Multi Topic Essay in Englihs
Multi Topic Essay in Englihs
Multi Topic Essay in Englihs
1. Poverty
2. Over-population
3. Bribery
4. Corruption
5. Pollution
6. Inflation
7. Beggary
8. Economic Crisis
9. Illetracy
10. Smuggling
11. Unemployment
12. Terrorism
13. Nepotism
14. Drug Addiction
15. Economic Crisis
_______ have become the most important problem of all the third world countries
like Pakistan. It is full of the danger of evil impacts. It destabilizes and demoralizes
the nations and gives birth to depression and frustration in the society and state. It
creates and spreads the feelings of uncertainty, instability, and insecurity among the
masses. If it creeps in society, it eats into its vitals and some root out its inner
strength. it destroyed it out splendor, economic prosperity, social peace, and
national unity. Consequently, a nation's image is spoiled in the whole world.
Lawlessness becomes the order of the day due to poverty, corruption, violence,
indiscipline and mass illiteracy. it is not effectively, properly and promptly checked. A
nation's judicial, moral and economic parameter will be collapsed.
_______ is highly dangerous and destructive for an economically weak and
politically unstable country like Pakistan. If the evil of _______ is not nipped in the
bud it may spread like a bush fire and engulf the whole nation or region like an
epidemic. _______ badly shatters people faith in institutions and supremacy of the
constitution. it deprives masses form mental, physical spiritual, moral and economic
health. It also paves the way for bloody revolutions and military take-overs.
The main causes of ______ are illiteracy, poverty, economic policies of the
government and man's burning desire to become rich and bigwig overnight. ______
creates economic pressure and social and economic injustice. Feudalism, capitalism
and inequitable distribution of wealth and opportunities, unavailability of requisites of
life and fundamental rights also spread _______.
Unavailability of education, health care, and jobs also paves the way to spread
________. External factors such as foreign agents and agencies play a role in
spreading _________ for the sole purpose of destabilizing Pakistan.
In the end, we can say that our officers, as well as the scholars, educationists, the
political parties, NGO and national mass media, should contribute to uproot this
problem for the safety and well being of the common man. Only then we can truly
become a free dignified nation.