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A Uniao 01 02 1895
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A Uniao 01 02 1895
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t (BRAZIL) Soxta-feira, 1 de Fevereiro de 1895 (PARAHYBA) AUNIAO > ORGAM DO PARTIDO REPUBLICANO DO ESTADO DA PARAHYBA INATURAS | Assionaroras DENTE. DA CAUIRAT mano)” POBLCAGHD ‘DRIAL a as Twat ¢ 000 PAU Sp Abia tbo | PAGAAIENDO’ AbiANTADO Reonuncia ddA Périor [vi menngen do Cine Per roprmshldales ores un ue] fics pl yun hen ca oma yr, dete @ Sem, Pre cor eneeeaian Ce ade at dp ade bmn 0 Sree i oko ity mnt Sm fen tle dal i ta devine fxg fea Ue Gy aly each “Os pat ou hangup ines 1 dass db gic: Bec ryan ar esol gro ease era Wan Mt nemo ote oer ni endilatin safc fio di dee yuuvon am qunkce (an ve atc ae ta deena Uses [rmbt hoi Sti, ir yl fee teteet Uiienes (et ea cas 4 washes | 0 tamify salva Ine emai wa rai ps is ‘nites do 00) Projecto do orgamanto sss pepanr ede "Afomcial da Capital, Pesta eis ae ee te fr lee os lh jarred vee er onegu rn le wom eae pete le cosets marr aeesaerats le pea Xe Re ange amis ali baa en i an Ee rs Be tba Tanne esa ae de entiemise | teem Bay nen ba 9 Csi laa lige» ipe(psniee gi Bal we a mwa Se TO erecting eS ei ee en nats eee eee Sos a gscigoctnsy on lange, Beton 214.4010 Pet, Fare lr cap eae lar oeboreeee [os arte tacee SX inte weg ae ken Waa meat" ap Pam geee— a ae aro si ease cena lan a ont |e Beit «Dopey lege re fanshop fecinarat rations ayturts cole soginde oxmtniater|Assamblaa Legislative do. [sath nu fave ynste lidiverle ec Ona piaca,com a seule: Eatado. da Barahyba sf ie a pads ant 9 aD a See PRD tay Patt cn; et oF Chale Tower bg i Fits tor coon Prices Fen gira De IS “angio i Bis hha eat oa — eee False lp lie a reer oper Phe cerned Psidvsin ds Raa! Swe, De, Rode oia——eaongo00 a ae S| asa easvommay fait ee vs Taba eda Besa eat gels mine PELs cmemin eke ete Titty le Rac wen Eortin geo ce ng ese el ek ty Haas Ae ston eee nese. ssn ons cormuri quo com repli, 2 cide Pali Pau’ po a SA Weasas cose Wa Calie|” Dole Ge tones a menae|stosel de Rep far Hineelgee a wf ts doe sae |zom frosinwse) nove Laut: |ecila pte ope pbs eee tet eleate ortn sich ?n eke! “Desae's neta tau Tabata Dae lesen vee fne)1" Agar agit 209000 te ee es tee ttre mene seen eae Reet ee ca Bees rtewaretina | Cee 2 fliteaewc ao pola (cht eatce"te "| Guttman (2.9 eaten aed ll SP ees eid cree teense [estas cores, one ames een coven [Det mn ar fo ct, servis orn po|_ (2 cdoral dev Dede die gay) eonbuiiean a slush dh rise|ie\a palanes'c mamas f mont os) Dia na porsacer 509000 yess Seer Sc sats inion 9
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Vist, Walls Menten Henle Gabaricy Cora ee eee al Vent oolos, Sereipe, oud PRIMEIRA PARTE Depo saver ya eran ie com ple rie i rei ten nde PRIN gu 0, ea cena O Jesuita ou OS LADROES DA HONRA setae tate o Unt ama, Se TESDE contelde Dist New ‘A ACGAO PASSA-SE NA FRANCA Denominac&o dos actos te A wate de Joo leant on 6 Tote, Racal ono late Sata ‘ese Em roupas brancas Princpant os TP Ao publico © Dincns ez date pico, deg tn resid ween % re oda pels et Ys pr Loterias ~~ os tebe aie ia vd lel ai, ‘MEZ DE FEVEREINO Sex 1st ios -20¢s000|* Slade RS Dect Leosa000 Kipmk E26" Incr Esanigoo0 Hemant Teme Pike uae 2eaougopo|Impercn dt Gas Quint ones Ses Somer Sala vneason) Saath Ais 209000 | Gam 209008000 ine 20008019 Situs ial Tiina samgt00 jaca 08000 200ms000| venda em mao dos. cautaistas Y Crise financeira Bessneossi ut fe tra exturyo da 12° Cr Lao Nacinlem e Foveten exp pose wal € '200:6058000 vhs eosin ‘uta Mancvosuy ee, Pata oy Asma Masorn so "cs apa [een forte EDITAES “Afandega da Poraiyba 3 CONSUO Elna Nn & lew, De viata lt ass dgsitin cmc fe oe aed revel ie eve a la ‘ena rapt prs en cae rate dems ies 0 ee ita ds ead inne my is da 6 compictn re dog do Estado te Be Mist de Fond ere eee “Ws sma erp fewdop_ de Panlyba 25 de AA oe Ge Ms CONSE oR ee se Diem Jo ado 8500, Frias Suto pss 2 deem tes sb where tego do pin ps ae Ledeias acl nse dha aunts | SES race tt ‘sia | _[tsson. Neitiate ds Reps, Melon zomieeo00 (Side de Tent Tee BANOO eV en he Alagoas, Cand Pas | ti Matt Grey Pag - 200500|5 ie Crud ta 8 iow dos, Tobie F ibn dw Negi Etre ory oxime “eed Wo Ftd Pane fe de daa (O Renate Laspurnn N.2 De onlew dy Cnet Manse el daa op ait pr nhieinett ial quo en Feit de hoje tiered oa it reve | sass eyo theatre isd mmo Coes 1 hs sd hab a? i do feeatae peer z 0 Seretario Nut. pee ree ea aaiene Tye ears Senna as a Scents ert a ini do sts ete emu stn ck ely pedo 9 een ger feat jeroecn 20 ' ’ que esta dts até @ da 19 Tig via aa abe ies etgie pay on coon eters a ‘robust nena ose em ds near gu ar jenetn de ect tee Retr Boe is 08 22 Gedansiy de Oni tee ass 8 Po Sota dy tad ay pit ae 1S Poids dy Supt Trine! Haka wt setae ad ttn fe aicall pram als A UNIAO—Sexta-feira; 1 de Fevereiro de 1895 abarraque geen, | "nie Vinton Tonico € ovaesnivo Apa B timer siete Tanah Sopnaete Pafaybana Pilulas purgativas .D' Guilié com Fitracta ae Elite Teneo Aatiegmets do D-6atie Sei MN as: se re or WAIS DE TRES QUARTOS DE SECULO DE SUCCESSO 4 LULAS DE EXTRACTO DE ELIXIR-DE GUILLIE eat m pequoe vole tds ws porn abated do RLERER ‘ractslo a jvrh oe wre be nbn tuneno |ALANEAHO, MACH NISTA B TORE ae Avante Basin ie Veitoral do Goreja - ein 0 OR. AYER. ME-ORIZA Tira as Rugas fa tla wets Ven )-0 tambem DE = | Gta en Lima & Silva. do Triampto nx 20] nina 2 fa eae dence oe RODRIGUES &C. |” orn a ip Voewstx Pean* pa Suva Mew, cic | RATA. | Attanasio nai jbo nF] Veni vm Sibu) wor| Rossbach Brothers SAREE SEITE vinno tinto do Lisbos,idem ‘COMPRAO- TO NAulaw kis ‘Advogado do abscaml, dom de ge-"| Petes do bas o tapeira coe ; f sae [wanda ae he anil JOS itiaas sh Ge po Bec dccars gies aunt Tae creas pele Sar A FLOR DO DESERTO Hint ad BET Ne 2s aanun OM Sse Ose ca tle fate ae ae s te, Hager tert co fA go ee Oriente c | COMPANHIA = fea Realise Tinsats Me-[rato_ co a a Se uate oe a oe proreae coMeAROEIO, : Comoe ea She enti rel, Cong Maeyrinte) e pocech cigducetee| venente furs)” Mune rei Job, Perel Paar)
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (109)
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (45)
The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
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The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
M.L. Stedman
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (789)
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A Uniao 26 01 1895
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)