Atomic orbitals are the basic building blocks of the atomic orbital model (alternatively
known as the electron cloud or wave mechanics model), a modern framework for
visualizing the microscopic behavior of electrons in matter. In this model the electron
cloud of a multi-electron atom may be seen as being built up (in approximation) in an
electron configuration that is a product of simpler hydrogen-like atomic orbitals. The
repeating periodicity of the blocks of 2, 6, 10, and 14 elements within sections of the
periodic table arises naturally from the total number of electrons which occupy a
complete set of s, p, d and f atomic orbitals, respectively.
The shapes of the first five atomic orbitals: 1s, 2s, 2px, 2py, and 2pz. The colors show the
wave function phase. These are graphs of ψ(x,y,z) functions which depend on the
coordinates of one electron. To see the elongated shape of ψ(x,y,z)2 functions that show
probability density more directly, see the graphs of d-orbitals below.
Shapes of orbitals
Cross-section of computed hydrogen atom orbital (ψ(r,θ,φ)2) for the 6s (n=6, l=0, m=0)
orbital. Note that s orbitals, though spherically symmetrical, have radially placed wave-
nodes for n > 1. However, only s orbitals invariably have a center anti-node; the other
types never do.
Simple pictures showing orbital shapes are intended to describe the angular forms of
regions in space where the electrons occupying the orbital are likely to be found. The
diagrams cannot, however, show the entire region where an electron can be found, since
according to quantum mechanics there is a non-zero probability of finding the electron
anywhere in space. Instead the diagrams are approximate representations of boundary or
contour surfaces where the probability density |ψ(r,θ,φ)|2 has a constant value, chosen so
that there is a certain probability (for example 90%) of finding the electron within the
contour. Although |ψ|2 as the square of an absolute value is everywhere non-negative, the
sign of the wave function ψ(r,θ,φ) is often indicated in each subregion of the orbital
Sometimes the ψ function will be graphed to show its phases, rather than the |ψ(r,θ,φ)|2
which shows probability density but has no phases (which have been lost in the process
of taking the absolute value, since ψ(r,θ,φ) is a complex number). |ψ(r,θ,φ)|2 orbital
graphs tend to have less spherical, thinner lobes than ψ(r,θ,φ) graphs, but have the same
number of lobes in the same places, and otherwise are recognizable. This article, in order
to show wave function phases, shows mostly ψ(r,θ,φ) graphs.
The lobes can be viewed as interference patterns between the two counter rotating "m"
and "-m" modes, with the projection of the orbital onto the xy plane having a resonant
"m" wavelengths around the circumference. For each m there are two of these <m>+<-
m> and <m>-<-m>. For the case where m=0 the orbital is vertical, counter rotating
information is unknown, and the orbital is z-axis symmetric. For the case where l=0 there
are no counter rotating modes. There are only radial modes and the shape is spherically
symmetric. For any given n, the smaller l is, the more radial nodes there are. Loosely
speaking n is energy, l is analogous to eccentricity, and m is orientation.
Generally speaking, the number n determines the size and energy of the orbital for a
given nucleus: as n increases, the size of the orbital increases. However, in comparing
different elements, the higher nuclear charge, Z, of heavier elements causes their orbitals
to contract by comparison to lighter ones, so that the overall size of the whole atom
remains very roughly constant, even as the number of electrons in heavier elements
(higher Z) increases.
Also in general terms, determines an orbital's shape, and its orientation. However,
since some orbitals are described by equations in complex numbers, the shape sometimes
depends on also.
The single s-orbitals ( ) are shaped like spheres. For n = 1 the sphere is "solid" (it is
most dense at the center and fades exponentially outwardly), but for n = 2 or more, each
single s-orbital is composed of spherically symmetric surfaces which are nested shells
(i.e., the "wave-structure" is radial, following a sinusoidal radial component as well). See
illustration of a cross-section of these nested shells, at right. The s-orbitals for all n
numbers are the only orbitals with an anti-node (a region of high wave function density)
at the center of the nucleus. All other orbitals (p, d, f, etc.) have angular momentum, and
thus avoid the nucleus (having a wave node at the nucleus).
The three p-orbitals for n = 2 have the form of two ellipsoids with a point of tangency at
the nucleus (the two-lobed shape is sometimes referred to as a "dumbbell"). The three p-
orbitals in each shell are oriented at right angles to each other, as determined by their
respective linear combination of values of .
The five d orbitals in ψ(x,y,z)2 form, with a combination diagram showing how they fit
together to fill space around an atomic nucleus.
Four of the five d-orbitals for n = 3 look similar, each with four pear-shaped lobes, each
lobe tangent to two others, and the centers of all four lying in one plane, between a pair of
axes. Three of these planes are the xy-, xz-, and yz-planes, and the fourth has the centres
on the x and y axes. The fifth and final d-orbital consists of three regions of high
probability density: a torus with two pear-shaped regions placed symmetrically on its z
There are seven f-orbitals, each with shapes more complex than those of the d-orbitals.
For each s, p, d, f and g set of orbitals, the set of orbitals which composes it forms a
spherically symmetrical set of shapes. For non-s orbitals, which have lobes, the lobes
point in directions so as to fill space as symmetrically as possible for number of lobes
which exist for a set of orientations. For example, the three p orbitals have six lobes
which are oriented to each of the six primary directions of 3-D space; for the 5 d orbitals,
there are a total of 18 lobes, in which again six point in primary directions, and the 12
additional lobes fill the 12 gaps which exist between each pairs of these 6 primary axes.
Additionally, as is the case with the s orbitals, individual p, d, f and g orbitals with n
values higher than the lowest possible value, exhibit an additional radial node structure
which is reminiscent of harmonic waves of the same type, as compared with the lowest
(or fundamental) mode of the wave. As with s orbitals, this phenomenon provides p, d, f,
and g orbitals at the next higher possible value of n (for example, 3p orbitals vs. the
fundamental 2p), an additional node in each lobe. Still higher values of n further increase
the number of radial nodes, for each type of orbital.
The shapes of atomic orbitals in one-electron atom are related to 3-dimensional spherical
harmonics. These shapes are not unique, and any linear combination is valid, like a
transformation to cubic harmonics, in fact it is possible to generate sets where all the d's
are the same shape, just like the px, py, and pz are the same shape.[20][21]
Molecular orbital
Molecular orbitals arise from allowed interactions between atomic orbitals, which are
allowed if the symmetries (determined from group theory) of the atomic orbitals are
compatible with each other. Efficiency of atomic orbital interactions is determined from
the overlap (a measure of how well two orbitals constructively interact with one another)
between two atomic orbitals, which is significant if the atomic orbitals are close in
energy. Finally, the number of molecular orbitals that form must equal the number of
atomic orbitals in the atoms being combined to form the molecule.
Molecular Orbitals
When two hydrogen atoms come together to form the hydrogen molecule, the atomic s
orbitals of each atom are combined to form two molecular orbitals. One of these new
orbitals is the result of the addition of the two atomic orbitals, while the other is created
by a subtraction of these orbitals. In the addition, a reinforcement of the wave function
occurs in the region between the two nuclei. Physically, this means the electron density
increases in the area between the two nuclei. This increase in electron density causes a
corresponding increase in the attraction of each positively charged nucleus for the
negatively charged overlap region. It is this increased attraction that holds the hydrogen
molecule together and creates the bonding molecular orbital. Because the bonding
molecular orbital is generated from atomic s orbitals, it is called a σ (sigma) bonding
molecular orbital.
The molecular orbital formed by the subtraction of the two wave functions has no
electron density between the nuclei of the hydrogen atoms. This lack of electron density
is caused by interference between the two out-of-phase wave functions. The lack of
electron density between the nuclei results in the formation of a node. With no electron
density between them, the hydrogen nuclei repel each other strongly, resulting in the
formation of a high-energy state called an antibonding orbital. Because this particular
antibonding orbital is created from two atomic s orbitals, it is referred to as a σ*
antibonding molecular orbital . The bonding and antibonding orbitals in the hydrogen
molecule are illustrated in Figure 1 . Note that the plus and minus symbols in the figure
refer to wave phases and not electrical charge.
Figure 1
Like electrons in atomic orbitals, electrons in bonding orbitals must have paired spins;
that is, the electrons must be spinning in opposite directions.
An energy diagram for the formation of the hydrogen molecule and the nonformation of a
helium molecule are shown in Figure 2 . The two electrons in a hydrogen molecule are
paired in the lower-energy σ bonding molecular orbital. No electrons (arrows, in the
figure) occupy the σ* antibonding orbital. As long as a molecule has more electrons in the
bonding orbital than in the antibonding orbital, it will be stable. In fact, in most stable
molecules, the antibonding orbitals are vacant. Helium molecules do not exist because no
driving force causes the helium atoms to bond. They have the same number of bonding
and antibonding electrons, and thus achieve no greater stability as a molecule.
Figure 2
The hydrogen molecule illustrates that a σ bond must have a heavy electron density
along an imaginary line between the two nuclei. Such a density can also exist in the end-
to-end overlap of atomic p orbitals. As shown in Figure 3 , the heaviest electron density
lies along a line between the nuclei.
Figure 3
The overlap of atomic s orbitals with hybrid atomic orbitals and the overlap of two hybrid
atomic orbitals can also result in σ bonds.
The side-to-side overlap of atomic p orbitals results in high electron density above and
below an imaginary line between the nuclei. This density pattern, the π molecular
orbital, leads to the formation of a π (pi) bond. This bond is much weaker than a α bond
because the repulsion between the electronically unshielded nuclei leads to poor orbital
Figure 4
[edit] Explanation
one pair
In chemistry, a lone pair is a valence electron pair without bonding or sharing with other
atoms. They are found in the outermost electron shell of an atom, so lone pairs are a
subset of a molecule's valence electrons. They can be identified by examining the
outermost energy level of an atom—lone electron pairs consist of paired electrons as
opposed to single electrons, which may appear if the atomic orbital is not full. Electron
pairs are therefore considered lone pairs if two electrons are paired but are not used in
chemical bonding. Thus, the number of lone electrons plus the number of bonding
electrons equal the total number of valence electrons in a compound.
Examples of common household polar molecules include sugar, for instance the sucrose
sugar variety. Sugars have many polar oxygen–hydrogen (-OH) groups and are overall
highly polar.