TRENDS Q2 - Mod1 Week1 The Meaning And..

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Schools Division of Mandaue City
Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City, Cebu

Trends, Networks and Critical

Thinking in the 21st Century
Grade 12 HUMSS/GAS
Second Quarter, Module 1

The Meaning and Dimensions of Democracy:

Participatory or Representative

Self-Learning Module

This is a Self-Learning Module (SLM) in Trends, Networks and Critical

Thinking in the 21st Century. This module is intended for all Grade 12 HUMSS and
GAS students designed to meet their needs as 21st century Learners. It is anchored
on a holistic approach in developing the basic learning competencies in Trends,
Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century of the Senior High School
Curriculum. The lessons are presented in a manner that allow students to learn at
their own pace while learning away from school. The activities given are simple and
easy to work with. The lessons presented are easily understood yet allowing the
students to think in a wider perspective.

This Self-Learning Module is intended to provide you knowledge-based and

actual learning experiences. This aims to monitor your own learning at your own
schedule wherein you can study and decide the importance of the information found
in this module. Please follow the instructions carefully. Just take your time and enjoy
as you answer the exercises.


Please make a follow-up whether your son/daughter is following the

instructions written in this module and guide them on how to answer the exercises
provided. Feel free to contact me if you have some questions about this SLM.

With this self-learning module, the author hopes that the student would be an
active Social Scientist, a proficient learner ready to compete not only in local but also
in global arena. As this module is prepared for all Grade12 HUMSS/GAS Students, it
is hoped that they will better understand the lessons and activities presented as this
will be one of their instruments as future Social Scientist.
The following are important reminders in
using this Self-Learning Module (SLM):
1. Use the SLM module with utmost care. Do not write or
mark anything in any of the pages of the module. Use
2. a
not forgetsheet of paper
to answer in answering
the Pretest the Pretest,
before you transfer
and move on to the rest of the pages in this module.

3. Kindly read carefully the directions for every activity.

4. Observe honesty and integrity in performing all of the

activities given and in checking your own work.
5. Accomplish first the recent activities before moving on
to the next.

6. Please return the module to your teacher or facilitator

after performing all the intended activities.

Feel free to consult your teacher if ever you find difficulty in

answering all the test and activities prepared for you. You
can also consult and ask help from your parents, elder
brothers and sisters or any member of the family. Always
remember that you are not alone, there are people around
ready to help you.

We are hopeful that through this SLM, you can experience

a valuable learning and gain knowledge and deep
understanding of the given competency. You can do it!
What I Need to Know?


Ø Identify democratic practices.

Ø Explain the importance of participation in democracy.
Ø Differentiate participatory from representative democracy.


At the end of this self-learning module, the students are expected to:

Ø Explain how democracy works.

Ø Identify preferred democratic practices and analyze the reason of
your preferences.
Ø Illustrate the benefits of democratic participation.

What I Know?


Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. Some capitalists hide the possible hazards of their product by giving false
advertisements. in terms of health conditions. Do you believe that the process is
A. No. Because we are swayed to buy products from them.
B. No. Purchasing of products only benefits them.
C. No. Because we are deprived with the information.
D. None of the reasons cited.
2. The word democracy comes from the word “demokratia” which literally means
A. Rule by the people
B. Rule of the people
C. Rule for the people
D. None of the above
3. The power of the government is connected to ________.
A. the laws that bent it.
B. the laws that rule it.
C. the resolutions filed by its governing body.
D. by the session hearings of the senate.
4. Which of the following statement is true.
A. Human rights is a deception to reinforce the law.
B. Human rights is an annoyance to the democratic system.
C. Human rights are indispensable and essential components of democracy.
D. Human rights it to be enjoyed by all even to the perpetrators of crime.
5. How is democracy best shown?
A. Freedom of expression
B. Rights of the accused
C. Right to health care
D. Right to suffrage
6. One does not belong to the 3 branches of government.
A. Legislative B. Judiciary C. Representative D. Executive
7.A diverse society can freely do the following __________.
A. the citizen has the right to gather information about the alarming cases of
extrajudicial killings.
B. the dissemination of public opinion is done through the media- TV, radio,
newspaper, and the internet.
C. Only A.
D. Both A and B.
8. Good governance is based on ____________.
A. the enforcement of the basic values of democracy in the exercise of power.
B. spreading hate to the opposition block.
C. empower groups to be competitive as a way to maintain a healthy diverse
D. support public opinion all the time.
9. The following are components of democracy except:
A. Rule of Law
B. Basic Rights and Freedom
C. Elections-
D. Unification of Powers
10. _______________ is built on the popular support and full participation of people.
A. Participatory democracy C. Representative democracy
B. Democratic participation D. Governance
11. Fitting for smaller communities.
A. Sustainable democracy C. Participatory democracy
B. Representative democracy D. Direct democracy
12. The electorate is indirectly involved in the decision-making.
A. Sustainable democracy C. Participatory democracy
B. Representative democracy D. Direct democracy
13. Coulter 1988 mentioned about Necessary Assumptions Behind Political
Democracy. One of the statement is not correct.
A. Government Exists for its political parties
B. People Can Manage Their Own Affairs
C. The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number
D. Government can change quickly
14. The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number simply implies __________.
A. please every constituent at all times
B. look after the welfare of all
C. number of political allies matters
D. public decisions are not to be made for self-vested interests
15. Democratic participation requires association with _____________.
A. political parties C. political allies
B. other people D. minority block

What’s In?

Sustaining Democracy in a Globalized World

"Democracy is one of the most important principles for a better world. In its
truest sense, a democracy is a community in which all members have an equal say
in the running of that community. Unfortunately, democratic societies have fallen
short of this ideal. Nevertheless, because of its very nature, once a democracy is
established, its citizens can work together to make their society more and more
democratic, if they choose to do." -Robert Alan Silverstein

The word democracy comes from the Greek work (demokratia), which means
“rule by the people.”

Components of a Democratic Government

1. Rule of Law- it must be founded on the respect of law and the constitution.
2. Basic Rights and Freedom- human rights are indispensable and essential
components of democracy
3. Elections- one of the pillars of democracy is election where citizens have the right
to vote and be elected.
4. Division of Powers- divided into three: (1); legislative power, which adopt laws, (2)
judicial power which represents the legal framework for executing the power, and (3)
executive power, which reinforce government laws and policies.

What’s New?

At what age does the law in in the Philippines allows young people to:

1. Have a driver’s license? __________

2. Get married? ___________________
3. Vote in SK elections? _______________
4. Be put in prison? ________________
5. Permitted to leave the house? __________________

What is it?

Democracy is a form of government in which people choose leaders by

voting. A country is democratic if everyone of its citizens is treated equally and has
equal rights. Democratic government is a government in which the supreme power is
vested in the people and exercised by them directly to in directly through a system of
representation usually involving periodically held free elections. In short, it is
government by the people: rule of the majority.

Necessary Assumptions Behind Political Democracy (adapted from Coulter

A. Government Exists for People - any government that does exist must be at our
consent, and that it must uphold the welfare of its people

B. People Can Manage Their Own Affairs – There is no perfect human being. The
argument lies only in their rationality, intelligence and honesty. The assumption that
people are capable of governing their own affairs is not an assumption thay they will
do so perfectly , but rather the assumption that it is better to trust people in general,
allowing for mistakes, rather than to surrender the power of government to a group
who would not admit to any mistake.

C. The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number – the purpose of the government
is to do the greatest good for the greatest number. It simply means that public
decisions are not to be made for self-vested interests. If a decision appears to be
made that benefits one group over another, the benefit derived must be shown to be
for all people in some fashion. If this cannot be demonstrated, the benefit must be

D. Government can change quickly – the government can change both its
constitutional character and in terms of its procedures. It can change whenever the
majority decides that it should change.

Rules Necessary for a Political Democracy

(adapted from Living Democracy)
1. Laws of some kind are essential for the fair and efficient running of any society.
2. Laws can never be perfect.
3. Law can never be divorced from politics. For it is within political systems that laws
are made and changed.
4. Laws should comply with human rights.

Democratic Participation - is the empowerment of people to effectively involve

themselves in creating structures, designing policies and programs that serves that
interest of all. it requires association with other people.
- Basic Values- the rule of law, justice, equality, diversity, solidarity, dialogue,
and option for the minorities.


Constitutional- concentrates on laws enacted by a regime concerning political
Substantive- stress on the quality of life that a regime tries to promote which include
individual freedom, human welfare, security, social quality, and good governance.
Procedural- a thin scope of administrative practices to figure out if an administration
qualifies as democratic mainly focusing on how it conducts its election.
Process oriented- differ significantly from constitutional, substantive, and
procedural accounts.

Participatory Democracy vs. Representative Democracy

Participatory Democracy
1. The electorate or the subjects are directly involved in the decision-making
(Coulter 1988).
2. The power to decide is not delegated in or through a representative (Coulter
3. This had the effect of allowing the citizens’ group outside the legislature to
propose legislation in the form of initiative petitions, and then to vote on the same
legislation through a referendum.
4. Fitting for smaller communities.
Representative Democracy
1. The electorate is indirectly involved in the decision-making.
2. The power to decide is delegated to the representative, that the representative
decides for the represented.
3. It is a form of government wherein its citizens vote for or elect a representative to
represent them in Congress or the Senate.
4. For larger communities with large population.

What’s more?
Activity 1. Answer the following question:
1. What has been cascading in the Philippines and bringing a lot of gloom?
2. How will democracy enter the context of the Philippines?
3. What is democracy? Define in your own words.
Activity 2. Cite at least 5 examples.
Step 1. Discuss school rules and identify what makes a good school rule.
Step 2. Identify what makes a good law.
Step 3. Examine critically an area of law in their country, e.g laws on alcohol.
To propose and justify their own new school rule or law.

School Rule/s Law Is it good? Not good?

Activity 3. Spot if following statements are representative democracy or participatory
democracy. Write the initials RD for representative, and PD for participatory.

_________1. The people are consulted when making decisions.

_________2. Jenny can express her right to suffrage.
_________3. The party list system assure that the various sectors of the Philippines
is covered.
_________4. Such a type is suitable only for small communities.
_________5. Bayanihan heal as One is a law enacted to help the public.

What I have learned?

Make a short poem about democracy.

What I can do?

Write true if the statement is true and false if otherwise.

___________1. Democracy promotes freedom to do what you want to do.
___________2. The laws are representing the people’s interests, the majority.
___________3. The minority a bigger voice over the majority block.
___________4. The rule of law is fair and just.
___________5. Voting is unimportant in a democracy.
Assessment/ Post-test

Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. Which of the following statement holds true about democracy?
A. It makes its government escape its accountabilities for its acts before the people
B. The people are not given the opportunity to take a stand according to its acts.
C. We are free to actively participate in the political life of the government.
D. Only A and B.
2. How does democracy thrives?
A. On how the state handles the dynamic exchange of views on conflicting issues
B. How the opposition can be a substitute of the majority and a pressure on the
C. Both A and B.
D. None of the above
3. Why is there a need to abide on the division of powers among the 3 branches?
A. The 3 branches are independent governing body.
B. They function differently.
C. It only must cover its scope
D. To avoid abuse of power
4. The electorate or the subjects are directly involved in the decision-making
A. Sustainable democracy C. Participatory democracy
B. Representative democracy D. Direct democracy
5. It is a form of government wherein its citizens vote for or elect a representative to
represent them in Congress or the Senate.
A. Sustainable democracy C. Participatory democracy
B. Representative democracy D. Direct democracy
6. It concentrates on laws enacted by a regime concerning political activity.
A. Constitutional B. Substantive C. Procedural D. Process oriented
7. A thin scope of administrative practices to figure out if an administration qualifies
as democratic mainly focusing on how it conducts its election.
A. Constitutional B. Substantive C. Procedural D. Process oriented
8. stress on the quality of life that a regime tries to promote which include individual
freedom, human welfare, etc.
A. Constitutional B. Substantive C. Procedural D. Process oriented
9. There is an increasing disenchantment of the state of society in our globalized
A. Government Acceptance C. Political failure
B. Undemocratic Practices D. Political Corruption
10. The following holds true about rules necessary for a political democracy except:
A. Laws of some kind are essential for the fair and efficient running of any society.
B. Laws are perfect.
C. Law can never be divorced from politics.
D. Laws should comply with human rights.
11. Denise writes a position letter to a Senator.
A. Sustainable democracy C. Participatory democracy
B. Representative democracy D. Direct democracy
12. Church leaders can vote for their favorite governor.
A. Sustainable democracy C. Participatory democracy
B. Representative democracy D. Direct democracy
13. It is fitting for country which has larger population.
A. Sustainable democracy C. Participatory democracy
B. Representative democracy D. Direct democracy
14. Volunteers have launched a campaign to gather at least seven million signatures
to grant ABS-CBN with a franchise through people's initiative.
A. Sustainable democracy C. Participatory democracy
B. Representative democracy D. Direct democracy
15. It speaks of the delegation of power to someone trustworthy.
A. Sustainable democracy C. Participatory democracy
B. Representative democracy D. Direct democracy

Additional Activities
Make a poster depicting the Philippine’s struggle in relation to


• Dela Cruz, R.T., & Dela Cruz R.P. (2017). Wired! Trends, Networks, and
Critical Thinking Skills in the 21st Century
About Author

Mary Jane A. Maňago is a licensed professional

teacher, currently teaching in Mandaue City
Comprehensive National High School. She is handling
Humanities subjects in Grade 12 and Applied Subjects
like Media and Information Literacy.

In her undergraduate studies, she studied at

Cebu Normal University with a degree in Bachelor of
Secondary Education major in Social Sciences. She
also took Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) major in
Social Studies (CAR) at the same university.

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