This document contains chapters from textbooks on using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. It includes multiple choice questions, true/false questions, fill in the blank questions, and matching questions about features and functions in these applications. For example, it asks about using the spell check function in Word, inserting tables and audio clips in PowerPoint, and formatting cells and adding borders in Excel. The chapters cover topics like the control panel interface, proofing tools, templates, and basic calculations.
This document contains chapters from textbooks on using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. It includes multiple choice questions, true/false questions, fill in the blank questions, and matching questions about features and functions in these applications. For example, it asks about using the spell check function in Word, inserting tables and audio clips in PowerPoint, and formatting cells and adding borders in Excel. The chapters cover topics like the control panel interface, proofing tools, templates, and basic calculations.
This document contains chapters from textbooks on using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. It includes multiple choice questions, true/false questions, fill in the blank questions, and matching questions about features and functions in these applications. For example, it asks about using the spell check function in Word, inserting tables and audio clips in PowerPoint, and formatting cells and adding borders in Excel. The chapters cover topics like the control panel interface, proofing tools, templates, and basic calculations.
This document contains chapters from textbooks on using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. It includes multiple choice questions, true/false questions, fill in the blank questions, and matching questions about features and functions in these applications. For example, it asks about using the spell check function in Word, inserting tables and audio clips in PowerPoint, and formatting cells and adding borders in Excel. The chapters cover topics like the control panel interface, proofing tools, templates, and basic calculations.
1. Ans. (c) Taskbar 2. Ans. (b) Mouse 3. Ans. (c) Bottom right corner 4. Ans. (b) payback 5. Ans. (a) Control panel
B. Write true or false:
1. False 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. False
C. Fill in the blanks:
1. Desktop 2. Notification. 3. Control Panel. 4. Play back. 5. Date and Time 6. Customize.
D. Match the columns:
1. Taskbar :Taskbar and start menu 2. Appearance :Display as a menu 3. Date and time :At the bottom edge 4. Control panel :Start button 5. Customize Start menu :notification area
E. Answer the following questions:
1. The tabs in the mouse properties dialog box are buttons, pointers, pointers option, wheel and Hardware.They are used to view and change the scrolling speed and other properties of the mouse. 2. To change the taskbar settings: i. Click on Appearance ii. Click on taskbar and start menu to open the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog box. 3. To customize the start menu: i. Click Start menu tab. ii. Select recently opened programs in the start menu. iii. Select recently opened programs in the start menu and taskbar. iv. Click customize button to open the Customize start menu dialog box. 4. The various tabs in the sound dialog box are playback, Recording, Sounds and communications. 5. By using the Taskbar location on screen drop down list, you can change the location of the taskbar to button, left, right and top.
CHAPTER – 3 More on MS Word 2013
A. Tick the correct option:
1. Ans. (b) F7 2. Ans. (c) Mailings 3. Ans. (a) Red 4. Ans. (b)Thesaurus 5. Ans. (a) Review
B. Write true or false:
6. True 7. True 8. False 9. False 10. True
C. Fill in the blanks:
1. Blue 2. Proofing 3. Alt 4. Six 5. Review
D. Match the columns:
1. Red wavy lines :Spelling mistakes 2. Synonym :Same meaning 3. F7 :spelling and grammar 4. Mail merge :personalized letters 5. English (United Sates) :language dialog box
E. Answer the following questions:
1. Mail merge is used to create a personalized letter for many people without preparing it separately for everyone. 2. It is called Synonyms. We can correct spelling and grammatical errors in MS Word by pressing F7 key. 3. The basic types of spellings and grammatical errors in MS Word are: i. MS Word underlines the different types of errors in different colours. ii. The red wavy line shows spellings errors. iii. The blue wavy line shows grammatical errors. 4. To set language in MS Word: i. Click on the Review tab. ii. Click on Set Proofing Language to open the Language dialog box. iii. Click on language to open language drop-down list. iv. Click and select English (U.S) v. Click on Ok. CHAPTER – 4, More on MS Power point 2013
A. Tick the correct option:
1. Ans. (c) Personal file 2. Ans. (b) .potx 3. Ans. (c) Video 4. Ans. (b)Rows and Columns 5. Ans. (a) Smart Art 6. Ans. (a) Esc
B. Write true or false:
1. False 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. False
C. Fill in the blanks:
1. Ctrl 2. Slide show 3. Hierarchy 4. .potx 5. Start recording 6. Hyperlink 7. Slide show
D. Match the columns:
1. Template :Spelling mistakes 2. Transition :Same meaning 3. .potx :spelling and grammar 4. F5 :personalized letters 5. .pptx : arrival of slide 6. Robert Gaskins : start slide show
E. Answer the following questions:
1. To insert: i. Click on the insert tab. ii. Click on the table command. iii. Move your mouse pointer to select 4 columns and 5 rows and click the mouse. iv. Click each cell to enter data. 2. A Hyperlink is a text or a graphic image that you can click when viewing a slide to jump to another slide, presentation, a document or website. 3. To trim an audio: i. Click on the playback tab under the Audio Tools. ii. Click on Trim audio command. iii. Click and drag the green handle from where you want to start the audio. iv. Click and drag the red handlefrom where you want to end the audio. v. Click on play button to listen to your selection. vi. Click on Ok. 4. Tips for delivering an effective presentation: 1) Know your audience well. 2) Have good knowledge of your subject. 3) Keep your text simple. 4) Practise it well. 5) Invite questions from the audience and answer them with confidence. 5. An action button is an extraordinary type of AutoShape that creates button on a slide. 6. Templates are the default themes and text arrangements that are already designed in PowerPoint. They can be used while preparing presentation.
CHAPTER – 5 MS Excel 2013: Formatting and Calculations
A. Tick the correct option:
1. Ans. (a) Font 2. Ans. (a) .xlsx 3. Ans. (a)No fill 4. Ans. (b)Auto Sum 5. Ans. (b) Ctrl+ Arrow key 6. Ans. (c) none of these
B. Write true or false:
1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False
C. Fill in the blanks:
1. Ms Excel 2. Merging cell 3. Ctrl 4. more 5. Orientation 6. Row name 7. 17,179,869,184 8. Unmerge cell 9. Home
D. Match the columns:
1. .xlsx :Default extension 2. Ctrl +Shift+spacebar :Select entire worksheet 3. Orientation :Changing direction of text 4. #REF! :Error value 5. Background color : Font group F. Answer the following questions: 1. To add border to your cell: i. Select the cell you want to add borders to. ii. From the Font group, click border. iii. Select the border style you want to use. 2. Order Precedence mean the order in which the operators are executed when two or more operators are used in single calculation. 3. To change the row height: i. Select any cell of the row. ii. Click on format to open its drop down menu. iii. Click on row height. iv. Click on Auto-Fit Row Height. v. Enter a space height. vi. Click on Ok. 4. To select, click on the first cell without releasing the mouse button, drag the mouse to select the group of adjacent cells you want. 5. A cell address is an intersection of the row and column where cell is located. For example, a cell in column D and row 4 has cell address as D4.