Intra Department Compition
Intra Department Compition
Intra Department Compition
Literature survey:
Key Themes and Findings from a Literature Review on
Introduction: Unemployment
Unemployment is a significant socioeconomic issue that Economic and Unemployment Factors:
affects individuals, families, and entire communities. It The correlation between unemployment and
describes the state of being unemployed or lacking a macroeconomic factors like GDP growth, inflation, has
lucrative job despite actively seeking employment. been thoroughly studied by researchers. High
Numerous factors, such as changes in industry demand, unemployment rates are linked to slower economic
technological advancements, economic downturns, and growth and lower consumer spending, which results in a
individual circumstances, could contribute to this decline in overall economic performance, according to
predicament. Unemployment has wide-ranging effects studies. Recessions, financial crises, and changes in
on both the individual and the economy as a whole. As a business cycles are all economic factors that have a big
result, people may experience financial hardship, a drop impact on unemployment rates.
in self-esteem, and a sense of anxiety about the future. It
may also result in a loss of knowledge and expertise at Authors-Muhammad Fauzi, Xie Guilin
work, strained relationships, and fewer opportunities to Title-Unemployment Crisis, Maintaining the Dignity and
acquire necessities. Larger-scale social stability and Welfare of the People
economic advancement can be harmed by high
unemployment rates. It is a Authors-Safaa Alkatheri, Abduallah Almalaise
problem because it has a big effect on people, families, Title-A Systematic Literature Review and Analysis of
and communities. Unemployed people may struggle to Unemployment Problem and Potential Solutions
Authors-ArmaganGezici, Ozge Changes in consumer preferences, market
Title- An Intersectional Analysis of COVID-19 circumstances, or governmental policies can cause
Unemployment specific industries to decline or give rise to new ones.
This is known as industry restructuring. Without
Authors- Chiara Panarin, Michela Tonell retraining or acquiring new skills, workers who were
Title-Future Directions in the Research on employed in declining industries might struggle to find
Unemployment: Protean Career Orientation and employment in the new sectors.
Perceived Employability Against Social Disadvantage
Cyclical unemployment:
Authors-N Deutscher, J Hambur and D Hansell Cyclical unemployment is a term used to
Title-The Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of describe the type of unemployment that is linked to
Unemployment (NAIRU) changes in the business cycle or the nation's overall
economic activity. It happens when the economy
Types of unemployment: experiences a downturn or contraction and the overall
demand for goods and services declines. Businesses may
Frictional unemployment: cut back on production and lay off employees during
these economic downturns, which leads to cyclical
Frictional unemployment is a term used to
describe the transient unemployment that happens when
people are changing jobs or looking for new
Economic recessions:
employment opportunities. It is an inherent and
unavoidable aspect of the dynamics of the labour During these periods, which are characterized by a
market. sharp decline in economic activity, businesses may see a
decline in demand for their products or services. As a
Job search:
result, they might need to cut back on staff, which would
People go through a brief period of unemployment
lead to job losses and cyclical unemployment.
when they voluntarily leave their current jobs in search
Investment fluctuations:
of better opportunities. It takes time for job seekers to
look for, apply for, interview for, and land a new job that Variations in business investment levels and a loss
fits their preferences and skill set. of business confidence during recessions can both
contribute to cyclical unemployment. As businesses cut
Graduates and newcomers:
back on operations, the demand for labour typically
People who are recently out of school and
declines due to decreased investment.
entering the workforce, as well as people who are
already employed but are looking for a job that matches
their qualifications and career objectives, may encounter Seasonal Unemployment:
frictional unemployment. The term "seasonal unemployment" refers to the
kind of unemployment that happens as a result of
Structural Unemployment: cyclical changes in labour demand. It is characterized by
A fundamental mismatch between a worker's transient unemployment during particular seasons of the
skills and qualifications and the requirements of year when demand for labour in particular industries or
available jobs is referred to as structural unemployment. occupations declines.
It happens when there is a long-term decline in the In sectors like agriculture, tourism, hospitality, retail,
demand for a particular industry or occupation, and and construction that rely heavily on seasonal
people in those fields have difficulty finding work variations, seasonal unemployment is a common
without getting retrained or learning new skills. problem. Depending on the nature of the industry and
Technological developments: the particular region, seasonal unemployment can vary
The demand for some types of labour may decline in timing and length.
as a result of technological and automated
advancements. Jobs that can be automated or replaced Basic solutions for unemployment:
by machines may become obsolete as industries adopt
new technologies, leaving workers with outmoded skills Growth in the economy and investment:
unemployed. Opportunities for employment can be created
Outsourcing and globalization: through fostering economic growth through policies
As markets become more interconnected and there that encourage entrepreneurship, investment, and
is more competition globally, jobs may move to places innovation.
where labour costs are lower. If their skills cannot be
transferred to other industries, workers in sectors Education and the development of skills:
affected by outsourcing or offshoring may experience
structural unemployment. Enhancing employability and lowering skill
Industry shifts and restructuring: mismatches can both be accomplished by funding
education and skill-development initiatives.
Enhancing apprenticeship program, lifelong learning
initiatives, and vocational training can give people the
skills needed for open positions.
Project ideology:
First, jobless individuals need to register on the
website and enter personal data like name, email address,
phone number, address, username, and password.
The user is asked whether they are UNEDUCATED or
EDUCATED in the next step after completing the
submission process. If the user is knowledgeable, it will
inquire about qualifications and additional details. The
majority of uneducated web users lack formal education
or specialized knowledge.
Design Concepts Carried Out:
Verification: User-Friendly Interface :
For more information, the website team will now Prioritize a clean and intuitive design with easy
get in touch with both educated and uneducated users. navigation to ensure users can quickly access relevant
information and resources.
GUIDENCE: Personalized User Profiles:
Uneducated: Allow users to create profiles where they can input
We give job seekers advice, assisting them in their skills, experience, and preferences. This
discovering their strengths and considering various information can be used to provide personalized job
career options. We give them tools so they can advance recommendations and career advice.
their abilities. By understanding their financial situation, Job Search and Matching:
we can provide advice for businesses. Implement an advanced job search feature with
Educated: filters based on location, industry, and skills. Use
If the user possesses an education, we can look up algorithms to match users with suitable job
jobs in their surrounding states that match their opportunities.
qualifications. We investigate various career options. Networking and Community:
Establish a community platform for users to
connect, share experiences, and support each other.
Networking opportunities can lead to valuable
connections and job referrals.
Mobile Responsiveness:
Ensure the website is mobile-friendly to
accommodate users accessing the platform from various
devices, especially smartphones.
back-end on a server using platforms like AWS, Heroku,
or Google Cloud Platform.
A comprehensive online job portal that integrates various
features to support job seekers and address
unemployment challenges.
Current Status (General Trends):
Remote Work Opportunities
Upskilling and Reskilling
Government Initiatives
Entrepreneurship Support
Diversity and Inclusion
Future Plans:
Predictive Analytics for Job Matching
Real-Time Labor Market Insights
Collaboration with Tech Platforms
System Architecture Integration with Emerging Technologies
1.Front-End Technologies: Feedback Mechanism for Continuous
HTML/CSS/JavaScript Improvement
Fundamental for building the user interface and Conclusion:
handling client-side interactions. React, Angular, or In conclusion, tackling unemployment necessitates a
Vue.js: Front-end frameworks for creating dynamic and customized strategy that takes into account people's
responsive user interfaces. educational backgrounds. Giving advice, resources, and
2. Back-End Technologies: opportunities forskill development to uneducated people
Server-Side Language is essential.They can explore different career options,
Common choices include Node.js (JavaScript), Python discover their strengths, and develop a better
(Django or Flask), Ruby (Ruby on Rails), or Java. understanding of their financial situation. We enable
Database: Use a relational database like PostgreSQL or them to more successfully navigate the job market by
MySQL to store user data securely. Server: Deploy the providing them with the necessary resources and
information .