This refers to your electronic-mail (e-mail) which was received by this Office on
December 13, 2023. In your letter, you asked regarding minimum requirement for the
registration of homeowner’s association (HOA), and you raised an issue on the
obligation to provide basic community service and facilities by your owner/developer
of Tierra San Jose Subdivision project located at Mulawin, San Jose Del Monte,
Relative thereto, please be advised that the owner/developer may initiate the
registration without the percentage requirement pursuant to Section 30 of
Department Order No.2021-007 or The 2021 Revised Implementing Rules and
Regulations of Republic Act No. 9904, to quote:
b. Certification under oath that the existing residents have been duly
informed and they consent to the project owner and/or developer's
organization and registration of the homeowners association.
Likewise, in case when the owner/developer did not register or failed to provide the
necessary documents for registration, the purchasers/buyers may cause the
registration of HOA pursuant to Section 27, 28 and 29 (A) of Department Order
No.2021-007 to quote:
As to the issue on the provision of basic community service and facilities, please be
guided of Section 19 of Presidential Decree No. 957 otherwise known as Subdivision
and Condominium buyer's Protective Decree (as amended by P.D. 1216). To quote:
The owner or developer shall [be] answerable and liable for the
facilities, improvements, infrastructures or other forms of
development represented or promised in brochures,
advertisements and other sales propaganda disseminated by the
owner or developer or his agents and the same shall form part of the
sales warranties enforceable against said owner or developer, jointly
and severally. Failure to comply with these warranties shall also be
punishable in accordance with the penalties provided for in this Decree.
Moreover, please be advised that the available remedy in situations where the
owner/developer failed to provide the basic community service and facilities
aforesaid is to file a Verified Complaint with the Human Settlements Adjudication
Commission pursuant to Republic Act 11201 otherwise known as “An Act Creating
the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development, Defining its
Mandate, Powers and Functions, and Appropriating Funds Therefor.”
Additionally, you are informed hereby that, by virtue of RA 11201, the Housing and
Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) and the Housing and Urban Development
Coordinating Council (HUDCC) were consolidated into the Department of Human
Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD). As a consequence of this
consolidation, the power/authority of the former HLURB to hear and decide cases
involving allegations of violations of existing laws, rules and regulations governing
HOAs was transferred to a newly-created agency, the HSAC.
In other words, when the situation is highly adversarial by nature which requires the
presentation of contrary/opposing sides from adverse parties in support of their
individual claims/contentions, it is the HSAC − not the DHSUD − which has the
mandate to handle the situation at hand. This applies to complaint against
owner/developer of the subdivision as enunciated in Section 16 of RA 11201. To
Finally, you are likewise advised to seek the assistance of a lawyer in the
preparation of your Verified Complaint in order to determine the other causes of
action you may have and the appropriate judicial or quasi-judicial body which will
hear and decide your case.
Truly yours,