Lecture #13 - Finish Sexual Selection & Genetic Drift
Lecture #13 - Finish Sexual Selection & Genetic Drift
Lecture #13 - Finish Sexual Selection & Genetic Drift
AI and Biotechnology Advances in
Healthcare Panel
When: March 1st, 5 - 6:30 PM
Where: LSC, Room #1002
Speakers include: Dr. Pieter Cullis, Professor Carl de Boer, Dr. Manish Sadarangani, and more!
We are currently looking for UBC students to join our team as volunteers to help facilitate and organization of
our competition weekend. If you are interested in joining our team, please fill out the following google form
by March 2nd: https://forms.gle/vkygFteSk95HTSYC7. If you would like more information on these positions,
please reach out to our head director via email (ghsokhanran@gmail.com)
Midterm #2 – Review Session
Will be held on Friday, March 8th @ 5pm
Will be recorded
If you lost a mark for Q1.6 – G1 phase, AND you said that this cell was not possible
because the DNA was condensed, please submit your exam for a regrade.
Please note – in the genetics unit (e.g. Worksheet #2, etc.) the DNA was always drawn
as chromosomes for clarity.
For the final exam (we will test on genetics again), please try to avoid making
assumptions if possible (e.g. the circle in Q1.6 not represent nuclear membrane).
Quiz 6 – Evolutionary Mechanisms
I have changed the due date to Sunday, March 10th as we won’t discuss
mutations until Tuesday’s class.
Also note:
1. I will be releasing the Sit Spot Project Evolution Worksheet today (due Wednesday, March 20th)
2. I will be releasing Unofficial Teaching/Exam #1 Feedback Survey on Friday (1% of grade) – you will have until
Sunday, March 10th to complete survey.
3. Evolution practice questions are released.
• I will be posting one previous exam for practice next week
• I need to double check that the old cut off point for HWE is not lingering (if you see 0.01 – that is wrong)
Last class – started Sexual Selection
https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/nat16.sci.lisci.fiddler/claw-size-and-competition- Reveal teeth when yawning.
Large body size.
“Sneaky” tactics males use to avoid direct combat
Spoon-shaped penis
to scoop out
competitors sperm
– damselflies and
dont.html http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/male-snakes-invest-lots-energy-producing-
Other indirect tactics
What would make one male more enticing to a female than another male?
1. A male that signaled to the female that they were better at providing direct
benefits to a female and their offspring than another male would be more
2. A male that signaled to the female that they would provide better indirect
benefits (i.e. good genes), that would maximize the fitness of the female’s
1) Direct benefit
Males demonstrate that they can provide resourcesto the
female by bringing gifts (nuptialgift)
Female lions preferentially
matewith males with dark
2) Indirect benefit (e.g. good geneshypothesis)
• The male’s phenotype is an indicator or advertisement for good genes/high fitnessthat
can be pass to the female’s offspring.
• This usually means the signal has to bear some cost (e.g. energetics) to themale.
https://sonurai.com/bingwallpapers/166 70
Display their good genes, e.g. look fabulous!
- Healthy – no parasites
- Good immune system
- Non-damaged DNA, etc.
Good genes - dance
Male pufferfish video
3 requirements for evolution by sexual selection
Almost identical to requirements for evolution by natural selection (ecological).
• If given a scenario involving mate choice, be able to explain why females might
prefer to mate with a male with one phenotype over another; and be able to link
the female’s choice to both male and female fitness.
Organism of the Day – Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker
Eumicrotremus orbis
• Small “ping pong ball”-size fish (2.5-7.6 cm)
• Range - Alaska to Washington State to
Coastal Asia and Northern Japan
• Habitat
- rocky intertidal areas to a depth to a depth
146 m
- Frequently found in eel grass beds at night
- Found in the water off Stanley Park .
• Not the best swimmers (they are shaped like a
basketball ).
Unlike most fish – the Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker
does not have scales
By chance, some “lucky” individuals leave behind a few more descendants (and genes)
than other “unlucky” individuals, which affects allele frequencies in the next generation.
Changes in allele frequencies are not a function of whether the alleles are harmful or
beneficial. Not predictable
Chance and survival – a personal story
Karen Luepke/Tenaglia/Hoksbergen, my field partner
Dan Tenaglia, incredible botanist and cyclist
on Missouri Herp Team in 2001
http://www.missouriplants.com/Dans_page.html http://webhome.auburn.edu/~santosr/karen_tenaglia.htm
Genetic Drift
Genetic drift occurs in ALL populations (including the human population) that are not infinite
in size (so, all real populations).
Genetic drift has a particularly strong effect on small populations (see figure with n=20
below - larger the fluctuations in allele frequencies with each generation.
- Over generations, genetic drift tends to result in a decrease in genetic variation.
- Small populations tend to lose genetic diversity more quickly than larger populations.
If you think like a mathematician - genetic drift is the equivalent of
sampling error
Sampling error is said to occur when a
sample does not represent the
population that the sample was taken
Generation 2
Generation 2
• Generation 1: 3 alleles with equal frequencies (blue = 0.33, purple = 0.33, red =0.33)
• By chance, some individuals with blue and purple phenotypes survived the fire, e.g. they were in a small area
that did not burn (they were lucky).
• All individuals with a red phenotype perish (bad luck!)
• Outcome: Allele frequencies in generation 2 are very different, blue = 0.66, purple = 0.33, red=0.00
• Genetic drift has occurred
• Reduction in genetic variation (fewer genetic differences amongst individuals).
Example 1 – generations later
• The population may eventually grow back to previous size generations later.
• However, allele frequencies in the future population are very different from
the allele frequencies in the original population (blue = 12/15 or 0.80, purple
alleles = 3/15 = 0.20).
Real life example of a population bottleneck event – northern
elephant seals
• Population size reduced from >100,000 individuals to one population of 10-30
individuals by the end of the 19th century due to human hunting.
• Population has recovered to >80,000 individuals today.
• Reduced genetic diversity.
www.wikipedia.org https://i.honesttopaws.com/animals-wild-facts
Impact of a population bottleneck on symmetry and genetic diversity in the northern
elephant seal (Holzel et al. 2002)
- reduced genetic diversity
- entire genotypes lost
- increased asymmetry of the skull
- likely a function of developmental
instability due to loss of alleles
- A founder effect occurs when a new population is started by a few members of the original
population in a new environment (the original population still exists).
The Amish people observe strict endogamy (i.e. individuals marry within
community); so, no introduction of new alleles (except through
(Lucky) individuals being in the right place at the right time for reproduction
resulting in more mating opportunities.
Example: Genetic drift with no change in population size
• We will look at 3 generations of rabbits, n=10 rabbits per generation (so no change
in population size)
• 2 fur colours (brown and white) determined by B/b gene
• 2nd generation: the allele frequencies have changed to
B=0.7 and b=0.3; so, genetic drift has occurred.
• 3rd generation, p=1 (fixed), q=0 (lost)
• No white phenotype.
iClicker Question
What are the possible consequences of genetic drift for allele
A. Reduction in the frequency of an allele
B. Increase in the frequency of an allele
C. Introduction new alleles
D. A & B
E. All of the above
What are the possible consequences of genetic drift for allele
A. Reduction in the frequency of an allele
B. Increase in the frequency of an allele
C. Introduction new alleles
D. A & B
E. All of the above
2. Genetic drift can also contribute to speciation (i.e. a small, isolated population
may diverge genetically from other larger populations due to genetic drift)
- 2nd step in speciation (to be discussed next week)
(Population) Bottleneck Event vs. Founder Event
Both types of events may result in a genetic bottleneck, i.e. reduction in allele diversity
Genetic drift vs. Natural selection
A2 > A1
iClicker Question
In 2000, a small population (N=30) of isolated fish in Spectacle Lake had equal
frequencies of each allele (0.5:0.5).
In 2008, the fish population size declined from 30 fish to 5 fish due to drought.
In 2010, the fish population size had increased back to 30 fish, but the allele
frequencies had changed from 0.7 B1 to 0.3 B2.
Explain how genetic drift could be the evolutionary mechanism that explains the
change in allele frequencies in this fish population.
A complete answer should include:
• A plausible scenario that could explain why the allele frequencies changed (due to
random or chance events), i.e.
• explains how there was an increase in the frequency of the B1 allele from 0.5
to 0.7
• and a decrease in the frequency of the B2 allele from 0.5 to 0.3
• in the Spectacle Lake fish population
• over a decade
• with a change in population size
• The fact that the population size of the fish was small (N=30) is also an
important piece of evidence
Q1 - One possible answer
In 2008, the small fish population at Spectacle Lake went through a population
bottleneck when the population decreased from 30 fish to 5 fish due to a drought. It
is possible that, by chance, most of the fish that survived the drought were carrying at
least one B1 allele, whereas many of the fish that perished were carrying the B2
alleles. This would have resulted in an increase in the frequency of the B1 allele and a
decrease in the frequency of the B2 allele in the population.
The surviving fish would be the ones to pass their alleles to the next generation. This
could explain why in 2010, even though the population had recovered, the allele
frequencies in the Spectacle Lake fish population had a higher frequency of the B1
allele (0.7) and a lower frequency of the B2 allele (0.3) compared to the original 2000
population (0.5:0.5)
Practice Explanation Question #2 (5 minutes)
The B gene in fish codes for body size. There are two possible alleles:
the B1 allele codes for large body size
the B2 allele codes for small body size.
In 2000, a small population (N=30) of isolated fish in Spectacle Lake had equal
frequencies of each allele (0.5:0.5).
Explain how genetic drift could be the evolutionary mechanism that explains the
change in allele frequencies in this fish population.
One possible answer
Genetic drift occurs in a population when, by chance, some individuals in a population leave
more descendants (and their alleles) than other individuals in the population, which results
in a change in allele frequencies in the next generation. (note – this type of definition is
optional – see answer to next question; but for full marks on an exam question your answer
would need to demonstrate that you understand what genetic drift is).
It is possible that, by chance, at Spectacle Lake, the fish that were carrying the B1 allele had
more opportunities to mate than the fish carrying the B2 allele. As a result, the fish carrying
the B1 allele would leave more descendants than the fish carrying the B2 allele. This would
explain the increase in the frequency of the B1 allele from 0.5 to 0.7 and the decrease in the
B2 allele frequency from 0.5 to 0.3. between 2000 and 2010.
Given that the population size of the fish in Spectacle Lake is small (N=30), genetic drift
would potentially have a large impact on the frequencies of the B alleles in this population
and would explain why the allele frequencies changed by 0.2 in just a decade.
Next class
2. Phylogenetic Trees