23cem3r12-Time Headway
23cem3r12-Time Headway
23cem3r12-Time Headway
5.1. Objectives: To measure time head way of vehicles on a given road section and fitting suitable
5.2. Apparatus: Stopwatches and data sheets.
5.3. Theory:
Headway: An important parameter to characterize the traffic is to model the inter-arrival time of
vehicle at a section on the road. The inter-arrival time or the time headway is not constant due to
the stochastic nature of vehicle arrival. A common way of modeling is to treat the inter-arrival time
or the time headway as a random variable and use some mathematical distributions to model them.
The behavior of vehicle arrival is different at different flow condition. It may be possible that
different distributions may work better at different flow conditions. Suppose the vehicle arrive at
a point at time t1, t2, . Then headway is the time differences between two consecutive vehicles to
pass the observation point and the time gap between the rear of the lead vehicle and front of the
following vehicle. Hence, the headways h1 = t2 - t1, h2 = t3 - t2, . . . It may be noted that the
headways h1, h2, . . . will not be constant, but follows some random distribution.
Transportation Division,
NIT Warangal 1 Traffic Measurement Laboratory
Name: Guriginjakunta Mallikarjuna
Roll No: 23CEM3R12
space than passenger capacity, which lowers the total number of passengers or cargo quantity being
transported for a given length of line (railroad or highway, for instance).
In this case, the capacity must be improved by larger vehicles. The distribution headway consists
of occupancy time for physically vehicles to pass the observation point. It is the gap between rear
end of lead vehicle and front end of the following vehicle.
On a two-lane two-way road, queues of vehicles will start to form behind slower moving vehicles
as soon as the headway in the opposing lane falls below a minimum requirement for overtaking. It
can also be seen that a flow increases the proportion of suitable-sized headways above the required
limit falls. In other words, increasing flow on any lane requires more frequent overtaking to
maintain individual speeds but there is a reduction in the availability of headway gaps to
accommodate these. Restricted vertical and horizontal sight distances and the formation of short
queues will further reduce the opportunities because even greater headways are required.
If vehicles are not subject to interference each driver operates independently of all other drivers.
Under these conditions equal intervals of time or space are equally likely to contain a given number
of vehicles. The resulting distribution can be then identified random.
Types of distribution:
Normal (or Gaussian) distribution
It is a continuous probability distribution, defined by the formula.
Where μ = mean or expectation of the distribution (and its median and mode).
σ = standard deviation.
𝜎2 = 𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒.
Transportation Division,
NIT Warangal 2 Traffic Measurement Laboratory
Name: Guriginjakunta Mallikarjuna
Roll No: 23CEM3R12
Pearson Distribution
Where m = mean.
x = time headway.
Transportation Division,
NIT Warangal 3 Traffic Measurement Laboratory
Name: Guriginjakunta Mallikarjuna
Roll No: 23CEM3R12
A process in which events occur continuously and independently at a constant average rate. The
probability density function of an exponential distribution is
Fig 5.3: Shape of the Negative exponential distribution for various values of λ.
Chi-square test
It is also referred to as chi-squared test or test, is any statistical hypothesis test in which the
sampling distribution of the test statistic is a chi-squared distribution when the null hypothesis is
true. Also considered a chi-squared test is a test in which this is asymptotically true, meaning that
the sampling distribution (if the null hypothesis is true) can be made to approximate a chi-squared
distribution as closely as desired by making the sample size large enough.
Transportation Division,
NIT Warangal 4 Traffic Measurement Laboratory
Name: Guriginjakunta Mallikarjuna
Roll No: 23CEM3R12
Transportation Division,
NIT Warangal 5 Traffic Measurement Laboratory
Name: Guriginjakunta Mallikarjuna
Roll No: 23CEM3R12
5.5. Procedure: The following is the procedure to be followed for the experiment:
Select the location from which we need to collect the data for time headway study.
In the given road section, select a point and assume it as your reference line.
Now observe the road section and make a note of time when the front end of a vehicle passes
the reference line. Let it be T1.
Again, make a note of time when the front end of a successive vehicle passes the reference
line. Let this be T2.
Now by subtracting T1 from T2, we get the time headway between those two vehicles. i. e.,
Time headway, h= (T2-T1).
Transportation Division,
NIT Warangal 6 Traffic Measurement Laboratory
Name: Guriginjakunta Mallikarjuna
Roll No: 23CEM3R12
5.6. Observation:
Table 5.3 Time Headway data collected from Highway towards Dargah road.
Vehicular Time Vehicular Time Vehicular Time Vehicular Time
S. No Type Headway S. No Type Headway S. No Type Headway S. No Type Headway
1 Auto 2.09 26 Auto 6 51 2w 11 76 2w 2.16
2 2w 1 27 2w 3.04 52 2w 2.81 77 2w 2.08
3 2w 1.37 28 2w 5.63 53 Car 2.93 78 2w 1.56
4 2w 9.97 29 Auto 3.87 54 2w 2.67 79 2w 2.78
5 2w 7.32 30 2w 11.33 55 Car 2.8 80 Auto 5.27
6 2w 11 31 Car 13.26 56 2w 21 81 2w 2.76
7 2w 2.11 32 2w 1.19 57 2w 7.94 82 2w 19.06
8 2w 9.18 33 Car 4.78 58 2w 4.89 83 Car 1.24
9 Car 2.5 34 2w 4.46 59 2w 18.38 84 2w 9.14
10 2w 21.09 35 2w 5.17 60 Car 2.96 85 Auto 1.69
11 Auto 11.09 36 2w 2.2 61 2w 5.19 86 Auto 3.04
12 2w 2.26 37 Car 1.73 62 LCV 6.79 87 2w 8.93
13 2w 5.28 38 2w 15.77 63 2w 7.59 88 2w 4.45
14 2w 28 39 2w 6.03 64 2w 4.62 89 Car 5.87
15 Car 3.36 40 2w 2.64 65 2w 3.97 90 Car 4.32
16 2w 10.39 41 2w 16.39 66 2w 0.84 91 Auto 2.41
17 2w 1.65 42 2w 27.02 67 Auto 9.42 92 2w 4.09
18 2w 7.33 43 Auto 1.29 68 2w 2.54 93 Auto 3.37
19 2w 4.35 44 2w 0.78 69 2w 2.99 94 2w 7.02
20 2w 4.56 45 2w 5.59 70 2w 8.79 95 Auto 16.67
21 2w 15.8 46 Car 19.09 71 2w 26.74 96 Car 2.17
22 Auto 3 47 2w 2.1 72 Car 16.5 97 Car 16.67
23 2w 14 48 2w 6 73 2w 7.61 98 2w 2.17
24 2w 10 49 2w 7.79 74 2w 6.39 99 Auto 16.74
25 2w 25.82 50 2w 6.04 75 Auto 4.78 100 Auto 5.06
Transportation Division,
NIT Warangal 7 Traffic Measurement Laboratory
Name: Guriginjakunta Mallikarjuna
Roll No: 23CEM3R12
Table 5.4 Time Headway data collected from Dargah road towards Highway.
Mean 7.3657
standard deviation 6.49864
Max 28
Min 0.78
range 27.22
count 100
Class Interval 4
Lambda 0.13576
Min Max Mid Frequency Freq*Mid Probability
0 5 2.5 49 122.5 0.4928 49
5 10 7.5 28 210 0.2499 25
10 15 12.5 7 87.5 0.1268 13
15 20 17.5 10 175 0.0643 6
20 25 22.5 2 45 0.0326 3
25 30 27.5 4 110 0.0165 2
Transportation Division,
NIT Warangal 9 Traffic Measurement Laboratory
Name: Guriginjakunta Mallikarjuna
Roll No: 23CEM3R12
mean 5.9887
standard deviation 4.16789
max 26.64
min 0.86
range 25.78
count 100
Class Interval 3
Lambda 0.16698
Min Max Mid Frequency Freq*Mid Probability
0 5 2.5 53 132.5 0.5661 57
5 10 7.5 33 247.5 0.2456 25
10 15 12.5 11 137.5 0.1066 11
15 20 17.5 2 35 0.0462 5
20 25 22.5 0 0 0.0201 2
25 30 27.5 1 27.5 0.0087 1
Transportation Division,
NIT Warangal 10 Traffic Measurement Laboratory
Name: Guriginjakunta Mallikarjuna
Roll No: 23CEM3R12
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time headway
Figure 5.4: Negative exponential distribution from Highway towards Dargah road.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time headway
Figure 5.5: Negative exponential distribution from Dargah road towards Highway.
Transportation Division,
NIT Warangal 11 Traffic Measurement Laboratory
Name: Guriginjakunta Mallikarjuna
Roll No: 23CEM3R12
The time headway for the vehicles at the marked point is observed. Chi square test is
conducted for observed frequency.
The calculated chi-square value exceeds the critical chi-square values for the tested
distributions, including the normal distribution and negative exponential distribution.
Minimum time headway=0.86 sec.
Maximum time headway=26.64 sec.
The calculated chi square value for time headway from Highway towards Dargah road is
The critical chi square value for time headway from Highway towards Dargah road is
The calculated chi square value for time headway Dargah road towards Highway is
The critical chi square value for time headway Dargah road towards Highway is 7.814.
5.8. Conclusions:
The headway data is represented using a negative exponential distribution. To assess the
quality of these fits, a chi-square test has been conducted. If the calculated chi-square value
(x2 calculated) is less than the critical chi-square value (x2critical) i.e., x2 calculated <x2critical, it implies
that there is no significant difference between the observed and expected frequencies,
indicating that the time headway data conforms to the exponential distribution.
The calculated Chi-square value is less than critical Chi-square value in Lane1- Highway
towards Dargah road, therefore it indicates it is a good fit.
The chi-square value computed for Lane 2, specifically for Dargah road toward the
highway, exceeds the critical chi-square value. This implies that the observed data does not
align well with the expected distribution, indicating a poor fit.
For 2w the headway is very less compared to other vehicles.
The length of vehicles also effects the time headway.
5.9. Applications:
Many Traffic operations such as passing, merging and crossing depend on the availability of
large headway in traffic flow.
Time headway data is valuable in designing roads and intersections. It influences decisions
related to lane width, merging lanes, and overall road geometry to ensure smooth traffic flow.
Studying time headway is useful in accident investigations. It helps determine if insufficient
time headway played a role in collisions, providing insights for improving road safety
Transportation Division,
NIT Warangal 12 Traffic Measurement Laboratory
Name: Guriginjakunta Mallikarjuna
Roll No: 23CEM3R12
Analyzing time headway provides insights into driver behavior. It helps researchers and
transportation engineers understand how drivers adjust their speeds and maintain distances in
different traffic conditions.
Used in estimating the pedestrian platoon formation and delays.
Used in estimating the capacity of Unsignalized Intersections.
Capacity and Level of service analysis of Highways and Roundabouts.
5.10. Limitations:
Human errors may occur while taking the manual observations.
Obstruction to vision of observers caused by parked vehicles on roadside may lead to error
in observations taken in manual observation methods.
Individual’s posses varying capacities to respond and take note of the readings, resulting in
potential difference in the readings from one person to another.
5.11. Reference:
L. R. Kadiyali, Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning, 7th edition, 2012.
Nicholas J.Garber, Lester A.Hoel, Raju Sarkar, Principles of Traffic and Highway
Standard Normal Distribution tables and Chi-square Distribution tables.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050918303697 .
Transportation Division,
NIT Warangal 13 Traffic Measurement Laboratory