2.etm Report b+g+8
2.etm Report b+g+8
2.etm Report b+g+8
Name intended to construct a G+8 Mixed-use Building with a building-up area of 1810m2 in
Bole Sub-city, Addis Ababa. The general purpose of this report is to present one component,
structural design, of the complete design package documents required to acquire a construction
permit from government authority. The professional service for the structural design of the
building consists of preparing this report, preparing detailed structural design drawings, and
providing clarifications, suggestions, and minor design revisions; which may be required
during the construction phase.
The building consists of a basement floor with a net area of 230 m2, Ground floor with a net
area of 857 m2, first floor the building consists a net area of 352m2, from second floor to third
floor the building consists a net area of 385m2, and the building also consists a net area of 389
m2 from fourth floor up to eighth floor level. The floor basically serves as a car parking, store,
bed room, living and dining room, kitchen, bath room and toilet.
In general, the building constitutes described here above is considered every floor to be rigged
in the plane, and all permanent variables and accidental loads on the floors and the building are
identified and calculated. Loads on the floor and the floor loads are transferred to the mainframe
to be supported by. In turn, the main frame loads are transferred to the foundations of the
building. Which, ultimately transfers the building load to the foundation ground.
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1
Table 2. 1: Material properties of RC beams ............................................................................ 2
Table 2. 2: The beams cross sections used in the project ......................................................... 4
Table 2. 3: The columns cross sections used in the project ....................................................... 4
Table 2. 4: Area Section Property Definitions for Shear walls – Summary .............................. 5
Table 2. 5: Dead load on the beams ........................................................................................... 6
Table 2. 6: Dead load on the slabs ............................................................................................. 7
Table 2. 7: Static load cases ....................................................................................................... 9
Table 3. 1: Modal Participating Mass Ratios ........................................................................... 23
Table 3. 2: Modal Load Participation Ratios .......................................................................... 24
Table 3. 3: X-direction Drift .................................................................................................... 25
Table 3. 4: Y-direction Drift .................................................................................................. 26
Table 3. 5: Checking damage limit .......................................................................................... 27
Table 3. 6: Structural Stability checking in the x-direction ................................................... 32
Table 3. 7: Structural Stability checking in the y-direction .................................................... 33
Table 3. 8: Joint Reaction ....................................................................................................... 49
Table 4. 1: Stair 1 Design Summary ....................................................................................... 70
Table 4. 2: Stair 2 Design Summary ....................................................................................... 70
Table 4. 3: Stair 3 Design Summary ....................................................................................... 71
Table 4. 4: Stair 4 Design Summary ....................................................................................... 72
Table 4. 5: Slab Design Summary .......................................................................................... 74
Figure 2. 1: Frames with Solid Slabs on 3D .............................................................................. 3
Figure 3. 1: Defining mass source ........................................................................................... 20
Figure 3. 2: Maximum Story displacement and story drift with EQXP load case................... 27
Figure 3. 3: Maximum Story displacement and story drift with EQXN load case .................. 28
Figure 3. 4: Maximum Story displacement and story drift with EQYP load case................... 28
Figure 3. 5: Maximum Story displacement and story drift with EQYN load case .................. 29
Figure 3. 6: Maximum Story displacement and story drift with RSXP load case ................... 29
Figure 3. 7: Maximum Story displacement and story drift with RSXN load case .................. 30
Figure 3. 8: Maximum Story displacement and story drift with RSYP load case ................... 30
Figure 3. 9: Maximum Story displacement and story drift with RSYN load case .................. 31
Figure 3. 10: Plan view for shear forces Analysis ................................................................... 40
Figure 3. 11: Plan view for Moment Analysis ......................................................................... 48
Figure 3. 12: Plan view for restraint reaction .......................................................................... 48
Figure 4. 1:Plan view for floor beams longitudinal reinforcing .............................................. 58
Figure 4. 2: Elevation view for longitudinal reinforcing ......................................................... 66
Figure 4. 3: RC Stair 1 Design Detailing ................................................................................. 70
Figure 4. 4: RC Stair 2 Design Detailing ................................................................................. 71
Figure 4. 5: RC Stair 3 Design Detailing ................................................................................. 71
Figure 4. 6: RC Stair 4 Design Detailing for G+1 ................................................................... 72
Figure 4. 7: RC Slab Design Detailing .................................................................................... 75
Figure 4. 8: Footing Layout Plan ............................................................................................. 76
Figure 4. 9: The maximum settlement for footings ................................................................. 76
Figure 4. 10: The maximum soil pressure for footings ............................................................ 77
Figure 4. 11: Slab object for the footings ................................................................................ 77
Figure 4. 12:Slab strip Design for the footing ......................................................................... 78
Figure 4. 13: Shear force diagram for footing beams .............................................................. 78
Figure 4. 14: Bending moment diagram for the footing beams ............................................... 79
Figure 4. 15: The Beams total longitudinal rebar .................................................................... 79
This booklet contains statically calculation of structural analysis and design of G+8 Mixed-use
Building. The objectives of the structural analysis and design of the building are:
✓ Determine property of foundation ground and select foundation type; Collect
information in regard to foundation ground from built up buildings in the vicinity of the
project location,
✓ Analyze the results and recommendations of Geo-technical investigation report
conducted, Determine the foundation ground and select appropriate foundation type for
the building based on, superstructure load, the above studies, economical point of view,
simplicity of construction and standard and regulatory requirements.
✓ Identify and calculate actions (Loads), determine all action cases and combinations of
actions, as standard provision, in each floor of the building, stairs and main frame
✓ Analyze the effects of action cases and combination of actions and determine the design
effects on each element of the building structures listed above. Determine the soundness
of the building structure globally and each element of the building structure
✓ Prepare detail design drawings
APPROACH - Limit state design method is used for member sizing and designing. The overall
structure and each member of the structural elements are checked for both serviceability
requirements and ultimate design requirements. The design codes used are:
Ethiopian Standard European Code (ES EN-1)
Ethiopian Standard European Code (ES EN -2)
Ethiopian Standard European Code (ES EN -7)
Ethiopian Standard European Code (ES EN -8)
Ethiopian Standard Code of Practice (ESCP-1), and
Euro Code 2004 (used by the software ETABS) similar to ES EN
-Steel =1.15
2.1 Project Background and Description
Name owner of the building has hired a consultant office for the Structural design of G+8
Mixed-use Building. As part of the design packages to be submitted to the client and to
regulatory and approving authority this report covers the structural analysis and design part of
the design package. This structural design is going to be constructed in Addis Ababa. The
structural system consists of Solid and Ribbed floor slab systems braced with beams,
reinforced concrete column to take all vertical and lateral loads and the maximum Span
between the columns is 5.3m.
2.1.1 Soil investigation
A through geo-technical investigation is taken and the soil characteristics are identified by a
laboratory test and 250Kpa allowable bearing capacity of the ground also identified by an
onsite DCP test.
2.2 Material properties
Reinforce concrete structure is used for the overall structural system.
2.2.1 Concrete
Concrete strength is classified according to the minimum 28 days crashing compressive
strength of 150mm cubes in N/mm2. All structural members are taken to be C 30 with a
cylindrical compressive strength of 25 MPa except slabs and stairs. For slabs and stairs
members are taken to C 25 with a cylindrical compressive strength of 20 MPa.
2.2.2 Reinforcement steel
The yield strength for deformed reinforcement bar shall be S 400 with minimum tensile
strength of 400 MPa.
The elastic behavior of the RC beam is model by considering linear elasticity with a constant
material of Youngs modulus of elasticity and Poisson ratio. Both values of parameters present
in the table below.
Table 2. 1: Material properties of RC beams
2.3.1 Slabs
Solid slabs used in the building structural member with overall thickness of 170mm at the water
tank level. The Ribbed slab used in the building structural member with overall thickness of
300mm from Ground floor to eighth floor level.
2.3.2 Beams
Beams at each floor constituting as one compensates of the main frame, a space frame, which
stretches from basement level to the top roof level.
The rectangular beam cross sections used in this project are shown in the table below.
Table 2. 2: The beams cross sections used in the project
Name Type Material Thickness
CWall20 Wall Shell-Thin C25/30 200
Wall25 Wall Shell-Thin C25/30 250
Wall30 Wall Shell-Thin C25/30 300
Wall40 Wall Shell-Thin C25/30 400
Wall45 Wall Shell-Thin C25/30 450
Wall55 Wall Shell-Thin C25/30 550
2.3.4 Main stairs
The main stair runs from basement floor to top floor level which has a waist and landing
thickness of 300 mm, determined as per serviceability requirement.
ceiling finish/Grout 21KN/m3 20mm 2 kN/m2
Cement Grout 21KN/m3 25mm 3 kN/m2
Cement/Gypsum Floor Screed 20KN/m3 25mm 0.5 kN/m2
Applied imposed load 2.5 kN/m2
2 Occupational loads
Live load- Cat A 2 kN/m2
Live load- Cat B 2.5 kN/m2
Live load- Cat C 3 kN/m2
Live load- Cat D 4 kN/m2
Live load- Cat F 5
Stair geometry
Number of risers; Nsteps = 12
Going; G = 280 mm
Rise; R = 170 mm
Waist; hwaist = 300 mm
Breadth; b = 1300 mm
Length of the tread span; Lmid = (Nsteps – 1) G = 3080 mm
Overall height of stairs; hstairs = Nsteps R = 2040 mm
Angle of stairs; astairs = atan (R / G) = 31.26 °
Upper landing - Simple end support
Length of the upper landing; Lup = 1000 mm
Depth of the upper landing; hup = 300 mm
Self Weight
Name Type Auto Load
EQXN Seismic 0 EUROCODE8 2004
EQXP Seismic 0 EUROCODE8 2004
EQYN Seismic 0 EUROCODE8 2004
EQYP Seismic 0 EUROCODE8 2004
Live Cat A-Residential Live 0
Live Cat B-Office Live 0
Live Cat C-Congregate Live 0
Live Cat D-Shopping Live 0
Live Cat E-Storage Live 0
Live Cat F-Traffic Live 0
Live Cat G-Traffic Live 0
Live Cat H-Roofs Live 0
SDL Super Dead 0
Self-DL Dead 1
Wall L Super Dead 0
The seismic action is considered on the analysis by using Equivalent lateral load system
which is static earthquake formulation the ES EN 1998-2015 recommends. Th soil C soil type
is used (ES EN1998-1:2015/Table 3.1). Deposits of weathered rock materials, at least several
tens of meters in thickness, characterized by a gradual increase of mechanical properties with
depth. The reference peak ground acceleration Addis Ababa which is consider zone 3 is
agr=0.1g.For the ordinary building, the building is classified as importance class II (ES EN
1998-1:2015/Table 4.3) and the corresponding importance factor amounts to I=1. Therefore,
the peak ground acceleration is equal to the reference peak ground acceleration ag =
Behavior factor for frame system, dual system, coupled wall system for DCM=3𝛼𝑢⁄𝛼1 ES EN
1998-1:2015/Table 5.1.
For Frames or frame-equivalent dual systems with multistory, multi-bay frames or frame-
equivalent dual structures: αu⁄α1=1.3.
So, q =3*1.15=3.45,
Correction factor 𝜆 is equal to 0.85 if T1≤ 2TC and the building has more than 2 stories, or
𝜆=1.0 otherwise. So, 𝜆=0.85 used in the analysis
The seismic base shear force can be calculated;
Fb = Sd (T1).m. 𝜆
Period Used W Fb
(sec) (kN) (kN)
X - Ecc. Y 1.475 61553.8604 1773.4637
Structural Period
Period Calculation Method = Program Calculated
Coefficient, Ct [EC] Ct = 0.075m
Structure Height Above Base, H H = 37.4 m
Factors and Coefficients
Country = CEN Default
Design Ground Acceleration, ag ag = 0.1g
Gk , j + AEd + 2,iQk ,i
j 1 i 1
Gk, j + 2,iQk,i
The loadings make up a total of 66 different load combinations.
Ultimate Limit State (ULS)
ULS.1.35*DL+ 1.35* Partition +1.35* SDead+ 1.5* Live Cat A+ 1.5* Live Cat B + 1.5* Live
Cat C + 1.5* Live Cat D
Serviceability Limit State (SLS)
SLS. 1*DL+ 1* Partition +1* SDead+ 1* Live Cat A+ 1* Live Cat B + 1*Live Cat C + 1* Live Cat D
Gravity Loads
1*DL+ 1* Partition +1* SDead+ 0.3* Live Cat A+ 0.3* Live Cat B + 0.5*Live Cat C + 0.6* Live Cat
D+ 0.8* Live Cat E+ 0.6* Live Cat F+ 0.3* Live Cat G
Seismic Case
COMBO 1. Gravity Loads+ EQXP + 0.3 EQYN
𝑑𝑟 𝑎
𝑑𝑟 . 𝑣 ≤ 𝑎. ℎ => ≤
ℎ 𝑣
V is the reduction factor which takes into account the lower return period of the seismic
action depends on the importance classes of the building. The recommended values of ν are 0.4
for importance classes III and IV and ν = 0.5 for importance classes I and II.
h is the story height
And the damage limitation according to ES EN 1998-1-1:2015, cl.4.4.3 for non-structural
elements of brittle material attached to the structure is 𝒅𝒓 v ≤ 0,005h. Extracting the maximum
story drift along both direction; for buildings having ductile non-structural elements: 𝑑𝑟 v ≤
0.0075h, and for buildings having non-structural elements fixed in a way so as not to interfere
with structural deformations, or without non-structural elements: 𝑑𝑟 v ≤ 0.010h
Table 3. 3: X-direction Drift
X-direction Y-direction
Story Height(m) q v dr drx.q.v< 0.005h dr dry.q.v< 0.005h
WT 1.5 3.45 0.5 0.000821 OK! 0.001261 OK!
Roof L 3.2 3.45 0.5 0.000909 OK! 0.002402 OK!
Eighth FL 3.2 3.45 0.5 0.001013 OK! 0.002603 OK!
Seven FL 3.2 3.45 0.5 0.001119 OK! 0.002824 OK!
Six FL 3.2 3.45 0.5 0.001219 OK! 0.003001 OK!
Fifth FL 3.2 3.45 0.5 0.001283 OK! 0.003062 OK!
Fourth FL 3.2 3.45 0.5 0.001274 OK! 0.00294 OK!
Third FL 3.2 3.45 0.5 0.001187 OK! 0.002615 OK!
Second FL 3.2 3.45 0.5 0.000969 OK! 0.001992 OK!
First FL 3.2 3.45 0.5 0.000503 OK! 0.001139 OK!
Ground FL 4.2 3.45 0.5 0.000023 OK! 0.000213 OK!
As we can see from the result the building satisfies the demand for damage limit, hence no
need of strengthen the structure as far damage limitation is concerned.
Figure 3. 2: Maximum Story displacement and story drift with EQXP load case
Figure 3. 3: Maximum Story displacement and story drift with EQXN load case
Figure 3. 4: Maximum Story displacement and story drift with EQYP load case
Figure 3. 5: Maximum Story displacement and story drift with EQYN load case
Figure 3. 6: Maximum Story displacement and story drift with RSXP load case
Figure 3. 7: Maximum Story displacement and story drift with RSXN load case
Figure 3. 8: Maximum Story displacement and story drift with RSYP load case
Figure 3. 9: Maximum Story displacement and story drift with RSYN load case
ds is the displacement of a point of the structural system induced by the design seismic action;
qd is the displacement behavioral factor, assumed equal to q unless otherwise specified;
de is the displacement of the same point of the structural system, as determined by a linear analysis
based on the design response spectrum in accordance with
The value of ds does not need to be larger than the value derived from the elastic spectrum.
NOTE: - In general qd is larger than q if the fundamental period of the structure is less than TC
When determining the displacements de, the torsional effects of the seismic action shall be taken
into account. For both static and dynamic non-linear analysis, the displacements determined are
those obtained directly from the analysis without further modification.
𝑉𝑡𝑜𝑡 is the total seismic story shear
h is the story height
The second-order effects may approximately be taken into account by multiplying the relevant
seismic action effects by a factor equal to 1/ (1–θ).
The table shown below tries to explain about the computation done for checking the stability
of the structure as per the code provision and it is found that the structure is quite stable and
non-sway as well which it implies that there is no need of considering p-delta or second order
Table 3. 6: Structural Stability checking in the x-direction
Story P(kN) q drx(m) Vx(kN) h(m) θx=p*q*drx/(Vx*h) Checking
WT 564.5663 3.45 0.000821 42.064 1.5 0.03 Stable and Non-Sway
Roof L 7358.8647 3.45 0.000909 412.5493 3.3 0.02 Stable and Non-Sway
Eighth FL 16828.9713 3.45 0.001013 785.9729 3.3 0.02 Stable and Non-Sway
Seven FL 25815.5919 3.45 0.001119 1025.842 3.2 0.03 Stable and Non-Sway
Six FL 35462.9456 3.45 0.001219 1222.526 3.2 0.04 Stable and Non-Sway
Fifth FL 45013.7715 3.45 0.001283 1393.351 3.3 0.04 Stable and Non-Sway
Fourth FL 54965.6687 3.45 0.001274 1568.68 3.3 0.05 Stable and Non-Sway
Third FL 64446.1775 3.45 0.001187 1726.541 3.2 0.05 Stable and Non-Sway
Second FL 74335.506 3.45 0.000969 1866.19 3.2 0.04 Stable and Non-Sway
First FL 79736.0632 3.45 0.000503 1906.987 3.2 0.02 Stable and Non-Sway
Ground FL 89645.7489 3.45 0.000023 1917.616 4.2 0 Stable and Non-Sway
Basement FL 91544.8629 3.45 4.10E-05 1921.145 2.5 0 Stable and Non-Sway
From joint reaction force results by taking the base reaction force output we categorize the
loads in to different groups and we select the representative force for the group.
4.1 Beam Design
The structural beam design is carried out according to Euro code 2004, and also the structural
column design.: Number of bar = Area of steel (As) / Area of diameter of rebar(as).
➢ Concrete C20/25
➢ Fyk = S400
➢ Slab depth, D = 170 mm
➢ Concrete cover = 20mm
➢ Reinforcement diameter = 10 mm
➢ Effective slab depth, d = 170 – 20 – (10/2) = 145 mm.
➢ As,req = 215.52 mm2/m
➢ As, prov = ɸ10 c/c 200 = 392.7 mm2/m
The following expressions can estimate the limiting span/depth ratio limit.
𝑙 𝜌0 𝜌0 2
= 𝐾 [11 + 1.5√𝑓𝑐𝑘 + 3.2√𝑓𝑐𝑘 ( − 1) ] 𝑖𝑓 𝜌 ≤ 𝜌0
𝑑 𝜌 𝜌
𝑙 𝜌0 1 𝜌′
= 𝐾 [11 + 1.5√𝑓𝑐𝑘 + √𝑓𝑐𝑘 √ ] 𝑖𝑓 𝜌 > 𝜌0
𝑑 𝜌 − 𝜌′ 12 𝜌0
RC slab design
In accordance with EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating corrigendum January 2008 and the
recommended values
Slab definition;
Type of slab; Two way spanning with restrained edges
Overall slab depth; h = 170 mm
Shorter effective span of panel; lx = 4580 mm
Longer effective span of panel; ly = 5300 mm
Support conditions; Four edges discontinuous
Characteristic permanent action; Gk = 5.0 kN/m2
Characteristic variable action; Qk = 0.0 kN/m2
Design ultimate load; q = gG Gk + gQ Qk = 6.8 kN/m2
Quasi-permanent load; qSLS = 1.0 Gk + y2 Qk = 5.0 kN/m2
Concrete cover to reinforcement
Nominal cover to outer top reinforcement; cnom_t = 20 mm
Nominal cover to outer bottom reinforcement; cnom_b = 20 mm
Min. top cover requirement with regard to bond; cmin,b_t = 10 mm
Min. btm cover requirement with regard to bond; cmin,b_b = 10 mm
Cover allowance for deviation; Dcdev = 10 mm
Min. required nominal cover to top reinft; cnom_t_min = 20 mm
Min. required nominal cover to bottom reinft; cnom_b_min = 20 mm
PASS - There is sufficient cover to the top and bottom reinforcement
Design summary
Table 4. 5: Slab Design Summary
Reinforcement sketch
The following sketch is indicative only. Note that additional reinforcement may be required in
accordance with clauses, and of EN 1992-1-1:2004 to meet detailing rules.
The structural footing beam design is carried out according to Euro code 2004 using SAFE
v20.2.0: Number of bar = Area of steel (As) / Area of diameter of rebar(as).
The following figures try to describe the footing beam shear forces and bending moment
analysis outputs