Engineers have an ethical responsibility to consider how their solutions impact society and to ensure public safety. The IEEE Code of Ethics provides guidance for engineers to maintain obligations to clients and society. While discussing ethics in class, the author and classmates agreed engineers must protect privacy, the environment, and public health, but disagreed on whether issues were due to engineers or management. A case study on Volkswagen's emissions cheating highlighted a lack of integrity, honesty, and responsibility, as engineers allowed negative public health impacts. Ethical decision making is important for engineers in all fields.
Engineers have an ethical responsibility to consider how their solutions impact society and to ensure public safety. The IEEE Code of Ethics provides guidance for engineers to maintain obligations to clients and society. While discussing ethics in class, the author and classmates agreed engineers must protect privacy, the environment, and public health, but disagreed on whether issues were due to engineers or management. A case study on Volkswagen's emissions cheating highlighted a lack of integrity, honesty, and responsibility, as engineers allowed negative public health impacts. Ethical decision making is important for engineers in all fields.
Engineers have an ethical responsibility to consider how their solutions impact society and to ensure public safety. The IEEE Code of Ethics provides guidance for engineers to maintain obligations to clients and society. While discussing ethics in class, the author and classmates agreed engineers must protect privacy, the environment, and public health, but disagreed on whether issues were due to engineers or management. A case study on Volkswagen's emissions cheating highlighted a lack of integrity, honesty, and responsibility, as engineers allowed negative public health impacts. Ethical decision making is important for engineers in all fields.
Engineers have an ethical responsibility to consider how their solutions impact society and to ensure public safety. The IEEE Code of Ethics provides guidance for engineers to maintain obligations to clients and society. While discussing ethics in class, the author and classmates agreed engineers must protect privacy, the environment, and public health, but disagreed on whether issues were due to engineers or management. A case study on Volkswagen's emissions cheating highlighted a lack of integrity, honesty, and responsibility, as engineers allowed negative public health impacts. Ethical decision making is important for engineers in all fields.
Engineering is a discipline that involves creating solutions to real-world problems using
scientific and mathematical principles. However, these solutions should not only be technically sound but also ethically sound. The field of engineering is responsible for creating products and systems that affect society, and therefore it is crucial for engineers to consider ethical principles when making decisions. The IEEE Code of Ethics provides guidelines for engineers to follow when making decisions. By following this code of ethics, engineers can ensure that they are maintaining their obligations to society and clients and having a positive impact on all of these. When I am making a decision, many of the things that I consider are highlighted in the IEEE Code of Ethics. While I am not a professional engineer yet, I participate in undergraduate research, so I have faced some ethical situations in an engineering context. For instance, I have to make the decision to ask for help from a PhD student when I’m not sure how to proceed even if it slows down my progress. In general, when I am making a decision, I consider the impact it will have on the other people involved and the biases that I have that may affect it. During class, we discussed several ethical issues in engineering, including conflicts of interest, personal privacy, and environmental impact. We also discussed the responsibility of engineers to report unethical behavior and to prioritize public safety over individual interests. The ethical considerations introduced in class were similar to my own in that they emphasized the importance of prioritizing public safety and minimizing environmental However, the class also introduced new perspectives on ethical issues, such as conflicts of interest and breaches of personal privacy. These perspectives highlighted the complex nature of ethical decision-making in engineering and the need for engineers to be aware of potential ethical dilemmas in their work. Overall, in our discussion we agreed that engineers have an ethical responsibility to protect the environment, privacy, and public health. However, we disagreed on whether the issues discussed were the result of engineer’s decisions or of higher-up management. In the discussion, the case study that I focused on was the VW emissions issue. When looking at the engineering virtue of ethics, the most applicable virtues are integrity, honestly, and responsibility. The engineers involved did not uphold the virtue of honesty, as they knowingly designed the cars to be able to cheat emissions tests. They also did not uphold responsibility, since they were trusted to ensure the cars NOx emissions were at low levels so it wouldn’t have a significant environmental impact. Integrity was also highlighted in the Volkswagen’s emissions issue; they did not display moral uprightness in their decision to allow the cars to have a negative impact on public health. Overall, ethical decision making in important in all areas of engineering, including academics, research, and industry. The IEEE code of ethics and virtue of ethics are useful tools for engineers to use when making decisions.