgue integral is
always meaningful because |f |p is nonnegative (though it can be infinite or finite), and this definition should
look similar to the ℓp norm for sequences we defined early on in the course.
Proposition 128
If f : E → C is measurable, then |f (x)| ≤ ||f ||L∞ (E) almost everywhere on E. Also, if E = [a, b] is a
closed interval and f ∈ C([a, b]), then ||f ||L∞ ([a,b]) = ||f ||∞ is the usual sup norm on bounded continuous
These facts are left as exercises for us, and they give us more of a sense of why this norm is a lot like
the ℓ∞ norm. And these next statements are facts that we proved for sequence spaces already:
We prove this in basically the same way as we did for sequences, and then again from Holder’s inequality
we obtain Minkowski’s inequality:
A similar result also holds for L∞ (E), which we can check ourselves.
Fact 131
We’ll use the shorthand || · ||p for || · ||Lp (E) from now on.
Definition 132
For any 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, we define the Lp space
where we consider two elements f , g of Lp (E) to be equivalent (in other words, the same) if f = g
almost everywhere.
We need this last condition to make the Lp norms actually norms, and thus our space is actually a space
of equivalence classes rather than functions:
But we’ll still keep referring to elements of this space as functions (as is custom in mathematics). And now
our goal will be to show that we have a norm (rather than a seminorm) on Lp (E), and eventually we’ll show
that these are actually Banach spaces.
Remark 133. This might seem like a weird thing to do, but recall that the rational numbers are constructed
as equivalence classes of pairs of integers, and we think of 2 as that quantity rather than the set of (3x, 2x)
for nonzero integers x. What really matters is the properties of the equivalence class, and for our functions
in Lp (E), behavior on a set of measure zero does not matter.
Theorem 134
The space Lp (E) with pointwise addition and natural scalar multiplication operations is a vector space,
and it is a normed vector space under || · ||p .
Proof sketch. This is the last time we’ll refer to elements of Lp (E) as equivalence classes. First of all, notice
that the Lp norm || · ||p is well-defined, because if f = g almost everywhere (which
Z is the Zcondition for them
being in the same euqivalence class), then |f |p = |g|p almost everywhere, so |f |p = |g|p , and taking
pth roots tells us that ||f ||p = ||g||p .
From there, checking that we have a vector space require us to check the axioms, but also that scalar
multiplication and pointwise addition are actually well-defined: in other words, if we take one representative
from [f1 ] and add it to a representative from [f2 ], we need to make sure that sum is in the same equivalence
class regardless of our choices from [f1 ] and [f2 ]. (And then we’d need to check that kind of result for scalar
multiplication as well.) We won’t do these checks of well-definedness in detail, but they aren’t too difficult
to do.
Next, we check properties of the Lp norm. If |f |p = 0, then |f |p = 0 almost everywhere, meaning that
f = 0 almost everywhere (and this means that f is in the equivalence class [0]). This proves definiteness,
and then homogeneity and the triangle inequality follow from the definition and Minkowski’s inequality,
respectively. (And with this, we can now verify all of the axioms of a vector space, including closure under
addition, but that’s also left as an exercise to us.) ■
Proposition 135
Let E ⊂ R be measurable. Then f ∈ Lp (E) if and only if (letting n range over positive integers)
lim |f |p < ∞.
n→∞ [−n,n]∩E
χ[−n,n] |f |p
Since we know that is a pointwise increasing sequence of measurable functions, and for all
x ∈ E we have
lim χ[−n,n] (x)|f (x)|p = |f (x)|p .
and thus the two quantities are finite for exactly the same set of f s. ■
Corollary 136
If f : R → C is a measurable function, and there exists some C ≥ 0 and q > 1 so that for almost every
x ∈ R, we have
|f (x)| ≥ C(1 + |x|)−q ,
(because the function (1 + |x|)−pq is continuous and thus the Riemann and Lebesgue integrals agree). And
now we can check that this integral is at most some finite number C p B(p) for some constant depending on
p, independent of n. ■
Proposition 137
Let a < b and 1 ≤ p < ∞ so that f ∈ Lp ([a, b]), and take some ε > 0. Then there exists some
g ∈ C([a, b]) such that g(a) = g(b) = 0, so that ||f − g||p < ε.
In other words, the space of continuous functions C([a, b]) is dense in Lp ([a, b]), and it’s a proper subset
because we can find elements in Lp that are not continuous. (This will be left as an exercise to us.)
Proof. We’ll do the case where p is finite (p = ∞ will be left as an exercise to us). Recall that a normed
space is Banach if and only if every absolutely summable series is summable, and that’s what we’ll use here.
Suppose that {fk } is a sequence of functions in Lp (E) such that
||fk ||p = M < ∞.
converges to some function in Lp (E), meaning that limn→∞
We then want to show that k fk k=1 fk →f
in Lp , which can be equivalently written as
lim (fk − f ) = 0.
k=1 p
By the triangle inequality, we know that if we take norms on both sides, we have
X n
||gn ||p = |fk | ≤ ||fk ||p ≤ M < ∞.
k=1 p k=1
because the Lp norm of gn is always at most M. And the function |fk | must be finite almost
X k=1
everywhere (because its integral is finite), and thus |fk (x)| is finite almost everywhere. And this allows
us to define the function f pointwise as
k fk (x) if k |fk (x)| < ∞ converges
f (x) =
0 otherwise,
and we’ll also define the limit g of the gn s, as
k |fk (x)| if |fk (x)| < ∞ converges
g(x) =
0 otherwise.
and furthermore p
fk (x) − f (x) ≤ |g(x)|p
almost everywhere on E, because this holds again whenever the infinite sum |fk (x)| converges (the
expression inside the absolute value on the left is the tail fk (x), and then we can use the triangle
P k=n+1
inequality). So now because || k |fk | ||p ≤ M, we also know that ||g||p ≤ M (because those functions
agree almost everywhere), and thus Z E |g| Z < ∞.
Now because ||f ||p ≤ ||g||p , |f |p ≤ |g|p < ∞, so f can be a candidate for the sum. And we apply
n p
the Dominated Convergence Theorem: since we have convergence fk (x) − f (x) → 0 pointwise almost
everywhere, and thus quantity is dominated by g, we know that
Z n p Z
lim fk − f = 0 = 0.
n→∞ E E
Therefore, the absolutely summable series {fk } is indeed summable, and we’re done – Lp is indeed a Banach
space. ■
So because C([a, b]) is dense in Lp ([a, b]), and the latter is a Banach space, we can think of the Lp space
as a completion of the continuous functions.
From here, we’ll move on to more general topics in functional analysis, which may be more intuitive
because some aspects of it are similar to linear algebra. (Of course, some aspects are different from what
we’re used to, but often we can draw some parallels.) Our next topic will be Hilbert spaces, which give us
the important notions of an inner product, orthogonality, and so on.
Definition 139
A pre-Hilbert space H is a vector space over C with a Hermitian inner product, which is a map
⟨·, ·⟩ : H × H → C satisfying the following properties:
1. For all λ1 , λ2 ∈ C and v1 , v2 , w ∈ H, we have
We should think of pre-Hilbert spaces as normed vector spaces where the norm comes from an inner
product (we’ll explain this in just a second). But first, notice that if we have some v ∈ H such that
⟨v , w ⟩ = 0 for all w ∈ H, then v = 0. So the only vector “orthogonal” to everything is the zero vector. Also,
points (1) and (2) above show us that
so our inner product is linear in the first variable but does something more complicated in the second variable.
Definition 140
Let H be a pre-Hilbert space. Then for any v ∈ H, we define
||v || = ⟨v , v ⟩1/2 .
Theorem 141
Let H be a pre-Hilbert space. For all u, v ∈ H, we have
(This result should look a lot like the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for finite-dimensional vector spaces.)
Proof. Define the function f (t) = ||u + tv ||2 , which is nonnegative for all t (by definition of the inner
product). Notice that
can be written as
= ||u||2 + t 2 ||v ||2 + 2tRe(⟨u, v ⟩)
This is a quadratic function of t, and it achieves its minimum when its derivative is zero, which occurs (by
−Re(⟨u,v ⟩)
calculus) when tmin = ||v ||2 . So plugging this in tells us that
Re(⟨u, v ⟩)2
0 ≤ f (tmin ) = ||u||2 − ,
||v ||2
and now rearranging a bit gives us
|Re(⟨u, v ⟩)| ≤ ||u|| ||v ||.
This is almost what we want, and to get the rest, suppose that ⟨u, v ⟩ ̸= 0 (otherwise the result is already
clearly true). Then if we define
⟨u, v ⟩
|⟨u, v ⟩|
so that |λ| = 1, we find the chain of equalities of real numbers
and now because ⟨λu, λu⟩ = λλ⟨u, u⟩ = ⟨u, u⟩ (since |λ| = 1), this simplifies to
= ||u|| · ||v || ,
as desired. ■
Next time, we’ll use this result to prove that the ||v || function is actually a norm on a pre-Hilbert space,
and we’ll then introduce Hilbert spaces (which are basically complete pre-Hilbert spaces). It’ll turn out that
there are basically only two types of Hilbert spaces – finite-dimensional vector spaces and ℓ2 – and we’ll
explain what this means soon!
Lecture 14
Last time, we introduced the concept of a pre-Hilbert space (a vector space that comes equipped with a
Hermitian inner product). This inner product is positive definite, linear in the first argument, and becomes
complex conjugated when we swap the two arguments, and we can use this quantity to define
||v || = ⟨v , v ⟩1/2
for any v in the pre-Hilbert space. And we want to show that this is actually a norm – towards that goal,
recall that last time, we showed the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
for all u, v in the pre-Hilbert space. We’ll now put that to use:
Theorem 142
If H is a pre-Hilbert space, then || · || is a norm on H.
Proof. We need to prove the three properties of the norm. For positive definiteness, note that we do have
||v || ≥ 0 for all v , and
||v || = 0 ⇐⇒ ⟨v , v ⟩ = 0 ⇐⇒ v = 0
because the Hermitian inner product is (defined to be) positive definite. Furthermore, for any v ∈ H, we
⟨λv , λv ⟩ = λλ⟨v , v ⟩ =⇒ ||λv || = |λ| ||v ||
by taking square roots of both sides, which shows homogeneity. So we just need to show the triangle
inequality: indeed, if we have u, v ∈ H, then
Because Re(z) ≤ ||z|| and using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, this can be bounded by
≤ ||u||2 + ||v ||2 + 2|⟨u, v ⟩| ≤ ||u||2 + ||v ||2 + 2||u|| ||v || = (||u|| + ||v ||)2 ,
and now taking square roots of both sides yields the desired inequality. ■
Proof. Notice that if un → u and vn → v , that means that ||un − u|| → 0 and ||vn − v || → 0 as n → ∞.
Therefore, we can bound
and factoring and using the triangle inequality for C gives us
and now because vn → v we know that ||vn || → ||v ||, and this convergent sequence of real numbers must be
bounded. Thus, our new bound is
and now because ||un − u||, ||vn − v || → 0, the linear combination of them given above also converges to 0,
and we’re done. Thus ⟨un , vn ⟩ indeed converges to ⟨u, v ⟩ (by the squeeze theorem). ■
Definition 144
A Hilbert space is a pre-Hilbert space that is complete with respect to the norm || · || = ⟨·, ·⟩1/2 .
Example 145
The space of n-tuples of complex numbers Cn with inner product ⟨z, w ⟩ = j=1 zj wj is a (finite-
dimensional) Hilbert space.
Example 146
The space ℓ2 = {a : |an |2 < ∞} is a Hilbert space, where we define
⟨a, b⟩ = ak bk .
In this latter example, we can check that ⟨a, a⟩1/2 coincides with the ℓ2 norm ||a||2 . And it turns out
that every separable Hilbert space (which are the ones that we’ll primarily care about) can be mapped in
an isometric way to one of these two examples, so the examples above are basically the two main types of
Hilbert spaces we’ll often be seeing! But here’s another one that we’ll see often:
Example 147
Let E ⊂ R be measurable. Then L2 (E), the space of measurable functions f : E → C with |f |2 < ∞,
is a Hilbert space with inner product Z
⟨f , g⟩ = f g.
We might notice that we focused on ℓ2 and L2 , and that’s because the inner product only induces the ℓ2
norm in the way that it’s written right now. But we might want to ask whether there’s an inner product that
we could put on the other ℓp or Lp so that they are also Hilbert spaces (so that we get out the appropriate
norm), and the answer turns out to be no. We’ll see that through the following result:
In addition, if H is a normed vector space satisfying this equality, then H is a pre-Hilbert space.
We can use this result (which can be verified by computation) to see that there are always u, v which
make this inequality not satisfied if p ̸= 2 for the ℓp and Lp spaces. And now that we have this inner product,
we can start doing more work in the “linear algebra” flavor:
Definition 149
Let H be a pre-Hilbert space. Two elements u, v ∈ H are orthogonal if ⟨u, v ⟩ = 0 (also denoted u ⊥ v ),
and a subset {eλ }λ∈Λ ⊂ H is orthonormal if ||eλ || = 1 for all λ ∈ Λ and for all λ1 ̸= λ2 , ⟨eλ1 , eλ2 ⟩ = 0.
Remark 150. We may notice that the index set we’re using is some arbitrary set Λ instead of N: we’ll mainly
be interested in the case where we have a finite or countably infinite orthonormal set, but the definition
makes sense more generally.
We’ll see some examples corresponding to each of the examples of Hilbert spaces Cn , ℓ2 , L2 that we
described above:
Example 151
The set {(0, 1), (1, 0)} is an orthonormal set in C2 , and {(0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0)} is an orthonormal set in C3 .
Example 152
Let e n be the sequence which is 1 in the nth entry and 0 everywhere else, we find that {en }n≥1 is an
orthonormal subset of ℓ2 .
Example 153
The functions fn (x) = √1 e inx (as elements of L2 ([−π, π])) form an orthonormal subset of L2 ([−π, π])).
2π Rπ Rπ
(This is because the integral −π e imx e inx dx = −π e i(m−n)x dx is zero unless m = n; if we’re uncom-
fortable integrating a complex exponential, we can break it up into its real and imaginary parts by Euler’s
Notice that we haven’t talked about whether the spaces ℓ2 and L2 are separable, but it was an exercise for
us to show that the continuous functions are dense in Lp (for all p < ∞) and the Weierstrass approximation
tells us that continuous functions on a closed and bounded interval can be uniformly approximated by a
polynomial. So the polynomials are dense in Lp , and to get to a countable dense subset, we only consider
the polynomials with rational coefficients, and there are indeed countably many of those. So for all Lp with
p finite, the polynomials with coefficients of the form q1 + i q2 for rational q1 + q2 form a countable dense
subset of Lp ([a, b]), and thus those Lp spaces are separable. And the set of sequences which terminate after
some point form a dense subset in ℓp for any finite p as well, so we can get our countable dense subset of
ℓp by looking at the set of sequences of rationals that terminate eventually!
By orthonormality, the inner product ⟨en , em ⟩ is only nonzero when n = m (in which case it’s equal to 1), so
that we end up with N 2
n=1 ⟨u, en ⟩ . We can also say by linearity that
* +
u, ⟨u, en ⟩.en = ⟨u, en ⟩⟨u, en ⟩ = |⟨u, en ⟩|2 .
n=1 n=1 n=1
where the term inside the parentheses can be thought of as the projection of u onto the orthogonal space
to the ei s. We can then rewrite this by expanding in the same way we previously did for ||u + v ||2 , and we
N 2 * N
0 ≤ ||u||2 + ⟨u, en ⟩en − 2 Re u, ⟨u, en ⟩en .
n=1 n=1
PN 2
Both of the last two terms now just give us multiples of n=1 |⟨u, en ⟩| by our work above, and we end up
0 ≤ ||u||2 + |⟨u, en ⟩|2 − 2 |⟨u, en ⟩|2 = ||u||2 − |⟨u, en ⟩|2 ,
n=1 n=1 n=1
and this is exactly what we want to show for the finite case. And the infinite case follows by taking N → ∞:
more formally, if {en } is an orthonormal subset of H, then
2 2
|⟨u, en ⟩| ≤ ||u|| =⇒ lim |⟨u, en ⟩|2 ≤ ||u||2 ,
n=1 n=1
and this proves the result that we want for all countable orthonormal subsets of H. ■
Orthonormal sets are not the most useful thing on their own for studying a pre-Hilbert space H, since we
might leave out some vectors in our span. That motivates this next definition:
Definition 155
An orthonormal subset {eλ }λ∈Λ of a pre-Hilbert space H is maximal if the only vector u ∈ H satisfying
⟨u, eλ ⟩ = 0 for all λ ∈ Λ is u = 0.
Example 156
The n standard basis vectors in Cn form a maximal orthonormal subset. (A non-example would be any
proper subset of that set.)
Example 157
Our example {e n } of sequences from above is a maximal orthonormal subset of ℓ2 .
We’ll soon see that a countably infinite maximal orthonormal subset basically serves the same purpose as
an orthonormal basis does in linear algebra, but not every element will be able to be written as a finite linear
combination of the orthonormal subset elements (like was possible with a Hamel basis).
Theorem 158
Every nontrivial pre-Hilbert space has a maximal orthonormal subset.
We can prove this result by using Zorn’s lemma and thinking of subsets as being ordered by inclusion.
But if that scares us (because of the use of the Axiom of Choice), we can do a slightly less strong proof by
Theorem 159
Every nontrivial separable pre-Hilbert space H has a countable maximal orthonormal subset.
Proof. We’ll use the Gram-Schmidt process from linear algebra as follows. Because H is separable, we can
let {vj }∞
j=1 be a countable dense subset of H such that ||v1 || =
̸ 0.
We claim that ∀n ∈ N, there exists a natural number m(n) and an orthonormal subset {e1 , · · · , em(n) } so
that the span of this subset is the span of {v1 , · · · , vn }, and {e1 , · · · , em(n+1) } is the union of {e1 , · · · , em(n) }
and either the empty set (if vn+1 is already in the span) or some vector em(n+1) (otherwise). In other words,
we can come up with a finite orthonormal subset that has the same span as the first n vectors of our countable
dense subsets, and we can keep constructing this iteratively by adding at most one element.
We’ll prove this claim by induction. For the base case n = 1, we can take e1 = ||v1 || , which indeed
satisfies all of the properties we want. Now for the inductive step, suppose that our claim holds for n = k,
and now we want to span v1 through vk+1 instead of just v1 through vk . If vk+1 is already in the span of
{v1 , · · · , vk }, then the span of {e1 , · · · , em(k) } is the same as the span of {v1 , · · · , vk }, which is the same
as the span of {v1 , · · · , vk+1 }. So in this case, we don’t need to add anything, and all of our conditions are
still satisfied. Otherwise, vk+1 is not in the span of {v1 , · · · , vk }, and we’ll define
wk+1 = vk+1 − ⟨vk+1 , ej ⟩ej
to be vk+1 with components along the other vi s subtracted off. This vector is not zero, or else vk+1 would
be in the span of the existing ei s and thus in the span of the existing vi s. We then define the normalized
version em(k+1) = ||wk+1 || to add to our orthonormal subset: this is a unit vector by construction, and for any
1 ≤ ℓ ≤ k we can indeed check orthogonality:
* +
1 X
⟨em(k+1) , eℓ ⟩ = vk+1 − ⟨vk+1 , ej ⟩ej , eℓ
||vk+1 ||
now simplifies because the first m(k) e’s are already orthonormal: we just pick out j = ℓ from the sum and
we have
= (⟨vk+1 , vℓ ⟩ − ⟨vk+1 , eℓ ⟩) = 0.
||vk+1 ||
Therefore, {e1 , · · · , em(k) , em(k+1) } is indeed an orthonormal subset, and that proves the desired claim.
It now remains to show that the collection of all eℓ s forms a maximal orthonormal subset. We define the
S= {e1 , · · · , em(n) };
this is an orthonormal subset of H which can be finite or countably infinite, and we want to show that S is
maximal. And here is where we use the fact that the vi s are dense in H: suppose that we have some u ∈ H
so that ⟨u, eℓ ⟩ = 0 for all ℓ. Then we can find a sequence of elements {vj(k) }k such that
lim vj(k) → u.
Because the span of the vi s and the ei s are the same, we know that each vj(k) is in the span of {e1 , · · · , em(j(k)) },
so now
||vj(k) ||2 = |⟨vj(k) , eℓ ⟩|2
(we have equality for a finite set of such orthonormal elements), and now we can rewrite this as
= |⟨vj(k) − u, eℓ ⟩|2 ≤ ||vj(k) − u||2
by Bessel’s inequality. But because vj(k) → u by construction, this means that ||vj(k) || → 0, and thus the
limit of the vj(k) s, which is u, must be zero. That proves that our orthonormal basis is indeed maximal. ■
Next time, we’ll understand more specifically what it means for these maximal orthonormal subsets to
serve as replacements for bases from linear algebra!
Lecture 15
We’ll discuss orthonormal bases of a Hilbert space today. Last time, we defined an orthonormal set {eλ }λ∈Λ
of elements to be maximal if whenever ⟨u, eλ ⟩ = 0 for all λ, we have u = 0. We proved that if we have a
separable Hilbert space, then it has a countable maximal orthonormal subset (and we showed this using the
Gram-Schmidt process and Bessel’s inequality). Such subsets are important in our study here:
Definition 160
Let H be a Hilbert space. An orthonormal basis of H is a countable maximal orthonormal subset {en }
of H.
Many of the examples we’ve encountered so far, like Cn , ℓ2 , and L2 , are indeed countable and thus have
an orthonormal basis. And the reason that we call such sets bases, like in linear algebra, is that we can draw
an analogy between the two definitions:
Theorem 161
Let {en } be an orthonormal basis in a Hilbert space H. Then for all u ∈ H, we have convergence of the
Fourier-Bessel series
X ∞
lim ⟨u, en ⟩en = ⟨u, en ⟩en = u.
n=1 n=1
So just like in finite-dimensional linear algebra, we can write any element as a linear combination of the
basis elements, but we may need an infinite number of elements to do so here.
Proof. First, we will show that the sequence of partial sums n=1 ⟨u, en ⟩en is a Cauchy sequence. Since
we know that n=1 |⟨u, en ⟩| converges by Bessel’s inequality (it’s bounded by ||u||2 ), the partial sums must
be a Cauchy sequence of nonnegative real numbers. Thus for any ε > 0, there exists some M such that for
all N ≥ M,
|⟨u, en ⟩|2 < ε2 .
m ℓ 2 m
⟨u, en ⟩en − ⟨u, en ⟩en = |⟨u, en ⟩|2
n=1 n=1 n=ℓ+1
by expanding out the square ||v ||2 = ⟨v , v ⟩ and using orthonormality, and now this is bounded by
≤ |⟨u, en ⟩|2 < ε2 .
So for any ε, the squared norm of the difference between partial sums goes to 0 as we go far enough into
the sequence, which proves that we do have a Cauchy sequence in our Hilbert space. Since H is complete,
there then exists some u ′ ∈ H so that
u = lim ⟨u, en ⟩en .
We want to show that u ′ = u, and we will do this by showing that ⟨u ′ − u, en ⟩ = 0 for all n. By continuity
of the inner product, we know that for all ℓ ∈ N, we have
* +
⟨u − u ′ , eℓ ⟩ = lim u− ⟨u, en ⟩en , eℓ ,
but by orthonormality the last term only exists for n = ℓ, so this simplifies to
⟨u, eℓ ⟩ − ⟨u, eℓ ⟩ · 1 = 0,
which proves the result because ⟨u − u ′ , eℓ ⟩ = 0 for all ℓ if and only if u − u ′ = 0 by maximality. ■
So if we have an orthonormal basis, every element can be expanded in this series in terms of the orthonor-
mal basis elements. And thus every separable Hilbert space H has an orthonormal basis, and the converse is
also true.
Corollary 162
If a Hilbert space H has an orthonormal basis, then H is separable.
Proof. Suppose that {en }n is an orthonormal basis for H. Define the set
(m )
[ X
S= qn en : q1 , · · · , qm ∈ Q + i Q .
m∈N n=1
This is a countable subset of H, because the elements in each component indexed by m are in bijection with
Q2m , which is countable, and then we take a countable union over m. So now by theorem 161, S is dense in
H, because every element u can be expanded in the Fourier-Bessel series above, so the partial sums converge
to u, and thus for any ε > 0, we can take a sufficiently long partial sum of length L and get within 2 of
u, and then approximate each coefficient with a rational number that is sufficiently close, and that eventual
finite-length partial sum will indeed be in one of the parts of the S we defined. So S is indeed a countable
dense subset of H, and we’re done. ■
We can now strengthen Bessel’s inequality, which held for any orthonormal subset, with our new definition:
Theorem 163 (Parseval’s identity)
Let H be a Hilbert space, and let {en } be a countable orthonormal basis of H. Then for all u ∈ H,
|⟨u, en ⟩|2 = ||u||2 .
so if the sum over n is a finite sum, the result follows immediately by expanding out the inner product
||u||2 = ⟨u, u⟩. Otherwise, by continuity of the inner product, we can write
*m m
||u|| = lim ⟨u, en ⟩en , ⟨u, eℓ ⟩eℓ ,
n=1 ℓ=1
and we can move the constants out (with a complex conjugate for one of them) and rearrange sums to get
= lim ⟨u, en ⟩⟨u, eℓ ⟩⟨en , eℓ ⟩.
Again, orthonormality only picks up the term where n = ℓ, so we’re left with
X m
= lim ⟨u, en ⟩⟨u, en ⟩ = lim |⟨u, en ⟩|2 ,
m→∞ m→∞
n=1 n=1
One more widely-used identity in Hilbert space is called Pythagorean theorem. (There are many versions
of Pythagorean theorem, but all of them can be simplified as problem of right triangle)
Pm 2
By the Pythagorean theorem, let en to be an orthonormal set in H, then ∀αn ∈ K, we have || n=1 αn en || =
Pm 2
n=1 |αn | .
We now actually have a way to identify every separable Hilbert space with the one that was introduced
to us at the beginning of class:
Theorem 165
If H is an infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space, then H is isometrically isomorphic to ℓ2 . In
other words, there exists a bijective (bounded) linear operator T : H −→ ℓ2 so that for all u, v ∈ H,
||T u||2 = ||u||H and ⟨T u, T v ⟩2 = ⟨u, v ⟩H .
(The finite-dimensional case is easier to deal with – we can show that those Hilbert spaces are isomet-
rically isomorphic to Cn for some n.)
Proof sketch. Since H is a separable Hilbert space, it has an orthonormal basis {en }n∈N , and by theorem 161,
we must have
u= ⟨u, en ⟩en
in other words, T u is the sequence of coefficients showing up in the expansion by orthonormal basis, and this
sequence is in ℓ2 by the inequality we wrote down above. We can check that T indeed satisfies all of the
necessary conditions – it’s linear in u, it’s surjective because every such sum cn en is Cauchy in H, and
it’s one-to-one because every u is expanded in this way, meaning that if two expansions are the same the
evaluations of the infinite sums must also be the same. ■
We can now use this theory that we’ve been discussing in a more concrete setting, focusing on the specific
example of Fourier series.
Proposition 166
e inx
The subset of functions √ is an orthonormal subset of L2 ([−π, π]).
2π n∈Z
(If we’re uncomfortable working with complex exponentials, we can define e ix = cos x + i sin x and work
out all of the necessary properties – everything that we expect for exponentials remains true.)
Definition 167
For a function f ∈ L2 ([−π, π]), the Fourier coefficient fˆ(n) of f is given by
Z π
fˆ(n) = f (t)e −int dt,
2π −π
We can then look at the limit of the partial sums, but we’re not going to make any claims about
convergence here yet:
Definition 168
The Fourier series of f is the formal series fˆ(n)e inx .
The motivating question for Fourier when first studying these objects was whether or not all continuous
functions could be expanded in this Fourier series manner. Trying to study things on a pointwise convergence
level is difficult, but the space we should really be viewing this setup within is the L2 space, and there we’ll
be able to get some results. The problem we’re trying to resolve is as follows:
Problem 169
Does the convergence (in L2 norm) fˆe inx → f hold for all f ∈ L2 ([−π, π])? In other words, does
Z π 1/2
||f − SN f ||2 = |f (x) − SN f (x)| dx
converge to 0 as N → ∞?
n o
e inx
We’ll rephrase this equivalent as follows: we want to know whether √
is a maximal subset in
L2 ([−π, π]), which is equivalent to showing that
fˆ(n) = 0 ∀n ∈ Z =⇒ f = 0.
We already know that if we have an orthonormal basis, then we can indeed make this infinite expansion for
any element of the space L2 . So this rephrasing in terms of the language of Hilbert spaces will help us out
here (and we should remember that we require the completeness of L2 to get to this rephrased problem
statement). The answer to our problem turns out to be yes, but it’ll take us a bit of work to get there.
Proposition 170 Z π
For all f ∈ L2 ([−π, π]) and all N ∈ Z+ , we have SN f (x) = DN (x − t)f (t)dt, where
2N+1 x =0
DN (x) = 1 .
sin[(N+ 2x)x ] x ̸= 0
2π sin 2
We can check that the function DN is continuous (and in fact smooth), and it is called the Dirichlet
kernel. The proof of this will be basically a warm-up calculation in preparation for some other calculations
to come:
by linearity of the Lebesgue integral (even though we’re using the Riemann notation, integrals are always
Lebesgue here). The term in parentheses is the function DN (x − t), where
1 X inx 1 −iNx X inx
DN (x) = e = e e .
2π 2π
|n|≤N n=0
1 −iNx 1 − e i(2N+1)x
= e
2π 1 − e ix
whenever e ix ̸= 1. That happens whenever x ̸= 0 (this is the only value within the range (−2π, π) that it
needs to be defined on), and when x = 0 the original geometric series is clearly 2π . So now for the x ̸= 0
case, we can simplify this expression some more to
1 e i(N+1/2)x − e −i(N+1/2)x
= ,
2π e ix/2 − e −ix/2
ix −ix
and now by the knowledge from complex number, sin x = e −e 2i , we can rewrite this as
1 2i sin N + 21 x
= ,
2π 2i sin x2
and canceling out the 2i s gives us the desired expression for DN above. ■
Definition 171
Let f ∈ L2 ([−π, π]). The Nth Cesaro-Fourier mean of f is
1 X
σN f (x) = Sk f (x).
N +1
We’ve rephrase our convergence of Fourier series to the statement that “if the Fourier coefficients are
all zero, then the function is zero.” And the direction we’re going with this definition here is that if we can
show the partial sums SN f converge to f , then f must be a sum of zeros, but trying to do this with SN
directly is our original problem statement! So this “averaged” Cesaro-Fourier mean will be an easier thing to
work with, and we’ll try to show that σN f → f instead.
Remark 172. We do know from real analysis that the Cesaro means of a sequence of real numbers behave
better than the original sequence, but we don’t lose any information, so we have some expectation of getting
better behavior here as well. In particular, sequences like {1, −1, 1, −1, · · · } do not converge, but their Cesaro
means do.
So next time, we’ll discuss more why this convergence works: we’ll show that for every f ∈ L2 , σN f
converges to f in L2 . That would then show the desired result, because if all of the Fourier coefficients are
zero, then σN f is zero for each N, and thus the limit of those functions is also the zero function.
Lecture 16
We’ll continue the discussion of Fourier series today – last time, we defined the Fourier coefficients
Z π
fˆ(n) = f (t)e −int dt
2π −π
for any function f ∈ L2 ([−π, π]), which we can think of as the L2 inner product of f with e −int up to a
constant. Defining the Nth partial sums
SN f (x) = fˆ(n)e inx ,
we wanted to know whether SN f always converges to f in L2 – that is, whether for all f ∈ L2 ([−π, π]) we
have limN→∞ ||f − SN f ||2 = 0.
Based on our discussion of Hilbert spaces, this question is equivalent to asking whether a function
f ∈ L2 ([−π,
n o π]) with all Fourier coefficients zero must be the zero function (since we’re trying to ask whether
√1 e inx is a maximal orthonormal subset). Our main step last time was to define the Cesaro-Fourier
2π n∈Z
1 X
σN f (x) = Sk f (x),
N +1
hoping that means of sequences converge better than the sequences themselves. Our goal is then to show
that ||σN f − f ||2 → 0 as N → ∞, and that will give us the desired convergence result for Fourier series.
We’ll first rewrite the partial Fourier sums slightly differently, much like how we previously used the
Dirichlet kernel:
Proposition 173
For all f ∈ L2 ([−π, π]), we have
Z π N+1
2π if x = 0
σN f (x) = KN (x − t)f (t)dt, KN (x) =
sin( N+1
x )
1 2
2π(N+1) x otherwise.
sin 2
The function KN (x) is called the Fejér kernel, and it has the following properties:
(1): KN (x) ≥ 0 and KN (x) = KN (−x) for all x,
The idea is that the Fejér kernel grows more and more concentrated at the origin as N → ∞, but the area
of the curve is always 1 (like the physics Dirac delta function) – here’s a picture for N = 8:
The reason we might believe that these Cesaro means converge to f is that
Z π
σN f (x) = KN (x − t)f (t)dt,
and KN is very sharply peaked around t = x, so as N gets larger and larger, the main contribution to the
integral comes from f (x) ≈ f (t) if f is well-behaved enough. So then we end up with
Z π
≈ f (x) KN (x − t)dt = f (x) · 1,
since kN evaluates to the same over any interval of length 2π by periodicity. So that’s a heuristic motivation
for working with the Cesaro means here! (Some of these properties also applied when we did a similar
procedure with our partial sums SN f (x), but the Dirichlet kernel is not nonnegative – that difference
actually makes a big difference in the final proof.)
We can now substitute in our expression for Dk , using the variable x instead of x − t. The case x = 0 can
be done easily (we just have constants), and for all other x we can slightly rewrite our expression as
1 1 X x 1
KN (x) = 2 sin sin k + x .
2π(N + 1) 2 sin x 2 2 2
2 k=0
By the trig product-to-sum identity, this simplifies to
1 1 X
= cos(kx) − cos ((k + 1)x) ,
2π(N + 1) 2 sin x 2
2 k=0
1 − cos(x)
= sin2 x2 to get
We can now use another trigonometric formula :
1 1 2 N +1
= sin x ,
2π(N + 1) sin x 2 2
π π k
e int
Dk (t)dt = dt,
−π −π n=−k 2π
and the integral of e int is zero unless n = 0 (by 2π-periodicity), so we just pick up the nh = 0 term iand get
2π. Since σN is the average of the Dk s, the integral of σN will be the average of N
k=0 −π Dk (t) , which
equals to 1 as well.
Finally, for (4), notice that sin2 2 is an even function which is increasing on [0, π]. So if we pick some
δ ∈ (0, π), we can say that
x δ
δ ≤ |x| ≤ π =⇒ sin2 ≥ sin2 ,
2 2
so we indeed get the expected
1 2 N +1 1
KN (x) = |KN (x)| ≤ δ
sin x ≤ .
2π(N + 1) sin2 2
2 2π(N + 1) sin2 2δ
Now, we can prove convergence of the Cesaro means σN f to f by first doing it for continuous functions
– we showed that the continuous functions with endpoints 0 are dense in L2 (so we can show convergence
appropriately), and continuous functions with endpoints both 0 can indeed be treated as 2π-periodic. So
the subspace of 2π-periodic continuous functions is dense in L2 , and we’ll consider this dense subset first
because it’s where the heuristic argument we made above applies rigorously.
In other words, we have an even stronger result than L2 convergence, now that we’re limiting ourselves
to continuous functions and have the stronger uniform norm. But this does not imply that the Fourier series
of f converges point-wise to f – there are indeed Fourier series representations of continuous functions that
diverge at a point. Instead, it’s the Cesaro mean and the Fejér kernel that help us out here!
Proof. First, we extend f to all of R by periodicity (defining it so that f (x + 2π) = f (x) for all x ∈ R). Our
function is then an element of C(R) (still continuous), and it is 2π-periodic, so it is uniformly continuous
and bounded on all of R (that is, ||f ||∞ = supx∈[−π,π] f (x) < ∞).
We wish to show that σN f converge uniformly on f , which means that ∀ε > 0 we need to find an M so
that ∀n ≥ M, we have |σN f (x) − f (x)| < ε for all x. Indeed, ∀ε > 0, by uniform continuity of f , there exists
some δ > 0 so that for all |y − z| < δ, we have |f (y ) − f (z)| < 2ε . So now we can choose M ∈ N so that
for all N ≥ M, we have
2||f ||∞ ε
< .
2π(N + 1) sin2 2
just because f ∈ C([−π, π]), implying that f will be bounded above by ||f ||∞ < ∞(we can do this because
the left-hand side converges to 0 as N → ∞). Now because f and KN are 2π-periodic, we can write the
Cesaro mean as Z π Z x+π
σN f (x) = KN (x − t)f (t)dt = KN (τ )f (x − τ )dτ
−π x−π
by a change of variables (which is allowed because we’re doing integrals over continuous functions, and thus
we can use the Riemann integral), and now we have the product of 2π-periodic functions, so the integral of
that is the same over any interval of length 2π: switching back to t from τ ,
Z π
= KN (t)f (x − t)dt.
We can now say that for all N ≥ M and for all x ∈ [π, π], we have
Z π Z π
|σN f (x) − f (x)| = KN (t)f (x − t)dt − KN (t)f (x)dt
−π −π
where we’ve added in a −π KN (t)dt integral to the f (x) term, which is okay because f (x) doesn’t talk to
the t-integral. Combining the integrals by linearity gives us
Z π
= KN (t) (f (x − t) − f (x)) dt .
We’ll use the triangle inequality and then split this integral into two parts now:
Z π Z Z
≤ |KN (t) (f (x − t) − f (x))| dt = KN (t) |f (x − t) − f (x)| dt+ KN (t) |f (x − t) − f (x)| dt
−π |t|≤δ δ≤|t|≤π
(also using the fact that KN is always nonnegative). And now we can use our bounds above to simplify this:
for the first term, we know that |(x − t) − x| < δ over the bounds of integration, so |f (x − t) − f (x)| < 2ε .
And for the second term, we know that |f (x − t) − f (x)| < 2||f ||∞ because both f (x − t) and f (x) have
magnitude at most ||f ||∞ for a continuous function, and when |t| > δ we can use condition (4) of the Fejér
kernel. Putting this all together, we find the inequality
2||f ||∞
≤ KN (t)dt + δ
KN (t)dt.
2 |t|≤δ 2π(N + 1) sin2 2 δ≤|t|≤π
We can now bound both integrals here by the integral over the entire region to get
ε π
Z π
2||f ||∞
ε ε
< KN (t)dt + 2 δ
KN (t)dt < + = ε
2 −π (N + 1) sin 2 −π 2 2
by our choice of N, along with condition (3) of Fejér kernel. So we’ve indeed shown uniform convergence –
σN f is eventually close enough to f for large enough N – and we’re done. ■
Remark 175. This same proof can be modified if instead of knowing that Kn (x) ≥ 0 (which we know for
the Fejér kernel), we have that Z π
sup |KN (x)| < ∞.
N −π
Then we can show the same uniform convergence by modifying our proof above. But if we try to plug in our
Dirichlet kernel here, the condition is not satisfied, since
Z π
|DN (x)|dx ∼ log N.
So having “almost all of the properties” isn’t enough for us to get the analogous results for the Dirichlet
Now that we’ve proven that the Cesaro means of a continuous function converge uniformly to that
function, we want to show that the Cesaro means of an L2 function converge to an L2 function, which would
show the condition on the Hilbert space that we want and show convergence of the Fourier series as well.
We’ll first need the following result:
Proposition 176
For all f ∈ L2 ([−π, π]), we have ||σN f ||2 ≤ ||f ||2 .
where f (· − s) denotes the function that maps x 7→ f (x − s). And now we’re integrating a periodic function
f (· − s) over an interval of length 2π, so we can replace that expression with ||f ||2 (just shifting to another
length 2π interval). Doing the same with f (· − t) gives us
Z πZ π
= ||f ||2 KN (s)KN (t)dsdt = ||f ||22 ,
−π −π
because the integral of KN is 1. This gives us the desired inequality for 2π-periodic functions, and now
to extend it to all functions in L2 , suppose we have some general f ∈ L2 . From exercises, we know that
there exists a sequence {fn }n of 2π-periodic continuous functions that converge to f in L2 , meaning that
||fn − f ||2 → 0. So from the definition of the Cesaro means, this means that ||σN fn − σN f ||2 → 0 for any
fixed N and as N → ∞, leading us to
(using the 2π-periodic case), and this last result is ||f ||2 because fn converges to f in L2 . ■
So now we’re almost done, and combining the two results above will give us what we want:
Theorem 177
For all f ∈ L2 , ||σN f − f ||2 → 0 as N → ∞. Therefore, if fˆ(n) = 0 for all n, then f = 0 (since σN f = 0
for all N).
Proof. (We only need to prove the result in the first sentence – the second follows directly as stated.) Let
f ∈ L2 ([−π, π]), and let ε > 0. By density of the 2π-periodic continuous functions, there exists some
2π-periodic g ∈ C([−π, π]) so that ||f − g||2 < 3. Because σN g → g uniformly on [−π, π], there exists
some M so that for all N ≥ M and for all x ∈ [−π, π], we have |σN g(x) − g(x)| < √ε .
3 2π
Now for all N ≥ M, the triangle inequality tells us that
The first term is ||σN (f − g)||2 (we can check this from the definition), and by proposition 176, that is less
than ||f − g||2 < 3ε . Meanwhile, the last term is also bounded by 3ε , due to density of C([π, π]) in L2 ([π, π]).
Z π 1/2 2 1/2
2 ε
The remaining middle term is |σN g(x) − g(x)| dx < 2π · 3 2π √ = 3ε . So putting this all
back into our expression gives us
ε ε ε
||σN f − f ||2 < + + = ε,
3 3 3
completing the proof. ■
To sum up, the main objective of these two lectures is proved the convergence such that for f ∈ L2 ([π, π]),
||SN f − f ||2 → 0, where SN = fˆ(n)e inx is the Fourier series. By introducing the Dirichlet kernel,
Z π
which is DN (x), we can present SN f as DN (x − t)f (t)dt. Given the difficulties of directly proving
||SN f − f ||2 → 0, we rephrase the convergence of Fourier series by proving || N+1 SN f − f ||2 → 0. Then,
X Z π
we rewrite N+1 SN as σN f (x), where σN f (x) = KN (x − t)f (t)dt, and KN (x) is named as Fejér
k=0 −π
kernel. At this end, we are able to prove the ||σN f −f ||2 → 0, via using density of C([−π, π]) ⊂ L2 ([−π, π]),
triangle inequality in || · ||2 and combining with property of Fejér kernel.
So we’ve now seen a concrete application of the general machinery we’ve built up for Hilbert spaces! In
summary, we’ve shown that the normalized exponentials form a maximal orthonormal set, so that the partial
Fourier sums of f converge to f in L2 . But as previous mentioned, we don’t have pointwise convergence
everywhere – instead, we can only say that there is a subsequence that converges to f pointwise. And in
fact, Carleson’s theorem is a deep result in analysis that tells us that for all f ∈ L2 , SN f (x) → f (x) almost
We can also ask questions about the convergence of Fourier series in other Lp spaces, since all of
the definitions also make sense there. It is known additionally that for all 1 < p < ∞, we always have
||SN f − f ||p → 0, and that this is false for p = 1, ∞. But deeper harmonic analysis is needed to prove
statements like this, and in particular we would need to learn how to work with singular integral operators.
In this class, though, this is as far as we’ll go with Fourier series, and next time, we’ll move on to the
topic of minimizers over closed convex sets and (as a consequence) how to identify the dual of a Hilbert
space with the Hilbert space itself in a canonical way.
Lecture 17
Last time, we discussed orthonormal bases, considering the concrete question of whether complex exponen-
tials formed an orthonormal basis for L2 ([−π, π]). Today, we’ll go back to a general discussion of Hilbert
spaces, and the rest of the course from here on will be general theory and some concrete applications to
particular problems.
Our first topic today will be length minimizers: recall that we can describe a norm on V /W for subspaces
of a normed vector space, and we did so via an infimum. It makes sense to ask whether this minimal distance
is actually achieved:
Theorem 178
Let C be a nonempty closed subset of a Hilbert space H which is convex, meaning that for all v1 , v2 ∈ C,
we have tv1 + (1 − t)v2 ∈ C for all t ∈ [0, 1]. Then there exists a unique element v ∈ C with
||v || = inf u∈C ||u|| (this is a length minimizer).
The convexity condition can alternatively be stated as “the line segment between any two elements of
C is contained in C.” And to connect this with our discussion earlier, one such example of a set would be
v + W for some closed subspace W of C and some v ∈ H.
Remark 179. The condition that C is closed is required: for example, we can let C be an open disk outside
the origin, in which case the minimum norm is not achieved (because it’s on the boundary). And convexity is
also required – for example, otherwise we could take the complement of an open disk centered at the origin,
in which case the minimum norm is achieved on the entire boundary.
Proof. We should recall that a = inf S if and only if a is a lower bound for S, and there exists a sequence {sn }
in S with sn −→ a. If we let d = inf u∈C ||u||, this is some finite number because norms are always bounded
from below by 0, and C is nonempty. So there exists some sequence {un } in C such that ||un || −→ d, We
claim that this sequence is actually Cauchy. To see that, let ε > 0 – because of convergence of ||un || to d,
there exists some N so that for all n ≥ N, we have
2||un ||2 < 2d 2 + (By definition of i nfn ||un || −→ d)
Then for all n, m ≥ N, the parallelogram law tells us that
un + um
||um − un ||2 = 2||um ||2 + 2||un ||2 − 4 ,
un +um
and now because 2 lies on the line segment between un and um (taking t = 21 ), convexity tells us that
un +um 2
it is also in C. Therefore, 2 ≥ d 2 , and thus
ε2 ε2
||um − un ||2 ≤ 2||um ||2 − 2d 2 + 2||un ||2 − 2d 2 < + = ε2
2 2
by our choice of N, and taking a square root shows that the sequence {un } is indeed Cauchy. Because our
Hilbert space is complete, this means that the sequence also converges, and thus there is some v ∈ H such
that un −→ v , and v ∈ C as well because our subset C is closed. So now continuity of the norm tells us that
and thus we’ve found our minimizer v ∈ C. To show uniqueness, suppose that v , v are both in C and have
norm d. Then the parallelogram law tells us that
v +v
||v − v ||2 = 2||v ||2 + 2||v ||2 − 4 ≤ 2d 2 + 2d 2 − 4d 2 = 0,
v +v
again using that 2 is also in C by convexity, and thus we must have v − v = 0 =⇒ v = v . ■
We’ll obtain some important consequences from this result – the first one is how to decompose our
Hilbert space using a closed linear subspace, much like we usually like to do in Rn and Cn .
Theorem 180
Let H be a Hilbert space, and let W ⊂ H be a subspace. Then the orthogonal complement
W ⊥ = {u ∈ H : ⟨u, w ⟩ = 0 ∀w ∈ W }
is a closed linear subspace of H. Furthermore, if W is closed, then H = W ⊕ W ⊥ ; in other words, for all
u ∈ H, we can write u = w + w ⊥ for some unique w ∈ W and w ⊥ ∈ W ⊥ .)
A picture to keep in mind is the case where H is R2 and W is the x-axis – then W ⊥ would be the y -axis,
and we’re saying that all elements can be broken up into a component along the x-axis and a component
along the y -axis.
Proof. Showing that W ⊥ is a subspace is clear, because if ⟨u1 , w ⟩ = 0 and ⟨u2 , w ⟩ = 0 for all w ∈ W ,
any linear combination of u1 and u2 will also be orthogonal to all w ∈ W by linearity of the inner product.
Furthermore, W ∩ W ⊥ = {0}, because any element w ∈ W that is also in W ⊥ must satisfy ⟨w , w ⟩ = 0 =⇒
w = 0.
To show that W ⊥ is closed, let {un } be a sequence in W ⊥ converging to u ∈ H. We wish to show that
⟨u, w ⟩ = 0 for all w ∈ W , so that u ∈ W ⊥ as well. Indeed, by continuity of the inner product, we have
This set C is nonempty because it contains u, and it is convex because for any two elements u+w1 , u+w2 ∈ C
(for w1 , w2 ∈ W ) and for any t ∈ [0, 1], we have
and the last term is in W because subspaces are closed under linear combinations. So we now need to show
that C is closed: indeed, if u + wn is a sequence of elements in C that converge to some element v ∈ H, we
know that
u + wn −→ v =⇒ wn −→ v − u,
and because W is closed, wn must converge to some element in W . Thus v − u ∈ W , and thus v = u + w
for some w ∈ W , which is exactly the definition of being in C. So C is indeed closed.
So returning to the problem, if we want to write an element u of H as a sum of a part in W and a part
in W ⊥ , it makes sense that our component in W ⊥ will be the minimizer to C (keeping the R2 example from
above in mind). So applying theorem 178, because C is closed and convex, there is some unique v ∈ C with
which is a polynomial in t. We know that f (t) has a minimum at t = 0, because all elements of the form
v + tw are in C, and we know the minimizer of norm uniquely occurs at v . So f ′ (0) = 0, and thus
2Re⟨v , w ⟩ = 0.
So the real part of the inner product is zero, and now we can repeat this argument but with ||v + i tw ||
instead of ||v + tw ||, which will show us that
Re⟨v , i w ⟩ = Im⟨v , w ⟩ = 0.
Therefore, ⟨v , w ⟩ = 0, and since this argument was true for all w ∈ W , we must have v ∈ W ⊥ . It remains
to show that this decomposition is unique, and this is true because W ∩ W ⊥ = {0}: more specifically, if
u = w1 + w1⊥ = w2 + w2⊥ , that means that w1 − w2 = w2⊥ − w1⊥ is in both W and W ⊥ , and thus both sides
of this equation are 0. So w1 = w2 and w1⊥ = w2⊥ , showing uniqueness. ■
Theorem 181
If W ⊂ H is a subspace, then (W ⊥ )⊥ is the closure W of W . In particular, if W is closed, then
(W ⊥ )⊥ = W .
Now that we have this decomposition u = w + w ⊥ for our subspace W , we can construct a map which
takes in u and outputs w . If we use the R2 example from above, we can see that this map is a projection
onto the x-axis, and more generally we can make the following definition:
Definition 182
Let P : H −→ H be a bounded linear operator. Then P is a projection if P 2 = P .
Proposition 183
Let H be a Hilbert space, and let W ⊂ H be a closed subspace. Then the map ΠW : H −→ H sending
v = w + w ⊥ (for w ∈ W, w ⊥ = W ⊥ ) to w is a projection operator.
Proof. First, we show that ΠW is linear. Indeed, if v1 = w1 +w1⊥ and v2 = w2 +w2⊥ , and we have λ1 , λ2 ∈ C,
λ1 v1 + λ2 v2 = (λ1 w1 + λ2 w2 ) + (λ1 w1⊥ + λ2 w2⊥ ).
The two terms on the right-hand side are in W and W ⊥ , respectively, by closure of subspaces under linear
combinations. So ΠW (λ1 v1 + λ2 v2 ) = λ1 w1 + λ2 w2 , which is indeed λ1 ΠW (v1 ) + λ2 ΠW (v2 ), as desired. We
can also see that ΠW is bounded, because when v = w + w ⊥ ,
||v ||2 = ||w + w ⊥ ||2 = ||w ||2 + ||w⊥ ||2 ≥ ||w ||2
(since the inner product cross term is zero when ⟨w , w ⊥ ⟩ = 0). Therefore, ||ΠW (v )|| ≤ ||v ||, and the operator
norm is at most 1. And now we just need to check that Π2W = ΠW : if v = w + w ⊥ , then ΠW (v ) = w , and
ΠW (ΠW (v )) = ΠW (w ) = w = ΠW (v ),
Our next application of length minimizers will be the following important result:
In other words, every element of the dual can be realized as an inner product with a fixed vector. We’ve
1 1
seen something similar before when we proved that the dual of ℓp is identified with ℓq (for p + q = 2) via a
pairing, and the p = q = 2 case is the example relevant to Hilbert spaces.
Proof. If such a v exists, it is unique, because f (u) = ⟨u, v ⟩ = ⟨u, ṽ ⟩ = 0, then ⟨u, v − v ⟩ = 0 for all u ∈ H.
Setting u = v − v tells us that v − v = 0. So we just need to construct such a v that works.
The easiest case is f = 0, because in that case, we take v = 0. Otherwise, there exists some u1 ∈ H so
that f (u1 ) ̸= 0, and we take u0 = f (u1 ) so that f (u0 ) = 1. We can then define the nonempty set
C = {u ∈ H : f (u) = 1} = f −1 ({1}),
which is closed because f is a continuous function, {1} only has one element so is closed, and the preimage
of a closed set by a continuous function is a closed set. We claim that C is convex: indeed, if u1 , u2 ∈ C
and t ∈ [0, 1], then
so that tu1 + (1 − t)u2 is also in C. So now by theorem 178, there exists v0 ∈ C so that v0 = inf u∈C ||u||,
and we define v = ||v0 ||2 (noting that v0 ̸= 0 because the infimum is not 0).
We claim that this is the v that we want: in other words, let’s check that f (u) = ⟨u, v ⟩. Indeed, if we let
N = f −1 ({0}) = {w ∈ H : f (w ) = 0} be the nullspace of f , then we can check that C = {v0 + w : w ∈ N}
and that ||v0 || = inf w ∈N ||v0 + w ||, by theorem 178. Specifically, since v0 ∈ C, and by theorem 178,
||v0 || = inf u∈C ||u||, meanwhile, ∀u ∈ C, u = v0 + w , where w ∈ N. Then, we have ||v0 || = inf w ∈N ||v0 + w ||.
By the argument that we made earlier in theorem 180, using ||v0 + tw ||2 has the minimum value at t =
0 =⇒ 2Re⟨v , w ⟩ = 0, which implies ⟨v , w ⟩ = 0 =⇒ v0 ∈ N ⊥ . Thus, now ∀u ∈ H,
Note that f (v0 ) = 1 by v0 ∈ C. So,by linearity of f , we can rewrite as u = (u − f (u)v0 ) + f (u)v0 is a sum
of a component in N and a component in N ⊥ .
1 1
⟨u, v ⟩ = ⟨u, v0 ⟩ = [⟨(u − f (u)v0 ), v0 ⟩ + f (u)⟨v0 , v0 ⟩] ,
||v0 ||2 ||v0 ||2
The first term here has u − f (u)v0 ∈ N and v0 ∈ N ⊥ , so that inner product is zero, and we’re left with
⟨v0 , v0 ⟩
= f (u) = f (u),
||v0 ||2
as desired. So we’ve found v (a scaled version of the minimizer) so that f (u) = ⟨u, v ⟩ for all u, concluding
the proof. ■
We’ll study adjoint operators next time – we defined it as a map from dual spaces to dual spaces, but
because we can identify dual spaces of Hilbert spaces with themselves, adjoint operators will be essentially
regular operators, and we’ll soon see how they relate to solving equations on Hilbert spaces and why they
are the analogs of the transpose matrix in finite-dimensional linear algebra as well.
Lecture 18
We discussed the Riesz representation theorem last time, which states that for a Hilbert space H, we can
identify each f ∈ H ′ = B(H, C) with a unique element v ∈ H such that f (u) = ⟨u, v ⟩ for all u ∈ H. (In other
words, every continuous linear functional on H can be realized as an inner product with a fixed vector.)
We can use this to expand on a concept we’ve touched on previously in an assignment:
Theorem 185
Let H be a Hilbert space, and let A : H → H be a bounded linear operator. Then there exists a unique
bounded linear operator A∗ : H → H, known as the adjoint of A, satisfying
⟨Au, v ⟩ = ⟨u, A∗ v ⟩
Proof. We can show uniqueness similarly to how we showed it in the Riesz representation theorem: if
⟨u, A∗1 v ⟩ = ⟨u, A∗2 v ⟩ for all u, v for two potential candidates A1 , A2 , then ⟨u, (A∗1 v − A∗2 v )⟩ = 0 for all u, v ,
and we can always set u = (A∗1 v − A∗2 v ) to show that we must have A∗1 v = A∗2 v for all v , meaning that A∗1
and A∗2 were the same operator to begin with.
To show that such an operator does exist, first fix v ∈ H, and define a map fv : H → C by fv (u) = ⟨Au, v ⟩.
This is a linear map (in the argument u) because for any u1 , u2 ∈ H and λ1 , λ2 ∈ C, we have
by linearity in the first argument of the inner product. We claim this is also a continuous linear operator (so
that it is actually an element of the dual). Indeed, we can check that if ||u|| = 1,
by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, and this is bounded by ||A|| · ||v ||. Therefore, ||fv || ≤ ||A|| · ||v || (which is a
constant), and thus fv ∈ H ′ . By the Riesz representation theorem, we can therefore find a (unique) element,
which we denote A∗ v , of H satisfying
We now need to show that A∗ is a bounded linear operator. For linearity, let v1 , v2 ∈ H and let λ1 , λ2 ∈ C.
We know that for all u ∈ H,
and now by conjugate linearity in the second variable, this simplifies to
= ⟨u, λ1 A∗ v1 + λ2 A∗ v2 ⟩ .
The only way for these two boxed expressions to be equal for all u is if the two operators are equal: A∗ (λ1 v1 +
λ2 v2 ) = λ1 A∗ (v1 ) + λ2 A∗ (v2 ), which is the desired linearity result for A∗ .
We now show that A∗ is bounded with ||A∗ || = ||A||. Take a unit-norm vector ||v || = 1: if A∗ v = 0, then
clearly ||A∗ v || ≤ ||A||. Otherwise, we still want to show that same inequality. Suppose A∗ v ̸= 0. Then
Dividing by the nonzero constant ||A∗ v || yields ||A∗ v || ≤ ||A||, as desired, and now taking the sup over all v
with ||v || = 1 yields ||A∗ || ≤ ||A||.
To finish, we need to show equality. For all u, v ∈ H, we have
so the adjoint of the adjoint of A is A itself (since ⟨u, Av ⟩ = ⟨A∗ u, v ⟩ = ⟨u, (A∗ )∗ v ⟩). Therefore, we can flip
the roles of A∗ and A in this argument to find that
Let’s see a concrete example of what these adjoint operators look like:
Example 186
If our Hilbert space is H = Cn , so that u is an n-dimensional vector, then we know that
(Au)i = Aij uj
for some fixed complex numbers Aij , and we can represent A as a finite-dimensional matrix.
To determine the adjoint of A, we need to figure out the operator B that satisfies ⟨Au, v ⟩ = ⟨u, Bv ⟩.
Towards that, notice that
⟨Au, v ⟩ = (Au)i v i = Aij uj v i
i=1 i,j
and switching the order of summation yields
X n
X n
= uj Aij vi = uj (A∗ v )j ,
j=1 i=1 j=1
So for matrices, the adjoint is also representable by a martix, and it is the conjugate transpose of A.
Example 187
Now consider the space ℓ2 , in which an operator is described with a double sequence {Aij }∞ in C so that
|Aij | = lim |Aij |2 < ∞.
i,j i=1 j=1
|Aij |2
We can check by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality that this is a bounded linear operator as long as i,j
is satisfied (the order of summation does not matter because all terms in the double sum are nonnegative).
So A ∈ B(ℓ2 , ℓ2 ), and for all a, b ∈ ℓ2 , we have
⟨Aa, b⟩ℓ2 = Aij aj bi = aj Aij bi = ⟨a, A∗ b⟩,
i j j i
Example 188
Let K ∈ C([0, 1] × [0, 1]), and define the map A : L2 ([0, 1]) −→ L2 ([0, 1]) via
Z 1
Af (x) = K(x, y )f (y )dy .
Theorem 189
Let H be a Hilbert space, and let A : H −→ H be a bounded linear operator. Then
(Ran(A))⊥ = Null(A∗ ),
where Ran(A) is the range of A (the set of all vectors of the form Au), and Null(A∗ ) is the nullspace of
A∗ (the set of all vectors for which A∗ u = 0).
In particular, if the range of an operator A is a closed subspace, then always being able to solve Au =
v ⇐⇒ A is surjective. (I.e. Ran(A) = H). Meanwhile, it is equivalent to knowing that the A∗ is one-to-one
(injectivity), since (Ran(A))⊥ = Null(A∗ ) = {0}, implying that A∗ (0) = 0, and this shows the injectivity of
A∗ .
Proof. Note that v ∈ Null(A∗ ) ⇐⇒ ⟨u, A∗ v ⟩ = 0 for all u ∈ H, which is equivalent to ⟨Au, v ⟩ = 0 for all
u ∈ H. So v is orthogonal to all elements in Ran(A), and that’s equivalent to saying that v ∈ Ran(A)⊥ . (All
steps here go in both directions, so this shows the equivalence of the two sets.) ■
This is essentially an infinite-dimensional version of rank-nullity, and we want to see if we can say similar
things about the solutions to linear equations that we could in the finite-dimensional case (our input needs to
satisfy certain linear relations, and then our final solution is unique up to a linear subspace). But before we
get to that, these operators that we’ll solve for have particular important properties on bounded sequences.
We take for granted that a bounded linear operator takes bounded sets to bounded sets in finite-dimensional
spaces, and so we can find a convergent subsequence using Heine-Borel. So the point is that there is some
compactness hidden in here in Rn and Cn , so we need to study some facts about how compactness and
Hilbert spaces before we can talk about solvability of equations.
Definition 190
Let X be a metric space. A subset K ⊂ X is compact if every sequence of elements in K has a
subsequence converging to an element of K.
Example 191
By the Pigeonhole Principle, all finite subsets are compact.
As just described, we also have the following result from real analysis:
Examples on the real line include closed intervals and also the set {0} ∪ { n1 : n ∈ N}. We know this
doesn’t hold for arbitrary metric spaces or even Banach spaces, and in fact it’s not true for Hilbert spaces
by checking the following example:
Example 193 (closed unit ball in infinite space may not be compact)
Let H be an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. Then the closed ball
F = {u ∈ H : ||u|| ≤ 1}
So the distance between any two elements of the sequence is 2, no matter how large the n and k are. It
ends up that there is a non-convergent subsequence in F , since the {en }∞
n=1 cannot be Cauchy.
Motivated by this, we know that all compact sets are closed and bounded, and thus we want to figure
out an additional condition guarantees compactness for a Hilbert space (so that we can verify compactness
without using the subsequence definition). And this is in fact related to something that we can discuss in
elementary real analysis in a different context when thinking about the space of continuous functions.
Definition 194
Let H be a Hilbert space. A subset K ⊂ H has equi-small tails with respect to a countable orthonormal
subset {en } if for all ε > 0, there is some n ≥ N so that for all v ∈ K, we have
|⟨v , ek ⟩|2 < ε2 .
We know that the sequence for any given v converges by Bessel’s inequality, so that the inequality above
will eventually hold for some N for each v . But this equi-small tails requirement is a more “uniform” condition
on the rate of convergence – we need to be able to pick an N that works for all v ∈ K at the same time.
Example 195
Any finite set K has equi-small tails with respect to any countable orthonormal subset (we can take the
maximum of finitely many Ns).
The motivation for this definition is that, as mentioned above, finite sets are always compact, so we
should hope that this additional uniformity gives us compactness. We won’t get to that result today, but
here’s some more motivation for why this is the correct condition to add, building on the {0} ∪ { n1 : n ∈ N}
example from above:
Theorem 196
Let H be a Hilbert space, and let {vn }n be a convergent sequence with vn → v . If {ek } is a countable
orthonormal subset, then K = {vn : n ∈ N} ∪ {v } is compact, and K has equi-small tails with respect to
{ek }.
Proof. Compactness will be left as an exercise for us. For equi-small tails, the idea is that for sufficiently
large n, vn will be close to v , so we can use v to take care of all but finitely many of the points in our
sequence. Let ε > 0: since vn → v , there is some M ∈ N so that for all n ≥ M, we have ||vn − v || < 2ε . We
choose N large enough so that for this fixed v ,
X X ε2
|⟨v , ek ⟩|2 + max |⟨vn , ek ⟩|2 < .
1≤n≤M−1 4
k>N k>N
(There are only finitely many terms here, and we can choose our N large enough so that it makes the n = 1
ε2 ε2
term smaller than 8, the n = 2 term smaller than 16 , and so on.) We claim that this N uniformly bounds
our tails: indeed,
X ε2
|⟨v , ek ⟩|2 < < ε2 ,
So we just need to check the condition for n ≥ M: Bessel’s inequality tells us that
!1/2 !1/2
|⟨vn , ek ⟩|2 = |⟨vn − v , ek ⟩ + ⟨v , ek ⟩|2 ,
k>N k>N
and this is the ℓ2 norm of the sum of two sequences indexed by k, so by the triangle inequality this is boudned
!1/2 !1/2
2 2
≤ |⟨vn − v , ek ⟩| + |⟨v , ek ⟩| .
k>N k>N
The second term is at most 2, and then the first term is bounded by Bessel’s inequality by ||vn − v ||. Since
we chose N large enough so that that norm is less than 2ε , we indeed have that this is bounded by
ε ε
< + = ε,
2 2
as desired. ■
Next time, we’ll prove that if we have a subset of a separable Hilbert space which is closed, bounded, and
has equi-small tails with respect to an orthonormal basis (which we know exists), then we have compactness,
and then we’ll rephrase that fact in a way that doesn’t involve Hilbert spaces and go from there.
Lecture 19
We’ll continue discussing compactness today – recall that a subset K of a metric space X is compact if every
sequence {xn }n in K has a subsequence that is convergent in K. While being closed and bounded is equivalent
to being compact in Rn , this is not true in general Hilbert spaces (for example, take the orthonormal basis
vectors in ℓ2 ). So we need an additional condition – last time, we proved that if we have a convergent
sequence {vn }n in H converging to v , then the subset K = {vn : n ∈ N} ∪ {v } is compact, and it has
equi-small tails with respect to any orthonormal subset. Here, the definition is that if {ek }k is a countable
orthonormal subset of H, then for all ε > 0, there exists some N ∈ N such that for all ṽ ∈ K (either an
element of the sequence or v ), we have
|⟨ṽ , ek ⟩|2 < ε2 .
(We know that this sum over all k is bounded, and thus convergent, by Bessel’s inequality for any individual
ṽ , so we can always find an N that makes this work for a fixed ṽ , but the condition requires it simultaneously
for all ṽ ∈ K. So we can think of “equi-small tails” as really meaning “uniformly small tails.”) It turns out
that this condition suffices (and is necessary) for compactness:
Theorem 197
Let H be a separable Hilbert space, and let {ek }k be an orthonormal basis of H. Then a subset K ⊂ H
is compact if and only if K is closed, bounded, and has equi-small tails with respect to {ek }.
Proof. For the forward direction, first suppose that K is compact. We know by general metric space theory
that K is then closed and bounded, and we’ll show that K has equi-small tails with respect to {ek } by
contradiction. Suppose otherwise: then there exists some ε0 such that for each natural N, there is some
uN ∈ K such that
|⟨uN , ek ⟩|2 ≥ ε20 .
This then gives us a sequence {un } (by picking such a uN for every natural number N), and thus by the
assumption of compactness, there is some subsequence {vm } = {unm } and some v ∈ K such that vm → v .
But we also know that for all n ∈ N, k>n |⟨vn , ek ⟩| ≥ ε20 , because vm = unm is the nth or later term of the
original sequence (so summing over k > nm is at most the value we get summing over k > n). That means
that the subset {vn : n ∈ N} ∪ {v } does not have equi-small tails, which is a contradiction of our previous
theorem. So if K is compact, then it must have equi-small tails, as desired.
On the other hand, suppose K is closed, bounded, and has equi-small tails. We wish to show that any
sequence {un } has a convergent subsequence in K. Because K is closed, any sequence that converges will
converge in K, so we just need to show that there is some convergent subsequence. We know that any
bounded sequence of complex numbers has a convergent subsequence (showing convergence of the real and
imaginary parts by Bolzano-Weierstrass), so the plan is to expand {un } in terms of the orthonormal basis of
H and think about the coefficients along each basis vector. Since K is bounded, there is some C ≥ 0 (only
depending on K) so that for all n, ||un || ≤ C. Therefore, for all k and for all n, the “Fourier coefficient”
and thus for each fixed k, we get a bounded sequence of coefficients along the kth basis vector: specifically,
we have the bounded sequence of numbers
{⟨un , ek ⟩}n
in C. Thus, by Bolzano-Weierstrass (fixing k = 1), there is some subsequence {⟨un1 (j) , e1 ⟩ of {⟨un , e1 ⟩}n
which converges in C (in other words, we have a subset of the original {un }s in which the first entry
converges). And now {⟨un1 (j) , e2 ⟩ is still a bounded sequence, and thus by Bolzano-Weierstrass again we
have a further subsequence {⟨un2 (j) , e2 ⟩ which converges. So we now have a subset of the original {un }s in
which the first and second entries both converge (since the first subsequence converges in the first entry,
and thus any subsequence of it will also converge in the first entry).
We can repeat this argument arbitrarily many times: further subsequences of the un2 (j) s gives us a
subsequence unℓ (j) such that {⟨unℓ (j) , eℓ ⟩ converges, meaning that we have convergence along our sequence
in the first ℓ entries. If we now define
vℓ = unℓ (ℓ) ∀ℓ ∈ N,
then the {vℓ }ℓ form a subsequence of the {un }n s with convergence in the kth entry (for any fixed k) as
ℓ → ∞. This on its own doesn’t mean that the sequence converges, but here is where we will use the fact
that K has equi-small tails. It suffices to show that {vℓ }ℓ is Cauchy (because H is complete and K is closed).
For any ε > 0, having equi-small tails tells us that there is some N such that
X ε2
|⟨vℓ , ek ⟩|2 <
for all ℓ ∈ N. Now because the N sequences {⟨vℓ , e1 ⟩}ℓ through {⟨vℓ , eN ⟩}ℓ each converge, we can then find
an M such that for all ℓ, m ≥ M,
X ε2
|⟨vℓ , ek ⟩ − ⟨vm , ek ⟩|2 < .
We claim that this M is the one that we want for our sequence {vℓ }: indeed,
" #1/2
||vℓ − vm || = |⟨vℓ − vm , ek ⟩|2 + |⟨vℓ − vm , ek ⟩|2
k=1 k>N
(because we have an orthonormal basis, the norm squared is the sum of the Fourier coefficients). Now using
√ √ √
the fact that a + b ≤ a + b, we can bound this as
" #1/2
X 1/2 X
|⟨vℓ − vm , ek ⟩|2 |⟨vℓ − vm , ek ⟩|2
≤ + .
k=1 k>N
By our choice of M, the first term is at most 2, and we can use the ℓ2 triangle inequality for the second
term, thinking of that second term as the difference of the sequences {⟨vℓ , ek ⟩}k and {⟨vm , ek ⟩}k . Thus we
have the bound
" #1/2 " #1/2
ε X
2 ε ε ε
< + |⟨vℓ , ek ⟩| + |⟨vm , ek ⟩| < + + = ε,
2 2 4 4
k>N k>N
where the last inequality comes from how we chose N. So our subsequence is Cauchy, thus convergent, and
thus K is compact. ■
Example 198
Let K be the set (not subspace) of sequences {ak }k in ℓ2 satisfying |ak | ≤ 2−k – this set is known as
the Hilbert cube, and it is compact.
It may seem unwieldy that we make this definition with respect to an orthonormal basis, but we can
characterize compact sets in another way as well:
Theorem 199
A subset K ⊂ H is compact if and only if K is closed, bounded, and for all ε > 0, there exists a
finite-dimensional subspace W ⊂ H so that for all u ∈ K, inf w ∈W ||u − w || < ε.
In other words, our additional condition is that we can approximate the points in K by a finite-dimensional
subspace. This proof also involves a similar “diagonal argument,” and notably it works for non-separable
Hilbert spaces as well, but we can read about the proof on our own. This should be a believable result,
because the equi-small tail condition we worked with in our previous proof was basically saying that we can
approximate points in K by the first N vectors in our orthonormal basis (since the contribution from the
other basis vectors is small).
We’ll now start to talk about various classes of operators, and we’ll start with the simplest ones. From
linear algebra, we know that matrices are operators in finite-dimensional vector spaces, and we can represent
them with an array of numbers. We can now generalize that definition to our current setting.
Fact 200
From here on, H will be a Hilbert space, and we’ll denote B(H, H) by B(H).
Definition 201
A bounded linear operator T ∈ B(H) is a finite rank operator if the range of T (a subspace of H) is
finite-dimensional. We denote this as T ∈ R(H).
Example 202
If H is a finite-dimensional Hilbert space, then every linear operator is of finite rank. For a more interesting
example, for any positive integer n, the operator
na a an o
1 2
Ta = , , ·, , 0, · · ·
1 2 n
is a finite rank operator (because the image is spanned by the first n standard basis vectors).
Proposition 203
The set R(H) is a subspace of B(H).
Proof. The range of a scalar multiple of an operator is the same as the original range, and the sum of two
finite rank operators has range contained in the direct sum of the individual ranges (which is also finite-
dimensional). ■
We’ll now prove that these finite rank operators are really like matrices:
Theorem 204
An operator T ∈ B(H) is in R(H) if and only if there exists an orthonormal set {ek }Lk=1 and an array of
constants {cij }Li,j=1 ⊂ C, such that
Tu = cij ⟨u, ej ⟩ei .
Proof. The backwards direction is clear: if T has such a representation, then the range of T is contained in
the span of the L vectors {e1 , · · · , eL } and is thus finite-dimensional. Now suppose that T is a finite rank
operator. Then we can find an orthonormal basis {e k }N
k=1 of the range of T , such that
Tu = ⟨T u, e k ⟩e k
(since T u is in the range, it must be this particular combination of the orthonormal basis vectors). Now by
the definition of the adjoint operator, we can rewrite this sum as
= ⟨u, T ∗ e k ⟩e k = ⟨u, vk ⟩e k ,
k=1 k=1
where we’ve define vk = T ∗ e k . If we now apply the Gram-Schmidt process to the vectors {e 1 , · · · , e N , v1 , · · · , vN },
we get an orthonormal subset {e1 , · · · , eL } with the same span as our original e i s and vi s. Thus, there exist
constants aki , bkj so that (expanding in terms of the new orthonormal subset)
ek = aki ei , vk = bkj ej .
i=1 j=1
Thus, substituting back in,
Tu = aki bkj ⟨u, ej ⟩ei ,
i,j=1 k=1
and now the term in the inner parentheses is our desired cij . ■
And with this characterization, we can now describe our finite rank linear operators more explicitly: for
example, the nullspace of T contains the set of vectors orthogonal to all of the ek s.
Theorem 205
If T ∈ R(H), then T ∗ ∈ R(H), and for any A, B ∈ B(H), AT B ∈ R(H).
In other words, R(H) is a “star-closed, two-sided ideal in the space of bounded linear operators” – it’s
closed under two-sided multiplication and adjoints.
Proof. We’ll leave the closure under multiplication as an exercise: the main point is that if T has a finite-
dimensional range, the range of AT is also finite-dimensional, and whatever happens with B doesn’t really
matter. For closure under adjoints, if T is a finite rank operator, then we can write
Tu = cij ⟨u, ej ⟩ei ,
and thus
* +
⟨u, T v ⟩ = ⟨T u, v ⟩ = cij ⟨u, ej ⟩ei , v .
and we can use linearity to pull things into the second inner product :
* + * +
= u, cij ⟨ei , v ⟩ej = u, cij ⟨v , ei ⟩ej .
i,j i,j
for all u, v ∈ H, and thus we must have T ∗ v = i,j=1 c ij ⟨v , ei ⟩ej for all v ∈ H, and thus T ∗ ∈ R(H) as well:
in fact, we can recover the coefficients in terms of the coefficients for T by reindexing as
= cji ⟨v , ej ⟩ei .
Thus, the coefficients of the matrix governing T ∗ are obtained by taking the conjugate transpose of the ones
for T . ■
Since the set of finite rank linear operators is a subspace of the Banach space of bounded linear operators,
which come with a norm, it makes sense to ask if the subspace of finite rank operators is closed (under the
norm). In other words, if Tn ∈ R(H), and ||Tn − T || → 0 as n → ∞, we want to know whether T ∈ R(H).
It turns out the answer is no:
Example 206
Let Tn : ℓ2 → ℓ2 be a sequence of operators defined as
na an o
Tn a = , · · · , , 0, · · · .
1 n
We can imagine that the limit T of these operators is the infinite-dimensional “diagonal matrix” with
entries (1, 12 , 13 , · · · ): specifically, defining
a1 a2 a3
Ta = { , , , · · · },
1 2 3
we can check that ||T − Tn || ≤ n+1 , but T is not of finite rank (since T (kek ) = ek is in the range for each
standard basis vector ek ). In other words, the space of finite rank linear operators (which are nice because
we can solve linear equations involving them using matrices) is not closed. But we still want to know about
the closure of R(H), and the hope is that we still have a useful characterization:
Definition 207
An operator K ∈ B(H) is a compact operator if K({u ∈ H : ||u|| ≤ 1}), the closure of the image of the
unit ball under K, is compact.
Definition 208
An operator K ∈ B(H) is a compact operator if for a bounded sequence {un }n∈N ⊂ H,then {(Kun )}n∈N
has a convergent subsequence {(Kunj )}j∈N such that converging in H.
As we’ll see in the next several notes, the definition 208 will be widely applied in proving the compactness
of an operator. While discussing the relationship between the compact operator with finite rank operator,
we’ll show next time that K is a compact operator if and only if it is in the closure of R(H), meaning
that there is a sequence of finite rank operators converging to K. These compact operators will come up
in useful problems – for example, T in our example above is compact, and the inverse of many differential
operators will turn out to be compact as well. And as a sanity check before we do the proof next time, finite
rank operators are indeed compact operators, because the image of the unit ball will be a bounded subset
of a finite-dimensional subspace, and thus the closure of that image is a closed and bounded subset of a
finite-dimensional subspace, which is compact by Heine-Borel.
Lecture 20
Last lecture, we introduced the concept of a compact operator: an operator A ∈ B(H) (recall that H always
denotes a Hilbert space) is compact if K({||u|| ≤ 1}), the closure of the image of the closed unit ball, is
compact in H. These operators came up in our discussion of limits of finite rank operators, and we’ll show
today that the set of compact operators is indeed the correct closure.
Example 209
Some illustrative examples of compact operators include K : ℓ2 −→ ℓ2 sending a = (a1 , a2 , a3 , · · · )
Z 1
a1 a2 a3 2 2
to ( 1 , 2 , 3 , · · · ), as well as T : L −→ L sending f (x) to K(x, y )f (y )dy for some continuous
function K : [0, 1] × [0, 1] −→ R.
The latter is particularly important because it comes up in solutions to differential equations: if we take
(x − 1)y 0 ≤ y ≤ x ≤ 1,
K(x, y ) =
x(y − 1) 0 ≤ x ≤ y ≤ 1,
Z 1
then we can check that u(x) = K(x, y )f (y )dy satisfies the differential equation u ′′ = f , u(0) = u(1) = 0.
Example 210
In contrast, even a simple-looking operator like I on ℓ2 is not compact, because (as we’ve already
previously demonstrated, looking at the standard basis vectors) the closed unit ball is not compact. And
this argument works to show that the identity is never compact for an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space.
Specifically, consider the identity operator I : ℓ2 −→ ℓ2 . This identity operator is not compact. The
reasoning is clear: Just consider en = {0, 0, . . . 1, 0, . . .}, where the 1 is nth component. We can find
that ||en − em ||2 = 2, implying that {en }n∈N is not a Cauchy sequence. It ends up with {en }n∈N has no
convergent sub-sequence and I , in this sense, will not be a compact operator.
Theorem 211
Let H be a separable Hilbert space. Then a bounded linear operator T ∈ B(H) is a compact operator if
and only if there exist a sequence {Tn }n of finite rank operators such that ||T − Tn || −→ 0. (In other
words, the set of compact operators is the closure of the set of finite rank operators R(H).)
Proof. First, suppose T is compact. Since H is separable, it has an orthonormal basis, and by compactness,
{T u : ||u|| ≤ 1} is compact, meaning that it is closed, bounded, and has equi-small tails, due to theorem 197.
In particular, for every ε > 0, there exists some N ∈ N such that
|⟨T u, ek ⟩|2 < ε2
for all u satisfying ||u|| ≤ 1. We can thus define the partial sums
Tn = ⟨T u, ek ⟩ek :
this is a bounded linear operator because ||Tn u||2 ≤ ||u||2 by Bessel’s inequality, and the range of Tn is
contained within the span of {e1 , · · · , en }, so Tn is a finite rank operator for each n. It suffices to show that
this choice of Tn does converge to T as n −→ ∞: indeed, for any ε > 0, we can let N be as above in the
equi-small tails condition. Then we have, for any ||u|| = 1, that
n ∞ 2
||Tn u − T u|| = ⟨T u, ek ⟩ek − ⟨Tu , ek ⟩ek ,
k=1 k=1
Taking the supremum over all u with ||u|| = 1 and then taking a square root yields ||Tn − T || ≤ ε, as desired.
For the opposite direction, we will use our second characterization of compact sets (approximating using
finite-dimensional subspaces). Suppose we know that ||Tn −T || −→ 0, where each Tn is a finite rank operator.
Then {T u : ||u|| ≤ 1} is closed, and because it is contained in the set {v : ||v || ≤ ||T ||}, it is bounded. why
is this??? shit!
It suffices to show that for all ε > 0, there exists a finite-dimensional subspace W ⊂ H such that for all
u with ||u|| ≤ 1, inf w ∈W ||T u − w || ≤ ε. The idea is to approximate T with Tn : there is some N such that
||TN − T || < ε, and thus we can let W be the range of TN (which is finite-dimensional). We then have, for
any ||u|| ≤ 1,
||T u − TN u|| ≤ ||T − TN || · ||u|| ≤ ||T − TN || < ε,
and thus inf w ∈W ||T u − w || < ε because TN u is an element of W . This means T is compact. ■
We can also go a bit into the algebraic structure for compact operators, much like we did for finite rank
Theorem 212
Let H be a separable Hilbert space, and let K(H) be the set of compact operators on H. Then we have
the following:
1. K(H) is a closed subspace of B(H).
In other words, the set of compact operators is also a star-closed, two-sided ideal in the algebra of
bounded linear operators.
Proof. Point (1) is clear because K(H) is the closure of R(H) (from above). For (2), notice that if T ∈ K(H),
then there exists a sequence of finite-rank operators with ||Tn − T || −→ 0, meaning that ||Tn∗ − T ∗ || −→ 0
(since the operator norm of the adjoint and the original operator are the same, this is by theorem 185). Since
Tn∗ is finite rank for each n, this means T ∗ is indeed a compact operator.
Finally, for (3), we also assume we have a sequence Tn −→ T of finite rank operators. Since we’ve
already shown that condition (3) is satisfied by finite rank operators, we have ATn B a finite rank operator
for each n, and thus ||ATn B − AT B|| = ||A(Tn − T )B|| ≤ ||A|| · ||Tn − T || · ||B|| −→ 0 (because the operator
norms of A and B are finite). Thus ATn B is a sequence of finite rank operators converging to AT B, and
thus AT B is compact. ■
We’ll now turn to studying particular properties of our operators: some of the most important numbers
we associate with matrices are the eigenvalues. In physics, the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian operator
(which may not be finite rank) give us the energy levels of the system, and we’ll explain formally how we
make that definition now, making a generalization of what we encounter in linear algebra.
Proposition 213
Let T ∈ B(H) be a bounded linear operator. If ||T || < 1, then I − T is invertible, and we can compute
its inverse to be the absolutely summable series
(I − T ) = T n.
We did this proof ourselves, and we can also use it to prove this next result:
Proposition 214
The space of invertible linear operators GL(H) = {T ∈ B(H) : T invertible} is an open subset of B(H).
Proof. Let T0 ∈ GL(H). Then we claim that any operator T satisfying ||T0 − T || < ||T0−1 ||−1 is invertible.
||T0−1 (T0 − T )|| ≤ ||T0−1 || · ||T0 − T || < 1,
so I − T0−1 (T0 − T ) is invertible by proposition 213, meaning that I − T0−1 T0 + T0−1 T = T0−1 T is invertible,
meaning that T is invertible as well, since T0 ∈ GL(H). Thus T0 has an open neighborhood completely
contained in GL(H), meaning that GL(H) is open. ■
The reason we’re talking about invertible linear operators here is that symmetric, real-valued matrices
can be diagonalized, and we find those diagonal entries (eigenvalues) by trying to study the nullspace of
A − λI. So eigenvalues are basically impediments to the invertibility of A − λI, and that’s how we’ll define
our spectrum here:
Definition 215
Let A ∈ B(H) be a bounded linear operator. The resolvent set of A, denoted Res(A), is the set
{λ ∈ C : A − λI ∈ GL(H)}, and the spectrum of A, denoted Spec(A) is the complement C \ Res(A).
Remark 216. In some textbooks, the spectrum of A may denote as σ(A), and meanwhile, the resolvent of
A may denote as ρ(A).
Notice that if A − λI ∈ GL(H), then we can always uniquely solve the equation (A − λI)u = v for any v ∈ H.
We will often write A − λI as A − λ for convenience.
In other words, the spectrum behaves as we expect it to for finite-dimensional operators, but there is an
extra wrinkle for infinite-dimensional operators which we’ll see soon.
Definition 218
If A ∈ B(H) and A − λ is not injective, then there exists some u ∈ H \ {0} with Au = λu, and we call λ
an eigenvalue of A and u the associated eigenvector.
Example 219
If we return to our compact operator T : ℓ2 −→ ℓ2 sending a 7→ ( a11 , a22 , a33 , · · · ), then the nth basis
vector en is an eigenvector of T with eigenvalue n1 , so the spectrum contains at least the set { n1 : n ∈ N}.
But there’s also an additional eigenvalue for T that we missed in this argument: it turns out that 0
is also in the spectrum, despite there being no nonzero vectors satisfying T v = 0. This is because while
the operator T − 0 = T is indeed injective, it is not surjective and thus not invertible – in particular, the
inverse of T would need to map a 7→ (a1 , 2a2 , 3a3 , · · · ), and this is not a bounded linear operator. So 0 is
not in the resolvent, and thus it is in the spectrum, and this is an additional complication because of the
infinite-dimensional structure. (The root of what’s going on is that the range of T can be dense but not
Also in contrast to the finite-dimensional case, it’s also possible for an operator to have no eigenvalues
at all:
Example 220
Let T : L2 ([0, 1]) −→ L2 ([0, 1]) be defined via T f (x) = xf (x). Then T has no eigenvalues, but the
spectrum is Spec(T ) = [0, 1] (so again we see a discrepancy between eigenvalues and the spectrum).
Theorem 221
Let A ∈ B(H). Then Spec(A) is a closed subset of C, and Spec(A) ⊂ {λ ∈ C : |λ| ≤ ||A||}.
In particular, this means the spectrum is a compact subset of the complex numbers – this is another way
we can understand that if { n1 : n ∈ N} is in our spectrum, the limit point 0 must also be.
Proof. It suffices to show that the resolvent set Res(A) is open and contains the set {λ ∈ C : |λ| > ||A||}.
To show openness, let λ0 ∈ Res(A), meaning that A − λ0 is invertible. Since GL(H) is open, there exists
some ε > 0 such that ||T − (A − λ0 )|| < ε =⇒ T ∈ GL(H). We can write T as A − λ.(But we still do not
know if λ ∈ Res(A)). Now because
this means that for all λ in an ε-neighborhood of λ0 , we have λ ∈ Res(A), and that shows openness.
We now want to show that if |λ| > ||A||, then A − λ is invertible. Indeed, for any |λ| > ||A|| (in particular
λ is nonzero), we have I − λ1 A invertible by proposition 213. Thus
A − λ = −λ I − A
Remark 222. It makes sense to ask whether the spectrum can be empty, and the answer is no. This requires
some complex analysis – if the spectrum were empty, then for all u, v ∈ H, f (λ) = ⟨(A − λ)−1 u, v ⟩ is a
continuous, complex differentiable function in λ on C. As λ gets large, the operator norm of (A − λ)−1
goes to 0, but now Liouville’s theorem tells us that because f (λ) −→ 0 as |λ| −→ ∞, our function must be
identically zero, which means that (A − λ)−1 = 0, a contradiction.
For our purposes going forward, though, we’ll focus on self-adjoint operators, and it’ll be useful to have
a better characterization of them.
Theorem 223
If we have a self-adjoint operator A ∈ B(H), meaning that A = A∗ , then ⟨Au, u⟩ is real, ∀u ∈ H, and
||A|| = sup||u||=1 |⟨Au, u⟩|.
using the definition of the inner product and the adjoint. For the second fact, let a = sup||u||=1 |⟨Au, u⟩|. For
all ||u|| = 1, we have (by Cauchy-Schwarz)
So taking a supremum over all u, we find that a is a finite number, and a ≤ ||A||. To finish, it suffices to
prove the other inequality. For any u ∈ H satisfying ||u|| = 1 such that Au ̸= 0 (there is some u for which
this is true, otherwise A is the zero operator and the result is clear), we can define the unit-length vector
v= ||Au|| , and
⟨Au, Au⟩
||Au|| = = ⟨Au, v ⟩ = Re⟨Au, v ⟩,
and we can verify ourselves that this can be written as
= Re [⟨A(u + v ), u + v ⟩ − ⟨A(u − v ), u − v ⟩ + i (⟨A(u + i v ), u + i v ⟩ − ⟨A(u − i v ), u − i v ⟩)] .
Now the i (⟨A(u + i v ), u + i v ⟩ − ⟨A(u − i v ), u − i v ⟩) part is purely imaginary, since ⟨A(u ± i v ), u ± i v ⟩ are
real by the first part of this result, and thus those two terms drop out when we take the real part. We’re left
(⟨A(u + v ), u + v ⟩ − ⟨A(u − v ), u − v ⟩) ,
and now using the fact that ⟨Au, u⟩ ≤ a for any unit-length u, meaning that ⟨Au, u⟩ ≤ a||u||2 for all u, we
can bound this as
≤(a||u + v ||2 + a||u − v ||2 ),
and by the parallelogram law this simplifies to (because ||u|| = ||v || = 1)
= · 2(||u||2 + ||v ||2 ) = a.
Thus ||Au|| ≤ a for all u, meaning that ||A|| ≤ a as desired. ■
Remark 224. In quantum mechanics, observables (like position, momentum, and so on) are modeled by self-
adjoint unbounded operators, and the point is that all things measured in nature (the associated eigenvalues)
are real. So there are applications of all of our discussions here to physics!
We’ll discuss more about the spectrum of self-adjoint operators next time, seeing that it must be contained
in R and also within certain bounds involving ⟨Au, u⟩.
Lecture 21
We’ll continue discussing properties of the spectrum of a bounded linear operator today: recall that the
resolvent of an operator A is the set of complex numbers λ such that A − λ is an element of GL(H) (in
other words, A − λ is bijective, meaning it has a bounded inverse), and the spectrum of A is the complement
of the resolvent in C. While the spectrum is just the set of eigenvalues for matrices in a finite-dimensional
vector space, there’s a more subtle distinction to be made now: we define λ ∈ Spec(A) to be an eigenvalue
if there is some vector u with (A − λ)u = 0, so λ is in the spectrum because A − λ is not injective. But
there are other reasons for why λ might be in the spectrum as well, for instance if the image is not closed.
Last time, we proved that the spectrum is closed and is contained within the ball of radius ||A||, meaning
that it is compact. We then focused our attention on self-adjoint operators, and that’s where we’ll be
directing our study today. We proved last lecture that a self-adjoint bounded linear operator A always has
⟨Au, u⟩ real, and that it satisfies ||A|| = sup||u||=1 |⟨Au, u⟩|. Here’s our next result:
Theorem 225
Let A = A∗ ∈ B(H) be a self-adjoint operator. Then the spectrum Spec(A) ⊂ [−||A||, ||A||] is contained
within a line segment on the real line, and at least one of ±||A|| is in Spec(A).
Proof. First, we’ll show the first property (that the spectrum is contained within this given line segment).
We know from last time that Spec(A) ⊂ {|λ| ≤ ||A||}, so we just need to show that Spec(A) ⊂ R (in other
words, any complex number with a nonzero imaginary part is in the resolvent). Write λ = s + i t for s, t real
and t ̸= 0, so that
A − λ = (A − s) − i t = Ã − i t,
where à = A − s is another self-adjoint bounded linear operator because (A − sI)∗ = A∗ − (sI)∗ = A − sI.
So it suffices to show that à − i t is bijective, and we’ll switch our notation back to using A instead of Ã.
Note that because ⟨Au, u⟩ is real,
so (A − it)u = 0 only if u = 0 (since that’s the only instance where the right-hand side is zero). Therefore,
A − it is injective, and we just need to show that it is surjective. Notice that (A − i t)∗ = A + i t is also
injective by the same argument, so by theorem 189, we can have prove the injective of (A − i t)∗ ,
so it suffices to show that the range of A − i t is closed. To show that, suppose we have a sequence of
elements un such that (A − i t)un → v ; we want to show that v ∈ Range(A − i t). We know from the
calculation above and note ⟨Aun , um ⟩ is real, we have the following,
Since t is a fixed constant, and our sequence {(A − i t)un } converges, it is also Cauchy. In particular, for
any ε > 0, we can find some N so that the right-hand side is smaller than ε as long as n, m ≥ N, and that
same N shows that our sequence {un } is also Cauchy. Therefore, there exists some u ∈ H so that un → u
by completeness of our Hilbert space, and now we’re done: since (A − i t) is a bounded and thus continuous
linear operator,
(A − i t)u = lim (A − i t)un = v .
So the range is closed, and combining this with our previous work, A − i t is surjective. This finishes our proof
that A − it is bijective and thus complex numbers with nonzero imaginary part are in the resolvent.
Now for the second property, since we have shown that ||A|| = sup||u||=1 |⟨Au, u⟩|, there must be a
sequence of unit vectors {un } such that |⟨Aun , un ⟩| → ||A||. Since each term in this sequence is real, there
must be a subsequence of these {un } with ⟨Aun , un ⟩ converging to ||A|| or to −||A||, which means that we
⟨(A ∓ ||A||)un , un ⟩ −→ 0
but the right-hand side converges to 0 as n −→ ∞, contradiction. So A ∓ ||A|| is not bijective, and thus one
of ±||A|| must be in the spectrum of A, finishing the proof. ■
Theorem 226
If A = A∗ ∈ B(H) is a self-adjoint bounded linear operator, and we define a− = inf ||u||=1 ⟨Au, u⟩ and
a+ = sup||u||=1 ⟨Au, u⟩, then a± are both contained in Spec(A), which is contained within [a− , a+ ].
Proof. Applying a similar strategy as before, we know that because −||A|| ≤ ⟨Au, u⟩ ≤ ||A|| for all u, we
must have −||A|| ≤ a− ≤ a+ ≤ ||A|| (by taking the infimum and supremum of the middle quantity). Now by
the definition of a− , a+ , there exist two sequences {un± } of unit vectors so that ⟨Aun± , un± ⟩ → a± . And the
argument we just gave works here very similarly: since we know that
this implies that a+ and a− are both in the spectrum because we have convergence to both points.
a− +a+
It remains to show that the spectrum is contained within [a− , a+ ]. Let b = 2 be their midpoint, and
let B = A − bI. Since b is a real number, B is also a bounded self-adjoint operator, so by theorem 225, we
know that
Spec(B) ⊂ [−||B||, ||B||].
a+ + a−
||B|| = sup |⟨Bu, u⟩| = sup ⟨Au, u⟩ − .
||u||=1 ||u||=1 2
a+ +a−
Since ⟨Au, u⟩ always lies in the line segment [a− , a+ ] (getting arbitrarily close to the endpoints), and 2
is their midpoint, this supremum will be half the length of that line segment, meaning that
a+ − a−
||B|| = =⇒ Spec(A) ⊂ [−||B|| + b, ||B| + b] = [a− , a+ ],
as desired, completing the proof. ■
Corollary 227
Let A∗ = A ∈ B(H) be a self-adjoint linear operator. Then ⟨Au, u⟩ ≥ 0 for all u if and only if Spec(A) ⊂
[0, ∞).
(This can be shown by basically walking through the logic for what a− needs to be under either of these
We’ll now move on to the spectral theory for self-adjoint compact operators: the short answer is that
we essentially see just the eigenvalues, with the exception of zero being a possible accumulation point. And
in particular, the spectrum will be countable, and this should make sense because compact operators are the
limit of finite rank operators – we don’t expect to end up with wildly different behavior in the limit.
Definition 228
Let A ∈ B(H) be a bounded linear operator. We denote Eλ to be the nullspace of A − λ, or equivalently
the set of eigenvectors {u ∈ H : (A − λ)u = 0}.
Theorem 229
Suppose A∗ = A ∈ B(H) is a compact self-adjoint operator. Then we have the following:
1. If λ ̸= 0 is an eigenvalue of A, then λ ∈ R and dim Eλ is finite.
2. If λ1 ̸= λ2 are eigenvalues of A, then Eλ1 and Eλ2 are orthogonal to each other (every element in
Eλ1 is orthogonal to every element in Eλ2 ).
3. The set of nonzero eigenvalues of A is either finite or countably infinite, and if it is countably
infinite and given by a sequence {λn }n , then |λn | → 0.
Proof. For (1), let λ be a nonzero eigenvalue. Suppose for the sake of contradiction that Eλ is infinite-
dimensional. Then by the Gram-Schmidt process, there exists a countable collection {un }n of orthonormal
elements of Eλ . Since A is a compact operator, this means that {Aun }n must have a convergent subsequence,
and in particular that means we have a Cauchy sequence {Aunj }j . But we can calculate
||Aunj − Aunk ||2 = ||λunj − λunk ||2 = |λ|2 ||unj − unk ||2 = 2|λ|2 ,
so the distance between elements of the sequence does not go to 0 for large j, k, a contradiction. Thus
Eλ is finite-dimensional. To show that λ must be real, notice that we can pick a unit-length eigenvector u
satisfying Au = λu, and then we have
and we’ve already shown that this last inner product must be real, so λ is real.
For (2), suppose λ1 ̸= λ2 , and supppose u1 ∈ Eλ1 , u2 ∈ Eλ2 . Then
(no complex conjugate because eigenvalues are real). Therefore, we must have (λ1 − λ2 )⟨u1 , u2 ⟩ = 0, so
(because λ1 − λ2 ̸= 0) ⟨u1 , u2 ⟩ = 0 and we’ve shown the desired orthogonality.
Finally, for (3), let Λ = {λ ̸= 0 : λ eigenvalue of A}. We need to show that Λ is either finite or countably
infinite, and we claim that we can actually prove both parts of (3) simultaneously by showing that if {λn }n
is a sequence of distinct eigenvalues of A, then λn → 0. This is because the set
ΛN = {λ ∈ Λ : |λ| ≥ }
is a finite set for each N (otherwise we could take any sequence of distinct elements in ΛN , and that can’t
converge to 0), and thus Λ = N∈N ΛN is a countable union of finite sets and thus countable.
In order to prove this claim, let {un }n be the associated unit-length eigenvectors of our eigenvalues λn .
|λn | = ||λn un || = ||Aun ||,
so we further reduce the problem to showing that ||Aun || → 0. But showing this is a consequence of us
having an orthonormal sequence of vectors and A being compact: suppose that ||Aun || does not converge to
0. Then there exists some ε0 > 0 and a subsequence {Aunj } so that for all j, ||Aunj || ≥ ε0 . Then because
A is a compact operator, there exists a further convergent subsequence ek = unjk , meaning that {Aek }k
converges in H, due to definition 208.
Since ek and eℓ are eigenvectors that correspond to distinct eigenvalues, they are orthogonal, and therefore
Aek and Aeℓ are also orthogonal. But now if f = limk→∞ Aek , then
And because the sequence ⟨ek , Af ⟩ gives us the Fourier coefficients of Af , the sum of their squares should be
finite (by Bessel’s inequality, it’s at most ||Af ||2 < ∞). This contradicts the fact that the limit of the Fourier
coefficients is at least ε20 . So our original assumption is wrong, and ||Aun || must converge to 0, proving the
claim. ■
Lecture 22
We’ll continue our discussion of spectral theory for self-adjoint compact operators in this lecture – we should
recall that the spectrum of a bounded linear operator is a generalization of the set of eigenvalues, and it is
defined as the set of λ ∈ C such that A − λ is not invertible. We discussed previously that for a self-adjoint
operator, the spectrum is contained within a line segment on the real line, and in the finite-dimensional
case we can choose a basis of eigenvectors in which the operator is diagonal. We’ll prove that something
similar holds in the infinite-dimensional case, as long as we have compact operators (which makes sense,
since they’re the limit of finite-rank operators). But we’ll prove some other results along the way first, based
off of some of the examples we’ve been presenting.
This result basically tells us when we can solve the equality (A − λ)u = f : we can do so if and only if f is
orthogonal to the nullspace of A − λ. The finite-dimensional part of this theorem comes from theorem 229
– it is useful because we can check orthogonality by taking a finite basis of A − λ’s nullspace.
A further consequence here is that because the spectrum of a self-adjoint A is a subset of the reals, we
Spec(A) \ {0} = {eigenvalues of A},
This is a significant result, which will be widely used in the following contents. Since the nonzero spectrum
only fails to be bijective because we have an eigenvector. And because the eigenvalue set is finite or countably
infinite, it can only be countably infinite if those eigenvalues converge to zero.
Proof. We need to show that the range of A − λ is closed if λ ̸= 0. Suppose we have a sequence of elements
(A − λ)un that converge to f ∈ H, and we need to show that f is also in the range of A − λ.
It is not true that the un s will necessarily converge, but we’ll find a way to extract a relevant subsequence.
We can first define
vn = ΠNull(A−λ)⊥ un ,
the projection onto the orthogonal complement of Null(A − λ). Then we can decompose un into direct sum
of Null(A − λ) and Null(A − λ)⊥ , and we find that
(A − λ)un = (A − λ) ΠNull(A−λ) un + vn = (A − λ)vn .
So we can take away some noise and just consider a sequence (A−λ)vn → f , where vn all live in an orthogonal
subspace to Null(A − λ).
We now claim that {vn } is bounded – suppose otherwise. Then there exists some {vnj } such that
||vnj || → ∞ as j → ∞, so
vnj 1
(A − λ) = (A − λ)vnj → 0f = 0
||vnj || ||vnj ||
as j → ∞, using the definition of our sequences and the fact that the norm diverges. Because n A is oa
compact operator, there now exists some further subsequence, which we’ll denote {vnk }, such that A ||vnk ||
converges. But because
vnk 1 vnk vn k
= A − (A − λ) ,
||vnk || λ ||vnk || ||vnk ||
and the second term on the right converges to 0 and the first converges based on our choice of subsequence,
we find that the sequence of terms on the left-hand side, { ||vnk || }, must converge to some element v which
is also in Null(A − λ)⊥ (because said set is closed and our definition of vn s means that all terms are indeed
in Null(A − λ)⊥ ). This gives us a contradiction, because ||v || = limk→∞ ||vnk || = 1, and
vn k
(A − λ)v = lim (A − λ) =0
k→∞ ||vnk ||
since limk→∞ ||vnk || = ∞, by the choice of our further subsequence of {vnj }.Putting this all together, v is
both in the nullspace of A − λ and also its orthogonal complement, so v = 0, contradicting the fact that
||v || = 1. Thus our sequence {vn } must be bounded.
So now returning to what we wanted to prove, because {vn } is bounded and A is a compact operator,
{(A − λ)vn } is also bounded, and thus there exists a subsequence {vnj } (a completely different subsequence
from before) so that {Avnj } converges. (The definition of compactness tells us facts about the unit ball, but
we can always scale to a unit ball of any finite radius.) And now by the same trick as before,
vnj = Avnj − (A − λ)vnj
has both terms on the right converging, so vnj → v for some v ∈ H. And now we know that (A − λ)vn
converges to f , so because convergence still holds when we restrict to a subsequence, we have
(since A − λ is a bounded and thus continuous linear operator), and we’re done because f is now in the range
of A − λ. ■
Remark 231. We did not actually use the fact that A is a self-adjoint operator in this argument – the fact
that Range(A − λ) is closed is still true if A is just a compact operator, but the consequences of that fact
only apply for self-adjoint operators.
We’ve also shown previously that one of ±||A|| must be in the spectrum, and that gives us this next
Theorem 232
Let A = A∗ be a nontrivial compact self-adjoint operator. Then A has a nontrivial eigenvalue λ1 with
|λ1 | = sup||u||=1 |⟨Au, u⟩| = |⟨Au1 , u1 ⟩|, where u1 is a normalized eigenvector (with ||u1 || = 1) satisfying
Au1 = λ1 u1 .
Proof. Since at least one of ±||A| are in Spec(A) (and ||A|| ̸= 0 because we have a nontrivial operator),
at least one of them will be an eigenvalue of A by the Fredholm alternative, and we’ll let this be λ1 . The
equation for λ1 follows from the fact that we generally have
and the equality with |⟨Au1 , u1 ⟩| comes from the fact that being an eigenvalue implies that we have an
eigenvector. ■
We’ll now keep going – it turns out we can keep building up eigenvalues in this way, because of the fact
that eigenvectors of different eigenvalues are orthogonal. This will lead us to constructing an orthonormal
basis in the way that we alluded to at the beginning of class.
Furthermore, we have |λj | → 0 as j → ∞ if the sequence of nonzero eigenvalues does not terminate.
In other words, after we find λ1 (which will be the eigenvalue with largest magnitude) through our previous
result, we can look at the orthogonal complement to all of the eigenvectors so far and get the eigenvector
of next largest magnitude, and we can keep repeating this process.
Proof. We already know that we have countably many eigenvalues and that each one has a finite-dimensional
eigenspace, so the fact that they can be ordered is not new information. And the fact that |λj | → 0 has
already previously been proved in a previous lecture as well (for the case of distinct eigenvalues, but it still
holds when each eigenvalue has finite multiplicity), so the only new result is the equation for computing |λj |.
We will show that the equation holds by constructing our eigenvalues inductively. First of all, we can
construct λ1 and u1 using our previous theorem (finding an eigenvalue of largest magnitude and its corre-
sponding eigenvector), so the base case is satisfied. For the inductive step, suppose that we have found
λ1 , · · · , λn , along with orthonormal eigenvectors u1 , · · · , un , satisfying the equation for |λj | in the maximum
principle. We now have two cases: in the first case, we have
Au = λk ⟨u, uk ⟩uk ,
so we’ve found all of the eigenvalues and the process terminates (because A is a finite-rank operator). But
in the other case, A is not finite-rank and the equality above doesn’t hold. So if we want to find λn+1 , we
can define a linear operator An (which is not identically zero) via
An u = Au − λk ⟨u, uk ⟩uk .
We can check that An is a self-adjoint compact operator (because A is self-adjoint and the λk are real
numbers, and An is a sum of a compact operator A and a finite-rank operator). So if u ∈ Span{u1 , · · · , un },
then An u = 0 (because orthogonality of the eigenvectors so far gives us An uj = 0 for all j ∈ {1, · · · , n} and
then we can use linearity to extend to the span). Furthermore, for any u ∈ Span{u1 , . . . , un }⊥ , we have
An u = Au because the sum term drops out. Therefore, for any u ∈ H and any v ∈ Span{u1 , · · · , un }, we
⟨An u, v ⟩ = ⟨u, An v ⟩ = 0
(first step because An is self-adjoint and second step from our work above). Another way to say this is that
An u is always in the orthogonal complement of Span{u1 , · · · , un }, so
Range(An ) ⊂ Span{u1 , · · · , un }⊥ .
From this fact, we learn that if An u = λu for some nonzero λu, then u = An λ is in the range of An , so it
is in Span{u1 , · · · , un }⊥ . From our work above, this means that An u = Au = λu, so any nonzero eigenvalue
of An is also a nonzero eigenvalue of A. We can therefore apply our previous theorem to see that An has a
nonzero eigenvalue λn+1 with unit eigenvector un+1 (orthogonal to the span of {u1 , · · · , un } because An is
zero on that span), with |λn+1 | = sup||u||=1 |⟨An u, u⟩|. Since we’re still working in the same Hilbert space,
this expression can be written in terms of A as well. First, we note that
since An u is zero on Span{u1 , · · · , un } anyway, and then when we restrict to those u, we have An u = Au,
so this is
= sup |⟨Au, u⟩|,
u∈Span{u1 ,··· ,un }⊥
which gives us the desired equation. We also preserve ordering of eigenvalues because
Finally, because |λn+1 | = |⟨Aun+1 , un+1 ⟩|, we’ve shown all of the results above and finished the proof. ■
Theorem 234 (Spectral theorem)
Let A = A∗ be a self-adjoint compact operator on a separable Hilbert space H. If |λ1 | ≥ |λ2 | ≥ · · · are
the nonzero eigenvalues of A, counted with multiplicity and with corresponding orthonormal eigenvectors
{uk }k , then {uk }k is an orthonormal basis for Range(A) and also of Range(A), and there is an orthonormal
basis {fj }j of Null(A) so that {uk }k ∪ {fj }j form an orthonormal basis of H.
In other words, we can find an orthonormal basis consisting entirely of eigenvectors for our self-adjoint
compact operator (since the nullspace corresponds to eigenvectors of eigenvalue 0).
Proof. First, note that the process described in the proof of the maximum principle terminates if and only
if A is finite rank, meaning that there is some n with Au = nk=1 λk ⟨u, uk ⟩uk . In such a case, Range(A) ⊂
Span{u1 , · · · , uk }, and thus {uk } do indeed form an orthonormal basis for Range(A) and also of Range(A).
Otherwise, the process does not terminate, and thus we have countably infinitely many nonzero eigen-
values {λk }∞
k=1 , counted with multiplicity. We know that |λk | → 0, and we also know that the uk s form an
orthonormal subset of Range(A). To show it is a basis, we must show that if f ∈ Range(A) and ⟨f , uk ⟩ = 0
for all k, then f = 0.
To do that, we first write f = Au for some u ∈ H, meaning that ⟨Au, uk ⟩ = 0 for all k. Since A is
self-adjoint, this means (because λk is real) that
(because each term in the sum is zero), meaning that we can rewrite this as
Taking n → ∞ and noting that the λs converge to 0, we must have ||f || = 0. This proves that the
eigenvectors indeed form an orthonormal basis for the range of A. To show that they also form an orthonormal
basis for the closure of that range, notice that
Range(A) ⊂ Span{uk }k
and now remembering that the span is the set of finite linear combinations of the uk s, but the closure of
that can be written as ( )
= ck uk : |ck | < ∞ .
k k
Therefore, {uk } must indeed be an orthonormal basis for Range(A). We finish by noting that this means we
have an orthonormal basis of
so to complete the orthonormal basis of H, we just need an orthonormal basis of Null(A), which exists
because H is separable and thus Null(A) is also separable. ■
We’ll see an application of this to differential equations and functional calculus next time!
Lecture 23
In this last lecture, we’ll apply functional analysis to the Dirichlet problem (understanding ODEs with con-
ditions at the boundary). In an introductory differential equations class, we often state initial conditions
by specifying the value and derivatives of a function at a given point, but what we’re doing here is slightly
We can think of this as specifying a “force” f ∈ C([0, 1]) and seeing whether there exists a unique solution
u ∈ C 2 ([0, 1]) to the differential equation above. It turns out the answer is always yes when V ≥ 0, and
that’s what we’ll show today.
Theorem 236
Let V ≥ 0. If f ∈ C([0, 1]) and u1 , u2 ∈ C 2 ([0, 1]) both satisfy the Dirichlet problem, then u1 = u2 .
because the integrand is always zero, and now we can split up this integral into
Z 1 Z 1
0=− u (x)u(x)dx + V (x)|u(x)|2 dx.
0 0
The first term now vanishes by our Dirichlet boundary conditions, and we’re left with
Z 1 Z 1
′ 2
0= |u (x)| dx + V (x)|u(x)|2 dx.
0 0
Since V is nonnegative, the second term is always nonnegative, and thus 0 ≥ .int01 |u ′ (x)|2 ≥ 0, and we can
only have equality if u ′ (x) = 0 everywhere (since we have a continuous function). This combined with the
Dirichlet boundary conditions implies that u = 0, so u1 = u2 . ■
Showing existence is more involved, and we’ll start by doing an easier case, specifically the one where
V = 0. It turns out that we can write down the solution explicitly using a self-adjoint compact operator:
Theorem 237
Define the continuous function K(x, y ) ∈ C([0, 1] × [0, 1]) via
(x − 1)y 0 ≤ y ≤ x ≤ 1
K(x, y ) =
(y − 1)x 0 ≤ x ≤ y ≤ 1.
Z 1
Then if Af (x) = K(x, y )f (y )dy , then A ∈ B(L2 ([0, 1]) is a compact self-adjoint operator, and Af
solves the Dirichlet problem with V = 0 (meaning that u = Af is the unique solution to −u ′′ (x) =
f (x), u(0) = u(1) = 0).
(The fact that the solution can be written in terms of an integral operator may not be surprising, since
differentiation and integration are inverse operations by the fundamental theorem of calculus.)
by thinking of the integral of f as ⟨f , 1⟩, and this shows that |Af (x)| ≤ C||f ||2 . We can also get the bound
using an analogous argument. So now we can use the Arzela-Ascoli theorem (giving sufficient conditions for
a sequence of functions to have a convergent subsequence) and conclude that A is a compact operator on
L2 ([0, 1]). The detail follows: consider 0 ≤ y &z ≤ x ≤ 1, for |x − z| < δ/||f ||2 ,
Then we can find that supy ∈[0,1] |K(x, y ) − K(z , y )| ≤ δ/||f ||2 . Hence, consider
|Af (x) − Af (z)| ≤ sup |K(x, y ) − K(z, y )| · ||f ||2 ≤ δ/||f ||2 · ||f ||2
y ∈[0,1]
Thus, we can find ε < δ, and this proves the equi-continuous of Af (x), which implying there exists a
convergence sub-sequence of {Anj f (x)}j . And the compactness of A has been proved by definition 208. In
fact, this also shows that Af ∈ C([0, 1]). Furthermore, A is self-adjoint because for any f , g ∈ C([0, 1]), we
have (under the L2 pairing)
Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 Z 1
⟨Af , g⟩2 = K(x, y )f (y )dy g(x)dx = f (y ) K(x, y )g(x)dxdy
0 0 0 0
by Fubini’s theorem (since we can swap the order of integration for continuous functions). We can then
rewrite this expression as a different pairing
Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 Z 1
= f (y ) K(x, y )g(x)dx dy = f (y ) K(y , x)g(x)dx dy
0 0 0 0
where we’ve used the fact that K(x, y ) = K(x, y ) (because everything is real) and also that K(x, y ) = K(y , x)
by symmetric of K((x, y ). So what ending up is just ⟨f , Ag⟩. Since f , g were arbitrary continuous functions
to start with, and C([0, 1]) is a dense subset of L2 ([0, 1]), this means that A is self-adjoint (since the relation
⟨Af , g⟩ = ⟨f , Ag⟩ must hold for all f , g ∈ L2 by a density argument).
We now need to verify that Af is a twice differentiable function that solves the Dirichlet problem with
V = 0. Indeed, we write out
Z x Z 1
u(x) = Af (x) = (x − 1) y f (y )dy + x (y − 1)f (y )dy ,
0 x
and by the fundamental theorem of calculus (just a computation) we can indeed verify u ∈ C 2 ([0, 1]) with
−u ′′ = f . Uniqueness follows from theorem 236 above. ■
We thus have an explicit solution for V = 0, and to solve the Dirichlet problem in general for V ̸= 0, we
will think about −u ′′ + V u = f via
−u ′′ = f − V u =⇒ u = A(f − V u)
by thinking of the right-hand side f − V u as a fixed function of x and using the result we just proved.
(I + AV )u = Af ,
and we’ve now gotten rid of differentiation and are just solving an equation in terms of bounded operators,
though AV is not generally self-adjoint because (AV )∗ = V A. We can get around this issue, though: if
we write u = A1/2 v (defining A1/2 to be some operator such that applying it twice gives us A), then our
equation becomes
and we do indeed have self-adjoint operators here because (A1/2 V A1/2 )∗ = A1/2 V A1/2 , and from there, we
can use the Fredholm alternative. Of course, everything here is not fully justified, but that’s what we’ll be
more careful about now:
Theorem 238
We have Null(A) = {0}, and the orthonormal eigenvectors for A are given by
uk (x) = 2 sin(kπx), k ∈ N,
with associated eigenvalues λk = k 2 n2 .
Remark 239. As a corollary, the spectral theorem (from last lecture) then tells us that { 2 sin(kπx)}k∈N
gives us an orthonormal basis of L2 ([0, 1]), which is a result we can also prove by rescaling our Fourier series
result from L2 ([−π, π]).
Proof. First, we’ll show that the nullspace of A is trivial by showing that the range of A is dense in L2 .
Indeed, if u is a polynomial in [0, 1] with f = −u ′′ and u(0) = u(1) = 0, then Af is the unique solution to
the Dirichlet problem with V = 0, meaning that −(Af )′′ = f and Af (0) = Af (1) = 0. Therefore Af = u,
and therefore any polynomial vanishing at x = 0 and x = 1 is in the range of A. Since the polynomials
vanishing at {0, 1} are dense in the set of continuous functions vanishing at {0, 1} (using the Weierstrass
approximation theorem), and that set is dense in L2 , we have indeed shown that the range of A is dense in L2
as desired. From here, by adjoint of A , notice that (Range(A)⊥ )⊥ = Range(A) = Null(A∗ )⊥ = Null(A)⊥ ,
so if the left-hand side is H, then the right-hand side must have Null(A) = {0}.
To show the statement about eigenvectors, suppose we have some eigenvalue λ ̸= 0 and normalized
eigenvector u such that Au = λu. Then because (as discussed before) the function Af is always continuous
by our bound on |Af (x) − Af (z)|, Au must be twice continuously differentiable, and thus u = λ Au is also
twice continuously differentiable. So we now have (by linearity)
u 1
u=A =⇒ −u ′′ = u, u(0) = u(1) = 0,
λ λ
where we’re using the chain rule and the fact that −(Af )′′ = f . This is now a simple harmonic oscillator,
meaning that the solutions take the form
1 1
u(x) = A sin √ x + B cos √ x .
λ λ
Plugging in u(0) = 0 tells us that B = 0, and plugging in u(1) = 0 tells us that √1λ = nπ for some n ∈ N,
which tells us that u(x) = A sin(kπx) for some integer k, as desired (and A = 2 by direct computation). ■
Since we now have a basis in which the operator A is diagonal, we can construct A1/2 by essentially taking
the square roots of all of the eigenvalues (so that A1/2 A1/2 = A).
Definition 240
√ 1 √
Let f ∈ L2 ([0, 1]), and suppose that f (x) = k=1 ck 2 sin(kπx), where ck = f (x) 2 sin(kπx)dx.
Then we define the linear operator A1/2 via
X 1 √
A1/2 f (x) = ck 2 sin(kπx).
1 1
Here, the reason for the kπ in the definition above is that we have a k 2 π2 eigenvalue that we want to
produce after two iterations of A1/2 . And it’s useful to remember that taking two derivatives of Af here
recovers −f , because the second derivative of k 2 π2 is − sin(kπx).
Theorem 241
The operator A1/2 is a compact, self-adjoint operator on L2 ([0, 1]), and (A1/2 )2 = A.
√ √
ck 2 sin(kπx) and g(x) = ∞
Proof. Suppose we have f (x) = k=1 dk 2 sin(kπx). First of all,
∞ 2 ∞
X ck X |ck |2
||A f ||22 = sin(kπx) =
kπ k 2 π2
k=1 2 k=1
so A1/2 is bounded. For self-adjointness, we can use the ℓ2 -pairing coming out of the Fourier expansion:
∞ ∞
X ck X dk
⟨A f , g⟩ = dk = ck = ⟨f , A1/2 g⟩.
kπ kπ
k=1 k=1
and now because each term here is an eigenfunction of A, this can be written as
∞ ∞
X √ X √
= ck A( 2 sin(kπx)) = A ck ( 2 sin(kπx)) = Af
k=1 k=1
(we can move the A out of the infinite sum because the finite sum converges in ℓ2 -norm to the infinite
sum, and because A is bounded, A applied to the finite sum converges to A applied to the infinite sum). So
A1/2 A1/2 = A.
We’ll finish by briefly discussing why A1/2 is compact. To do that, we can show that the image of the
unit ball {A1/2 f : ||f ||2 ≤ 1} has equi-small tails (which is by theorem 197). Indeed, for any ε > 0, we may
pick an N ∈ N such that N2 < ε2 . Then for any f ∈ L2 ([0, 1]) with ||f ||2 ≤ 1, we have
√ X |ck |2
21 X 1 1
|⟨A f, 2 sin(kπx)⟩| = 2 2
≤ 2 |ck |2 = 2 ||f ||22 ≤ 2 < ε2 ,
k π N N N
k>N k>n k=1
Now that we have the operator A1/2 , we’ll put it to good use:
Theorem 242
Let V ∈ C([0, 1]) be a real-valued function, and define
Theorem 243
Let V ∈ C([0, 1]) be a real-valued function. Then T = A1/2 mV A1/2 is a self-adjoint compact operator
on L2 ([0, 1]), and T is a bounded operator from L2 ([0, 1]) to C([0, 1]).
Proof. The first part of this result follows directly from what we’ve already shown: since mV and A1/2 are
compact operators, so is the product A1/2 mV A1/2 , and it’s self-adjoint because A1/2 and mV are self-adjoint
and (A1/2 mV A1/2 )∗ = A1/2 mV A1/2 (remembering to reverse the order in which the operators appear). For
the remaining step, it remains to show that A1/2 is a bounded linear operator from L2 ([0, 1]) to C([0, 1]):
indeed for any f (x) = ∞
k=1 ck 2 sin(kπx), we have
X ck √
A1/2 f (x) = 2 sin(kπx).
√ |ck |
Since kπ 2 sin(kπx) ≤ k , and Cauchy-Schwarz tells us that this is a summable series:
!1/2 !1/2 r
X |ck | X 1 X π2
≤ |ck |2 < ||f ||22 .
k k2 6
k=1 k k
We thus find that A1/2 f ∈ C([0, 1]) by the Weierstrass M-test, satisfying the bound |A1/2 f (x)| ≤ 6 ||f ||2 ,
and this shows that A1/2 (and thus T ) is a bounded linear operator from L2 ([0, 1]) to C([0, 1]). Furthermore,
because each term of the series defining A1/2 f (x) evaluates to 0 at x = 0, 1, we must have A1/2 f (0) =
A1/2 f (1) = 0 for all f . ■
We now have all of the ingredients that we need to solve our problem:
Theorem 244
Let V ∈ C([0, 1]) be a nonnegative real-valued continuous function, and let f ∈ C([0, 1]). Then there
exists a (unique) twice-differentiable solution u ∈ C 2 ([0, 1]) such that
−u ′′ + V u = f ∀x ∈ [0, 1],
u(0) = u(1) = 0.
Proof. We know that A1/2 mV A1/2 is a self-adjoint compact operator, so by the Fredholm alternative, I +
A1/2 mV A1/2 has an inverse if and only if the nullspace is trivial. Suppose that (I + A1/2 mV A1/2 )g = 0 for
some g ∈ L2 . Then
0 = ⟨(I + A1/2 mV A1/2 )g, g⟩ = ||g||22 + ⟨A1/2 mV A1/2 g, g⟩
by linearity, and now we can move one of the A1/2 s over by self-adjointness to get
Z 1
2 1/2 1/2 2
0 = ||g||2 + ⟨mV A g, A g⟩ = ||g||2 + V |A1/2 g|2 dx.
Since V ≥ 0, the second term is always nonnegative, meaning that we have 0 ≥ ||g||22 ≥ 0. This means the
only way for this to happen is if g = 0. Thus I + A1/2 mV A1/2 is indeed invertible.
To finish, we define
v = (I + A1/2 mV A1/2 )−1 A1/2 f , u = A1/2 v .
u + AV u = A1/2 A1/2 f = Af .
And this is what we want: taking two derivatives on both sides gives us
u ′′ − V u = −f =⇒ −u ′′ + V u = f ,
and thus u indeed solves the differential equation. Furthermore, the last argument in the proof of theorem 243
tells us that u = A1/2 v indeed satisfies the Dirichlet boundary conditions, and thus we’ve solved the Dirichlet
problem. ■