Power Output Forecasting of A Solar House by Considering Different Cell Temperature Methods
Power Output Forecasting of A Solar House by Considering Different Cell Temperature Methods
Power Output Forecasting of A Solar House by Considering Different Cell Temperature Methods
Temperature Methods
Ozge ˘ ¨
Ayvazogluyuksel ¨
, Ümmuhan Başaran Filik2
I Global solar radiation on PV module (W/m2 ) hw Wind convection coefficient (W/(m2 K))
Tc Cell/module temperature (◦ C) Vt Thermal voltage (V )
Ta Ambient temperature (◦ C) Voc Open circuit voltage (V )
vw Local wind speed close to the module (m/s) Isc Short circuit current (A)
uP V Heat exchange coefficient for the total surface of u0 Coefficient describing the effect of the radiation on
module (W ◦ C −1 m−2 ) the module temperature (W ◦ C −1 m−2 )
dVoc /dTc Voltage temperature coefficient (◦ C −1 ) dIsc /dTc Current temperature coefficient (◦ C −1 )
β Temperature coefficient of maximal power of the so- Pm Maximum power of a PV module (W )
lar cells (◦ C −1 ) Pm,cell Maximum power of a PV cell (W )
η Efficiency of the solar cells (unitless) Vm Maximum voltage(V )
u1 Cooling by the wind (W s ◦ C −1 m−3 ) α Absorption coefficient of the solar cells (unitless)
Im Maximum current (A) rs Normalized resistance (unitless)
τ Transmittance of the cover system (unitless) voc Normalized voltage (unitless)
Rs Series resistance (Ω) γ Cell maximum power temperature coefficient (◦ C −1 )
to optimize system size and dynamics of a house. Along with where TN OCT is the nominal operating cell temperature con-
the estimation of cell temperature and forecasting of power gen- sidered under nominal operating conditions of IN OCT = 800
eration may improve the accurate application of the PV systems W/m2 , Ta,N OCT = 20◦ C and wind speed of 1 m/s [16].
in future’s world. The value of TN OCT is accepted as 45◦ C depending on our PV
module’s datasheet.
2. Cell Temperature Estimation
2.2. Koehl Model
There are many correlations that describe cell temperature
as a function of outdoor parameters as well as solar cell char- The model is developed by considering the energy balance
acteristics defined by the manufacturers [14]. Cell temperature of a solar thermal collector defined in [8]. The cell temperature
significantly depends on global solar radiation on the surface estimation model is given as [9]:
of solar panels. In addition, it is affected by many outdoor I
T c = Ta + (2)
parameters such as wind speed, wind direction and ambient u 0 + u1 vw
temperature [15]. In this part of the study, cell temperature values
where the constants of u0 and u1 are the coefficients describ-
of the on-grid PV system of a solar house placed in Anadolu
ing, respectively, the effect of global solar radiation on module
University ˙Iki¨ Eylul Campus are estimated for five months by
temperature and cooling by the wind. These parameters are se-
using selected six different methods. The solar house built on
lected according to the specifications defined in [9] depending
campus is shown in Fig. 1.
on PV technologies.
TST C = 25◦ C and AM = 1.5. The values fo ηST C and is found as 0.0069 Ω according to the panel specifications given
βST C are obtained from the panel’s datasheet. In addition, τ · α by solar manufacturers. The maximum power point is defined
is accepted as 0.81 as in [9]. as:
Pm,cell = Vm Im (13)
2.4. Skoplaki Model where Vm and Im values are found:
In addition to global solar radiation and ambient tempera-
ture, the proposed model considers wind speed and solar cell Vm = Voc 1 − ln a − rs 1 − a−b , (14)
properties such as efficiency, temperature coefficient of maxi-
mal power, transmittance of the cover system and absorption Im = Isc 1 − a−b . (15)
coefficient of the cells [6]. The developed model is defined as:
Ta + I
(TN OCT − Ta,N OCT ) w,N OCT
h (v)
· 1 − ηST
τ ·α
(1 + βST C · TST C ) In (14) and (15), a and b coefficients are defined by the follow-
Tc = w
βST C · ηST C I hw,N OCT
(TN OCT − Ta,N OCT )
ing relationships:
τ ·α IN OCT hw (v) a
(7) a = νoc + 1 − 2voc rs , b = (16)
where ηST C and βST C are defined as in Mattei model. Also,
hw,N OCT is the wind convection coefficient of wind speed un- where voc = Voc /Vt and rs = Rs / (Voc /Isc ). After finding
der normal operating conditions. The τ · α value in (7) accepted Pm,cell , Pm of a single PV module is found by considering cell
as 0.9 as in [6]. The wind convection coefficient (hw ) is defined number of the PV module, which is 60.
hw = 5.7 + 3.8 vw (8) 3.2. Model 2
where vw is the local wind speed close to the module.
The model in [18] is performed by considering PV-Trombe
2.5. Muzathik Model wall (PV-TW) assisted with DC fan. The proposed power fore-
casting model is defined as:
The proposed model derives PV cell temperature as a func-
tion of global solar radiation, ambient temperature and wind Pm = ηST C · A · I 1 − 0.0045 (Tc − 25) (17)
speed. However, the model does not consider the PV technol-
where A is the surface area of the PV module exposed to the
ogy of the considered solar panels. Hence, cell temperature is
interlayer and ηST C is the reference module efficiency. The
defined as [10]:
value of ηST C is accepted as 0.1598 according to the panel’s
Tc = 0.943 · Ta + 0.0195 · I − 1.528 · vw + 0.3529 . (9) datasheet.
radiation on solar panels and cell temperature values. Tc is esti- MABE = (|ci − mi |) , (21)
n i=1
mated by using considered methods. The series resistance, Rs
Fig. 2. Comparison of different cell temperature estimation models
1 |Pm,h − Pf,h |
where ci is the ith calculated cell temperature data, mi is the ith
measured cell temperature data and n is the number of data. The NMAE% = · 100 , (23)
accuracy of the cell temperature estimation methods is shown
in Table 1. The results show that Skoplaki model has the high- where Pm,h is the power measured in the hour, Pf,h is the
est accuracy with the lowest RMSE, MBE and MABE values. power forecasted in the hour, CN is the net capacity of the plant
From the point of accuracy, it is analyzed that Skoplaki model is and N is the number of daylight hours. Table 2 shows the ac-
followed by Koehl model in terms of RMSE and MABE values. curacy of the power output forecasting methods. According to
When MBE values are considered, Muzathik model is the sec- this table, Model 1 has the highest accuracy among the consid-
ond model that leads the highest accuracy after Skoplaki model. ered models because it has minimum NMAE% and WMAE%
In addition, Muzathik model is the only model that gives un- values. Unlike Model 1, Model 3 has the maximum NMAE%
derestimation with the result of negative MBE values among and WMAE% values, which results in the lowest accuracy.
models. Finally, Table 1 indicates that Standard model, which Table 2. Accuracy of the power output forecasting methods
is the only model that does not consider wind speed among the
considered models, has the lowest accuracy. NMAE% WMAE%
Model 1 4.6394 12.3645
Table 1. Accuracy of the cell temperature estimation methods Model 2 4.7363 12.6229
Model 3 4.8816 13.0102
Standard Model 4.5730 3.4378 3.4448
Koehl Model 2.3829 1.9520 2.0086
Mattei Model 2.5647 2.1248 2.1616 5. Conclusion
Skoplaki Model 2.2349 1.0943 1.8188 In this study, cell temperature values of a solar house placed
Muzathik Model 3.0926 -1.4297 2.3718 in Anadolu University ˙Iki Eylul¨ Campus are estimated by
Kurzt Model 3.3401 2.7028 2.7164 using selected methods. The results show that Skoplaki model
has the highest accuracy. Estimated cell temperature values of
Since Skoplaki model has the highest accuracy among the Skoplaki model are used in three different power forecasting
considered cell temperature methods, the cell temperature val- methods with global solar radiation, ambient temperature and
ues estimated by this model are used to forecast power output panel specifications. The statistical analysis methods indicate that
values. For this purpose, three different models are selected to Model 1 gives the best results among the considered models.
perform for four months of 2017. These forecasted power out- Therefore, it is concluded that these models are recommended to
put values are compared with the measured power output values be performed in any location that has similar climatic conditions
of the PV system in Fig 3. with the considered region.
The forecasted power output values based on the cell tem-
perature, global solar radiation and the specifications of the PV 6. Acknowledgement
modules are evaluated by using two statistical analysis methods
as Normalized Mean Absolute Error (WMAE% ) and Weighted This study is supported in part by the Scientific Research
Mean Absolute Error (WMAE% ). These analysis methods are Projects Commission of Anadolu University under the grants
described as: of 1505F512 and 1705F291.
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