An Analysis of Temperature Distribution in Solar P
An Analysis of Temperature Distribution in Solar P
An Analysis of Temperature Distribution in Solar P
Abstract. The operating temperature of the photovoltaic module is an important issue because it is directly
linked with system efficiency. The objective of this work is to evaluate temperature distribution in the
photovoltaic module under different environmental conditions. The results shown that photovoltaic module
operating temperature depends not only on the ambient temperature or solar radiation dependent but also
depends on wind speed and wind direction. It is presented that the mounting conditions which are not taken
into consideration by most of the literature models also play a significant role in heat transfer. Depends on
mounting type an increase in module operating temperature in the range 10-15oC was observed which cause
further PV system efficiency decrease of about 3.8-6.5 %.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
MATEC Web of Conferences 240, 04004 (2018)
MATEC Web of Conferences 240, 04004 (2018)
Wind speed, m/s
xi (6) 20
i k i 3
15 2.5
eff C2 2
Ui C 1 S
xi xi k
, (7)
where k and are turbulence kinetic energy and 0.5
dissipation rate, Pk is the turbulent kinetic energy 0 0
production eff T and eff eff / are 0:00 2:24 4:48 7:12 9:36 12:00 14:24 16:48 19:12 21:36 0:00
turbulent effective viscosity. The model constants are: Fig. 3. The solar irradiation (a), wind speed and ambient
temperature (b).
η k
C1 =max 0.43, ; η=S ; Ce1=1.44; σk =1.0; σε = 1.2
η+5 ε
MATEC Web of Conferences 240, 04004 (2018)
One may infer from results that the incident solar X-axis direction (Vw = -3.1 m/s) while in Figure 5(b) air
radiation, at =35o has lower magnitude and the signal is flow has the same magnitude but the flow is from the
a delay in the morning hours due to pyranometer azimuth module left side. In Figure 5(d) module tilt angle is =
and inclination. 0°, and the space under the module is closed which
Figure 4(a) shows the temperature of polycrystalline significantly reduces heat transfer from the bottom
panels with tilted angle =35o for selected sunny day surface.
07.06.2018. The maximum temperatures recorded during
the day is 50.9oC. It can be seen that at different points of m/s
(a) (b)
the panel (T1-T4) temperature during high solar
Y, m
irradiation may vary significantly as a result of different
heat transfer from various part of the photovoltaic module
(top, side or corners). In Figure 4(b)-(c) temperature from β=15o
2.0 0.0
the modules with black and white back sheet (and without
silicon cells) are presented for = 35o. Much higher (c) (d)
temperature raising up to equal to 57.5oC is observed for
a panel with a black back sheet while for the panel with a
Y, m
white back sheet the maximum temperature 34.4oC was
recorded during the day. 0.0
β=35o β=0o
0.0 2.1 4.2 0.0 2.1 4.2
X, m X, m
T_1 (a)
50 T_2
45 T_3 Fig.5. Velocity field around module for different tilt angle:
40 15o (a), 15o (b),35o (c),0o (d) and air flow direction
Temperature, oC
30 The temperature field for the same conditions as
presented in Figures 5 are presented in Figures 6. One can
see from this figures that temperature distribution for
similar weather parameters differs significantly. The
highest temperature has been obtained for module with tilt
60 angle = 0° when the cooling conditions are the worst
55 T_1 (b) cooling while the lowest temperature of the PV module is
50 T_2
T_3 seen for the tilt angle equal to 15o when the of air flow is
T_4 from the module (left) side - see Fig. 6(b).
Temperature, oC
40 T_Ave
TC ,oC (a) TC ,oC (b)
50.0 30.0
0:00 2:24 4:48 7:12 9:36 12:00 14:24 16:48 19:12 21:36 0:00
T_1 (c)
30 T_2 8.0 8.0
T_3 TC ,oC TC ,oC
50.0 (c) 50.0 (d)
0:00 2:24 4:48 7:12 9:36 12:00 14:24 16:48 19:12 21:36 0:00 8.0
Time 8.0
Fig. 4. Module temperature: with Si-cells (a), black back sheet Fig. 6. Temperature at the module surface for different tilt angle:
(b), white back sheet (c) and for = 35o. 15o (a),15o (b),35o (c),0o (d) and air flow direction.
In order to evaluate temperature distribution at module The essential parameters which have considerable
surface, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis influence on the module operating temperature are the
was performed for the panels with titled angles = 0 , 15o solar irradiation, ambient temperature Ta and wind speed
and 35o and environmental conditions, solar radiation GT Vw The impact of above parameters on the mean module
= 470 W/m2, wind speed Vw = 3.1 m/s and ambient operating temperature are shown in Figures 7 together
temperature Ta=8 oC. In Figure 5(a)-4(d) the flow field with experimental measurement. It can be seen that for
around the module is shown. Except the configuration low airspeed the module temperature becomes very high
presented in Figure 5(b) wind direction is opposite to the which effect PV module performance.
MATEC Web of Conferences 240, 04004 (2018)
Wind speed Vw, m/s = + . (10)
100 W/m2
(b) 350 W/m2
70 470 W/m2 In this very popular and straightforward linear
Module temperature Tc, °C
700 W/m2
60 1000 W/m2 expression, no wind effect is taken into account, but the
EXP 470 W/m2
50 EXP 700 W/m2 mounting condition does. eq. (10) depends on the one k,
which is known as the Ross coefficient [15]. In the
literature models which take into account wind speed are
proposed however without mounting configuration
consideration [16]:
41 ( . )
30° = + + . (12)
EXP 15°
Proposed correlation takes into account ambient
temperature, solar irradiation, wind speed as well as a
26 mounting configuration including PV modules
arrangement. The model correlation eq.(12) accuracies
have been validated using: root mean squire error
16 (RMSE), the mean bias error (MBE) and the coefficient
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 of determination (R2):
Ambient temperature Ta , °C
(d) Flow under normal condition
60 Flow restricted by cover = ∑ , − , , (13)
Module temperature Tc, °C
∑ ,
30 = , (15)
∑ ,
One of the important parameters is related to the Table 2. The models accuracies statistical indicators.
module mounting conditions. Typically module top Model MBE RMS R2
surface is well cooled. However, the bottom module
Proposed model eq. (12) 0.72 2.71 0.93
surface heat transfer can differ depending on mounting
configuration significant. For the conditions which allow
for air flow from two sides the module temperature
become the lowest. When the flow below module is 4 Conclusions
restricted the temperature, an increase about 2-4oC is
The operating temperature of the PV module panel is
observed. On the other hand when the module is mounted
an important issue because it is directly linked with
horizontally, or the module bottom surface is insulated
photovoltaic system efficiency. In the present work, the
(wall integrated configuration) poor heat transfer causes
temperature distribution in the PV module is analysed
additional module temperature increase about 10.0oC.
using computer modelling and experimental
MATEC Web of Conferences 240, 04004 (2018)
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The photovoltaic installation was funded by the National
Fund for Environmental Protection and Water
Management, Grant 139/2015/Wn06/OA-is-ku/D. This
work was partially financed by AGH UST Rector Grant
35/2018 and AGH University Grant No.
The authors would like to thank MESCO Sp. z o.o.
company to provide ANSYS software used in this
computer simulation.
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