Public Participation in EIA Peresentation
Public Participation in EIA Peresentation
Public Participation in EIA Peresentation
Department of Structural
Public Participation In Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA)
Public Participation In Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA)
Group 9
1. Kayo Ashabir
2. Bedasa Olani
3. Senait Gebremariam
4. Beratu Tesfaye
1. Introduction
Public participation in EIA will surely prove to be
important for assessment of environmental
impact of development projects and actually
support the decision-making processes that will
be so crucial to the protection of both the
environment and human health.
In the implementation of sustainable
development, citizens are expected to contribute
to administration through active participation in
the formation of a local action programme
Most EIA processes are undertaken through
consultation rather than participation.
The public has various rights: right to access to
information, right to contribute to information and
right to challenge decisions.
Therefore, communication between the assessment
team and the public is the key to public
So, the assessment team is well advised to
communicate with the public as early as possible, to
communicate with as many people as possible and
to communicate through as many means as possible.
2. Objectives of public participation