MBA - N.DINESH - VUCA - Unit 2 - Enotes
MBA - N.DINESH - VUCA - Unit 2 - Enotes
MBA - N.DINESH - VUCA - Unit 2 - Enotes
Presented By
Dept of Management Studies
D.N.R.College Bhimavaram- 534202
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(Effective from the admitted batch of 2021 -23)
UNIT – II: Industrial sickness –Causes, Consequences – Crisis Management – Types of
Crisis & Turnaround Strategies.
Industrial Sickness
Industrial sickness refers to the uneconomical performance of industrial entities. It reflects
poor functioning of business operations and suggests that something has seriously gone
wrong with the usual business running.
As the term indicates, industrial sickness is related with industrial/ production/ manufacturing
units of large, medium and small scale businesses. Similar to the sickness of human body,
industrial sickness also has its own causes, symptoms, consequences as well as remedies.
According to Companies (2nd Amendment) Act, 2002:
"Sick Industrial Company" means an unit which has accumulated losses in any financial year
which are equal to 50% or more of its average net worth during 4 years immediately
preceding such financial years or Failed to repay its debts within any 3 consecutive quarters
on demand made in writing for its repayment by a creditor or creditors of such company.
2) Wastage of Resources:
India being a capital deficient economy can encounter adverse effects, if an industrial unit is
shut down due to sickness as all the resources invested in that unit will be wanted. This issue
is especially critical for large scale sick units where considerable investments are employed
in setting up of plants and machinery.
4) Industrial Unrest:
The closure of a large-scale industrial unit may lead to the rising unrest among the workforce
engaged in such unit. Such unrest may cause situations of strike which will affect the overall
industrial environment affecting the production of several other associated units.
A sudden and unexpected event leading to major unrest amongst the individuals at the
workplace is called as organization crisis. In other words, crisis is defined as any emergency
situation which disturbs the employees as well as leads to instability in the organization.
Crisis affects an individual, group, organization or society on the whole.
Characteristics of Crisis
Crisis is a sequence of sudden disturbing events harming the organization.
Crisis generally arises on a short notice.
Crisis triggers a feeling of fear and threat amongst the individuals.
Crisis Management
The art of dealing with sudden and unexpected events which disturbs the employees,
organization as well as external clients refers to Crisis Management.
The process of handling unexpected and sudden changes in organization culture is called as
crisis management.
Crisis refers to sudden unplanned events which cause major disturbances in the organization
and trigger a feeling of fear and threat amongst the employees.
Natural Crisis
Technological Crisis
Confrontation Crisis
1. Organizations face crisis of malevolence when some notorious employees take the
help of criminal activities and extreme steps to fulfil their demands.
2. Acts like kidnapping company’s officials, false rumours all lead to crisis of
Misdeeds Crisis
Crisis of Skewed Management Values: Crisis of Skewed Management Values arises when
management supports short term growth and ignores broader issues.
Crisis due to Workplace Violence: Such a type of crisis arises when employees are
indulged in violent acts such as beating employees, superiors in the office premises itself.
Crisis Due to Rumours: Tarnish the Spreading false rumours about the organization and
brand lead to crisis. Employees must not spread anything which would image of their
Bankruptcy Crisis: A crisis also arises when organizations fail to pay its creditors and
other parties. Lack of fund leads to crisis.
Natural Crisis: Disturbances in environment and nature such as hurricanes, volcanoes,
storms, flood; droughts, earthquakes etc result in crisis.
Sudden Crisis: As the name suggests, such situations arise all of a sudden and on an
extremely short notice. Managers do not get warning signals and such a situation is in most
cases beyond any one’s control.
Smoldering Crisis: Neglecting minor issues in the beginning lead to smoldering crisis later.
Managers often can foresee crisis but they should not ignore the same and wait for someone
else to take action. Warn the employees immediately to avoid such a situation.
According to Gonzalez-Herrero and Pratt, crisis management includes following three stages:
1. Diagnosis of Crisis
The first stage involves detecting the early indicators of crisis. It is for the leaders and
managers to sense the warning signals of a crisis and prepare the employees to face the same
with courage and determination. Superiors must review the performance of their subordinates
from time to time to know what they are up to.
The role of a manager is not just to sit in closed cabins and shout on his subordinates. He
must know what is happening around him. Monitoring the performance of the employee
regularly helps the managers to foresee crisis and warn the employees against the negative
consequences of the same. One should not ignore the alarming signals of crisis but take
necessary actions to prevent it. Take initiative on your own. Don’t wait for others.
2. Planning
Once a crisis is being detected, crisis management team must immediately jump into action.
Ask the employees not to panic. Devise relevant strategies to avoid an emergency situation.
Sit and discuss with the related members to come out with a solution which would work best
at the times of crisis. It is essential to take quick decisions. One needs to be alert and most
3. Adjusting to Changes
Employees must adjust well to new situations and changes for effective functioning of
organization in near future. It is important to analyze the causes which led to a crisis at the
workplace. Mistakes should not be repeated and new plans and processes must be
incorporated in the system.
Turnaround Strategies:
A turnaround is the financial recovery of a company that has been performing poorly for an
extended time. To affect a turnaround, a company must acknowledge and identify its
problems, consider changes in management, and develop and implement a problem-solving
Following are certain indicators which make it mandatory for a firm to adopt this strategy
for its survival. These are:
• Continuous losses
• Poor management
Also, the need for a turnaround strategy arises because of the changes in the external
environment, change in the government policies, saturated demand for the product, a threat
from the substitute products, changes in the tastes and preferences of the customers, etc.
Most companies implement turnaround recovery strategies in the pursuit of cost efficiencies.
Cost efficiencies entail a varied range of actions aimed at producing quick wins for a
company. The measures may improve a company’s cash flow or stabilize its finances before
coming up with more complex strategies.
Cost efficiency strategies are often implemented first in any recovery strategy. Companies
prefer turnaround recovery strategies that achieve cost efficiencies because they are easy to
implement, require little capital, and their effects are almost immediate. Cost-oriented
turnaround strategies include reducing (R&D), stretching accounts payable, eliminating pay
increases, reducing accounts receivable, cutting inventory, investment diversification, and
reducing marketing activities.
Companies that face performance decline usually pursue asset retrenchment actions after a
cost-efficiency drive. Under the strategy, companies evaluate underperforming areas to
eliminate them or make them more efficient.
Companies also resort to focus on their core activities as a turnaround recovery strategy.
Under the increased focus, companies identify markets, customers, and products that can
potentially generate high profits, and adopt the measures as the main focus of the firm
For example, a company may re-focus on loyal or less price-sensitive customer segments or
product lines best known to it. It may develop a clear competitive strategy through focus.
4. Change of leadership
It is inspired by the idea that CEOs bear the responsibility for a company’s negative position,
and their replacement serves as a signal of change. CEO replacement can always be
accompanied by an overhaul of the top management team to avoid repetition. As a result, a
new senior management team can enable a company to focus on new strategies to lead the
I. Short Notes
1. Industrial Sickness
2. What is Crisis Management?
3. Turnaround Strategies
II. Essays