Detailed Lesson Plan in Dressmaking NC II-1

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Dressmaking NC II- Grade 12

A. Content Standards The Learner demonstrates understanding on the principles of designing and
sewing Ladies trousers.
B. Performance Standards The learner plan, design, and sew ladies trousers.
C. Learning Competencies/ LO.4 Apply finishing touches on ladies trousers- 4.3 Pack finish garments.
Objectives (TLE_HEDM9-12TR-IVi-j-12)

At the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

a. identify the parts of a label commonly used in garments;
b. enumerate the different packaging materials;
c. give the procedure in packaging finished garments.

II. CONTENT Packing Finished Garments

A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide pages:
2. Learner’s Material pages: Dressmaking 10 Quarter 4 Module 6 pages 1-10.
3. Textbook pages:
4. Additional Materials:
B. Other Learning Resources Pictures, video, PowerPoint presentation, paper, markers, manila paper,
trouser, poly bag, labels and tags.

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Learners Activity

A1 ACTIVITIES Good morning class Good morning Ma’am.

Before anything else, let us all stand up (the whole class will pray)
and pray.

You may now take your seats.

Before we start our lesson for today,
let’s check your attendance.

Please say present once your name is (the learner will say present once
called. his/her name is called)

a. Reviewing previous lesson or Now let us recall what have you learned
presenting the new lesson from our previous lesson.

What are the tools and equipment used *Flat iron

in pressing finished garments? *Steam press

Yes, that is correct!

What else? * Ironing board

*Sleeve board/ham

It seems like you already mastered our

previous lesson.
b. Establishing a purpose for the Before we move to our lesson for today
lesson we will first have a short activity.

First we will divide the class into 4

groups. Starting from the left corner (The students will count 1-4)
let’s count 1-4.

Now that you have your group number Yes Ma’am.

you may now go to your respective
groups. Group 1 and 2 please occupy
the seats at the front, while Group 3 (The learners will go to their groups)
and 4 kindly occupy the seats at the
back. Please go to your group quietly.

Is everyone settled with their respective Yes Ma’am.


Each group should assign a group

leader. Group leaders please list the
name of your members in a ¼ sheet of
paper and give it to me.

Now that everyone is settled down I will

explain the mechanics of the game.
Please listen carefully and attentively. Yes Ma’am.

The name of this activity is “Show and

Tell”. I have here pictures. Each group
will be get one picture each and discuss
to the class what it is. You can describe
it, and share other information that you
know about the picture. Understood? Yes Ma’am.

Leaders please come to the front and (Leaders will come to front to get a
get a picture. picture)

Now that you have the pictures I will

give you 5 minutes to discuss with your
groupmates and prepare for the
presentation. For the presentation each
group will be given 3 minutes. The
sequence of the presentation will be
group 1, followed by group 2, 3, and
lastly group 4. Understood? Yes Ma’am.

Okay please proceed with your

preparation. Your 5 minutes starts now. (learners will work with their
Time is up! Let us proceed with the
presentation. Group 1 please start. (each group will present this picture)

Very good group 1! Next group 2.

Well done group 2! Group 3.

Excellent group 3. And last but not the

least group 4.

Very good group 4!

All of you did a great job! Let all clap

our hands for a job well done.
d. Presenting Now I want you to look at the pictures. All the pictures are materials for
examples/instances on the What are the objects in the pictures are packing finished garments.
new lesson used for?

That is correct!
And that will be our lesson for today.
Packing Finished Garments.
Kindly read the objectives.
At the end of the lesson the learner
should be able to:
a. identify the parts of a label
commonly used in garments;
b. enumerate the different packaging
c. give the procedure in packaging
finished garments.
Thank you.

I have here a video clip. Please watch it

attentively because later on we will
have a discussion. Understood? Yes, Ma’am!
(the learners will watch the video)

Did you understand what the video was Yes, Ma’am!


d. Discussing new concept and What do we mean when we say It is the act of putting things into
practicing new skill. packaging? bags, boxes.

Yes that is correct!

How about in the garment sector, what It is to make into or enclose in a

does it mean? package. It’s the process of enclosing
finished apparel into an appropriate
packaging material, pressed, folded
and labelled.
Very good!

What’s another term for packaging? Packing.

Yes, that is correct!

Packing and packaging has the same


What do you call words that have the Synonyms.

same meaning?


Based on the video you just watched, (Learners will answer the following :)
What are the different packaging *label
materials used in packing finished *price tag
garment specifically ladies trousers?

Very good!
What else? *paper cartons
*paper wraps
Yes, that’s correct!
What else?
*cellophane/plastic bag
*adhesive tape
Let us further discuss each.
First we have the label.

What is a label? The label is the printed,

computerized, or written text found
on the material as part of the selling
and promotion processes.
Very good!

Where can you find the label? It can be found at the back or at the
side part of the garment.
Very good!

You can take a look at the label of your

clothes or you can ask your classmate to
take a picture of it.

For convenience I have here an

(learners may answer the following)
What are the different parts of the
label? *brand name

It is the main label. It indicates the

brand name or the brand logo of the
Yes, that is correct. What is it? company where it is manufactured.

Very good! For example Lee, Blue

Corner, Jag, and Shein. Those are brand *Size label
It indicates the size or measurement
Another part of label is… of the garment.

Very good. What is a size label?

It is categorized as S for small, M for
Very good! medium, L for large, and XL for Extra-
How is it the sizing categorized?

It is generally done by indicating the

Yes, that is correct. measurement of the waistline for
high-waist trousers and for hipsters
How about for lower garments it is done by indicating the
specifically for ladies trousers? measurement of the 1st hip.

*Composition label

Another part of label is?

It indicates the fabrication and
Yes, that’s correct! composition that make up the
What does it contain?

Very good!
It is the label with the symbols or
This is an example of a composition drawings.

Next, the care label. What is it?

Very good!
Instructions on how to take care of
Each indicated in the care label has the garment.
What are written in a care label?

Such as? Drying and Ironing

That is correct!

What else? Using of chemicals like bleach.

Very good!

What else? Because the instructions in the care

label depends on the fabric
Very good! composition of the garment.

Why is it that for each clothing or

garment the care label is different? So that we can maintain and prolong
the life of the garment.
Yes, that is correct!

Why do we need to follow the

instructions written on the care label?
So the clients/buyers of the finished
garment will know the brand name
Very well said! of the product.

Why do we need to attach a label on

the finished garments? Because it contains important
information of the finished
Yes that is correct. garment/product for the information
of the consumers or buyers.
Aside from that what else?

Very good!

Because it is the right of the consumer

to know those information. In fact in
there is a Law which is R.A. 7394, also
known as the Consumer Act of the
Philippines (1992), all consumer
product domestically sold, whether
manufactured locally or imported, shall
indicate the those information we
discussed earlier in their labels of
It is used as an insert board to
So those are the different parts of the maintain the shape of the garment.
label. Let us further discuss the
different packaging materials aside
from the label.

How is a paper cartoon or paper board It is used in some garments as inner

used in packing? For an instance on flat- packaging.
packed shirt or trouser?

Very good! It is used as the outer packaging of

the garment.
How about a paper wrap?

Very good!

How should cellophane or a poly bag Clear or transparent

So that the product or the garment is
Very good! easy to see.

Class poly bag or cellophane on

packaging is usually what color? It is made of a card where the price
of the finished product is indicated.
Why is that so?


How about the price tag? How is it


Very good! It is used to seal plastic bags and

secure boxes.
Some manufacturers do not indicate
the price of the product on the card. It Clear or transparent!
is up to the retailers to indicate the

How about the packing tape or

adhesive? It contains the packed finish product
for shipment.

e. Discussing new concepts and What color of packing tape should be Step 1: Attach label and price tags.
practicing new skill #2 used?

Very good!
Step 2: Fold the finished garment.
How about the cardboard or boxes?
Step 3: Pack finished garment in
How are we going to pack a ladies
trouser? Step 4: Seal the packed garment.

Yes, that’s correct!

After that, what comes next?
Very good! Next step is to…

And the last step is… Even number


How many steps are there?

Yes, we only have 4 easy steps in
packing finished ladies trouser.

Is 4 odd number or even number?

Very good!

A3 ABSTRACTION Again what are the different packaging *label

h. Making generalization and materials? *price tag
abstraction about the lesson *paper cartons/board
*paper wraps
*cellophane/poly bag
*adhesive tape
Very good!

How about the different parts of a *brand label

label? *size label
*care label

Step 1: Attach label and price tags.
How about the procedure in packing a Step 2: Fold the finished garment.
finished garment such as ladies trouser? Step 3: Pack finished garment in
Step 4: Seal the packed garment.


It looks like you’ve mastered our lesson


A4 APPLICATION We are going to have an activity The

f. Developing mastery (Leading to grouping will be the same grouping we
Formative Assessment 3) have earlier.

I have here pieces of paper written on

each is a different task for each group.
Leaders kindly come to the front and
get one. Yes Ma’am.

Group 1 what is your task? Demonstrate how to pack ladies


How about group 2? Draw your own label

Group 3 what task is assigned to you? Illustrate the process of packaging

finished garment in a diagram.

How about Group 4? Present a role playing or

dramatization of characters as the
different packaging materials.

Now that every group have their

respective tasks. Please listen to the

You will be given 15 minutes to work on

your given task and coordinate with
your groupmates.

For the presentation I will give each

group 5 minutes to present. For fairness
the sequence of the presentation will
be reverse. We will start with group 4,
then group 3, next group 2, and the last
presenter will be the group 1.

Your performance will be graded based

on the rubrics provided. Understood? Yes, Ma’am.

Are there any question or clarification? None Ma’am.

Since there are no questions you may (the leaners will work with their
now proceed to do your task. groupmates)

Five minutes left…

Time is up!

Let’s proceed to the presentation. (the learners will present their work
to the class)
Group 4

Very good!

Group 3!


Group 2


And last but not the least group 1.

Wow! That was spectacular!

Everyone let’s give ourselves a round of

applause. All of you did a splendid job!

VALUING How important is packaging? It is very important because it

g. Finding practical application of protects the product from possible
concepts and skills in daily living Yes, that is correct! damages.

What else?
It makes the product easy to carry.
Very good!

What else?
It also helps promote the product by
Excellent! providing attractive and eye catching
All of your answers are correct.
Packaging is very important because it
contains important information of the
product that it contains. It makes the
product easy to carry and store. It also
promotes the product and encourages

Packaging place an important role in the

consumption different products. For
example pineapple juices are packed on
a special can with an easy open hole so
that we can easily drink it.

Clothing or garments act as packaging

to our body. Because it protects our
body from heat or cold and it also
makes us presentable. Am I correct? Yes, Ma’am!

Did you understand our lesson? Yes, Ma’am!

Are there any question or clarification? None, Ma’am!

EVALUATION In a ¼ sheet of paper enumerate the

Evaluating Learning following:

1-3 different parts of label

4-6 different packaging materials
7-10 procedure in packaging finished
AGREEEMENT On the internet research about the new
j. Additional activities for application technologies in packaging finished
remediation garments. Write your answer in a whole
sheet of paper.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teachings
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

The performance task of the students will be evaluated with the rubrics below:

CRITERIA Excellent Satisfactory Fair Needs

4 3 2 1
Relevance The content of the The content of The content of The content of
presentation was the presentation the presentation the presentation
very relevant to the was relevant. was somehow was not relevant
given task. relevant. to the given
Speed Finish the given Finished the task Finished the task Did not finish
task ahead of time. on time. 2 minutes after the task.
the given time.
Teamwork All members Only half of the Only few of the Only the leader
worked to finish members of the members worked worked to finish
the task. group worked to to finish the task. the task.
finish the task.
Presentation The output was The output was The output lacks The output is
done creatively, done creatively creativity, unorganized,
neatly, and well- and is organized. neatness, and is and did not
organized. not well- show
organized. creativeness.
Prepared by:

Lea F. Balderama
Teacher I- Applicant

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