Mi. T Act.: C.C. Yu', M.J. Chen', Chiu', D.S. Hung', Y - Liou', S.F. Lee', C.S. Tsai', Y.D. Yao'
Mi. T Act.: C.C. Yu', M.J. Chen', Chiu', D.S. Hung', Y - Liou', S.F. Lee', C.S. Tsai', Y.D. Yao'
Mi. T Act.: C.C. Yu', M.J. Chen', Chiu', D.S. Hung', Y - Liou', S.F. Lee', C.S. Tsai', Y.D. Yao'
C.C. Yu', M.J. Chen', P.S.Chiu', D.S. Hung', Y . Liou', S.F. Lee', C.S. Tsai', Y.D. Yao'
T. Ueda and Mi.Tsiitsurnit
Dept. of Electronics arid Information Science, t Dept. of Space Comrriiinication Engineering, 'Instituteof Phys, Acadwa Snica, 128,seC.2, Yanjiouyuan Rd., Nangang, Taipei 115, Taiwan
Kyoto Irist,itnte of Technology, Matsugasaki, Fukui University of Technology, 3-6-1 Gakuin, Phone: +886-2-27880058act.4010, email: yucc6physsnica.edu.tw
Sakyo-kn, Kyoto 606-8585: .Japan Fukiii 910-8505. Japan *Inslituteof Applied Scienceand Engineering Research, AcadmiaSnica, Taipei 115, Taiwan
39/nchrotronFladiation Research Center, Hsnchu 300, Taiwan
I. Introduction GaAs(001)/ Fe 4 0 n d Ag 2nm epitaxial films were fabricated by MBE technique. The main
Magnetostatic wave (MSW) soliton propagation along an yttrium iron garnet (YIG) film and epitaxial relationship is GaAs(001)[110]/Fe(OO1)[110]/Ag(001)[100] for the deposition
the related nonlinear phenomena have been an attractive subject and studied for a few decades. temperature of iron, T,, L 100°C. From the study of longitudinal magneto-optical Kerr effect, we
For the most of them, temporal soliton propagation along a single-layered film is of a great interest observed two-step magnetic switching behavior along Fe[l IO] and [l-lo]. This indicates that
and investigated for the application to microwave short pulse generation. In addition, spatial these films have a strong crystalline induced biaxial magnetic anisotropy. Interestingly, for T, 5
solitoris in the same strncture have been also discussed, which have the spatially localized field 1OO"C, the images of atomic force microscopy show that there are many surface defects with
profiles in the plane of the film [1,2]. The self-controlling of the microwave signal dependent on the height- lOnm and lateral dimension- l0Onm on the film surface, as shown in Fig. 1, and the
transmitted power can lead to the new type functional devices. However, there is little discussion defect density drops rapidly while increasing the T,. For example, the defect density for T,=
of the nonlinear characteristics of the waves propagated in the multilayered structure, from the 50"C, 100°C and 200°C is 37, 18 and 0 per pm2.
point of nonlinear directional couplers [3]. In nonlinear optics, discrete solitons which propagate Due to the electrical tunable FMR absorption signals in ultrathin magnetic structures have
been widely investigated for broadband microwave devices applications, we also measured the
along noi&near waveguide array of semiconductor have been investigated for development of all-
microwave absorption behavior of these samples by utilizing the flip-chip technique and a
optical power-handling switches [4]. On the other hand, magnetost,atic surface waves (MSSW) have HP8510C network analyzer. It shows that there is no tunable FMR absorption signal for T g 5
nonreciprocity between counterpropagating modes, and the characteristics could be useful for the 100°C and poor tunable absorption signals for T,L 300°C. These indicate that structural defect
application such as isolators. In this paper: we have investigated the nonlinear coupling coefficients and interface diffusion are the important factors of the microwave absorption. However, a better
depending on the direction of the power-handling coupler for the waveguide structnre by solving absorption was observed for the T, around 200°C. We observed that a F M R frequency switching
numerically the coiiplcd nonlinear Schrodinger equations. happened with critical field about 750Oe and huge absorption peak located at 20.5GHz with an
11. Nnmerical calculation and conclusions applied magnetic field 22500e for the sample with its magnetic hard axis, Fe[llO], parallel to
In the paper, the nonlinear coupling of MSSW in YIG double layer waveguide is estimated the microwave direction, see Fig. 2. However, these phenomena did not be observed in the
quantitatively with the use of perturbation method[5], and the possibility of the power-handling sample with its magnetic easy axis, Fe[100], parallel to the microwave direction. This implies
coupler in the structure is shown by solving numerically the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations. that the magnetic anisotropy of iron film plays an important role on the FMR behavior.
By increasing the number of the coupled YIG layers, the discrete solitons could be excited, and it
may lead to more functional self-controlling of the output RF signal in each port by input power.
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