DOLE Workers - Affidavit
DOLE Workers - Affidavit
DOLE Workers - Affidavit
I, ______________________________________, ____ years of age, single/married and residing at
_____________________________________________________, after having been sworn in accordance with law, depose and say:
4) I work as ____________________________________ and my work schedule is from ______ to _____, daily from _________
to _________; with a work schedule of ___________________________.
11) I am / I am not given a copy of my pay slip and I receive/ I do not receive the net pay shown in the pay slip.
12) I received / I do not receive the net pay shown in the pay slip.
13) I am regularly given a meal break of ______ hours from __________ to ______________.
14) I work / I do not work / I sometimes work from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and I am / I am not paid the 10%
night shift differential pay.
15) I render / I do not render _________ hours of overtime work (work rendered in excess of 8 hours in a day):
_____ Every day ______ Others: ___________________________________________________________
16) I am paid / I am not paid for every hour of overtime work rendered on:
Ordinary Days : Php ______________
Rest Days : Php ______________
Special Days : Php ______________
Regular Days : Php ______________
17) I work / I do not work on:
_____ Special Holiday and I am paid / not paid additional amount equivalent to 30% on my daily pay.
_____ Regular Holiday and I am paid/ not paid additional amount equivalent to 200% of my daily pay.
20) The Employer / Company provides / do not provide meal & snacks / lodging facilities and deduct _________
amount from my wage/ salary with / without written authority from me authorizing the deduction.
24) There is / There is no labor union in the Company and I am / I am not a member of the union.
25) There is / There is no existing Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Union and Company.
I hereby declare that the above were voluntarily given, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
IN WITNESS HEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this _______ day of __________, 20___ at
(Signature & Printed Name)
______________________________ ______________________________
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____ day of _________________ , 20 _____ at ________________________.
Administering Officer