Flipped Learning
Flipped Learning
Flipped Learning
• ESAs, other
• Role, title
• General knowledge of flipped learning
To Flip or Not to Flip:
That is the question that educators need to ask
Assessment Remediation
A Flipped Classroom occurs when direct
instruction (lecture) is moved from the group
learning environment (classroom) to the
individual learning space (home, library, bus,
community center).
Flipped Learning
Moves from a teacher-centered classroom to a
student-centered learning environment.
The process of this ideology may take
months, or even years.
Start with a lesson
Curate, create, hybrid
Flipped learning is a bridge, to…….
A bridge to somewhere….
• Plain ol’ Flipped classroom
• Extended lab time
• Demonstrations, presentations, conversations, debate
• Mock Elections, model Congress/UN/Supreme Court
• Art shows
• Entrepreneurial programs
• Software/enterprise
• Lecture capture software
• Storage site (public, private, both)
• Learning analytics (informal, dashboard, formal)
• Method for communication
• Content
• Curate, create or a hybrid (copyright, CCL, free, fee)
• Assessments (surveys, quizzes, formative, summative)
Everett M. Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations
Why is Flipped Learning working?
From Edgar Dale’s Cone of Learning
Bloom’s Taxonomy
(Reversed and Revised by Lorin Anderson)
Norman Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Levels
Closely aligned to CCSS
CSIU and the Foundations of Flipped
• Their story
Four Pillars of Flipped Learning™
As written by FLN cadre members/practitioners, not policy wonks
(No need to take notes, it’s here: www.flippedlearning.org/research)
Flipped Learning requires: A Flexible Environment
• The flipped classroom must allow for a variety of learning
modes; educators will often physically rearrange their
learning space to accommodate the lesson or unit.
• Additionally, flipped educators have to be comfortable with a
flexible learning environment in which students choose
when and where they learn outside of class. They have to
accept that the in-class time is going to seem somewhat
chaotic and noisy, as compared with the quiet typical of a
well-behaved class during a lecture.
Identifying Pedagogy and Assessments
Kari Arfstrom
Flipped Learning Network
Katherine McKnight
Center for Educator Effectiveness
Four self-paced online sessions, a day of F2F, two online coaching sessions.
Total seat time of 18-20 hours -- Max of 25 participants
Includes: All training materials including Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student Every Class Every
Day by Bergmann & Sams and trainer/coach for all three modules
Through a formal two-day cycle of lesson planning, modelling, observation, reflection, teachers
receive personalized coaching and support from Flipped Learning experts
Support school leadership through the use of Flipped Learning “Look Fors”