Daily CA 15th Mar'24
Daily CA 15th Mar'24
Daily CA 15th Mar'24
Daily CA
15 March 2024
Question of the day
a) 17 September
b) 15 August
c) 13 September
d) 26 January
• Daily CA PDF on Parcham Telegram
§ The CEC and ECs will be appointed by the President upon the
recommendation of a Selection Committee.
§ The Selection Committee will consist of the Prime Minister, a Union
Cabinet Minister, and the Leader of Opposition/leader of the largest
opposition party in Lok Sabha.
Maharashtra Cabinet Approves Renaming
Ahmednagar District as Ahilya Nagar/महारा%& कै)बनेट ने
अहमदनगर िजले का नाम बदलकर अ4ह5या नगर करने को मंजरू : दे द:
§ The J&K government has approved the transfer of land to the state
government, subject to a payment of Rs 8.16 crore.
§ It is headquartered in Kolkata.
Numaligarh Refinery Opens First Overseas Office In
ु ालCगढ़ GरफाइनरC ने बांIलादे श म( पहला Kवदे शी काया8लय खोला
• Taking the help of scientific tools, KIRTI will involve physical education
teachers and experts in scouting talent.
• KIRTI aims to conduct 20 lakh assessments across the country
throughout the year to identify talent through notified Talent
Assessment Centres.
U.S. to moot first-of-its-kind resolution at UN/अमेGरका
ु त रा>? म( अपनी तरह का पहला NUताव पेश करे गा
• Thereafter, all General elections to the House of the People and all
State Legislative Assemblies shall be held together simultaneously
• Further, in the event of a hung house and a no-confidence motion,
fresh elections may take place. Notably, the tenure will only be for
the unexpired term in such cases. In other words, it will be the
remainder of the full term, ie. for five years:
• Where fresh elections are held for the House of the People (Lok
Sabha) the tenure of the House will be “only for the unexpired
(remaining) term of the immediately preceding full term of the House”
The 22nd Law Commission (under the Chairmanship of Justice Ritu Raj
Awasthi), that has examined the issue in detail, had also suggested
holding simultaneous polls from the general election of 2029.
What is the composition of the Selection Committee responsible for
recommending the appointment of the CEC and ECs?
सीईसी और ईसी क9 ;नयिु &त क9 XसफाGरश करने के Xलए िजZमेदार चयन
सXम;त क9 संरचना &या है ?
b) Gyanesh Kumar
c) Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury
d) both a and b