Eclipse Install For SAP ABAP - 2024 Edition
Eclipse Install For SAP ABAP - 2024 Edition
Eclipse Install For SAP ABAP - 2024 Edition
Installation of Eclipse for SAP Development also requires installation of Java - so instructions on
Java install are also provided as a prerequisite.
Highly recommend you have admin rights to your PC during the install - specifically for installing
and configuring the JDK (Java Developer Kit) on your machine. Downloading and extracting a
zip file often works better in cases where running an installer is not possible
Recommended versions
Java: JDK version 11 (JDK version 11 was previously not supported by SAP, you may need
update from version 8 to version 11)
Eclipse: Refer to for selecting best Eclipse install for SAP
install. As of December 2023, here are the supported plugins for each
As of December 2023, 2023-06 is the best install - but depending on project requirements you
could need to install other older or newer versions of Eclipse. Multiple Eclipse installs are
supported, but separate install location and workspaces should be assigned to each install. This
is best accomplished using a ZIP extract of the Eclipse installation.
JDK and Eclipse compatibility
Ensure your JDK and Eclipse match in terms of 32 and 64 bit
If you install 32 bit JDK, install 32 bit Eclipse
If you install 64 bit JDK, install 64 bit Eclipse
32 bit JDK won’t work with 64 bit Eclipse
64 bit JDK might work with 32 bit Eclipse, but may have issues
I recommend the 64 bit install as that allows for a broader variety of apps to be installed on your
machine. But, you may do just fine with 32 bit versions.
Sometimes your client may have licensing issues with Oracle - so you can otherwise also
download and install a JDK 11 from an alternative provider
Amazon Corretto
These will refer to the directories where you installed the JDK and JRE respectively.
You may need to look for a section titled “More downloads” to locate the download.
Once downloaded, create a new directory under your user folder named eclipse. Extract the zip
file of the Eclipse install download to this directory.
Test install
Go to the directory where you installed Eclipse and open Eclipse.exe
If install is successful - you’ll see a dialog like this prompting you to select a workspace. Use the
same workspace every time for your Eclipse installation.
If this is your 2nd or more Eclipse install, make sure you create a new folder for the Eclipse
workspace. Multiple eclipse installations should not share workspaces.
Once added - select the plugins you need and click next
Do not close Eclipse before this completes. That can mess up your whole Eclipse install in a
way you have to do everything all over again.
Might a good time to grab some coffee - but do check for popups.
You will see the same connection that were configured in the logon pad. Select your system and
Report any authorization errors to your security team. Typically you’ll need to request
authorization to the ADT ICF service. This is part of the standard SAP developer role and your
security contact can find and add it quite easily.
However, assuming you are successful - you’ll now be able to navigate the system library from
the package level. These are the same packages you would see in SE80.
Pre requisite: setup ABAP steampunk. This is done rather easily using the ABAP Trial booster!
Once you successfully complete the steps in the booster you should see your ABAP trial
instance available
Download the service key either by selecting the credentials key under the instance. You can
always generate a new key from the 3 dots.
Download the key
Back in Eclipse Select New > ABAP Cloud Project
Congratulations! Your Eclipse installation is now integrated with your SAP ABAP
Systems :)