vertical and horizontal alignments. This terrain causing heavy vehicles to reduce
their speeds substantially below those of passenger cars, but not to operate at
crawl speeds.
3. Mountainous (hilly) terrain: it has sudden changes in ground elevation in
both the longitudinal and transverse directions, thereby requiring frequent
hillside excavations to achieve acceptable horizontal and vertical alignments.
Furthermore, this type of terrain causing heavy vehicles to operate at crawl
speed. Heavy vehicles are defined as any vehicle having a weight (Pounds) to
horsepower ratio of 200 or greater. Crawl speed is defined as the maximum
sustained speed that heavy vehicles can maintain on an extended upgrade
1.2.8 Level of service
1.2.9 Safety
1.2.10 Funds
1.2.11 Restrictions
Dr. Duraid M Abd Civil Engineering 2021
Dr. Duraid M Abd Civil Engineering 2021 Friction
Friction between the wheel and the pavement surface is a crucial factor in the
design of horizontal curves and thus the safe operating speed. Further, it also
affect the acceleration and deceleration ability of vehicles. Lack of adequate
friction can cause skidding or slipping of vehicles.
Skidding happens when the path travelled along the road surface is more
than the circumferential movement of the wheels due to friction
Slip occurs when the wheel revolves more than the corresponding
longitudinal movement along the road.
The frictional force that develops between the wheel and the pavement is the
load acting multiplied by a factor called the coefficient of friction and denoted
as f. The choice of the value of f is a very complicated issue since it depends on
many variables. It is typically suggested that the coefficient of longitudinal
friction as 0.35-0.4 depending on the speed and coefficient of lateral friction as
0.15. The former is useful in sight distance calculation and the latter in
horizontal curve design.
Dr. Duraid M Abd Civil Engineering 2021 Unevenness
White roads have good visibility at night, but caused glare during
Black roads has no glare during day, but has poor visibility at night
Concrete roads has better visibility and less glare
It is necessary that the road surface should be visible at night and reflection of
light is the factor that answers it. Drainage
Dr. Duraid M Abd Civil Engineering 2021
Camber or cant is the cross slope provided to raise middle of the road surface in
the transverse direction to drain off water from road surface. The objectives of
providing camber are:
Too steep slope is undesirable for it will erode the surface. Pavements on
straight sections of two-lane and multilane highways without medians are slope
from the middle downward to both sides of the highway, resulting in a
transverse or cross slope, with a cross section shape that can be curved, plane or
a combination of the two. A parabola is generally used for curved cross
sections, and the highest point of the pavement (called the crown) is slightly
rounded, with the cross slope increasing toward the pavement edge. Plane cross
slopes consist of uniform slopes at both sides of the crown. Travelled-way cross
slope should be adequate to provide proper drainage. Normally, cross slopes
range from 1.5% to 2% for paved surfaces and 2% to 6% for unpaved surfaces.
For unpaved surfaces, such as stabilized or loose gravel, and for stabilized earth
surfaces, a 3% cross slope is desirable. Figure 1.8 shows different types of
camber (cross-slope).
Dr. Duraid M Abd Civil Engineering 2021
Width of the carriageway or the width of the pavement depends on the width of
the traffic lane and number of lanes. Width of a traffic lane (one lane width)
depends on the width of the vehicle and the clearance. Side clearance improves
operating speed and safety. In general, travel lane widths usually vary from
2.75m to 3.75m. Most arterials have 3.75 travel lanes since the extra cost for
constructing 3.75m lanes over 3m lanes is usually offset by the lower
maintenance cost for shoulders and pavement surface, resulting in a reduction of
wheel concentrations at the pavement edges. On two lane, two-way rural roads,
lane widths of 3m or 3.65m may be used, but two factors must be considered
when selecting a lane width less than 3.65m wide. When pavement surfaces are
less than 6.75m, the crash rates for large trucks tend to increase and, as the lane
width is reduced from 3.65m, the capacity of a highway significantly decreases.
Dr. Duraid M Abd Civil Engineering 2021
Lane widths of 3m are therefore used only on low-speed facilities. Lanes that
are 3m wide are used occasionally in urban areas if traffic volume is low and
there are extreme right-of-way constraints. It should be noted that the maximum
permissible width of a vehicle is 2.44m and the desirable side clearance for
single lane traffic is 0.68 m. This require minimum of lane width of 3.75 m for a
single lane road. However, the side clearance required is about 0.53 m, on either
side or 1.06 m in the centre. Therefore, a two-lane road require minimum of
3.5m for each lane.
In Iraq, a lane width of 3.75m is generally used for multilane highways while
standard lane width is 3.60m. Table 1.2 represents the lane width as
recommended by AASHTO Green book
1.3.4 Shoulders
Dr. Duraid M Abd Civil Engineering 2021
1.3.5 Medians
Dr. Duraid M Abd Civil Engineering 2021
Raised medians are frequently used in urban arterial streets because they
facilitate the control of left-turn traffic at intersections by using part of the
median width for left-turn-only lanes. Some disadvantages associated
with raised medians include possible loss of control of the vehicle by the
driver if the median is accidentally struck, and they cast a shadow from
oncoming headlights, which results in drivers finding it difficult to see the
Flush medians are commonly used on urban arterials. They can also be
used on freeways, but with a median barrier. To facilitate drainage of
surface water, the flush median should be crowned. The practice in urban
areas of converting flush medians into two-way left-turn lanes is
common, since the capacity of the urban highway is increased while
maintaining some features of a median.
Depressed medians are generally used on freeways and are more effective
in draining surface water. A side slope of 6% is suggested for depressed
medians, although a slope of 4% may be adequate.
In general, median widths are in the range from 1.2m to 24m or even more at
some cases. Median widths should be as wide as possible but should be
balanced with other elements of the cross section and the cost involved. In
general, the wider the median, the more effective it is in providing safe
operating conditions and a recovery area for out-of-control vehicles. Figure
1.9 shows median cross-slope illustrations at different roads.
Dr. Duraid M Abd Civil Engineering 2021
1.3.5 Kerbs
Low or mountable kerbs: This type of kerbs are provided such that they
encourage the traffic to remain in the through traffic lanes and allow the
driver to enter the shoulder area with little deficiency. The height of this
Dr. Duraid M Abd Civil Engineering 2021
kerb is about 10cm above the pavement edge with a slope, which allows
vehicles to climb easily. This is usually provided at medians and
channelization schemes and also helps in longitudinal drainage.
Semi-barrier kerbs: when the pedestrian traffic is high, these kerbs are
provided. Their height is 15cm above the pavement edge. This type of
kerb prevents encroachment of parking vehicles, but at acute emergency
it is possible to drive over this kerb with some difficulty.
Barrier kerbs: they are designed to discourage vehicles from leaving the
pavement. They are provided when there is considerable amount of
pedestrian traffic. They are generally placed at a height of 20cm above
the pavement edge with a steep batter
Submerged kerbs: They are used in rural roads. The kerbs are provided at
pavement edges between the pavement edge and shoulders. They provide
lateral confinement and stability to the pavement.