Booklet 8

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NAME OF WORK :- Construction of Cultural Hall in Adiwasi Area For
Cultural Activities at Morshi.

NAME OF AGENCY : ________________________________________

AGREEMENT No. : B-1 / / DL / 2023 - 24

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer

Original Agreement No. : B-1 (Percentage Rate)

Name of Work : Construction of Cultural Hall in Adiwasi
Area For Cultural Activities at Morshi.

Class of Registration Class IV-A and above

Name of Contractor :

Date of Receipt of Tender : As per Online Tender Schedule

No. & Date of Work Order :

Amount put to Tender : Rs. 7554223/-

Including Cost of
(A) Work Portion =Rs.7391870/- +
(B) Royalty Charges =Rs.136463/- +
(C) Testing Charges =Rs.25890/-
Total = Rs.7554223/-
Note - The tenderer shall quote their bid offer
only on cost of Work Portion i.e. Rs. 7391870/-
Percentage quoted :

Amount of Contract :

Date of Commencement :

Time stipulated for : 300 (Three Hundred ) Calender Days including

completion of work rainy season & Public Holidays from the date of
written order to start work.
Date of completion as per :
Acutual Date of Completion :
Reference to sanction of :
Extension of time limit : 1

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer

1. Detailed Time Table for the various activities to be performed in e-tendering process by the
Tenderer for quoting their offer is given in this Tender Document under “Tender Schedule”.
Contractor should carefully note down the cut-off dates for the carrying out each e-tendering
process / activity.

2. Every effort is being made to keep the Website up to date and running smoothly 24 x 7 by
the Government and the Service Provider. However, Government takes no responsibility,
and will not be liable for, the website being temporarily unavailable due to any technical
issue at any point of time.

3. In that event Public Works Department will not be liable or responsible for any damages or
expenses arising from any difficulty, error, imperfection or inaccuracy with this Website. It
includes all associated services or due to such unavailability of the Website or any part
thereof or any contents or any associated services.

4. Tenderers must follow the time table of e-tendering process and get their activities of e-
tendering processes done well in advance so as to avoid any inconvenience due to
unforeseen technical problem if any.

5. Public Works Department will not be responsible for any incomplete activity of e-tendering
process of the tenderer due to technical error/ failure of website and it cannot be challenged
by way of appeal, arbitration and in the Court of Law. Contractors must get done all the
e-tendering activities well in advance.

6. All the Clarifications, Circulars, Notifications and Resolutions related to tenders issued by
Government from time to time till the date of Submission of Bid shall be applicable and
binding to the bidders and shall be treated as part of agreement unless specifically mentioned
on the contarary or modified in the bid Documents.

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
E-TENDER NOTICE NO. ……….. FOR 2023-24 (Online)
Online Percentage Rate tenders in 'B-1' Form are invited by the Executive Engineer, Public
Works Division, Amravati for the following work from Contractors Registered /Unregistered in
Appropriate Class of the Public Works Department of Maharashtra State. The Name of Work,
Estimated Cost, Earnest Money,Security Deposit, Time Limit for completion etc. are as under.

Sr. Name of Estimated Earnest Money Time limit Class of Cost of

No Work Cost Rs. Rs. for Registration e-tender
. Completion Form Fee
1. Constructi Rs. 7554223/-. Rs.76000/- 300 Class Rs.1180/-
on of In the form of Online (Three IV-A and (Non-
Cultural /RTGS /NEFT/RTGS or Hundred) above
payment Gate way Calender
Hall in mode or in the form of Days
Adiwasi DD/ FDR. in the name (Including
Area For of EE P.W.Division, Rainy
Cultural Amravati. Bid security Season &
Activities shall be drawn directly Holidays)
at Morshi. from the account of
Bidder / Bidding Firm
or any of the partners in
case of J.V.

The EMD applicable amount shall be paid via Online mode or off line mode through D D/FDR only.
Total Security Deposit 2% (Two percent) Rs.1,52,000/-
1 NAME OF WORK;- Construction of Cultural Hall in Adiwasi
Area For Cultural Activities at Morshi.
2. PERIOD FOR DOWN LOADING BIDING As per e-tender schedule uploaded on e-portal
3. TIME, DATE AND VENUE OF PRE- BID Dt. .2023 @ 16:00 Hrs in the Office of the Chief
CONFRENCE Engineer Public Works Region , Amravati
4. LAST DATE AND TIME FOR CLOSING OF As per e-tender schedule uploaded on e-portal
5- TIME, DATE AND PLACE OF OPENING OF As per e-tender schedule uploaded on e-portal
6 OFFICER INVITING BIDS Executive Engineer, Public Works Division , Amravati
7 Physical Submission of Hard Copy i)The bidder shall submit the Hard Copy of Tender Documents in
1. Tender Documents Technical Qualification "Sealed Envelope as specified in NIT after the Bid submission within
Documents in Envelope No 1, 72 hrs.
2. Performance Deposit ( if Quoted offer is ii) Selected lowest bidder (L1) has to submit the hard copy of
more than 1% Below) Performance Security Deposit if offer is more than 1% Below, in the
office of E.E.P.W.Division , Amravati Within 8 (Eight) days from
the date of opening of financial bid
8 Place of Physical Submission of Hard Copy In the office of the E. E. P.W. Division , Amravati

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer

NAME OF WORK: Construction of Cultural Hall in Adiwasi Area For Cultural

Activities at Morshi.
Online Percentage Rate tenders in 'B-1' Form are invited by the Executive Engineer,
Public Works Division, Amravati for the following work from Contractors Registered/Unregistered
in Appropriate Class of the Public Works Department of Maharashtra State. The Name of Work,
Estimated Cost, Earnest Money,Security Deposit, Time Limit for Completion etc. are as under.
Sr. Name of work Estimated Class of Earnest Security Time limit
No. Cost Registration Money Deposit in Tender
(Rupees) (Rupees) (Rupees) (Calendar
Construction Class IV- Rs.76000/- Rs.152000/- 300
of Cultural Rs.7554223/- A and In the form of Online (Three
Hall in above /RTGS /NEFT or payment Hundred)
Gate way mode or in the Calender
Adiwasi Area Days
form of DD/ FDR /
For Cultural the name of E. E.P.W. (Including
Activities at Division , Amravati. Bid Rainy
Morshi. security shall be drawn
Season &
directly from the account of Holidays)
Bidder / Bidding Firm or
any of the partners in case
of J.V.
1. Bidding documents may be downloaded from the e-tendering portal of Public Works
Department, Government of Maharashtra i.e. after entering the
details, payment of Rs.1180/- (Rupees One Thousand One Hundred Eighty only) should
be paid online using payment gateway mode only. The cost of Bid document will be non
refundable. Interested bidders may obtain further information regarding the work from the
above office.
2. The Bids will be opened as per the e-Tender Schedule, in the presence of such intending
Bidders or his/ their authorized representatives who shall be present at that time.
3. Bid Security of the amount specified for the work in the table shall be paid via online using
NEFT / RTGS or payment gateway mode or in the shape of DD / FDR. Bid security shall be
drawn directly from the account of Bidder / Bidding Firm or any of the partners in case of
J.V. DD /FDR shall be drawn in the favor of Executive Engineer, Public Works Division,
Amravati, the guidelines for the same are included in bid document.
4. The Bids must be submitted online on or on as per NIT &
Technical bid will be opened on date as per NIT, in the presence of bidders who have to
attend in the office of the Executive Engineer, P.W. Division, Amravati (Bid opening
Authority) (As per NIT)
5. The pre-bid meeting will be held on Date @ 12.00. Hrs. in the presence of
bidders who wish to attend in the office of the Superintending Engineer

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
P.W.Circle,Amravati / Chief Engineer Public Works Region , Amravati,
6. It is mandatory for all the bidders to have class-II/III digital Signature Certificate with
signing & encryption facility (in the name of person who will sign the proposal) from any of
the licensed Certifying Agency.
7. Physical Submission of Upload tender Document
8. The bidder shall submit the Hard Copy in two Separate Sealed Envelope in
9. "Sealed Envelope No I -" Contained -Technical & Financial Bids as specified in NIT after
Control Transfer of Bid within 72 hours (excluding holidays) from the time when control
transfer starts. Name of work and e-tender no. shall be written on the envelope.
10. Selected lowest bidder (L1) has to submit the hard copy of Performance Security
Deposit if offer is more than 1% Below, in the office of Executive Engineer Public
Works Division, Amravati within 8 (Eight) days from the date of opening of financial
11. Submission of hard copy is a essential. However, hard copies will be opened only if there
are problems in opening/ downloading of tender offers. If the contractor inadvertently or
otherwise does not submit hard copy, then it shall not constitute a bar to open his e-offer.
His online tender shall be opened by the tender opening authority and will be processed. If
the contractor’s offer is lowest then it will be accepted and his downloaded tender shall be
treated as hard copy.
12. Before submitting the proposal, the bidders shall mandatorily register and enlist themselves
(the firm and all key personnel), on further, the bidders shall
follow the operating procedure as may be prescribed on the said website.
13. All the Clarifications, Circulars, Notifications and Resolutions related to tenders issued by
Government from time to time till the date of Submission of Bid shall be applicable and
binding to the bidders and shall be treated as part of agreement unless specifically
mentioned on the contrary or modified in the bid Documents.
14. If offers of two or more bidders are found identical, then all such bidders shall be asked
to submit their revised offers in closed & sealed envelope in presence of tender opening
authority, the offers shall be less than the offer already submitted. The bidders with lowest
offer shall be considered for award of work
15. Royalty and Testing Charges
16. All Testing charge for required quantity of Testing, and Royalty on account of extraction of
construction material payable under minor mineral act prevailing in the State are included in
Schedule B. Any such due payable to Govt. or any other Agency / Organisation, if not paid
by contractor and claimed by such authority, same shall be deducted from the Contractor’s
bill and reimbursed to the claimant.
17. Tender Percentage for Royalty, Providing Man Power to Department and Testing
charges:- The percentage rate figure (Above or Below percent) accepted by the Bidder in the
Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
Form of Bid shall not be applicable on the items of Royalty and , Providing Man Power to
Department and Testing charges included in Schedule “B”.
18. At any point of time during tender process, work execution period, Defect Liability Period,
submitted papers/documents/applications including material purchase vouchers, test reports,
bitumen challans, quantity related papers or any papers of contractor should be true, correct
& if the papers submitted by Contractor is found incorrect, faulty, not true, dubious, bogus,
forged etc. then relevant actions of blacklisting & criminal proceedings as per Indian Penal
Code (IPC) shall be initiated against Contractor/ JV / Partnership Firms/Private
Ltd./Companies(Bidder). PWD Officers / Engineers / Divisional Account Officers shall not
be held responsible for the papers submitted by the Contractor.
19. During Technical Opening / Scrutiny of envelop No.1 of tender, if contractor submits false
papers / reports for fulfillment of qualifying criteria, then envelop No.2 of such contractor
shall not be opened. Also such PWD registered contractor / non registered contractor shall
be blacklisted & information of contractor being blacklisted shall be circulated to all P. W.
Divisions & allied P. W. Departments.
20. After issuance of work order, if it is founds that papers submitted / uploaded are forged,
bogus, incorrect, then such contractor shall be blacklisted & Criminal Proceeding as per IPC
shall be initiated. If work is at initial stage, the tender of work shall be cancelled.
21. Engineer In charge or his representative shall minutely inspect the defects, if any, in the
works. If defects occurred are found beyond repair or entire / part of work is felt essential to
be recast / redone, such instructions shall be issued to contractor and contractor shall be
instructed to recast / redo the said defective work within three months. In case of any dispute,
case shall be submitted to the Chief Engineer, P.W.Region, Amravati and his decision shall
be final & binding on the contractor.

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
Instruction to Bidders
1.1 A. Blank Tender Forms
Bidding documents can be purchased/down loaded from the e-Tendering Portal of Public
Works Department, Government of Maharashtra i.e. https:// mahatenders. after
paying Tender Fees via online mode as per the Tender Schedule.
1.1.1 If it is not possible on line to download the drawings, the set of drawing may be supplied to
the bidders in "Hard Copy" by the Department, on Proof of receipt of payment towards cost
of bidding documents as per the tender schedule.
1.1.2 The bid submitted by the bidder shall be unconditional. Conditional bids shall be
summarily REJECTED.
1.1.3 All bidders are cautioned that bids containing any deviation from the contractual terms and
conditions, specifications or other requirements and conditional bids will be treated as non-
responsive. The bidder should clearly mention in forwarding letter that his offer (in envelope
No. 1& 2) does not contain any conditions, deviations from terms and conditions stipulated
in the tender.
1.1.4 Bidders should have valid Class-II/III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) obtained from any
Certifying Authorities.
1.1.5 For any assistance on the use of Electronic Tendering System, the Users may call the
below numbers: Contact Us (NIC) The 24x7 Toll Free Telephonic Help Desk Number
1800 3070 2232
Mobile Number +91787807985/86
Mobile Number +7878007972/731.2.8
1.1.A Guidelines to Bidders on the operations of Electronic Tendering System of Public Works
Department is available at E-Tendering portal of P.W. Department i.e. The bidder shall obtain clarification/help from assistance
mentioned in para 1.2.7 No grievances /claims will be entertained on failure of submission
of online bid.
A. Pre-requisites to participate in the Bidding processed by PWD:
1. Enrollment and Empanelment of Contractors on Electronic Tendering System:
The Contractors interested in participating in the Bids of Public Works Department
processed using the Electronic Tendering System shall be required to enroll on the
Electronic Tendering System to obtain User ID.
After submission of application for enrolment on the System, the application information
shall be verified by the Authorized Representative of the Service Provider. If the
information is found to be complete, the enrolment submitted by the Vendor shall be

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
For participating in Limited and Restricted tenders the registered vendors have to apply for
empanelment on the sub-portal of PWD in an appropriate class of registration. The
empanelment will have to be approved by the respective officer from the PWD. Only
empanelled vendors will be allowed to participate in such bids.
The Contractors may obtain the necessary information on the process of enrolment and
empanelment either from Helpdesk Support Team or may visit the information published
under the link Enroll under the section E-Tendering Toolkit for Bidders on the Home Page
of the Electronic Tendering System.
2. Obtaining a Digital Certificate :
The Bid Data that is prepared online is required to be encrypted and the hash value of the
Bid Data is required to be signed electronically using a Digital Certificate (Class — II or
Class — Ill). This is required to maintain the security of the Bid Data and also to establish
the identity of the Contractor transacting on the System.
The Digital Certificates are issued by an approved Certifying Authority authorized by the
Controller of Certifying Authorities of Government of India through their Authorized
Representatives upon receipt of documents required to obtain a Digital Certificate.
Bid data / information for a particular Tender may be submitted only using the Digital
Certificate which is used to encrypt the data / information and sign the hash value during the
Bid Preparation and Hash Submission stage. In case during the process of preparing and
submitting a Bid for a particular Tender, the Contractor loses his/her Digital Signature
Certificate (i.e. due to virus attack, hardware problem, operating system problem); he / she
may not be able to submit the Bid online. Hence, the Users are advised to store his / her
Digital Certificate securely and if possible, keep a backup at safe place under adequate
security to be used in case of need.
In case of online tendering, if the Digital Certificate issued to an Authorized User of a
Partnership Firm is used for signing and submitting a bid, it will be considered equivalent to
a no objection certificate / power of attorney to that User to submit the bid on behalf of the
Partnership Firm. The Partnership Firm has to authorize a specific individual via an
authorization certificate signed by a partner of the firm (and in case the applicant is a partner,
another partner in the same form is required to authorize) to use the digital certificate as per
Indian Information Technology Act, 2000.
Unless the Digital Certificate is revoked, it will be assumed to represent adequate authority
of the Authority User to bid on behalf of the Firm for the Tenders processed on the
Electronic Tender Management System of Government of Maharashtra as per Indian
Information Technology Act, 2000. The Digital Signature of this Authorized User will be
binding on the Firm. It shall be the responsibility of Partners of the Firm to inform the
Certifying Authority or Sub Certifying Authority, if the Authorized User changes, and apply
for a fresh Digital Signature Certificate. The procedure for application of a Digital Signature
Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
Certificate will remain the same for the new Authorized User.
The same procedure holds true for the Authorized Users in a Private / Public Limited
Company. In this case, the Authorization Certificate will have to be signed by the Director of
the Company or the Reporting Authority of the Applicant.
For information on the process of application for obtaining Digital Certificate, the may visit
the section Digital Certificate on the Home Page of the Electronic Tendering System.
3. Recommended Hardware and Internet Connectivity:
To operate on the Electronic Tendering System, the Contractors are recommended to use
Computer System with at least 1 GB of RAM and broadband connectivity with minimum
512 kbps bandwidth.
4. Set up of Computer System for executing the operations on the Electronic Tendering
To operate on the Electronic Tendering System of Government of Maharashtra, the
Computer System of the Contractors is required be set up. The Contractors are required to
install Utilities available under the section Mandatory Installation Components on the Home
Page of the System.
The Utilities are available for download freely from the above mentioned section. The
Contractors are requested to refer to the E-Tendering Toolkit for Bidders available online on
the Home Page to understand the process of setting up the System, or alternatively, contact
the Helpdesk Support Team on information / guidance on the process of setting up the
B. Steps to be followed by Contractors to participate in e-Tenders processed by PWD
1. Preparation of online Briefcase :
All Technical Document must be Scanned & Uploaded in RAR/PDF Format.
2. Online viewing of Detailed Notice Inviting Tenders:
The Bidders can view the Detailed Tender Notice along with the Time Schedule
(Key Dates) for all the Live Tenders released by PWD on the home page of PWD e-
Tendering Portal on under the section Recent Online
3. Download of Tender Documents:
The Pre-qualification/Main Bidding Documents are available for free downloading.
However to participate in the online tender, the bidder must purchase the bidding
documents via online mode by filling the cost of Tender Form Fee.

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
4. Online Bid
For BID SECURUTY payment, If bidder use Online Net Banking mode Only.
Bidder will have to validate the BID SECURUTY payment as a last stage of bid preparation.
If the payment is not realized with bank, in that case system will not be able to validate the
payment and will not allow the bidder to complete his Bid Preparation stage resulting in
nonparticipation in the aforesaid e-Tender.
a. Digitally signing the documents to be uploaded
The contractor can scan the documents in PDF/RAR format. Avoid scanning the document
in OTHER format. It is mandatory to upload all the documents with digital signature using
PDF/RAR Format.
5. Short listing of Bidders for Financial Bidding Process:
The Tendering Authority will first open the Technical Bid documents of all Bidders
and after scrutinizing these documents will shortlist the Bidders who are eligible for
Financial Bidding Process. The shortlisted Bidders will be intimated by email.
6. Opening of the Financial Bids :
The Bidders may remain present in the Office of the Tender Opening Authority at the
time of opening of Financial Bids. However, the results of the Financial Bids of all
Bidders shall be available on the PWD e-Tendering Portal immediately after the
completion of opening process.
7. Tender Schedule (Key Dates) :
The Bidders are strictly advised to follow the Dates and Times allocated to each stage under
the column "Contractor Stage" as indicated in the Time Schedule in the Detailed Tender
Notice for the Tender. All the online activities are time tracked and the Electronic Tendering
System enforces time- locks that ensure that no activity or transaction can take place outside
the Start and End Dates and Time of the stage as defined in the Bid Schedule.
At the sole discretion of the Tender Authority, the time schedule of the Tender stages may be
C. Terms and Conditions For Online-Payments
Cost of bidding documents & BID SECURUTY Must be Paid Online Net banking mode
General Terms and Conditions For E-Payment
1. Once a User has accepted these Terms and Conditions, he/ she may register on Merchant's
website and avail the Services.
2. Merchant's rights, obligations, undertakings shall be subject to the laws in force in India, as
well as any directives/ procedures of Government of India, and nothing contained in these
Terms and Conditions shall be in derogation of Merchant's right to comply with any law
enforcement agencies request or requirements relating to any User's use of the website or
information provided to or gathered by Merchant with respect to such use. Each User accepts
Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
and agrees that the provision of details of his/ her use of the Website to regulators or police
or to any other third party in order to resolve disputes or complaints which relate to the
Website shall be at the absolute discretion of Merchant.
3. If any part of these Terms and Conditions are determined to be invalid or unenforceable
pursuant to applicable law including, but not limited to, the warranty disclaimers and liability
limitations set forth herein, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed
superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the
original provision and the remainder of these Terms and Conditions shall continue in effect.
4. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the User and Merchant.
These Terms and Conditions supersede all prior or contemporaneous communications and
proposals, whether electronic, oral, or written, between the User and Merchant. A printed
version of these Terms and Conditions and of any notice given in electronic form shall be
admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or relating to these Terms
and Conditions to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business
documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form.
5. The entries in the books of Merchant and/or the Payment Gateway Service Providers kept in
the ordinary course of business of Merchant and/or the Payment Gateway Service Providers
with regard to transactions covered under these Terms and Conditions and matters therein
appearing shall be binding on the User and shall be conclusive proof of the genuineness and
accuracy of the transaction.
6. Refund For Charge Back Transaction: In the event there is any claim for/ of charge back
by the User for any reason whatsoever, such User shall immediately approach Merchant with
his/ her claim details and claim refund from Merchant alone. Such refund (if any) shall be
effected only by Merchant via payment gateway or by means of a demand draft or such other
means as Merchant deems appropriate. No claims for refund/ charge back shall be made by
any User to the Payment Gateway Service Provider(s) and in the event such claim is made it
shall not be entertained.
7. In these Terms and Conditions, the term "Charge Back" shall mean, approved and settled
credit card or net banking purchase transaction(s) which are at any time refused, debited or
charged back to merchant account (and shall also include similar debits to Payment Gateway
Service Provider's accounts, if any) by the acquiring bank or credit card company for any
reason whatsoever, together with the bank fees, penalties and other charges incidental
8. Refund for fraudulent/duplicate transaction(s): The User shall directly contact Merchant for
any fraudulent transaction(s) on account of misuse of Card/ Bank details by a fraudulent
individual/party and such issues shall be suitably addressed by Merchant alone in line with
their policies and rules.

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
9. Server Slow Down/Session Timeout: In case the Website or Payment Gateway Service
Provider's webpage, that is linked to the Website, is experiencing any server related issues
like 'slow down' or 'failure' or 'session timeout', the User shall, before initiating the second
payment,, check whether his/her Bank Account has been debited or not and accordingly
resort to one of the following options:
i. In case the Bank Account appears to be debited, ensure that he/ she does not make the
payment twice and immediately thereafter contact Merchant via e-mail or any other mode of
contact as provided by Merchant to confirm payment.
ii. In case the Bank Account is not debited, the User may initiate a fresh transaction to make
However, the User agrees that under no circumstances the Payment Gateway Service
Provider shall be held responsible for such fraudulent/duplicate transactions and hence no
claims should be raised to Payment Gateway Service Provider No communication received
by the Payment Gateway Service Provider(s) in this regard shall be entertained by the
Payment Gateway Service Provider.
Limitation of Liability :
Merchant has made this Service available to the User as a matter of convenience. Merchant
expressly disclaims any claim or liability arising out of the provision of this Service. The
User agrees and acknowledges that he/ she shall be solely responsible for his/ her conduct
and that Merchant reserves the right to terminate the rights to use of the Service immediately
without giving any prior notice thereof.
Merchant and/or the Payment Gateway Service Providers shall not be liable for any
inaccuracy, error or delay in, or omission of (a) any data, information or message, or (b) the
transmission or delivery of any such data, information or message; or (c) any loss or
damage arising from or occasioned by any such inaccuracy, error, delay or omission, non-
performance or interruption in any such data, information or message. Under no
circumstances shall the Merchant and/or the Payment Gateway Service Providers, its
employees, directors, and its third party agents involved in processing, delivering or
managing the Services, be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential
damages, or any damages whatsoever, including punitive or exemplary arising out of or in
any way connected with the provision of or any inadequacy or deficiency in the provision of
the Services or resulting from unauthorized access or alteration of transmissions of data or
arising from suspension or termination of the Services.
The Merchant and the Payment Gateway Service Provider(s) assume no liability whatsoever
for any monetary or other damage suffered by the User on account of:
(I) The delay, failure, interruption, or corruption of any data or other information
transmitted in connection with use of the Payment Gateway or Services in connection
thereto; and! or (ii) Any interruption or errors in the operation of the Payment Gateway.
Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
The User shall indemnify and hold harmless the Payment Gateway Service Provider(s) and
Merchant and their respective officers, directors, agents, and employees, from any claim or
demand, or actions arising out of or in connection with the utilization of the Services.
The User agrees that Merchant or any of its employees will not be held liable by the User for
any loss or damages arising from your use of, or reliance upon the information contained on
the Website, or any failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions where such failure is
due to circumstance beyond Merchant's reasonable control.
Miscellaneous Conditions :
1. Any waiver of any rights available to Merchant under these Terms and Conditions shall not
mean that those rights are automatically waived.
2. The User agrees, understands and confirms that his/ her personal data including without
limitation details relating to debit card/ credit card transmitted over the Internet may be
susceptible to misuse, hacking, theft and/ or fraud and that Merchant or the Payment
Gateway Service Provider(s) have no control over such matters.
3. Although all reasonable care has been taken towards guarding against unauthorized use of
any information transmitted by the User, Merchant does not represent or guarantee that the
use of the Services provided by/ through it will not result in theft and/or unauthorized use of
data over the Internet.
4. The Merchant, the Payment Gateway Service Provider(s) and its affiliates and associates
shall not be liable, at any time, for any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption,
deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communications line
failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of information
contained on the Website.
5. The User may be required to create his/ her own User ID and Password in order to register
and/ or use the Services provided by Merchant on the Website. By accepting these Terms and
Conditions the User agrees that his! her User ID and Password are very important pieces of
information and it shall be the User's own responsibility to keep them secure and
confidential. In furtherance hereof, the User agrees to;
i. Choose a new password, whenever required for security reasons.
ii. Keep his/ her User ID & Password strictly confidential.
iii. Be responsible for any transactions made by User under such User ID and Password.
The User is hereby informed that Merchant will never ask the User for the User's
password in an unsolicited phone call or in an unsolicited email. The User is hereby
required to sign out of his! her Merchant account on the Website and close the web
browser window when the transaction(s) have been completed. This is to ensure that
others cannot access the User's personal information and correspondence when the
User happens to share a computer with someone else or is using a computer in a
public place like a library or Internet cafe.
Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
Debit/Credit Card, Bank Account Details
1. The User agrees that the debit/credit card details provided by him/ her for use of the aforesaid
Service(s) must be correct and accurate and that the User shall not use a debit/ credit card,
that is not lawfully owned by him/ her or the use of which is not authorized by the lawful
owner thereof. The User further agrees and undertakes to provide correct and valid
debit/credit card details.
2. The User may make his/ her payment (Cost of bidding documents & BID SECURUTY) to
Merchant by using a debit/credit card or through online banking account. The User warrants,
agrees and confirms that when he/ she initiates a payment transaction and/or issues an online
payment instruction and provides his/ her card / bank details:
i. The User is fully and lawfully entitled to use such credit / debit card, bank account for
such transactions;
ii. The User is responsible to ensure that the card/ bank account details provided by him/
her are accurate;
iii. The User is authorizing debit of the nominated card/ bank account for the payment of
Tender Fee and Earnest Money Deposit.
iv. The User is responsible to ensure sufficient credit is available on the nominated card/
bank account at the time of making the payment to permit the payment of the dues
payable or the bill(s) selected by the User inclusive of the applicable Fee.

Personal Information :
3. The User agrees that, to the extent required or permitted by law, Merchant and/ or the
Payment Gateway Service Provider(s) may also collect, use and disclose personal
information in connection with security related or law enforcement investigations or in the
course of cooperating with authorities or complying with legal requirements.
4. The User agrees that any communication sent by the User vide e-mail, shall imply release of
information therein/ therewith to Merchant. The User agrees to be contacted via e-mail on
such mails initiated by him/ her.
5. In addition to the information already in the possession of Merchant and/ or the Payment
Gateway Service Provider(s), Merchant may have collected similar information from the
User in the past. By entering the Website the User consents to the terms of Merchant's
information privacy policy and to our continued use of previously collected information. By
submitting the User's personal information to us, the User will be treated as having given
his/her permission for the processing of the User's personal data as set out herein.
6. The User acknowledges and agrees that his/ her information will be managed in accordance
with the laws for the time in force.

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
Payment Gateway Disclaimer :
The Service is provided in order to facilitate payment of Cost of bidding documents & BID
SECURUTY online. The Merchant or the Payment Gateway Service Provider(s) do not make
any representation of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the Payment
Gateway other than what is specified in the Website for this purpose. By accepting/ agreeing
to these Terms and Conditions, the User expressly agrees that his/ her use of the aforesaid
online payment service is entirely at own risk and responsibility of the User.
2.1 Issue of Blank Tender Forms.
Tender Forms can be purchased from the e-Tendering Portal of Public Works Department,
Government of Maharashtra i.e. after paying Tender Fees via
online mode as per the Tender Schedule.
2.2 Bid Security :-
i) Bid Security shall be paid online using NEFT / RTG or payment gateway mode or In the
form of Online /RTGS /NEFT or payment Gate way mode or in the form of DD/ FDR / .
in the name of Executive Engineer Public Works Division Amravati only. Bid security
shall be drawn directly from the account of Bidder / Bidding Firm or any of the partners in
case of J.V Bid Security in the form of cheques or any other form except above will not be
ii) Tenderer of those who do not deposit Bid Security in one of the above acceptable form
shall be summarily rejected.
iii) The amount of earnest money will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderers on deciding
about the acceptance or otherwise of the tender or on lapsing of the validity period,
whichever is earlier. In case of successful tenderer, it will be refunded on his payment of
initial Security Deposit will be adjusted towards a part of security deposit to be paid after
awarding of the work. If successful tenderer does not pay the Security Deposit in the
prescribed time limit, and complete the agreement bond, his earnest money deposit will be
forfeited to the Government.
iv) In case of Joint Venture, Bid Security shall be paid via online using NEFT/RTGS or
payment gateway mode. The Security Deposit, additional security deposit etc. in the form
of T.D.R./F.D.R. issued in the name of Joint Venture Company drawn by scheduled bank
having branches in Maharashtra and pledged, in the name of Executive Engineer Public
Works Division, Amravati for the period of one year will be considered.
2.3.1 Pre-tender conference is open to all prospective tenderer who have downloaded tender form
before the date of Pre-tender Conference. The Pre-tender conference will be held wherein

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
prospective Tenderers will have an opportunity to obtain clarifications regarding the work
and the Tender Conditions.
2.32 The prospective contractor shall post their queries either in writing or orally
concerning the work, and the reply to the same shall be uploaded on the portal and this clarification referred to as Common Set of
Conditions/Deviations (C.S.D.), shall form part of tender documents and which
will also be common and applicable to all tenderer. The point/points if any
raised in writing and/or verbally/ online by the contractor in pretender conference
and not finding place in C.S.D. issued after the pre- bid conference, is/are deem to be
rejected. In such case the provision in NIT shall prevail. No further correspondence
will be made thereafter with the contractor in this regard.
2.3.3 The tender submitted by the tenderer shall be based on the C.S.D. issued by
dept if any.
2.3.4 All tenderers are cautioned that tenders containing any deviation from the contractual
terms and conditions, specifications or other requirements and conditional tenders will
be treated as non responsive.
2.3.5 Tenderers should have valid Class II / III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) obtained
from any Certifying Authorities. In case of requirement of DSC, interested
Bidders should go to and follow the
procedure mentioned in the document 'Procedure for application of Digital Certificate'.
Refer to Section 'Guidelines to Bidders on the operations of Electronic Tendering
System of Public Works Department'
On the date specified in the Tender Schedule following procedure will be adopted.
2.6. ENVELOPE No.1 :- ( Documents)
First of all Envelope No.1 of the tender will be opened online to verify its contents
as per requirements. If the various documents contained in this envelope do not
meet the requirements of the Department, a note will be recorded accordingly by the
tender opening authority and the said tenderers Envelope No. 2 will not be considered for
further action and the same will be recorded. The decision of the tender opening
authority in this regard will be final and binding on the contractors.
2.7 ENVELOPE No.2: (Financial Bid)
This envelope shall be opened online immediately after opening of Envelope
No.1,only if contents of Envelope No.1 are found to be acceptable to the Department.
The tendered rates in Schedule 'B' or percentage above / below the estimated
rates shall then be read out in the presence of bidders who remain present at the
time of opening of Envelope No.2.
Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
Offer to be submitted online. The tenderer shall quote his bid o f f e r o n l y in
The contractor shall quote their offer as per details given in the main tender and
also based on the detailed set of conditions issued/Additional stipulations made by
the Department as informed to him by a letter from Chief Engineer/Superintending
Engineer after Pre-Tender Conference. Tenderer quote their offer only unconditional.
2.7.1 Physical Submission :- The bidder shall submit his bid online as per the procedure laid down
on the e-tender portal. The Bidder shall also submit Bid in Hard Copy within 72 hours from
the date and time of Bid Lock in any of the offices mentioned below. Required documents
for qualifying criteria shall be placed in sealed envelope, The financial offer & the
D.D./Bank Guaranttee/ FDR against Additional Performance Security shall be placed in
another another separate sealed envelope. and these two envelopes shall be submitted in one
envelope. This Envelope shall bear the Name of Work, Tender Notice No. e-Tender No.
Name of the concerned Executive Engineer, etc.This Hard Copy will be opened only if any
problem arises.
i) Executive Engineer, Public Works Division Amravati.
ii) Executive Engineer, Special Project Division Amravati.
iii) Superintending Engineer, Public Works Circle Amravati.
iv) Chief Engineer, Public Works Region Amravati.
2.8 Disqualification
Even through the tenderer meet the qualification criteria, they are subject to be disqualified if
they have,
2.8.1 Made misleading or false representation in the form / statement, submitted, and / or
record of poor performance such as abandoning the works rescinding of contract for
which reasons are attributable to the non performance of the contractor, constant history
of litigation awarded against the applicant or financial failure due to bankruptcy.
2.8.2 The rescinding of contract of a joint venture and account of reasons other than non-
performance, such as Most Experienced partner of joint venture pulling out, court
directions leading breaking up to a joint venture before the start of work, which are not
attributable to the poor performance of the contractor will, however not affect the
qualification of the individual partners.
2.8.3 In the tender process , if the lowest offer is more than 10% below the cost put to tender,
the tender calling authority shall obtain the detailed justification and planning of
executing the work at such lower rate from the concerned contractor and based on that
shall ensure the possibility of completing the work at the offered lowest rate.

1.4 ENVELOPE No. 1: (Documents Required)

The bidder must purchase the bidding documents via online mode by filling the
cost of Tender.
The first envelope “Envelope No. 1” shall contain the following documents:
1.4.1 The EMD applicable will be paid via online mode only or Off line Mode in the Form of
DD/FDR . Additional (Performance) Security (if Required) (copy to be Submitted as
per the tender Schedule).Upload online EMD payment receipt.

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
1.4.2 Scanned copy of Valid certificate as a Registered Contractor with the Government of
Maharashtra in Public Works Department in appropriate class .
1.4.3 Income Tax Return for the Financial Year 2022-23
1.4.4 Scanned copy of valid MGST Registration Certificate Or Acknowledgement from
Maharashtra Goods Service Tax Department .(Maharashtra Goods Service Tax Act
1.4.5 Scanned copy of Professional Tax Registration and Clearence Certificate in the form or
1.4.6 Scanned from original of list of work completed and work in hand along with supporting
A Bid Capacity :- Bidders shall upload QR based Bid Capacity
Certificate downloaded on or before Two days of submission from
Portal "''. lf this bid capacity certificate is not
uploaded then tender shall be treated as non-responsive.
B Copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of
registration under partnership or companies Act and principal place of business, written
power of attorney of the signatory of the Bid to commit the Bidder ;
Reports on the financial standing of the Bidder, such as profit and loss statements and
auditor’s reports for the past Five years ;
Affidavit regarding completeness, correctness and truthfulness of documents submitted
on Stamp Paper of Rs 100/- as per prescribed proforma given in Appendix II.
1.4.6 (A) Use of Specialised machinery
(Minimum and Mandatory Machinery)

Sr Name of the Equipment Quantity

1 Concrete Mixer 1 no.
2 Centering Plate 100 Sqm.
Note 1.The machineries specified under Sr. No. 1 to 5 shall be owned by the contractor.
Scanned from original copy of Registered Sale Deed in case of second hand purchase of
machinery / plant should be uploaded. Scanned from original copy of Manufacturer /
Supplier / Tax Invoice in case of First hand purchase of machinery / plant should be
uploaded, Proforma Invoice / Retail Invoice shall not be accepted.
Note : 1. The bidder must upload Scanned from original copy of the following documentary
evidence in support of his availability of the above machinery & equipments.: Purchase Voucher,
current valid RC Books, Ownership documents & certificates, etc.
2. The location of the abovestated Hot Mix Plant shall be such that the quality and
temperature shall be maintened as per M.O.R.T. & H. specification at the time of laying of
bituminous hot mix. It shall be located within 60 KM from farthest point of work site.
3. The tenderer shall give details of its current location, Sketch Map showing locations of his
Hot Mix Plant from the farthest point of work site. The proof of ownership as well as the valid
certificate issued by the Assistant Chief Engineer (Mech) of Public Works Department to the
effect that these machinery are in " Efficient Working Condition" and in conformity with
M.O.S.T. Specifications shall be submitted by the tenderer.
4. The successful contractor shall give trial run of abovestated Hot Mix Plant within 30
Days from the date of work order.

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
5. If abovestated Hot Mix Plant of any standard company is not owned by the tenderer at the
time of tendering the the condition for the same are as beolw.

i) If the tenderer intends to procure / purchase new Hot Mix Plant stated above, then he should
submit necessary firm purchase order placed on reputed manufacturer with payment of not
below 25% of the cost of the said plant along with the Tax invoice. Such tenderer shall also
furnish additional performance security of Rs. 10.00 lakhs in the form of FDR/Bank
Guarantee in the name of the said Executive Engineer, payable at his office headquarter. for
the trial run and commissioning of the Hot Mix Plant.

ii) If the tenderer intends to purchase old abovestated Hot Mix Plant then he should submit
proof of purchase of original owner along with the Tax invoice and Sale Deed duly registred
with the approapriate authority. Such tenderer shall also furnish additional performance
security of Rs. 10.00 lakhs in the form of FDR/Bank Guaranttee in the name of the said
Executive Engineer, payable at his office headquarter. for the trial run and commissioning of
the abovestated Hot Mix Plant
Note :- the tenderer who owns abovestated Hot Mix Plant of the required capacity and
such plant is located and installed within 60 kms. from the farthest point of the work
site then such tenderer need not to furnish Additional performance Security for the
trial run and commissioning of the Hot Mix Plant.
Sr.No. Particulars of Machinery. Quantity.

1 Truck /Tippers 4 No

Note: 2 Allowable life of machinery to be used on works –

The life of new machinery will be considered as 15 years.

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
Give the following information of above machineries.
Type of No. of Name of works Location Output Balance quantity for
Machinery machiner on which execution on works in
y deployed at hand
1 2 3 4 5 6

Note 1.The machinery specified under Sr. No. 1 shall be owned by the contractor. Scanned
from original copy of Registered Sale Deed in case of second hand purchase of machinery /
plant should be uploaded. Scanned from original copy of Manufacturer / Supplier / Tax Invoice
in case of First hand purchase of machinery / plant should be uploaded,
Note: 2 The Documents in support of ownership of machinery shall be genuine and shall be
convincing to the tender opening authority
1.4.7 Scanned from original of Registration documents of firm ( Firm, Proprietorship
firm/ Partnership firm /Registration of Private limited company / Registration of
Public limited company or any other company or any other Company as the case may
1.4.8 Scanned from original of list of works completed and in hand and works tendered
along with supporting certificates.
1.4.9 Scanned from original list of Plants and Machinery duly signed by the contractor
1.4.10 Technical Personnel Deployment :-
Bidders shall fill the relevant information of key persons and
Technical Staff available with him in the formats and fields specified
on "" Portal.
Out of the total key persons and Technical staff available with
bidders shall upload the staff he desires to deploy for this work .This
statement shall be downloaded from "".
Bidders shall upload this QR based statement downloaded on or
before two days of submission.
If this certificate is not uploaded then tender shall be treated as
non responsive.

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
No. of
Sr.No. Personnel Qualification
B.E. (Civil) / Diploma (Civil)
1 Site Supervisor (daily) with minimum 3 years 1 No.
Project Engineer B.E. (Civil) with minimum 5
1 1 No.
(daily) years Experience.
Total 2 No.

Note - Bidder shall submit the name and C.V.s of above Personnel in envelope no 1. If CV doesn’t
fulfill the requirement of qualification mentioned above, Envelope 2 shall not be opened.
1.4.11 Joint venture agreement proving the joint and several liabilities with respect to the Contract.

1.4.12 Common set of Deviation (CSD) issued by the department.

1.4.13 Post Qualification criteria:
(i) Scanned Copy of original Certificate for having Maximum annual turnover of not less
than Rs. 188.71 lakh in any one year during last Five Years financial years updated to
current cost ( Such certificate for civil engineering works are required to be obtained from
the Chartered Accountant of Maharashtra state/any State of India). For updating to current
cost please refer table at the end of this clause.
(ii) Scanned Copy of original Certificate for having Successfully completed Three Works of
Similar type & nature, each work value not less than Rs. 33.06 lakhs updated to current
cost, in last Five financial years. For updating please refer table (Such certificate are
required to be obtained from the officer not below the Rank of Executive Engineer
(Completed Work Carried out In Govt/ Semi Govt Bodies such as MHADA, MSEB, MIDC,
CIDCO Etc will only be considered.)
Scanned Copy of original Certificate for having Successfully completed Two Works of
Similar type & nature, each work value not less than Rs.41.32 lakhs updated to
current in last Five financial years and current year. For updating please refer table
(Such certificate are required to be obtained from the officer not below the Rank of
Executive Engineer (Completed Work Carried out In Govt/ Semi Govt Bodies such as
MHADA, MSEB, MIDC, CIDCO Etc. will only be considered.)
Scanned Copy of original Certificate for having Successfully completed one Works of
Similar type & nature, each work value not less than Rs. 66.12 Lakhs updated to current
cost, in last Five financial years and current year. For updating please refer table (Such
certificate are required to be obtained from the officer not below the Rank of Executive
Engineer (Completed Work Carried out In Govt/ Semi Govt Bodies such as MHADA,
MSEB, MIDC, CIDCO Etc. will only be considered.)

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
(iii) Scanned Copy of certificate of satisfactorily executed minimum quantities of following
items in any continuous twelve calendar months in Five years prior to current year and
current year. (Such certificates are required to be obtained from the officer not below the
rank of Executive Engineer or Equivalent) and the certificate shall specifically mention the
period of execution as continuous twelve calendar months.

Sr. No. Item of work Quantity Unit

i Anticorrosive treatment to exposed 6.00 Sqm
ii Epoxy mortor/Epoxy patching 135.00 Kg
iii Epoxy Grout 158.00 Kg
iv Polymer Concrete/Mortor 112.00 Sqm
v Polymer Cement Grout 1305.00 Kg
vi Microconcrete 10.00 Cum

For (i) above the tenderer shall provide authenticated proof of information given therein.
This shall include a certificate from his Chartered Accountant.

For (ii) and (iii) above, the criteria mentioned is for works carried out in Govt. / Semi Govt.
Bodies such as MHADA, MSEDCL, MIDC, CIDCO. For other than Govt. / Semi Govt.
works the criteria of amount of single work and quantities above shall be double of the
mentioned above. Certificates are required to be obtained from the officer not below the
rank of Executive Engineer (Work Carried out in Govt/ Semi Govt Bodies such as MHADA,
MSECDL, MIDC, CIDCO) or equivalent competent authority in case of local bodies.
In case of other than Govt./Semi Govt./PSU's/Autonomous Bodies etc.
certificates are required to be obtained from Director /CEO/ or Office in Charge of Project
or equivalent, and the work valuation certificate by the Chartered Engineer (Civil)
(registered with Institute of Chartered Engineers, India) also to be attached.
1.4.14 Bid Capacity :
The Bid capacity shall not be less than the amount put to tender for which the bid is
submitted. Bid capacity will be evaluated as part of post qualification in the following
manner. Calculation of Bid Capacity should be required on contactors letter head
Bid Capacity = (A X N X 2) - B
A – Maximum Annual Turnover of civil engineering works excluding private work during

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
last Five Years (2018-19 , 2019-20 ,2020-21 , 2021-22 & 2022-23) (Updated to the Current
D.S.R. level) which will take Into Account the Completed and Part of ongoing works
completed during last Five Years. (Such certificate are Required to be obtained from the
Chartered Accountant Maharashtra State Only )
N – Number of Years Prescribed For Completion of The Work, For Which The Bid Is
B – Value of existing commitments and works (ongoing) to be completed in the period
stipulated for completion of the work in the present tender. Existing commitments shall
include details of tenders of works which are either accepted as lowest or have been opened
and found to be lowest.
Certificates shall be obtained from the officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer.
The value of B shall be self attested with detailed list of works with its value .Any
misleading or false representation shall be treated under Indian Penal code and the bid will
be treated as non- responsive.

(Completed work carried out In Govt/ Semi Govt Bodies such as MHADA, MSEB, MIDC,
CIDCO Etc or Local Bodies only will be considered.)

Table for Updating To Current Cost

Sr. Year Cost of work Updated cost %


1. 2023-2024 100 1.00

2. 2022-2023 100 1.10

3. 2021-2022 100 1.21

4. 2020.2021 100 1.33

5. 2019-2020 100 1.46

1 ) The statements showing the value of existing commitments and on-going works as well as the
stipulated period of completion remaining for each of the works listed should be countersigned by the
Engineer in charge, not below the rank of an Executive Engineer or equivalent
2) The envelop will be opened only if the bid capacity calculated is not less than the cost of work put
to tender.
3 ) The updating of current cost of works executed earlier to above mentioned period shall be worked
out in the same manner shown in above table.
4 ) Even though the bidders meet the above qualifying criteria, they are subjected to be disqualified if
they have made misleading or false representation in the forms statement and attachments submitted
as proof of the qualification requirements and / or record of past performance such as abandoning the
works, not properly completing the contract, in ordinate delays in completion litigation history or

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
financial failures etc.
5) For particular tender notice, the bid capacity has to be taken in to consideration. If the bidder is L-1
in the first bid, the bid capacity shall be reduced for subsequent bid to be opened under the same
tender Notice. If Sufficient Bid Capacity is available then only the bid shall be considered. if balance
bid capacity is not available as per required bid capacity, then bidder shall be treated as not


i. Upload Blank Tender Copy only in Word Format Issued and Digitally Signed by the

ii. Offer to be submitted online. In case of discrepancy, if any, between the offers quoted in
figure and that appearing in words, the lower of the two only will be taken as the offer
quoted by the tenderer.


Refer to Section ‘Guidelines to Bidders on the operations of Electronic Tendering
System of Public Works Department’ for details.
On the date, specified in the Tender Schedule, following procedure will be adopted for
opening of the Tender.
(A) ENVELOPE No. 1 : ( Documents )
First of all Envelope No. 1 of the tender will be opened online to verify its contents as per
requirements. If the various documents contained in this envelope do not meet the
requirements of the Department, a note will be recorded accordingly by the tender opening
authority and the said tenderers Envelope No. 2 will not be considered for further action and
the same will be recorded.
The decision of the tender opening authority in this regard will be final and binding on
the contractors.
(B) ENVELOPE No. 2: (Financial Bid)
This envelope shall be opened online immediately after opening of Envelope No. 1, only if
contents of Envelope No. 1 are found to be acceptable to the Department. The tendered rates
in Schedule ‘B’ or percentage above/below the estimated rates shall then be read out. in the
presence of bidders who remain present at the time of opening of Envelope No. 2.

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
(i) Earnest money of minimum Rs. 76000/- shall be paid via online using NEFT/RTGS
or payment gateway mode. OR in the form of DD/ FDR /. The DD/ FDR. This
shall be in the name of Executive Engineer Public Works Division, Amravati.
Earnest Money shall be drawn directly from the account of Bidder / Bidding Firm or
any of the partners in case of J.V.
After Tender opening, the EMD of the unsuccessful bidder will be returned to
account provided by the bidder during the bid preparation as given in challan under
Beneficiary Account Number
Earnest Money in the form of cheques or any other form except above will not
be accepted.
(ii) The amount will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderers on deciding about the
acceptance or otherwise of the tender. In case of successful tenderer, it will be
refunded on his paying initial Security Deposit and completing the tender documents
in form B-1.
(iii) In case of Joint Venture, Earnest money shall be paid via online using NEFT/RTGS
or payment gateway mode. OR in the form of T.D.R. / F.D.R. issued in the name of
Joint Venture Company drawn by scheduled bank having branches in Maharashtra
and endorsed, in the name of Executive Engineer Public Works Division,
Amravati for the period of one year will be considered.
(i) The successful tenderer whose tender is accepted will have to pay Rs. 152000/-
towards the Security Deposit
(ii) Rs. 152000/-is to be deposited in cash or Bank Guarantee of Scheduled Bank,
F.D.R. of the Scheduled Bank / National Saving Certificate duly pledged in the name of
Executive Engineer Public Works Division, Amravati towards the initial Security
Deposit, valid within the time limit prescribed in clause 1 of B-1 Form, agreement till
completion of defect liabilities period failing which his earnest money will be
forfeited to Government.
(iii) In addition to the above, an amount of Rs. 152000/-will be deducted from the
running bills at 1 % of value of the gross bill towards balance security deposit. This is a
compulsory deduction.
("Additional Performance Security Deposit " हे आर्थिक दे कार उघडल्यानंतर ननयमानुसार
कंत्राटदाराने 8 नदवसांत ककवा त्यापुर्थव कायालयास सादर करणे बं धनकारक आहे , याकरीता
कोणत्याही प्रकारची पुवव सुचना नदली जाणार नाही. )
Demand Draft/FDR/ Bank Guarantee for Additional Performance Security Deposit for
Quoting Offer more than 1% below the tender cost.

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
After opening of financial Bid (Envelope No. 2) if quoted offer of the lowest tenderer (L-
1) is found below the estimated cost of the department then, L-1 tenderer should deposit
submit the required "Additional Performance Security" within period of eight days
from the date of opening of financial Bid (Envelope No. 2) in the form of Demand
Draft/FDR/Bank Guaranttee of the Nationalized Banks only. The L-1 tenderer should
take cognizance that this time limit of 8 days will not be relaxed/extended for any
If L-1 tenderer does not submit Additional Performance Security as stated above,
then his offer will be considered as "Non-Responsive" and Second lowest's (L-2) tenderer
will be called for negotiations. If such L-2 is agreed to execute the work below than the
rates than L-1 then such L-2's revised offer will be considered for acceptance of the tender.
A) If L-1 tenderer's offer is below more than 1 % to 10 % of the estimated cost put
to tender then he should submit Demand Draft amounting to 1% of the estimated cost of
the department towards Additional Performance security.
B) If L-1 tenderer's offer is more than 10 % below upto 15% of the estimated cost
put to tender then he should submit Additional Performance security of 1 % for every
percent after 10 % below percentage in addition to the cost of 1% performance security
mentioned above clause A for quoting below offer.
(eg. If L-1 tenderer's offer is 15 % below the estimated cost put to tender, then he should
submit 15 - 10 = 5 % Additional Performance security + 1% Additional Performance
security = 6 % amount of the cost put to tender as a total Additional Performance Security.)
C) If L-1 tenderer's offer is more than 15 % below the estimated cost put to tender
then he should submit Additional Performance security 2 % for every percent after 15
% below percentage in addition to the cost of 6% Additional performance security
mentioned above clause A & B.
(eg. If L-1 tenderer's offer is 19 % below the estimated cost put to tender, then he should
submit [1% for below upto 10% plus 5% for below upto 15 % & two times for remaining
percentage i.e. (19-15) 4 % X 2 =8 %] Total (1+6+8 =) 14 % amount of the cost put to
tender as Additional Performance Security.)
1) Such Demand Draft shall strictly issued only by the Nationalized Bank or Scheduled
Bank in favour of in the Executive Engineer, Public Works Division Amravati and
shall be valid for the minimum period of three months.
2) The Demand Draft/FDR/Bank Guaranttee should bear the MICR and IFSC Code
Number of the issuing bank.
3) The Demand Draft/FDR/Bank Guaranttee shall be submitted in the office of the
concerned Executive Engineer within stipulated period of eight working days as
mentioned above. The tenderer shall write the 'Name of Work,' 'E- Tender No.' and
'Tender Notice No.' on such envelope addressed to the concerned Executive Engineer.
Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
4) If it is found that the Demand Draft/FDR/Bank Guaranttee as above submitted by the
tenderer is False / Forged Or Tenderer treated as ''Non Responsive" then the Earnest
Money submitted by such tenderer shall be forfeited and his registration as a contractor of
Public Works Department will be suspended for the period of One year. For this
concerned Superintending Engineer shall have the full rights.
5) The work order to the successful contractor shall be issued only after the encashment of
his Demand Draft/FDR by the concerned Executive Engineer, or confirmation of Bank
6) The amount of Additional performance security of successful contractor shall be
refunded within the period of three months after the date of completion of said work


Information regarding contract as well as blank tender forms can be downloaded from the
eTendering website upon providing the details of the payment of cost as detailed in the
1.11 TIME LIMIT:The work is to be completed within time limit as specified in the N.I.T.
which shall be reckoned from the date of written order for commencing the work and shall
be inclusive of monsoon period.
1.12 TENDER RATE: No alteration in the form of tender and the schedule of tender and no
additions in the scope of special stipulations will be permitted. Rates quoted for the tender
shall be taken as applicable for all leads and lifts.
The tenderers should particularly note the units mentioned in the Schedule “B” on which
the rates are based. No change in the units shall be allowed. In the case of difference
between the rates written in figures and in words, the correct rate will be the one, which is
lower of the two.
1.14 CORRECTION: No corrections shall be made in the tender documents. Any corrections
that are to be made shall be made by crossing the incorrect portion and writing the correct
portions above with the initials of tenderer.
1.15 TENDER’S ACCEPTANCE : Acceptance of tender will vest with the Executive
Engineer P.W.Division,Amravati who reserves the right to reject any or all tenders
without assigning any reason therefor. The tenderer whose tender is accepted will have to
enter in to a regular B-1 agreement within 08 days of being notified to do so. In case of
failure on the part of Tenderer to sign the agreement within the stipulated time, the earnest
money paid by him shall stand forfeited to the Government and the offer of the tenderer
shall be considered as withdrawn by him.

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
The tenders who do not fulfil the condition of the notification and the general rules and
directions for the guidance of contractor in the agreement form or are incomplete in any
respect are likely to be rejected without assigning any reason therefore
1.17(a) The Tenderers shall be presumed to have carefully examined the drawings, conditions and
specifications of the work and have fully acquainted themselves with all details of the site,
the conditions of rock and its joints, pattern, river, weather characteristics, labour conditions
and in general with all the necessary information and data pertaining to the work, prior to
tendering for the work.
1.17(b) The data whatsoever supplied by the Department along with the tender documents are
meant to serve only as guide for the tenderers while tendering and the Department accepts
no responsibility whatsoever either for the accuracy of data or for their comprehensiveness.

1.17(c) The quarries for extraction of metal, murum etc. provided in the sanctioned estimate are as
per survey conducted by the Department. The Contractor should however examine these
quarries and see whether full quantity of materials required for execution of the work
strictly as per specification are available in these source before quoting the rates. In case the
materials are not available due to reasons whatsoever, the contractor will have to bring the
materials from any other source with no extra cost to Government. The rates quoted, should
therefore be for all leads and lifts from wherever the materials are brought at site of work
and inclusive of royalty to be paid to the Revenue Department by the Contractor.

1.18 POWER OF ATTORNEY : If the tenderers are a firm or company, they should in their
forwarding letter mention the names of all the partners together with the name of the person
who holds the power of Attorney, authorizing him to conduct all transactions on behalf of
the body, along with the tender.
1.19 The tenderer may, in the forwarding letter, mention any points are may wish to make clear
but the right is reserved to reject the same or the whole of the tender if the same becomes
conditional tender thereby.
1.20 The contractor or the firms tendering for the work shall inform the Department if they
appoint their authorized Agent on the work.

1.21 No foreign exchange will be released by the Department for the purchase of plants and
machinery for the work by the Contractor.

1.22 Any dues arising out of contract will be recovered from the contractor as arrears of Land
Revenue, if not paid amicably. Moreover, recovery of Government dues from the
Contractors will be affected from the payment due to the Contractor from any other

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
Government works under execution with them.1.23

1.23 All pages of tender documents, conditions, specifications, correction slips etc. shall be
initialled by the tenderer. The tender should bear full signature of the tenderer, or his
authorized power of Attorney holder in case of a firm.

1.24 The Income Tax at 2.0 % including surcharge or percentage in force from time to time or at
the rate as intimated by the competent Income Tax authority shall be deducted from bill
amount whether measured bill, advance payment or secured advance.

1.25 The successful tenderer will be required to produce, to the satisfaction of the specified
concerned authority a valid concurrent license issued in his favour under the provisions of
the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 for starting the work. On failure
to do so, the acceptance of the tender shall be liable to be withdrawn and also liable for
forfeiture of the earnest money.

1.26 The tenderer shall submit the list of apprentices engaged by the Contractor under
Apprentice Act.
1.27 Cess @ 1% (One percent) shall be deducted at source from every bill of the Contractor by
the Executive Engineer Under “Building and Other Construction for workers Welfare Cess
Act 1996”.
1.28 Registration under GST Act 2017 is mandatory. TDS under rules 51 of GST Act 2017 will
be deducted from the sums to be paid to the contractor as per applicable rates.

1.29 The rates quoted by the Contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of the labour welfare
cess and other taxes (other than GST) that the Contractor will have to pay for the
performance of this Contract. The Employer will perform such duties in regard to the
deduction of such taxes at source as per applicable law..

1.30 VALIDITY PERIOD : The offer shall remain open for acceptance for minimum period of
60 days from the Date of opening of Envelope No. 2 (Financial Bid) and thereafter until it
is withdrawn by the contractor by notice in writing duly addressed to the authority opening
the tender and sent by Registered Post Acknowledgment due.
1.31 In the tender process , if the lowest offer is more than 10% below the cost put to tender, the
tender calling authority shall obtain the detailed justification and planning of executing the
work at such lower rate from the concerned contractor and based on that shall ensure the
possibility of completing the work at the offered lowest rate.
1.32. Contractor shall submit a certificate to the effect that “All the payments to the labour/staff
are made in bank accounts of staff linked to Unique Identification Number (AADHAR
Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
CARD).” The certificate shall be submitted by the contractor within 60 days from the
commencement of contract. If the time period of contract is less than 60 days then such
certificates shall be submitted within 15 days from the date of commencement of contract.
1.33 All the Clarifications, Circulars, Notifications and Resolutions related to tenders issued by
PWD Government of Maharashtra and which are uploaded on website of PWD
,Maharashtra upto date of submission of bid, shall have overriding effect on the conditions
in bid document.
1.34 If offers of two or more bidders are found identical, then all such bidders shall be asked to
submit their revised offers in closed enevelope in presence of tender opening authority
,The offers shall be less than the offer already submitted. The bidders with lowest offer shall
be considered for award of work.
1.35 Key Personnel - The absence of Key Personnel mentioned in the tender at site due to
some Genuine reason , personnel mention above shall seek the prior written permission
from Sub Divisional Engineer In charge of the Project.
1.36 For any Change in Personnel, contractor shall obtained prior written approval from
Engineer In charge to replace the personnel with Personnel of equal or more qualification
If contractor fails to appoints any of the staff mentioned in Annexure II at site amount
below shown amount shall be recoverable from the contactor bill

Sr No Personnel Amount Recoverable on account of non

availability of person

1 Site Supervisor (daily) Rs 30000/- Per Month

2 Project Enginer (daily) Rs 30000/- Per Month

1.38 The Site Supervise or Engineer to Supervise/Assist the work on behalf of PWD will be
appointed after the selection by the engineer in charge, The complete right to deploy the
1.39 Tender Percentage for Royalty and Testing charges:- The percentage rate figure (Above
or Below percent) accepted by the Bidder in the Form of Bid shall not be applicable on the
items of Royalty consultancy and Testing charges work included in Schedule “B”.
1.40 At any point of time during tender process, work execution period, Defect Liability Period,
submitted papers/documents/applications including material purchase vouchers, test reports,
bitumen challans, quantity related papers or any papers of contractor should be true, correct
& if the papers submitted by Contractor is found incorrect, faulty, not true, dubious, bogus,
forged etc. then relevant actions of blacklisting & criminal proceedings as per Indian Penal

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
Code (IPC) shall be initiated against Contractor/ JV / Partnership Firms/Private
Ltd./Companies(Bidder). PWD Officers / Engineers / Divisional Account Officers shall not
be held responsible for the papers submitted by the Contractor.
1.41 During Technical Opening/Scrutiny of envelop No.1 of tender, if contractor submits false
papers / reports for fulfillment of qualifying criteria, then envelop No.2 of such contractor
shall not be opened. Also such PWD registered contractor / non registered contractor shall be
blacklisted & information of contractor being blacklisted shall be circulated to all P. W.
Divisions & allied P. W. Departments.
1.42 After issuance of work order, if it is founds that papers submitted / uploaded are forged,
bogus, incorrect, then such contractor shall be blacklisted & Criminal Proceeding as per IPC
shall be initiated. If work is at initial stage, the tender of work shall be cancelled.
1.43 Engineer In charge or his representative shall minutely inspect the defects, if any, in the
works. If defects occurred are found beyond repair or entire / part of work is felt essential to
be recast / redone, such instructions shall be issued to contractor and contractor shall be
instructed to recast / redo the said defective work within three months. In case of any
dispute, case shall be submitted to the Superintending Engineer Public Works
Circle,Amravati / Chief Engineer, P.W.Region, Amravati and his decision shall be final &
binding on the contractor
1.44 It Is Binding on The Contactor To Execute the Agreement In Non Judicial Stamp Paper
Purchased sum Amounting to Value Applicable to Tender Cost. It Is Mandatory To Pay
Appropriates of Stamp Duty To Revenue Authority By Contractor After Acceptance Of
Tender As Per Government of Maharashtra, Revenue And Forest Department Circular No.
2020 01—2016 /Case No 218/ M-1(Policy) dated 18/03/2021
Payment of Security Deposit by Bank Guarantee and Online BG Verification:

If the contractor wishes to pay security deposit by Bank Guarantee after tender approval then
it is mandatory for contractor to verify the Bank Guarantee by paying verification fess of
Rs.1000/- through the link provided below,

Under this the detailed procedure of online BG verification is mentioned and also use manual
can be downloaded. After confirmation of truthfulness of BG, tender will be accepted and
work order will be given.

Contractor No of Correction Executive Engineer
Work Description

Name of Works : Construction of Cultural Hall in Adiwasi Area For Cultural

Activities at Morshi.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer

1) All work proposed to be executed by contract shall be notified in a form of invitation to

tender, pasted on a board hung up in the office of the Executive Engineer and signed by
Executive Engineer, Public Works Division, Amravati.

The form will state the work to be carried out as well as date of submitting and opening
tender the time allowed for carrying out the work, also the amount of earnest money to be
deposited with the tender and the amount of security deposit to be deposited by the
successful tenderer and the percentage if any to be deducted from bills. It will also state
whether quarry fees, royalities and ground floor rents will be granted. Copies of the
specifications designs and drawings and estimated rates, schedule rates and any other
documents required in connection with the work which will be signed by Executive
Engineer for the purpose of identification shall also be open for inspection by contractors
at the office of the Executive Engineer during office hours.

Where the work are proposed to be executed according to the specifications recommended
by a contractor and approved by a competent authority on behalf of the Government of
Maharashtra, specifications with designs and drawing shall form part of the accepted

2) In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately by each
partner thereof, and in the event of the absence of any partner it shall be signed on his
behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorising him to do so.

A (i) The contactor shall pay along with the tender the sum of Rs. 76000/- as and by way
of earnest money. (EMD) Earnest money shall be paid via online using
NEFT/RTGS or payment gateway mode. The said amount of earnest money shall
not carry any interest whatsoever.

(ii) In the event of his tender being accepted, subject to the provision of sub clause (iii)
below, the said amount of earnest money shall be appropriated towards the amount
deposit payable by him under condition of General Conditions of Contract.

(iii) If after submitting the tender, the contractor withdraws his offer or modifies the
same or if after the acceptance of his tender the contractor fails or neglects to
furnish the balance of security deposit, without prejudice to any other rights and
powers of the Government hereunder, or in law, Government shall be entitled to

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
forfeit the full amount of the earnest money deposited by him.

(iv) In the event of his tender not being accepted, the amount of earnest money
deposited by the contractors shall, unless it is forfeited prior under the provision of
sub-clause (ii) above, be refunded to him online.

3) Receipt for payments made on account of any work, when executed by a firm, should also
be signed by all the partners. Except where the contractors are described in their tender as
a firm, in which case the receipts shall be signed in the name of the firm by one of the
partners, or by some other person having authority to give effectual receipts for the firm.

4) Any person who submits a tender shall fill up the usual printed form including the column
of estimated quantities stating at what rate he is willing to undertake all item of the work.
Tenders which propose any alteration in the work specified in the said form of invitation
to tender, or in the time allowed for carrying out the work or which contain any other
conditions of any sort, will be liable for rejection. No single tender shall include more
than one work, but contractors who wish to tender for two or more works shall submit a
separate tender for each. Tenderers shall have the name and the number of work to which
they refer written outside the envelope.

5) The Superintending Engineer, P. W. Circle, Amravati or his duly authorized assistant

will open tenders in the presence of any intending contractors who may be present at the
time and will enter the amount of the several tenders in a comparative statement in a
suitable form. In the event of a tender being accepted, the contractor shall thereupon, for
the purpose of identification, sign copies of the specifications and other documents
mentioned in Rule 1. In the event of a tender being rejected, the Divisional Officer shall
refund the amount of earnest money deposited by the contractor online.

6) The officer competent to dispose of the tender shall have the right to reject any or all of
the tenders.

7) No receipt for any payment alleged to have been made by a contactor in regard to any
matter relating to this tender or the contract shall be valid and binding on Government
unless it is signed by the Executive Engineer.

8) The memorandum of the work to be tendered for and the schedule of materials to be
supplied by the Public Works Department and their rates shall be filled in and completed
by the office of the Executive Engineer before the tender form is issued if a form issued to
an intending tenderer has not been so filled in and completed he shall request the said
office to have done this before the completes and delivers his tender.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
9) All work shall be measured net by standard measure and according to the rules and
customs of the Public Works Department without reference to any local custom.

10) Under no circumstance shall any contractor be entitled to claim enhanced rates for any
item in this contract.

11) All correction and additions or pasted slips should be initialed.

12) The measurement of work will be taken according to the usual method in the Public Work
Department and no proposal to adopt alternative methods will be accepted. The Executive
Engineer’s decision as to what is “the usual method in use in Public Work Department”
will be final & binding on all parties.

(i) The contractor shall give a list of machinery in their possession and which they
propose to use on the work.

(ii) The contractor will have to construct shed for storing materials procured by him at
his own cost at the work site having double locking arrangement. The materials will
be taken for use in the presence of the Departmental Person. No materials will be
allowed to be removed from site of the work.

13) The tender will be liable to be rejected, if while submitting it, the tenderer or in the case of
a firm each partner thereof does not sign or the signature / signatures is / are not attested
by a witness of the tender in the space provided for the purpose.

14) Use of Government Machinery

(a) If Government Machinery is available and the contractor desires to hire it for Work
on the project it may be hired to him subject to the rules and hire charges that may
be laid down by the Government from time to time during the currency of tender.

(b) No security will be taken from the contractor, so long as the machinery is worked
by the departmental staff and under the entire control of department and is not
handed over to the contractor at all for operation by his crew and staff and the
charges for the use of machinery are levied on hourly basis and as per prevailing
schedule of rate for hire charges.
(c) Machinery should be worked only where the departmental staff is confidant to use
it safely & never in difficult situation and dangerous spot.
(d) The recovery of plant hire charges will be immediately made through the next
Running Accounts bills.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
15) The tendering contractors shall furnish a declaration along with the tender showing all
works for he has already entered into contract, and the value of work that remains to be
executed in each case on the date of submitting tender.

16) In view of the difficult position regarding the availability of foreign exchange, no foreign
exchange would be released by the Department for the purchase of plant and machinery
required for the execution of the work contracted for.

17) The contractor will have to construct shed for storing controlled and valuable materials
issued to him under schedule ‘A’ of the agreement. The materials will then be taken for
use in the presence of the departmental person. No material will be allowed to be removed
from the site of works.

The tendering contractor should furnish a detailed statement of works in hand,

showing the cost of works in hand, the works completed against each with
certificate from head of the office concerned
Bids from Joint ventures are acceptable
Tender by joint venture of two or more registered /unregistered contractors.
Joint Venture :- The copy of Pre Registered consortiums issued by Registrar Firm
or or Acknowledgement of the submission of the Notarized Joint Venture Deed to
the office of Registrar of Firms for registration shall be enclosed with the tender in
Envelope No. 1. The copy of Registration of J. V. shall be submitted prior to the
work order, otherwise Earnest Money of concerned J. V. will be forfeited to the
Govt. & work order will not be awarded.
(1) Two or more contractors combine and tender for a work costing to the
amounts upto which each individual contractor or the higher of two limits if they
are of different categories are empowered to tender.
The combination is of the contractor as a whole and not individual partners
(i) They draw a registered partnership deed and submit a copy thereof to the
authority at the time of purchase of the tender forms. Whenever the advantage of
such combination of two or more contractors is to be taken for quoting for a work,
the registered partnership deed should be irrevocable till the end of Defect Liability
Period for which they have combined and till all the liabilities there of are
liquidated. The share of contractor of higher financial capacity should not be less
than 51% Further, the percentage share of the contractor of the lower financial

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
capacity in such a partnership / combination should not be less than 30%.
For financial capacity, Average Annual Turn Over C. A. Certificate of last
Seven years shall be considered.
All online activities of e-tendering shall be performed by the lead partner
and in his name. No partition in JV shall be permitted to bid of the same work on
the basis of his individual capacity. Such bidding individually as well as in joint
venture will disqualify the individual as well as joint venture bidder.
The lead partners shall meet not less than 51% of all qualifying criteria like
annual turn over, single work, execution quantities and Bid capacity etc. The Joint
Venture must collectively satisfy 100% criteria of qualifying criteria above. The
experience of the other Joint partner shall be considered only if it is not less than
30% of the qualifying criteria as mentioned in the qualifying criteria like Annual
Turn Over, Execution of Quantities, Bid Capacity, machinery, technical personnel,
financial positions. The qualification regarding similar work must be individually
fulfilled by any one partner of JV.
(ii) Grouping of quantities, plant and machineries of individual contractors
executing joint venture will be considered.
(2) All online activities of e-tendering shall be performed by the lead partner in his
name .

(3) Bid Security, Additional Performance security in individual capacity of lead

partner will be accepted in case of joint venture. Security Deposit in form of Bank
guarantees'/FDR issued in the name of Joint Venture Company drawn by the
Schedule Bank having branches in Maharashtra and endorsed in the name of
concerned Executive Engineer, for a period of one year only be considered.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer

I / We hereby tender for the execution for the Governor of * In figure as

well as in
Maharashtra (here in before and here in after referred to as
Government) of the work specified in the under written
memorandum within the time specified in such memorandum at*
Percent below / above the estimated rates entered in Schedule ‘B’
(memorandum showing items of work to be carried out) and in
accordance in all respects with the specifications, designs, drawing
and instructions in writing referred to in rule 1 here of and in clause
13 of the annexed conditions of contract and agree that when
materials for the work are provided by Government such materials
and the rates to be paid for them shall be as provided in Schedule
‘A’ hereto.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer

(a) If several sub work are (a) General Description:- Construction of Cultural
included they should be Hall in Adiwasi Area For Cultural Activities at
detailed in a separate list. Morshi.

(b) Estimated cost : Rs. 7554223/-

The amount of earnest
money to be deposited shall c) Earnest Money: Rs. 76000/-
be in accordance with the
provision of the paras 206
and 207 of the M.P.W.
(d) The deposit shall be (d) Security Deposit : Rs. 152000/-
accordance with paras 213
& 214 of M.P.W. Manual. (i) Cash (not less than amount Rs. 76000/-
of earnest money)
(ii) To be deducted from current bills Rs. 76000/-

Total : Rs. 152000/-

(e) This percentage where (e) Percentage, if any, to be deducted from bill so as to make up the
no security deposit is taken total amount required as security deposit by time the half the work
will vary from 5% to 10% as measured by the cost is done 1 percent.
according to the
requirement of the case.
Where security deposit is
taken see note to clause (1)
of condition of contract.

(f) Give schedule where (f) Time allowed for the work from date of written order to
necessary , showing dates commence is 300 (Three Hundred) Calender Days including
by which various items to rainy season & public Holidays including monsoon should this
be completed. tender be accepted.

I / We hereby agree that this offer shall remain open for

acceptance for a minimum period of 60 days from the date fixed for
opening the same and thereafter until it is withdrawn by us / by
notice in writing duly addressed to the authority opening the tenders
and sent by registered post A.D. or otherwise delivered at the office
of such authority. Treasury challan No._ ______ dated _________
Term Deposit Receipt; in respect of sum of Rs. 152000/-
representing the earnest money (EMD) is herewith forwarded. The
amount of earnest money shall not bear interest and shall be liable to
be forfeited to the government should I / We fail to (1) abide by the
stipulation to keep the offer open for the period mentioned above or
(2) signed and complete the contract documents required by the
Engineer and furnish the security deposit as specified in item (d) of
memorandum contained in paragraph 1 above, within the time limit
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
laid down in clause (i) of the annexed general conditions of the
contract. The amount of earnest may be adjusted towards the
security deposit or refunded to me / us if so desired by me / us in
writing unless the same or any part thereof has been forfeited as
aforesaid above, within the time limit laid down in clause

I /we hereby agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms and
provision of the conditions of contract annexed hereto so far as
applicable and in default to forfeit and pay to government the sum
of money mentioned in the said condition. Receipt no -------------
dt -------------- from the government Treasury at in respect of the
sum Rs. 152000/- forwarded representing the earnest money (a) the
full value of which is to be absolutely forfeited to Government
should/we not deposit the fully amount of security specified in the
above memorandum in accordance with Clause 1(A) of the said
conditions of the contract. Otherwise the said sum of
Rs. 152000/- shall be refunded

Signature of
Contractor before (Address)
submission of tender. Dated the ______________day of __________ 2024.

Signature of witness
to Contractor’s Signature. (Address)
Dated the _______________day of __________ 2024.

Signature of the officer by The above tender is hereby accepted by me on behalf of the
whom accepted. Governor of Maharashtra

Executive Engineer
Public Works Division , Amravati

Dated the ______________day of __________ 2024

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Public Works Department, Maharashtra Government
having its Office at , Fort Mumbai - 400001
Hereinafter referred to as
(Insert the name of the Sole Bidder/Lead Partner of Joint Venture)
Having its Registered Office at (Insert full Address)
[Insert the name of the Partner(s) of Joint Venture, as applicable]
having its Registered Office at _ (Insert full Address)
hereinafter referred to as
"The Bidder/Contractor"
PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT intends to award, under laid-down organizational procedures,
contract(s) for [Insert the name of tile package] Construction of Cultural Hall in Adiwasi
Area For Cultural Activities at Morshi.

(Signature) _ (Signature) _
(For & On behalf of) (For & On behalf of Bidder
PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Partner(s)of Joint Venture/ Contractor)

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Package and Specification • Construction of Cultural Hall in Adiwasi Area For
Cultural Activities at Morshi.
Number [Insert Specification Number of the package]
PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT values full compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, and
the principles of economical use of resources, and of fairness and transparency in its relations with its
Bidders/ Contractors.
In order to achieve these goals, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT and the above named
Bidder/Contractor enter into this agreement called 'Integrity Pact' which will form a part of the bid.
It is hereby agreed by and between the parties as under:
Section I - Commitments of PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT
(1) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent
corruption and to observe the following principles:
a) No employee of PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, personally or through family members, will in
connection with the tender, or the execution of the contract, demand, take a promise for or accept, for
him/herself or third person, any material or other benefit which he/she is not legally entitled to.
b) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT will during the tender process treat all Bidder(s) with equity and
fairness. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT will in particular, before and during the tender process,
provide to all Bidder(s) the same information and will not provide to any Bidder(s) confidential/
additional information through which the Bidder(s) could obtain an advantage in relation to the tender
process or the contract execution.
c) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT will exclude from evaluation of Bids its such employee(s) who
has any personnel interest in the Companies/ Agencies participating in the Bidding/Tendering process
(2) If Principle Secretary PWD, Maharashtra Government obtains information on the conduct of any
employee of PUBLICWORKS DEPARTMENT which is a criminal offence under the relevant Anti-
Corruption Laws of India, or if there be a substantive suspicion in this regard, he will inform its Chief
Vigilance Officer and in addition can initiate disciplinary actions under its Rules.
Section II-Commitments of the Bidder/Contractor
(1) The Bidder/Contractor commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption. He
commits himself to observe the following principles
during his participation in the tender process and during the contract execution:
a) The Bidder/Contractor will not, directly or through any other person or firm, offer, promise or give to
involved in the tender process or the execution of the contract or to any third person any material or
other benefit which he/she is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange an advantage during
the tender process or the execution of the contract.
b) The Bidder/Contractor will not er.ter into any illegal agreement or understanding, whether formal or
informal with other Bidders/Contractors. This applies in particular to prices, specifications,
certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-submission of bids or actions to restrict
competitiveness or to introduce cartelization in the bidding process.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
c) The Bidder/Contractor will not commit any criminal offence under the relevant Anti-corruption Laws
of India; further, the Bidder/Contractor will not use for illegitimate purposes or for purposes of
restrictive competition or personal gain, or pass on to others, any information provided by PUBLIC
WORKS DEPARTMENT as part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and
business details, including information contained or transmitted electronically.
d) The Bidder/Contractor of foreign origin shall disclose the name and address of the Agents/
representatives in India, if any, involved directly or indirectly in the Bidding. Similarly, the
Bidder/Contractor of Indian Nationality shall furnish the name and address of the foreign principals, if
any, involved directly or indirectly In the Bidding.
e) The Bidder/Contractor will, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all payments he has made, or
committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the
award of the contract and/ or with the execution of the contract. f) The Bidder/Contractor will not
misrepresent facts or furnish false/forged documents/information’s in order to influence the bidding
process or the execution of the contract to the detriment of PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT.
(2) The Bidder/Contractor will not instigate third persons to commit offences outlined above or be an
accessory to such offences.
Section III- Disqualification from tender process and exclusion from future contracts
(1) If the Bidder, before contract award, has committed a serious transgression through a violation of
Section II or in any other form such as to put his reliability or credibility as Bidder into question,
PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT may disqualify the Bidder from the tender process or terminate the
contract, if already signed, for such reason.
(2) If the Bidder/Contractor has committed a serious transgression through a violation of Section II
such as to put his reliability or credibility into question, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT may after
following due procedures also exclude the Bidder/Contractor from future contract award processes. The
imposition and duration of the exclusion will be determined by the severity of the transgression. The
severity will be determined by the circumstances of the case, in particular the number of transgressions,
the position of the transgressors within the company hierarchy of the Bidder/Contractor and the amount
of the damage. The exclusion will be imposed for a minimum of 12 months and maximum of 3 years.
(3) If the Bidder/Contractor can prove that he has restored/recouped the damage caused by him and has
installed a suitable corruption prevention system, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT may revoke the
exclusion prematurely.
Section IV - Liability for violation of Integrity Pact
(1) If PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT has disqualified the Bidder from the tender process prior to
the award under Section Ill, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT may forfeit the Bid Guarantee under
the Bid.
(2) If PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT has terminated the contract under Section III, PUBLIC
WORKS DEPARTMENT may forfeit the Contract Performance Guarantee of this contract besides
resorting to other remedies under the contract.
Section V- Previous Transgression
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
(1) The Bidder shall declare in his Bid that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 3 years with
any other Public Sector Undertaking or Government Department that could justify his exclusion from
the tender process.
(2) If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the tender
process or the contract, if already awarded, can be terminated for such reason. Section VI - Equal
treatment to all Bidders/Contractors
(1) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT will enter into agreements with identical conditions as this one
with all Bidders. (2) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT will disqualify from the tender process any
bidder who does not sign this Pact or violate its provisions.
Section VII - Punitive Action against violating Bidders/Contractors
If PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder or a Contractor or his
subcontractor or of an employee or a representative or an associate of a Bidder or Contractor or his
Subcontractor which constitutes corruption, or if PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT has substantive
suspicion in this regard, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT will inform the Chief Vigilance Officer
(*) Section VIII - Independent External Monitor / Monitors
(1) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT has appointed a panel of Independent External Monitors (IEMs)
for this Pact with the approval of Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), Government of India, out of
which one of the IEMs has been indicated in the NIT/IFB.
(2) The IEM is to review independently and objectively, whether and to what extent the parties comply
with the obligations under this agreement. He has right of access to all project documentation. The IEM
may examine any complaint received by him and submit a report to Principle Secretary PWD,
Maharashtra Government, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, at the earliest. He may also submit a
report directly to the CVO and the CVC, in case of suspicion of serious irregularities attracting the
provisions of the PC Act. However, for ensuring the desired transparency and objectivity in dealing
with the complaints arising out of any tendering process, the matter shall be referred to the full panel of
IEMs, who would examine the records, conduct the investigations and submit report to Principle
Secretary PWD, Maharashtra Government, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, giving Joint findings.
(3) The IEM is not subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and performs his
functions neutrally and independently. He reports to the Principle Secretary PWD, Maharashtra
(4) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) accepts that the IEM has the right to access Without restriction to all
documentation of PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT related to this contract including that provided by
the Contractor/Bidder. The Bidder/Contractor will also grant the IEM, upon his request and
demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to his documentation. The same
is applicable to Subcontractors. The IEM IS under contractual obligation to treat the information and
documents of the Bidder( s)/ Contractor( s)/ Subcontractor( s) with confidentiality.
(5) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT will provide to the !EM information as sought by him which
could have an impact on the contractual relations between PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT and the
Bidder/Contractor related to this contract.
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
(6) As soon as the IEM notices, or believes to notice, a violation of this agreement, he will so inform the
Principle Secretary PWD, Maharashtra Government, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT and request
the Principle Secretary PWD, Maharashtra Government, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT to
discontinue or take corrective action, or to take other relevant action. The IEM can in this regard submit
non-binding recommendations. Beyond this, the IEM has no right to demand from the parties that they
act in a specific manner, refrain from action or tolerate action. However, the IEM shall give an
opportunity to PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT and the Bidder/Contractor, as deemed fit, to present
its case before making its recommendations to PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT.
(7) The IEM will submit a written report to the Principle Secretary PWD, Maharashtra Government,
PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT within 8 to 10 weeks from the date of reference or intimation to
him by PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT and, should the occasion arise, submit proposals for
correcting problematic situations.
(8) If the IEM has reported to the Principle Secretary PWD, Maharashtra Government, PUBLIC
WORKS DEPARTMENT, a substantiated suspicion of an offence under relevant Anti- Corruption
Laws of India, and the Principle Secretary PWD, Maharashtra Government, PUBLIC WORKS
DEPARTMENT has not, within the reasonable time taken visible action to proceed against such offence
or reported it to the CVO, the Monitor may also transmit this Information directly to the CVC,
Government of India.
(9) The word 'IEM' would include both singular and plural.
(*) Thus Section shall be applicable for only those packages wherein the IEMs have been Identified in
Section - I : invitation for Bids and/or Clause ITB 9.3 in Section - III: Bid Data Sheets of Conditions of
Contract, Volume-I of the Bidding Documents.
Section IX - Pact Duration
This Pact begins when both parties have legally signed it. It expires for the Contractor after the closure
of the contract and for all other Bidder's six month after the contract has been awarded.
Section X - Other Provisions
(1) This agreement is subject to Indian Law Place of performance and jurisdiction is the establishment
of PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. The Arbitration clause provided in the main tender document /
contract shall not be applicable for any issue / dispute arising under Integrity Pact.
(2) Changes and supplements as well as termination notices need to be made in writing.
(3) If the Contractor is a partnership firm or a consortium or Joint Venture, this agreement must be
signed by all partners, consortium members and Joint Venture partners.
(4) Nothing in this agreement shall affect the rights of the parties available under the General
Conditions of Contract (GCC) and Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)
(5) Views expressed or suggestions/ submissions made by the parties and the recommendations of the
CVO/lEM# in respect of the violation of this agreement, shall not be relied on or introduced as evidence
in the arbitral or judicial proceedings (arising out of the arbitral proceedings) by the parties in
connection with the disputes/ differences arising out of the subject contract.
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
# CVO shall be applicable for packages to wherein IEM are not Identified in Section IFBI BDS of
Condition of Contract, Volume-I, IEM shall be applicable for packages wherein IEM are identified in
Section IFB/BDS of Condition of Contract, volume-l.

(Signature) _ (Signature) _
(For & On behalf of) (For & On behalf of Bidder
PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Partner(s)of Joint Venture/ Contractor)
• (6) Should one or several provisions of this agreement turn out to be invalid, the remainder of this
agreement remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original
(Signature) _ (Signature) _
(For & On behalf of) (For & On behalf of Bidder
PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Partner(s)of Joint Venture/ Contractor)
(Office Seal) (Office Seal)

• Name., Name: Designation' Designation'

Designation ' Designation'

Witness 1:. Witness 1:

(Name & Address). (Name & Address)

Witness 2: Witness 2:
(Name & Address) . (Name & Address).

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Security Deposits Clause1: The person / persons whose tender may be accepted
(herein after called the contractor, which expression shall unless
excluded by or repugnant to the context include his, heirs
executors, administrators, contractor and assigns) shall (A) within
08 days (which may be extended by the Superintending Engineer
concerned upto 15 days if the Superintending Engineer thinks fit to
do so) of the receipt by him of the notification of the acceptance of
his tender deposit with the Executive Engineer in cash or Govt.
securities endorsed to the Executive Engineer (if deposited for more
than 12 months) of sum sufficient which will make up the full
security deposit specified in tender or (B) permit Government at the
time of making any payment to him for work done under the
contract to deduct such as will amount to 1 (One) percent of all
moneys so payable, such deduction to be held by Government by
way of security deposit, provided always, that, in the event of the
contractor depositing a lump sum by way of security deposit as
contemplated at (A) above, then and in such case, a the sum so
deposited shall not amount to 1 (One) percent, of the total estimated
cost of the work, it shall be lawful for Government at the time of
making any payment to the contractor for work done under the
contract, to make up the payment to the contractor for work done
under the contract to make up the full amount of 1 (One) percent, by
deducting a sufficient sum from every such payment as last
aforesaid, until the full amount of the security deposit is made up.
All compensation or other sum of money payable by the contractor
to government under the terms of his contract may be deducted
from or paid by the sale of sufficient part of his security deposit or
from the interest arising there from or from any sums which may be
due or may become due by Government to the contractor under any
other contract or transaction of any nature on any account
whatsoever, and in the event of his security deposit being reduced
by reason of any such deduction or sale as aforesaid the contractor
shall within ten days thereafter make good in cash or Government
securities endorsed as aforesaid, any sums or sums which may have
been deducted from or raised by sale of his security deposits or may
part thereof. The security deposit referred to, when paid in cash
may, at the cost of the depositor, be converted into interest bearing
securities provided that the depositor has expressly desired this in
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
If the amount of the Security Deposit to be paid in lump sum within
the period specified at (A) above is not paid, the tender / Contract
already accepted shall be considered as cancelled and legal step will
be taken against the contractor for recovery of the amounts.
90 % amount of Security Deposit lodged by a contractor shall
be refunded after two Years completion of work .Balance 10
% Amount of Security Deposit lodged by a contractor shall be
refunded after the completion of Defect liability period the
If DLP Period is more than two years, then Balance 10% amount of
Security Deposit shall be Refund to Contractor only after the
Submission of DD/FDR/Bank Guarantee of Schedule
Bank/Nationalised Bank valid for till Defect liability period + one
month of in the name of Executive Engineer.
The amount of security deposit retained by the Government shall
be released after expiry of period up to which the contractor has
agreed to maintain the work in good order is over. In the event of
the contractor failing or neglecting to complete rectification work
within the period up to which the contractor has agreed to maintain
the work in good order, then subject to provisions of clause 17 and
20 here of the amount of security deposit retained by Government
shall be adjusted towards the excess cost incurred by the department
on rectification work *+ This will be the same percentage as that in
the tender at (e).
Compensation of delay. Clause 2 :- The time allowed for carrying out the work as
entered in the tender shall be strictly observed by the contractor
and shall be reckoned from the date on which the order to commence
work is given to the contractor. The work shall throughout the
stipulated period of the contract be proceeded with, all due diligence
(time being deemed to be of the contractor) and the contractor shall
pay as compensation an amount as the Superintending Engineer
(whose decision in writing shall be final) may decide, of the amount
of the estimated cost of the whole work as shown by the tender for
every day that work remains un-commenced, or unfinished, after the
proper dated. And further to ensure good progress during the
execution of the works, the contractor shall be bound in all cases, in
which the time allowed for any work exceeds one months to

1/4 of work in 1/3 of the time limit

1/2 of work in 1/2 of the time limit
3/4 of work in 3/4 of time limit
Full work in full time limit
300 [Three Hundred] Calender Days
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
+Note :- The quantity of work to be done within a particular time to
be specified above shall be fixed by the officer competent to accept the
contracts after taking into consideration the circumstances of each
case and inserted in the blank space kept for the purpose and abide by
the programme of detailed progress laid down by the Executive
The following proportion will usually be found suitable :-
In 1/3, 2/3 of the time
1/4, 3/4 of total value of Reasonable progress of earth work:
the work to be done in 1/4,
1/2, 3/4 of the time
3/10, 4/10, 9/10 of total Reasonable progress of masonry work:
value of the work to be
In the event of the contractor failing to comply with these
conditions he shall be liable to pay as compensation an amount equal
to one percent, or such smaller amounts as the Superintending
Engineer (whose decision in writing shall be final) may decide of the
said estimated cost of the whole work for every day that the due
quantity of work remains incomplete. Provided always that the total
amount of compensation to be paid under provision of this clause shall
not exceed 10 percent of the estimated cost of the work shown in the
tender. Superintending Engineer, should be the final authority in this
respect irrespective of the fact that the tender is accepted by Chief
Engineer, Additional Chief Engineer/ Superintending Engineer/
Executive Engineer of Assistant Engineer/Sub-Divisional Engineer.
Action when whole of Clause 3 :- In any case in which under any clause or
Security Deposit is clauses of this contract the contractor shall have rendered himself
forfeited. liable to pay compensation amounting to the whole of his Security
Deposit (whether paid in one sum or deducted by instalments ) or in
the case of abandonment of the work owing to serious illness or death
of the contractor or any other cause, the Executive Engineer on behalf
of the Governor of Maharashtra, shall have power to adopt of the
following courses as he may deem best suited to the interests of
To rescind the contract (of which rescission in writing to the
a) contractor under the hand of the Executive Engineer shall be
conclusive evidence) and in that case the security deposit of the
Contractor shall stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal of
To carry out the work or any part of the work departmentally
b) debiting the contractor which the cost of the work, expenditure
incurred on tools and plant, and charges on additional supervisory
staff including the cost of work charged establishment employed for
getting the departmentally in all respects in the same manner and at
the same rates as if it had been carried out by the contractor under the
terms of the contract. The certificate of the Executive Engineer as to
all the cost of the work and other allied expenses so included and the
value of the work so done departmentally shall be final and conclusive
against the contractor.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
To order that the work of the contractor be measured up and
to take such part thereof as shall be unexecuted out of his hands
and to give it to another contractor to complete, in which case
c) all expenses incurred on advertisement for fixing a new
contracting agency, additional supervisory staff including the
cost of work charged establishment and cost of the work executed
by the new contract agency will be debited to contractor and the value
of the work done or executed through the new contractor shall be
credited to the contractor in all respects and in the same manner and at
the same rates as if it had been carried out by the contractor under the
terms of his contract. The certificate of the Executive Engineer as to
all the cost of the work and other expenses incurred as aforesaid for or
in getting the unexecuted work done by the new contractor and as the
value of the work so done shall be final and conclusive against the
In case the contract shall be rescinded under clause (a) above,
the contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid any sum for
any work thereto for actually performed by him under this contract
unless and until the Executive Engineer shall have certified in writing
the performance of the such work and the amount payable to him in
respect there of and he shall only be entitled to paid the amount so
certified. In the event of either of the courses referred to in clause (b)
or (c) being adopted and the cost of the work executed departmentally
or through a new contractor and other allied expenses exceeding the
value of such work credited to the contractor, the amount of excess
value shall be deducted from any money due to the contractor by the
Govt. under the contract or otherwise. Howsoever or from his security
deposit or the sale proceeds thereof provided howsoever, that the
contractor shall have no claim against Government even if certified
value of the work done departmentally or through a new contractor
except the certified cost of such work and allied expenses provided
always that whichever of the three courses mentioned in clause (a),
(b) or (c) is adopted by the Executive Engineer the contractor shall
have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him reason of
him having no claim to compensation for any materials, or entered
into engagement or made any advance on account of or with a view of
the execution of the work or the performance of contract.
Action when the progress Clause 4 :- If the progress of any particular portion of the
of any particular portion work is unsatisfactory the Executive Engineer shall not with
of the work is standing the general progress of the work is satisfactory in
unsatisfactory. accordance with clause 2, be entitled to take action under clause 3(b)
after giving the contractor 10 days notice in writing and the contractor
will have no claim for compensation for any loss sustained by him
owing to such action.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Contractor remains Clause 5 :- In any case in which any of the powers
liable to pay conferred upon the Executive Engineer by Clause 3 and 4
compensation if action hereof shall have become exercisable and the same shall
not taken under clause 3 not been exercised, the non-exercise thereof shall not constitute
& 4 Power to take a waiver of any of the conditions hereof and such powers
possession of or require shall not withstanding be exercisable in any future case of
removal of or sell default by the contractor for which by under any clause or clauses
contractor’s plant. hereof he is declared liable to pay compensation amounting to the
whole of his security deposit and the liability of the contractor for past
and future compensation shall remain unaffected. In the event of
the Executive Engineer taking action under sub-clause (a) or
(c) clause (3) he may, if he so desires, take possession of all or any
tools plant, materials and stores in or upon the works or the site
thereof or belonging to the Contractor, or procured by him and
intended to be used for the execution of the work or any part thereof,
paying or allowing, for the same in account at the contract rates, or in
case of contract rates not being applicable at current market rates, to
be certified by the Executive Engineer whose certificate thereof shall
be final. In the alternative the Executive Engineer may after giving
notice in writing to the contractor or to his clerk of the works, foreman
or other authorised agent require him to remove such tools, plant,
materials or stores from the premises within a time to be specified in
such notice and in the event of contractor failing to comply with any
such requisition the Executive Engineer may remove them at the
contractor’s expenses or sale them by auction or private sale, on
account of the contractor at his risk in all respects, and the certificate
of the Executive Engineer as to the expenses of any such removal and
the amount of the proceeds and expenses of any such sale be final and
conclusive against the contractor.
Extension of time Clause 6 :- If the Contractor shall desire an extension of the
time for completion of the work on the ground of his having
unavoidably hindered init execution or on and the other ground, he
shall apply in writing to the Executive Engineer before the expiration of
the period stipulated in the tender or before the expiration of 30 days
from the date to which he was hindered as aforesaid or on which the
cause for asking extension occurred, whichever is earlier and the
Executive Engineer may, if in his opinion there are reasonable ground
for granting an extension, grant such extension as he thinks necessary
or proper. The decision of the Executive Engineer in this matter shall
be final.
Clause 6-A :- In the case of delay in handing over the land required
for the work due to unforeseen cause, the contractor shall not be
entitled for any compensation whatsoever from the Government on the
ground that the machinery or the labour was idle for certain period.
Contractor may, however apply for extension of time limit which may
be granted on the merit of the case.

Final Certificate. Clause 7 :- On completion of the work the contractor

shall be furnished with a certificate by the Executive Engineer
(Hereinafter called the Engineer-in-charge ) in such completion

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
but no certificate shall be given nor shall the work be
considered to be complete until the contractor shall have
removed from the premises on which the work shall have
been executed all scaffolding surplus materials and rubbish and shall
have cleaned of the dirt from all wood work, doors, windows, floors or
other parts of any building, in or upon which the work has been
executed, or on which he may have had possession for the purpose of
executing the work nor until the work shall have been measured by the
Engineer-in-charge or where the measurements have been taken by his
subordinates until they have received the approval of the Engineer-in-
charge or where the measurements have been taken by his
subordinates until they have received the approval of the Engineer-In-
Charge, the said measurements being binding and conclusive against
the contractor. If the contractor shall fail to comply with the
requirements of this clause as to the removal of scaffolding, surplus
material and rubbish, and cleaning off dirt on or before the date fixed
for the completion of the work, the Engineer-in-charge may at the
expense of the contractor, remove such scaffolding, surplus materials
and rubbish, and dispose of the same as he thinks fit and clean off such
dirt as aforesaid, and the contractor shall forthwith pay the amount of
all expenses so incurred but shall have no claim in respect of any such
scaffolding or surplus materials as aforesaid except for any sum
actually realized by the sale thereof.
Payments on Clause 8 :- No payment shall be made for any work
intermediate estimated to cost less than Rs. One thousand. After the
Certificate to be whole of the said work shall have been completed ,a
regarded as advances. certificate of completion shall be given. But in the case of the
works estimated to cost more than Rs. One thousand, the contractor
shall on submitting a monthly bill therefore, be entitled to receive
payment proportionate to the part of the work then approved and
passed by the Engineer-in-charge, whose certificate of such approval
and passing of the sum payable shall be final and conclusive against
the contractor. All such intermediate payment shall be regarded as
payments by way of advance against the final payments only and not
preclude the Engineer-in-charge from requiring any bad unsound,
imperfect or unskilful work to be removed and taken away and
reconstructed, or reacted, nor shall any such payment be considered as
an admission of the due performance of the contract or any part
thereof, in any respect or the occurring of any claim, nor shall it
conclude, determine or affect in any way the powers of the Engineer-
in-charge as to final settlement and adjustment of the accounts or
otherwise, or in any other way vary or affect the contract. The final
bill shall be submitted by the contractor within one month of the date
fixed for the completion of the work otherwise the Engineer-in-
charge’s certificate of the measurement and of the total amount
payable for the work shall be final and binding on all parties.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Payments at reduced Clause 9:- The rates for several items of work estimated to cost
rates on account of items more than Rs. One Thousand agreed to within, shall be valid
of work not accepted as only when the item concerned is accepted as having been
completed to beat the completed fully in accordance with the sanctioned specifications.
discretion of the In case where the items of work are not accepted as so completed the
Engineer-in- charge. Engineer-in-charge may make payment on account of such items at
such reduced rates as he may consider reasonable in preparation of
final or on account bills.

Bill to be submitted Clause 10 :- A bill shall be submitted by the contractor each

monthly. month on or before the date fixed by the Engineer-in-charge for
all work executed in the previous month, and the Engineer-in-charge
shall take or cause to be taken the requisite measurement for the
purpose of having the same verified and the claim so far as it is
admissible shall be adjusted, if possible, within 10 days from the
presentation of the bill. If the contractor does not submit the bill
within time fixed as aforesaid, the Executive-in-charge may depute a
subordinate to measure up the said work. The presence of the
contractor or his duly authorised agent whose counter signature to the
measurement list shall be sufficient warrant and the Engineer-in-
charge may prepare a bill from such list which shall be binding on the
contractor in all respects.
Bill to be on printed Clause 11 :- The Contractor shall submit all bills on the
form. printed forms to be had on application at the office of the Engineer-in-
charge. The charges to be made in the bills shall always be entered at
the rates specified in the tender or in the case of any extra work
ordered in pursuance of these condition and not mentioned or provided
for in the tender, at the rate hereinafter provided for such work.
Store supplied by Clause 12 :- If the specification or estimate of the work provides for
Government. the use of any special description of materials to be supplied from the
P.W.D. store or if it is required that the contractor shall use certain
stores, and the prices to be charged therefore as hereinafter
mentioned being so far as practicable for the convenience of the
contractor but not so as in any way to control the meaning or
effect of this contract specified in the schedule or memorandum
(hereto annexed) the contractor shall be supplied with such
materials and stores as may be required from time to time to
be used by him for the purposes of the contract only, and the
value of the full quantity of materials and stores so supplied
shall be set off or reduced from any sums then due, or otherwise,
or from the security deposit, or the proceeds of sale thereof, if
the deposit is held in Government securities the same or a
sufficient portion thereof shall in that case be sold for the purpose. All
materials supplied to the contractor shall remain the absolute property
of Government and shall on no account be removed from the site of
the work and shall at all times be open to inspection by the Engineer-
In-Charge. Any such materials unused and is perfectly in good
condition at the time of completion or determination of the contract
shall be returned to the Public Works Departments store, if the
Engineer-In-Charge so requires by a notice in writing given under his
hand, but remaining unused by him or for any wastage in or damage
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Clause 12 A : All store of contractor material such as cement ,steel
Bitumen etc Supplied by the contractor at his own cost should be kept
by the contractor under lock and key and will be accessible for
inspection by the Executive Engineer or his agent at all times
Work to be executed in Clause 13 :- The contractor shall execute the whole and every
accordance with part of the work like manner and both as regards materials and
specifications, drawings, every other respect in strict accordance with specifications. The
orders etc. contractor shall also confirm exactly fully and faithfully to the
designs, and drawings and instructions in writing relating to the work
signed by the Engineer-in-charge and lodged in his office and to
which the contractor shall be entitled to have access for the purpose of
inspection at such office or at the site of work during office hours.
The contractor will be entitled to receive three sets of contract
drawings and working drawings as well as one certified copy of the
accepted tender along with the work order free of cost. Further copies
of the contract drawings and working drawings if required by him,
shall be supplied at the rate of Rs. 1000/- per set of contract
drawing and Rs. 1000/- per working drawing except where otherwise
Alterations in Clause 14 :- The Engineer-in-charge shall have power to make any
specifications & designs alterations in, or additions to or drawing design and instructions that
not to invalidate may the original specifications, appear to him to be necessary or
contract. advisable during the progress of the work and the contractor shall be
bound to carry out the work in accordance with any instructions in
this connection which may be given him in writing signed by
the Engineer -in-charge and such alterations shall not
invalidate the contract, and any additional work which the
contractor may be directed to do in the manner above specified as
a part of the work shall be carried out by the contractor in the
same conditions in all respects on which he agreed to the main work
and at the same rates as per specified in the tender for the main work.
And if the additional or altered work, includes any class of work for
which no rate is specified in this contract, then such class of work
shall be carried out at the rates entered in schedule of rates of the
division or at the rate mutually agreed upon rates between the
Engineer-in-charge and the contractor which ever are lower. If the
additional or altered work for which no rate is entered in the
Rate for works not Schedule of rates of the Division, is ordered to be carried out before
entered in the estimate the rates are agreed upon, then the contractor shall within 7 days of the
on schedule of rate of the date of receipt by him of order to carry out work inform the Engineer-
district. in-charge of the rates which if his intention to charge for such class of
work, and arrange to carry it out in such manner as he may consider
advisable, provided always that if the contractor shall commence work
or incur any expenditure in regard thereto before the rate shall have
been determined as lastly here in before mentioned then in such case
he shall only entitled to be paid in respect if the work carried out or
expenditure incurred by him prior to the date of the determination of
the rate as aforesaid according to such rate or rates as shall be fixed by
the Engineer-in-charge. In the event of a dispute the decision of the

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Superintending Engineer of the Circle will be final.
Where however, the work is to be executed according to the
designs, drawings, and specifications recommended by the contractor
and accepted by the competent authority the alterations above referred
to shall be within the scope of such designs, drawings, and
specifications to the tender.
The time limit for the completion of work shall be extended in
the proportion that the increase in its cost occasioned by alterations
or additions bears to the cost of the original contract work,
and the certificate of the Engineer-in-charge as to such proportion
shall be conclusive.
Extension of time in
consequence of additions Clause 15 :- (1) If at any time after the execution of the
or alterations. contract documents, the Engineer shall for any reason
whatsoever ( other than default on the part of the contractor and
for which Government is entitled to rescind the contract ) desire
that the whole or any part of the work specified in the tender should be
suspended or that the whole or part of the work should not be
No claim to any payment carried out at all he shall give to the contractor a notice in
or compensation for writing of such desire and upon the receipt of such notice the
alteration in or contractor shall forthwith suspend or stop the work wholly or in part
restriction of work as required, after having due regard to the appropriate state at
which the work should suspended so as not to cause any damage
or injury to the work already done or endanger the safety thereof
injury to the work already done or endanger the safety thereof
provided that the decision of the Engineer as to the stage at which the
work or any part of it could be or could have been safely stopped or
suspended shall be final and conclusive against the contractor The
contractor shall have no claim to any payment or compensation
whatsoever by reason of or in pursuance of any notice as aforesaid on
account of any suspension, stoppage or curtailment except to the
extent specified here-in-after.

(2) Where the total suspension if the work ordered as aforesaid

continued for a continuous period exceeding 90 days, the contractor
shall be at liberty to withdraw from the contractual obligations under
the contract so far as it pertains to the unexecuted part of the work by
giving a 10 days prior notice in writing to the Engineer, within 30
days of the expiry or expiry of the said period of 90 days, of such
intention and requiring the Engineer to record the final measurements
of the work already done and to pay the final bill. Upon given such
notice, the contractor shall be deemed to have been discharged from
his obligation to complete the remaining unexecuted work under this
contract on receipt of such notice the Engineer shall proceed to
complete the measurement and make such payment as may be finally
due to the contractor within a period of 90 days from the receipt of
such notice in respect of the work already done by the contractor.
Such payment shall not in any manner prejudice the right of the
contractor to any further compensation under the remaining provision
of this clause.
(3) Where the Engineer requires the contractor to suspend the
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
work for a period in excess of 30 days at any time or 60 days in the
aggregate, the contractor shall be entitled to apply to the Engineer
within 30 day of the resumption of the work after such suspension for
payment of compensation to the extent of pecuniary loss suffered by
him in respect of working machinery rendered idle on the site or on
account of his having, have to pay the salary or wages of labour
engaged by him during the said period of suspension. Provided
always that the contractor shall not be entitled to any claim
in respect of any such working machinery, salary or wages for the
first 30 days whether consecutive or in the aggregate of such
suspension or in respect of any suspension whatsoever occasioned by
unsatisfactory work or any other default on his part. The decision of
the Engineer in this regard shall be final and conclusive against the
(4) In the event of
i) Any total stoppage of work on notice from the Engineer under
sub-clause (1) in that behalf.
ii) Withdrawal by the contractor from the contractual obligation
to complete the remaining unexecuted work under sub-clause (2) on
account of continued suspension of work for a period exceeding 90
iii) Curtailment in the quantity of an item or items originally
tendered on account of any alteration, omission or substitutions in the
specifications, drawings, designs or instructions under clause 14(1)
where such curtailment exceeds 25% at the rates for the items
specified in the tender is more than Rs. Five thousand.
It shall be open to the contractor within 90 days from the
service of (i) the notice of stoppage of work or (ii) the notice of
withdrawal from the contractual obligation under the contract on
account of the continued suspension of the work or (iii) notice under
clause 14(1) resulting such curtailment or produce to the Engineer
Satisfactory documentary evidence that he had purchased or agreed to
purchase material for use in the contracted work, before receipt by him
of the notice of stoppage, suspension or curtailment and require the
government to take over on payment such material at the rates
determined by the Engineer. Provided however such rates shall in no
case exceed the rates at which the same were acquired by the
contractor. The Government shall thereafter take over the material so
offered, provided the quantities offered are not in excess of the
requirement of the unexecuted work as specified in the accepted
tender and are of quality and specification approved by the Engineer.
Time limit for unforeseen Clause 16 :- Under no circumstances whatsoever shall the
claims. contractor be entitled to any compensation from Government on any
account unless the contractor shall have submitted claim in writing to
the Engineer-in-charge within one month of the cause of such claim
Action, compensation Clause 17 :- If any time before the Security Deposit or any part
payable in case of bad thereof is refunded to the contractor it shall appear to the
work. Engineer-in-charge or his subordinate in charge of the work, that
any work has been executed with unsound, imperfect unskilful

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
workmanship or with materials of inferior quality, or that any
materials or articles provided by him for the execution of the work are
unsound or of a quality inferior to that contracted for, or are otherwise
not in accordance with the contractor, it shall be lawful for the
Engineer-in-charge to intimate this fact in writing to the contractor and
then not withstanding the fact that work, materials or articles
complained of may have been inadvertently passed, certified and paid
for, the contractor shall be bound forthwith to rectify or remove and
reconstruct the work so specified in whole or in part, as the case may
require or if so required, shall remove the materials or articles so
specified and provided other proper and suitable materials or articles
at his own charge and cost and in the event of his failing to do so
within a period to be specified by the Engineer-in-charge in the
written intimation aforesaid, the contractor shall be liable to pay
compensation at the rate of 1% on the amount of the estimate for
every day not exceeding 10 days, during which the failure so
continues and in the case of any such failure the Engineer-in-charge
may rectify or remove and re-execute the work or remove and replace
the materials or articles complained of as the case may be at the risk
and expense in all respects of the contractors should the Engineer-in-
charge consider that any such inferior work or materials as described
above may be accepted or made use of it shall be within his discretion
to accept the same at such reduced rates as be may fix therefore.
Work to be open to Clause 18 :-All works under or in course of execution or executed in
Inspection. Contractor or pursuance of the contract shall at all times be open to the inspection
responsible agent to be and supervision of the Engineer-In-Charge and his sub--ordinates,
present. and the contractor shall at all times during the usual working hours,
and at all other times at which reasonable notice of the intention of
the Engineer-in-charge or his subordinates to visit the works shall
have been given to the contractor, either himself be present to receive
order and instructions or have a responsible agent duly accredited in
writing, present for the purpose. Orders given to the contractor’s duly
authorised agent shall be considered to have the same force and effect
as if they had been given to the contractor himself.
Notice to be given before Clause 19 :- The Contractor shall give not less than 5 days
the work is covered up. notice in writing to the Engineer-in-charge or his subordinates in
charge of the work before covering up or otherwise placing beyond
the reach of measurement any work in order that the same may be
measured and correct dimensions thereof taken before the same is so
covered up or placed beyond the reach of measurement any work
without the consent in writing of the Engineer-in-charge or his
subordinate in charge of the work and if any work shall be covered up
or placed beyond the reach of measurement without such notice
having been given or consent obtained, the same shall be uncovered at
the contractor’s expense and in default thereof no payment or
allowance shall be made for such work or for the materials with which
the same was executed.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Contractor liable for Clause 20 :- If during the period of for Building Work 120
damage done and for Months from the date of completion as certified by the Engineer-in-
imperfection. charge pursuant to the clause 7 of the contract or for Building Work
120 Months & 120 (One Hundred Twenty) months for Concrete
Road after commissioning of the work whichever is earlier in the
opinion of the Engineer-In- charge, the said work is defective in any
manner whatsoever, the contractor shall forthwith on receipt on the
notice in that behalf from the Engineer-In- charge, duly commence
execution and completely carry out at his cost in every respect all the
work that may be necessary for rectifying and setting right the defects
specified therein including dismantling and reconstruction of unsafe
portions strictly in accordance with and in the manner prescribed and
under the supervision of the Engineer-In- charge. In the event of the
contractor failing and neglecting to commence execution of the said
rectification work within the period prescribed therefore in the said
notice the Engineer-In- charge may get the same executed and carried
out departmentally or by other agency at the risk on account and at the
cost of the contractor. The contractor shall forthwith on demand pay to
the government the amount of such costs, charges and expenses
sustained or incurred by the government of which the certificate of the
Engineer-In- charge shall be final and binding on the contractor. Such
costs, charges and expense shall be deemed to be arrears of land
revenue and in the event of contractor failing or neglecting to pay the
same on demand as aforesaid without prejudice to any other rights and
remedies of the government, the same may be recovered from the
contractor as arrears of land revenue. The government shall also be
entitled to deduct the same from any amount which may then be
payable or which may thereafter becomes payable by government to
the contractor either-in-respect of the said work or any other work
whatsoever, or from the amount of the security deposit retained by
Contractor to supply Clause 21 :- The contractor shall supply at his own cost all
plant, ladders, materials ( except such special materials if any ) as may be
scaffolding etc. supplied from the Public Works Department Stores, in accordance
with the contract), plant, tools, appliances, implements, ladders,
cordage, tackle, scaffolding and any temporary works which may
be required for the proper execution of the work, in the original,
altered or substituted from, whether included in the specification or
other documents forming part of the contract or referred to in these
conditions or not and which may be necessary for the purpose of
satisfying or complying with the requirements of the Engineer-in-
charge as to any matter on which under these conditions he is entitled
to be satisfied, or which he entitled to require together with carriage
therefor, to and from the work. The contractor shall also supply
without charge the requisite number of persons with the means
and materials necessary for the purpose of setting out work, and
counting, weighing and assisting in the measurement or examination
at any time and from time to time of the work or materials. Failing
this the same may be provided by the Engineer-in-charge at the
expenses of the contractor and the expenses may be deducted from
any money due to the contractor under the contract or from his
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
security deposit or the proceeds of sale thereof or of a sufficient
portion thereof. The contractor shall provide all necessary
fencing and lights required to protect the Public from accident and
shall also be bound to bear the expenses of defence every suit,
action or other legal proceedings at law that may be brought by any
person for injury sustained owing to the neglect of the above
precautions, and to pay damages and cost such person or which may
with the consent of the contractor be paid in compromising any claim
by any such person.
Clause 21-A :- The contractor shall provide suitable scaffolds and
working platforms, gangways and stairways and shall comply with the
following regulations in connection therewith.
a) Suitable scaffolds shall be provided for workman for
all work that cannot be safely done from a ladder or
by other means.
b) A scaffold shall not be constructed, taken down or
substantially altered except.
i) Under the supervision of a competent and
responsible person, and
ii) As for as possible by competent workers possessing
adequate experience in this kind of work.
c) All scaffolds and appliance connected therewith and all ladders
i) be of sound material
ii) be of adequate strength having regard to the loads and
strains to which they will be subjected, and
iii) be maintained in proper condition
d) Scaffolds shall be so constructed that no part thereof can be
displaced in consequence of normal use.
e) Scaffolds shall not be overloaded and as far as practicable the
load shall be evenly distributed.
f) Before installing lifting gear on scaffolds special
precaution shall be taken to ensure the strength and stability of
the scaffolds.
g) Scaffolds shall be periodically inspected by a competent
h) Before allowing a scaffold to be used by his workmen
the contractor shall check where the scaffold has been erected
by his workmen or not take steps to ensure that it complies
fully with the regulations herein specified.
i) Working platforms, gangways shall
i) be so constructed that no part thereof can sag unduly
or unequally.
ii) be so constructed and maintained having regard
to the prevailing conditions as to reduce as
far as practicable risks of persons tripping or
slipping, and
iii) be kept free from any unnecessary obstructions.
j) In the case of working platforms, gangways, working
places and stairways at a height exceeding 3 meters. (to
be specified).
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
i) every working platform and every gangways shall
have to be closely boarded unless other adequate
measures are taken to ensure.
ii) every working platform and gangways, shall have
adequate width and.
iii) every working platform, gangways, working places,
stairway shall be suitably fenced.
k) Every opening in the floor of the building or in
working platform shall except for the time and to the extent
required to allow the access or persons or the transport or
shifting of materials be provided with suitable means to
prevent the fall of persons or materials.
l) When persons are employed on a roof where there
is danger of falling from a height exceeding 3 meters suitable
precaution (to be prescribed) shall be taken to prevent the fall
of persons or materials.
m) Suitable precautions shall be taken to prevent
persons being struck by articles which might fall from
scaffolds or other working place.
n) Safe means of access shall be
provided to all working platforms
and other working places.
Clause 21 B :- The contractor shall comply with the following
regulations as regards the hoisting appliances to be used by
(a) Hoisting machines and tackle, including their attachment,
anchorages and supports shall
(i) be of good mechanical construction, sound material
and adequate strength and free from patent defect and
(ii) be kept in good repaid and in good working order
(b) Every rope used in hoisting or lowering material or as
a means of suspension shall be of suitable quality and
adequate strength and free from patent defect.
(c) Hoisting machines and tackle shall be
adequately tested after erected on the site and before and be re-
examined in position at intervals to be prescribed by the
(d) Every chain, ring hook shackle, swivel and pully block
used in hoisting or lowering of materials or as a means of
suspension shall be periodically examined.
(e) Every crane driver or hoisting appliances operator shall
be properly qualified.
(f) No person who is below the age of 21 years shall be in
control of any hoisting machine, including any scaffolds,
which give signals to the operator.
(g) In the case of every hoisting machine and of every chain,
ring, hook, shackle, swivel and pulley block used on hoisting
or lowering or as a means of suspension the safe working load
shall be ascertained by adequate means.
(h) Every hoisting machine and all gear referred to in the
preceding regulation shall be plainly marked with the safe
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
working load.
i) In the case of hoisting machine having available safe
working load, each safe working load and the condition under
which it is applicable shall be clearly indicated.
j) No party of any hoisting machine or of any gear
referred to in regulation of above shall be loaded beyond the
safe working load except for the purpose of testing.
k) Motors, gearing transmissions, electric wiring and
wiring and other dangerous part of hoisting appliances shall be
provided with efficient safe guards.
l) Hoisting appliances shall be provided with such
means as will reduce to a minimum risk of the accidental
descent of the load.
m) Adequate precautions shall be taken to reduce to a
minimum the risk of any part of a suspended load becoming
accidentally displace.
Measure for prevention Clause 22 :- The contractor shall not set fire to any standing
of fire. jungle, tree, brush wood or grass without a written permit from the
Executive Engineer. When such permit is given and also in all cases
when destroying cut or dug up trees, brush wood, grass etc. by fire, the
contractor shall take necessary measures to prevent such fire spreading
to or otherwise damaging surrounding property. The contractor shall
make his own arrangements for drinking water for the labour
employed by him.
Liability of contractors Clause 23 :-Compensation for all damage done intentionally or
for any damage done in unintentionally by contractor’s labour whether in or beyond the limits
or outside work area. of Govt. property including any damage caused by the spreading of
fire mentioned in clause 22 shall be estimated by the Engineer-in-
charge or such other officer as he may appoint and the estimates of the
Engineer-in-charge subject to the decision of the Superintending
Engineer on appeal shall be final and the contractor shall be bound to
pay the amount of the assessed compensation on demand failing
which the same will be recovered from the contractor as damages in
the manner prescribed in clause 1 or deducted by the Engineer -in-
charge from any sums that may be due to or become due from
government to the contractor under this contract or otherwise.
The Contractor shall bear the expenses of defending any action
or other legal proceedings that may be brought by any person for
injury sustained by him owing to neglect of precautions to prevent the
spread of fire and he shall also pay any damages and cost that may be
awarded by court in consequence.
Employment of female Clause 24 :- The employment of female labourers on works in the
labour. neighbourhood of soldiers barracks should be avoided as far as
Work on Sunday. Clause 25 :- No work shall be done on a Sunday without the
sanction in writing of the Engineer-in-charge.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Work not to be sublet. Clause 26 :-The contract shall not be assigned or sublet without
the written approval of the Engineer--in-charge. And if the
contractor shall assign or sublet his contract, or attempt so to do,
or become insolvent or commence any proceedings to be
adjudicated and insolvent or make any composition with his
creditors, or attempt so to do the Engineer- in- charge may be
notice in writing, rescind the contract. Also if any bribe, gratuity, gift,
loan, perquisite, regard or advantage, pecuniary or otherwise, shall
either directly or indirectly be given, promised, or offered by the
Contract may be contractor or any of his servants or agents to any public officer
rescinded and Security or person in the employment, of the Government in any way
Deposit forfeited for relating to his office or employment, or if any such officer or person
subletting it without shall become in any way directly or indirectly interested in the
approval or for bribing a contract, the Engineer-in-charge may notice in writing rescind
Public Officer or the contract. In the event of a contract being rescinded, the Security
Contractor becomes Deposit of the contractor shall there upon stand forfeited and be
insolvent. absolutely at the disposal of the Government and same
consequences shall ensure as if the contract had been rescinded
under clause 3 hereof and in addition the contractor shall not be
entitled to recover or be paid for any work therefore actually
performed under the contract.
Sum payable by way of Clause 27 :- All sums payable by a contractor byway of
compensation to be compensation under any of these conditions shall be considered as
considered as reasonable a reasonable compensation to be applied to the use of
compensation without Government without reference to the actual loss or damage
reference to actual loss sustained and whether any damage has or has not been
Changes in the Clause 28 :- In the case of a tender by partners
constitution of the firm to any change in the constitution of a firm shall be
be notified. forthwith notified by the contractor to the Engineer-in-charge for
his information.
Clause 29 :- All works to be executed under the contract shall be
executed under the direction and subject to the approval in all respects
of the Superintending Engineer of the Circle for the time being, who
shall be entitled to direct at what point or and in what manner they are
to be commenced and from time to time carried on.
Work to be under Clause 30 :- Except where otherwise specified in the contract and
direction and control of subject to the powers delegated to him by Government under
Superintending the code rules then in force, the decision of the
Engineer. Superintending Engineer of the Circle for the time being shall be
final, conclusive and binding on all parties to the contract upon all
questions relating to the meaning of the specifications, designs,
drawings and instruction herein before mentioned and as to the
quality of the workmanship or material used on the work, or as
to any other question, claim, right, matter or things whatsoever,
in any way arising out of, or relating to the contract
designs, drawing, specifications, estimates, instructions, orders or
these conditions, or otherwise concerning the works, or the execution
or failure to execute the same whether arising during the progress of
the work or after the completion or abandonment thereof.
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
2) The contractor may within thirty days of receipt by him of any
order passed by the Superintending Engineer of the Circle as
aforesaid appeal against it to the Chief Engineer concerned with the
contract, work or project provided that
a) The accepted value of the contract exceeds Rs. 10/- lakhs
(Rupees Ten Lakhs).
b) Amount of claim is not less than Rs. 1.00 Lakh
(Rupees One lakhs)
3) If the contractor is not satisfied with the order passed by the
Chief Engineer as aforesaid the contractor may within thirty days of
receipt by him of any such order, appeal against it to the concerned
Secretary, Public Works Department who, if convinced that prima-
facie the contractors claim rejected by the Superintending
Engineer/Chief Engineer is not frivolous and that there is some
substance in the claim of the contractor as would merit a detailed
examination and decision by the Standing Committee, shall put up to
the Standing Committee at Government level for suitable decision.
Store of European or Clause 31 :- The contractor shall obtain from the P.W.D.stores
American manufacture all stores and articles of European or American manufacture
to be obtained from the which may be required for the work, or any part of the work or in
Govt. making up any article s required therefore or in connection therewith
unless he has obtained permission in writing from the Engineer-
in-charge to obtain such stores and articles elsewhere. The value of
such stores and articles as may be supplied to the contractor by
Engineer-in-charge will be debited to the contractor in his account at
the rates shown in the Schedule in form “A” attached to contract, and
if they are not entered in the said Schedule, they shall be debited to
him at cost price which for the propose of this contract shall include
the cost of carriage and all other expenses whatsoever, which may
have to be incurred in obtaining delivery of the same as the stores
Lump sums in estimates. Clause 32 :- When the estimate on which a tender is made
includes lump sumps in respect of parts of the work the contractor
shall be entitled to payment in respect of items of work involved or the
part of the work in question at the same
rates as are payable under this contract for such items, or if the part of
the work question is not in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge
capable of measurement the Engineer-in-charge may at his discretion
pay the lump sum amount entered in the estimate, and the certificate in
writing of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and conclusive against
the contractor with regard to any sum or sums payable to him under
the provisions of this clause.
Action where no Clause 33 :-In the case of any class of work for which there is no
specifications. such specification as mentioned in Rule-1 such work shall be
carried out in accordance with the Divisional Specifications, and in the
event of there being no Divisional Specifications, then in such case the
work shall be carried out in all respects in accordance with the
instruction and requirement of the Engineer-in-charge.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Definition of work. Clause 34 :-The expression ‘works’ or ‘work’ where used in
these condition shall, unless there be something in the subject or
context repugnant to such construction be construed to mean the work
or the works contracted to be executed under or in virtue of the
contract, whether temporary or permanent and whether original,
altered, substituted or additional.
Contractor’s percentage Clause 35 :- The percentage referred to in the tender shall be
whether applied to net or deducted from/added to the gross amount of the bill
gross amount of bill. beforededucting the value of any stock issued.
Quarry fees & royalties. Clause 36 :- All quarry fees, royalties, and ground rent for stacking
materials if any, should be paid by the contractor.
Compensation under Clause 37 :- The contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay
Workmen’s compensation to his workmen payable under the
Compensation Act. Workmen’s Compensation Act. 1923 (VIII of 1923), ( herein
after called the said Act) for injuries caused to the workmen’s. If such
Compensation is payable and or paid by Government as principal
under the subsection (1) of section 12 of the said Act on behalf of the
contractor, this shall be recoverable by Government from the
contractor under sub section (2) of the said section. Such
compensation shall be recovered in the manner laid down in clause I
Clause 37-A :- The contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay
expenses of providing Medical aid to any workmen who may suffer a
bodily injury as a result of an accident. If such expenses are incurred
by Government the same shall be recoverable from the contractor
forthwith and be deducted without prejudice to any other remedy of
Government from any amount due or that may become due to the
Clause 37-B :- The contractor shall provide all necessary personal
safety equipment and first-aid apparatus available for the use of the
persons employed on the site and shall maintain the same in condition
suitable for immediate use at any time and shall comply with the
following regulation in connection therewith -
a) The worker shall be required to use the equipment so
provided by the contractor and the contractor shall take adequate steps
to ensure proper use of the equipment by those concerned.
b) When work is carried on in proximity to any lace where
there is no risk of drawing, all necessary equipments shall be provided
and kept ready for use and all necessary steps shall be taken for the
prompt rescue of any person in danger.
c) Adequate provision shall be made for prompt first-aid
treatment for all injuries likely to be sustained during the course of the
Clause 37-C :- The contractor shall duly comply with the provision of
‘The Apprentices Act. 1961 (III of 1961), the rules made there under
and the orders that may be issued from time to time under the said Act
and the said Rules and on his failure or neglect to do so he shall be
subject to all the liabilities and penalties provided by the said Act and
said Rules’.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Claim for quantity of Clause 38 :- (1) Quantities in respect of the several items
works entered in the shown in the tender are approximate and no revision in the
tender or estimate. tendered rates shall be permitted in respect of any of the items so long
as, subject to any special provision contained in the specification
prescribing a different percentage of permissible variation, the
quantity of the items does not exceed the tender quantity by more than
25% and so long as the value of the excess quantity beyond this limit,
at the rate of the items specified in the tender, is not more than Rs.
2) The contractor shall if ordered in writing by the
Engineer-in-charge so to do also carry out any quantities in
excess of the limit mentioned in Sub-Clause (1) here of on the same
conditions as and in accordance with the specifications in the tender
and at the rates (i)derived from the rates entered in the current
schedule of rates and in the absence of such rates (ii) at the rate
prevailing in market, the said rates being increased or decreased as the
case may be, by the percentage which the total tendered amount bears
to the estimate cost of the work as put to tender, based upon the
Schedule of rates applicable to the year in which the tenders where
invited (for the purpose of operation of this clause, this cost shall
be taken to be Rs. 7554223/-
3) Claim arising out of reduction in the tendered quantity of any
item beyond 25 percent will be governed by the provisions of clause
15 only when the amount of such reduction beyond 25% at the rate of
the item specified in the tender is more than Rs. 5,000-00.
Employment of female or Clause 39 :- The contractor shall employ any famine, convict
other labour. or other labour of a particular kind of class if ordered in writing
to do so by the Engineer-in-charge.

Claim for compensation Clause 40 :- No compensation shall be allowed for any delay
for delay in starting caused in the starting of the work on account of acquisition of land
work. and in the case of the clearance work of any delay in according to
sanction estimates.
Claim for compensation Clause 41 :- No compensation shall be allowed for any delay in
for delay in the execution execution of the work on account of water standing in borrow
of work. pits or compartments. The rates are inclusive for
hard or cracked soil excavation in mud, subsoil water or water
standing in borrow pits and no claim for an extra rate shall be
entertained, unless otherwise expressly specified.
Clause 42 :- The Contractor shall not enter upon on
commence any portion of work except with the written
authority and instructions of the Engineer-in-charge or of
his subordinate incharge of the work. Failing such authority
the contractor shall have no claim to ask for measurements
of or payment for work.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Minimum age of persons Clause 43 :-
employed, the (i) No contractor shall employ any person who
employment of donkey is under the age of 18 years.
and/or other animals and (i) No contractor shall employ donkeys or other
the payment of fair animals with breeching of string or thin rope.
wages. The breeching must be at lease 3 inches wide
and should be of tape (Newar).
(iii) No animal suffering from sores; lameness or
emaciation or which is immature shall be employed on
the work.
(iv) The Engineer-in-charge or his agent authorised to
remove from work any person or animal found working
which does not satisfy these conditions and no
responsibility shall be accepted by the Government for
any delay caused in the completion of the work by such
(v) The contractor shall pay fair and reasonable wages to
the workmen employed by him in the contract
undertaken by him. In the event of any dispute arising
between the contractor and his workmen on the
grounds that the wages paid are not fair and reasonable,
the dispute shall be referred without delay to the
Executive Engineer who shall decide the same. The
decision of the Executive Engineer, shall be conclusive
and binding on the contractor, but such decision shall
not in any way affect the condition in the contract
regarding the payment to be made by the Government
at the sanctioned tender rates.
(vi) The contractor shall provide drinking water facilities to
the workers. Similar amenities shall be provided to the
workers engaged on large work in urban areas.
Method of Payment. Clause 44 :- Payment to contractors shall be made by cheques
drawn on any treasury within the Division convenient to them.
provided the amount exceed Rs. 10/- Amount not exceeding
Rs.10/- will be paid in cash.
Acceptance of conditions Clause 45 :- Any contractor who does not accept these
compulsory before conditions shall not be allowed to tender for works.
tendering the work.
Employment of scarcity Clause 46 :- If Government declare a state of scarcity or famine to
labour. exist in any village situated within 10 miles of
work, the contractor shall employ upon such parts of the work as
suitable for unskilled labour any person certified to him by the
Executive Engineer or by any person to whom Executive Engineer
may have delegated this duty in writing to be in need of relief and
shall be bound to pay to such persons wages not below minimum
which may arise in connection with the implementation of this clause
shall be decided by the Executive Engineer whose decision shall be
final and binding on the contractor.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Clause 47 :- The price quoted by the contractor shall not in any case
exceed the control price, if any, fixed by Government or reasonable
price which is permissible for him to charge as private purchaser for
the same class and description of goods under the provisions of
Hoarding and profiteering Prevention Ordinance, 1984 as amended
from time to time. If the price quoted exceeds the controlled price of
the price permissible under Hoarding and Profiteering prevention
Ordinance, the contractor will specifically mention this fact in his
tender alongwith reasons for quoting such higher price. The purchaser
at his discretion will in such case exercises the right of revising the
price at any stage so as to confirm with the controlled price on the
permissible under the Hoarding and Profiteering Prevention
Ordinance. This discretion will be exercised without prejudice to any
other action that may be taken against the contractor.
Clause 48 :- The rates to be quoted by the contractor must be
inclusive of labour welfare cess and other taxes (other than GST). No
extra payment on this account will be made to the contractor.
Clause 48 A:- The contractors are bound to pay to the labourers
wages according to the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 applicable to the
Zone in Accordance with the order issued in Government
PWD/Circular No. MWA/1063, dated 7-12-1968.
Clause 49 :- In case of materials that remain surplus with the
contractor for those issued for the work contracted from the date of
ascertaining of the materials being surplus be taken as the date of sale
for the purpose of sales tax and the sale tax will be recovered on such

Clause 49-A :- Deleted

Clause 50 :- The contractor shall employ the unskilled labour

to be employed by him on the said work only from
locally available labours and shall give preference to those persons
enrolled under Maharashtra Government Employment and Self
Employment Departments Scheme. Provided, however that if
the required unskilled labours are not available locally, the
contractor shall in the first instance employ such number of
persons as is available and thereafter may with previous permission.
In writing of the Executive Engineer-in-charge of the said work,
obtain the rest of requirement of unskilled the labour from outside the
above scheme.
Clause 51 :- Deleted

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Clause 52 :- All amounts whatsoever which the contractor is liable to
pay to the Government in connection with the execution of the
work including the amount payable in respect of

(1) Material and or stores supplied/issued hereunder by

the Government to the contractor.
(2) Hire charges in respect of heavy plant, machinery and
equipment given on hire by the Government to the Contractor, for
execution by him of the work and/or on which the advance have
been given by the Government to the contractor shall be deemed to be
arrears of the land revenue and the Government may without prejudice
to any other rights and remedies of the Government recover the
same from the contractor as arrears of land revenue.

Clause 53 :- The contractor shall duly comply with all the provisions
of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970, (37 of
1970 and the Maharashtra Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition)
Rules, 1971 as amended from time to time and all other relevant
statutes and statutory provisions concerning payment of workers
employed by him on the site of the work at the rates prescribed under
the Maharashtra contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Rules
1971. If the contractor fails or neglects to pay wages at the said rates
or make short payment and the Government makes such payment of
wages in full or part thereof less paid by the contractor, as the
case may be the amount so paid by the Government to such
workers shall be deemed to be arrears of land revenue and the
government shall be entitled to recover the same as such from
the contractor or deduct the same from the amount payable by
the Government to the contractor hereunder or from any other
amounts payable to him by the Government. (Minimum wages
act as per Government Circular CAT/1284/(120)/Building Dt.

Clause 53-A :- Deleted

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Clause -54
Price Adjustment Clause
Contract price shall be adjusted for increase or
decrease in rates and price of labour, materials, fuels and
lubricants excluding bitumen, cement and steel in accordance
with the following principles and procedures and as per formula
given in the contract data. The price variation clause to be
included shall be read as follows: (a) The price adjustment shall
apply for the work done from the start date given in the contract
data upto end of the initial intended completion date or extensions
granted by the Engineer and shall not apply to the work carried
out beyond the stipulated time for reasons attributable to the
contractor. (b) The price adjustment shall be determined during
each month from the formula given in the contract data. (c)
Following expressions and meanings are assigned to the work
done during each month:
R = Total value of work done during the month. It would
include the amount of secured advance granted, if any, during the
month, less the amount of secured advance recovered, if any
during the month. It will exclude value for works executed under
variations for which price adjustment will be worked separately
based on the terms mutually agreed. To the extent that full
compensation for any rise or fall in costs to the contractor is not
covered by the provisions of this or other clauses in the contract,
the unit rates and prices included in the contract shall be deemed
to include amounts to cover the contingency of such other rise or
fall in costs.
The formula (e) for adjustment of prices are: R = Value of work
The following percentages will govern the price adjustment for
the entire tender.

1. Labour PI - 5.00%
2. POL - P, -- 22.00%
3. Material - Pm -- 73.00%

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
The star rates for bitumen, cement and steel are as follows
1. Cement :- Rs 5500 /- Per MT
2 TMT fe 500 :- Rs. 47000/- Per MT.
3 Bitumen VG 30 Bulk :- Rs 52380/- MT

Adjustment for labour component

(i) VL= 0.85 x PL/100 x R x (L1- L0 )/L0
(ii) VL= increase or decrease in the cost of work during the
month under consideration due to changes in rates for
local labour.
(iii) L0= the consumer price index for industrial workers for
the State on 28 days preceding the date of opening of Bids
as published by Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour,
Government of India.
(iv) L1= The consumer price index for industrial workers for
the State for the under consideration as published by
Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour, Government of India.
(v) PL= Percentage of labour component of the work.
(vi) Note: For the application of this clause, the centre of
Labour component will be Nagpur

Adjustment of POL (fuel and lubricant) component

(i) Price adjustment for increase or decrease in cost of POL
(fuel and lubricant) shall be paid in accordance with the
following formula:
(ii) Vf= 0.85 x Pf/100 x R x (F1– F0)/F0
(iii) Vf = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the
month under consideration due to changes in rates for fuel
and lubricants.
(iv) F0 = The official retail price of High Speed Diesel (HSD)
at the existing consumer pumps of lac at nearest center on
the day 28 days prior to the date of opening of Bids.
(v) F1 = The official retail price of HSD at the existing
consumer pumps of IOC at nearest center for the 15th day
of month of the under consideration.
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
(vi) Pf = Percentage of fuel and lubricants component of the
(vii) Note: For the application of this clause, the price of High
Speed Diesel oil has been chosen to represent fuel and
lubricants group.

Adjustment of Other materials Component (Excluding

bitumen,steel and cement )
(i) Price adjustment for increase or decrease in cost of local
materials other than cement, steel, bitumen and POL
procured by the contractor shall be paid in accordance
with the following formula:
(ii) Vm= 0.85 x Pm /100 x R x (M1 - M0 )/M0
(iii) Vm= Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the
month under consideration due to changes in rates for
local materials other than cement, steel, bitumen and POL.
(iv) M0= The all India wholesale price index (all commodities)
on 28 days preceding the date of opening of Bids, as
published by the Ministry of Industrial Development,
Government of India, New Delhi.
(v) M1 = The all India wholesale price index (all
commodities) for the month under consideration as
published by Ministry of Industrial Development,
Government of India, New Delhi.
(vi) Pm= Percentage of local material component (other than
cement, steel, bitumen and POL of the work.
Note1 :- Price adjustment will be given for Petrol / Oil Lubricants
(POL), Labour and material other than bitumen, cement and
steel. However, the maximum amount due to price variation will
be restricted to 5% of the accepted contract value excluding the
compensation payable for the materials (bitumen, steel and
cement) which have been directly given difference in purchase
price and star rate.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Clause 55 :-
A) The anti-malaria and other health measures shall be as
directed by the Joint Director (Malaria and Filaria) of Health Services,
B) Contractor shall see that Mosquitogenic conditions are not
created so as to keep vector population for minimum level.
C) Contractor shall carry out anti malaria measures in the area as
per guidelines prescribed under National Malaria (M & F) of health
Services, Pune.
D) In case of a default in carrying out prescribed anti malaria
measures resulting in increase in malaria incidence contractor shall be
liable to pay to Government the amounts spent by Govt. on anti
malaria measures to control the situation in addition on fine.
E) Relations with Public Authorities : The contractor shall
make sufficient arrangements for draining away the sludge water as
well as water coming from the bathing and washing places and shall
dispose off this water in such a way as not to cause any substance. He
shall also keep the premise clean by employing sufficient number of
sweepers. The contractor shall comply with all rules, regulations,
bylaws and directions given from time to time by any local or public
authority in connection with this work and shall pay fees or charges
which are leviable on him without any extra cost of Government.
(Vide Govt. Circular No. CST-1086/CR-243/Ka-Bldg-2/Mantralaya
Mumbai 400032 dt. 11.8.87)
Clause 56 :- A contractor shall comply with all the
provisions of the Apprentices Act. 1961 and the Rules and
Orders issued there under from time to time. If he fails to
do so, his failure will be a breach of the contract and the
Superintending Engineer may, in his discretion, cancel the contract.
The contractor shall also be liable for any pecuniary liability arising
on account of any violation by him of the provision of the Act.
Clause 57 :- The rates quoted by the Contractor shall be deemed to be
inclusive of the labour welfare cess and other taxes (other than GST)
that the Contractor will have to pay for the performance of this
Contract. The Employer will perform such duties in regard to the
deduction of such taxes at source as per applicable law.
Payment of GST
i) Bidder shall quote his rate excluding GST.
ii) GST shall be payable on the accepted contract value.
iii) GST shall be paid to contractor on the amount of bill of work
done as per prevailing rate of GST during the period of work
Clause 58 :- In case of materials which become surplus with the
contractors from those issued for the work contracted for the date of
ascertainment of the materials as being surplus will be taken as the
date of sale for the purpose of sales tax and sales tax will be recovered
on such sale.
Clause 59 :-Quality Assurance end Maintenance Manual:-
ANNEXURE “A” : (Annexure to the PWD, Circular No. CAT-
1091/CR-60-Bldg-2 Dt. 14th October 1991, regarding incorporating
additional condition for Quality Assurance and Maintenance Manual).
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
To ensure the specified quality of work which will also
include necessary survey temporary works etc. the contractor shall
prepare a quality assurance plan and get, the same provided from the
Engineer-In-Charge within one month from the date of work order.
For this contractor shall submit an organization chart of his technical
personnel to be deployed on the work along with their qualification,
job descriptions defining the functions of reporting supervising
inspecting and approving. The contractor shall also submit a list of
tools equipment and the machinery and instrumentation which he
proposes to use for the construction and for testing in the field and/or
in the Laboratory and monitoring. The contractor shall
modify/supplement the organisation chart and the list of machinery/
equipment etc. as per the direction of the Superintending Engineer
and shall deploy the persons and equipment on the fields as per the
approved chart and the list respectively. The Contractor shall
submit written method statements dealing his exact proposal of
execution of the work in accordance with the specification. He
will have to get these approved from the Engineer-In-Charge. The
quality of the work shall be properly documented through certificate,
records, checks list, and Log Book of results etc. such records shall be
complied from the beginning of the work and be continuously updated
the supplementary and this will be the responsibility of the contractor.
The forms should be got approved from the Executive Engineer-In-
2) Where the work is to be done on lump-sum basis on
contractors designs. The contractor shall also submit a maintenance
manual giving procedure. For maintenance, with the periodicity of
maintenance works including inspection tools of the equipments to be
used means of accessibility for all parts of the structure. He shall also
include in the manual, the specification for maintenance works that
would be appropriate for his design the technique of construction.
This manual shall be submitted within the contract period.
Clause 60: It is obligatory on the part of agency to procure R.C.C.
pipe (ISI) marked) required for the work from the M.S.S.I.D.C. only.
The proof of such procurement like bill of M.S.S.I.D.C. certification
of the Divisional Manager M.S.S.I.D.C. to that effect will have to be
enclosed alongwith the bill pertaining to the work concerned. The
payment towards the procurement of R.C.C. pipes and also items, in
which the use of R.C.C. pipes is contemplated would be released only
after fulfilment of the conditions, laid down as above.
Note : In case, provision of this form B-1 conflicts with those in
detailed cyclostyled provision and condition attached to this tender,
the detailed cyclostyled provision and condition would prevail over
those in this form.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer


Save in so far as it is legally or physically impossible, the contractor shall execute complete and
maintain the works in strict accordance with the contract under the directions and to the entire
satisfaction of the Engineer – in – charge and shall comply with and adhere strictly to the
Engineer – in – charge instructions and directions on any matter (Whether mentioned in the
contract or not) pertaining to this work.
The Engineer – in – charge shall decide all questions which may arise as to quality and
acceptability of materials furnished and work executed, manner of executions, rate of progress
of work, interpretations of the plans and specifications and acceptability of fulfillment of the
contract on the part of contractor. He shall determine the amount and quality of work performed
and materials furnished and his decision and measurements shall be final. In all such matters and
in any technical questions which may arise touching the contract, his decision shall be binding
on the contractor. The engineer in charge shall have power to enforce such decisions and orders
if the contractor fails to carry out them promptly. If the contractor fails to execute the work order
by the engineer in charge, the engineer in charge may give notice to the contractor specifying a
reasonable period therein and on the expiry of that period proceed to execute such work as may
be deemed necessary and recover the cost thereof from the contractor.
The duties of the representative of the engineer in charge are to watch and supervise the work
and to test and examine any material to be used or workmanship employed in connection with
the works.
1.2 The Engineer in charge may from time to time in writing delegate to his representative
any of the powers and authorities vested in the Engineer in charge and shall furnish to the
contractor a copy of all such delegations of powers and authorities. Any written instructions of
the approval given by the representative of the engineer in charge to the contractor within the
terms of such delegations (but not otherwise) shall bind the contractor and department as though
it had been given by the Engineer in charge provided always as follows.
(a) Failure of the representative of the engineer in charge to disapprove any work or
materials shall not prejudice the power of the engineer in charge. Thereafter to
disapprove such work or materials and to order pulling down, removal or breaking up
(b) If the contractor is dissatisfied with any decision of the representative of the engineer in
charge he shall be entitled to refer the matter to the engineer in charge who shall
thereupon confirm reverse or vary such decisions.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
2.1 The contractor shall be deemed to have carefully examined the work and site conditions
including labours, the general and he special conditions, the specification schedule and
drawing and shall be deemed to have visited the site of the work and to have fully
informed himself regarding the local conditions and carried out his own investigations to
arrive at the rates quoted in the tender. In this regards he will be given necessary
information to the best of the knowledge of Department but without any guarantee about
2.2 It is presumed that the contractor has carefully gone through the works specifications.
P.W.D. Hand Book and the Schedule of rates of the division and studied the site
conditions before arriving at the rates quoted by him.
In the event of discovery by the contractor or his employees during the progress of the
works of the any treasure, fossils, minerals or any other article of value or interest, the
contractor shall give immediate intimation thereof to the Engineer. And forth with mark
over to the Engineer his representative such treasure or things, which shall be the
property of Government.
Layout of the work will be done by the contractor in consultation with the Executive
Engineer, of the department or his representative . Some permanent marks should
however be established to indicate the demarcation of the structures or any component
thereof made to this permanent marks in measurement books and drawing, signed by the
contractor and the departmental officer, responsibility regarding layout will be joint.
4.1 The contractor shall himself engage an authorised all time agent on the work capable of
managing and guiding the work and understanding the specifications and contract
conditions. A qualified and experienced Engineer shall be provided by the contractor as
his agent for technical matters. Site engineer can also be designated as an agent of the
contractor. Agent will take orders as will be given by the Engineer in charge or his
representative and shall be responsible for carrying them out. This agent shall not be
changed without prior intimation of the Engineer in charge and his representative on the
work site. The Engineer-in-charge have the unquestionable right to ask for changes in the
quality and strength of supervisory staff of contractor and to order removal from work of
any of such staff. The contractor shall comply with such order and effect replacements of
the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.
4.2 A work order book shall be maintained on site and it shall be the property of
Government and the contractor shall promptly sign orders given therein by the Executive
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Engineer in charge or his representative and his superior officer, and comply with them.
The compliance shall be reported by contractor to the Engineer in charge in good time so
that it can be checked, the blank work order book, with machine numbered pages will be
provided by the Department free of charge for this purpose. The contractor will be
allowed to copy out the instruction therein from time to time.
Where for proper measurements of the work it is necessary to have an initial set of levels
or other measurements taken the same as recorded in the authorised field book or M.B.
of Government by the Engineer in charge or his authorised representative will be signed
by the contractor who will be entitled to have a true copy of same made at his cost. Any
failure on the part of the contractor who will be entitled to have a true copy of same
made at his cost. Any failure on the part of the contractor to get such level etc. recorded
before starting the work will render him liable to accept the decision of the Engineer in
charge as to basis of taking measurements and will be binding on contractor Likewise the
contractor will not carry out any work which will render its subsequent measurement
difficult or impossible without first getting the same jointly measured and recorded by
himself and the authorised representative of the Engineer in charge. The record of such
measurement maintained by Government shall be signed by the contractor and he
will be entitled to have a true copy of the same made at his cost.
All work and materials before being finally taken over by Government will be the entire
liability of the contractor for guarding, maintaining and making good any damages of any
magnitude. It is however to be understood that before taking over such work,
Government will not put it to its regular use as distinct from casual or incidental use
except as specially mentioned elsewhere in this contract or as mutually agreed to.
When several agencies for different sub works of the project are to work simultaneously on
the project site , there must be full co-ordination between the contractors to ensure timely
completion of the whole project smoothly. The scheduled dates for completion specified in
each contract shall, therefore be strictly adhered to. Each contractor may make his
independent arrangements for water, power, housing etc. if they so desire. On the other hand
the Contractors are at liberty to come to mutual agreement on his behalf and make joint
agreement with the approval of the Engineer in charge. No contractor shall take or cause to
take any steps or action that may cause destruction, discontent or disturbance to work, labour
or arrangements etc.of other contractors in the project localities. Any action by any
Contractors which the Engineer in charge in his unquestioned discretion may consider as

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
infringement of the above code would be considered as a breach of the contract conditions
and shall be dealt with accordingly.
In case of any dispute or disagreement between the various contractors, the Engineer
in charge decision regarding the co-ordination, co-operation and facilities to be provided by
any of the contractor shall be final and binding on the contractor concerned & such a
decision shall not vitiate any contract nor absolve the contractor of his obligations under the
contract nor form the grounds for any claim or compensation.
Whenever the contractor desires to use any designed device, materials or process
covered by letter of patent or copyright, the right for such use shall be secured by suitable
legal arrangement and agreement with patent owner and the copy of their agreement shall
be filed with the Engineer-in-charge, if so desired by the later.
The contractor shall comply with all rules, regulations, bye-laws and directions
given from time-to-time by any local or public authority in connection with this work and
shall him-self pay all charges which are leviable on him without any extra cost of
The contractor shall indemnify the Government against all actions, suits, claims,
and demands brought or made against it in respect of anything done or committed to be
done by the Contractor in execution of or in connection with the work of this contract and
against any loss or damage to the Government in consequence to any action or suit being
brought against the contractor for any thing done or committed to be done for the execution
of this contract.
The Government may at its discretion and entirely at the cost of the contractor
defend such suit, either jointly with the contractor or single in case the latter chooses not to
defend the case.
11.1 The stacking and storage of building materials at site shall be in such a manner as
prevent deterioration or inclusion of foreign materials and to ensure the preservation of
the quantity, properties and fitness of the work, suitable precautions shall be taken by
contractor to protect the materials against atmospheric action, fire and other hazards. The
materials likely to be carried away by wind shall be stored in suitable stores or with
suitable barricades and where there is likelihood of subsidence of soil, heavy materials
shall be stored on paved platforms, suitable separating barricades and enclosure as
directed shall be provided to separate materials brought by contractor and from different
sources of supply.
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
11.2 The contractor shall at his own expenses, engage watchman for guarding the Materials
and plant and machinery and the work during day and night against any pilferage or
damage and also for prohibiting tresspassers.
11.3 No Materials brought to site shall be removed from the site without prior approval of the
Engineer –in-charge
12.1 The contractor shall inform the Engineer in charge in writing when any portion of the
work is ready for inspection giving him sufficient notice to enable him to inspect these
without affecting the further progress of the work.
12.2 The contractor shall provide at his cost necessary ladders and such arrangements as are
considered safe by the Engineer in charge for proper inspection of all parts of the work.
12.3 The contractor shall extend his full co-operation and make all necessary arrangement when
needed for carrying out inspection of the work or any part of the
work by the local representative , M.L.A’s M.P.’s and officers and dignitaries / delegates
of various Government department, local bodies, private sectors etc. no compensation
shall be paid to the Contractor on this account.
13.1 The work shall be carried out by the contractor without causing damage to the existing
Govt. property and / or private property. If any such damages are caused the contractor
shall pay for restoration of the property to the original condition and any other consequent
13.2 In the event of an accident involving serious injuries or death of any persons, at site of
work or quarry or at place in connection with the work the same shall be reported in
writing within 24 hours of the occurrence to the Engineer in charge and the Commissioner
of workmen’s compensation.
The contractor after completion of work shall clean the site of all debris and remove all
unused materials other than those supplied by the department and all plant and
machinery equipment, tolls, etc. belonging to him within one month from the date of
completion of the work, or otherwise the same will be removed by the department at his
cost or disposed off as per departmental procedure. In case the materials is disposed off
by department, the sale proceeds will be credited to the contractor’s account after
deducting the cost sale incurred. However no claim of the contractor regarding the price
or amount credited will be entertained afterwards.
All constructional plant, provided by the contractor shall when brought on the site be
deemed to be exclusively intended for the construction and the contractor shall not
remove the same or any part thereof (Save for the purpose of moving it from one part to
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
the site to another) without the consent in writing of the engineer in charge who shall
record the reasons for with holding the consent.
As there is local traffic by the side of construction of the work, the contractor will have
to take proper precautions such as proper barricading, fencing, lighting, information and
cautionary boards for safe and smooth flow of traffic, and keeping the concerned
authorities informed about the work in progress.
17.1 The work shall not be considered to have been completed in accordance with the terms
of the contract until the Engineer in charge shall have certified in writing to that effect.
No approval of material or workmanship or approval of part of that during the progress
of execution shall bind the engineer in charge or any way prevent him for even rejecting
the work which is claimed to be completed and to suspend the issue or his certificate of
completion until such alterations and modification or reconstruction have been effected
at the cost of the contractor as shall enable him to certify that the work has been
completed to his satisfaction.
17.2 After the work is completed, the contractor shall give notice of such completion to the
Engineer in charge and within 30 days of receipt of such a notice the Engineer in charge
shall inspect the work and if there is no defect in the work, shall furnish the contractor
with a certificate indicating the date of completion. However, if there are defects which
in the opinion of the engineer in charge are rectifiable he shall inform the contractor the
defects noticed. The contractor after rectification of such defects shall then inform the
engineer in charge and engineer in charge on his part shall inspect the work and issue the
necessary completion certificate within 30 days if the defects are rectified to his
satisfaction, and if not he shall inform the contractor indicating defects yet to be rectified.
The time cycle as above shall continue.
17.3 In case defects noticed by the Engineer in charge which in his opinion are not rectifiable
but otherwise work is acceptable at reduced payment, work shall be treated as completed.
In such cases completion certificate shall be issued by the Engineer in charge within 30
days indicating the un-rectifiable defects for which specified reduction in payment is
being made by him.
17.4 The issue of completion certificate shall not be linked up with the site clearance on
completion of the work.
17.5 Should regular, public traffic be allowed on the bridge, road at any stage prior to being
taken over then the maintenance period shall be deemed to commence from the date of
such traffic passing over the bridge, road & shall be upto 30 days after the date of issue

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
of completion certificate by Engineer in charge but not more than 12 months after
opening to traffic.
The contractor shall submit to Engineer in charge in writing the details of all ancillary
works including layout and specifications to be allowed for its constructions. Ancillary
work shall not be taken up in hand unless approved by Engineer in charge. The Engineer
in charge reserves the right to suggest modification or make complete changes in the
layout and specifications proposed by the Contractor at any stage to ensure the safety on
the work site. The contractor shall carry out all such modifications to the ancillary works
at his own expenses as ordered by the Engineer in charge.
The contractor shall at his own expense maintain sufficient experienced supervisory staff
etc., required for the work and shall make his own arrangements for housing of such staff
with all necessary amenities. General layout plan for such responsibility of the contractor
to get his layout plan of temporary structure approved from the local competent
The contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of the workers and
preserving their health while working on such jobs as required special protection and
precaution wherever required. The following are some of the requirements listed though
not exhaustive. The contractor shall also comply with the directions issued by the
Engineer in this behalf from time to time at all times.
The following are some of the requirements (The list is not exhaustive)
(1) Providing protective footwear to workers in situations like mixing and placing of mortar
of concrete, in quarries and place where the work is to be done under too much wet
conditions as also for movements over surfaces tested with oyster growth.
(2) Providing protective headwear to workers in quarries etc. to protect them against
accidental fall of materials from above.
(3) Providing handrails to the edges of the loading platforms of barrages ropeways, ladders
not allowing rails of metal parts or unless timber to spread around etc.
(4) Providing workmen with proper safety belts, ropes, etc. when working on any masts,
cranes, circle hoist, dredges etc.
(5) Taking necessary steps towards training the workers concerned of the use of machinery
before they are allowed to handle it independently and taking all necessary precautions in
and around the areas where machines, hoists and similar units are working. Wherever
required by the law the persons handling the machinery shall have the required license,
certificate etc.
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
(6) Preventing over loading and over crowding of floating the land based machinery and
(7) Providing life belts to all men working at such situations from where they may
accidentally fall into water. Equipping the boats with adequate numbers of life boats etc.
(8) Avoiding bare live wires etc. as would cause electrocution to workers.
(9) Making all platforms, stagings and temporary structures sufficiently strong and not
causing the workmen and supervisory staff to take undue risks.
(10) Providing sufficient first aid trained staff and equipment to be available quickly at the
work site to render immediate first-aid treatment in case of accident due to suffocation,
drowning and other injuries.
(11) Taking the all-necessary precautions wherever divers are engaged on work.
(12) Providing full length gum boots, leather hand gloves, leather jackets with fireproof
aprons to cover the chest and back reaching upto knees, plain goggles for the eyes to the
labour working with hot asphalt, handling, vibrators in cement concrete and also where
use of any or all these items is, essential in the interest of health and well-bring of the
labourers in the opinion of the Engineer-in –charge
21. Medical and sanitary arrangements to be provided for labour employed in the
construction by the contractor.
(a) The contractor shall provide an adequate supply of pure and wholesome water for the use
of labourers on works and in camps.
(b) The contractor shall construct trenches. Semi permanent latrines for the use of labourers.
Separate latrine shall be provided for men and women.
I The contractor shall build sufficient number of huts on suitable plot of land for use of the
labourers according to the following specifications.
(1) Huts of bamboos and grass may be constructed.
(2) There should be no over crowding. Floor space at the rate of 3 Sqm(30 Sq.ft.) per head
shall is provided. Care should be taken to see that the huts are kept clean and in good
(3) The contractor must find his own land. If he wants he should apply for it.
Assessment for it if demanded will be payable by contractor. However the Department
does not bind itself for making available the required land.
(4) A good site not liable to submergence shall be selected on high ground remote from
jungle but well provided with trees; shall be chosen wherever it is available. The
neighborhood of tank, jungles, trees or woods should be particularly avoided. Camps
should not be established close to large cutting of earthwork.
(5) The lines of huts shall have open space of at least 10 meters between rows. When a good
natural site cannot be procured particular attention should be given to the drainage.
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
(d) The contractor shall construct sufficient number of bathing places, sufficient number of
washing places also be provided for the purpose of the washing cloths.
(e) The contractor shall make sufficient arrangement for draining away the surface and
suage water as well as water from the bathing and washing places and shall dispose of the
waste water in such away as not cause any nuisance.
f) The contractor shall engage a medical officer with a traveling dispensary for a camp
containing 500 or more person if there is no Government or other dispensary situated within
eight Kilometers from the camp. In case of an emergency contractor shall at his cost, free
transport for quick medical help to his sick workers..
g) The contractor shall provide the necessary staff for affecting the satisfactory conservancy
and cleanliness of the camp to the satisfaction of the Engineer –in charge .At least one
sweeper per 200 person should engaged.
h) The Assistant Director of public health shall be consulted before opening a labour camp
and his instruction on matters such as water supply, sanitary, convenience, the camp site,
accommodation and food supply shall be followed by the contractor.
i) In addition to above all provision of the relevant labour act pertaining to basic amenities
to be provide to the labour shall be applicable which will be arranged by the contractor
J) The contractor shall make arrangement for all anti malaria measures to be provided for
the labour employed on the work. The anti malaria measures shall be as directed by the
Public Health Officer.
22. The contractor except as provided in special conditions which follow shall if necessary
construct at his cost temporary roads and maintain these in proper conditions till
completion of the work at his own cost.
23. The contractor except as provided in special conditions which follow shall have to at his
own expenses make all preliminary arrangements for labour, water, electricity and
material etc. immediately after getting the work order. The Government may render
necessary assistance in this regard by way of letters of recommendations, if so requested
by the contractor. No claim for any extra payment or applications for extension of time
on the grounds of any difficulty in connection with the above matters will be entertained.
24.1 The contractor shall submit within the time stipulated by the Engineer-in-charge in
writing the details as actual methods that would be adopted by the contractor for the
execution of any items as required by Engineer at each of the location supported by
necessary detailed drawing and sketches including those of the plant and machinery that
would be used their locations arrangement for conveying and handling materials etc., and
obtain prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge well in advance of starting of such item
of works. The Engineer-in-charge reserves the right to suggest modifications or make
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
corrections in the method proposed by the contractor whether accepted previously or not
at any stage of the work to obtain the desired accuracy, quality and progress which shall
be binding on the contractor no claim on account of such change in method of execution
will be entertained by Government so long as specification of the item remain unaltered.
24.2 The contractor shall furnish within one month of the order to start the work programme
of work in quadruplicate indicating the date of actual start, the monthly progress
expected to be achieved and anticipated completion date of each major item of work to
be done by him also indicating dates of procurement of materials and setup of plant and
machinery. The programme is to be such as practicable of achievement towards the
completion of whole work in the time limit and of the particular items; if any of due
dates specified in contract, planning and programme of work should be done by the
mature decision between the Executive Engineer, Public Works Division , Amravati
and the contractors representative in charge of work. The progress of work shall be
reviewed in every two months and revised programmes shall be drawn if necessary. No
revised programme shall be operative without the approval of engineer in charge in
writing. The Engineer is further empowered to ask for more detailed schedule or
schedules say weekly for any item or items. In case of urgency of work as will be
directed by him and the contractor shall supply the same and when asked for. Acceptance
of the programme or the revised programme by the Engineer in charge shall not relieve
the contractor of his responsibility to complete the whole work by the prescribed time or
the extended time if any.
24.3 The contractor shall employ sufficient plant, equipment and labour as may be necessary
to maintain the progress schedule. The working and shift hours restricted to one shift a
day for operations to be done under the Government supervision shall be such as may be
approved by the Engineer in charge. They shall not be varied without prior approval of
the Engineer. Night work which requires supervision shall not be permitted except when
specially allowed by Engineer in charge on each item if required by contractor. The
contractor shall provide necessary lighting arrangement etc. for night work as directed by
Engineer without extra cost to Government.
24.4 The contractor shall submit reports on progress of work in forms and statements etc. at
periodical intervals in the form of progress chart, forms, statements and / or reports as
may be approved by the Engineer in charge. Forms for the sending reports about the
progress will be supplied by the Engineer in charge.
24.5 The contractor shall maintain proforma, charts, details regarding the machinery,
equipments, labour, materials, periodical returns thereof, proforma to be got approved
from the Engineer in charge.
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The contractor must understand clearly that the rates quoted are for completed work and
include all cost due to labour, all leads and lifts involved and if further necessitated,
scaffolding, plants, machineries, supervision power, service works, royalties, octroies,
taxes, etc. and should also include all expenses to cover the cost of lighting, night works
if and when required & no claim for additional payment beyond the rates quoted will be
entertained and the contractor will not be entitled subsequently to make any claim on the
ground of any representation or on any promise by any person (whether member in the
employment of any Public Works Department or not) or on the ground of any failure on
his part to obtain all necessary information for the purpose of making his tender and
fixing the several prices and rates therein relieve him from any risks or liabilities arising
out of or consequences upon submission of the tender. Payment to the contractor will be
made by the cheque drawn on any treasury within the division provided the amount to be
paid exceeds Rs. 100/- shall amount will be paid in cash.
26.1 Claim for extra works shall be registered within 30 days of occurrence of the event.
However, bills for these claims along with supporting data details may be submitted
26.2 Bills for extra works or for any claim shall be paid separately apart from the interim bills
for the main works. The payment of bills for the main work shall not be withheld for
want of decision on extra claim not covered in the schedule of item for extra work.
27.1 Two running payments in the month are permitted. First of the bills shall be submitted by
the contractor by the 10th day of month. Second bill, if necessary, shall be submitted by
the 25th day of the month.
27.2 The format of the running bill on which the bills are to be submitted by the contractor
shall be supplied to the contractor by the department. Printed copies of the bills forms as
per his format shall be arranged by the contractor at his cost. The bills in five copies shall
be submitted to the concerned engineer’s representative in the standard proforma only.
27.3 The final bill shall be submitted by the contractor within one month of the date of issue
of completion certificate. The final bill shall be paid within six months of initial
27.4 Recovery of secured advance shall be effected through bills proportionately as per
consumption of materials in the work billed for.
27.5 The contractor can have true copy of the bills paid to him after paying charges for
photocopying the same.
Acceptance criteria shall be as per IS : 456 – 2000 (With latest amendments)
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Acceptance criteria shall be as per IS : 456 – 2000 (With latest amendments)
28.1 The Engineer in charge on written request by contractor, will if in his opinion the
request is reasonable and in the interest of work and its progress, assist the contractor in
securing, the priorities for deliveries, transport, permits for controlled materials etc.
where such are needed. The department however will not be responsible for the non-
availability of such facilities or delays in this behalf and no claims on account of such
failure or delay, shall be allowed by the Department.
28.2 The contractor shall have to make his own arrangement for machinery required for the
work. However if same is conveniently available with the department it may be spared as
per rules in force on recovery of necessary security deposit and rent at the rate approved
from time to time by the independent to this contract and the supply or non supply of
machinery shall not form a ground for any claim or extension of time limit for this work.
29.1 Availability of adequate water for work and sources thereof shall be confirmed by the
contractor before submitting the tender.
29.2 The contractor shall make his own arrangements at his own cost for entering into
contract with concerned authority for obtaining the connection and carry the water upto
the work site as required by him. The location of the pipeline with respect to the road
shall be decided by Engineer-in-charge and shall be binding on the contractor. The
department shall not bear any responsibility in respect of any problems and contractor
shall not be liable for getting the any compensation on any ground. The progress of work
shall not hamper for the above reasons.
29.3 The contractor is advised to provide water storage tanks of adequate capacity to take care
of possible shut down of water supply system.
29.4 The contractor shall have to supply water required by the department for its
establishment at work site free of cost.
30.1 The contractor will have to make his own arrangement at his own cost for obtaining or
providing electric supply at work site. The department shall not bear any responsibility in
respect of any problems and contractor shall not be liable for getting any compensation
on any ground. The progress of work shall not hamper for the above reasons.
30.2 Electrical supply for the Department’s use at work site shall be provided by the
contractor on mutual agreed terms. The contractor may not abide by these conditions
when power supply at the site fails.
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The contractor will have to make his own arrangement at his own cost for a
telephone connection at work site if required.
32.1 The contractor shall make their own independent investigation as to the availability as
well as suitability of various materials required for construction as referred to in these
32.2 If any quarry is in the possession of the department the contractor will be allowed to use
the same on usual condition. In other cases, the contractor will have to make his own
arrangement for procuring quarries or the quarry permits, necessary assistance for which
will be given by the department.
32.3 Lime stone shall not be permitted for any concrete work.
33 LAND :
33.1 The contractor shall make all efforts to obtain land required for the ancillary works. In
case the contractor is unable to obtain land and if requested, then the department may
requisitioned land at his own cost.
33.2 Land as available with department for requisitioned by the department at the request of a
contractor will be handed over to the contractor for such use as will be necessary for
ancillary works, on payment of rent to the department. Plot development if any will have
to be done by the contractor at his own cost. The development shall be in conformity
with the regulations with the local authorities.
33 If for the purpose of construction of the work it becomes necessary for the contractors to
occupy land not in possession of the department, the contractors will have to make his
own arrangement with the land owners, and pay such compensation as a mutually agreed
between them. On completion of work , all land mentioned in para 33.1 and 33.2 and
33.3 shall be handed back to the owners or the department as the case may be after
cleaning the land as directed by the Engineer in charge.
33.4 Dismantling of building on a Govt. or department land shall be done only after the
approval of Engineer-in-charge.
The contractor shall take all precaution against damages by floods or from accidents etc.
No compensation will be allowed to the contractor on this account or for correction and
repairing any such damage to the work during construction. The contractor shall be liable
to make good at his cost any plant or material belonging to the Govt. loss or damaged by
floods or from any other cause while in his charge. The proof of occurrence of flood
report with flood level will have to be furnished by the contractor .No compensation
will be allowed for damages on ancillary items and equipments etc which are brought
to the site by the contractor for effecting execution of work.
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
If any “Urgent Works”(In respect where decision of the Engineer –in –Charge shall be
final and binding) become necessary and contractor is unable or unwilling to carry it out
at once, the Engineer in charge by his own or through the other people have it carried out
as he may consider necessary. If the Urgent Work shall be such as in the opinion of the
Engineer in charge the contractor is liable under the contract to carry out at his expenses.
All expenses incurred on it by the department shall be recoverable from the contractor,
and be adjusted or sets off against any sum payable to him.
SR.No. Grade of concrete Consumption of cement in bags / Cum
1 M-10 4.40 bags
2 M-15 6.00 bags
3 M-20 7.00 bags
4 M-25 7.50 bags
Note :- The weight per bag of Cement is considered as 50 Kg consumption rate of
cement is for OPC. In case ,contractor desires to use PPC then he should get mix design
for all grades of concrete mentioned above and in schedule ‘B” from reputed laboratory
as approved by Engineer –In –Charge at no extra cost to Government.

The rate of consumption of cement for various grades of concrete referred above
is a theoretical rate of consumption assumed for the estimate purpose. The contractor
will have to obtain an economic mix design for grades of concrete M-20 and above and
get it approved from the Engineer-in-charge. The specification for controlled cement
concrete shall be as per standard specification No.B-7 Page 38, and IS 456-2000.
Immediately upon the receipt of the award of the contract, the contractor shall inform the
Engineer the exact location of the sources of the acceptable material. The concrete mix to
be used shall be got designed P.W.D laboratory, by the contractor with a optimum
quantity of cement to give the specified strength in the preliminary tests and the
proportion got approved by the engineer in writing. These proportions shall be used so
long as the materials continue to be of the same quality and from the same sources
subject only to slight changes in the relative quantities of fine and course aggregate for
the purpose of promoting workability provided the work tests also shows the required
If such Mix design involve change in cement consumption upto 5 % on the higher or
lower side, no adjustment in the cost of the item to be paid to the contractor shall be
made. If such alterations, changes, theoretical consumption of cement by more than 5 %
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
on the higher or lower side, the sources and quality of aggregate remaining the same,
payment will be adjusted for or against the contractor in whatever amount the total cost
of cement to the contractor has been increased or decreased by more than 5 %. The
amount of such increase or decrease shall be calculated on the basis of quantity of
cement determined and prescribed in the above table. In adjusting the cost only the cost
of cement shall be considered and not handling or other charges, which shall be treated
as incidental to the item for working out the cost towards adjustments in cement
consumption the basic for cement shall be star rate as indicated in clause 54. If during the
progress of work the contractor wishes to change the material, the proportions shall be
fixed on the basis of fresh preliminary tests to give the required strength after the
Engineer is satisfied that the material satisfy the specifications. No adjustment of the cost
shall be made for a change of proportions of cement fixed in the original preliminary
tests. For all concrete items only trap metal shall be used.
The contractor shall be deemed to have carefully examined the work and site
conditions including labours, the general and the special conditions, the specifications
schedule and drawing and shall be deemed to have visited the site of the work and to
have fully informed himself regarding the local conditions and carried out his own
investigations to arrive at the rates quoted in the tender. In this regards he will be given
necessary information to the best of the knowledge of Department but without any
guarantee about it. If he shall have any doubt as to the meaning of any portion of these
general conditions, or the special conditions to the scope of working of the specification
and drawings, or any other matter concerning the contract, he shall in good time before
submitting his tender set forth the particulars thereof and submit them to the Engineer in
writing in order that such doubt may be clarified authoritatively before tendering. Once a
tender is submitted the matter will be decided in accordance to the tender conditions in
absence of such authentic clarification.
a) In case of errors, omissions and / or disagreement between written and scaled dimensions
in the drawing or between the drawing and specifications etc., the following order of
preference shall apply.
(i) Between actual scaled and written dimensions or description on a drawing the
latter shall be adopted.
(ii) Between the written description or dimensions in the drawing and the
corresponding one in the specifications, the latter shall apply.
(iii) Between the quantities shown in the schedule of quantities and those arrived at
from the drawing the latter shall preferred
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b) In all cases of omissions and/or doubts or discrepancies in the dimensions or of any item
or specification a reference shall be made to the engineer, whose elucidation, elaboration
or decision shall be considered as authentic. The contractor shall be held responsible for
any errors that may occur in the work through lack of such reference and precautions.
c) The contractor should not sublet any part of work without written permission of the
Engineer in charge.
(i) All materials to be used on work, such as cement, steel, stones, bricks, aggregates,
asphalt, wood, tiles, etc. shall be got approved in advance from the Engineer-in-charge
and shall pass the tests and analysis required by him.
(ii) The contractor shall at his risk and cost make all arrangement and / or shall provide for
all such facilities as the Engineer in charge may require for collecting, preparing and
forwarding required number of samples for tests or for analysis to the nearest approved
laboratory and bear all charges and cost of testing. Such samples shall also be deposited
with the Engineer-in-charge till sent for testing. Out of total number of tests as per
frequency requirement 30 % of these tests shall be carried out in P.W. Department
(iii) The contractor shall if and when required submit at his cost the samples of materials to
be tested or analysed and if so directed shall not make use or incorporate in the work any
material represented by the samples until the required tests or analysis have been made
after the test of the materials finally accepted by the Engineer-in-charge.
(iv) Testing of Material :
(1) Frequency of testing of the construction material and the percentage of the testing from the
Government laboratory shall be as under:
(a) Where the field laboratory certified by the concerned Engineer in charge is
established at the work site 70% test as per total frequency required shall be carried out
in the said field laboratory and 30% tests shall be carried out at the Vigilance and Quality
control laboratory of P.W.D for the material not covered in the annexure III 50% tests
shall be carried out in the field laboratory and remaining 50% tests need to be carried out
in the vigilance and quality control laboratory of P.W. D Maharashtra , The entire
responsibility of the sample testing as per required frequency including testing charges
will be borne by the agency.
b.) Where field laboratory is not established at the works site 100% tests as per frequency
shall be carried out in the Vigilance and quality Control laboratory .Amravati
c) Testing of cement and steel 100% in Vigilance and quality Control laboratory. Amravati is

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
d) It is mandatory to submit the test reports of materials/samples used for the work as per the
frequency given in the specification with the bill. If the test results are not submitted along with
the bill, amount equal to two times the prevailing VQC testing charges shall be deducted from
the bill. Samples for the items for which testing is not done as per frequency shall be collected
and submitted for testing by the engineer in charge or his representative for testing and testing
charges for this sample shall be paid by engineer in charge through the amount deducted as
above and balance amount shall be remitted to revenue. Till such results are received
contractor shall be paid at part rate as decided by the Engineer in Charge.
( 2) Mixing of concrete shall be done with concrete mixers.
(3) The Contractor shall make field arrangements for testing of all materials for cement concrete
i.e. slump test, bulkage test, etc.. The concrete cube mould 3 Nos. of 15cm x 15cm x 15 cm. size
shall be kept at site during concreting operation. One set of six 15 cm. (about 6” cubes shall be
prepared from the concrete to be used in work for compression test on the first three days
operation an thereafter for every 60 cubic metre of concrete of three days work whichever is
less. If source of aggregate or grading is changed, one set of six test cubes shall be taken for
each changed batch. Three cubes shall be tested for test at 7 days age and 3 at 28 days in
District Testing Lab of P.W.D. at Amravati All the testing charges shall be paid by the
contractor. The entire responsibilities of the testing of materials will be borne by the contractor.
(4) For providing Electric Wiring, Duct tubes of the required diameter and length shall be
provided through walls, beams and floors, slabs as and when directed without any extra
(5) (a) The contractor shall make his own arrangement for receiving all materials, tools, etc.
required for the work.
(b) No extra charges for carriages of water will be allowed.
I The rates for all items are inclusive of all charges such as carting, lifting, etc. No extra
payment for any lead and lift will be paid for any items.
(d) A frequency of testing shall be as per relevant works specification. In case such
frequency is not specified in the works specification then the IS code will be referred and
for other cases where IS code do not stipulated the frequency of testing, it will be as
directed by Engineer in charge and should be furnished in specified test abstract
Annexure III
(e)The Contract should not be sublet without written permission of Executive Engineer
(f) Tender condition of tender notice will be binding on contractor and etc tender notice
will form a part of agreement.
40. WEIGH BATCHING: The following instructions shall be followed as regards to
preliminary designs of mix and methods of batching of plain cement concrete and
reinforced cement concrete. The preliminary mix design and batching for various grades
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
of concrete shall be governed by the guidelines as per I.S. 456-2000. It will be the
responsibility of the contractor to obtain the mix design for various cement concrete
grades at his cost from the P.W.D laboratory.
41.1 ERASER:
Person tendering are informed that no erasers or any alteration by them in the text of the
documents set herewith will be allowed and any such eraser or an alteration will be
disregarded. If there is any error in writing no overwriting should be done but the wrong
words or figures should be struck out and the correct one written above or near it in an
unambiguous way. Such correction should be initialed and dated.
Intimation of acceptance of tender will be given by a telegram or a letter sent by
registered post to the address given below the signature of the tenderer in the tenders.
The tenders which do not fulfill any of the above conditions or those in the form and
which are incomplete in any respect shall be liable for rejection.
The work will be awarded only to those contractors who are considered to be responsive
bidders, capable of performing the class of work to be completed. Before passing the
final award any or all bidders may have to show that he has the necessary experience,
facilities, ability and financial resources to execute the work in satisfactory manner and
also within the stipulated time. The bidders may also be required to furnish to the
Department a statement in respect of their experience and financial resources.
1) No live electric line should be allowed to run along the ground in the blasting
zone and they should be at least 3 m above ground if not more.
2) The wiring cable should not be taken near the live electric line and it should be
preferably shot firing cable as supplied by the supplier of explosives. If such a
cable is not available a substitute cable made up of several pieces jointed and
tapped be used.
3) The blasting shed from where the exploder is to finally operate should be at least
150 m. away from the area to be blasted. It should have a strong roof, which can
withstand the impact of flying stones at this range.
4) Only trained hands shall be allowed to handle explosive cable detonators etc.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
For the police protection of the camp of the contractor’s work, the Deptt. Will help the
contractors as far as possible to arrange for such protection with the concerned
authorities the cost shall be borne by the contractor.
41.6 For providing electric line and water line etc. recesses shall be provided. If necessary,
through walls, slabs, beams, etc., and later on refilled it with a bricks or stones, chipping
cement mortar without any extra cost.
41.7 In case it becomes necessary for the due fulfillment of the contractor for contractor to
occupy land outside the department limits, the contractor will have to make his own
arrangement with the land owners and pay such a rents, if any, which are payable as
mutually agreed between them.
41.8 The contractor shall duly comply with the provisions of the Apprentices Act. 1961 (iii of
1961) and the rule and orders made there under from time to time under the said Act and
the said Rules and on his failure or neglect to do so he shall be subject to all the liabilities
and penalties provided by the said Act and Rules.
41.9 It is presumed that the contractor has gone carefully through the standard specification
(Vol. I & II 1981 edition) and the schedule of rate of the Division, and studied of site
conditions before arriving at rates quoted by him. The special provisions and detailed
specification of wording of any item shall gain precedence over the corresponding
contrary provisions (if any) in the standard specification given without reproducing the
details in contract. Decision of Engineer-in-charge shall be final in case of interpretation
of specification.
41.10 If the standard specifications fall short for the items quoted in the schedule of this
contract reference shall be made to the latest Indian Standard Specifications, I.R.C.
codes, and MOST specification if any of items of this contract do not fall in reference
quoted above, the decision and specifications as directed shall be final.
1 In case of doubts regarding grade of concrete used either due to poor workmanship or
based on results of cube strength tests, the load testing of any part of the structure will
have to be carried out by the Contractor at his own cost.
2. Before carrying out load test, the Contractor shall carryout the suitable non destructive
testing of the structure which are in doubt, at his own cost. Non destructive testing is
fully optional and at the discretion of the Contractor.
3 In such cases the Engineer-in-Charge shall inform the Contractor sufficiently in
advance in writing along with the reasons for carrying out the load test, during execution
of work or during maintenance period of the Contract.
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
4. The load test will have to be carried out as per the provisions contained in IS:
5 If the load test results do not meet the requirements as stipulated in relevant .S. code
the structure shall be deemed to be unacceptable..
43.1 The contractors should ensure that all safety precautions are observed by their labours,
working closed to the State Highway and while closing the state Highway precautions
are taken including insurance etc., for their labour at the cost of the contractor etc. if any
accident occur to the labour etc., no claim in this regard on whatsoever account shall be
entertained and the decision of the Department will be final and conclusive.
43.2 During the execution if there is any change in:
(i) Span Arrangement.
(ii) Height of substructure and superstructure above ground level.
(iii) Change in the depth of foundation, tendered rate for respective items will hold good
and no extra claims shall be entertained on this account.
43.3 Contractor shall observe the rules and regulations empowered by traffic police for
smooth flow of traffic on the diversion road and shall not be entitled for claim any
compensation arising thereof.
44. DEFINITIONS: Unless included by or repugnant to the contents
(a) Government: The expression “Government” as used in the tender documents shall
mean the Public Works Department of the Government of Maha
(b) Superintending Engineer: The expression ‘The Chief Engineer’ as used in the tender
papers shall mean Chief Engineer P.W .Region Amravati.
I Superintending Engineer: The expression ‘Superintending Engineer’ as used in the
tender papers shall mean the officer of Superintending Engineer’s ranks (by whatever
designation he may be known) under whose control the work lies for the time being.
(d) Engineer-in-charge: The expression Engineer or Engineer-in-charge as used in the
tender paper shall mean the Engineer-in-charge of the work.
(e) Contractor: The expression ‘Contractor’ as used in the tender papers shall mean the
successful tenderer that is the tenderer whose tender has been accepted and who has been
authorised to proceed with the work.
(f) Contract: The expression ‘Contract’ as used in the tender papers shall mean the deed of
contract together with all its original accompaniments and those later incorporated in it
by mutual consent.
(g) Plant: The expression ‘Plant’ as used in the tender papers shall mean every temporary
accessory necessary or considered necessary by the Engineer to execute, construct,
complete and maintain the work and all altered, modified, substituted and additional
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
works ordered in the time and the manner herein provided and all temporary materials
and special and other articles and appliance of every sort kind and description
whatsoever intended or used therefore.
45.1 The following instructions shall be followed as regards preliminary design of mix and
methods of batching of plain cement concrete and reinforced cement concrete. These
instructions should be treated as supplementary to the relevant provision in the
specifications for the respective items contained in the book of standard specifications
and will override the provisions contained therein wherever they are contrary to the
following instructions.
The preliminary mix design and batching for various grades of concrete shall be
governed by the following guidelines.
Concrete Grade:-Guidelines
1) Upto M-15: This should only be ordinary concrete. No change may be prescribed
in the present practice as regards preliminary design of mix and
permitting volume batching. Only cement to weight batched
2) M-20 and above : Preliminary mix design must be prepared for such mixes Weight
batching shall be insisted for cement fine aggregate and course aggregate.
45.2 For the grades of concrete M-20 and above the preliminary mix design shall be carried
out from the approved laboratory.
(1) The charges for preliminary design, of concrete mix shall be entirely borne by the
(2) For grades of concrete M-20 and above where cement is to be used by weight, the
cost of extra cement required to make-up the under-weight bags shall be borne by the
(3) For the items of concrete of grades lower than M-20 and other items in the
agreement, where cement is not to be used by weighment, the cement bags as
received from the manufacturer and supplied to the contractor under Schedule ‘A’
shall contain cement of 50 Kg. net weight.
45.3 The admixtures such as plasticizers/super plasticizers for concrete grade M-20 and
above shall be used as directed by Engineer in charge depending upon specific
requirements. No extra payment s on this account will be admissible.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
(1) The contractor should produce the no objection certificate obtained from the Maharashtra
Pollution Control Board before starting Crusher / Drum Mix Plant on the work site.

The Contractor shall arrange to take Color Photograph at various stage / facets of the work
including interesting and novel features as desired by the Engineer in charge. Photographs
shall be of and taken to the standard post card size marked in album of acceptable quality.
Also the negative film in 35 mm size shall be supplied for each photograph in the Album
shall be suitably captioned. The Contractor shall arrange for taking video films of important
activities of the work as directed by the Engineer in charge during the currency of the project
& editing them to a video film of playing time not less than 60 minutes & upto 180 minutes
as directed by Engineer in charge. It shall contain narration of the activities in English /
Marathi by a competent narrator. Video cassette shall be of acceptable quality & film shall
be capable of producing color picture. It shall be considered as incidental to the work and no
additional payment whatsoever will be made for the same.
(3) After award of contract, contractor will have to provide and fix the information boards
showing name, tender cost, period of completion, name and telephone number of agency and
Executive Engineer and other details as directed by Engineer in charge. No extra payment is
admissible on this account.
The contractor shall take out necessary Insurance Policy / Policies (viz. Contractors All
Risks Insurance Policy, Erection All Risks Insurance Policy etc. as decided by the
Directorate of Insurance) so as to provide adequate insurance cover for execution of the
awarded contract work for total contract value and complete contract period Compulsory
from the "Directorate of Insurance, Maharashtra State, Mumbai" only. Its postal
address for Correspondence is "264, MHADA, First Floor, Opp. Kalanagar, Sandra
(East), Mumbai-400 051" (Telephone Nos. 022-26590403 1 26590690 and Fax No. is
022-26592461 I 26590403). Similarly, all workmen's appointed to complete the contract
work are required to insure under workmen's compensation Act.
The contractor shall renew the insurance policy for the extended period of the contract. The
contractor shall also take out additional insurance policy for the increase contract cost. The
insurance policy shall be valid upto extended period. Insurance policy/ policies taken out
from any other company will not be accepted, if any Contractor has not taken out the
insurance policy from the "Directorate of Insurance, Maharashtra State, Mumbai" or has
effected insurance with any insurance company, the same will not be accepted and 1 % of

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
the tender amount or such amount of premium calculated by the Government Insurance
Fund will be recovered directly from the amount payable to the contractor for the executed
contract work and paid to the Directorate of Insurance Fund, Maharashtra State, Mumbai.
The Director of Insurance reserves the right to distribute the risks of insurance among the
other insurers
4.1 The Contractor shall provide, in the joint names of the Employer and the Contractor,
insurance cover from the Start Date to the end of the Contract Period, in the amounts and
deductibles stated in the Contract Data for the following events which are due to the
Contractor's risks:
(a)loss of or damage to the Works, Plant and Materials;
(b)loss of or damage to Equipment:
(c)loss of or damage of property (except the Works, Plant, Materials and Equipment) in
connection with the Contract; and
(d)personal injury or death.
4.2Policies and certificates for insurance shall be delivered by the Contractor to the Engineer
for the Engineer's approval before the Start Date. All such insurance shall provide for
compensation to be payable in the types and proportions of currencies required to rectify the
loss or damage incurred.
4.3 Alterations to the terms of an insurance shall not be made without the approval of the
4.4 Both parties shall comply with any conditions of the insurance policies.
4.5 If completion period of work is Extended, then period of Insurance must be renewed/
extended as per requirement.
4.5.1 The contractor shall produce the labour insurance policy, of Directorate of Insurance
Maharashtra State within the 30 Days from the issue of work order, same will be
reimbursed to the contractor.
4.5.2 If contractor fails to produce the labour insurance policy Concerned Executive
Engineer shall draw the policy, the amount Two Times amount of expenditure incurred for
drawing the policy shall be recovered as penalty from the 1st R.A. bill of the contractor as
penalty to the Contractor.
4.5.3 If completion period of work is Extended, then period of labour Insurance must be
renewed/ extended as per requirement.
(5) Government of Maharashtra Department of Industries, Energy and labour Mantralaya
Mumbai GR No BCA-2009/ Case No 108/ Labour -7 A Dt 17.6.2010.
(A) Cess @ 1% (One percent) shall be deducted at source, from every bill of the contractor

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
by the Executive engineer under Building and other construction for workers welfare, cess
act 1996.
(6) INCOME TAX at the rate of 2% ( Or as Revised by the Income Tax Department)
From any sum payable to the contractor shall at the time of Credit of such sum or at the time
of payment to the Contractor by Cash, Cheque or Draft or any other Mode be Deducted at
the source from his Running/ Final or any other type of Payment. for this Contract, as per
Section’ 194 of Income Tax Act,l96l.
(7) Contractor shall submit a certificate to the effect that “All the payments to the labour /staff
are made in bank accounts of staff linked to Unique Identification Number (AADHAR
CARD).” The certificate shall be submitted by the contractor within 60 days from the
commencement of contract. If the time period of contract is less than 60 days then such
certificates shall be submitted within 15 days from the date of commencement of contract.
(8) Contractor should permit officers from PWD to visit /inspect ongoing / executed work and
shall comply all deficiencies noted out/ instructions given in inspection at site.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
. Annexure I
Supervising Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA)
Concrete Works
I) Concrete Batch Plant /Reversible Drum Mix Plant
Fully Automatic Micro processor based SCADA Enabled Concrete Batch Mix Plant (Pan
Mixer) of minimum 18-20 cubic meter per hour capacity of any standard company.
The Engineer may at his discretion, allow in writing hand mixing of concrete for minor items where
small quantities are involved but in that case the Contractor shall increase the cement content of the
mixture by 10% without any extra cost.
Conventional type mechanical mixer if found necessary for particular item, may
be used with permission of Engineer-in-charge
The form work used shall be made preferably of steel or with lining of steel.
Wooden shutters may be allowed at the discretion of the Engineer e.g. lintels, small slabs and
beams coping, etc.
The concrete shall be mechanically vibrated for proper compaction by the method approved by the
The concrete shall be cured only by sweet potable water for full 21 days after the time or the period
specified in the detailed specification or as may be directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Minimum Cement content of concrete shall be as per prevailing I.S. Code.
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
Engineer In charge shall allocate unique identification number to the work of this Contract. For all
bituminous items under this contract, the contractor shall provide web based
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) arrangements for the following -
(i) Weight of Aggregate of all bins
(ii) Weight of Cement
(iii) Weight of Sand
(iv) Weight of Water
(v) Weight of Admixture
II) Transportation- Transit Mixer / Pumps
Transit mixers and / or concrete pumps of desired number and capacity with SCADA.
Vehicle tracking system (VTS) for all vehicles transporting and laying bituminous mix. The GPS data
should be directly sent to the PWD server with important parameters like latitude, longitude, Speed,
Course, date and time.
Displaying locations transit mixtures on GIS map. Communicate the Data which is beyond the set
parameters by SMS and email to the representative of Engineer In charge for all above
(IV) Material Testing and Testing Results
All the material shall be tested at PWD Regional and District Labs and Testing letters shall be
generated by Sub Division using PWD website application. The contractors shall pay testing charges
online and PWD lab will generate test result and send to contractors email ID and PWD Division ID.
The results of testing material along with payment transactions shall be integrated with PWD
applications like e-Bill, Accounts and Online Observation memo
(V) Use of e-Bill and e-MB software
The contractor shall submit e-Bill and e-Mb using PWD software. All the respective Bitumen Challan,
Royalty Passes, Cement and Steel Purchase Invoices and photos of works progress shall be uploaded
while submitting e-Bill. The payment of work shall be release only if contractor submits bill using PWD
e-Billing software. For Details Refer annexure K
(VI) Online Work Order and Bar chart Submission

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Online work order shall be generated once the lowest bidder pays the initial security deposit and
uploads the Bar chart of the progress of work. No work order shall be given if Bar Chart is not uploaded
by the contractor
(VII) Off Line SCADA
In case of Signal is not available then the Print out data from the SCADA System install with date and
time tag shall be made available duly certified from the Engineer In charge after saving this data the
SCADA Result will be acceptable
(1) The cost of procuring, establishing, running, operating & maintaining SCADA including all
Censors, Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) and any other instrumentation, automation required to acquire
the desired data, mentioned above.
2) Web connectivity to all locations where data is being acquired, transmitted, processed, stored and
retrieved with minimum speed of 1 MPBS and 100 % availability. The contactor shall provide the web
application in such a manner that it shall first update the above data in real time on PWD’s works
monitoring e-governance web application automatically.
(3) Web-based application including Computer Software, Hardware etc. to transmit, process, store and
retrieve the data in the forms and formats as prescribed by the Engineer In charge.
(4) Arrangement for security of data, Disaster recovery arrangements shall be as per I.T.
Industry practice, during the construction period and upto defect liability period.(DLP). Handing over
the data on the Web Server after DLP in Electronic form as instructed by Engineer In charge.
(5) Calibration of all SCADA related attachments /accessories as per the specification:-
Web based application to monitor the schedule of Calibration of all SCADA related
attachment/accessories. The invalidity of calibration shall lead to non-acceptance of
work or measurement and the Contractor shall not be paid for such non-accepted work
or measurements
(6) Submission of printed and authenticated reports to the Engineer Incharge as and when required.
(7) Point (1) to (6) above shall be arranged and maintained during contract period and defect liability
(8) Cost includes rectification, fine tuning, corrections, additions & alterations to the system to the
satisfaction of Engineer In charge.
(9) All data generated as per this special condition of contract shall be the property of PWD.
The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangement required above (Supervising control and data
acquisition for Bituminous/ WBM/ concrete works/ all cement works/ masonry/ plaster/ Testing
Equipments items) well in advance before starting of the related items of work. All necessary
arrangements so made shall be offered for inspection to Engineer In charge one month prior to the start
of the related items of work. Changes if any, after his inspection suggested by the Engineer
In charge shall be carried out at no extra cost and within the period of Three days. A fresh request for
inspection, of Engineer In charge after such rectifications shall be requested by the Contractor and final
approval to the SCADA arrangements shall be obtained

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Annexure II


Use of e-Bill and e-MB software
The contractor shall submit e-Bill and e-Mb using PWD software. All the respective Bitumen Challan,
Royalty Passes, Cement and Steel Purchase Invoices and photos of works progress shall be uploaded
while submitting e-Bill. The payment of work shall be release only if contractor submits bill using PWD e-
Billing software.
(i)Payments to contractor shall be made by uploading the running account or final bill through online Ebill/EMB
software of PWD with requisite documents required to pass the bill such uploaded vide RTGS or any other online
payment system as approval by government provided the amount exceeds Rs one hundred.” It is mandatory to
submit the ebill by contractor using PWD e-Billing system
(ii) Government have introduced new EMB and EBiII online system in lieu of conventional system for recording
measurements of work executed. This new EMB system is a replica of old system in digital form and carry same
significance as that of Manual / Normal Billing system
(iii) Payments to contractor shall be made by uploading the running account or final bill through online
Ebill/EMB software available on department website along with uploading of requisite documents required to
pass the bill by the Contractor. Such uploaded bill after scrutiny shall be paid vides RTGS or any other online
payment system as approved by government
(iv) Running account bill or final bill as the case may be shall be submitted by contractor in prescribed format
through online Ebill/EMB software available on department website with uploading all necessary documents,
testing reports, material invoices as required. Contractor get himself familiar with E-Bill software and obtain
login Id and password from the department. If contractor failed to upload the bill as required by Engineer in
charge, Engineer in charge can generate and pass the bill and shall be binding on contractor.”
Instructions to contractor
(A) The website for the submission of e-bill is under which “Online AMS” link is
available under “Important application” tab
(B)The work will be allocated to contractor by Division office and BOQ will be uploaded by Division/Sub
(C) The logins shall be provided to the contractors by the Division to submit e-Bill.
(D)TYPICAL MEASUREMENT/Hidden measurement shall be uploaded by contractors.
(E)The e-Bill recorded by the contractor will sent to Sub Division office and will be checked online by
concerned Junior Engineer and Sub Divisional Engineer and will be sent to Executive Engineer office for
(F) The progress of e-bill at the verifications steps and approvals shall be intimated to contractor by email It is
advised to all the contractors to download user manual and submit e-Bill accordingly.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
(1) Construction Machinery / Equipments:
1.1 The methodology and equipments to be used on the project shall be furnished by the
Contractor to the Engineer-In-Charge well in advance of commencement of work and
approval of the Engineer-In-Charge obtained prior to its adoption and use.
1.2 The Contractor shall give, a trial run of the equipment for establishing its capability to
achieve the laid down specifications and tolerance to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-
Charge before commencement of work, if so desired by the Engineer-In-Charge.
1.3 All equipments provided shall be of proven efficiency and shall be operated and
maintained at all times in the manner acceptable to the Engineer-In-Charge.
1.4 No equipment or personnel shall be removed from the site without permission of the
(2) Work Programme and Methodology of construction:
The Contractor shall furnish his programme of construction, for execution of the work within the
stipulated time schedule together with methodology of construction of each item or work and
obtain the approval of the Engineer-In-Charge to the revised programme, if necessary/
(3) Revised Programme of Work in case of slippage:
In case of slippage from the approved work programme at any stage, the contractor shall furnish
revised programme to make up slippage within the stipulated time schedule and obtain the
approval of the Engineer-in-charge to the revised programme.
(4) Action in case disproportionate progress:
In case of extremely poor progress of the work or any item at any stages of work which in the
opinion of the Engineer-In-Charge can not be made good by the Contractor considering his
available resources, the Engineer-In-Charge will get it accelerated to make up the lost time
through any other agency, and recover the additional cost incurred, If any, in getting the work
done from the Contractor after informing him about the action envisaged by him.
(5) The responsibility of assuring the quality of work shall be on the contractor who shall
take actions as stipulated in standard specification as per “Schedule C”.
(6) Labour Licence : It shall be obligatory on the part of the contractor to obtained the
necessary labour License from the labour Department within fortnight of issue of work order.
(7) Setting out : Setting out the works as spelt out in clause 109 of Ministry’s specifications
for Road and Bridge works (2nd Revision) will be carried out by the Contractor.
(8) Public Utilities : Action in respect of public utilities will be taken by the Contractor as
envisaged in Clause 110 of Ministry’s Specifications for Road and Bridge work (2nd Revision).

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
(9) Arrangement for traffic during construction : Action for arrangement for traffic
during construction will be taken by the Contractor as envisaged in the contract documents and
spelt out in clause 112 of MORTH Specification for Road and Bridge Work (2001)
(10) It shall be responsibility of the contractor to achieve quality of work as stipulated in
section 900 of MORTH Specification for Road and Bridge Work (2001)
(11) MORTH Specification for Road and Bridges Work latest edition with all
amendments) :
MORTH Specification for Road and Bridge Work (2001) shall form part of the contract
documents and the contractors shall be legally bound to the various provisions made therein
unless and otherwise specifically relaxed or waived wholly or partly by any special clauses in
the contract documents.
(12) Applicable in case of Road works only.
The details of the paver, specified in the clause 504.3.5 will be relaxed in the case of bituminous
macadam (clause 504) where it is going to be covered by any wearing course other than semi-
dense Bituminous Concrete (Clause 501) / Bituminous Concrete (clause 512) or by a base
course of Dense Bituminous Macadam (clause 507) with the provision that it can be laid by
means of self propelled mechanical paver with suitable screeds capable of spreading temping
and finishing the mixture to the specified lines grades and cross sections.
(13) Special Condition for B.T. work :
In respect of Black Top Work, 15% (FifteenP.C.) payment of Black Top in a particular km will
be retained till completion of side berms / C.D. Works etc. in that km. After completion of other
items satisfactorily, the withheld payment will be released finally.
(14) The contractor has to ensure that the hot mix temperature is within the specified range as
per MOST specification at the time of laying of hot mix.
(15) The location of the hot mix plant to be used for the work shall not more than 60 Kms
from the farthest point of work, measured along motarble road.
(16) (a) The aggregate required for the item of Hot Mix shall be screened in ”mechanical
Vibratory Screening Unit” so as to comply with the grading requirement as specified in
MORT&H specification and then only shall be fed to the Hot Mix Plant for heating and mixing.
The Mechanical Vibratory screening unit shall it consist of main input hopper to receive raw
metal, conveyor belt to transport it to the “Mechanical Vibratory Screening Unit.” The
Mechanical Vibratory screening unit shall have required number of trays, sieves/decks as
directed by Engineer In charge. The output of Mechanical Vibratory Screening unit shall be
conveyed to the “storage unit /feeder”. The metal so supplied from the “Mechanical Vibratory

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Screening unit” at site shall not exempt the contractor from carrying out tests as specified in the
(b) However if the mechanical Vibratory Screening unit is installed at quarry site, the contractor
shall provide Vehicle Tracking System for all vehicles used for the particular work of PWD.The
contractor shall provide web application that will show all vehicles of the contractor on a GIS
map along with the hot mix plant .The contractor shall also provide software that will update the
entire mapping on the PWD’s e-governance works management system. The system of complete
management of VTS for monitoring by the PWD staff shall have to be provided by Contractor at
his own cost.
(c) The above condition of installation of Mechanical vibratory screening unit shall be exempted
only, if the contractor uses the batch mix plant (Min 120 TPH) with SCADA base e-
monitoring system.
(17) For Grade –I /Grade-II / Grade –III / WBM and for BUSG work metal shall be
supplied at site only after screening it on “mechanical vibratory screening unit”. The special
“mechanical vibratory screening unit” arrangement shall consist of main input hopper to receive
raw metal, conveyor belt to transport it to the “mechanical vibratory screening unit”. The
“mechanical vibratory screening unit” shall have required number of trays, sieves/decks as
directed by the Engineering in charge. The output of “mechanical vibratory screening unit” shall
be conveyed to “storage Unit” where metal of different sizes, shall be stored separately.
Metal so supplied shall undergo all the tests as per the specifications.
As a input to the main input hopper, contractor may use hand broken metal or output of primary
crusher of size not less than 24“x18”
The metal so supplied from the “mechanical Vibratory screening unit” at site shall not exempt
the contractor from carrying out tests as specified in the specifications.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Annexure III

For Earthwork, Drain work, and Road work Contractor shall engage an experienced

survey agency in consultation with Engineer-in charge with all necessary modern instruments,

equipments, tools etc. The Agency shall help departmental Engineers in carrying out survey

work, collection of data plotting of "L" section, Cross section, Road plan, drainage plan,

estimation of quantities etc. before start of the road work. If required and as directed by

Engineers-in charge, surveying, plotting, estimation etc. shall be done again and again for whole

or part portion of the work till final solution to the satisfaction of the Engineers-in charge is

worked out. Contractor shall submit all surveyed data, plotting, plans & estimate in sort as-well-

as in hard copy to the department. All submission in soft & hard copies shall be departmental

property, under intellectual property rights. Contractor can not put any claims over it.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer


NAME OF WORK;- Construction of Cultural Hall in Adiwasi Area For Cultural
Activities at Morshi.

Sr. Name of Approximate unit Rate at which the material will be Remarks
No. Material Quantity to be charged to Contractor
stipulated In Figures In words
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

---------------- NIL ----------------

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer


NAME OF WORK: Construction of Cultural Hall in Adiwasi Area For Cultural
Activities at Morshi.
Sr. Name of Material Approximate unit Remark
No. Quantity to be
1 2 3 4 5
1) All the materials are to be procured and
1 Cement 0.00 One brought by the contractor at the site at his
Metric own risk and cost.
Tonne 2) Physical properties shall be confirmed
with M.O.S.T./I.S./ I.R.C specification.
3) Stipulated test shall be carried out by the
2 Steel TMT 0.00 One contractor at his own cost as per the
Metric frequency.
Tonne 4) Custody of material shall be sole
responsibility of the contractor.
3 Bitumen 0.00 One 5) The proof of purchase of all materials
Metric should be produced during the execution of
Tonne work and along with bill
6) The grade of cement shall be got
approved from the Engineer – in- Charge
7) R.C.C Pipe should be purchase from
MSSIDC only from MSSIDC and proof of
purchase to be enclosed with R.A Bill.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
(1) Cement :
Cement to be used for the work shall comply the following and shall be used with the prior
approval of Engineer –in –charge
a) Ordinary Portland cement confirming to the I.S.: 8112 shall be used. Independent testing of
cement used, shall be done by the contractor at site and in the laboratory approved by the
Engineer before use. Any cement with lower quality than that shown in the manufactures
certificate shall be debarred from use. In case of finally ground cement or imported cement, the
Engineer may direct the contractor to satisfy him as to the acceptability of such cement,
especially with regard to creep and shrinkage effect. Any consignment or part of a consignment
of cement, which has deteriorated in any way, shall not be used in the works and shall be
removed from the site by the contractor without charge to the employer. Cement shall be
transported, handled and stored on the site in such a manner as to avoid deterioration and
contamination. Each consignment shall be stored separately so that it may be readily identified
and inspected and cement shall be used in the sequence in which is delivered at site.
The contractor shall prepare and maintain proper records on site in respect of the delivery,
handling storage and use of cement and these records shall be available for inspection by the
Engineer at all times.
b)Use of fly ash to replace/ reduce standard quantity of cement content is not allowed
(2) H.Y.S.D./T.M.T Steel
High yield strength deformed (H.Y.S.D.)/ TMT bars shall comply with IS: 1786 and “Mild
Steel” bars shall comply with IS: 432.
All reinforcement shall be free from rust loose mill scale or coats of Oil, Paints etc. which may
destroy bond and protected by anti corrosive treatment before placing in position for concreting.
The agency should use the steel manufactured by the Main Producers only. No re-rolled steel
shall be incorporated in the work.
(3) II Class Burnt Brick
II nd Class burnt clay brick without frog shall not be any case. The brick with frog
10 to 20 mm deep on one of its side only shall only be accepted. The diameter of the bricks
shall be strictly in accordance with the Indian standard 12894 2002 .If the size of bricks is
found to be more than that of specified in the item of work, the rate will be proportionally
reduced because of reduced joints and labour .The size of bricks smaller than the specified in
the item of work shall not be accepted. The sample of bricks shall be got approved from the
Engineer -In -charge before using the same in the work. It shall be the responsibility of the
contractor to got tested the sample of bricks for the physical charcterstatics from the approved
laboratory and submit the test report to be Engineer in charge before using the bricks in the
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
(4).Bulk / Packed Bitumen
(a) VG -30 ( 60/70 ),VG 10 (80/100), grade bitumen as specified in respective items shall be
(b) Bitumen brought on site confirm to the requirement of the pertinent grade in I.S. 73 –
1992. (With latest Amendments)
(c) Testing has to be arranged by the contractor from recognized laboratory at his own cost
for all tests mentioned in I.S. 73 – 1992. (With latest Amendments)
(d) The material brought by the agency will be open to check by Executive Engineer-in-
charge or his representative at all times. The agency should draw the D.D. on the
refinery on account of Engineer-in-charge He should submit bill from the refinery itself only.
No. other bill than refinery unit will be accepted by department and no claim of contractor will
be admissible. For other activities, like storage, weighments, specification number RD 42, Page
216 referred. Contractor has to arrange static tanks for storage of bulk bitumen. If it is decided to
procure bulk bitumen contractor shall intimate Engineer in charge well in advance. Consignment
will not be allowed to unload until its weight is checked on Weigh Bridge by department
persons. Bitumen shall be procured from Govt. Refinery only.
(5) Rejection of Materials not conforming to specification:
Any Stock or batch of material(s) of which sample(s) does not confirm to the prescribed
test and quality, shall be rejected by the Engineer or his representative and such materials shall
be removed from site by the contractor at his own cost. Such rejected materials shall not be
made acceptable by any modifications.
Materials not corresponding in character and quality with approved samples will be
rejected by the Engineer or his representative and shall be removed from the site immediately
and will not be allowed to use for any component of work.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
1) All the materials required for construction of work shall be arranged by the contractor at his own
cost. The samples of material to be procured shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-charge
and material as per approved samples shall only be procured.
2) The contractor shall submit periodically as well as on completion of work, an account of all
materials brought by him in a manner as directed by Engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall
also furnish monthly account of materials; a separate register shall be maintained on site for
recording daily item wise receipt and consumption of Cement, Steel and Asphalt used by him,
also item wise consumption of other materials used. This register shall be signed daily by the
contractor or his representative and representative of Engineer-in-charge.
3) All the materials required for the work shall be brought by the contractor at his own cost. In each
case, certificate for its quality and quantity shall be produced by the contractor at his own cost
and the test results of samples shall be supplied to the Department. The material not confirming
to the required standard shall be removed at once from the site of the work by the Contractor at
his own cost.
4) Testing of all construction material shall be carried out as per required frequency and
specifications and the charges for testing shall be borne by the contractor
5) All the testing charges for mix design etc. if necessary on construction work shall be borne by
the contractor.
6) The contractor shall construct shed / sheds as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge of the work
for storing the materials brought at site. The material shall be taken out for use in the presence of
the departmental representative only.
7) The contractor shall make his own arrangement for the safe custody of the materials which are
brought for construction of work.
8) The contractor shall not transfer any material once brought at work site without prior written
permission from Engineer-in-charge and for bonafied reasons only.
9) In case the materials brought by the contractor become surplus owing to the change in the design
of the work, the materials should be taken back by the contractor at his own cost after prior
permission of the Engineer-in-charge.
10) The charge for conveyance of materials from the place of delivery to the site of work and the
actual sport on work site shall be entirely borne by the contractor. No claims on his account shall
be entertained.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
11) The contractor shall furnish the account of cement, steel, asphalt brought by him at each time
before placing orders for further supply. Also the same should submit on completion of the
work, final account of the materials used by him to the Department. This account will be
scrutinised by the Engineer-in-charge.
12) All empty cement bags or empty asphalt drums shall be the property of contractor and the same
shall be removed immediately after completion of work.
13) The contractor shall procure the pipes if required for this work from M.S.S.I.D.C. only. Proof of
purchasing of pipe should be submitted.
14) Agency shall ensure that the laying temperature of hot mix material shall be as specified and
accordingly he shall make arrangements for preventing loss of temperature of hot mix material
during transit from location of drum mix plant to work site.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
As Per Govt G.R.P.W.Department Circular Vide No. Dt. 27.3.2019 the following Conditions are
included in the tender document.
1. Instructions for purchase of Bitumen.

1.1 In order to avoid delay in completion of work Contractor is permitted to purchase the bulk
Bitumen from oil refineries such as Hindustan Petroleum or Bharat Petroleum or any other
refineries under private sector on the condition that Purchased bulk bitumen shall have the viscosity
grade as per prescribed Norms and Specifications.
1.2 Contractor shall apply following methodology for use of bulk bitumen which is obtained from
Indian oil refineries or other private refineries.
(1) Contractor executing road works under Public Works Department is permitted to procure bulk
bitumen from public sector / private sector/ Indian refinaries / Private Semi Government and Indian
suppliers of foreign refinaries or any other Government Contractor / Local manufacturer.
(2) Contractors and field officer as per the need of the work can procure VG-30 grade bulk Bitumen
as below.
Sr.No Quantity of Bulk Bitumen to be Source of Supply of Bulk Bitumen
1 For Requirement of bulk bitumen 1.Local Bitumen suppliers
500 MT or Below 2.Authorised Contractor / Supplier of private /
public Sector / Oil refineries
3.Contractor / supplier who maintains large stock
of bitumen for the purpose of sale.
2 For Requirement of bulk bitumen 1.Direct purchase from public sector oil
more than 500 MT refineries
2.Direct purchase from private sector oil
3.Contractor / supplier who procures bulk
bitumen from oil refineries and maintains huge
stock of bitumen for the purpose of sale.
4.Supplier who imports foreign bitumen for
further supply to private refineries.
3 Only for experimental basis 1. Supplier / Dealer of foreign refineries
(Length fixed upto 1500 Km for importing directly bulk bitumen of Grade
Each P.W.Region) VG-30 in India from foreign refineries for

Note – Permission has been granted to use VG-30 grade bulk bitumen procured from foreign refineries
for the road works under Government of Maharashtra on experimental basis for the period from
01/04/2019 to 31/3/2020.
(3) Supplier / Contractor shall have to follow the following terms and conditions for use of Viscosity
Grade Bulk Bitumen procured from private sector or any other oil refineries .
(A) Viscosity Grade of Bulk Bitumen used for the work shall be conforming to the norms of Indian
Standard I.S. 73:2013.
(B) It is binding on the contractor to submit Bill invoices containing CRC (Consignce receipt
certificate) and GST, in triplicate. It is binding on all the refineries to mention the name of work
on consignee receipt certificate.
(C) It is also binding on the contractor to obtain and submit the manufacturers laboratory report for
Concerned Batch and laboratory report carried out at his owned lab.
(D) Submission of necessary lab report, CRC, Consignee order and tax invoices is essential at the
time of payment.
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
(E) It is also necessary to have following test facilities at site for the work costing more than Rs.5.00
(i) Penetration test
(ii) Softening test
(iii) Seperation Test
(iv) Elastic Recovery test
(v) Adultration test.
1.3.2 Instruction Regarding recovery or payment of Price escalation due to increase or decrease
in rate of bulk bitumen.
Following instructions shall be followed for payments of price escalation of bitumen used in
the work procured from private sector or any other refineries.
(i) While fixing the star rate of bitumen for payment of price escalation, the difference in the
rate of bitumen on the date of acceptance of tender (The refinery with lowest rate) and the
rate of bitumen on the date of procurement from private sector shall be considered.
(ii) The refinery with lowest rate from any public or private sector refineries shall be considered
for calculation of payment of price escalation to the contractor due to increase in the rate of
bitumen (refer Govt Resoulation No. CAT/2017 Case No. 08/Buld-2 Dt 27.9.2018)
(iii) The refinery with highest rate of bitumen from public or private sector refineries shall be
considered and difference will be calculated towards recovery from contractor.
2. Instruction regarding procurement of Cement.
2.1 Long back Cement (Levy rate) was made available at fixed rate. Cement was procured by
State Government and the same was made available to the Contractor at Recoverable fixed
Schedule ‘A’ rate . Now the contractor is free to purchase the cement from any manufacturing
company or their authorized dealer.
2.2 Instruction towards payment of price escalation due to increased in rate and recovery due to
decreased in rate of cement.
For Calculation of Escalation the star rate mentioned in the tender and rate paid at the time of
purchase of cement, the difference in rate shall be considered for payment of escalation.
3. Instruction for purchase of steel.
3.1 Long back, the steel was made available as a Schedule ‘A’ material and the recovery of
supplied steel is made at fixed rate. Now the Govt has stopped providing Schedule ‘A’
material. Now the contractor is free to procure steel from main manufacturing companies
(SAIL, TATA Steel, ISPAT) or Govt directed any other manufacturing companies or their
authorized dealers.
3.2 Instructions towards payment of price escalation due to increase in rate and recovery due to
decrease in rate .
The star rate mentioned in the tender and the rate paid at the time of purchase of steel and
total consumption of steel in the work shall be considered while calculating price escalation
(For payment of price escalation the instruction given in Govt Resolution No. CAT/2017/Pra.
Kra 08/Building-2 Dt. 27/9/2018)
4. Responsibility for quality and quantity of building material (Bitumen, steel, cement)

Following procedure shall be adopted for purchase of imported bitumen procured from
private sector refineries and purchase of steel and cement from private supplier.
i) It is binding on the contractor to submit Invoices (Which contains GST number) for
purchase of bitumen from private / public sector refineries or private authorized
dealers of supplying imported building material.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
ii) Contractor is fully responsible for the authenticity of the invoices submitted with the
bill for the purchase of steel, cement and bitumen as per above mention para no.
1.3.1(3) (C and D) .
iii) The responsibility of Government officers working under P.W.D. shall be upto the
limit of quality and quantity of various building material (Steel Cement Bitumen)
used in roads and buildings. Executive Engineers, Deputy Engineers , Sectional
Engineers etc will not held responsible for genuineness of invoice submitted by the
contractor along with bill. In future if the invoices submitted by the contractor is
found fake or bogus, it is binding on the Executive Engineer to register FIR against
the contractor. If the invoices are found fake or bogus after finalization of agreement
then in that case Executive Engineer is responsible for registering the FIR against the
contractor as per Indian Penal Code.
iv) Powers of enquiry has been delegated to Executive Engineer towards verification of
genuineness / authenticity of voucher / Invoice in case of doubt. After due
verification of Invoices regarding purchase of building material if found fake or
bogus, it is the responsibility of Executive Engineer to register FIR as per Indian
Penal Code.

(V) Test of steel Cement and other building material.

Field officers are held responsible for carrying out various quality control test of
steel/cement / other building material as per the norms fixed by Indian standard
beurow for the material procured by contractor.
On the basis of Consumption of Steel/ cement, required quality control test as per
frequency chart shall be carried out.
On the basis of total quality control test , 30% test has been carried out in the
laboratory of Public Works Department and 70% test shall be carried out in field
laboratory installed by the contractor at site.
Contractor can carry out quality control test from the laboratory of Engineering
Colleges or any other Government laboratory in case if the Public Works Department
laboratory is not abailable.
(VI) F.I.R. in nearest police station shall be register if the contractor is found guilty prima-
fecie in submission of fake invoices to the department. The contractor shall be
debarred from tendering process of the department as per contract act.
(Contractor shall be black listed forever for works in PWD)
(VII) If Grade testing facility of bitumen is not available with the field officer, then it shall
be made available. Facility of Grade test of bitumen must be available with all Sub-
Divisions under P.W. Department. The necessary equipment shall be procured within 3
months. 1% quality control charges shall be utilized for procurement of equipment.
(VIII) Contractors shall have facility of various bitumen test / quality control test and having
modern machineries and equipment are only eligible for competitive bidding process.
This type of condition shall be included in future tender.
(IX) Contractor shall only be responsible for delay in payment of bill, if he does not
submits, Invoices towards consumption of steel / cement / bitumen in the work, in
quadruplicate (4 copies) to the sub-division upto fifth day of each month. One copy
out of four will be duly signed by Executive Engineer and returned to the contractor
for their Tax and Audit purpose.
(X) Contractor shall submit consumption statement of various materials consumed in the
work duly signed in prescribed proforma while submitting the invoices. Executive
Engineer and Divisional Accountant will signed the same after due verification.
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Contractor shall submit invoices as per consumption statement and certify the invoices
as it is true and bonafied and not fake. (Bogus). This certificate will be signed by the
Executive Engineer and Divisional Accountant. Action of registering FIR against the
contractor could be taken if the invoices are found fake or bogus.
5. Instructions regarding procurement of bitumen obtained from foreign manufacturing refineries.
Permission has been granted to use VG 30 grade bitumen procured from foreign refineries for
the road works under P.W. Department on experimental basis for the period from 01/4/2019 to
31/03/2020 for fixed length of 1500 km for each Public Works Region. These roads will be
under supervision for 2 years for future course of action (Performance) regarding durability and
further use of bitumen. Conclusion on the basis of noting can be drawn . After study of these
works during defect liability period and technical inspection by third party (I.I.T, V.J.I.T,
V.N.I.T etc) of future course of action will be decided at Govt. level regarding procurement of
bitumen from foreign refineries.
Following conditions shall be fulfillied for bitumen procured from foreign refineries.
(1) Bitumen shall be conforming to Indian Standard bureau code IS 73:2013
(2) Refineries shall submit test report along with invoice to the contractor as per the batch of the
material. Contractor shall submit these invoices along with manufacturer’s test report carried out
in their owned laboratory in triplicate to the department.
(3) Foreign refineries shall have its owned laboratory in India. Contractor shall have to submit test
reports in foreign owned laboratory in India after procurement of bitumen in India.
(4) The rate of VG-30 grade bitumen of foreign refinery and the rate of public sector refinery on the
same date in India, out of which only lowest rate shall be preferred while calculating price
escalation. In case of Negative escalation the highest rate of above mentioned rates shall be
(5) The bitumen shall only be used after obtaining satisfactory test results from Government
approved laboratory for bitumen procured from foreign refineries contractor is liable for
correcting defects if noticed during execution of work at his own cost due to quality control test
not found as per Indian standard . Failure to do so, the department will execute the work at the
risk and cost of the contractor. The expenditure incurred for correction of defects will be
recovered as arrears of land revenue. Contractor shall have to submit such type of undertaking to
the department.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Annexure- V
Special Condition for Setting of Field Laboratory
The Contractor shall have to establish a field laboratory at work site / Plant with following minimum
equipments on the instant work at his own cost. These instruments are conforming to IS Specifications
duly calibrated from competent agency. Contractor has to carry out the calibration of said instruments as
directed by the Engineer – in- charge on expiry date of calibration. On completion of work in all
respect, the equipments will be the sole property of the contractor.
1) Hydraulic Compression Testing Machine, hand operated 100 tonnes 1 Nos
Capacity. Conform to the requirements of IS 516-1959,IS:4858-2000
2) Cube Moulds 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm size conforming to IS: 1 set of 12 Nos
516-1959, IS:10086-1982
Cube Moulds 75 mm x 75 mm x 75 mm 1 set of 6 Nos.
3) Slump apparatus conforming to IS:7320 1 No
4) Test sieves of 100 mm , 80 mm,63 mm ,50 mm,25 mm,,12.5 mm 2 sets
10 mm , 4.75 mm , 2.36 mm , 1.18 mm, 600 micron, 300 micron ,
90 micron, 150 micron and other required sieves.
5) 15 cm dia aggregate crushing value apparatus as per IS:2386 1 No
(Part IV)-1963
6) Impact testing machine with cylinder of 75 mm dia and 50 mm depth 1 No
And tamping rod of 10 mm dia and 230 mm long.
7) Psycnometer with metal mould and dryer 1 No
8) Le –chatelier apparatus as per IS:4031with glass sheets 1 No
9) Vicat apparatus as per IS:4031 1 No
10) Vibration machine with 6 moulds as per IS:4031 1 No
11) Graduated cylinder of glass 100,250,500 and 1000 ml capacity 3 Nos each.
12) Electric oven , thermostatically controlled upto 200 ˚c , chamber 1 No
Space 40 cm x40cm x40cm
13) Concrete Test Hammer (rebound hammer) of impact energy 1 No
2.207 Nm (0.225 Kgm) as per IS:1331(part -2)-1992
14) Balance 1 kg , 5 kg and 15 kg capacity having sensibility less 1 No each
Than 0.1 gms.
15) Miscellaneous items such as mixing trays, rice trays, 1 No each
Karni , hot plate etc.
16) Thickness and length gauge as per IS:2386(Part I)-1983 1 No each
17) Bitumen extraction machine 1 No
18) Density apparatus by sand replacement method 1 No.
19) Sieves as per MOST for various bitumen activities 1 Set for each
Note –
1. Out of above list, equipments essential for execution of the work under consideration shall
be available field laboratory / Plant laboratory.
2. If The contractor fails to Establish field laboratory / Plant laboratory the Rs 5.00 lakhs
shall be recovered from First RA bill. However Rs 4.00 lakhs Shall be Released after
establishment of laboratory and rs 1.00 lakhs shall be forfeited.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Annexure- VI


S. N. Material Test Frequency of Testing Remarks.

1 Sand i) Fineness Modules ii) At the beginning & if there is

Silt Content change in source.
2 Metal i) Crushing Value ii) One test per 200 cum or part PWD hand book
Impact Value iii) thereof. I.S.2386 Part-IV
Abrasion value iv)
Water Absorption v)
Flakiness Index vi)
Stripping value vii)
3 Cement Comp. Strength Upto 5 cum - 1 set M.O.RT H.
Concrete 6 - 15 - 2 sets specification 1717
16 – 30 - 3 sets (Fifth revision Table
31 – 50 - 4 sets No. 1700-9)
51 & Above - 4 sets +
1 additional set for each 50
cum or part thereof.
Rigid M.O.RT H.
Pavement specification 900
(Fifth revision Table
No. 900-6)
4 Cement i) Comp. Strength One test for each consignment I.S. 8112 -1989
ii) Initial setting time of 50 MT (1000 bags) or
iii) Final setting time part thereof.
iv) Specific Gravity v)
Soundness vi)
5 Steel i)Weight per meter One test for every 5.0 METRIC I.S. 432
ii) Ultimate Tensile TONNE or part thereof for each IS 1786-1985
stress diameter.
iii) Yield stress
iv) Elongation
6 Granular i) Gradation One test per 400 cum. M.ORTH.specificatio
Sub Base ii) Aturberg limits One test per 400 cum. n Table 900-3
iii) Moisture content One test per 400 cum. .(fifth revision 2013)
prior to compaction.
iv) Density and One test per 1000 sqm
compacted layer
v) CBR As required
7 Water i) Aggregate Impact One test per 1000 cum. MORTH.specificatio
bound value n Table 900-3
macadam ii) Gradation One test per 250 cum. .(fifth revision 2013)
iii) Flakiness Index & One test per 500 cum.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
S. N. Material Test Frequency of Testing Remarks.

Elongation Index.
Iv) Atterberg limits of 1 test per 50 cum of binding
binding material. material.
V) Atterberg limits of One test per 100 cum. Of
portion of aggregates aggregate
passing 425 Micron.
8 Wet Mix i) Aggregate Impact One test per 1000 cum. M.ORTH.specificatio
Macadam value n Table 900-3
ii) Gradation One test per 200 cum. .(fifth revision 2013)
iii) Flakiness Index & One test per 500 cum.
Elongation Index.
iv) Atterberg limits of 1 test per 200 cum of binding
portion of aggregates material.
passing 425 Micron.
v) Density of One set of 3 test per 1000 Sqm
Compacted layer
9 Prime coat i)Quality of binder No. of samples per lot and M.ORTH.specificatio
/ tack coat tests as per I.S. 73, I.S. 217 n Table 900-3
/ Fog spray ii) Binder and I.S. 8887 as applicable. .(fifth revision 2013)
Temperature At regular close intervals,
iii) Rate of spread of three test per day

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
S. N. Material Test Frequency of Testing Remarks.

10. Seal coat / i)Quality of binder Same as mentioned under M.ORTH.specificatio

surface Sr.No.9 n Table 900-3
dressing. ii) Impact value / Los 1 test per 200 cum of .(fifth revision 2013)
Angles Abrasion aggregate
Iii) Flakiness & 1 test per 100 cum.
elongation index
iv) Stripping value of 1 test for each source of
aggr. . . supply.subsquently
(Immersion tray test) whenever there is change in
v) Water absorption the quality of aggregates

vi)Water sensitivity of
mix (if required)
viii) Soundness 2 test per day
1 test for each source of
whenever there is change in
the quality of aggregates
ix) Temp. of binder
At regular intervals,
x)Rate of spread of
materials 3 test per day

11 Open i) Quality of binder Same as per Sr.No. 9 M.ORTH.specificatio

graded ii) Impact / Abrasion Same as per Sr.No. 10 n Table 900-3
premix value .(fifth revision 2013)
surfacing /iii) Flakiness & -----do-----
close elongation index -----do-----
graded iv) Stripping value ----do-----
premix v) Water absorption -----do-----
surfacing. vi) Gradation -----do-----
vii) Water sensitivity -----do-----
of mix
viii) Soundness -----do-----
ix) Temp binder At regular close intervals.
x)Binder content 2 test per plant.
12 Bituminous i) Quality of binder Same as per Sr.No.9 M.ORTH.specificatio
Macadam ii) Impact / Abrasion Same as per Sr.No.10 n Table 900-3
value .(fifth revision 2013)
iii) Flakiness & -----do-----

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
S. N. Material Test Frequency of Testing Remarks.

elongation index
iv) Stripping value -----do-----
v) Water sensitivity of -----do-----
mix -
vi) Water absorption -----do-----
vii) Soundness -----do-----
viii) Percentage of -----do-----
fractural faces.
Ix) Gradation -----do -----
x)Binder content & As per Sr. No. 11
aggrt. Grading.
xi) Control of temp of At Regular interval.
binder & aggregates
for mixing & of the
mix at the time of
laying & rolling.
Xii) Rate of spread of At Regular interval.
mixed material
xiii) Density of one test per 700 sqm
compacted layer
13 Dense i) Quality of No. of samples as per I.S. 73, M.ORTH.specificatio
Bituminous binder I.RC SP. 53 & I.S. 15462. n Table 900-3
Macadam / One test per 350 Cum of .(fifth revision 2013)
Bituminous ii) Impact / Abrasion aggregate for each source
Concrete value and whenever there is change
in quality of aggregate.

iii) Flakiness & One test for each source and

elongation index whenever there is change in
iv) Soundness quality of aggregate.
v) Water Absorption -----do-----
vi) Sand equivalent -----do-----
vii) Plasticity Index One test per 350 cum of
viii) Polished stone aggregate when crushed
value gravel is used
ix)Percentage of One set for individual
fractured test constituents and mixed
aggregate for drier for each

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
S. N. Material Test Frequency of Testing Remarks.

x) Mix grading 400 tonnes of mix subject to

minimum of 2 tests per day
per plant.
3 tests for stability, flow
value, density & void
contents for each 400 tonnes
xi) Stability and voids of mix subject to minimum
analyses of mix of 2 tests per day per plant.
At regular interval

xii) Temperature of
Binder in boiler,
aggregate in drier and One set for each 400 tonnes
mix at the time of of mix subjected minimum
laying and compaction of 2 tests per day per plant.
xiii) Binder contents one test per 700 sqm area
xiv) Density of
compacted layer
14 Bitumen .i) Penetration 2 test per lot as per I.S. 73
ii) Ductility
iii) Softening Point
iv) Flash/Fire point
v) Specific gravity
15 Chequred i) Water absorption Shall not exceed 10% Set of 6 Tiles shall be
Tiles ii) Transverse strength The average width transverse tested per every 2000
strength shall not be less than tiles or part thereof.
30 Kg/cm2

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
1. General Technical Specification shall comprise the specifications containing in the standard
Specification mentioned hereinbefore. The I.S. specification referred to there in shall stand applicable of
technical details and specification contained in P.W.D. Hand Book of Amravati Metropolitan Region
Development Authority and Indian Electricity Rules framed under Indian Electricity Act for Electrical
works, also be considered as part of these General Technical Specifications.
2. In the event no specifications. Instructions or guidelines are available in standard specification or
Annexure for carrying out particular item of work or testing of materials as relevant specification and
standards laid down in the codes of practices listed below shall be applicable and binding on the
3. The codes of practice that shall also be applicable are as under:
Abbreviations Code of practice
1. IS :- Indian Standard of the Bureau of Indian Standard
2. BS : - British Standard of British Standards Institutions.
3. ASTM :- American Standard of the American Society of Testing Material.
4. ACI :- American Concrete Institution
5. DIN : Deuscher Normenausschuss (German specification)
6. SP :- Special Publication Bureau of Indian Standard.
7. NBC :- National Building Code of India.
8. IRC :- Indian Road Congress.
9. MOST :- Ministry of Surface Transport (Structure Wings) Specification For Structure and Bridge
Works 1988
10. CPHEEO :- Central Public Health and Environment Engineering Organization Drainage and tar
Manual Govt. of India.
11. In so far any stipulation made herein conflicts or is inconsistence with any of the provision of the
standard specifications, the stipulation made here shall always prevail
12. The codes of practices would always mean latest edition of codes of practices current on the day. 30
days period to the latest date of receipt of tender and only the Standards and specification mentioned
therein shall be applicable.
13. The contract shall be responsible for the quality of work in the entire contraction work within the
contract. The contract shall therefore have his own independent and adequate setup for ensuring the

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
14. The Contractor shall carry out modification in procedure of work, if any, as directed by the Engineer
during his inspection. Contractor shall keep a book called work book order book on site Engineer will
enter his observation I this book whenever necessary. Contractors representative shall sign below the
remarks in token of acknowledgement. Works falling of quality s directly by the Engineer shall be
rectified immediately the Contractor as his cost. For cement, Mild Steel, High Tensile steel, Concrete
and similar other materials where essential test are to be carried at the manufacturers plants or at
laboratories other than named laboratories the cost of samples, sampling forwarding testing and
furnishing of test certificates shall also be borne by the contractor, the test certificate shall be furnished
to the Engineer in charge.
15. Unless specified otherwise the method of sampling and testing of materials shall be as per the
relevant and special publications. In the absence of relevant Indian standards the sampling and testing
procedure to be used shall prescribed by the Engineer in charge
16. The materials to be incorporated in the building for various items of works shall be procured by the
Contractor in advance and samples thereof got approved from the Engineer-in-charge.
17. The approved samples shall be retained in a sample room constructed at site of work till completion
of work .No deviation in size, grade, and quality of the material shall be made by the Contractor during
the construction on any plea ground that the large quantity of such material is not available or otherwise.
18. The contractor rates quoted for various items of work in the Bill of Quantities shall be deemed to be
include of the cost of the previous indicated in the above mentioned clauses
19. Equipment for surveying ,leveling, lining, out and measurement on the work shall be procedure at
his cost by the Contractor for his use. The same shall also be made available to the Engineer at site for
any work connected with Contract without any charge. Maintaining the in proper working condition
shall be responsibility of Contractor.
20. The Equipment such as spirit level plump bob long and short right angels, steel tapes of different
lengths, Nylon thread, Plastic transparent water tubes etc. shall be procured and kept in dimensions.
21. The contractor shall have to construct and Provide laboratory cum sample Room and site office with
toilet for the supervisory sit of the Engineer-in-charge in addition to his site office godowns etc. all
these structures of semi-permanent nature and shall be constructed by Contractor at his own cost as per
the plan prepared and approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
22. The site office laboratory cum sample room shall be independent structures or shall be housed under
one roof. The site office shall have a cabin for the Engineer and /or his authorised representative and a
meeting hall which will also serve as place for supervisor staff of the Engineer-in-charge. Suitable
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Government land if available with the department will be made available to the contractor for this
23. The sample Room shall be meant for keeping the samples of materials approved by the Engineer
and the same shall be the sole property of the Department to supplied free of cost by the contractor.
24. A Room for site laboratory shall be provided by the Contractor and equipped by the Contractor
25. On completion of the entire work the temporary structure shall be dismantled by the Contractor, if
so ordered by Engineer.
26. However in case the Engineer desires to retain these structure for his use for some time more, Even
after completion of work the contractor shall retain these structure and the ownership of the same shall
deemed to be transferred to the Engineer-in-charge. In such event the Contractor shall have no financial
claim against the Engineer-in-charge.
27. Obtaining the water supply and electric connection for above Structures from the concerned local
authorities and payment of water supply and electric energy charges concern authorities shall be the
responsibility of the contractor which he shall discharge at his own cost, for the entire contract period.
28. The Contractor intending to use particular equipments, plants and machinery on work, shall inform
the engineer about such intention one month in advance, He shall clarify the purpose utility and mode of
operation etc. to the engineer and get the same approved.
29. During the course of construction unusual situation and typical problems may arisen which case the
Engineer may damaged the methodology of construction, the contractor to adopt. In such an event the
Contractor shall furnish the same can adopt the methodology duly modified, of so ordered by the
Engineer. In order to achieve quality, workmanship and constructional effect the Engineer shall also
propose particular methodology which shall be adopted by the contractor.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
1. In the absence of any definite provision on any particular issue in the aforesaid "Standard
Specification "reference may be made to the Volume-II. Codes of practice and in case of any dispute
arising out of interpretation of the above, the Decision of the Engineer shall be final and binding in the
2. In so far as any stipulation made herein conflict or is in consistent with any provision of the standard
specification I.S. codes of practice. The stipulation made here always prevail.
3. The Special stipulations which are in addition and over and above the specification contained in
"Standard Specification" are given in forgoing clauses and shall be binding on the contract without any
claim for extra labour and material thereof for.
4. The purpose of these stipulation is to achieve good workmanship and the work done in an Engineer-
like-manner in part as well as in the totally at proper stage of work. This necessitates and becomes
binding on a part of the contractor to obtain written approval and acceptance of the work done under
different items of work at different stages from the Engineer-in-charge.
5. Not obtaining the written approval /acceptance work done from the engineer-in-charge at a particular
stage of items of works stipulated and processing ahead of the next stage of work under the same or
different item may viewed as serious lapse on part of the contract. In such an event the work done but
not proved by the engineer-in-charge may summarily rejected. Similarly wherever work done which
converts the unapproved work may also be rejected. Such rejected work shall be removed by the
contractor at his own cost.
6. Acceptation of work done and granting permission to the contractor to proceed with further stage of
work as per the stipulation made herein shall bedone by the Engineer by such mentions in "work Order
Book" or by letter writing. The Contractor shall have to note and sign such remarks and certifications
made in the work order book maintained at the site of work.
7. In case the contractor finds that part of whole of the excavated material is such that useful for
refilling the excavated pits and trenches and/ or plinth or land development of site of work he shall
informs so in writing to the Engineer requesting for final disposal outside the premises in the initial
stage only. In case the Engineer approves of his fact and such proposal he shall order for final disposal
of excavated unuseful material beyond premises.
8. As soon as the excavation pits and trenches partly or fully by the Contractor he shall get the same
approved in writing from the Engineer and shall not proceed with next item of work such as laying of
soil or bed concrete etc. Without complying with his requirement.
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
9. As soon as the excavation for foundation is approved he levels of these same shall be taken recorded
by the Engineer in a Separate book known as field book which will be signed by the Contractor in token
of acceptance of the same.
10. The depth and height of work done under different hidden items of work in foundation shall be
determined from difference of level of top and bottom. Hence it will b binding upon the Contractor to
arrange for level taking at interval of top and bottom. Hence it will be binding upon the Contractor to
arrange for level taking at intervals and sign the levels taking at intervals and sign the levels record riled
book by the Engineer in token of acceptance of the same. The Contractor shall not proceed with next
items unless this be done
11. The plinth level i.e. floor level of the ground floor shall be got predetermined by the contractor from
the Engineer in Writing.
12. The Floor level shall be fixed in the form of reduced level with reference to the level of permanent
or temporary bench mark fixed shall be properly secured, Constructed, Protected, and maintained by the
contractor at one or more location as ordered by the Engineer.
13. For Fixing the plinth level the Contractor shall get the made up or the developed ground level
decided before hand writing from the Engineer. 1. For this Purpose, the engineer and the Contractor
shall take account following considerations. 1. Contours and slop of natural ground of works sight. 2.
Level of top adjoining public Structure. 3. The length and gradient of approach from the public
Structure to the entrance of building.
14. The plinth level shall be accordance with the height of plinth shown on Architectural drawing
measured above the made up or developed ground level decide and fixed in advance as above.
15. On the basis of Reduced levels of made up or developed ground level in plinth the Contract shall
submit the Sectional drawing of plinth in to copies to Engineer duly signed by him. He shall Clearly
show thereon the reduced level of flooring at plinth top of bed concrete below flooring top of the plinth
filling on the predetermined reduced level of the made up or developed ground level. The sectional
drawing shall show the section through internal wall and external walls distinctly duly indicating top of
R.C.C plinth beams incase of frame structure and offset of walls and plinth level and at ground level
and inside the foundation, in case of load bearing structure.
16. The Engineer shall scrutinize the sectional drawing submitted by the Contractor modify the same of
necessary and return one copy of approved drawing to the contractor duly signed token of approval and
acceptance of the content of the drawing. The contractor shall strictly adhere to the reduced level
involved different items of work in plinth as shown on approved plan.
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
1. For all items of concrete works in any structural portion or its components only Design Mix concrete
shall be used. For grade of concrete less than M-15 nominal mix concrete may be used
2. Nominal Mix. In case of nominal mix concrete is not required to be designed by preliminary tests.
The proportion of cement, fine aggregate sand, coarse aggregates specified by volume.
3. Design mix 3.0 Concrete of specified grade shall be designed on the basis or preliminary tests. The
contractor shall make trial mixes using samples of aggregates and cement typical of those to be used in
the works, if possible the concreting plant and the methods of transporting and depositing the concrete
to be employed in the work shall be used to simulate working condition with the trial mixes. Design mix
shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions laid IS 10262
3.1 Preliminary tests and strength requirement of controlled concrete shall confirm requirements of
3.2 All these preliminary tests approval etc. Shall be got done well in advance by the Contractor before
any concreting is contemplated. Failure on the part of the Contractor to do so and the consequent delay
in the completion of the work will not entitle him to any compensation whatsoever, either financially, or
by way of extension of time.
4. Cement Content 4.0 Minimum cement content of various grades of Design mix concrete shall be as
per I.S.
4.1 Water Cement Ratio Water cement ratio in all elements shall be as practicable in conformity with
requirement of work as per I.S. 456
4.2.Water Quantity and Slump Water quantity and slump for all reinforced (Ordinary and controlled
concrete ) and plain concrete work shall confirm to IS 456 specification unless otherwise directed by the
4.3.Admixtures Use of super plasticizers in concrete shall be permitted. Admixture shall comply with IS
6925 the cost of admixtures shall be borned by the Contractor.
5. Workmanship
5.1.Proportioning concrete Proportioning of concrete shall conform to IS : 10252 Unless otherwise
directed by the engineer.
5.2.Mixing of Concrete Design mix concrete as well as nominal concrete shall be mixed following the
provision in standard specification unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Unless otherwise agreed
by the Engineer concrete shall be mixed in a batch type mixer which shall comply with IS : 1791, IS :
4935 or such other types as the Engineer may approve When swing type weight batcher are used they
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
shall comply with IS 2722.Batch mixers shall be tested and perform in accordance with IS 4634 Or such
other tests as the engineer may require. During hot weather the Contractor shall ensure that the
constituent materials are sufficiently cool, to prevent the concrete from stiffening in the intervals
between its discharged from the mixer and as final position. 5.3.Transportation, placing and compaction
of concrete. The method of transportation, Placing and compaction of concrete shall be followed for
standard Specifications unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The Compaction shall be done with
surface float vibrator for slab and with pin vibrator for columns and beams. Vibrators of adequate
capacity shall be employed of the all types of works. 5.4.Curing Curing shall be done following
provision of Standard Specifications and as directed by the Engineer. Approved Curing Compound may
be used in lieu of moist curing with the permissions of the Engineer. Such approved compound shall be
applied to all exposed surfaces of concrete as soon as possible after the concrete has set.
5.5.Working in Extreme Weather During windy weather efficient protection shall be provided to
prevent the cement from being blown away during the process of proportioning and mixing. During wet
weather, Concrete shall be adequately protected as soon as it is in position. No concrete shall be carried
out during period of continuous heavy rain unless, it is completely covered during mixing,
transportation and placing. In extreme hot weather, concrete shall be restricted to mornings and
evenings. Time between mixing and placing of concrete shall be kept to the minimum and formwork
shall be cooled by sprinkling water starting curing before concrete dries out.
5.6.Finishing Finishing work shall comply requirement of standard Specification unless otherwise
specified herein below Immediately on removal soft forms, the RCC work shall be examined by the
Engineer before any defects are made good.
5.6.1. The work that has sagged or contain honeycombing to an extent detrimental to structural safety or
architectural concept shall be rejected.
5.6.2. Surface defects of a minor nature shall be rectified generally as indicated below the Contractor. Surfaces defects which require when form are removed unusually consists of bulges due to
movement of forms, ridges at form joints, honey combed areas damages resulting from the stripping of
forms and bolt hole. Careful chipping or tooling shall remove bulges and ridges and the surface is then
rubbed with a grinding stone. Honey combed and other areas shall be chipped out, the edges being cut
as straight as possible and perpendicularly to the surface, or preferably slightly under cut to provide a
key at the edge of the patch, bolt, and holes shall be closed cement mortar to ensure through filling. Shallow patches shall first be treated with a coat of thin grout composed of one part of cement
and one part of sand and then filled with mortal similar to the used in concrete. The mortal is places in
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
layers not more than 10 mm thick and each layer shall be given in scratch finish to secure bond with the
succeeding layer. The last layer shall be finished to match the surrounding by floating; rubbing or
cooling formed surfaces by the pressing the form material against the patch while the mortal is still
plastic. Large and deep patches filling up with concrete held an place by forms. Such patches shall be
reinforced and carefully dowelled to the hardened concrete The same amount of care to cure the material in the patches shall be taken as with the hole
structure. Curing shall be started, as soon as possible after the patch is finished to prevent early drying,
damp Hessian may be used. Construction joints shall be provided and traded following the provision of
specification and as directed by the Engineer
6. Durability Minimum cement content for different exposures and sulphate attack are given in Table 19
and 20 of IS shall be followed for Design mix.
7. Tests and standard of Acceptance. Test and Standard of acceptance criteria of design mix concrete
and nominal mix concrete shall be as follow Sampling and Testing of concrete shall be as per provisions
of Standard Specifications. Acceptance criteria fro strength of concrete shall be as below:
7.1. Design Mix Concrete Full payment shall be made when 80% of the test cube Results are equal to
and above the minimum specified strength and the remaining 20% on the result are above 80% of the
specified strength.
7.2. Nominal Mix concrete Full payment shall be made when 70 % of the test cube Result are equal to
and above the minimum specified strength and remaining 30% of the result are above 75% of the
specified strength. Case falling outside the above limit shall be examined by the Engineer on merits in
each case. Keeping Records
7.3. The records of mix design, slump, testing of C.C.cubes shall be maintained in accordance with
Standard Specification. 8. Defective Concrete Any Concrete which give sub standard result, or is
severally damaged due to cracking or shows excessive honey combing and exposure of reinforcement of
if any faculty, which in the opinion of the Engineer seriously impairs its function may be declared as
defective concrete. Acceptance of Such concrete shall be covered by IS 456, such non-acceptance
concrete shall be cuts out removed from the site and replaced by fresh concrete of specified quality by
the Contractor at his own cost. Alternatively in case of acceptable concrete, the Contractor shall carry
out whatever other remedy, shall carry out whatever other remedy the Engineer may responsibly
required having regard to all the circumstances at expenses of the contractor.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
1. Formwork: Form work shall be include all temporary forms of moulds required for forming
the concrete which is cast in site together with all temporary construction required for their
support. Unless otherwise stated all formwork shall confirm I.S. specifications
2. Design of Form work :- Form work including complete false work shall be designed by the
contractor in accordance with I.S 2750,4041 and all other relevant I.S codes without any extra
cost to the Employer and these shall be got approved from the Engineer before any form work is
taken up
2.1. The contractor entirely be responsible for the adequacy and safety for false work not
withstanding any approval or review by the Engineer of his drawing and Design. Proprietary
system of formwork, if used a detailed information shall be furnished to the engineer of approval
3. Quality of shuttering :- The shuttering shall have smooth and even surface and it's joints
shall not permit leakages of cement slurry.
3.1. Ply-board shuttering material to be used for sides of beams and columns shall be marine or
laminated plywood well seasoned tree from projecting nails splits or other defects that may mark
on the surface of concrete. It shall not be so dry as to absorb water from concrete and swell and
bulge or so green or wet as to shrink after erection. Mild steel plates or plywood shall be used
for slab and beam bottoms.
3.2. The timber shall be accurately sawn and planed on the sides and the surface coming in
contract with concrete.
3.3. So far as practicable clamps shall be used to hold the forms together where use of nails in
unavoidable minimum number of nails shall be used and these shall be left projecting so that
they can be easily with drawn. Use of double headed nails shall be preferred
4. Tolerance : The form work shall be made so as to produce finish concrete true to shape,
lines, levels, plumbs and dimensions as shown on the drawings , subject to the following
tolerance unless otherwise specified in this documents or drawings or as directed by the
A. Section dimension : - 5mm.
B. Plumb :- 1 in 1000 of height
C. Levels :- 3mm. before and deflection has been Taken place.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Tolerance given above are specified for local aberrations in the finished concrete surface and
should not be taken as tolerance for the entire structure taken as a whole or for the setting and
alignment of formwork, which should be as accurate as possible to the entire satisfaction of the
Engineer. Errors if noticed in any lift/tilt of the structure after stripping of forms , shall be
corrected in the subsequent work to bring back the surface or the structure to it's true alignment .
5.Special Provisions :
Whenever the concreting of thinner members is required to be carried out within shutters of
considerable depth, temporary openi8ng in the sides of the shutters shall, if so directed by the
Engineer by provided to facilitates the pouring and consolidation of the concrete. Small
temporary openings shall be provided as necessary at the bottom of the shutters of walls and
deep beams to permit the expulsion of rubbish etc.
6. Removal of Formwork:
The formwork shall be so removed as not to cause to damage the concrete . Centering shall be
gradually and uniformity lowered in such a manner as to avoid any shock or vibration. Support
shall be removed in such a manner as to permit the concrete to take stresses due to it's own
weight uniformly and gradually. The whole of the form work removed should be planned and
definite scheme of operation worked out. Under no circumstances should forms be struck until
the concrete reaches a strength of at least twice the stress to which the concrete may be subjected
as the time for striking but not before the period as mentioned in I.S 456 where ordinary
Portland cement is used.
1. Work Include: Erecting steel centering with the contractor's materials comprising of standard
steel adjustable props and standard steel trusses / joints / spans centering plate for the bottom of
slab and plates for the bottom of the beams etc. of adequate strength properly balanced for
obtaining adequate rigidity to with stand all loads coming in it including permanent and
temporary fixtures and fastenings etc. complete for R.C.C members like beams slab and canopy
including it's removal after the specified period stacking, making good the damaged parts / it's
replacement before its next use with all leads and lift (all centering material shall be of
1.1. For R.C.C beams, lintels, arches etc. formwork shall be of the plywood of adequate
thickness and grade only. The centering supporting arrangement such as standard steel trusses/
joints / spans standard adjustable / fixed props. H type frames etc. Shall be designed by the
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
contractor and got approved from the Engineer before commencement of its erection . The
contractor with prior approval from the engineer shall use standard steel centering arrangement
which may be manufactured by the reputed firm.
1.2. The supporting arrangement design by the contractor shall be confirmed to the relevant I.S
codes and standard practice adopted in this type of work. The centering arrangement shall be
adequately braced and properly secured by using appropriate type of fastening and fixtures to
ensure stability and rigidity of the centering to withstand all loads coming on it. The entire
responsibility for design, erection, maintenance and safety etc. will exclusively rest with the
contractor. The Engineer reserves right to call detailed design calculation of the entire centering
in the event if which the contractor shall have to arrange for its replacement at his own cost.
2. Item to Includes
2.1. The item Shall include erection of centering with M.S props , struts with all bracing,
fastening and Fixtures, its removal after the specified period and its safe maintenance during the
above period, cost of safety precautions required to be taken for the work men and Govt.
Property, stacking of material after removal at suitable place, replacement of damages / wormed
out parts , cleaning etc.
2.2. The material used for centering shall be the property of contractor and shall be slowed to
taken away after completion of the work. The centering Supporting arrangement should be
designed by the contractor He may make use of standard centering arrangement made by the
standard manufacturer such as Acro blue bird. All the relevant codes etc. will be followed and
appropriate centering may be suggested The rate should include all temporary/ permanent
arrangements including temporary fastening and fixtures. The centering material should be of
contractor and he should take away from the site of work after completion of work, isolated
lintels less then two meters in length chajja and plinth beam shall not be paid for centering under
this item . The payment to the extent of completed R.C.C work shall only be made irrespective
of quantity of centering material procured by the contractor at the work side.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer

I/ we hereby declare that I/we have made myself/our selves thoroughly conversant with the local
conditions regarding all materials such as stones,murum,sand etc and labour on which I/we have based
my /our rates for this Work. The specification ,lead & lift for this work have been carefully studied and
understood by me before submitting the tender. I/we undertake to use only the best material approved by
the Engineer- in- charge or his duly representative before starting the work and to abide by his decision.
I/We shall maintain /rectify the entire work as per as per standard specification of P.W.D (Red
Book ) and M.O.R T and .H specification as soon as damage occurs up to the expiry defect liability
period without putting forth any reasons.
I hereby undertake to pay the labourers engaged on the work as per Maharashtra Contract Labour
(Regulation and Abolition rule 1971) or at the rate revised by the Competent Authority time to time
applicable to the zone concerned.


Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
FORM – 1
NAME OF WORK :- Construction of Cultural Hall in Adiwasi Area For Cultural
Activities at Morshi.
Sr. Name of No. of Kind of Capacity Age of Present Present location with name & Whether Remarks
No. Equipme Unit Make machine Conditions address of organisation where machinery is
nt ry machinery under use at present hypothecated to
any division /
Bank or other
institution etc.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Notes :- The above machineries are readily available with me

/ us for use on this work
Contractors :-
Name :-

Address :-

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
FORM – 2
NAME OF WORK;- ;- Construction of Cultural Hall in Adiwasi Area For Cultural
Activities at Morshi.
Sr. No. Designation Name Qualification Professional Experience Remarks
of work carried out
1 2 3 4 5 6

Contractors :- ___________________________________________________
Name :- ___________________________________________________
Address :- ___________________________________________________

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
NAME OF WORK :: Construction of Cultural Hall in Adiwasi Area For Cultural
Activities at Morshi.

Sr. Na Name & address Place and Works in hand Works tendered for Remarks
No. me of organisation country Tendered Cost of Anticipated Estimated Date when Stipulated
of for whom the cost remaining date of cost decision is date or
Wor work was done work completion expected period of
k completion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Contractors :-
Name :-
Address :-

Certificates from Heads of officers under whom the work are in progress should be enclose

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer

Contractor Photo
(Format of Self declaration to be given on Plain paper.)

(Name of Contractor/ person,) Aged about ........... years, residing
(Postal Address) do hereby declare that I am the proprietor/Partner of (Name of company/firm)
Registered at...................

I do hereby declare that, the documents submitted in envelope No. 1 of the tender document
for the work of Construction of Cultural Hall in Adiwasi Area For Cultural
Activities at Morshi. are true correct and complete.

In case, the contents of envelope No. 1 and other documents pertaining to the tender
submitted by me are found to be incorrect or false, I shall be liable for action under the relevant
provision of Indian Penal Code and other relevant laws.

Signature of Authorised person / Contractor

Applicant/Contractor Name
Mobile No.............

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer

(Format of affidavit to be given on Rs. 100 Non-Judicial Stamp Paper)


I,…………………………………………………………… Age ............ years, address

………………......... ................................................................................ .............. (Authorised
signatory to sign the contract), hereby submit, vide this affidavit in truth, that I am the owner of the
contracting firm …………………/ authority signatory and I am submitting the documents in
envelope no.1 for the purpose of scrutiny of the contract (Name of Work: Construction of
Cultural Hall in Adiwasi Area For Cultural Activities at Morshi.

. I hereby agree to the conditions mentioned below:-

1. I am liable for action under Indian Penal Code for submission of any false / fraudulent paper
/ information submitted in envelope No.1.
2. I am liable for action under Indian Penal Code if during contract period and defect liability
period, any false information, false bill of purchases supporting proof of purchase, proof of
testing submitted by my staff, subletting company or by myself, I will be liable for action
under Indian Penal Code.
3. I am liable for action under Indian Penal Code if any papers are found false /fraudulent
during contract period and even after the completion of contract (finalisation of final bill).

Signature of Authorised person

Applicant/Contractor Name..............
Place :-

Date :-
Mobile No.........................................

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer


(See Rule 51-4)

In consideration of the Governor of Maharashtra (herewith referred to as ‘ THE

GOVERNMENT’) having agreed to exempt (herewith referred to as ‘THE CONTRACT’) form
depositing with the Government in cash, the sum of Rs. ______________(Rs.________
______________________________ only) being the amount of security deposit payable by the
contract to the Government under terms and conditions of the agreement dated the
______________ day of __________ and made between the Government on the one part and the
contractor on the other part (hereinafter referred to as the “the observance and performance by the
Government a Guarantee in the prescribed from a scheduled Bank in India being in fact these present
in the like sum of Rs. ____________(Rs._______________________________________). We
_________________________________Bank / Limited registered in India under
_________________________ Act and having one or our local head office at
_____________________ do hereby –
1. Guarantee of the Government –
a) Due performance and observance by the contractor of the terms, covenants and conditions on
the part of the contractor contained in the said agreement and
b) Due and punctual payment by the contractor to the Government of all sums of money losses,
damage, costs, charges, penalties and expenses payable to the Government by the contractor
under or in respect of the said agreement.
2. Under to pay to the Government on demanded and without demure and notwithstanding any
court or tribunal relating there to the said sum of Rs. __________
(Rs.__________________________________only) or such less sum may be demanded by the
Government from us our liability hereunder being absolute and unequivocal and agree that –
(A) The guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the subsistence of the
said agreement and that same will continue to be enforceable till and all the dues of the
Government under or by virtue of the said agreement have been duly paid and its claims satisfied
or discharged and till the Government
certifies that the terms and conditions of the said agreement have been fully property carried out by
(B) We shall not be discharged or released from the liability under this Government by reasons of
(i) Any change in the constitution of the Bank or the Contractor or ,
(ii) Any arrangement entered into between the Government and the Contractor with or
without our consent.
(iii) Any forbearance or including shown to the Contractor.
(iv) Any variation in the terms covenants or conditions contained in the said agreement.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
(v) Any time given to the contractor or –
I Our liabilities hereunder shall be joint and several with that of the contract as if we were the
principal debtors in respect of the said sum of Rs. __________

(D) We shall not revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent in
writing of the Government IN WITHNEES WHERE OF The Common Seal of _______________
has been here into affixed this day of ___________________ The common seal of
________________________ was pursuant to the resolution to of the Board of Directors of the
company dated the ___________ day of _______________ herein affixed in the presence of who in
token have here to set their respective hands in the presence of –
(1) ................................................................

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
FORM -31
(For use in cases in which the contract is for finished work and the contractor has entered
into an agreement for the execution of a certain specified quantity of work in a given
This indenture made the ________ day of ________ , 20 ____ BETWEEN
_____________ (hereinafter called the contractor which expression shall where the context so
admits or implies be deemed to include his executors, administrators and assigns) or the one part and
the employer of the Other Part.
Whereas by an agreement dated _________ (hereinafter called the said agreement)
the contractor has agreed.
AND WHEREAS the contractor has applied to the Employer that he may be allowed
advanced on the security of materials absolutely belonging to him and brought by him to the site of
the works the subject of the said agreement for use in the construction of such of the works as he has
undertaken to executive at rates fixed for the finished works (inclusive of the cost of materials and
labour and other charges)
AND WHEREAS the Employer has agreed to advance to the Contractor the sum of Rupees
______________________________________ on the security of materials the quantities and
other particulars of which are detailed in Accounts of Secured Advances attached to the Running
Account bill for the said works signed by the Contractor on _______ and the Employer has
reserved to himself the option of making any further advance or advance on the security of other
materials brought by the Contractor to the site of the said works.
Now THIS INDENTURE WINTNESSE that in pursuance of the said agreement and in
consideration of the sum of Rupees ___________ on or before the execution of these
presents paid to the Contractor by the Employer (the receipt where of the Contractor doth hereby
acknowledge) and of such further advance (if any) as may be made to him as a for said the
Contractor doth hereby covenant and agree with the President and declare as follows :
(1) That the said sum of Rupees ________________________ so advanced by the
Employer to the Contractor as aforesaid and all or any further sum or sums advanced as aforesaid
shall be employed by the Contractor in or towards expending the execution of the said works and for
no other purpose whatsoever.
(2) That the materials details in the said Account of Secured Advances which have been offered to
and accepted by the Employer as security are absolutely the Contractor’s own propriety and free
from encumbrances of any kind the contractor will not make any application for or receive a further
advance of the security of materials which are not absolutely his own property and free from
encumbrances of any kind and the contractor indemnified the Executive Engineer, Public Works
Division , Amravati against all claims to any materials in respect of which an advance has be made
to him as aforesaid.
(3) That the materials detailed in the said account of Secured Advance and all other materials on
the security of which any further advance or advance may hereafter be made as aforesaid (hereafter

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
called the said materials) shall be used by the Contractor solely in the execution of the said works in
accordance with the directions of the Engineer.
(4) That the Contractor shall make at his own cost all necessary and adequate arrangements for the
proper watch, safe custody and protection against all risks of the said materials and that until used in
construction as aforesaid the said materials shall remain at the site of the said works in the
Contractor’s custody and on his own responsibility and shall at all times be open to inspection by
the Engineer or any officer authorised by him. In the event of the said materials or any part thereof
being stolen, destroyed or damaged or becoming deteriorated in a greater degree than is due to
reasonable use and wear thereof the Contractor will forthwith replace the same with other materials
of like quality or repair and make good the same required by the Engineer.
(5) That the said materials shall not be any account be removed from the site of the said works
except with the written permission of the Engineer or an officer authorized by him on that behalf
(6) That the advance shall the Executive Engineer, Public Works Division , Amravati of the
price payable in full when or before the Contractor receives payment from the Executive Engineer,
Public Works Division , Amravati of the price payable to him for the said works under the terms
and provisions of the said agreement. Provided that if any intermediate payment are made to the
Contractor on account of work done than on the occasion of each such payment the Employer will
be at liberty to make a recovery from the contractor’s bill for such payment by deducting there from
the value of the said materials than actually used in the construction and in respect of which
recovery has not been made previously, the value for this purpose being determined in respect of
each description of materials at the rates are which the amounts of the advances made under these
presents were calculated.
(7) That if the Contractor shall at any time make any default in the performance or observance in
any respect of any of the terms and provisions of the said agreement or of these presents the total
amount of the advance or advances that may still be owing of the Executive Engineer, Public
Works Division , Amravati shall immediately on the happening of such default be repayable by
the Contractor to be the Employer together with interest thereon at twelve percent per annum from
the date or respective dates of such advance or advances to the date of repayment and with all costs,
charges, damages and expenses incurred by the Executive Engineer, Public Works Division ,
Amravati in or for the recovery thereof or the enforcement of this security or otherwise by reason of
the default of the Contractor and the Contractor hereby covenants and agrees with the Executive
Engineer, Public Works Division , Amravati to reply and pay the same respectively to him
(8) That the contractor hereby charges all the said materials with the repayment to the Employer of
the said sum of Rupees ______________________ and any further sum or sums advanced as
aforesaid and all costs, charges, damages and expenses payable under these presents PROVIDED
ALWAYS and it is hereby agreed and declared that notwithstanding anything in the said agreement
and without prejudice to the power contained therein if and whenever the covenant for payment and
repayment here-in-before contained shall become enforceable and the money owing shall not be
paid in accordance there with the Executive Engineer, Public Works Division , Amravati may at
any time thereafter adopt all or any of the following courses as he may deem best :
(a) Seize and utilise the said materials or any part thereof in the completion of the said
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Works on behalf of the contractor in accordance with the provisions in that behalf
contained in the said agreement debiting the contractor with the actual cost of effecting
such completion and the amount due to the contractor with the value of work done as if
he had carried it out in accordance with the said agreement and at the rates thereby
provided. If the balance is against the contractor, he is to pay same to the Executive
Engineer, Public Works Division , Amravati on demand.
(b) Remove and sell by public auction the seized materials or any part thereof and out of the
moneys arising from the sale retain all the sums aforesaid repayable or payable to the
Executive Engineer, Public Works Division , Amravati under these presents and pay
over the surplus (if any) to the Contractor.
(c) Deduct all or any part of the moneys owing out of the security deposit or any sum due to
the Contractor under the said advance shall not be payable.
(9) That except in the event of such default on the part of the contractor as aforesaid interest on the
said advance shall not be payable.
(10) That in the event of any conflict between the provisions of these presents and the said
agreement the provisions of these presents shall prevail and in the event of any dispute or difference
arising over the construction or effect of these presents the settlement of which has not been here-in-
before expressly provided for the same shall be referred to the Employer whose decision shall be
final and the provision of the Indian Arbitration Act for the time being in force shall apply to any
such reference.

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Annexure VII

Sr Items Qty as Specified Required Test actual taken Total Deficiency Remarks
No per frequency test as per at test in testing
execution frequency Site Labortory
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Contractors :- ___________________________________________________
Name :- ___________________________________________________

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer

Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer
Contractor No. of correction Executive Engineer

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