Chapter 7, Connections
Chapter 7, Connections
Chapter 7, Connections
7.1 Introduction
The type of connecting medium used: bolted connections, welded connections, bolted-
welded connections riveted connections.
The type of internal forces the connections are expected to transmit: shear (Type PR,
semi-rigid, simple) connections, moment (Type FR, rigid) connections.
The type of structural elements that made up the connections: single-plate angle
connections, double web angle connections, top and seated angle connections, seated
beam connections, etc.
The type of members the connections are joining: beam-to-beam connections (beam
splices), column-to-column connections (column splices), beam-to-column connections,
hanger connections.
To design a connection properly, a designer must have a through understanding of the behavior
of the joint under loads. Different modes of failure can occur depending on the geometry of the
connection and the relative strengths and stiffness of the various components of the connection.
To ensure that the connection can carry the applied loads, a designer must check for all limit
states pertinent to each component of the connection and for the connection as a whole.
Connections may be designed by distributing the internal forces and moments in a realistic
manner, bearing in mind the relative stiffness of elements that make up the connection. The
internal forces and moments must be in equilibrium with the applied forces and moments. Each
element participating in the assumed load paths should be capable of resisting the forces
assumed in the analysis and at the implied deformation within the element’s deformation
Ease of fabrication and erection are factors to be considered in the design of all joints and
splices. Attention should be paid to:
Attention should also be paid to the requirements for subsequent inspection and maintenance.
Members meeting at a joint should normally be arranged with their centroidal axes intersecting
at a point. Where there is eccentricity at intersections, the members and connections should be
designed to accommodate the resulting moments. For bolted angles, the setting out lines of the
bolts may be adopted instead of the centroidal axes.
The types of joints in structural connections depend on many design considerations, including the
size and shape of the members coming into the joint, the type of loading, the amount of joint
area available for connection, and the relative
costs for various types of connections. There
are five basic types of connections although
many variations and combinations are found in
practice. The five basic types are the butt,
lap, tee, corner, and edge joints, as shown in
Fig. 7.1.
A further advantage of the lap joint is the ease in which plates of different thickness can be
Tee Joints are used to fabricate built up sections such as tees, H-shapes, plate girders, bearing
stiffeners, hangers, brackets, and in general, pieces framing in at right angles. This type of
joint is especially useful in that it permits sections to be built up of flat plates which can be
joined by either fillet or groove welds.
Corner Joints are used principally to form built-up rectangular box sections such as used for
columns and for beams required to resist high torsional forces.
Edge Joints are generally not structural but are most frequently used to keep two or more
plates in a given plane or to maintain initial alignment.
The variations and combinations of the five basic types of joints discussed so far are virtually
infinite. Since there is usually more than one way to connect one structural member to another,
the designer is left with the decision for selecting the best joint (or combination of joints) in
each given situation.
A bolt a metal made pin made generally of mild steel. At its one end, there is head and the shank
is threaded to take the nut at the other end. Structural
bolts are usually with square heads and the nuts can be
either square or hexagonal. A typical bolt is shown in Fig.
such a thickness that the thread is clear of the hole in the plate. The shanks also should project
beyond the nuts by at least one full thread.
Depending on the direction and line of action of the loads relative to the orientation and location
of the bolts may be loaded in tension, shear, or a combination of tension and shear. Typical
bolted connections are shown in Fig. 7.4.
For bolts subjected to shear forces, the design shear strength of the bolts also depends on
whether or not the treads of the bolts are excluded from the shear planes.
There are many possible modes of failure that can occur in bolted connections, the most common
ones of which are shown in Fig. 7.5.
The shearing failure through the shank of the bolt (Fig. 7.5a) may be prevented by providing a
sufficient number of bolts to reduce the nominal shear stress to an acceptable value. The shear
failure of the plate (Fig.7.5b) can be avoided by providing sufficient end distance as generally
prescribed by specifications empirically without the necessity of computing stress (i.e., as for
example, EBCS 3 1995 or AISC-LRDF Specifications).
A bearing failure of the bolt itself (Fig.7.5c) is rare, occurring only when the material of the
steel in the plates is harder than that in the bolts. A more common bearing failure is the type in
which the plate fails (Fig. 7.5d) due to excessive elongation of the hole. This type of failure can
be prevented by providing thicker plates.
The tensile failure shown in Fig.7.5e may result from over-tightening the bolts, or from
excessive externally applied tensile forces. This type of failure is not common; in erection,
failure by over-tightening is corrected by immediate replacement of the bolt and external
tension may be reduced by increasing the number of bolts or using larger-diameter bolts.
The bending failure indicated in Fig. 7.5f is caused by using excessively long bolts in excessively
thick connections made
up of several layers of
plates. This type of
failure can be prevented
by redesigning the
connection to use larger-
diameter connectors.
When the load P is applied on a line of action that doesn’t pass through the center of gravity of
a bolt gruoip, there will be an eccentric loading eefect as shown in fig. A load P at an
eccentiricxity e, (see Fig.) , is statically equivalenyt to a moment P times e plus a concentric load
P both actoing on the connection. Since both the moment and the concentric load contribute
shear effects on bolt group, the situation is refferd to as eccentric shaer.
To develop the equations for computing the resultaln, condider firtst the connection acted up on
by the moment M, as shown in Fig. Neglecting friction between the plates, the moment equals
the sume of the forces shown in Fig. times their distranmces to the centroid of the fastner4
M = R1d1 + R2d2 + . . . + R6d6 = Rd (a)
The deformation in each fastner is assumed proportional to its distance d from the assumed
center of twist. If all fasteners are considered elastic and offequal cross-sectional area A, the
force R on each fastner is there fore, also proportional to its distance d from the centror of the
fastner group,
R1 R2 R
... 6 (b)
d d2 d6
Rewriting the forces in terms of R1 and d1,
R1d1 R2 d 2 R6d6
R2 ; R2 ; ..., R6 ©
d1 d2 d6
Substiututing Eq© into eq(a)
Rd R d2 R d2
M 1 1 2 2 ... 6 6
d1 d2 d6
1 d12 d 22 ... d62
1 d2
The force in fastner ! is therefore
R1 2
And by similar reasoning, the forces on the other fastners are:
Md 2 Md3 Md6
R2 2
; R3 2
; ..., R6 2
d d d
Or in general,
R 2
Which gives the force R on the fastener at a distance D from the centre of rotation.
It is usually convenient to work with the horizontal and vertical components of R, Rx and Ry,
respectively, obtained when the horizontal and vertical components of d, x and y, respectively
are used in equation (d)
From Fig.
y x
Rx and Ry (e)
d d
Substituting Eq. (e) in to Eq. (d) gives
My Mx
Rx 2
and Ry 2
d d
Noting that d2 = x2 + y2, Eqs. (f) may be written
My Mx
Rx and Ry
x y x y
2 2 2 2
By taking the vector sum of Rx and R y, the total force R on the fastener becomes
R Rx2 Ry2
To compute the total force on a fastener in an eccentric shear connection such as shown in Fig.
4.12.2a, the direct shear force Rv is
Where N is the number of fastener
Bolt Grades
Bolts and nuts are available in steels of minimum tensile strengths up to about 1370 MPa.
The grade of the bolts is indicated by two numbers. The most common grades are 4.6, 5.6, 6.5,
6.8, 8.8 and 10.9. According to EBCS 3, the design yield stress f yb and the design ultimate stress
fub of the usual bolts are as given in Table 7.1
The design yield stress fyb can be derived from the grade by multiplying the first number by the
second number times 10. The design ultimate stress fub is the first number times 100 (stresses
in MPa).
Bolts of grade 8.8 are used most frequently.
Bolt Holes
Holes can be formed by drilling or punching. The maximum clearance is standard holes are:
1mm for M12 and M14 bolts
2mm for M16 to M24 bolts
3mm for M27 and larger bolts
Bolt holes made in the connected parts may be standard-sized, oversized, short-slotted, or long-
slotted. Table 7.2 gives the maximum hole dimension for ordinary construction usage per EBCS
3, 1995.
Standard holes can be used for both bearing-type and slip-critical connections. Oversized
holes are to be used only for slip-critical connections. Short-slotted and long-slotted holes can
be used for both bearing-type and slip-critical connections, provided that, when such holes are
used for bearing, the direction of the slot is transverse to the direction of loading.
Spacing Requirements
1.5d0. respectively, where d0 is the nominal bolt diameter. Note that the end distance may need to be
larger than this to provide adequate bearing resistance.
Table 7.3. Provides a summary of edge and end distances as well as spacing requirements for bolt holes.
The maximum value of the end or edge distance should be restricted to the larger of 12t or 150mm, where
t is the thickness of the thinner outer ply.
A minimum center-to-center bolt spacing of 2.2d0 in the direction of stress, p1, is recommended.
The corresponding recommended minimum spacing, p2, normal to the direction of stress is 3d0.
The maximum spacing of bolts in any direction should be such that local compressive buckling of
outstand elements can be prevented.
A bolted joint is subjected to various types of stress. These stresses and the verification of
the joint for capacity are presented subsequently. Presentation will be made separately with
regard to connected parts and the fasteners.
Connected Parts.
Bearing Resistance.
The bearing resistance of each ply in a connection may be determined by summing the
resistance, Fbp,Rd, obtained at all bolt locations.
d t fbp, d 1 t fbp.d
Fbb. Rd e1
Mb 2 mb (7.1)
d = the nominal diameter of bolt
t = the thickness of the connected ply, or if the bolts countersunk, the thickness if the
ply minus half of the depth of countersinking.
fbp.d = the design bearing strength of the connected parts = 0.8 (fu + fy)
in which fu = the specified minimum ultimate tensile strength of the connected part
fy = the specified minimum yield strength of the connected part
e1 = the edge distance
Tension Capacity
The tensile capacity of the connected part subject to collinear forces should be based on the
lesser of:
The ultimate resistance of the net section which may be taken as:
0.9k r An f u (7.2)
N u.Rd mL 1.25
M 2
Kr = 1.09r + 3rd/c
r = the force transmitted by the bolt or bolts at the section considered, divided by the
tension force in the member at that section
d = nominal bolt diameter
c = spacing of bolts perpendicular to line of stress. In the case of a single bolt, s = width
of shear of plate
If ductile behavior is required then the plastic resistance must be less than the net section
ultimate resistance.
The design value of the effective resistance Veff.Rd for rupture along a block shear failure path
shall be determined from:
0.6 x f y x Av.eff
Veff , Rd (7.4)
M0 = 1.1. = partial safety factor
Fy = specified minimum yield stress of steel
Av,eff = effective shear area subject to block shear.
The effective shear area Av.eff for block shear (Art., EBCS 3 1995) is determined from:
L1 = 5.0d0 a1
L2 = 2.5d0 a2
and n = the number of fastener holes in the block shear failure path
d0 = hole diameter
t = thickness of the web or bracket.
Net Areas
The area of the bolt to be used in calculations in tension should be taken as the tensile stress
area as defined in the appropriate standard.
For bolts in shear, the greater shank area may be used if it can be guaranteed that the
threaded portion will be excluded from the shear plane: consideration should be given to the
possibility that bolts may be inserted from either direction. If no such guarantee can be given
the tensile stress area should be assumed.
Shear Capacity
Shear connections are connections designed to resist shear force only. These connections are
not expected to provide appreciable moment restraint to the connection members
Bolts designed to resist a factored shear force Fv,sd, calculated using appropriate load
combinations, must satisfy the condition:
The shear capacity of a bolt is dependent on the number of shear planes and their position along
the bolt. For each shear plane the shear resistance in the absence of tension can be determined
as follows:
0.6 f ub As (7.8b)
Fv.Rd f v.d As
0.87 f yb Mb
Tensile Capacity
If a tensile force is applied to the connection such that the direction of load is parallel to the
longitudinal axes of the bolts, the bolts will be subjected to tension. A typical application in
which bolts are subjected to such type of actions is in bolted hanger-type connections. Bolts
designed to resists externally applied factored tensile load Ft,sd, calculated using appropriated
load combinations, must satisfy the condition:
Ft,Rd = design tension strength of the bolt
0.70 f ub Aeff
f td As
Mb 1.25 (7.9b)
0.70 f ub 1.0 f yb
Mb Mb
in which fub = the specified minimum ultimate tensile strength of the fastener
fvb = the specified minimum yield strength of the fastener
There are a number of connection types that are subjected to both tensile and shear forces. As
a result, the capacity of the connection is limited to the combined tension-shear capacities of
the bolts.
When a bolt is simultaneously subjected to a shear force, Fv,sd, and a tensile force (including
prying effects as noted above), Ft,sd, interaction effects should be considered. This may be
accounted for by satisfying the following interaction equation:
Fv , Sd Ft .Sd
1.0 (7.10)
Fv.Rd 1.4 Ft .Rd
Where Fv,Rd and Ft.Rd may be taken from Eqs. (7.8) and (7.9), respectively.
Welded connections are connections whose components are joined together primarily by welds.
The four basic types of welds are the butt, fillet, slot, and plug welds. In welded construction
for buildings approximately 80% of the welds are fillet welds and 15% are butt welds. The
remaining 5% are plug, slot and spot welds.
Each basic type of weld has specific advantages which determines the extent of its usage. The
four basic types of welds and their variations constitute virtually all of the structural welds
found in common practice.
Butte Welds
The principal use of butt welds is to connect structural members which are aligned in the same
plane. Since butt welds must transmit the entire load at a particular joint they usually must have
at least as good structural properties as the members which they connect; in which case they
may be reffered to as full penetration welds. There are many variations of butt welds and each
is classified according to its particular shape. Each type of butt weld requires a specific edge
preparation and is named accordingly.
Fig. 7.7 Butt welds with full penetration Fig. 7.8 Types of beveled edges
Fillet Welds
Although fillet welds are weaker than butt welds, they are
used much more often, because they allow for larger
tolerances during erection than butt welds. Plug and slot welds
are expensive to make, and they do not provide much reliability Fig. 7.10 Slot and plug welds
in transmitting tensile forces perpendicular to the faying
surfaces (the surfaces to be joined). Furthermore, quality control of such welds is difficult,
because inspection of the welds is rather arduous. As a result, plug and slot welds are normally
used only for stitching different parts of the members together.
Welding Symbols
A shorthand notation giving important information on the location, size, length, etc., for the
various types of welds has been developed to facilitate the detailing of welds. Welding symbols
provide the means for simple and yet accurate communication between the designer and the
fabricator. This system of notation varies slightly among the various international standards;
the one developed by the American Welding Society and used in many countries is reproduced in
Fig. 7.11.
The design strength of welds is taken as the lower value of the design strength of the base
material and the design strength of the weld electrode. Various specifications provide
guidelines on how to evaluate strength of welds. The design strength of welds should exceed
the required strength obtained by dividing the load to be transmitted by the effective area of
the welds.
The effective area of groove welds is equal to the product of the width of the part joined and
the effective throat thickness. Different types of welds exhibit varying throat thickness the
values of which are specified in various standards.
The following parameters shall be checked for the suitability of a welded connection:
Minimum size of leg
Maximum size of leg
Minimum length of weld
End returns
The factored axial force F is assumed to act along the center of gravity of the angle. To avoid
eccentricity, the lengths of the two fillet welds must be proportioned so that their resultant will
also act along the center of gravity of the angle.
From equilibrium considerations, the following equations can be written. Summing forces along
the axis of the angle:
(FM) teff L1 + (FM) teff L2 = F (7.11a)
Fig. 7.13 Welded connection of an angle to a gusset Fig. 7.14 Concentric and Eccentric welds
The two equations can be used to solve for L1 and L2. If end returns are used, the added
strength of the end returns should also be included in the calculations. Generally the design of
welds are done as per Art. 6.5, EBCS 3 1995.
Steel frame buildings consist of a number of different types of structural elements, each of
which has to be properly attached to the neighboring parts of the structure. This will involve the
use of several forms of connection. The main classes of connection are: beam-to-column
connections, beam-to-beam connections and connections between different members in trusses,
Splicing of columns are normally at every two or three storeys, column bases, connections to
concrete cores and connections with walls, floors and roofs.
Types of Connections
For buildings designed to resist essentially static loading, including wind loads, it will normally be
sufficient to design connections to resist forces that primarily act in one direction only.
However, in seismic zones large load reversals may occur. This load reversal will normally require
a different approach to the design of the load-resisting structure, leading to different forms of
For multi-storey buildings the connections between the main structural elements may
conveniently be classified as:
Beam-to-beam connections
Beam-to-column connections
Column splices
Column bases
Bracing connections.
Fig. 7.16 Simple beam-to-beam connections Fig. 7.17 Rigid beam-to-beam connections