Service Bulletin A - 10: Technical Information To All The Owners of Sulzer A Type Diesel Engines 25.07.95
Service Bulletin A - 10: Technical Information To All The Owners of Sulzer A Type Diesel Engines 25.07.95
Service Bulletin A - 10: Technical Information To All The Owners of Sulzer A Type Diesel Engines 25.07.95
Service Bulletin A – 10
Technical Information to all the Owners 25.07.95
of Sulzer A Type Diesel Engines
Contents: Page
New Sulzer Diesel Ltd Diesel After-Sales Service PO Box 414 CH-8401 Winterthur, Switzerland
Phone: (052) 262 80 10 (24hours) Telex: 896 659 NSDL CH Telefax: (052) 213 94 83
This Service Bulletins informs you about the new design of fuel pump plunger and barrel which
will overcome the sticking of the fuel pump plunger in conjunction with the occasional tightness
experienced with the regulating linkage and with certain HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil) and lubricating
oil combinations.
To improve the running reliability especially when running with HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil) which has in
the past created the occasional problem with sticking plungers and regulating sleeves, the plunger and
the barrel for the fuel pump were redesigned.
The problem was mainly caused by clogging of the bores at the oil inlet, oil to the sleeve as well as at
the fuel oil drain bore, the formation of lacquer on the plunger running surface which reduced the
normal running clearance between plunger and barrel. The latter in turn also influenced the free and
easy movement of the regulating sleeve operated by the control linkage.
The new plunger is now equipped with grooves B (please refer to Figure 2 on the sketch below) to
reduce the contact area of the running surface and to improve the lubrication between plunger and
barrel with a larger quantity of fuel oil acting as a lubricant.
Oil to regulating
sleeve lubrication
Oil to regulating Oil from regulating
sleeve lubrication C sleeve lubrication
The barrel has now two grooves in the lower part, the upper groove C serves as drainage for any
leakage fuel and therefore replaces the function of the upper groove in the barrel of the previous
design. The plunger guide part is mainly lubricated by fuel oil and the interference between HFO and
lubricating oil is now taking place at the lower guide part.
The new plunger and barrel Type 627 (H 55030) are fully interchangeable with the previous Type
316 and can be obtained from:
New Sulzer Diesel After Sales Service or through their Representatives.
We have so far published the following Service Bulletins which are valid for A type engines:
A–2.2 dated 30.11.94 / Assessment of Main and Bottom End Bearings
A–4.1 dated 01.06.95 / Lubricating Oil Treatment
A–5 dated 11.07.85 / Flushing Instructions
A–6 dated 30.10.86 / Undersized Bearings and Reconditioning of Crankshafts
A–7.1 dated 30.11.93 / Fuel Injection Nozzle Specification
A–8 dated 15.08.94 / Cylinder Liner with a Fine Thread in the Upper Part of the Bore
A–9 dated 18.10.94 / Heavy Fuel Oil Concept Guide and System Adjustments for
A 20H / AT 25H Auxiliary Engines
Should you not be in possession of the above mentioned documentation suitable for your plant, kindly
contact your local New Sulzer Diesel representative for your copy.
This Service Bulletin should be kept in a separate file in the control room. The respective pages or
tables of the Service Bulletin with modifications to the Operating Manual, Maintenance Manual
or Code Book should be copied and filed in the respective Manual or Book.
New Sulzer Diesel Switzerland Ltd has issued this Service Bulletin with their best knowledge and
ability. However, New Sulzer Diesel Switzerland Ltd can not take any liability for any or all
information contained in this or any other Service Bulletin.
Changes of any nature to the form and or to the content of this or any other Service Bulletin as
published by New Sulzer Diesel Switzerland Ltd, are not permitted.