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Hyster C230 (B60ZAC) Forklift Service Repair

B60ZAC [C230];
B60ZHD [B262];
B80ZHD [B257]

PART NO. 4096091 2200 SRM 1659

• The Service Manuals are updated on a regular basis, but may not reflect recent design changes to the
product. Updated technical service information may be available from your local authorized Hyster®
dealer. Service Manuals provide general guidelines for maintenance and service and are intended for
use by trained and experienced technicians. Failure to properly maintain equipment or to follow in-
structions contained in the Service Manual could result in damage to the products, personal injury,
property damage or death.
• When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings, chains, or cables are correctly fastened, and
that the load being lifted is balanced. Make sure the crane, cables, and chains have the capacity to
support the weight of the load.
• Do not lift heavy parts by hand, use a lifting mechanism.
• Wear safety glasses.
• DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair on electric lift
trucks. Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift trucks.
• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT THE LIFT
TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Maintenance section.
• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.
• Use the correct tools for the job.
• Keep the tools clean and in good condition.
• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts must meet or ex-
ceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.
• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before using force to
remove parts.
• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs, or if the unit
needs repairs.
• Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions.
• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel are flamma-
ble. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these fuels and when working
on these fuel systems.
• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks away from the
area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor
or moderate injury and property damage.

On the lift truck, the WARNING symbol and word are on orange back-
ground. The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background.
Table of Contents


General .....................................................................................................................................................................1
Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................1
Description .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Button Keypad ................................................................................................................................................ 1
LED Indicator Lights ..................................................................................................................................... 1
LCD Screen ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Dash Display Menu Access .................................................................................................................................2
Menu Navigation .....................................................................................................................................................2
Dash Display Menu Operation ...........................................................................................................................3
Nodes ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Menu Structure ...................................................................................................................................................3
Service-Level Menu .................................................................................................................................................4
Hour Meters ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
H1 Truck Hours .............................................................................................................................................. 6
H2 Traction Hours ..........................................................................................................................................6
H3 Pump Hours .............................................................................................................................................. 6
H4 Steer Hours ............................................................................................................................................... 6
H5 Odometer Hours ........................................................................................................................................6
H10 Display Hours ......................................................................................................................................... 6
H32 Combinatin Node Hours .........................................................................................................................6
H40 Steer Node Hours ....................................................................................................................................6
Performance ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Performance Level 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 8
P1.1 Forward .............................................................................................................................................. 9
P1.2 Reverse ............................................................................................................................................... 9
P1.3 Acceleration ........................................................................................................................................9
P1.4 Plug .....................................................................................................................................................9
P1.5 Coast ................................................................................................................................................... 9
P1.6 Lift Speed ........................................................................................................................................... 9
P1.7 Lower Speed ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Operator Passwords ..........................................................................................................................................10
Add Password ................................................................................................................................................11
Delete Password ............................................................................................................................................11
Edit Password ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Operator Password ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Clear Log ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Operator Logs ....................................................................................................................................................11
Operator 1-150 .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Information ........................................................................................................................................................12
I1 Model .........................................................................................................................................................13
I3 Serial Number .......................................................................................................................................... 13
I5 Truck Voltage ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Settings ..............................................................................................................................................................13
S1 Metric ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
S2 User Performance ....................................................................................................................................16
S3 Timeout .................................................................................................................................................... 16
S4 Battery Type ............................................................................................................................................ 16
S5 BDI Startup Full ..................................................................................................................................... 16
S6 BDI Full ................................................................................................................................................... 16
S7 BDI Empty ...............................................................................................................................................16


Table of Contents


S8 BDI Reset .................................................................................................................................................16

S9 Lift Interrupt ........................................................................................................................................... 16
S10 Audible Warning ................................................................................................................................... 17
S11 Visual Warning ......................................................................................................................................17
S12 Checklist ................................................................................................................................................ 17
S13 Maint Reminder .................................................................................................................................... 17
S14 Restore Default ......................................................................................................................................17
S15 Truck Lockout ........................................................................................................................................17
S61 Extended Shift .......................................................................................................................................17
S63 Walk Speed Accel .................................................................................................................................. 18
S64 Walk Speed Decel .................................................................................................................................. 18
S65 Pick Accel ............................................................................................................................................... 18
S66 Pick Decel ...............................................................................................................................................18
S67 Min Steer Assist F .................................................................................................................................18
S68 Min Steer Assist R .................................................................................................................................18
Software Versions ............................................................................................................................................. 18
Error Log ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
(E1) Error Log 1 ............................................................................................................................................20
Error 1.1 (E1.1) .........................................................................................................................................20
Error 1.2 (E1.2) .........................................................................................................................................20
Error 1.3 (E1.3) .........................................................................................................................................20
Error 1.4 (E1.4) .........................................................................................................................................20
Diagnostics .............................................................................................................................................................21
Diagnostics ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
D1 Status .......................................................................................................................................................22
D2 Input ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
D3 Output ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
D1 Status ...........................................................................................................................................................22
D1.1 CAN ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
D1.2 Contactor .............................................................................................................................................. 23
D1.3 Full Traction ........................................................................................................................................ 23
D1.4 Limp Traction .......................................................................................................................................23
D1.5 Steering ................................................................................................................................................ 23
D1.6 Lift ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
D1.7 Lower .................................................................................................................................................... 23
D1.11 Emergency Reverse ............................................................................................................................23
D1.12 Pick Function ..................................................................................................................................... 23
D2 Inputs ...........................................................................................................................................................23
D2.10 Display ................................................................................................................................................24
D2.10.1 Bus Error .................................................................................................................................... 25
D2.10.2 Bus Max Error ............................................................................................................................ 25
D2.10.32 Combination Controller ............................................................................................................25
D2.10.40 Steer .......................................................................................................................................... 25
D2.10.60 CTRL Hand ...............................................................................................................................25
D2.32 Combination Controller .....................................................................................................................25
D2.32.1 Target Speed ............................................................................................................................... 28
D2.32.2 Motor Speed ................................................................................................................................ 28
D2.32.3 Motor Encoder ............................................................................................................................ 28
D2.32.4 Controller Temperature ............................................................................................................. 28
D2.32.5 Motor Temperature .................................................................................................................... 29

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Table of Contents


D2.32.6 Motor Current .............................................................................................................................29

D2.32.7 Cap Voltage .................................................................................................................................29
D2.32.8 Cap Maximum Voltage ...............................................................................................................29
D2.32.9 Cap Minimum Voltage ............................................................................................................... 29
D2.32.10 Key Voltage ...............................................................................................................................29
D2.32.11 Key Max Voltage .......................................................................................................................29
D2.32.12 Key Minimum Voltage ............................................................................................................. 29
D2.32.16 MC Connct ................................................................................................................................ 29
D2.32.17 MC Current ...............................................................................................................................29
D2.32.18 Horn Switch .............................................................................................................................. 29
D2.32.19 Brake Switch .............................................................................................................................29
D2.32.20 Horn Connect ............................................................................................................................ 29
D2.32.22 Pump Current ...........................................................................................................................29
D2.32.22 Rabbit Switch ............................................................................................................................29
D2.32.23 ACC Switch ...............................................................................................................................29
D2.32.24 Donut Switch ............................................................................................................................ 30
D2.32.25 Belly Switch NC ........................................................................................................................30
D2.32.26 Regen Switch ............................................................................................................................ 30
D2.32.27 Lift Switch .................................................................................................................................30
D2.32.28 Lower Switch ............................................................................................................................ 30
D2.32.29 Steer Status .............................................................................................................................. 30
D2.32.31 Load Hold Connect ................................................................................................................... 30
D2.32.32 Load Hold Current ................................................................................................................... 30
D2.32.33 SOC ........................................................................................................................................... 30
D2.40 Steer ....................................................................................................................................................31
D2.40.5 Cont Temp ...................................................................................................................................32
D2.40.15 Torque 1 Switch ........................................................................................................................ 32
D2.40.17 Center Prox SW ........................................................................................................................ 32
D2.40.19 Steer Angle ................................................................................................................................32
D2.60 Control Handle ...................................................................................................................................32
D2.60.1 Horn Switch ................................................................................................................................ 34
D2.60.2 Lift Switch ...................................................................................................................................34
D2.60.3 Lift Switch 2 ................................................................................................................................34
D2.60.4 Lower Switch .............................................................................................................................. 34
D2.60.5 Lower Switch 2 ........................................................................................................................... 34
D2.60.6 Pick Switch ................................................................................................................................. 34
D2.60.7 Pick Switch 2 .............................................................................................................................. 34
D2.60.8 Belly Switch NO ......................................................................................................................... 34
D2.60.9 Regen Switch .............................................................................................................................. 34
D2.60.10 Tilt Up SW ................................................................................................................................ 34
D2.60.11 Tilt Down SW ............................................................................................................................34
D2.50.14 4th Aux IN SW ..........................................................................................................................34
D2.50.15 4th Aux OUT SW ......................................................................................................................35
D2.60.19 Trac Input ................................................................................................................................. 35
D2.60.20 Lift/Lower Input ....................................................................................................................... 35
D3 Output ..........................................................................................................................................................35
D3.10 Display ................................................................................................................................................35
D3.10.10 Display Com ..............................................................................................................................36
D3.10.32 Combination Com ..................................................................................................................... 36
D3.10.40 Steer Com ..................................................................................................................................36

Table of Contents


D3.10.60 Handle Com .............................................................................................................................. 36

D3.32 Traction .............................................................................................................................................. 36
D3.32.1 U-V Line DC Curr ...................................................................................................................... 38
D3.32.2 U-W Line DC Curr ......................................................................................................................38
D3.32.3 V-W Line DC Curr ......................................................................................................................38
D3.32.6 Pump DC Current ...................................................................................................................... 38
D3.32.7 Pump Motor Short ...................................................................................................................... 38
D3.32.8 ACC Coil ......................................................................................................................................38
D3.32.9 Load Hold ....................................................................................................................................38
D3.32.10 Backup Alarm ........................................................................................................................... 38
D3.32.11 Strobe ........................................................................................................................................ 38
D3.32.12 Horn ...........................................................................................................................................38
Calibration .............................................................................................................................................................39
C4 Throttle ....................................................................................................................................................39

This section is for the following models:

(B60ZAC ) [C230];
(B60ZHD ) [B262];
(B80ZHD ) [B257]

2200 SRM 1659 General

The Common Control System (CCS) was developed
to achieve a commonality of programming traits
and display menus across a wide range of fork lift
products. The ability to use one common
programming method increases the effectiveness of
the technician through similarity of functions when
using the display interface and display menus and
sub-menus. Whenever differences in menu
structures appear between products they will be
noted in the applicable service manual for that
product. Proper use of the Common Control System Figure 1. Dash Display
should only be attempted by factory trained
technicians. Some terms and descriptions in this
manual may be generic in scope and not represent
the actual truck being serviced. Any questions Button Keypad
regarding this manual should be directed to the
The button keypad is located on the right side of
factory service representative.
the display. It consists of four buttons arranged in
a circle with a fifth button in the center. The
buttons are numbered 1 through 5, starting with
button 1 at the top and continuing clockwise and
The User Interface Service Technician Manual
ending with button 5 situated in the center of the
describes the functions of the display panel that are
available to the service technician. With a proper
service-level password, a service technician can
access menu items that are not visible at operator LED Indicator Lights
or supervisor-level access.
The LED indicator lights are located on the display
below the LCD screen and to the left of the button
NOTE: The initial set up of supervisor passwords
keypad. The lights illuminate to notify the operator
must be performed by a service technician
of certain conditions. The function of each light (in
accessing the menu system with a service-level
order from left to right) is as follows:
password. The supervisor password must be set up
before a supervisor can access the menu functions. • Battery
The factory default 55555 password should be • Wrench
changed to a different number during initial setup.
• Thermometer
The dash display is a multifunction device. It • Operator Pedal
contains a button keypad, a series of LED indicator • Warning
lights, and an LCD screen. See Figure 1.

Menu Navigation 2200 SRM 1659

LCD Screen 3. The Enter Password screen will now appear

on the LCD. Enter your five-digit Service
The LCD screen displays the following when the Technician password. The factory default
key is in the ON position: service-level password is 55555.
1. Battery Charge Indicator
To enter your password at the ENTER
2. Hourmeter (Hours) PASSWORD screen, enter the appropriate digit in
3. Throttle Command the highlighted area of the display. Use the
4. Actual Speed appropriate button on the display keypad to enter
any digit between 1 and 5. The cursor will
5. Steer Tire Position automatically move to the next position after a
6. Run Direction number has been entered. Repeat until all five
7. Performance Mode digits of your password have been entered. Upon
successful entry of your service-level password, the
DASH DISPLAY MENU ACCESS display will enter the Service Menu system. If an
incorrect password is entered, the display will ask
To access the dash display menu system: for the password to be entered again. The menu
system can be exited at any time by pressing the
1. Turn the key or keyless switch to the ON LEFT (#4) button repeatedly.
2. Depress the center button (#5) on the display
two times.

Menu Navigation
NOTE: The display menus are revolving and will 3. DOWN
repeat when you scroll beyond the last menu item. - Scroll down within a menu, or decrease the
value of a setting when making a parameter
Upon successful entry of your service-level pass- adjustment.
word, the service menu screen will appear on the 4. LEFT
dash display LCD screen. Menu navigation is ac- - Scroll left within a menu. Will move you to
complished by using the display buttons. From in- the previous menu when depressed. Press re-
side the menu, the buttons function as follows: peatedly to exit the menu system.
1. UP 5. ENTER
- Scroll up within a menu, or increase the - Press to accept parameter value adjust-
value of a setting when making a parameter ments. Press twice to access the Enter Pass-
adjustment. word screen.
- Scroll right within a menu. Will move you
into the next submenu or activate the high-
lighted parameter to allow parameter value

2200 SRM 1659 Menu Navigation

DASH DISPLAY MENU OPERATION The nodes are connected and communicate with
each other through the CANbus communication
The CCS software is accessible through the on system.
board dash display. All user controlled truck oper-
ating functions can be set using the CCS menu MENU STRUCTURE
The base menu is structured to provide access to
NODES the following individual menus. Some of the menu
items are password protected, meaning you can
Within the menu structure, you may encounter the only access those menu items allowed under your
term “Node”. The lift truck software uses nodes to individual password rights. See Table 1:
identify the various control devices used within the
lift truck. The following node designations are used Use the UP (#1) and DOWN (#3) buttons to navi-
in this manual: gate to the menu item allowed for your password
Node 10 - Display level. Use the LEFT (#4) and RIGHT (#2) buttons
to move within the selected menu. Use the CEN-
Node 32 - Combination Controller TER (#5) button to confirm your selections.
Node 40 - Steer Controller
Node 60 - Control Handle

Table 1. Password Structure

Menu Item Password Level

Operator Supervisor Technician
Hour Meters X X X
Performance X X
Operator Passwords X X
Operator Logs X X

Information X X X
Settings X
Software Versions X X
Error Logs X
Diagnostics X
Calibrate X

Service-Level Menu 2200 SRM 1659

Service-Level Menu
The Service-Level menu allows a service technician can access menu items that are not visible at Oper-
access to the dash display menu system to trouble- ator or Supervisor-level access. See Table 2. See Ta-
shoot or adjust truck systems and settings. With a ble 1 for the submenu choices available at the Serv-
proper Service-level password, a service technician ice-Level Menu.

Table 2. Service-Level Menu











2200 SRM 1659 Service-Level Menu

HOUR METERS the Hour Meters menu you can view the three dif-
ferent hour meter functions. See Table 3. Scroll
Hour meter data is incrementally stored in the dis- through the Hour Meters menu using the UP (#1)
play during operation and the data is recorded in and DOWN (#3) buttons and press the RIGHT (#2)
the Traction controller every 6 minutes. If there is button to enter the desired selection. Press the
a loss of power, data is not lost. At every key on, the LEFT (#4) button to return to the previous menu.
display hours synchronize with the master. Within

Table 3. Hour Meters Menu

NOTE: Depending on how an individual lift truck is equipped, some functions shown on the dis-
play may not be available for viewing.

HOUR METERS Press → Button








Service-Level Menu 2200 SRM 1659

H1 Truck Hours H5 Odometer Hours

The Truck Hours hourmeter accumulates time The Odometer Hours hourmeter shows the total
when the key switch is in the ON position and the number of miles/kilometers driven based on the
operator presence switch is activated. traction hours.

H2 Traction Hours H10 Display Hours

The Traction Hours hourmeter accumulates time The Display Hours hourmeter shows the total num-
when the traction motor is activated. ber of hours of operation of the display.

H3 Pump Hours H32 Combinatin Node Hours

The Pump Hours hourmeter accumulates time The Combination Hours hourmeter shows the total
when the lift motor is activated. number of hours of operation of the combination
H4 Steer Hours
H40 Steer Node Hours
The Steer Hours hourmeter accumulates time
when the steer motor is activated. The Steer Hours hourmeter shows the total number
of hours of operation of the steer.

2200 SRM 1659 Service-Level Menu

PERFORMANCE truck performance levels can only be set or altered

by a supervisor or technician. Scroll through the
The lift truck software allows for the setting of four Performance Level menu using the UP (#1) and
independent performance levels. See Table 4. When DOWN (#3) buttons and press the RIGHT (#2) but-
the password setting is enabled, specific levels of ton to enter the desired selection. Press the LEFT
lift truck performance can be specified for any oper- (#4) button to return to the previous menu.
ator with a valid password for this lift truck. Lift

Table 4. Performance-Level Menu

PERFORMANCE Press → Button




Service-Level Menu 2200 SRM 1659

Performance Level 1
Table 5. Performance Level 1 Menu

P1 P1.1
Press → Button







2200 SRM 1659 Service-Level Menu

P1.1 Forward P1.5 Coast

This parameter allows the user to set the maxi- Use this menu to adjust the maximum braking rate
mum forward travel speed of the lift truck. To when the control handle is returned to the neutral
change this parameter, input the desired speed in position. The setting range is from 1 to 9. Setting
MPH or KPH. this parameter to “9” will result in maximum brak-
ing rate. Setting this parameter to “1” will result in
P1.2 Reverse minimum braking.

This parameter allows the user to set the maxi- P1.6 Lift Speed
mum reverse travel speed of the lift truck. To
change this parameter, input the desired speed in This parameter allows the user to adjust the mast
MPH or KPH. lift speed from the maximum lift speed to some
lower speed within the parameter range. The set-
P1.3 Acceleration ting range is from 1 to 9. Setting this parameter to
“9” will result in maximum lift speed. Setting this
This parameter allows the user to adjust the trac- parameter to “1” will result in minimum lift speed.
tion acceleration from the maximum (as allowed by
factory parameters) to the minimum value in the P1.7 Lower Speed
parameter value range. The setting range is from 1
to 9. Setting this parameter to “9” will result in This parameter allows the user to adjust the mast
maximum acceleration. Setting this parameter to lower speed from the maximum lower speed to
“1” will result in minimum acceleration. some lower speed within the parameter range. The
setting range is from 1 to 9. Setting this parameter
P1.4 Plug to “9” will result in maximum lower speed. Setting
this parameter to “1” will result in minimum lower
This parameter allows the user to adjust the maxi- speed.
mum braking rate when the control handle is fully
reversed causing the lift truck to enter the plugging
mode. The setting range is from 1 to 9. Setting this
parameter to “9” will result in maximum braking
rate. Setting this parameter to “1” will result in
minimum braking.

Service-Level Menu 2200 SRM 1659

OPERATOR PASSWORDS • Mode Limit - For each password, you can

set the maximum performance mode al-
The operator passwords are stored in a directory lowed. The performance mode is set under
which can be accessed from this menu. The service the "M" character of the password display.
technician can add, edit, or delete supervisor or op- The number correlates directly to the per-
erator passwords and clear the Operator Log from formance modes 1 through 4, plus "A" = all.
this menu. See Table 6. Scroll through the Pass- • User Type - For each password, you can set
word menu using the UP (#1) and DOWN (#3) but- the access level or "User Type" under the "U"
tons and press the RIGHT (#2) button to enter the character. The "O" is selected for operator,
desired selection. Press the LEFT (#4) button to re- the "S" for supervisor and the "T" for the
turn to the previous menu. technician (service).
• Password - In the password display, you are
NOTE: A total of 100 passwords can be setup. Mul-
allowed a five digit password utilizing the
tiple passwords can be setup for either service, op-
numbers 1 through 5 (zero is not a valid
erator, or supervisor but all have to be unique for
number). Values between 11111 and 55554
are valid.
• Alphanumeric Name - In the password dis- NOTE: Parameter in Display "Perform Enable" set
play, you are allowed characters to insert a to:
name. All characters and numbers are al- 0 = Off, Operator can choose to set performance
lowed. Use the UP (#1) and DOWN (#3) but- mode.
tons to scroll through the characters and 1 = On, Operator is limited to the set performance
press the Enter (#5) button to enter the de- mode only.
sired selection.

Table 6. Operator Password Menu






2200 SRM 1659 Service-Level Menu

Add Password Operator Password

Use this menu to add operator, supervisor, or tech- Use this screen to turn the operator password fea-
nician passwords. To enter a new password at the ture ON or OFF.
Passwords screen, enter the password to be added
and press enter to activate. Clear Log

Delete Password Use this screen to clear all stored information from
the operator log.
Use this menu to delete operator or supervisor
passwords. To delete a password at the Passwords OPERATOR LOGS
screen, enter the password to be deleted and press
enter to finalize. An operator log is created when a new user pass-
word is created. Logs are visible at the supervisor
Edit Password and service technician levels. 150 logs are available
at a time. See Table 7. Scroll through the Operator
Use this menu to edit operator or supervisor pass- Logs menu using the UP (#1) and DOWN (#3) but-
words. To edit a password at the Edit Passwords tons and press the RIGHT (#2) button to enter the
screen, enter the password to be edited and press desired selection. Press the LEFT (#4) button to re-
enter to select. Change the password and press en- turn to the previous menu.
ter to select.

Table 7. Operator Logs Menu

OPERATOR LOGS Press → Button L1

L 150

Service-Level Menu 2200 SRM 1659

Operator 1-150 through the Information menu using the UP (#1)

and DOWN (#3) buttons and press the RIGHT (#2)
Shows the number of hours the selected operator button to enter the desired selection. Press the
has operated the truck. Accumulates time when the LEFT (#4) button to return to the previous menu.
key switch is in the ON position and the operator
presence switch is activated.

The Information menu displays specific information
about the lift truck. The parameters are installed
at the factory and cannot be changed. Scroll

Table 8. Information Menu

INFORMATION Press → Button



2200 SRM 1659 Service-Level Menu

The Model parameter displays the model of the lift The Settings menu contains parameters which af-
truck and does not have any functions. It is for in- fect various lift truck settings. See Table 9. Scroll
formation only. through the Settings menu using the UP (#1) and
DOWN (#3) buttons and press the RIGHT (#2) but-
I3 Serial Number ton to enter the desired selection. Press the LEFT
(#4) button to return to the previous menu.
The Serial Number parameter displays the serial
number for the lift truck and does not have any
functions. It is for information only.

I5 Truck Voltage

The Truck Voltage parameter displays the voltage

of the lift truck and does not have any functions. It
is for information only.

Service-Level Menu 2200 SRM 1659

Table 9. Settings Menu

NOTE: Depending on how an individual lift truck is equipped, some functions shown on the dis-
play may not be available for viewing.

SETTINGS Press → Button




NOTE: * If OTHER is selected as Battery Type, BDI func- S5
tions will be disabled. * BDI STARTUP FULL

NOTE: * If OTHER is selected as Battery Type, BDI func- S6
tions will be disabled. * BDI FULL

NOTE: * If OTHER is selected as Battery Type, BDI func- S7
tions will be disabled. * BDI EMPTY

NOTE: * If OTHER is selected as Battery Type, BDI func- S8
tions will be disabled. * BDI RESET




2200 SRM 1659 Service-Level Menu

Table 9. Settings Menu (Continued)

NOTE: Depending on how an individual lift truck is equipped, some functions shown on the dis-
play may not be available for viewing.












Service-Level Menu 2200 SRM 1659

S1 Metric on battery voltage. A "1" equals the lowest voltage

setting for a given number of bars and a "9" equals
Use this parameter to select the units used to dis- the highest voltage setting for a given number of
play information on the display. This parameter bars. This does not affect the discharge rate of the
can be set to either ENABLE or ENABLE. If set to battery, only the initial number of bars displayed
ENABLE, all units such as speed, distance, weight, after re-key.
etc. will be shown in metric units. If set to DISA-
BLE, all units will be shown in English units. S6 BDI Full

S2 User Performance NOTE: * If OTHER is selected as Battery Type,

BDI functions will be disabled.
NOTE: This parameter is used with the "S6 PASS-
WORDS" parameter. Both the passwords parame- This parameter will be automatically set to the cor-
ter and this parameter must be set to ENABLE to rect value when the "Battery Type" parameter is
allow full use of the User Performance settings set. However, this parameter allows the user to ad-
just the battery voltage which the truck software
Use this parameter to ENABLE or DISABLE the considers to be "10" BDI bars. A "0" equals a lower
use of Performance Levels. If set to ENABLE, the voltage and a "9" equals a higher voltage.
individual Performance menus P1, P2, P3, and P4
are active. If set to DISABLE, these performance S7 BDI Empty
settings will be removed from the visible menu
structure. NOTE: * If OTHER is selected as Battery Type,
BDI functions will be disabled.
S3 Timeout
This parameter will be automatically set to the cor-
Use this parameter to adjust the amount of time rect value when the "Battery Type" parameter is
the lift truck can remain inactive before activating set. This parameter allows the user to adjust the
automatic power shutdown. Set the parameter to battery voltage that would correspond to "0" BDI
any value between "1" minute and "59" minutes. bars. A "0" equals a lower voltage and a "9" equals
Setting this parameter to "0" will disable this func- a higher voltage.
tion. If the system shuts down after timing out, the
key must be reset to enable lift truck operation. S8 BDI Reset
NOTE: * If OTHER is selected as Battery Type,
S4 Battery Type
BDI functions will be disabled.
Use this parameter to select the battery type used
This parameter will be automatically set to the cor-
in the lift truck. Select the type of battery in use;
rect value when the "Battery Type" parameter is
set. This parameter allows the user to adjust the
Use OTHER if the lift truck has a fuel cell instal-
change in battery state-of-charge required to reset
led. Selecting either FLOODED or MAINTE-
the BDI back to 10 bars.
NANCE FREE will pre-select the values used for
S6 thru S9. If OTHER is selected, BDI functions
S9 Lift Interrupt
will be disabled.
Use this parameter to ENABLE or DISABLE the
S5 BDI Startup Full
lift interrupt. This will cause the lift truck to disa-
NOTE: * If OTHER is selected as Battery Type, ble lift function when the BDI bars read 0 (approxi-
BDI functions will be disabled. mately 80% battery discharge) when set to ENA-
This parameter will be automatically set to the cor-
rect value when the "Battery Type" parameter is
set. However, this parameter can be used by the
user to adjust the number of BDI bars which the
display will show immediately after re-key based

2200 SRM 1659 Service-Level Menu

S10 Audible Warning 10. Forward travel OR lowering

11. Forward OR reverse travel OR lowering
Use this parameter to enable or disable the audible
motion alarm and select the condition/s when the 12. Lifting OR lowering
alarm will be active. One of sixteen different combi- 13. Reverse travel OR lifting / lowering
nations of activities for when the alarm will sound 14. Forward travel OR lifting OR lowering
can be chosen by this parameter. Setting the pa-
rameter to “0” will disable this function. 15. Forward OR reverse travel OR lift OR lower

0. Disable audible warning and its diagnostic 16. Continuous

1. Reverse travel (default from factory) S12 Checklist

2. Forward travel
3. Forward travel OR reverse travel Use this parameter to ENABLE or DISABLE oper-
ator checklist function. If set to ENABLE, the oper-
4. Lifting ator is prompted to answer questions of an inspec-
5. Reverse travel OR lifting tion checklist every time the key is turned ON. If
6. Forward travel OR lifting set to DISABLE, the checklist will not be required.

7. Forward OR reverse travel OR lifting S13 Maint Reminder

8. Lowering
9. Reverse travel OR lowering Use this parameter to ENABLE or DISABLE the
service reminder. If set to ENABLE, a message will
10. Forward travel OR lowering appear on the display to service the lift truck, when
11. Forward OR reverse travel OR lowering a preset hour meter reading is reached. If truck is
12. Lifting OR lowering not serviced within 20 hours after the reminder,
traction speed is limited to 50%. Enter the hour
13. Reverse travel OR lifting / lowering meter reading when the next lift truck service is re-
14. Forward travel OR lifting OR lowering quired, between "1" and "99,999". A setting of “0”
15. Forward OR reverse travel OR lift OR lower will disable the feature.

16. Continuous S14 Restore Default

S11 Visual Warning Use this parameter to reset all parameters to their
original factory default values and settings. Select
Use this parameter to enable or disable the visible YES to restore all defaults. Select NO to retain ex-
motion alarm and select the condition/s when the isting values.
alarm will be active. One of sixteen different combi-
nations of activities for when the alarm will sound S15 Truck Lockout
can be chosen by this parameter. Setting the pa-
rameter to “0” will disable this function. Use this parameter to ENABLE or DISABLE all
0. Disable visual warning and its diagnostic lift truck functions. This is used when the lift truck
1. Reverse travel (default from factory) must be removed from service for repair. If set to
ENABLE, all lift truck functions will be disabled. If
2. Forward travel set to DISABLE, all lift truck functions will be re-
3. Forward travel OR reverse travel stored.
4. Lifting
S61 Extended Shift
5. Reverse travel OR lifting
6. Forward travel OR lifting Use this parameter to ENABLE or DISABLE the
7. Forward OR reverse travel OR lifting extended Shift parameters.

8. Lowering
9. Reverse travel OR lowering

Service-Level Menu 2200 SRM 1659

S63 Walk Speed Accel S67 Min Steer Assist F

This parameter allows the user to adjust the rate of This parameter allows the user to adjust the rate of
tilt speed deceleration. The setting range is from 1 tilt speed deceleration. The setting range is from 1
to 9. Setting this parameter to "9" will result in to 9. Setting this parameter to "9" will result in
maximum walk speed accel. Setting this parameter maximum speed assist. Setting this parameter to
to "1" will result in minimum walk speed accel. "1" will result in minimum steer assist.

S64 Walk Speed Decel S68 Min Steer Assist R

This parameter allows the user to adjust the rate of This parameter allows the user to adjust the rate of
tilt speed deceleration. The setting range is from 1 tilt speed deceleration. The setting range is from 1
to 9. Setting this parameter to "9" will result in to 9. Setting this parameter to "9" will result in
maximum walk speed decel. Setting this parameter maximum steer assist. Setting this parameter to
to "1" will result in minimum walk speed decel. "1" will result in minimum steer assist.


This parameter allows the user to adjust the rate of Displays truck software version. This truck auto-
tilt speed deceleration. The setting range is from 1 matically coordinates the software of all nodes. One
to 9. Setting this parameter to "9" will result in software version number is used to indicate the to-
maximum pick accel. Setting this parameter to "1" tal truck software.
will result in minimum pick accel.

S66 Pick Decel

This parameter allows the user to adjust the rate of

tilt speed deceleration. The setting range is from 1
to 9. Setting this parameter to "9" will result in
maximum pick decel. Setting this parameter to "1"
will result in minimum pick decel.

Table 10. Software Versions


ERROR LOG the last event. See Table 11. Scroll through the In-
formation menu using the UP (#1) and DOWN (#3)
The Error Log menu keeps record of errors as they buttons and press the RIGHT (#2) button to enter
occur. Up to 16 errors (E1 - E16) are stored with the desired selection. Press the LEFT (#4) button to
the most recent error listed first. The code number, return to the previous menu.
occurrence, and hour meter time are displayed for

2200 SRM 1659 Service-Level Menu

Table 11. Error Log Menu

E1 - E16
nncc Counts: XX
ERROR LOG Press → Button Press → Button Alarm Description
Alarm Description

Key Volt: XX.XV

Bus Status: XX.X%
Temp: XXX C/F

T Func: 0000 xxxx
H Func: xxxx xxxx

Alarm Description
Alarm Description

Key Volt: XX.XV

Bus Status: XX.X%
Temp: XXX C/F

T Func: 0000 xxxx
H Func: xxxx xxxx


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