1 s2.0 S0017931022005361 Main
1 s2.0 S0017931022005361 Main
1 s2.0 S0017931022005361 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper provides an extensive overview of heat transfer augmentation through various techniques us-
Received 18 November 2021 ing microchannel heat sink (MCHS). Continuous miniaturization of electronic devices due to multifunc-
Revised 2 May 2022
tion, high heat flux over the unit area, and lower package volume has compelled researchers to find
Accepted 21 May 2022
advanced and sophisticated heat removal technologies. This review paper (with more than 300 refer-
Available online 8 June 2022
ences) covers the recent developments in the area of different cooling technologies in general and MCHS
Keywords: in particular. The focus has been paid to the research articles since 2010 because of the enormous vol-
Microchannel heat sink ume of papers published in this area in the last 10 years. Following a brief introduction to the rise of
Heat transfer enhancement micro-scale devices, as well as conventional cooling technologies and applications, the review first clas-
Microchannel design sifies flow channels, as well as the various microchannel fabrication techniques used over the years. The
Boundary layer next section provides different methods adopted for heat transfer enhancement that are broadly catego-
rized under active and passive techniques, with the focus on passive devices. The final section provides
heat transfer enhancement in MCHS by geometrical modifications. When flow inside a straight chan-
nel becomes regular and the boundary layer grows, heat transfer performance deteriorates. So, extensive
studies have been conducted on channels that inherently provide boundary layer interruption, secondary
flows, and chaotic advection that promote heat transfer without modest change in pumping power. Spe-
cial emphasis has been given to the fractal shaped MCHS due to its inherent property of reducing tem-
perature non-uniformity with an insignificant drop in pressure. Additionally, comments and perspectives
to highlight the notable contributions are presented.
© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction and their associated markets, and hence a large increase in heat
flux can be predicted [3,4].
Heat removal is a major challenge in nature, and it’s also vi- As a result, developing an efficient cooling solution becomes
tal in many engineering applications. The efficient removal of ever- a top priority. Traditional cooling methods are inadequate at dis-
increasing heat flux has become a critical concern for thermal en- sipating the generated surplus heat within the IC. Furthermore,
gineers as the current microelectronics industry has progressed. the proposed approach must be compatible with the ICs’ shrunk
Recent advancements in advanced very large-scale integration size. Despite significant progress over the last few decades, high-
(VLSI) technologies and MEMS micro-electromechanical systems heat-flux removal remains a difficult problem that requires ongo-
(MEMS), along with associated micro-miniaturization, have re- ing investigation and research. To deal with the heat generated,
sulted in a substantial increment in the packing densities and heat researchers are working hard to develop micro cooling systems
fluxes generation within these devices (up to 100 W/cm2 [1]). Fur- such as jet impingement, heat pipe, spray cooling, microchannel
ther miniaturization of electronic devices such as those found in heat sinks (MCHS), etc. In the 1980s, there was a surge in interest
avionics and advanced military equipment, has led to the require- in high-heat-flux electronic cooling. Microchannel initially reached
ment of heat removal exceeding 10 0 0 W/cm2 [2] and this is be- the level of 790 W/cm2 in the 1980s. Sprays took the lead in the
yond the capability of many heat removal technologies. The cur- 1990s, with 1200 W/cm2 . Jet impingement reached the ultra-heat
rent trend shows a sharp rise in ICs and semiconductor devices flux in the 20 0 0s, with a power density of 20 0 0 W/cm2 [5].
Moore’s law states that greater heat energy dissipation is re-
quired every eighteen months since the transistor density roughly
doubles [6] as depicted in Fig. 1. There are already approximately
Corresponding author. 3-50 billion transistors in a chip [7–9], and research is still ongoing
E-mail address: hussam.mech@gmail.com (H. Sadique). to expand that number. It’s worth noting that the highest heat-flux
0017-9310/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
Fig. 8. Plots of (a) heat transfer coefficient and (b) pressure gradient with hydraulic diameter of a square channel [116].
cromachining [134,135], micro-milling [136], micro-Ultra Sonic Ma- 3.1. Active method
chining (μUSM) [137], abrasive water jet machining [138]. Micro-
Electro-Discharge Machining [139,140] is a mesoscale microfabri- Improving the rate of heat transfer necessitates the use of an
cation technique that uses a plasma discharge to selectively re- external power source. This external input source can be in the
move an electrically conducting substance and provides relatively form of RF signal, electricity, or pumps. Mechanical mixing, fluid
high design freedom and better accuracy. With the need for com- injection & suction, fluid vibration, surface vibration, and the addi-
plex internal geometrical features and various shapes, conventional tion of an external electrostatic or magnetic field that require ex-
manufacturing technologies are found to be inadequate in the con- ternal energy input and have been successfully used to intensify
struction of MCHS. With the use of Additive Manufacturing (AM) heat transfer [148-152]. External energy input, on the other hand,
in the construction of MCHS, the complex shaped feature can now is costly and difficult to accommodate in many circumstances and
be incorporated. Different metallic alloys with high thermal con- hence has limited application.
ductivity can be produced through AM-based technology which Further, a feedback system is essential in cooling systems to tar-
was not possible with other manufacturing techniques. Arie et al. get localized cooling. Closed-loop control of the chip’s temperature
[141] used stainless-steel (SS17-4), aluminium alloy (AlSi10Mg), is included in an adaptive cooling system. Thermal nonuniformity
and titanium alloy (Ti64) for the construction of manifold-MCHS due to varying power distribution can produce deleterious strains
using the Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) technique. Some on the IC substrate, therefore the ability to selectively cool differ-
other micro-fabrication technology includes Stereolithography and ent locations are critical. A nonadaptive cooling system is unable
LIGA [142,143] etc. to respond to hot regions because it lacks a temperature feedback
2.2. Microchannel classification
3.2. Passive method
Microchannels are classified in a variety of ways. Researchers
have provided different criteria for channel classification, which are Heat transfer enhancement can be performed via passive means
presented in Table 4. by creating flow disruption, altering the shape of the channel,
change in channel curvature, the introduction of secondary flows,
3. Different MCHS heat transfer enhancement techniques three-dimensional mixing, channel roughness, or attachments to
increase surface area and turbulence, altering fluid properties
Heat transfer enhancement methods are often divided into through fluid additives (using nanoparticles) [148,151-154]. Limited
three categories: active, passive, and compound methods. The com- thermal conductivity of heat transfer fluids is an intrinsic restric-
pound method has limited application due to its use in complex tion. As illustrated in Fig. 10, water has the highest thermal con-
design [147]. ductivity of all the fluids we use today, yet it is ordered lower than
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
Fig. 9. Active and passive classification of heat transfer (adapted from [157]).
most metals or metal oxides. These inherent limitations with the transfer technology that also solves the shortcoming of single-
base coolants compelled designers to look for alternate coolants layered microchannels of non-uniform flow distribution [123] and
that could remove heat more effectively. Recent advancements in this also leads to more uniform temperature at the bottom wall
nanoparticle fabrication technologies have prompted a surge in [155].
nanofluid research to create viable alternative coolants with im- Apart from that, Tao et al. [156] proposed three probable mech-
proved heat removal capabilities. anisms for improving single-phase heat transfer.
The use of a manifold microchannel, which provides higher uni- (1) Reduction in the thermal boundary layer, (2) Increase
form flow uniformity across the channel, is another passive heat flow interruptions, and (3) Increase the velocity gradient near
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
atures (Fig. 10). According to Kang et al. [165], silicon has strong
heat transfer and anticorrosive qualities, making the (1 1 0) silicon-
based micro heat sinks appropriate for high temperature and cor-
rosive environments.
Fig. 11. Variation of Local Nu along the wavy MCHS with increasing relative wavy amplitude (a) in streamwise direction (b) locally at Re = 300 [202].
Fig. 12. Variation of (a) Nu for water-Cu and (b) pressure drop, with volume fraction (ϕ ) at different particle size [206].
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
Fig. 13. Depiction of Mechanisms of heat transfer performance enhancement in wavy MCHS with porous fins: (a) development of Dean vortices; lengthening flow route and
forced permeation (b) qualitative schematic and (c) quantitative schematic [208].
Fig. 14. Schematic diagram of a wavy microchannel: (a) configuration of the microchannel MCH41 (b) geometric size [209].
Fig. 15. Variation of (a) Nu and (b) Thermal resistance (Rt ), different types of microchannels as a function of Re [209].
Different shapes of the pin fin in MCHS with nanofluids were op- [191,192] or heuristic algorithm based e.g., Genetic Algorithm (GA)
timized by [178-180], arrangement of pin fin in MCHS by [181], [193-196], etc., can be employed.
different orientation of fins by [182].
In order to minimize the thermal resistance associated with 4. Heat transfer enhancement through design modifications
MCHS, a Y-shaped bifurcation plate was optimized by [183], multi-
stage bifurcation also helped in achieving better thermal perfor- In the design of MCHS, the high amount of heat removal and
mance [184,185]. uniformity of substrate temperature are significant factors to con-
Shape optimization of microchannels such as wavy, circular, sider. This could be accomplished through better coolant distri-
rectangular, zig-zag, rhombus, trapezoidal [186-188] and geometric bution, heat flux distribution, or the use of working fluids with
parameters such as the number of the channel, hydraulic diame- better properties, for example, nanofluids. When using water as a
ter [189], aspect ratio, the thickness of the base [190], height and coolant and in cases where heat flux distribution is challenging,
width ratios, etc., flow parameters such as coolant flow rate, etc. the availability of low-temperature coolant to various parts of the
are also found to be crucial in determining the optimal thermal sink is critical to assure substrate temperature homogeneity. This
performance of MCHS. Optimization tools such as Taguchi method can be accomplished with a MCHS design that includes capabilities
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
Fig. 16. (a) plot of the variation of dimensionless avg. heat transfer coefficient with a different channel of MCHS at Re=600 and (b) variation of friction factor vs Re for wavy
and straight MCHS [210].
Fig. 18. Variation of the Nu along a complex-wavy surface with Joule number=2.1 for (a) pure EOF for various wave amplitudes (b) different flow conditions and velocity
ratios [211].
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
Fig. 19. Depiction of progression of secondary flow structure with superimposed temperature field streamline in twisted wavy MCHS [212].
Fig. 20. Plots of Thermal resistance R vs (a) wavelength difference (λ) and (b) amplitude difference (A) [214].
Fig. 21. Velocity distribution and velocity vectors for the Single path serpentine channel design at flow rate of 0.15 l/min and input power of 100 W [227].
4.1. Secondary flow have been seen to form rapidly along the flow direction and dis-
rupt the boundary layer [170,204]. As a result, wavy microchannels
As the flow becomes regular and the boundary layers grow, the can perform better in terms of heat transfer. The thickness of the
heat transfer performance in straight channels degrades in the flow thermal boundary layer can be reduced and the velocity gradient
direction. Secondary flows (Dean vortices) can be formed when liq- near a HT wall can be increased to improve convective HT [156].
uid flows through curved passageways, which improve fluid mixing Sui et al. [202] investigated the fluid flow and HT in a 3-D wavy
and hence heat transfer [202]. MCHS with a rectangular cross-section numerically. The features
of fluid mixing are evaluated using the Poincare section technique.
The findings demonstrated that a secondary flow (Dean vortices)
4.1.1. Wavy microchannel heat sink
for liquid flow through wavy MCHS emerged. Meanwhile, the num-
Straight MCHS suffer from a problem where the flow becomes
ber and position of vortices were discovered to change along the
regular and the boundary layer thickens [202,203], resulting in
flow direction, resulting in chaotic advection (CA) and improved
poor heat transfer performance along the stream-wise direction. In
convective fluid mixing. As a result, the HT performance of wavy
wavy microchannels with a low Reynolds number, Dean vortices
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
Fig. 22. Heat transfer coefficients in different serpentine microchannels at different conditions of Re and heat flux [228].
Fig. 23. Stagnation zones are indicated by velocity profiles at the bends of various serpentine MCHS [228].
Fig. 24. (a) Geometric parameters of serpentine MCHS with fan-shaped re-entrant cavities and (b) flow streamline at the mid plane for Re=480 [229].
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
Fig. 25. Plots of relative Nu vs Re (a) Effects of Sc/Wc and (b) Effects of Hc/Wc [229].
Fig. 26. Effect of channel geometry on Nusselt number (a) Re= 900 and (b) Re= 1800 for different volume fractions of nanoparticle [232].
Fig. 27. Variation in the Nu with Re as a function of “ϕ ” (a) data for CZ-HS and (b) data for CCZ-HS [233].
MCHS has improved. With increasing wall waviness, the HT in- Conjugate HT in wavy microchannels has been studied numeri-
creases, whereas the PD penalty appears to be considerably smaller cally by Rostami et al. [205,206] using Eulerian-Lagrangian method,
than the heat transfer enhancement. Waviness is increased in the the nanofluid was simulated as a two-phase model, in the first
streamwise direction in the first design and locally increased in study, Water-Al2 O3 nanofluid has a diameter of 120 nm and a vol-
high heat flux regions in the second design. The fluctuation of the ume fraction (ϕ ) ranging from 0% to 2%. SIMPLE technique was
local Nusselt number along the wavy microchannel is depicted in used to solve three-dimensional governing equations. Nusselt num-
Fig. 11. Both designs, interestingly, had excellent thermal perfor- ber increases because of the secondary flows and presence of recir-
mance, with HT enhancement factors ranging from 1.71-2.95 and culation zone in wavy microchannel walls as compared to straight
PD penalty factors ranging from 1.38-2. microchannel walls by 162.6% at the cost of 195.7 % of PD. If
nanofluid is used instead of pure water as nanofluid then Nus-
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Table 1
single-phase and two-phase flow advantages and disadvantages.
Range of Heat
Advantages Disadvantage Fluxes
Single-phase Single-phase devices are used to be lightweight and High heat flux is achieved with the trade-off of large PD. 1000W/cm2 [24]
compact. Very high heat flux can be obtained by reducing Large temperature gradients are usually encountered in
the diameter. the flow direction.
Rely on sensible heat for cooling and hence unable to
achieve a large heat transfer coefficient.
1700 W/cm2 [25]
Two-phase higher forced convective heat transfer coefficient Hydraulic instabilities 3000 W/cm2 [26]
increased temperature uniformity, and Existence of periodic dry zone
smaller coolant mass flow rates and hence reduced Sometimes unpredictable, difficult to control, and leads to
coolant reservoir. instability and local overheating.
Choking may occur at a very small diameter, and this
hampers heat transfer capability
Fig. 30. Schematic of Transverse microchannel [243]. Fig. 32. Schematic used in ref. [247] to describe double layered MCHS.
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
Fig. 33. Schematic diagram for (a) a typical fractal treelike network (n=2, m=4, and =60o ) and (b) kth branching structure [262].
Hasis et al. [212] presented a numerical simulation of fully de- site rotating Dean vortices, which improves coolant mixing and, as
veloped laminar fluid flow and HT in a twisted sinusoidal rectan- a result, heat sink performance. Dean vortices are created along the
gular wavy microchannel with the continuous rotation of cross- sidewalls of channels in the up-down wavy design, while they are
section geometry along the streamline. For Re in the 30 0-70 0 created close to the top and bottom walls of channels in the left-
range, the extent of twist (δ ), waviness(γ ) and channel aspect ra- right wavy design. Up-down wavy MCHS had better performance
tio (β ), thermo-hydraulic performance was investigated by apply- than left-right wavy MCHS irrespective of the design parameters,
ing constant heat flux (H2) and constant temperature (T) bound- however, they gave the same performance at larger wavelengths.
ary conditions. When compared to sinusoidal microchannels, the
twisted wavy MCHS significantly improve heat transfer perfor- 4.1.2. Serpentine MCHS
mance while causing negligible PD in the low Re number domain Al-Neama et al. [227] did an experimental and numerical study
at higher AR and waviness heat transfer was increased by 30%. Nu of serpentine rectangular MCHS with four different configurations,
increases linearly as the flow rate and channel waviness increase. straight rectangular MCHS (SRMs), single (SPSMs), double (DPSMs),
Heat transfer performance was shown to be reduced as the de- and triple path serpentine rectangular MCHS(TPSMs). When com-
gree of twist was reduced. At greater Re and waviness, however, pared to the typical SRMs, SPSM achieves 35% gain in Nuavg and 19
channel twisting did not result in considerable heat transfer en- % drop in total thermal resistance (Rth ) at a volumetric flow rate of
hancement. The periodic creation of an asymmetric corner vortex 0.5 l/min, but at the cost of 10 times drop in pressure.
and its intensification helps to achieve a better heat transfer coef- The velocity distribution and velocity vectors for the SPSM heat
ficient, according to a study of flow structures and their impacts sink are shown in Fig. 21. The SPSM design has higher velocities
(Fig. 19). than the DPSMs and TPSMs designs because of flow continuity, and
Sui et al. [213] analysed numerically fully developed flow and the presence of a small region of flow recirculating near the inner
HT in periodic rectangular wavy MCHS for the value of Re ranging surface of the bend, which aids in disrupting the hydrodynamic
from laminar to transitional region. Results reveal that formation of and thermal boundary layers and the transportation of heat from
secondary flows or dean vortices when liquid flows through bends the walls into the water, thus improving convective heat transfer
lead to the chaotic advection that greatly enhanced fluid mixing but at the cost of significant PD.
and heat transfer performance in a steady flow regime. As Re in- Sreehari et al. [228] used three different shapes of serpentine
creased, flow underwent some unsteady regimes that leads to tem- MCHS (Rectangular, U, and V) for the experimental and numeri-
poral and spatial evolution of Dean vortices along the flow direc- cal investigation. Silicon was chosen as substrate material whereas
tion and hence the loss of flow symmetry. Further increment in Re water as coolant for the Re in the range of 100 to 400 and at differ-
resulted in chaotic flow. It has been discovered that the heat trans- ent heat fluxes (10, 20, and 30 kW/m2 ). Fluid-substrate interaction
fer performance of wavy channels is usually much better than that area, as described by the Sink Area Factor (SAF), determines the
of straight channels with the same cross-sections without signifi- entire thermal performance of the MCHS. A greater SAF resulted in
cant PD. superior thermal performance. U-serpentine microchannel exhib-
Lin et al. [214] designed to improve the performance of wavy ited the best thermal performance in terms of low substrate tem-
MCHS by adjusting the wavelength or/and amplitude along the perature, high heat transfer coefficient, and minimum PD followed
streamwise direction. When the wavelength of wavy units reduces by rectangular and V-serpentine. The overall thermal performance
or the amplitude increases, the new design performance improves of the microchannels is affected by the sharp bends of the mi-
dramatically with a reduced thermal resistance (R) and smaller crochannel patterns and the surface roughness of the MCHS walls.
bottom wall temperature difference Tb,max and this is more re- Fig. 22 shows that the heat transfer coefficient increases with the
markable when wavelength difference λ and amplitude differ- increase in the Re due to better mixing of liquids at higher veloc-
ence A between two wavy units increases. The newly proposed ities. The heat transfer coefficient of U-serpentine microchannels
channel with lower aspect ratios show a reduced value of R and is higher than that of Rectangular and V-serpentine microchan-
Tb ,max compared to straight and wavy MCHS which is shown in nels. This is due to the large stagnation portion found in the V-
Fig. 20. serpentine microchannel (Fig. 23) that leads to the inefficient mix-
Zhu et al. [215] investigated the TP of up-down and left-right ing of the liquid at sharp corners of V-bends and hence low heat
wavy MCHS and concluded that wavy MCHS enhanced heat trans- transfer coefficient.
fer performance without much PD penalty. In the channel cross- A numerical study of fluid flow and HT in serpentine MCHS
section plane, each wavy channel creates symmetric pair of oppo- with fan-shaped reentrant cavities was conducted by Liu et al.
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
Table 2
Various cooling Techniques.
Spray cooling Offers uniform cooling, a wide range of applications, can required proper adjustment, large parameters such as
use a wide range of cooling media, ease of droplet size, droplet velocity, volumetric flux, spray angle,
manufacturing, low coolant flow rates, low thermal etc. are difficult to control.
resistance at the contact, relatively quick cooling rate Filters, pumps, and the transportation of excess liquid
high heat dissipation capacity, low superheat degree, no and vapor to a condenser are all required for the
temperature overshoot, low droplet impact velocity, and functioning of spray cooling.
Microchannels Compact and lightweight As the number of flow pathways decreases, the pressure
Provide better heat transfer performance loss along the flow direction grows exponentially
Reduced coolant flow requirement Clogging, temperature gradient.
Maintain good temperature uniformity in a two-phase instabilities, as well as backflows, may occur in a
system two-phase flow
Porous media compact size and high heat transfer area, high effective large pumping power requirement
thermal conductivity, easy manufacturing.
Jet Impingement pressure drop is comparatively modest. Heat transfer is greatly affected by radially outward
Dissipates high heat flux densities, offers localized movement of fluid (liquid separation)
cooling. Potential temperature uniformity issues for the single jet.
Can be used in compact space, with No thermal Additional component cost and maintenance requirement
No manufacturing complexity
Heat Pipe With a low-temperature difference over the length of the Operating conditions are constrained, and there are some
pipe and passive operation, the PD is comparatively low instabilities associated with it.
and the heat transfer is efficient. Small heat loads, gravity dependence.
High heat transfer rates over a long distance
Thermoelectric Efficient, silent, no mechanical moving parts, low Poor efficiencies lead to power consumption
maintenance, compact, high reliability, no working fluid, Limited heat removal capacity
large cooling density
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
Fig. 35. Plots of the variations of flow rates with (a) drop in pressure and (b) thermal resistance [321].
Fig. 36. (a) Schematic of a fractal-like MCHS, Velocity distributions with an AR of 0.333 and Re=810 (b) L bend (c) diffluent flow at T joint and (d) confluent flow at T joint
[229] for Re=150-980. The geometrical parameter of fan-shaped However, as the flow deflects to the cavities, it creates a stagna-
reentrant cavities examined includes width (Wc), height (Hc), and tion zone, which substantially hinders heat transfer. The hydro-
spacing (Sc) as depicted in Fig. 24a. Fan-shaped cavities can lower dynamic boundary layer is periodically broken up by the cavities
flow resistance while also improving temperature distribution uni- along the serpentine channel. As a result of the boundary layer re-
formity. Fig. 24b shows the creation of Dean’s vortices in the fan- development caused by the interruption of streamlines, heat trans-
shaped re-entrant cavities along the flow channel. Sidewall cav- fer is enhanced, but recirculation causes heat transfer to increase
ities can enhance heat transfer surface area, regenerate thermal or deteriorate, depending on the intensity of the secondary flow
and hydraulic boundary layers, and cause jet and throttling effects. formed here. Except for Re=980 and Hc/Wc =0.2887, heat trans-
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
Fig. 37. Temperature difference on the base of the heat source in the case of double-layered and truncated double-layered Channel [322].
Fig. 38. Schematic of fractal MCHS embedded with hydrogels and variation of maximum temperature increment of heat sink vs heat flux of hotspot depicting hotspot
thermal management [327].
fer is improved in all circumstances and flow resistance is re- ated in this study for Re value of 50-150. The channel with the left-
duced as compared to a rectangular serpentine channel. Sc/Wc pointing triangular cross-section gave a larger mean HT enhance-
=3 and Hc/Wc=0.2887, yield the best performance of serpentine ment than the channel with the upward-pointing cross-section for
MCHS with fan-shaped reentrant cavities as depicted in Fig. 25. all Re studied, while the pressure drop remained the same. Twisted
Rahimi et al. [196] used an artificial neural network (ANN) and sections lead to enhancement in mean heat transfer with insignifi-
genetic algorithm (GA) tool for the optimization of data obtained cant PD compared to non-twisted configurations overall range of
from experimental and numerical investigations of serpentine mi- Re, while the degree of twist did not play a significant role in
crochannels. Results show that the ANN model has better accuracy heat transfer enhancement. Due to the swirling flow triggered by
than GA-based correlation, but the application of empirical corre- the twisted geometry, stronger twisting resulted in a significant in-
lation is easier in GA. crease in heat transfer in downstream bends.
Filimonov and Sorvari [230] did CFD modeling using Fluent to A unique experimental technique employing molecule-based
examine the effects of cross-section orientation on the thermo- temperature sensors was used to evaluate segmented microchan-
hydraulic performance of periodic serpentine equilateral triangle nel flows and heat transfer enhancements in serpentine MCHS
MCHS. Serpentine channels with upward- and left-pointing equi- by Huang et al. [231]. Liquid-gas segments of ethanol and air at
lateral triangular cross-sections and twisted sections were evalu- various flow rates were produced inside serpentine MCHS. Fluid
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
Fig. 39. Schematic of different optimal model and plot of thermal resistance vs pumping power [328].
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Table 3
Reviewed papers in respective cooling technologies.
pared to a parallel-channel design, a width-tapered channel pro- channel but at the cost of increased PD penalty. Maximum heat
duces a lower temperature rise and a more uniform temperature transfer occurred at the tapering factor (TF=height of the chan-
distribution along the channel centreline. Maximum THP enhance- nel at outlet/height of channel at the inlet) of 0.32 for Re in the
ment of 16.7% was observed in the case of the channel with width- range of 100 to 200. Higher heat transfer and lower PD are pre-
tapered, compared to parallel-channel design at pumping power dicted by temperature-dependent fluid characteristics. Even though
greater than 0.4 Watt. nanofluid has better overall performance than water but using it
Kumar et al. [235] used Water-Al2 O3 nanofluid for the THP in DL-MCHS is not advantageous from an overall performance per-
analysis of double-layered tapered MCHS (DL-MCHS). DL-MCHS spective.
was found to have better HT performance than the conventional
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H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
Table 4
various classifications of channels based on the different criteria.
a high temperature rise cause thermal instability, as well as lower 4.4. Fractal shaped MCHS
device performance and longevity, and hence, it is highly undesir-
able. While a single-layer MCHS with a high depth-to-width ra- The presence of a formal pattern that repeats itself even when
tio can address this issue, it comes at a cost in terms of pump- the scale changes, characterize fractal structures, which are com-
ing power and fabrication complexity [234]. With this background, mon in nature. This feature is known as ’self-similarity’ [255]. Mur-
Vafai and Zhu [246] developed a double-layered heat sink struc- ray’s law [256] is an important optimization principle in the con-
ture to address these difficulties. They proposed that heat trans- struction of fractal-like branched systems with a wide range of
ferred to a double layered MCHS (DLMCHS) can be dissipated in functions and it states that the optimal network branching is at-
two ways. One is the "direct path," in which heat from the base tained when the cube of the parent channel radius equals the sum
fin is first transferred to the lower layer through the bottom hori- of the cubes of the daughter channel radii. it estimates the op-
zontal fin, and then dissipated by convection in the lower channels. timal diameter of branches in transportation networks to mini-
The other is the "indirect path," in which heat is transferred to the mize the flow resistance and maintenance of the transport medium
upper layer via the vertical and middle horizontal fins, and then [256-262].
dissipated by convection in the upper channels. Here, the “indi- The study of fractal geometry further accelerated after the pio-
rect” path present in double-layered MCHS provides an extra ben- neering work of Mandelbrot [263]. Further, researchers have found
efit over single-layered MCHS. the existence of fractal geometry in all elements of nature like in
In this work by Li et al. [248], an improved design (two layers the respiratory and cardiovascular system of animals such as blood
of rectangular channels are stacked one on top of the other with vessels, bronchial tree and vascular systems [264-269], leaf of the
porous ribs in the upper layer and solid ribs in the lower layer) plant [270,271], coastline, river channels, plant root, snowflakes,
of MCHS with a combination of high TP and low PD was pro- etc. [272-275], where Murray’s law has been proven to be a fair
posed, taking into account the advantages of the double-layered estimation. The main aim of hierarchically branched or fractal-
and the porous-ribs design. For performance comparison, four shaped channels is to maximize heat transfer while reducing the
more heat sinks with different structures (solid-ribs single-layered, fluid flow and PD in a system [276,277].
porous-ribs single-layered, solid-ribs double-layered, and porous- Bejan [278-280] has made the most significant contributions to
ribs double-layered) have been constructed. The results show that the theories and literature on heat transfer in fractal and hierarchi-
the revised model has the lowest thermal resistance (decreased by cal systems, as well as methods for the synthesis and optimization
14.98%, 10.85%, 9.27%, and 11.44%) and the best temperature unifor- of hierarchical networks. Bejan coined the term “constructal the-
mity (enhanced by 52.44%, 58.04%,14.57%, and 56.54%) on the bot- ory”, in which scaling rules are allowed to change at each branch
tom wall compared to other four design, at a fixed Re or pumping level. Fractal-like networks are a subset of feasible constructal net-
power (0.05 W). This is accredited to the better thermal conductiv- works [273,279-287]. Flow networks, as opposed to parallel flow
ity and low PD in the double-layered heat sink. Thermal resistance configurations or serpentines, have been shown to have higher ef-
monotonically decreased with increasing AR at a fixed channel-to- ficiency [129,272,274,277,288-293] and better temperature unifor-
pitch width ratio and channel number. mity [294-296]
Truncated DLMCHS was employed by Arani et al. [249] with To give the optimized branching structure, minimum surface
water/single-wall CNT nanofluid as a coolant for Re in the range area, minimum flow resistance, minimum volume, and minimum
of 50 0, 10 0 0, and 20 0 0. Results show that this configuration led power, were optimized using Murray’s law. Based on early inves-
to better temperature uniformity and lower thermal resistance due tigations, generalized Murray’s law can be represented as follows
to the use of water-CNT nanofluid. Up to 14% increment in ther- [256,259-262,270]:
mal performance was observed for water-CNT nanofluid with non-
Newtonian properties was observed by [250]. Leng et al. [251] ob- R3k = R3k+1,i (3)
served that, apart from maintaining temperature uniformity at the
base of the channel, truncated DLMCHS improved cooling perfor-
mance at constant pumping power and volume flow rate of the Where k and k + 1 are parent and daughter branches respec-
coolant [252]. The average Nusselt number increased with de- tively, R is the radius of branch pipe, N refers to the branching
creased height and increased width of DLMCHS [253]. Mashayekhi number in each bifurcation. The ratio of the parent branch to the
et al. [254] used hybrid nanofluid in DLMCHS with sinusoidal daughter branch (i.e. Rk+1 /Rk ) in a symmetrical and dichotomous
walls. Hybrid Cu-Al2O3/water nanofluid was used for ϕ =0-2%. Nu structure is 2−1/3 .
was increased by 23%, 22%, 19% and 13% corresponding to Re=50, Further development of Murray’s law has been done by many
30 0, 70 0 and 120 0 at ϕ =2%. researchers. For the turbulent flow regime, the optimized the
branching structure by minimizing the pumping power and the ex-
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
pression is as follows [297]: and T joints, the vorticity rose as the Re grew and the AR de-
creased. As a result, a reduced AR of 0.333 was shown to have
R7k /3 = /3
R7k+1 ,i
(4) lower PD and higher HT performance in fractal MCHS than all of
i=1 the other microchannel networks.
Heymann et al. [316] used a 1-D model to optimize the struc-
Then in this case consecutive branching ratio Rk+1 /Rk is 2−3/7 ture of fractal microchannels for the lowest PD and pumping
for a symmetrical and dichotomous branching structure in turbu- power utilizing a direct numerical search and GA. Fewer branch
lent flow regime and for the heat conduction to attain minimum levels with several channels originating from the input plenum
thermal resistance, Rk+1 /Rk is 2−1/2 [262]. Kuo et al. [261] give were suitable for higher heat flux removal applications.
the optimal ratio of turbulent flow through the rough pipe and In another study, a truncated double-layered (TDL) heat sink
is found to be -7/17 and this differs from smooth pipe flow condi- along with Y-shaped fractal MCHS was investigated by [322]. TDL
tions which are -3/7. heat sink showed 24-30% improved temperature uniformity at inlet
Murray’s law can also be reduced for a symmetric branched than the simple double-layered (DL) channel with less requirement
tree-like network as follows [262]: of pumping power (Fig. 37).
βk = dk+1/dk = n−1/Dd (5) Table 7 summarises key findings from several studies related to
fractal microchannel networks.
and Zhang et al. [323,324] did a numerical and experimental
study to investigate the THP of fractal microchannel networks us-
αk = lk+1/lk = n−1/Dl (6)
ing the subsectional integral method. The results of the subsec-
Where Dd and Dl are fractal dimension of diameter and length tional integral method had smaller deviations when compared
respectively. to the standard equivalent approach, and a microchannel with a
Now from Fig. 33, the treelike network consists of N branches smaller AR, higher fillet bend, and branching level could attain
from 0 to m level. lk and dk are length and diameter at arbitrary higher performance. Then, starting at the bifurcations and bends
branching level k (0, 1, 2, ... to m). “n” shows the number of daugh- with two branching levels, they investigated the secondary and re-
ter branches at next level i.e. at k + 1. From Fig. 33, it is evident circulation flow, concluding that the flow rates and aspect ratios
that n is 2 and m is 4. have great effects on the development of the vortices, greatly pro-
Keeping in mind the importance of the fractal network in the moting fluid mixing and enhancing heat transfer. The impact of as-
thermal management of devices, optimal studies have been con- pect ratio on THP of fractal shaped MCHS was experimentally in-
ducted by many researchers. Bejan et al. [259] optimized the T- vestigated and compared with straight MCHS by Yu et al. [292] for
and Y- shaped fractal structure by minimizing the flow resis- Re in the range of 150 to 1200. The result showed that fractal
tance. Emerson et al. [298] applied Murray’s law for the non- MCHS had a much higher heat transfer coefficient due to the for-
circular branching structures. Following the research of fractal mation of vortices in the fractal tree-like MCHS at the expense of
shaped MCHS H-shaped [280,283,291,296,299-301] and Y-shaped large pumping power. AR of MCHS had a great impact on both the
[302,303] networks was proposed by many researchers. heat transfer and PD. PD was more prominent at higher Re due to
Jing and co-workers [300,312-314] performed a comprehensive pressure loss at the bifurcation of fractal tree network and hence
study for the optimization of a fractal tree-like network to ob- it was recommended to use a semi-circular shape at the bend and
tain minimum thermal resistance. For electrokinetic flow under the bifurcation locations. A similar observation was made by Senn and
constant channel, volume constraints they found that the surface Poulikakos [289]. They compared tree-like fractal MCHS with ser-
charge at the solid-liquid interface can significantly affect the op- pentine flow patterns for the same surface area. Their study re-
timal fractal network. In another study, they considered slip flow vealed that a tree net with 6 branching levels yields 50% of the
conditions for the investigation of Murray’s law for laminar flow in PD than the corresponding serpentine network and this PD was
a fractal tree-like network. The optimal diameter ratio for achiev- prominent at bends and bifurcations. The tree net also provided
ing minimum flow resistance was found to be dependent on slip better thermal performance than the serpentine channel. Higher
length. PD at bends and bifurcation was also observed by Haller et al.
In their experimental and numerical study of THP of fractal-like [290] for L-bends and T-joints in branching microchannels and sug-
multilayer silicon MCHS. Xu et al. [321] discovered that layer num- gested design modification at the bends but at the cost of reduced
ber was an important factor in determining the Nu, pressure loss, heat transfer. Shape and aspect ratios also have been found to have
and thermal resistance of the multilayer FMCHS. The use of a mul- a great impact on PD.
tilayer fractal MCHS results in lower thermal resistance and pump- Lu et al. [325] evaluated the heat transfer performance of var-
ing power. MCHS performed best overall when the layer number ious branching levels of fractal-shaped heat sinks. With the in-
was 5, with a small volume thermal resistance of 2.5 Kcm3 /W and crease in branching level, the average and peak temperature both
pumping power of 0.07 Watt at 400 mL/min, which is shown in reduced. The heat sink size would limit the improvement in heat
Fig. 35. removal performance after the branching level was higher than 4.
The work of Ghodoossi [319] discovered that the thermal per- As a result, 4 was indicated as the ideal branching level.
formance of fractal MCHS was unaffected, whereas hydraulic per- Because of the structural limitations of the right-angled bifurca-
formance increased in the case of turbulent flow and decreased for tion in the fractal networks, the formation of hotspots occurred at
laminar flow compared to parallel MCHS. Zhang et al. [293] ex- the wall of the channel heat sink [295]. This issue was addressed
amined the formation of recirculation flow motions and secondary by the design modification of the fractal network and this modified
flows at the bends and bifurcation of fractal-like MCHS (Fig. 36a). channel exhibited better temperature uniformity, lower thermal re-
These motions, initiated at the L bend and T joints tend to sub- sistance, and much lower PD. Farzaneh et al. [326] scrutinized the
stitute the slower moving fluid near the wall with faster-moving bifurcating MCHS with and without loops and found that increas-
fluid as depicted in Fig. 36(c-d), causing a great enhancement in ing the number of branches reduced both maximum dimension-
viscous friction at the walls of the MCHS with large PD and en- less temperature (by 10% and 20%) and pressure drop (by 25% and
abling more convective thermal transport between fluid and walls 30%) for one and two branch reverting microchannels compared to
of MCHS that led to better heat transfer. These mixing at the bifur- without branch.
cation and bends kept flows in the developing regions. At L bends
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher
Table 5
Brief summary of work in wavy MCHS.
HT en-
Author/Year Wavy pattern Working fluid and input parameter hancement PD penalty Remarks
Al-Rashed — —
et al. (2019)
• Working Fluid: Biologically • To make silver nano additives, the green tea leaf extract is
synthesized water-silver nanofluid used.
• Investigation type: • Enhancing the Re and nano additives fraction increases the
Numerical/Ansys Fluent performance of the heat sink
• Q= 50 w/cm2 • Increases in Re have a detrimental effect on both the
• Tin =300K pumping power and the system’s frictional irreversibility.
• In comparison to pure water, nano-fluid always has a better
cooling performance.
Lin et al. — —
• Working Fluid: Water • WMCHS with varying amplitude/wavelength was
• Substate Material Silicon investigated.
• Ansys Fluent • The performance improvement is due to the formation of
• q=50 W/cm2 vortices in the channel cross-sections, which improves not
• Re=300-800 only coolant mixing but also convective heat transfer
• Pumping power=0.1W between coolant and channel walls through Dean vortices.
• Investigation type: Numerical
• λ= 2000 μm with λ=300 or
-300 μm
• A= 30 μm.
Gui Lu — —
et al.[208](2017)
• water and silicon • WMCHS with porous fins was proposed.
• q= 100 w/cm2 • When compared to standard WMCHS with solid fins, WMCHS
• T =300 K with porous fins decreased both PD and thermal resistance.
• Investigation type: Numerical • The combined effect of greater coolant mixing by Dean
• λ = 1000 μm and A =30 μm vortices, the longer flow pathway by increasing equivalent
Author/Year Wavy pattern Working fluid and input parameter HT en- PD penalty Remarks
H.A. 0.6% —
• A= 125 to 500 μm • The temperature of the WMCHS rises as the wavy amplitude
et al. [210]
• Re=100 to 1000 decreases, and it is always lower than the temperature of the
• Working Fluid: Water straight microchannel.
• Substrate Material: Aluminium • As the amplitude of the WMCHS increases, so does the heat
• Dh = 339.15 μm transfer coefficient and wall shear stress.
• Tin =293K
• Q= 100W/cm2
• Investigation type: numerical
• ϕ = 0%-2% • Nu increased due to the wavy walls of MCHS and the use of
• λ =200 μm nanofluid.
• Dh =90 μm • Nu increased with increase in ϕ without significant PD
• For ϕ =0.02, the Nu increases by about 11.6 % compared to
pure water, whereas the PD increases by less than 2.4 %.
Author/Year Wavy pattern Working fluid and input parameter HT en- PD penalty Remarks
Table 6
Timeline of the development of fractal theory, inspired by [304].
Yan et al. [327] presented a fractal MCHS with thermosensi- shaped MCHS with rectangular cross-sections helped in decreasing
tive hydrogels that dissipated heat from the hotspots by automatic thermal resistance and increasing thermal performance.
adaptive flow rate redistribution in the respective channel. As de- Studies on removing high heat fluxes from GaN-on-SiC and
picted in Fig. 38, the SFMHS 1+2 (FMCHS fixed with hydrogels in BeO ceramic semiconductor die with hierarchically branched MCHS
both the first and second level branches at the same time) dis- were carried out by Calame et al. [129]. Single crystal silicon was
played the least temperature rise at the hotspot, after that the used for manufacturing the microchannel by contact photolithogra-
SFMHS 1 and SFMHS 2 (FMCHS fixed with hydrogels in first-level phy and DRIE. The topside patterned resistive metal coating on the
branch and FMCHS fixed with hydrogels in second-level branch). BeO-based dies and the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure on the SiC dies
This is mainly due to the better flow modulation in SFMHS 1+2 were both used as direct current resistors, producing a localized
than others. SFMHS 1+2 had the highest pumping power required heat source in each case. Three levels of branched-channel size
following that SFMHS 2 and SFMHS 1. They also discovered that gave an optimal performance with heat transfer coefficient in the
SFMHS 1+2 can handle a broader range of heat flux as well as range of 12.2-13.4 W/cm2 K which was 2 times higher than one-
identify and cool hotspots. The positions of the hotspots have a channel configuration.
significant impact on the deformation of hydrogels, which has an Temperature uniformity is also essential for maintaining the re-
impact on the automatic adaptive cooling of the hotspot. liability of microelectronic devices. Stepwise varying channels are
Yan et al. [328] used single and multi-objective evolutionary al- found to have increased thermal performance along with more
gorithms to optimize the topologies of Y-shaped fractal MCHS that temperature uniformity than the conventional channel without
took into account a number of geometrical characteristics. The plot causing a significant pressure drop. With the same objective of
of optimum thermal resistance (Rt ) vs pumping power was said enhancing the temperature uniformity Riera et al. [338] designed
to be separated into two zones: effective zone of pumping power stepwise varying width microchannel. The thermal resistance coef-
where the structure of bionic microchannels is determined by the ficient of the stepwise microchannel increased three times for the
pumping power and ineffective zone of pumping power where the same mass flow rate. The thermal interface material (TIM) layer
structure of bionic microchannels remains unchanged. Further, the caused uniformity in temperature distribution with an increase
effective zone can be categorized into three categories: parabolic, in its average temperature, prompting the design modification by
exponential, and linear decline as depicted in Fig. 39. They discov- considering the effects of TIM layer.
ered that the hydraulically optimal model used 54.5-67.2 % less Luo et al. [11] studied brass Honeycomb porous MCHS (as
energy and had lower pumping powers than the thermally opti- shown in Fig. 40) to understand HT characteristics and cooling
mal model, with flow rates of the coolant in the range of 200 to performance. Metal etching was used for the fabrication. The re-
400 ml/min, although it had a poor thermal performance. The hy- sult show that it removed 18.2 W/cm2 of heat flux at 2.4 Watt of
draulically optimal model has 50% more thermal resistance than pumping power.
this optimal model but at the expense of more power input. Tang et al. [339] designed a ring-shaped MCHS by turning pro-
cess with added guide vanes to enhance uniformity in flow distri-
4.5. Other modifications in shape bution in microchannels. Flow distribution uniformity was evalu-
ated with the help of parameter σ which is defined as:
Apart from above-mentioned modification, some other tech- 2
v( j )
niques are being used for the thermal performance enhancement
σ = −1 (j = 1, 2, . . . ., N) (7)
of MCHS. However, these are very uncommon and have not been N−1 vavg
studied by many researchers.
Brinda et al. [130] investigated ladder-shaped MCHS for enhanc- j= microchannel number from one side to other, v=flow velocity
ing contact area with the flowing coolant. By employing ladder- corresponding to each microchannels, vavg = average flow velocity
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
Table 7
Summary of important studies in fractal shaped MCHS.
% Increase in TP/
Paper Year Configuration RA C/S material Flow conditions P Remarks
[329] 2018 FMCHS with pores E+N DI water/ Al Laminar ∼17.27% (w.r.t. no
• Fractal Microreactor with a porous surface
and made with large NaCl particle had better
heat transfer performance.
[336] 2017 T-Y-shaped FMCHS N+E liquid GaInSn/Cu q=100 W/cm2 271.46% compared
Re=1021-6126 to water for
• The optimal bifurcation angle was found to
uin =0.4-2.4 m/s GaInSn/22.1 kPa
Laminar and be 60o where Nu is highest with the least PD.
• Use of GaInSn as coolant enhanced heat
transfer performance.
[337] 2015 Tree-shaped N+E Water/Steel q=25 W/cm2 132.98% more COP
FMCHS Re=600-1000 than helical net at
• Fractal tree-like channels net heat sink has
laminar Re=600/1.3 kPa
lower pressure drop, more uniform
temperature field distribution, and larger
coefficient of performance than that of the
traditional helical channel net heat sink
Note:- RA-Research Approach, E-experimental, N-numerical, C/S material: coolant and substrate material, TP: thermal performance, Al-Aluminium, Si-Silicon, Cu-Copper,
f-pulsation frequency(Hz), SWCNT-single walled CNT, MWCNT-multi-walled CNT.
H. Sadique, Q. Murtaza and Samsher International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194 (2022) 123063
in all the microchannels and is defined as: layer growth in thermally developing region which leads to
N high heat transfer than conventional microchannel.
vavg = v( j ) (8) • A study on DLMCHS shows that it exhibited low-pressure drop
N and low rise in temperature in a streamwise direction.
• Other modifications in shape, such as ladder-shaped, hierarchi-
Smaller σ signifies a more uniform flow. The result shows that
cally branched, stepwise varying, honeycomb, and ring-shaped
the performance of MCHS was greatly improved by using guide
microchannels, were also considered in this research.
vanes in both co- and counter-current flow. Installation of guide
vanes in ring-shaped microchannels leads to more flow uniformity 5.1. Future Recommendations
compared to the channel without guide vanes.
Microchannels with oblique fins [340], dimpled or protruded As electronic devices have evolved so quickly, heat management
surfaces [341,342] have also been shown to improve heat trans- has always been a significant concern. As a result, the following
fer across the channel by generating secondary flows Eq.3-(8), investigations should be pursued in the future:
(Fig.7, Fig.9, Fig.29, Fig.32, Fig.34, Fig.41), (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3,
Table 4, Table 5, Table 6)
• Optimizations of the different wavy designs could be carried
out in parallel to find their optimal geometry and improve heat
5. Conclusions and future recommendations transfer performance.
• There is future scope for incorporating magnetohydrodynamic
The current research provides a complete review of the liter- and electrohydrodynamic effects into the secondary flow chan-
ature on the influence of channel geometrical parameters on the nels.
heat transfer performance of Microchannel Heat Sink (MCHS). The
• The majority of fractal channels design approaches are based
benefits and limitations of emerging high heat flux cooling sys- on scaling laws; hence, further research is needed to investigate
tems are also highlighted. The critical review of the fluid flow and other methods.
heat transfer in MCHS, along with their usage, fabrication tech-
• The feasibility of fabricating a heat sink is still questionable;
niques, classification, parametric optimization, heat transfer en- microfeatures smaller than 100 μm are still difficult to fabricate
hancement techniques, as well as thermophysical properties of the using conventional methods [134]. Because of the limitations
material/coolant employed in the heat sink, are also explored in and complexity of MCHS production, the distinct and compli-
this paper. cated structures of MCHS cannot be realised. So, the develop-
When it comes to improving the performance of a cooling sys- ment of a suitable fabrication method remains a future chal-
tem, the geometry of the heat sink is crucial. Average temperature, lenge for engineers.
Nusselt number, flow and temperature uniformity, heat transfer co-
• It is necessary to handle effective system integration, such as
efficient, and pressure drop are all important factors that can be micropump on ICs and direct heat sink integration on chips.
impacted by thermo-hydraulic efficiency. This may address the thermal management of hotspots.
The following are the results and future work ideas based on a
• Effective cooling of hotspots, which are randomly present in
brief critical review of the literature relevant to microchannel heat ICs and microelectronic devices, still remains a major challenge,
sinks subjected to various design modifications. as there is no effective method available for the cooling of
• Heat transfer performance in straight channels diminishes in • Hybrid cooling schemes, which combine the benefits of mi-
the flow direction as the flow becomes regular and the bound- crochannel with those of other cooling schemes such as spray
ary layers develop. The enhanced heat transfer performance cooling, jet impingement, etc., can be a very effective way to
of a sinusoidal wavy channel and the serpentine channel is achieve cooling performance. Moreover, active and passive cool-
highlighted with reasonable pressure drop. Although the zigzag ing techniques can also be combined for further heat transfer
channel has a higher HT rate, it also has a higher pressure drop. augmentation.
• Meanwhile, at low Re, the convergent-divergent channel dis- • One of the most promising fluids for improving the thermal
played considerable HT enhancement. Convective heat trans- performance of micro heat sinks is nanofluids. As a result, en-
fer coefficient increases as the fluid velocity increases in the hancing the stability of nanoparticle dispersion in the base fluid
stream-wise direction of a converging channel leading to the is a promising research area.
improved overall temperature distribution. • Dispersion and random motion of particles, clustering, and
• Furthermore, the secondary flow through the oblique finned other factors should all be considered while developing a flow
channel significantly contributes to increased flow mixing and model for nanofluids flow and thermal properties in micro heat
continuous interruption of the thermal boundary layer, result- sinks.
ing in improved heat transfer. As a result, MCHS with oblique • In future research, other nanofluids with different volume frac-
fins has attained excellent thermo-hydraulic performance with tions can be examined in the study of Double layered MCHS, as
a high HT rate and small PD. well as the effect of magnetic and electric fields on the cooling
• Mitigation of non-uniform temperature distribution, such as performance of the Double layered MCHS.
temperature rises in the streamwise direction and hotspots, has
become a concern for thermal engineers. Changing the shape Declaration of Competing Interest
and structure of the MCHS has made significant progress in
terms of temperature rise along the streamwise direction and Please check the following as appropriate: (CHECKED), All au-
hotspots. However, developing an efficient and cost-effective thors have participated in (a) conception and design, or analysis
process for cooling random hotspots is critical. Fractal MCHS and interpretation of the data; (b) drafting the article or revising it
addresses the issue with decreased temperature variation, how- critically for important intellectual content; and (c) approval of the
ever at the cost of significant pressure drop. The need for adap- final version.
tive cooling and research associated with it have been studied
in detail in this article.
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