Annexure 1.II NMHS Annual Progress Report 2019-20

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Annual Progress Report

Small Grant Project

"Remote Monitoring and Control for Smart Agriculture with

Internet of Things (IoT) in North-East (NE) Region of India."
(Period from March, 2019 to March, 2020)

Funded by
National Mission on Himalayan Studies (NMHS)
G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and sustainable
Development (GBPNIHESD)

Submitted by
Dr. D.K. Das (Project Investigator) and Dr. P. Chinnamuthu (Co. Project Investigator)
National Institute of Technology Nagaland

National Institute of Technology Nagaland

Chumukedima - 797103, India

March, 2020.

NMHS 2020 NMHS-Annual Progress Report (APR) Pro Forma Page 1 of 25

Table of Content

Sr. No. Topic Page Number

1. Project Information 3
2. Project Site Details 4
3. Project Activities Chart 4
4. Financial and Resource Information 5
5. Equipment and Asset Information 5
6. Expenditure Statement and Utilization Certificate 7
7. Project Beneficiary Groups 7
8. Project Progress Summary 8
9. Project Linkages 8
10. Knowledge Products 9
11. Project Concluding Remarks 9
12. Appendix A 12
13. Appendix B 20
14. Appendix C 22
15. Appendix D 24

NMHS 2020 NMHS-Annual Progress Report (APR) Pro Forma Page 2 of 25

NMHS Progress Report
(Period from March 2019 to March 2020)

1. Project Information

Project ID: NMHS/2017-18/SG41/22 Sanction March 28, 2018


Project Title: Remote Monitoring and Control for Smart Agriculture with Internet (IoT)
in North-East (NE) Region of India.
BTG: Infrastructure Development

PI and Dr. Dushmanta Kumar Das (Asst. Professor and HOD)

Affiliation Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
(Institution): National Institute of Technology Nagaland, Chumukedima - 797103
Name & Dr. P. Chinnamuthu (Asst. Professor and HOD)
Address of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Co-PI, if any: National Institute of Technology Nagaland Chumukedima 797103,

Structured For this year, the work progress is as follows: All sensors are interfaced
Abstract - with micro-controller like Ardunio and My-RIO. Wireless transfer of data
detailing the from the sensor nodes to control node using Zigbee is done successfully.
current year One month internship program on the topic “Android app development”
progress [Word for smart agriculture was successfully organized. All the data from the
Limit 250 sensors are stored on Thingspeak cloud server which can be monitored
using the mobile application. Mobile application to remotely monitor and
control the field parameters is developed. A remote server to store field
data has been developed. A website to access the stored data on the server
is developed. Lastly, a research article with title “Monitoring of Soil
Parameters and Controlling of Soil Moisture through IoT based Smart
Agriculture” is accepted for presentation at SCES-2020 to be conducted by
MNNIT Allahabad. Further, the left work for the coming year is as follow:
Feedback control algorithm will be tested in real time and further
implemented for maximum power tracking. Mobile application is being
upgraded for data security. Further, improvements are being done on the
server and website. A field setup will be developed which will be further
used for training and demonstration purposed. Finally, workshops and
training programs will be organized for Farmers

Project Partner Affiliations Role & Responsibilities

None - -

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2. Project Site Details
Project Site: NIT Nagaland
IHR States Covered: North-East Region of India
Long. & Lat.: -
Site Maps* (No.): -
Site Photographs* (No.): -
*Attach a separate Descriptive Annexure/ Files (.JPG, .TIFF, etc.).

3. Project Activities Chart w.r.t. Timeframe [Gantt or PERT]


Literature Survey Some literature survey has been done on Review of the literatures gave a
the development of MPPT algorithm for sufficient idea of the works already
the solar panels installed at the field been done in this domain and what
location. more improvements can be achieved.

Sensor Interfacing All sensors are finally tested and interfaced Sensors are used to measure the vital
with the microcontrollers to acquire the parameter of the soil and the
soil parameter data. environment surrounding the field.
Wireless network A wireless sensor network is setup which Wireless network is setup so that
using Zigbee will transfer sensor data from the sensor sensors, micro-controllers and other
node to control node. Focus on this equipments can communicate with
development is given in the each other.
communication of multiple sensor nodes
communicating with one control node.
PV setup for un- Some literature survey was done. An PV panels with MPPT algorithm will
interrupted power estimation technique, recursive least provide maximum power which can
supply square method is developed. Further, a be used to power sensors, micro-
feedback control algorithm is being controller, and other equipments.
developed which is in final testing stages.
Control algorithm Control algorithm to remotely monitor and This part is important to practice the
for parameters control the field using mobile application smart agriculture concept. The online
control is developed and tested. Under ideal monitoring and control will be done
conditions, automatic control option is also using the control algorithm
available. developed for the micro-controller.

IoT application To remotely monitor and generate a IoT will help to remote monitor and
database of the field parameter, a control the field parameters. It will
Thinkspeak based cloud server is being also help to generate a database
used. The data transmission from the which can be used for further
control nodes to the cloud server is analysis of the field data. As a
successfully been implemented. temporary setup Thinkspeak cloud
server is being used.
NMHS 2020 NMHS-Annual Progress Report (APR) Pro Forma Page 4 of 25
Android A mobile application has been successfully This application will help to monitor
application developed to remotely monitor and control and control the field parameters
development the field parameters. Further, this is being remotely. Farmers can access the
upgraded for data security of the users. data using this mobile application.

Server and website A remote serer is being developed to store To develop IoT application a Server
development the field information for the users. To is being developed which will store
access the database a website is also being all the user and filed data. To access
developed. A test server and website has this, a website and mobile
been developed and tested. Further, application are also developed.
improvements are being done.

4. Financial and Resource Information

Note: A separate bank account is expected to be opened for NMHS Project as per the provision of
Direct Beneficiary Account (DBA) as laid out by the Govt. of India and also facilitate the audit of
accounts. The interest earned out of the NMHS project funds should be reported clearly in the
utilization certificate.

Total Grant: 34,90,089.00 Grant Received April 25th, 2018


Project Affiliations/ Budget Allocated to Work Done by each Project

Partner(s) Institution Partner
None - - -

Project Staff Information:

S. No. Name Qualification Designation Fellowship/ Wages paid Remarks
1. Abhishek M.Tech JRF Rs 25000 + 8% HRA for 2 -
Srivastava years
Rs 28000 + 8% HRA in 3rd

5. Equipment and Asset Information

S. No. Equipment Details (Make/ Model) Cost Date of Photographs
Name (Qty) Installation of
1. Compact- NI- cRIO-9037, 1.33 GHz 3,12,347.00 10-08-2019 Please see
RIO Dual-Core, 8-Slot, Xilinx Appendix
Kintex-77K160T FPGA, B

NMHS 2020 NMHS-Annual Progress Report (APR) Pro Forma Page 5 of 25

2. My-RIO NI- MyRIO-1900 with 58,010.00 10-08-2019 Please see
wifi and MSP connector, Appendix
10 channel analogy input, B
6 channel analogy output,
with 3.5mm audio jack
input output capability, 40
channel digital I/O, 14W
power requirement.
3. Current NI-9227, 5 Arms 1,04,100.00 10-08-2019 Please see
Measurement measurement (14 A peak), Appendix
50 kS/s/ch simultaneous B
inputs, Screw terminal
connectors included,
protective backshells sold
separately, 250 Vrms
4. Voltage NI-9244, 3 single-ended 1,51,462.00 10-08-2019 Please see
Measurement channels, 50 kS/s per Appendix
channel simultaneous B
sample rate, 400 Vrms
LN, 800 Vrms L-L
measurement range; 24-
bit resolution 400 Vrms
CAT III working voltage,
4-position screw-terminal
connector, accepts 12
AWG to 24 AWG wire
5. Digital I/O NI-9401 Digital I/O, 8- 46,482.00 10-08-2019 Please see
channel, 100 ns high- Appendix
speed digital I/O B
5 V/TTL, inking/sourcing
digital I/O Compatible
with NI Compact DAQ
counters 60 VDC, CAT I
isolation Industry-
standard 25-pin DSUB
6. Desktop Processor: Intel core i7, 99,900.00 28-03-2020 Please see
8th generation, RAM: 8 Appendix
Capacity: 1 TB, Clock
Speed: 2.5GHz, Graphics:
4GB, USB 3.0 Port,
HDMI port,
7. Printer Printer type: Laser 24,000.00 30-08-2019 Please see
Functions: Printing, Appendix
Scanning, Xerox, USB B
Support, Toner Cartridge
Note: Attach a Descriptive Annexure/ File separately.
NMHS 2020 NMHS-Annual Progress Report (APR) Pro Forma Page 6 of 25
6. Expenditure Statement and Utilization Certificate
Please update the annual Expenditure Statement and Utilization Certificate (UC) periodically.

Expenditure Information:
S. Financial Position/Budget Funds Expenditure % of Total cost
No. Head Sanctioned
I Salaries/Manpower cost 4,80,600.00 4,18,968.00 87.18%
II Travel 2,17,905.00 0.00 0.00%
III Expendables &Consumables 1,31,700.00 96,929.00 73.60%
IV Contingencies 61,487.00 48,945.00 79.60%
V Activities & Other Project cost NIL NIL NIL
VI Institutional Charges 2,27,614.00 0.00 0.00%
VII Equipments 11,10,000.00 8,42,076.00 75.86%
Total 22,29,306.00 14,06,918.00 63.11%
Interest accrued 30,444.00
Grand Total 22,59,750.00

Period Expenditure Statement* Utilization Certificate (UC)*

2019-20 Please see appendix C Please see appendix D

*Attach the descriptive Annexure/ File in the prescribed NMHS format.

7. Project Beneficiary Groups

Beneficiary Groups Target Achieved
[Capacity Building]
No. of Beneficiaries with income generation: None -
No. of stakeholders trained, particularly women: None -
No. of capacity building Workshops/ trainings: To be conducted in final year. -
No. of Awareness & outreach programmes: To be conducted in final year. -
No. of Research/ Manpower developed: None -

NMHS 2020 NMHS-Annual Progress Report (APR) Pro Forma Page 7 of 25

8. Project Progress Summary* (as applicable to the project)

Description (Name of descriptive

Description Total (Numeric)
Annexure/ File attached)*

IHR States Covered 7  North-East states of India

Project Site/ Field Stations 1 (Please see  Small prototype which replicates a
Developed: appendix B) farm.
No. of Patents filed (Description): None -
 One paper is accepted at SCES-
Article/ Review/ Research Paper/ 2020 conference to be conducted
Publication: at MNNIT Allahabad between
July 10-12
 A Feedback control algorithm has
New Methods/ Modellings been developed to extract
Developed (description in 250 1 maximum power from the solar
words): panel. The algorithm is in final
verification stage.
No. of Trainings (No. of
None -
Workshop: None -
Demonstration Models (Site): Yet to be developed -
Livelihood Options: None -
Training Manuals: None -
Processing Units: None -
Species Collection: None -
Species identified: None -
Database (Numeric/Images/GIS
None -
Maps, etc.):
*Attach a separate descriptive Annexure/ File.
Note: Numeric Database should be provided in .xls format. Photos/Maps should be
submitted in high quality (min. 300 dpi res.) compatible formats viz., JPEG, .JPG, .PNG,
.SHP, etc. along with suitable figure legend/ caption.

9. Project Linkages (with concerned Institutions/ State Agencies)

S. Institute/ Organization Type of Linkages Brief Description
None - -
Note: Attach a separate, descriptive Annexure/ File.

NMHS 2020 NMHS-Annual Progress Report (APR) Pro Forma Page 8 of 25

10. Knowledge Products – Publication, recommendations, etc.
Time Period Publications
(Research Papers, Information Material, Policy drafts, Patents,
Annual [Year 2018-2019] None
Annual [Year 2019-2020] One Paper titled “Monitoring of Soil Parameters and
Controlling of Soil Moisture through IoT based Smart
Agriculture” is accepted for oral presentation at SCES-2020
conference to be conducted at MNNIT Allahabad.

Note: Attach a separate, descriptive Annexure/ File.

11. Project Concluding Remarks

Kindly update the following Progress Parameters for the Reporting Period:
Progress made
Project Quantifiable Output against
Objectives against each objective Monitoring
Literature Survey Review of the literatures gave - Literatures are
a sufficient idea of the works reviewed and it will
already been done in this be continuous done.
domain and what more
can be achieved.
Sensor Interfacing Sensors are used to measure Hardware This part of project is
the vital parameter of the soil development completed and all
and the environment sensors are interfaced
surrounding the field. with
Ardunio and My-RIO
Wireless network Wireless network is setup so Hardware Wireless communicate
using Zigbee that sensors, micro-controllers development network is setup for
and other equipments can the equipments to
communicate communicate with
with each other. each other.
PV setup for PV panels with the concept of Hardware and Installation of PV
uninterrupted MPPT will provide maximum software panel is done.
power power which can be used to development A RLS estimation
supply power sensors, micro- scheme is developed.
PV controller, and other Feedback control
equipments. algorithm is being
Control algorithm This part is important to Software Control logic is
for parameters practice the smart agriculture development developed and will be

NMHS 2020 NMHS-Annual Progress Report (APR) Pro Forma Page 9 of 25

control concept. The online monitoring enhancing as the
and control will be done using project moves
the control algorithm forward.
developed for the
IoT application IoT will help to remote Software A thinkspeak cloud
monitor and control the field. It development server is being used.
will also help to generate a
database which can be used for
further analysis of the field
Android This application will help to Software Mobile app is
application monitor and control the field development developed. Further
development parameters remotely. Farmers improvements are
can access the data using this being done
Server and A remote serer is being Software Server and website are
website developed to store the field development developed. Further
development information for the users. To improvements are
access the database a website is being done
also being developed.

Methodology (in brief): Please refer to Appendix A

Major Research Achievements:  All sensors are interfaced with micro-controller like
Ardunio and My-RIO.
 Wireless transfer of data from the sensor nodes to
control node using Zigbee is done successfully
 .One month internship program on the topic
“Android app development” for smart agriculture
was successfully organized.
 All the data from the sensors are stored on
Thingspeak cloud server which can be monitored
using the mobile application.
 Mobile application to remotely monitor and control
the field parameters is developed.
 A remote server to store field data has been developed
 A website to access the stored data on the server is
 A research article is accepted for presentation at
SCES-2020 to be conducted by MNNIT Allahabad.
Brief Conclusion - the current  In this phase of project, all the sensor interfacing with
year progress – during the the micro-controllers is done.
reporting period (point-wise):  The sensor data from the sensor nodes are wirelessly
send to the control node using the Zigbee modules.
 The data received from the sensor nodes are
monitored and if required some control action are
taken at the control node.
 Data are stored on a cloud sever provided by
NMHS 2020 NMHS-Annual Progress Report (APR) Pro Forma Page 10 of 25
 We have also developed our own server which will
store and make a database of all the received data.
 A mobile application to remote monitor and control
the field is also developed.
 RLS estimation algorithm is developed to estimate the
maximum power points.
 A feedback control algorithm for maximum power
point tracking is being developed (stage of testing).

Progress Achieved (%): 65 %

Remaining work to be done:  Feedback control algorithm will be tested in real time
and further implemented for maximum power
 Mobile application is being upgraded for data
 Further, improvements are being done on the server
and website.
 A field setup will be developed which will be further
used for training and demonstration purposed.
 Finally, workshops and training programs will be
organized for Farmers

Kindly attach the descriptive Annexure/ Files separately for the segments marked for the
detailed description required. Please fill the NMHS Progress Report pro forma as applicable
with respect to time and other requirements and return via post/ e-mail at:

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Nodal Officer, NMHS-PMU Project PI (Signature):
National Mission on Himalayan Studies (NMHS) Institution (Seal):
GBPNIHESD HQs, Kosi-Katarmal, Dated (dd/mm/yy): 15/06/2020
Almora 263643, Uttarakhand
In case of any query, please contact at:

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Appendix A: Methodology

1. Literature Survey
Some literature survey is done to understand and implement maximum power point tracking
for the PV panels so that maximum power is achieved. These literatures are described

 Comprehensive approach to modelling and simulation of photo-voltaic arrays. [1]

 Authors: Marcelo Gradella Villalva, Jonas Rafael Gazoli, and Ernesto Ruppert Filho
 Publisher & published year: IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, in 2009
 Description: In this article mathematical modelling of the photo-voltaic array have
been proposed.

 Two-Step Linear Least-Squares Method For Photovoltaic Single-Diode Model

Parameters Extraction. [2]
 Authors: F. Javier Toledo; José M. Blanes; Vicente Galiano
 Publisher & published year: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, in 2018
 Description: In this article mathematical modelling of the photo-voltaic array
have been proposed.

 A novel modeling method for photo-voltaic cells. [3]

 Authors: Weidong Xiao; W.G. Dunford; A. Capel
 Publisher & published year: IEEE, in 2004
 Description: In this article, single diode model of photo-voltaic solar array has
been proposed and discussed.

 Parameter estimation of solar photovoltaic (PV) cells: A review. [4]

 Authors: A. Rezaee Jordehi
 Publisher & published year: Renewable and Sustainable Energy, in 2016
 Description: In this article, various methods to estimate the photo-voltaic
parameters have been presented.

 Comparison of P&O and hill climbing MPPT methods for grid-connected PV converter.
 Authors: Fangrui Liu; Yong Kang; Yu Zhang; Shanxu Duan
 I Publisher & published year: IEEE, in 2008
 Description: In this article, two algorithms to extract maximum power from a
photovoltaic array have been described.

 Implementation of the novel temperature controller and incremental conductance

MPPT algorithm for indoor photovoltaic system [6]
 Authors: Hifsa Shahid; Muhammad Kamran; Zeeshan Mehmood; Muhammad Yasir;
Saleem; Muhammad Mudassar; Karrar Haider
 Publisher & published year: Solar Energy , in 2018
 Description: In this article a temperature control and incremental conductance method
is used to obtain maximum power point for photo-voltaic system.

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2. Sensor Interfacing

Sensor will play an important role in this complete project. All the vital parameters of the soil
and the surrounding environment are being measured with these sensors. The measured data
will be send to the micro-controller where they will be monitored and if required can be
controlled. For this purpose they are interface and calibrated with the micro-controller. The
sensors which are being used are present below:

1. Soil moisture sensor: This sensor is being used to measure the water content of the
2. DHT 22 Sensor: This sensor is being used to measure two vital parameter of the
environment surrounding the field. These parameters are Temperature and Humidity.
3. pH Sensor: This sensor is being used to know the nature of soil by considering the
pH level of soil.
4. Rainfall Sensor: This sensor is being used to provide alerts for the rain.

All sensors are interfaced with two micro-controllers which are Ardunio and My-RIO
microcontroller. These controllers are keeping a record of this parameter and sending forward
to the central control unit (CCU) which comprises of an R-pi micro-controller. Figure 1
shows the hardware setup with all sensors interfaced with the Ardunio microcontroller.
Figure 2 shows the sensor interfacing with a MyRIO microcontroller.

Figure 1: Field setup for testing all the sensors and controllers.

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Figure 2: Sensor interfacing with the MyRIO microcontroller

3. Wireless network using Zigbee

Zigbee modules are being used to develop a wireless communication network within the
agriculture field. In this communication network, all sensor and the micro-controllers placed
in a farm can communicate with each other. This will help micro-controllers to receive sensor
data and send back control input. This will also reduce the number of micro-controllers
required. In order to setup the wireless network with Zigbee, they have been configured as
Co-ordinator, Router which has to perform specific tasks. The configuring of the Zigbee
modules is done using the XCTU software. At present two Zigbee is configured as a routers
and one Zigbee is configured as a co-ordinator. Both the routers are connected to the Ardunio
micro-controller which sends the sensed data to the co-ordinator Zigbee which is attached to
a R-pi micro-controller. For further analysis of the sensor data and generate control signals R-
pi is being used. Please see Figure 1 and 3 for the Zigbee connections

Figure 3: Control node with co-ordinator Zigbee and Rpi controller

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4. PV setup for uninterrupted power supply
All the sensors and other equipment present in the field requires power to work. To supply all
these equipments with uninterrupted power supply PV panels are setup. PV panels use solar
energy to produce electricity. To have a uninterrupted supply battery and charge controller
are also setup along with the PV panels. So, if Sun is absent, power could be supplied from
the battery bank. Presently, charge controller available in the market is being used. To
achieve maximum power from the PV panels, we are further developing algorithm to track
the maximum power point. For this reason some literature survey has been done which is
presented in literature survey. At present we have modelled the boost converter and estimated
the PV curve for the solar panels. The estimation is done using the recursive least square
estimation method. The RLS method is developed in LabVIEW platform. For the purpose
tracking the maximum power point, a feedback control algorithm has been developed. The
feedback algorithm is tested in the simulation environment using the LabVIEW software.
Further, testing are being conducted to see the adaptation to the changing climate condition.
Next, real time testing will be done before finally implanting it for powering the equipments.
Figure 4 shows the hardware setup to test the MPPT algorithm. Whereas Figure 1 shows the
hardware setup of the solar panel supplying power to the sensors and controller.

Figure 4: Hardware setup to test MPPT algorithm.

5. Control algorithm for parameters control

R-pi is being used as the central control unit (CCU) for the complete field. The CCU is
connected to a Zigbee module which acts a co-coordinator module and receives data from
various other routers Zigbee installed at different location of the field. The data from the
sensors will be process here and control signals will be generated to control the parameter
like soil moisture and pH of the soil. This CCU will also send the process data and the action
reports to a cloud based server and clients (Farmers).

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a: Code for controlling parameters b: Code to generate RLS in LabVIEW

Figure 5: Control algorithm

6. IoT application

To practice Iot application and store data on a cloud based server, we are presently
developing a server. Initially, to store the data of the sensors process by the CCU unit, cloud
server provide by Thingspeak is used. Thingspeak is free online server which provides a free
cloud storage and mobile base application to monitor the saved data from a remote location.
Figure 6 and 7 shows the parameter monitoring using the Thinkspeak website and mobile

Figure 6: Monitoring of parameters in Thinkspeak website

NMHS 2020 NMHS-Annual Progress Report (APR) Pro Forma Page 16 of 25

Figure 7: Monitoring of parameters in Thinkspeak mobile application

7. Android application development

For monitoring and controlling the field with a user friendly approach, a android based
mobile application is also be developed. This mobile application will provide complete
monitoring of the field. If required, clients (Farmers) can also control the field from the
mobile app. The trial version of this mobile application shown in Figure 8 is developed and is
further being modified for better outcomes and data security.

a: Front page of App b: Monitoring page of App

Figure 8: Developed mobile application for remote monitoring

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8. Server and website development
For monitoring and controlling along with a mobile based application, a web server with
website support is being developed. Each user can enrol with them self with on the website.
During enrolment a unique id will be provided which will help them to store data on the
server. Using the web server, a user can remotely monitor and control the field parameters.
Both the server and website are being developed using the python language. Further, works in
the development of this server is being done.

Figure 9: Developed website for remote monitoring

a: Parameter monitoring b: Graphical monitoring

Figure 10: Monitoring of parameters using the developed website

NMHS 2020 NMHS-Annual Progress Report (APR) Pro Forma Page 18 of 25

9. References

[1] M. G. Villalva, J. R. Gazoli, and E. Ruppert Filho, _Comprehensive approach to modeling

and simulation of photovoltaic arrays,_ IEEE Transactions on power electronics, vol. 24, no.
5, pp. 1198_1208, 2009.

[2] F. J. Toledo, J. M. Blanes, and V. Galiano, _Two-step linear least-squares method for
photovoltaic single-diode model parameters extraction,_ IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Electronics, vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 6301_6308, 2018.
[3] W. Xiao, W. G. Dunford, and A. Capel, _A novel modeling method for photovoltaic
cells,_ in 2004 IEEE 35th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (IEEE Cat. No.
04CH37551), vol. 3. IEEE, 2004, pp. 1950_1956.

[4] A. R. Jordehi, _Parameter estimation of solar photovoltaic (pv) cells: A review,_

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 61, pp. 354_371, 2016.

[5] F. Liu, Y. Kang, Y. Zhang, and S. Duan, _Comparison of p&o and hill climbing mppt
methods for grid-connected pv converter,_ in 2008 3rd IEEE Conference on Industrial
Electronics and Applications. IEEE, 2008, pp. 804_807.

[6] H. Shahid, M. Kamran, Z. Mehmood, M. Y. Saleem, M. Mudassar, and K. Haider,

_Implementation of the novel temperature controller and incremental conductance mppt
algorithm for indoor photovoltaic system,_ Solar Energy, vol. 163, pp. 235_242, 2018.

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Appendix B: Purchased and Installed equipments

Figure: NI components installed.

Figure: Desktop installed.

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Figure: Printer installed.

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Appendix C: Expenditure statement

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Appendix D: Utilization certificate

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