Galvashield XP
Galvashield XP
Galvashield XP
! Prestressed Concrete
Corrosion Control ongoing corrosion
activity *
! Post-tensioning anchors
Highest level of
Advantages Cathodic Protection protection, intended
to stop ongoing
! Proven technology - supported by independent test
programs. British Board of Agrement and Concrete
Innovations Appraisal Service (USA)
*Dependant upon XP design and structure
! Quick and easy installation - requiring no special
equipment or training. Specification clause
! Zero Maintenance - Requires no external power The sacrificial anode shall be Galvashield XP, a sacrificial
source or monitoring. metal surrounded by a highly alkaline cementitious mortar,
! Measurable - Anode performance can easily be which has a pore solution pH sufficiently high for corrosion of
monitored if required. the anode to occur and for passive film formation on the anode
! Versatile - Suitable for chloride contaminated, pre- to be avoided as described in patent number WO94/
stressed/post tensioned and new concrete. 29486PCT.
! Up to 20 years life - Reduces the need for future Application instructions
Repair preparation
How does it work?
Galvashield anodes work on the principle of sacrificial Break out the concrete from around and behind the steel
reinforcement in accordance with good concrete repair practice.
protection. When two dissimilar metals are placed in an
electrolyte (in this case within concrete) the most active metal All exposed steel reinforcement should be cleaned to a bright
(zinc) will sacrifice itself to protect the more noble (less active) condition paying particular attention to the back of exposed
steel bars. Abrasive blasting is recommended for this process.
reinforcing steel. Galvashield XP anodes are embedded in
patch repairs to provide Cathodic Prevention to the reinforcing Prior to installation of the XP units, check the continuity of the
steel immediately adjacent to the repair area. They will prevent steel reinforcement. Any loss of continuity will require additional
electrical connections or restoration of continuity by effective
secondary corrosion to the steel, commonly referred to as
the ‘Incipient Anode’ or ‘Ring Effect’.
Product application
Standard compliance/certification
Galvashield XP*
In addition to standard substrate preparation, the Galvashield Design table - Anode Spacing
XP anode(s) shall be thoroughly pre-soaked in clean water
Steel Surface Area per Maximum Spacing
for a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 minutes, prior to m 2 of Concrete Between XP Units (A)
the application of the repair mortar. <0.6 610mm
preparation and cleaning of the steel reinforcement. The 0.91 - 1.2 430mm
anode spacing shall be in accordance with the repair
specification. For greater steel densities contact Fosroc Ltd
Tighten tie wires using Galvashield Fixing Tool so that no free Repair materials
movement is possible, thus ensuring good electrical The Galvashield XP should be used in conjunction with
continuity. To test electrical continuity between tie wires and Fosroc's extensive range of compatible repair mortars and
reinforcement bar a continuity meter should be used. A value acrylic bonding/curing agents.
between 0.1 - 1 Ohm shall be achieved.
Galvashield XP is not suitable for use with epoxy and polyester
When required the steel reinforcement should be primed repair mortars or primers, as these are non conductive
immediately following attachment of the Galvashield XP with
Blanket galvanic protection of sound but contaminated areas
a 135 micron (wft) continuous coating of Nitoprime Zincrich.
of concrete can be established by the use of Galvashield CC
Over painting with the bonding agent or reinforcement primer, sacrificial anodes (refer to Galvashield CC data sheet).
onto the surface of the Galvashield XP unit must be avoided.
The Galvashield XP should be positioned to ensure all round
contact with the reinstatement material preventing void Galvashield XP units 20 units per pack
formation. 64mm diameter x 27mm thick
Oman, Al Amana telephone: 24815080 fax: 24817554 email:
Qatar, Tadmur telephone: 413628 fax: 440812 email: