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Zinc accounting for different varieties of wheat

(Triticum aestivum) under different source and
methods of application

Article in Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences · September 2017


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5 authors, including:

Prakash Chand Ghasal Yashbir Singh Shivay

Indian Council of Agricultural Research Indian Agricultural Research Institute


Vijay Pooniya Mukesh Choudhary

Indian Agricultural Research Institute Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Instit…


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Research Articles
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87 (9): 1111–6, September 2017/Article

Zinc accounting for different varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum)

under different source and methods of application

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012

Received: 23 January 2017; Accepted: 29 March 2017

A field experiment was conducted during winter (rabi) seasons of 2013–14 and 2014–15 at ICAR–Indian
Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to find out zinc accumulation capacity and use efficiencies of different
varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to zinc fertilization. The zinc concentration in different parts of wheat was
found highest in grain followed by spike straw and lowest in straw. Among the tested varieties, highest Zn concentration
(40.6 mg/kg) and uptake (189.2 g/ha) in grain was registered in HD 2851 and HD 2967 varieties, respectively. Zinc
recovery efficiency of HD 2687 (2.5%) was registered highest among the tested varieties. Highest Zn mobilization
efficiency index (ZnMEI) was recorded in HD 2967 variety. Zinc fertilization increased zinc induced nitrogen recovery
efficiency (ZniNRE) of all the tested varieties to the tune of 7.4–12.7%. Application of Zn in wheat crop increased
Zn concentration in grain by 7–12%. Uptake of Zn was increased 5.2–5.6% in soil + foliar application in comparison
to soil application alone. The highest Zn concentration and uptake in grain, and Zn use efficiencies were recorded
with the application of 1.25 kg Zn/ha through Zn-EDTA as soil application + 0.5% foliar spray at maximum tillering
and booting stage.

Key words: Foliar spray, Zn–EDTA, Zn induced nitrogen recovery efficiency, Zn mobilization
efficiency index

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the major cereal through adopting agronomic practices for increasing yield
crop and source for dietary calorie intakes, proteins and and improvement in grain Zn concentration and quality
micro–nutrients, mostly in the developing countries, traits, wheat is an area of research which needs immediate
accounting ~50% of the daily calorie intake (Cakmak attention. It is expected that adoption of micronutrient
2008, Prasad 2006). In humans, Zn deficiency is the fifth dense wheat varieties will be driven by their improved
major cause of diseases and mortality in the developing agronomic properties, higher yield potential, resistance
countries (WHO 2002). In the world population, 2.7 to new strains of rusts, and tolerance to climate change
billion people are estimated to be Zn deficient (Muller induced heat and drought stresses. The provision of wheat
and Krawinkel 2005). In many parts of the world, grains with higher micronutrient levels is a challenging
micronutrient deficiency is a more widespread problem task for wheat breeders, but one that would complement
than poor dietary quality and low energy intake (Stewart et the use of supplemental fertilizers, particularly on soils
al. 2010), and about 20% of deaths in children under five inherently low in these nutrients.
can be attributed to vitamin A, Zn, Fe, and/or I deficiency Zn deficiency is prevalent in wheat growing areas both
(Prentice et al. 2008). The productivity and quality of in temperate and tropical climate (Shivay et al. 2008). As
wheat depends on several factors like climate, agronomic per estimated report of Takkar (1996), ~47% Indian soils
management practices, varietal response, and soil type are not having enough Zn content. The major factors, i.e.
etc. Thus, in order to attain maximum yield potential high pH and CaCO3 and low organic matter content are
responsible for widespread Zn deficiency rather than Zn
content. Available reports advocated that huge decline
in wheat production due to Zn stress has been reported
1Scientist (e mail:, ICAR-IIFSR, in several countries, viz. India, Australia and Turkey.
Modipuram, Meerut 250 110; 2Professor and Principal Scientist
Similarly, Zn deficiency also leads to decrease nutritional
(e mail:, 3Scientist (e mail: vpooniya@, Division of Agronomy, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi 110
quality of wheat grain, especially in developing countries
012; 4Scientist (e mail:, ICAR- IGFRI, where cereals are major staple foods (Welch and Graham
Jhansi 284 003; 5Scientist (e mail:, 1999). Compared to other cereals, wheat cultivars possess
ICAR-IISR, Indore 452 001. high sensitivity to Zn deficiency, and thus, application

1112 GHASAL ET AL. [Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87 (9)

of Zn fertilizers is an important strategy for enhancing urea was applied in all the treatments. Nitrogen was applied
productivity and quality of wheat cultivars. Among Zn through urea (46% N) into three equal splits, i.e. one–third
sources, Zn sulphate and Zn oxides forms are commonly nitrogen was applied at the time of field preparation and the
used in developing countries. Although, Zn–EDTA supplies remaining two–third nitrogen in two equal splits, viz. 22 and
substantial amount of Zn to the plants without interacting 45 days after sowing. Soil application of Zn fertilizer sources
with soil components, because the central metal Zn2+ is were applied as per the treatment details before sowing of
surrounded by chelate ligands (Karak et al. 2005). Foliar wheat except in control. A seed rate of 100 kg/ha was used
fertilization either through Zn sulphate or Zn–EDTA is for sowing of wheat. The sowing was done with pora in lines
an alternative strategy to fortify seed with Zn and also 22.5 cm apart from each other. The plot size was 4.0 m ×
helps in improving productivity of cereals (Pooniya and 3.0 m for each treatment. Two hand weedings were done
Shivay 2013, Ghasal et al. 2015). Therefore, the present at 30 and 60 days after sowing for removal of weeds. The
investigation was taken up to assess the effects of Zn high yielding tested wheat varieties were already released
fertilization irrespective of sources and methods on Zn from IARI, New Delhi and recommended commercial
concentration in different parts, uptake and zinc use cultivation by the farmers. Wheat crop was grown as per
efficiencies of different varieties of wheat in IGP. the standard recommended package of practices and was
harvested in the 1st fortnight of April in both the years of
MATERIALS AND METHODS experimentation.
The experiments on wheat were conducted during rabi Plant samples were collected at different growth stages
season of the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 at Experimental Unit and 10 days before of harvesting and dried in hot air oven
of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, at 60±2 oC for 6 hr. The oven dried samples were sieved
India (28038' N latitude and 77010' E longitude, 228.6 m by passing through 40 mesh sieve in a Macro–Wiley Mill.
above mean sea level). The climate of above unit is semi–arid From each replication 0.5 g dry matter samples at different
with dry hot summers and cold winters with average annual growth stages of wheat, straw, spike straw and grain
rainfall of 650 mm, ~80% of which is received through samples were taken for chemical analysis to determine the
'South–West Monsoons' during July–September. Soils are Zn concentration in wheat varieties. The Zn content in dry
alluvium–derived sandy clay loam (typic ustochrept) in matter was determined by wet–digestion (di–acid digestion)
texture with 50.2% sand, 23.2% silt and 26.6% clay. A procedure described by Prasad et al. (2006) using Atomic
uniformity trial on wheat was undertaken during winter Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). The Zn content
season of 2012–13 to ensure uniform soil physico–chemical was expressed as mg/kg. The Zn uptake was computed by
status in the entire field. The soil (0–30 cm layer) had pH multiplying with respective Zn concentration with different
7.8 (1:2.5 soil and water ratio), oxidizable–SOC 0.51%, parts of plant and was expressed as Zn uptake in g/ha.
alkaline KMnO4 oxidizable–N 252.8 kg/ha, 0.5 M NaHCO3 The estimated values of partial factor productivity
extractable–P 13.1 kg/ha, and 1 N NH4OAc extractable–K (PFP), agronomic efficiency (AE), recovery efficiency
291.2 kg/ha. The soil had 0.63 mg/kg diethylene–triamine– (RE), physiological efficiency (PE) and Zn harvest index
penta–acetate (DTPA)–extractable Zn. The critical limits of (ZnHI) of applied Zn were computed using the following
DTPA–extractable Zn for wheat grown in alluvial belt of expressions as suggested by Fageria and Baligar (2003),
northern India varies from 0.38 to 0.90 mg/kg soil. Dobermann (2005), Pooniya and Shivay (2013).
The experiment was laid–out in split–plot design and PFP = Yt /Zna
replicated thrice. Wheat varieties, viz. HD 2851, HD 2687, AE = (Yt – YAc)/Zna
HD 2967, PBW 343, HD 2894, HD 2932 were taken in main– RE = [(UZn – UAc)/Zna] × 100
plots; and five Zn fertilization treatments, viz. control (Zn0), PE = (Yt – YAc) / (UZn – UAc)
soil application of Zn @ 5 kg/ha through ZnSO4.7H2O, soil ZnHI = GUZn/ UZn
application of Zn @ 2.5 kg/ha through ZnSO4.7H2O + 0.5% where, Yt and UZn refer to the grain yield (kg/ha) and total
foliar spray of ZnSO4.7H2O (ZnSHH) at maximum tillering Zn uptake (g/ha), respectively of diffèrent wheat varieties
(MT) and booting stages, soil application of Zn @ 2.5 kg/ in Zn applied plots; YAC and UAC refer to the grain yield
ha through Zn–EDTA, soil application of Zn @ 1.25 kg/ (kg/ha) and total Zn uptake (g/ha), respectively of wheat
ha through Zn–EDTA + 0.5% foliar spray of Zn–EDTA at in control (Zn0) plots; Zna refers to the Zn applied (kg/ha);
MT and booting stages, respectively; foliar spray supplied GUZn refers to Zn uptake (g/ha) in grain.
1.05 kg Zn/ha. The allocation of the treatments was done Zn mobilization efficiency index (ZnMEI): The Zn
by the randomization following Fisher and Yates random mobilization efficiency index (ZnMEI) was calculated as
number tables. The field was cultivated twice with the the equation given below (Srivastava et al. 1999):
disc harrow followed by rotavator and a fine seed bed was
Zn concentration in wheat grain (mg/kg)
obtained by giving two ploughings with a tractor drawn ZnMEI =
Zn concentration in wheat straw (mg/kg)
cultivator followed by planking. At final preparation of
field, 25.8 kg P/ha through single super phosphate and 49.8 Zn induced nitrogen recovery efficiency (ZniNRE): The
kg K/ha through muriate of potash (MOP) were uniformly Zn induced nitrogen recovery efficiency (ZniNRE) was
broadcasted. Nitrogen (N) at the rate 120 kg/ha as prilled calculated as following the equation proposed by Prasad


and Shivay (2015): order of grain > spike straw > straw. The Zn concentrations
was highest in the grain of HD 2851 variety. However,
[N uptake (kg/ha) in Zn treatment– N uptake
uptake of Zn was highest in HD 2967 variety which was
(kg/ha) in control plots (Zn0)]
ZniNRE = at par with HD 2851, PBW 343 and HD 2894 varieties
N applied (kg/ha)
(Table 2). Among the tested varieties of wheat, 54-78%
The data obtained from study for two years were higher Zn concentration was found in grain as compared
analyzed statistically using the F–test, as per the procedure to straw. The higher Zn concentration in wheat grain than
given by Gomez and Gomez (1984). LSD values at P = straw showed that Zn is easily mobilized to sink, i.e. grain.
0.05 were used to determine the significance of difference Similar findings have been reported by Prasad et al. (2012).
between treatment means. Interactions if found significant Significant variation in different varieties regarding to Zn
were discussed. concentrations might be due to differential capability of
varieties to acquire and utilized nutrient from the soil.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Significant differences in micronutrient concentrations in
different varieties was also reported by Narwal et al. (2012),
Zinc concentration and uptake Shekhari et al. (2015) and Nawaz et al. (2015).
Higher concentration of Zn was observed during Zn fertilization significantly increased Zn concentration
initial stage of crop growth and decreased subsequently at different crop growth stages and in different parts of
with increase in the crop growth stages (Table 1). The Zn wheat. Between two tested sources of zinc, the highest
concentrations in different parts of wheat was registered in Zn concentration was found in Zn-EDTA. Soil + foliar
application of Zn were found superior over soil application
Table 1 Zn concentration at different crop growth stages and alone. The highest Zn concentration was found with
in different parts of wheat at harvest as influenced by application of 1.25 kg Zn/ha through Zn-EDTA as soil
varieties and Zn fertilization (mean of 2 years) application + 0.5% foliar spray at maximum tillering and
Treatment Zn concentration (mg/kg dry matter)
Table 2 Zn uptake by different parts of wheat as influenced by
30 60 90 Straw Grain Spike varieties and Zn fertilization (mean of 2 years)
Treatment Zn uptake (g/ha)
Straw Grain Spike Total
HD 2851 123.7 73.1 61.4 25.1 40.6 42.3
straw uptake
HD 2687 108.5 74.4 58.4 23.8 38.1 20.9
HD 2967 114.6 76.4 56.3 21.8 38.7 32.4
HD 2851 136.5 186.2 43.6 366.3
PBW 343 103.9 69.1 62.7 24.4 38.0 20.9
HD 2687 126.4 164.6 41.4 332.4
HD 2894 109.8 71.5 63.5 24.7 38.0 24.0
HD 2967 107.9 189.2 74.7 371.9
HD 2932 128.5 64.6 61.8 22.8 35.8 20.2
PBW 343 141.3 176.3 43.0 360.5
SEm± 1.07 0.46 0.94 0.37 0.45 0.335
HD 2894 153.8 174.2 34.3 362.2
CD (P=0.05) 3.365 1.445 2.95 1.165 1.42 1.065
HD 2932 149.2 161.7 25.9 336.7
Zinc fertilization
SEm± 7.495 5.59 2.94 9.185
Control (no Zn) 112.20 68.40 57.45 22.20 35.35 26.05
CD (P=0.05) 23.625 17.615 9.265 28.95
5.0 kg Zn/ha through 115.95 72.30 60.85 23.80 37.95 26.75
Zinc fertilization
ZnSO4.7H2O as SA
Control (no Zn) 125.60 149.15 36.20 310.90
2.5 kg Zn/ha through 113.90 72.35 61.70 24.10 39.40 27.10
ZnSO4.7H2O as SA 5.0 kg Zn/ha through 131.55 175.40 45.85 352.75
+ 0.5% foliar spray ZnSO4.7H2O as SA
at MT and booting 2.5 kg Zn/ha through 139.75 185.60 47.30 372.60
stage ZnSO4.7H2O as SA + 0.5%
2.5 kg Zn/ha through 117.30 72.10 61.05 24.15 38.45 26.95 foliar spray at MT and
Zn-EDTA as SA booting stage
1.25 kg Zn/ha 114.65 72.35 62.15 24.45 39.85 27.30 2.5 kg Zn/ha through Zn- 137.85 178.25 43.90 359.90
through Zn-EDTA EDTA as SA
as SA + 0.5 % 1.25 kg Zn/ha through Zn-EDTA 144.55 188.30 45.75 378.60
foliar spray at MT as SA + 0.5 % foliar spray at
and booting stage MT and booting stage
SEm± 1.53 0.42 0.82 0.29 0.43 0.37 SEm± 4.645 3.150 2.855 4.765
CD (P=0.05) 4.36 1.19 2.325 0.825 1.22 1.035 CD (P=0.05) 13.205 8.965 8.105 13.555
SA, Soil application; MT, Maximum tillering SA, Soil application; MT, Maximum tillering

1114 GHASAL ET AL. [Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87 (9)

booting stages followed by with 2.5 kg Zn/ha through with Zn fertilization and higher values were observed in
ZnSO4.7H2O as soil application + 0.5% foliar spray at Zn-EDTA treated plots in comparison to ZnSO4.7H2O
maximum tillering and booting stage. Application of Zn in treated plots. Higher crop recovery efficiency was recorded
wheat crop increased Zn concentration in grain by 7-12%. in soil + foliar application of Zn in comparison to soil
Uptake of Zn was increased 5.2-5.6% in soil + foliar application alone. Contrary to this, physiological efficiency
application in comparison to soil application alone. The (PE) was observed higher in soil application treatments of
highest uptake of Zn was registered with application of 1.25 Zn fertilization. Among different Zn fertilization treatments,
kg Zn/ha through Zn-EDTA as soil application + 0.5% foliar Zn harvest index was found non-significant. Highest Zn
spray at maximum tillering and booting stages which was mobilization efficiency index (ZnMEI) was recorded in HD
21.78% higher over control (no Zn). Higher Zn concentration 2967 variety and least in HD 2894 variety. ZnMEI was found
in soil + foliar applied Zn might be due to foliar applied at par among different Zn fertilization treatments although
Zn was more easily absorbed by the leaves of the plant and numerically higher values were recorded in Zn applied as
translocated to reproductive parts, hence accumulation was soil + foliar treatments. Differences in recovery efficiency
more as compared to soil application alone. Similar results and ZnMEI of tested varieties might be due to variation
were also reported by Mathpal et al. (2015), Shivay et al. in genetic makeup of different varieties which resulted in
(2015), Ghasal et al. (2015). More concentration of Zn and differential capacity of wheat varieties to absorb, assimilate
uptake of micronutrients in chelated-Zn applied plots were and translocation of nutrients from soil (Narwal et al. 2012).
also reported by Singh (2013). Zn fertilization significantly improved Zn induced
nitrogen recovery efficiency (ZniNRE) over control in
Zinc use efficiencies all the tested varieties of wheat and the highest ZniNRE
It is discernable from (Table 3 and 4) that partial factor was observed in HD 2687 (12.7%) and HD 2967 (11.6%)
productivity (PFP) and agronomic efficiency (AE) varied varieties. ZniNRE was found higher where Zn-EDTA was
among different varieties of wheat and the highest were used as a source as compared to ZnSO4.7H2O. The highest
registered in HD 2967 followed by PBW 343. Higher PFP ZniNRE was recorded with application of 1.25 kg Zn/ha
and AE in HD 2967 and PBW 343 might be due to higher through Zn-EDTA as soil application + 0.5% foliar spray
growth and grain yields in these varieties. The highest at maximum tillering and booting stages followed by 2.5
recovery was recorded in HD 2687 (2.5%) followed by PBW kg Zn/ha through ZnSO4.7H2O as soil application of 0.5%
343 (2.3%) varieties. Crop recovery efficiency improved foliar spray at maximum tillering and booting stages.

Table 3 Agronomic efficiency, recovery efficiency and physiological efficiency of applied zinc in wheat as influenced by varieties
and Zn fertilization (mean of 2 years)
Treatment Grain yield Agronomic efficiency Recovery Physiological efficiency
(tonnes/ha) (kg grain increased/kg efficiency (kg grain increased/kg
Zn applied) (%) Zn uptake)
HD 2851 4.59 163.6 1.9 9745.9
HD 2687 4.31 165.0 2.5 10257.9
HD 2967 4.89 184.7 2.2 9567.5
PBW 343 4.62 177.3 2.3 11820.7
HD 2894 4.58 139.7 1.7 6367.0
HD 2932 4.50 148.3 1.7 9160.7
SEm± 0.11 1.58 0.02 360.18
CD (P=0.05) 0.30 4.97 0.06 1134.96
Zinc fertilization
Control (no Zn) 4.22
5.0 kg Zn/ha through ZnSO4.7H2O as SA 4.62 79.80 0.84 10410.15
2.5 kg Zn/ha through ZnSO4.7H2O as SA + 4.70 134.30 1.74 8403.60
0.5% foliar spray at MT and booting stage
2.5 kg Zn/ha through Zn-EDTA as SA 4.63 164.35 1.96 11683.95
1.25 kg Zn/ha through Zn-EDTA as SA + 4.73 273.90 3.66 7448.70
0.5 % foliar spray at MT and booting stage
SEm± 0.06 1.170 0.01 294.430
CD (P=0.05) 0.11 3.325 0.04 837.215
SA, Soil application; MT, Maximum tillering


Table 4 PFP, Zn harvest index, ZnMEI and ZniNRE of applied This study clearly demonstrates that among Zn sources,
zinc in wheat as influenced by varieties and Zn Zn-EDTA with two foliar spray of 0.5% solution is the most
fertilization (Mean of 2 years) efficient strategy for improving Zn concentration in different
Treatment PFP (kg Zn ZnMEI ZniNRE parts, uptake and ZnUEs of the wheat. Among the tested
grain/kg harvest (%) varieties of wheat HD 2851 and HD 2967 are the promising
Zn) index varieties for accumulating higher Zn concentration in grain.
(%) Overall, Zn applications through Zn-EDTA increased the
Varieties Zn concentration and uptake in wheat varieties, helped to
HD 2851 1662.1 50.8 1.6 9.2 improve the grain quality by ensuring the proper supply of
Zn which permitted the greater accumulation of Zn in grain.
HD 2687 1565.5 49.9 1.6 12.7
HD 2967 1770.1 50.9 1.8 11.6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
PBW 343 1687.9 49.0 1.6 10.2 The senior author gratefully acknowledges the assistance
HD 2894 1668.3 48.2 1.5 7.8 received in the form of Senior Research Fellowship from the
HD 2932 1632.4 48.2 1.6 7.4 Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, during
his Doctor of Philosophy degree program. Thanks are also
SEm± 39.36 1.07 0.035 3.15
due to the Head, Division of Agronomy for providing the
CD (P=0.05) 124.02 3.38 0.11 9.915 necessary field and laboratory facilities during the course
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