Important Battles in Indian History Upsc Notes 93
Important Battles in Indian History Upsc Notes 93
Important Battles in Indian History Upsc Notes 93
All these important battles in Indian History have influenced the country, both in terms of culture
and linguistic ethos as well. Mostly these wars and battles were fought by the kings and
emperors of different empires, kingdoms, and dynasties to conquer the parts of India. Some of
the important battles in Indian history include-
• Battle of the Ten Kings
• Battle of Pullalur
• First Battle of Panipat
• Battle of Colachel
• Battle of Buxar
• Battle of Porto Novo
• Battle of Sobraon, etc.
14th century Battle of the ancient Parushni Trtsu-Bharata defeated the Bharatas
BCE Ten Kings river (Near River Vedic kingdoms.
Ravi), Punjab
326 BCE Battle of the Banks of the The Greeks were victorious against
Hydaspes Jhelum Alexander.
Between 305 Seleucid– Indus River Valley Mauryans won the war against
and 303 BCE Mauryan war Seleucus I Nicator.
3 February Battle of Diu Arabian Sea, Port Portuguese won against the Ottoman
1509 of Diu Empire, the Mamluk Sultanate of
Egypt, the Zamorin of Calicut, and the
Sultan of Gujarat.
21 April 1526 First Battle of Panipat, Haryana Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by Babar.
March 16, Battle of Khanwa, Rajasthan The Mughal Rulers (Babur) was able
1527 Khanwa to defeat Rana Sanga, the Rajput
May 6, 1529 Battle of Ghaghara River, Babur defeated Nusrat Shah in Begal
Ghaghra Bihar and Mahmud Lodi in Delhi.
5 November Second Battle Panipat, Haryana Akbar won the battle against Hemu
1556 of Panipat
29 May 1658 Battle of Samugarh, near Aurangzeb won against Dara Shikoh
Samugarh Agra and got control of the Mughal
1746 – 1748 First Carnatic Carnatic region, The war was fought between french
War South India forces and English in India. However,
the result was inconclusive.
1749 – 1754 Second Carnatic (Southern Muhammad Ali became the Nawab of
Carnatic War India) the Carnatic.
1757 – 1763 Third Carnatic Carnatic, South British won against the French Forces
War India
22 January Battle of Vandavasi, Tamil Successive to the result of Third
1760 Wandiwash Nadu Carnatic War, the British won against
the Grinch
14 January Third Battle of Panipat, Haryana Durrani Empire, the Afghans, won the
1761 Panipat battle against the Maratha Empire.
October Battle of Buxar Buxar, Bihar British won against Shah Alam II,
1764 Shuja-ud-Daulah, and Mir Qasim.
1780–1784 Second Anglo- South India The status of quo ante Bellum was
Mysore War restored by forming the Treaty of
1 July 1781 Battle of Porto Cuddalore District, Hyder Ali of Mysore lost his throne to
Novo Tamil Nadu the East India Company.
1790 – 1792 Third Anglo- South India It resulted in the formation of treaty of
Mysore War Seringapatam.
1799 Fourth Anglo- Chiefly South India Mysore entered into Subsidiary
Mysore War Alliance.
1845 – 1846 First Anglo-Sikh Mudki, Punjab Sikh Empire was defeated by the
War British East India Company.
1848 – 1849 Second Anglo- Punjab British defeated the Sikh Empire
Sikh War
1944 Battle of Imphal Imphal, Manipur Provisional Govt. of Free India (British
won against Azad Hind)
Famous Battles In Indian History - Ancient Indian Wars
The Ancient Indian wars include four important battles. These include the Battle of Vienna, the
Battle of Koppan, the Battle of Maski, and the Kalinga War. The Battle of Vienna was fought
between Cheraa Kings, Pandya, and Karikala (Chola Dynasty King), while the Battle of Koppan
was fought between Chola Kings and Chalukya King, i.e., Rajendra Chola II, Rajadhiraja Chola
and Someshvara I. Both these battles were won by Chola King.
The Battle of Maski was fought between Jaysimha II and Chalukya Dynasty. Chalukya Empire
won this battle. The last important war in Indian History from Ancient times was the Kalinga
War. This war was fought between Kalinga and Ashoka, the Maurya King. This war was won by
Maurya King.
The famous battles in Indian History were fought between Rajputs and the Mughals. A few
among them were the Battle of Khanwa, Battle of Ghaghara, Battle of Haldighati, etc.
• Battle of Khanwa - The Battle of Khanwa was the battle between Rana Sanga and
Babur in 1527 A.D. After the battle, Rana Sanga escaped to Chittor as Babur won the
battle. Babur got the title of Ghazi after this win.
• Battle of Ghaghara - In 1529 A.D., the battle of Ghaghara was fought between Sultan
Mahmud Modi and Babur. This battle was considered the third major battle of Babur. He
successfully defeated the Afghans and expanded his control.
• Battle of Haldighati - In 1576, Akbar and Maharana Pratap fought the battle of
Haldighati. This was the shortest battle in Indian History and lasted for only four hours.