1st Year Algae Lab
1st Year Algae Lab
1st Year Algae Lab
Kingdom Prokaryota
Phylum Cyanophycota
Class Chroocophyceae
Order Chroococcales
Family Chroococcaceae
Genus Chroococcus
General characters:
1. It is freshwater brackish water and marine alga it is found in most of the soil.
2. It is prokaryotic alga.
3. It forms unicellular two to four cell colony.
4. Each colony is surrounded by transparent mucilagenous sheeth.
5. Each cell of colony is rod shaped and oval shape in structure.
Kingdom Prokaryota
Phylum Cyanophycota
Class Nostocophyceae
Order Oscillatorales
Family Oscillatoriaceae
Genus Oscillatoria
General characters:
1-It is fresh water, brackish water and marine alga.
2- It is filamentous unbranched alga.
3. The filamentous is surrounded by mucilagenous sheath-
4. Each cell of filament is more broad then its length.
5. A large filament breaks are with small Segments because due to formation of biconcave,
necridic cell, mucilagenous pads or dead cell.
6. Each small segment is called hormogonia.
Kingdom Prokaryota
Phylum Cyanophycota
Class Nostocophyceae
Order Nostocales
Family Nostocaceae
Genus Nostoc
General characters:
1. It is fresh water Algae.
2. It is filamentous unbranched prokaryotic alga.
3. Each cell of filament is bean like arrange in form of chain group together in common
mucilagenous matrix.
4. While individuals filament also surrounded by its own mucilagenous sheath.
5. The large thick wall empty cells are also present in a filament they are called heterosis.
Kingdom Protoctista
Phylum Volvocophycota
Class Volvocophyceae
Order Volvocales
Family Volvocaceae
Genus Volvox
General characters:
1- It is fresh water alga.
2-The cell grouped together in a hollow spherical ball like structure which is coenobium.
3- Each coenobium contain 5oo to 5ooo individual cells.
4-The parent arranged at the periphery. They are bi-flagellated while daughter are embedded
with mucilaginous matrix.
5-The individual cells connected with each other cytoplasm, protoplasmic strands.
Kingdom Protoctista
Phylum Chlorophycota
Class Chlorophyceae
Order Cladophorales
Family Cladophoraceae
Genus Cladophora
General characters:
1. It is fresh water as well as marine algae.
2- Thallus is coenocytic and branched.
3. Thallus is enlarged and has many nuclei.
4. The branches are usually dichotomous but rarely tricotomous or alternate.
5. Cells are cylindrical more in length than their breadth with reticulate chloroplast.
Kingdom Phyta
Phylum Charophycota
Class Charophyceae
Order Charales
Family Characeae
Genus Chara
General characters:
1. It is fresh water alga, sulpherious due to the deposition of calcium carbonate.
2. The thallus is differentiated into main axis and the rhizoids.
3. The main axis is divided into the nodes and the internodes.
4. From the nodes of the main axis, there are branches of limited and unlimited growth.
5. The rhizoids are thread like multicellular uni-seriate structure.
Reproductive Part
1. The main reproductive part is spherical globular bright or low, red in color and it is known as
2. The manobarial cells are rod shaped structure.
3. The globule is present from the node of primary lateral.
4. The female reproductive is called nucule. It is oval in structure.
5. At the top of the nucule, coronary cells are present. Nucule is produced just above the globule.
Kingdom Phyta
Phylum Vaucherophycota
Class Vaucherophyceae
Order Varcheriales
Family Vaucheriaceae
Genus Vaucheria
General characters:
1- The thallus is filamentous, branched, coenocytic, yellow green in color.
2- It is fresh and brakish water alga but sometimes found in marine environment.
3. Some of the species are terrestrial.
4. The thallus can may be monocious or diocious.
5. The thallus attached to the substratum by means of hepteron or rhizoids.
1. It is pear shaped, biflagellated and called as antherozoids.
2. While the oogonium is spherical and has single. Ovum and an opening called operculum
3. The oogonium is female while male is called antheridium.
Kingdom Phyta
Phylum Bacillarophycota
Class Bacillarophyceae
Order Naviculales
Family Naviculaceae
Genus Navicula
General characters:
1- It is fresh water, brakish water, marine algae.
2-The diatom shell, capsule or (silicious) cell wall is called as frastule.
3. It has two overlapping halves which are called as valve, gritted to each other like a pair of
petri dish.
4. The larger one is called as epitheca and the smaller one called as hypotheca
Navicula Structure:
1. It has two polar and one central nodule and central raphae for the streaming of cytoplasm
2. It also helps in flotation.
Kingdom Phyta
Phylum Phaeophycota
Class Dicytophyceae
Order Ectocarpales
Family Ectocarpaceae
Genus Ectocarpus
General characters:
1. It is marine alga
2. Thallus is filamentous, heterotrichous with basal rhizoidal system.
3. It helps in flotation.
4. It has well branch erect system the main axis and erect branches or uniseriate with hair like
5. The creeping system is heptate profusely branch from cell uniseriate, unierect and rhizoids are
6. Each cell of a filament is cylindrical rectangular uniseriate with reticulate chloroplast.
7. The asexual reproduction are unilocular and plurilocular sporangium
8. The plurilocular sporangium is cone shape they may be sessile and stalked.
Kingdom Phyta
Phylum Phaeophycota
Class Fucophyceae
Order Fucales
Family Sargassaceae
Genus Sargassum
General characters:
1- It is marine alga.
2. Thallus is differentiated into hold fast and valve- branched erect system.
3. Erect system has main which is cylindrical.
4. It give rises the flattened, leaf like lateral branches and the rounded globular bodies which are
air bladder.
5. They help in floatation from the axis of lateral branches some form needle like branches
arised, they are called receptacles.
6. On these receptacles rounded, flask shape is present called as conceptacles.
7. They have male and female reproductive organs.
T.S of Laminaria Thallus
Kingdom Phyta
Phylum Phaeophycota
Class Laminarophyceae
Order Laminarales
Family Laminaraceae
Genus Laminaria
General characters:
It is cold water alga. It is found in environment also called as kelp. It consists of basal hold fast.
Cross Section Of The Thallus
1. The thallus is composed of three layers of cells
2. The epidermis, the dermal tissues and the pist-
3. Epidermis constitutes outer most cell. They are small cell arranged in preciate manner.
4. Chromatophore concentrated in the outer most portion of the cell and they eplicoblal in
5.Inside the epidermis, the layer of dermal tissue differentiated into two tissues
6. The layer of ectodermis is smaller one. The larger one is of endodermis. Sub tissues are such
cylindrical elongated cells.
7. The ectodermal cell is more regular arranged.
8. The pist cell shape are funnel shape in structure.
Cross Section Of Mature Thallus
1. It shows sporangia throughout from the endodermis.
2. They are intermingling with paraphysis.
3.The mucilagenous sheath covered the end.
Kingdom Phyta
Phylum Rhodophycota
Class Ceraminophyceae
Order Ceraminales
Family Rhodomelaceae
Genus Polysiphonia
General characters:
1. Thallus is red in color, it is stuffed and elongated.
2. Rhizoids are arising from the basal portion of thallus.
3. Thallus is branched consists of many filaments, which are arranged parallel to each other.
4. Each is rectangular or oval in shape.
5. Thallus consists of the branches of limited and unlimited growth.
6. The small branches are limited growth called erythroblast.
1. The pericental cell of sporophyte produces tetra sporangia.
2. They are attached to the sporangium with small stalk.
3. The tetrasporangia, numerous scattered on rarely interacted. Sometimes they arranged in chain
form on small branches of middle portion of the thallus.
1. The female gametophyte form carpogonium. Carpogonium is surrounded by tissues.
2. Zygote is formed when diploid nucleus fuses with sporangium.
3. Zygote develops the carposporophyte from carposporangium.
4. Inside corposporangium, carpospores are produced.
5. It has an opening, from this carpospores are liberated.
Kingdom Phyta
Phylum Rhodophycota
Class Ceraminophyceae
Order Gracilariales
Family Gracilariaceae
Genus Gracilaria
General characters:
1-It is marine algae.
2-Thallus is dichotomous branched, rigid cartilaginous in consistency.
3. The upper portion is less cartilaginous.
4. The thickness is more-less uniform throughout.
5. The margin of thallus with irregular proliferation.