Utilization of Cashew Nut Waste: Cashew Apple and Shell: January 2020
Utilization of Cashew Nut Waste: Cashew Apple and Shell: January 2020
Utilization of Cashew Nut Waste: Cashew Apple and Shell: January 2020
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4 authors, including:
MIT ADT University Pune
Mahesh Pathare
MIT ADT University
All content following this page was uploaded by Mahesh Pathare on 19 August 2021.
P-ISSN: 2349–8528
E-ISSN: 2321–4902
IJCS 2020; 8(1): 2076-2078 Utilization of cashew nut waste: Cashew apple
© 2020 IJCS
Received: 07-11-2019 and shell
Accepted: 09-12-2019
Manali A Patade Manali A Patade, Sandip T Gaikwad, Mahesh Pathare and Yogita
MIT College of Food Technology,
MIT ADT University, Pune,
Maharashtra, India
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1ae.8570
Sandip T Gaikwad
MIT College of Food Technology, Abstract
MIT ADT University, Pune, Cashew tree cultivation is done primarily aiming cashew nut production. The large amounts of cashew
Maharashtra, India shells are considered as agricultural waste and the by-product of cashew nut production. The cashew
shell has high amount of oil content in it and can be used in various feedstocks. It is available in
Mahesh Pathare
abundance during the summer in almost all parts of the world and is reported to possess high valuable
MIT College of Food Technology,
MIT ADT University, Pune, products in utilization of food, medicine, chemical and allied industries. It is also useful as raw material
Maharashtra, India for many industrial applications. However, the natural oil phenol, Bio-based monomers and various
chemical structure of cashew nut have various ways in research and focused principally on the generation
Yogita Nikhade of significant worth included items. So as to understand the maximum capacity of cashew nuts and its
MIT College of Food Technology, mixes, information on preparing and use instruments fundamental deterioration is required. In the present
MIT ADT University, Pune, paper, the creators made an endeavor to audit the writing on important use of cashew nutshell.
Maharashtra, India Also, the cashew apple waste is used as a form of energy bagasse’s, fermented cultures used in probiotics
also the waste is used for conditioning of soil. Initially cashew apple is full of vitamins and minerals so
after extraction of juice some residue is left in it which helps in fermentation process further. The
astringency containing tannin is manufactured by extraction from the cashew apple.
1. Introduction
The Cashew (Anacardium occidenatale L.) was first introduced in India at Goon coast from
the Portuguese sailor in 16th century. The species is natively from Central America, Northern
South America and including Caribbean island and Brazil (Aiyadurai, 1966) [1]. Cashew is
mainly known for its nuts. The small nut, kidney shape attached to it, is widely used while the
cashew nut shell and cashew apple is considered as waste. The total waste of cashew nut shell
per kg of cashew nut is about 60 % and cashew apple is 40%. The byproducts of cashew can
be used as a substrate for several microbial fermentation processes and also used as feed in
petrochemical feedstock unit (Akinwale, 2000) [2]. In this review cashew nut shell and cashew
apple with their own nutritional value, waste utilization has been studied. Processing of
cashew is economically viable and the information is also useful to strengthen the present
processing industries.
2. Botany of cashew
The cashew tree is a tropical evergreen tree produces cashew nut and cashew apple. The tree
grows up to 14 m (46 ft.) stature, however predominate cashew becomes about 6m (20 ft.) has
been cashew becomes demonstrated increasingly gainful with better return and prior
development (Asogwa et al., 2008) [3]. The genuine natural product is the cashew tree is a
kidney or boxing-glove formed drupe that develops at end of the cashew apple the drupe
grows first on the tree, and afterward the pedicle ventures into the cashew apple inside the
genuine organic product is a solitary seed, the cashew (Kubo et al., 1993) [4]. The organic
product is thick, with oval seeds, 2-3 cm long. The seeds are rosy - dark colored cleaned with
Corresponding Author: two enormous cotyledons and a little undeveloped organism. Its shell comprising a clingy
Sandip T Gaikwad ruddy dark colored fluid contains different substance nut parts (de Abreu et al., 2013) [5].
MIT College of Food Technology,
MIT ADT University, Pune,
Maharashtra, India
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International Journal of Chemical Studies http://www.chemijournal.com
3. Medicinal attributes crude protein (11.8) in cashew apple can be a great potential
3.1 Cashew shell nutritional properties poultry or cattle feed (Damasceno et al., 2008) [15].
The oil extracted from cashew shell is anti-bacterial and also
can heal wound known as traditional medicine anciently used 4.5 Bio-surfactants from cashew apple waste
by the travelers. Also, it is used for treating ulcer and tooth Bio-surfactants are the compounds super-active which can
abscesses beside as a condition of leprosy and psoriasis. It decrease superficial solids and interfacial tension between
also has other properties which can be used for treating cancer solids, liquids, and gases. Nowadays most of the surfactants
and myocardial infection (Garruti et al., 2003; Berry et al., are synthesized chemical which results in toxic and non-
2011) [6, 7]. biodegradable substances (Gopalan et al., 1999) [16]. Bio
surfactants are be used as food, pharmaceutical,
3.2 Cashew apple nutritional properties environmental application as emulsifier, foaming detergent,
Glucose in the cashew apple acts as an instant energy supplier solubilizing agent etc. Bio-surfactants can be produced by
whereas fructose in the cashew apple regulates the insulin and cashew juice which is not used in by-products due to its
stabilizes the blood sugar level. The calcium in the cashew different unsuitable compounds, with the use of p.arruginosa
apple helps in joints and bone wellness. The copper consisting ATCC-10145 (Gunjate et al., 1995) [17].
in cashew apple helps in flexibility of blood vessel and
increasing in oxygen carrying capacity (Dendena and Stefano, 4.6 Cashew apple waste as bagasse’s
2014) [8]. Cashew apple is also known for its antioxidant The cashew cake bagasse’s containing cellulose 19-24%,
property and oral cleanser, it maintains oral freshness, hemicelluloses 12 %, lignin 22-38%. Xylose is abundant in
strengthen the gum and overall dental health. The fresh and the monomer unit of cashew hemicellulose. However, the
fermented product of cashew apple helps to prevent macular strain native to it Saccharomyces cerevisiae cannot utilize
degeneration, muscle cramp and insomnia in old age. xylose. But some strains of Candida, Kluyveromyces and
According to Indian Council of Medical Research, the Pichia which can be modified S. cerevisae strain, can convert
average body requirement of Vitamin C is about 40 mg to 80 xylose to ethanol (Kubo et al., 2006) [18].
mg and the requirements can be fulfilled by consuming 100
ml of cashew apple juice (Mukunthan et al., 2012) [9]. 4.7 Cashew apple waste as probiotic strain
Probiotics are micro-organisms that survive ingestion in
4. Waste utilization certain numbers to provide various health benefits for human
4.1 Cashew nut shell liquid or Cashew oil body. However, probiotics are mainly made up of dairy
Cashew Nut Shell Liquid is utilized adaptable crude material product due to which some lactose intolerance people cannot
with wide applications in types of surface covering, consume the dairy probiotic milk. The minimal requires count
generation of polymers just as paints and varnishes, it is of bacteria in probiotic foods are 7-log CFU/mL. Cashew
additionally utilized in the creation of asbestos with free juice apple Lactobacillus casei NRRI B-442 contains about 8-
grating synthesis of brake linings, likewise as a finisher with log CFU/mL which is viable amount of count with 42 days of
elevated level of strength and flexibility for compound coats storage capacity (Kubo et al., 2018; Morton et al.,2019) [19, 20].
(da Silveira et al., 2015) [10]. Important concoction present in
the pyrolysis of CNSL at high temperature (450 0C TO 750 5. Future Prospect of Cashew apple
C) and short living arrangement time required. The results of Cashew waste has the potential to withstand with various
pyrolysis incorporate hydrocarbons, gases and phenols with products in market due to its high nutritive and chemical
high petrochemical esteems (Gordon et al., 2012) [11]. compound its can be versatility used in the different field like
Food, Pharmaceutical, etc. The Cashew nut shell liquid have a
4.2 Cashew nut shell cake high demand in heat requiring industries as well as in
Cashew shell cake or cashew shell oil cake is utilized in petrochemical field industries. Also, cashew apple is readily
boilers, heating, consuming or utilized as fuel by assembling available in as it is considered as waste or the 2nd byproduct
units. Cashew nutshell cakes gives tremendous temperature cashew tree after cashew nuts. Cashew apple contains a high
when heating legitimately or blending in with different amount of tannin contain. Tannin acyl hydrolase is an enzyme
powers or fuel substitutes (Prommajak et al., 2018) [12]. CNSL catalyzes in hydrolysis reaction and various other form of
cake is the perfect fuel where high heat requires to be reaction so the cashew apple tannin content can be used in
produced and it gives extremely long timeframe of realistic this form. Cashew apple goes readily under fermentation
usability. It is fundamentally utilized by the concrete lively process so the process can be used for the production of
and tiles producers (Kubo et al., 1099) [13]. different cultures under controlled conditions. Future
Research and development can help in formation of various
4.3 Cashew nut shell waste as animal feed products a waste by products from cashew apple by putting a
Cashew shell waste is also used for animal feed in poultry, modern technology aspect ahead.
fishes, piggery as the de-oiled cashew waste is fermented and
mixed with wheat stalks so to provide a material for the 6. Conclusion
animal meal (Cavalcante et al., 2003) [14]. Hence, Waste from Cashew apple and shell can be considered
as a valuable raw material which has a potential market in
4.4 Cashew feed from cashew apple waste domestic and international forum. Though there are some
Waste of cashew apple is largely products in processing limitations, in chemical and physical processing steps they
industries. This waste can be used as feed source in dairy and can be cover up by treating them by various technical steps
piggery units. After the extraction of juice, the cellulose rich and a quality and palatable of waste product with significant
processing unit waste (pomace) can be used has high nutrient nutritive properties. This forum and comprehensive content a
rich poultry and cattle feed in wet or dry format. Its content vast study of cashew waste utilization its nutritive medicinal,
high dry matter (22.5%) and protein content (13.7%) and low
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