13 - Chapter-13
13 - Chapter-13
13 - Chapter-13
13.1 General
The circumstances in which the use of a grade separated junction is warranted are usually as
An at-grade junction has insufficient capacity (see Figure 13-1)
The junction is justified economically from the savings in traffic delays and
accident costs
Grade separation is cheaper on account of topography or on the grounds that
expensive land appropriation can be avoided by its construction
For operational reasons
Where roads cross motorways
From a study of conflicting traffic movements, it will generally be apparent which traffic
streams must be grade separated, leaving the other streams to be dealt with by junctions at
grade; the choice of these will depend upon the capacities needed. A study of the
characteristics of various types of grade-separated junctions is necessary, and a number of
alternative designs should be prepared. The final choice of scheme must satisfy capacity
requirements, geometric standards, and operational needs, and represent an economical
design. In some instances the choice of a particular design will be determined by the
adoption of two-stage construction, e.g. constructing an at-grade junction first and providing
grade separation later.
The geometric standards given in this manual for roads and at-grade junctions also apply to
grade separated junctions. However, the low design speeds of loops and other ancillary roads
necessitate further standards to be given. These are described below:
The design speed for the through traffic movements shall be determined in accordance with
Chapter 5. Stopping sight distances appropriate for the design speed should always be
Where a dual carriageway intersects with another dual carriageway, the junction between the
facilities shall be effected in such a manner that the loop roads do not entail any significant
reduction in the design speeds of the crossing carriageways.
The minimum standards to be applied for right turn deceleration lanes are the same as for at-
grade junctions.
The total length of the acceleration lane (i.e. not including the merging taper) shall never be
less than 150 meters or more than 400 meters.
The maximum superelevation for loops shall be e = 8% which, at a design speed of 50 km/h,
leads to a minimum radius of 80 meters. Where smaller radii are unavoidable, warning signs
will be necessary.
It is important where transitions occur from high to low speeds that the curves should be
compound or transitional, the radius at any point being appropriate for the vehicle speed at
that point.
To ensure reasonable standards of visibility, comfort and appearance, vertical curves should
be introduced at all changes in gradient. Vertical curve lengths should be determined in
accordance with Chapter 9 so as to provide safe stopping sight distances.
The minimum carriageway width for loops on straight sections and horizontal radii greater
than 150m shall be 4.0m with shoulders of 1.5 meters on the near side and 1.0 meter on the
far side (widened by 0.5 meter where guardrail is required). For loops on radii of 150 meter
or less, the carriageway width shall be in accordance with Table 13-1.
The required vertical and horizontal clearances shall be in accordance with Chapters 6 and 9.
Grade-separated junctions are generally designed using traffic volumes given in Daily High
Volume (DHV) rather than Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADTs). A detailed traffic study
and analysis can be made to determine these values. In the absence of such a study, it can be
assumed that DHV, in an urban area, is 10% of AADT. It is also a good estimate of vehicles
per hour. The capacity of each traffic lane, in DHV, is usually given as 1000 vehicles per
Thus, for instance, Table 2-1, which gives a dual carriageway Design Standard DS1,
indicates a design traffic flow of 10,000 to 15,000 AADT. The capacity of this facility would
be exceeded at more than 1000 vehicles per hour per lane, which equates to 4000 vehicles
per hour for all four lanes, and approximately is 40,000 AADT. In practice, this volume is
undesirable, and the volumes of between 10,000-15,000 are appropriate for design.
These DHV values are necessary in choosing the number of lanes for the loops
corresponding to the junction.
Special design principles apply to grade separated junctions and must be considered when
comparing the characteristics of alternative designs. The main principles and described
1. The high speeds normally met with on roads where grade separation is required
and the low design speeds of ancillary roads make it necessary to pay particular
attention to the transitions between high and low speed. This not only
influences the use of long speed-change lanes and compound curves but also
the choice of types of interchange which do not result in abrupt changes in
vehicle speeds.
2. Weaving between lanes on the main roadway within the interchange is
undesirable and can be avoided by arranging for diverging points to precede
merging points.
3. On a road with a large number of grade-separated junctions, a consistent design
speed is desirable for loops. This speed shall be not less then 65% of the speed
of the adjoining major road.
4. As a general rule, left-turning movements that are grade separated should be
made through a right-hand loop.
5. Unexpected prohibited traffic movements, especially where traffic is light, are
difficult to enforce and cause danger. If possible the geometric layout should be
designed to make prohibited movements difficult, e.g. on one-way loops entry
contrary to the one way movement can be restricted by the use of suitably
shaped traffic islands to supplement the traffic signs.
Grade separated junctions generally fail into four categories depending upon the number of
roads involved and their relative importance. These categories are as follows:
¾ Three-way junctions;
¾ Junctions of major/minor roads;
¾ Junctions of two major roads; and
¾ Junctions of more than two major roads.
Each category is discussed briefly below with reference, where appropriate, to the basic line
diagram layouts shown in Figure 13-1.
For some Y-junctions where grade separation of only one traffic stream is required, Layout
A may be appropriate. The movements associated with the missing leg would have to be
channeled to another location. This would only be appropriate of the traffic volumes on the
missing leg were slight and were capable of being served by an at-grade junction elsewhere.
See Figure 12-1 for an indication of appropriate volumes.
Layout B shows a typical three-leg junction. It is appropriate for traffic where the major road
is DS1 and the minor road is DS2- DS6. This configuration is appropriate for traffic volumes
of up to 30,000 AADT on the four-lane major road (3,000 vehicles per hour). With a single
loop lane, it is appropriate for loop traffic of 1,000 vehicles per hour. Higher loop traffic
would require multiple loop lanes.
Layouts C and D are the most simple for major/minor road junctions and both transfer the
major traffic conflicts to the minor road. These configurations are appropriate for traffic
volumes of up to 30,000 AADT on the four-lane major road (3,000 vehicles per hour), with
traffic of up to 10,000 ADT on the minor road. They are appropriate for traffic where the
major road is DS1 and the minor road is DS2- DS6. With a single loop lane, it is appropriate
for loop traffic of 1,000 vehicles per hour. Higher loop traffic would require multiple loop
Layout C shows the ‘half cloverleaf’ type of junction, which has the advantage of being
easily adapted to meet difficult site conditions.
Layout D shows the normal ‘diamond’ junction, which requires the least land appropriation.
The choice between these options is generally dependent on land requirements.
Layouts E and F show the two basic junction layouts use where high traffic flows would
make the use of simpler layouts unsatisfactory. They are appropriate for traffic volumes on
both crossing roads of between 10,000 and 30,000 AADT (3,000 vehicles per hour).
Layout E shows a ‘full cloverleaf’ junction involving only one bridge but requiring a large
land appropriation.
Layout F shows a typical roundabout interchange involving two bridges. This layout would
only be suitable if the secondary road containing the roundabout was of a low design speed
but carried a comparatively higher volume of traffic.
These junctions are difficult to design, operationally difficult, occupy large areas of land and,
requiring numerous bridges, are extremely expensive. This type of junction, although
unlikely to be required on rural roads in Ethiopia, can often be reduced by changes in the
major road alignments, which will simplify the traffic pattern, to a combination of the more
simple and economic layouts described above.