Imse Prelim Reviewer - Pacate, Joyce C.
Imse Prelim Reviewer - Pacate, Joyce C.
Imse Prelim Reviewer - Pacate, Joyce C.
CLASS II GENES are situated in the D region, and there IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF MHC
are several different loci, known as DR, DQ, and DP The maximum number of Class I MHC gene products
- Have one gene that codes for the code for the α expressed in an individual is six. That for Class II MHC
chain and one or more genes that β chain. product can exceed six but is also limited.
• Class I and Class II genes involved in an�gen Mature T cells respond to foreign an�gens, but not self-
recogni�on; in this role, they influence the protein. The repertoire of an�gen recogni�on is based
repertoire of an�gens to which T cells can respond. on selec�on processes involving MHC molecules that
occur mainly in the thymus. This is another level of
CLASS III GENES lies between the class I and class II control of immune responses.
regions on chromosome 6. Genes code for the C4A, Only a single binding site exists on a class I or class II
C4B, C2, and B complement proteins, as well as MHC molecules; all pep�des that are capable of binding
cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF). must bind to the same site.
• Class III secreted proteins that have an immune
func�on, but they are not expressed on cell ROLE OF CLASS I AND CLASS II MOLECULES IN THE IMMUNE
surfaces, and have a completely different structure. RESPONSE
T cells can only “see” and respond to an�gens when they
are combined with MHC molecules.
Class I molecules present an�gen to CD8+ T cells,
triggering a cytotoxic reac�on. Watchdogs of viral,
tumor, and certain parasi�c an�gens that are
synthesized within the cell.
Class II molecules present an�gen to CD4+ T cells, which
ALLELES – alternate forms of a gene that code for slightly
are helper cells involved in an�body produc�on. Help to
different varie�es of the same product.
mount an immune response to bacterial infec�ons or
CODOMINANT – same alleles at a given loca�on, all alleles
other pathogens found outside cells.
that an individual inherits code for products that are
expressed on cells.
HAPLOTYPE – total set of MHC alleles inherited from one
GENOTYPE – sum of haplotype.
Heterophile An�bodies
AGGLUTININS Ab involved in agglu�na�on
PRECIPITINS Ab involved in precipita�on
AGGLUTINOIDS Agglu�nins that are modified by heat
HEMAGGLUTININS Ab involved in hemagglu�na�on
LYSINS Ab capable of lysis
ALLERGIC ANTIBODY Ab that reacts with allergens
HLA Typing Technique
1. As a rule, HLA typing is performed using the ACCORDING TO IN VITRO BEHAVIOUR
lymphocytotoxicity technique. COMPLETE INCOMPLETE
2. HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, (Class I) series an�gen, a ANTIBODY
lymphocyte suspension consis�ng of T + B lymphocytes. Synonyms Bivalent, saline Univalent, blocking,
3. HLA-DR, HLA-DQ an enriched B Cells. This is because class ac�ng conglu�na�ng
II an�gens are not found in res�ng T-Cells. Response to Thermolabile Thermostable
Importance of HLA typing Ability to cross Cannot cross Can cross
Tissue/Organ transplant placenta placenta
Paternity studies Occurrence Early in late
Studies of racial ancestry and migra�on immuniza�on
For diagnos�c and gene�c counselling reac�on Saline ac�ng Albumin ac�ng
best known for its very low concentra�on in serum
has the ability to ac�vate mast cells and basophils.
Least abundant immunoglobulin in the serum
most heat-labile
does not par�cipate in typical immunoglobulin reac�ons
such as complement fixa�on, agglu�na�on, or
shortly a�er synthesis it ataches to basophils,
Langerhans cells, eosinophils, and �ssue mast cells by
means of specific surface proteins, termed high-affinity
FC ε RI receptors, which are found exclusively on these
Associated with immediate hypersensi�vity reac�ons &
with immunity to certain helminthic parasites.