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Analytics of Cycle Time Phases and Target Load of Electric Mining Loaders-A
case study

Conference Paper · November 2015

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4924.4644


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2 authors:

Metin Ozdogan Hakki Ozdogan

Ideal Machinery & Consultancy ltd. Co., Ankara 3 PUBLICATIONS   3 CITATIONS   

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Analytics of Cycle Time Phases and Target Load of
Electric Mining Loaders- A case study

Metin Ozdogan
Ideal Makine Danismanlik Ltd. Co., Ankara
Hakki Ozdogan
Ideal Makine Danismanlik Ltd. Co., Ankara

ABSTRACT Cycle Time (CT) of the electric wheel loader comprises of Travel
to Dig (TTDG), Dig (DG), Travel to Dump (TTDMP), Dump (DMP). Travel to
Dig and Travel to Dump phases comprise of Reverse (Rev) and Forward (Fwd)
components. These phases and components are studied for a period of time
based on data of the performance monitor on board and interpreted.

It is important to know the target load of the equipment; for a productive

operation, the deviation from the target load should not be greater than ± % 5.
During the performance monitoring period, the deviation percentages of bucket
and tray loads off the target loads are given.

There are (2) two units of 21 m3 bucket electric mining loaders and (9)
nine units of 220 tonnes capacity rock trucks operating at the mine.


Diesel-electric drive system is developed by R.G. LeTourneau in the U.S.A.

between 1953 to 1973; he applied the system to off-highway trucks, loaders and
bulldozers. Thus, electric drive system gained popularity in mining equipment
(Orlemann 2009, LeTourneau 1972).

Conventionally loaders are used in handling spoil heaps and as auxiliary

equipment in mining. However, upon the development of electric mining
loaders, they are also acting as main digging equipment in surface mining. Due
to the simplistic design features for repair and maintenance, fuel economy, and
advanced technological features, less number of moving parts the electric loader
is favoured.


There exist three drive system options for electric mining loaders; Conventional
DC Drive System, AC Drive System and SR Drive system in sequence of
development. DC drive system has been used on loaders and off-highway trucks
since 1950s. However, AC and SR drive systems have been developed for
mining equipment application upon the advances of digital technologies and
computer sciences in the last decades.

AC drive system is comperatively smaller and lighter than the DC drive

system. AC drive is getting widespread in electric drive mining trucks and in
electrical earthmoving equipment.

SR motor has no commutator, therefore it has no carbon brushes and

brush holders, in this sense it is maintenance free. SR motor’s stator is similar to
that of DC motor.


There exists (2) two 21 cu.m. capacity SR drive electric mining loaders; and
(20) twenty 150 tonnes DC drive off-higway-trucks and (10) ten units of 220
tonnes AC drive off-highway trucks. In Kisladag open pit mine SR drive
mining loaders operate at blasted and abrasive hard rock benches and load into
220 tonnes AC drive trucks and 150 tonnes capacity mechanical drive trucks.
The loader fills into150 tonnes trucks in five passes and loads in 220 tonnes
trucks in 7 passes.

SR drive motorised wheels are of low maintenance type; the rotor has no
commutator, so no commutator surface and brushes and brush holders to
maintain. The loader’s all four tyres are motorised; the motorised wheels have
planetary transmissions.

The electro-magnetic braking system used generates electricity at the

motors of the wheels ie wheel motors act as generators, and the generated
electric energy is pumped back to the power control system. That is how the fuel
economy of the prime mover diesel-engine of the equipment is achieved.
Therefore, electric mining loaders are fuel savers compared to the classical
mechanical loaders and hydraulic excavators (Wood 2013).

SR drive electric mining loaders are designed and manufactured mainly

for mining applications. The bucket ranges vary from14 m3 to 56 m3, payloads
ranges vary from 25 tonnes to 72 tonnes (Anon. a. 2012). The matching haul
trucks range from 68 to120 tonnes and 290 to 363 tonnes. Working weights
vary from 107 tonnes to 267 tonnes (Anon. a. 2012).

Figure 1. Mounting of an electric drive mining loader (21m3) (Ozdogan 2013)



Table 1. depicts the performance of the equipment, P&H LeTourneau loader

(21m3) in a week which operates on two shifts a day basis at Kisladag gold
mine. Analytics like average cycle time components and their shares in the total
cycle time are based on the monitoring data recorded.

The seven-day average figures for the CT phases are as follows; Travel to Dig
(TTDG) time is 7,92±0,75 s; Dig (DG) time is 5,32±0,37 s; Travel to Dump
(TTDMP) time is 25,09±1,23 s; Dump (DMP) time is 11.35±1,47 s; and the
phases add up to a Total Cycle Time (TCT) of 49,69±1,87 seconds.
Table 1. Cycle Time components of an electric drive mining loader (21m3)

Day Travel TTDG Dig DG Travel To TTDMP Dump DMP Total

To Dig TCT (DG), TCT Dump TCT (DMP), TCT Cycle
(TTDG), % s % (TTDMP), % s % Time
s s (TCT),

1 7,57 15 5,42 11 23,73 48 13,03 26 49,77

2 7,48 15 5,20 11 25,39 52 10,47 22 48,53

3 8,42 16 4,88 09 26,65 50 13,35 25 53,38

4 8,29 17 5,13 10 25,10 51 11,03 22 49,57

5 9,20 18 5,02 10 26,68 53 9,18 19 50,18

6 7,45 15 5,79 12 24,13 49 11,72 24 49,02

7 7,04 15 5,81 12 23,98 51 10,68 22 47,39

Avg. 7,92 15,86 5,32 10,71 25,09 50,57 11,35 22,86 49,69
±0,75 ±1,22 ±0,37 ±1,11 ±1,23 ±1,72 ±1,47 ±2,34 ±1,87

Based on the monitoring results of a seven days and two shifts a day operation,
Cycle time component percentages are given below : 15,86 % of total cycle
time is Travel to Dig, 10,71 % Dig, 50,57% Travel to Dump and 22,86 %
constitute Dump phase. See, Table 1 and Figure 2.
Figure 2. Shares of cycle time components of an electrical drive loader (21m3)

According to the analytics, half of the total cycle time is being consumed
in travelling to dump phase, and approximately one quarter of the total cycle
time is consumed in dumping phase. Contrary to expected merely one tenth of
the total cycle time is spend in digging phase.

Travelling to Dump and Dump phases are comparatively longer as

expected; because of the fact that these two phases are carried out with payload.
Especially the dumping action involves lifting up the full bucket against gravity
to the level of the truck body (tray) prior to dumping.

Under these circumstances the points that to be improved to have a shorter

cycle time are as follows; spotting the truck as close as possible to the loader,
matching the size of the loader and the size of the truck in other words matching
the loading height of the loader and the height of the body of the truck so that
the full bucket does not have to be lifted too high. The loader and truck
operators’ experiences and skills have impact on having comparatively reduced
cycle times, as well.

4.1 Percentages of Travel to Dig Phase Constituents

Travel to dig phase comprises of Reverse and Forward movements, Table 2.

Table 2. The share of travel to dig (TTDG) phase constituents

Days Reverse, Rev./TTDG Forward, Fwd./TTDG, Travel to Dig,

(Rev.), s % (Fwd.), s % (TTDG), s
1 2.92 39 4.65 61 7.57
2 2.45 33 5.03 67 7.48
3 3.17 38 5.25 62 8.42
4 3.58 43 4.71 57 8.29
5 3.86 42 5.34 58 9.20
6 3.08 41 4.37 59 7.45
7 2.65 38 4.39 62 7.04
Avg. 3,10±0,50 39,14±3,34 4,82±0,39 60,86±3,34 7,92±0,76

Figure 3. Shares of travel to dig phase constituents of electrical loader (21m3)

4.2 Percentages of Travel to Dump Phase Constituents

Travel to Dump phase comprises of Reverse and Forward motions; according to
the case monitored, 26, 29 % of the phase is reverse move and 73,71 % is
forward move, Table 3.

Table 3. Travel to Dump phase constituents and ratios of electric loader (21m3)

Days Reverse Rev./TTDMP Forward Fwd./TTDMP Travel to

(Rev.), s % (Fwd.), s % Dump
1 6,06 25 17,67 75 23,73
2 6,16 25 19,23 75 25,39
3 7,44 28 19,21 72 26,65
4 6,15 25 18,95 75 25,10
5 7,72 29 18,96 71 26,68
6 6,02 25 18,11 75 24,13
7 6,53 27 17,45 73 23,98
Avg. 6,58±0,71 26,29±1,70 18,51±0,75 73,71±1,70 25,09±1,23
Figure 4. Travel to Dump phase component ratios of electrical loader (21m3)



Payload (PL) is the net weight of the material in the bucket. The dead weight of
the bucket and rigging is excluded. Payload Limit (PLL) is the proposed load
limit by the OEM not to exceed optimum bucket load. Exceeding this load limit
implies wear and tear on the equipment and shorter economic life expectancy.
Target Payload (TPL) is the optimum load suggested by the OEM; effort
should be spend to reach the target payload and it is recommended that the
deviation from this load should be in the range of ± 5 %.

Overload Limit (OLL) is the load which is 10 percent heavier than

Payload Limit (PLL), whereas, Critical Overload Limit (COLL) is 20 percent
heavier than the Payload Limit (PLL) by definition.

If the weight of the load in the bucket gets closer to the Critical Overload
Limit (COLL) equipment enters into self-control mode and stop lifting the
bucket. Upon reducing the load in the bucket by dumping some of the material
to ground, and getting the bucket load reduced to COLL Critical Overload
Limit, it starts lifting the bucket again.

5.1 Target Payload in Electrical Loader (21m3)

The OEM suggested payload limit (PLL) of P&H / L-1350 loader is 38 tonnes.
The overload limit (OLL) is 10 % excess of payload limit (PLL) which is 41, 8
tonnes. Whereas, critical overload limit (COLL) is 20 % excess of the payload
limit that is 45, 6 tonnes (Wood 2014). When the bucket load reaches the critical
overload limit (COLL), the hoist system stops working to protect the equipment;
when some of the material is dumped off, the hoist system starts functioning
again (Wood 2014).

The target payload (TPL) is taken 10 % lighter than payload limit (PLL)
which is about 34 tonnes. The OEM recommends that the payload deviation of
the target payload should not be greater or smaller than 5 % .
Figure 5. Bucket load types of the electric loader (21m3)

The target payload and deviation ratios of the electric loader (21m3) are given in
Table 4. Based on the monitoring results of the week, average bucket payload is
33±1,5 tonnes, target payload is 34 tonnes, and deviation from the target
payload is minus (-) 2,6 percent, see Table 4.

Table 4.The payload of electric loader (21 m3) and deviation of target payload

Day Bucket Target Deviation, Cycle Digging, Dumping,

Payload, Payload, % Time, s s s
tonnes tonnes
15 31 34 - %9 49,14 5,46 11,83
16 35 34 +%3 49,65 5,51 11,91
17 33 34 - %3 49,60 5,50 12,23
18 35 34 +%3 49,02 5,79 11,72
19 33 34 - %3 47,39 7,04 10,68
20 32 34 - %6 49,98 5,64 11,75
21 33 34 - %3 49,08 5,77 10,67
Average 33±1,5 34 -% 2,6 49±0,8 5,8±0,6 11,5±0,6

The onboard monitor of the electric loader is a real time touch screen interactive
one, thus the operator can interact and improve (adjust) the equipment’s
performance immediately. Critical information like height of the bucket and
bucket angle, payload of every bucket, cumulative truck tray loads, cycle time,
truck loading time, number of passes, total material moved, remaining fuel,
equipment speed, coolant temperature are monitored and recorded (Anon a,

5.2 Target Payload of 220 Tonnes Capacity Haul Trucks

Target payload and deviations: In the case observed, the haul trucks were of 220
tonnes capacity; and 10 % less of this capacity is accepted as the target load. In
the seven-day observation period tray payloads and the deviation ratios off the
target tray payloads were as follows; target load is 198 tonnes, average
deviation is + 2,5%; average tray payload is 203±10 tonnes, Table 5. Average
truck fill time is 5,7±0,5 minutes, number of passes is 6±0,4 counts, and average
daily production amount is 27,013±1243 tonnes.

Table 5. Payload of the haul trucks (220 t) and deviation of the target payload

Days Tray Target Deviation, Tray Number Daily

Load Payload, % Filling of Production,
(Payload), tonnes Time, Passes, tonnes
tonnes minutes counts
15 216 198 +8 5,68 7 27,022
16 208 198 +5 5,57 6 28,009
17 197 198 -0,5 5,18 6 25,592
18 212 198 +7 6,57 6 27,532
19 198 198 0 6,00 6 27,519
20 189 198 -4 5,23 6 28,375
21 199 198 +0,5 5,68 6 25,044
Avg. 203±10 198 +2,5 5,7±0,5 6±0,4 27,013±1243

The electric haul trucks have onboard production and equipment health
monitors, like electric mining loaders,. The equipment operator has a control
over the monitor interactively. Furthermore, the maintenance and repair teams
and management can follow and reach the monitored data remotely through
satellites and internet systems. Even, the OEM can follow the performance and
equipment health overseas, if permitted.

The new generation hybrid electric mining loaders are designed and developed
to be used as prime diggers and loaders besides the material handling works.
Electric mining loaders are 4-wheel drive equipment, where as electric mining
haulers are two wheel drive machines. In other words, each and every wheel has
SR drive motors and planetary transmissions. If one of the motorised wheels are
out of order, the loader keeps on working with the other three tyres. At this
specific pit, rock is very abrasive and fort his reason tyre chains are used on four
of the tyres, Figure 6. Motorised wheels generate very high torque at low speeds
and transfer more torque to the ground compared to conventional transmissions
(Norris, J.).

Figure 6. Maintaining of the electric loader at lunch time (Conway 2014)

Mean Time Between Failures, (R) (MTBF) : Since the number of components
are fewer, mean time between failures are comperatively longer, as expected;
No gear boxes, no torque converters, no axis and differentials, no universal
junctions, no hydraulic brakes and related cooling systems exist. The number of
moving parts are about 60 percent fewer compared to the mechanical drive ones.
Therefore, the equipment reliability expectancy is much higher. Diesel engine
overhaul intervals are longer due to the steady running of the engine (Fleet

However, since the hybrid SR drive system’s main components consist of

power electronics, motor/generator, control systems, and planetary
transmissions; the repair and maintenance teams should have electric-electronics
and computer background and digital knowledge and experience in addition to
mechanical skills; in order to have the expected higher reliability. No need to
mention that the teams should be properly trained on the specific equipment.

Mean Time To Repair, (M) (MTTR) : The cited features make mean
time to repair of the equipment shorter, since the equipment has fewer
components, and fewer gear boxes and reservoirs to maintain,. The easy to
access maintenance points around the machine and modular components reduces
the mean time to repair; so, the shorter the repair time, the quicker the
equipment back to work, and the higher the productivity is (Anon a, 2014). The
healthof the machine and functioning of the components are monitored and
failures are diagnosed by the computer system’s monitor on board in the
operator’s cab.

Electric Loader’s Productivity, (P) : The longer the mean time interval
between failures and the shorter the mean time to repair the failures, and ease of
maintenance imply that the equipment is expected to be more productive; and
thus, the lowest cost per ton is achieved. Production parameters like bucket and
truck payloads, number of trucks loaded, cumulative payloads etc. and and
productivity parameters like number of passes per truck, cycle times, truck
spotting and filling times etc can be monitored on the screen of the monitor in
the operator cab.

Additionally, the following equipment features contribute to the

productivity of the machine: Operator friendly equipment (easy to us for the
operator and the operator has fewer options to decide), superior equilibirum;
lower center of gravity; stable (constant) rpm of the engine; hundred percent
availability of the hydraulic system, continously.
Electric Loader’s Availability, (A) : The availability of the equipment
(A) is expected to be higher than that of conventional loaders due to the facts
cited ; because of higher reliability (R) and maintainability (M), and the design
features. However, operators and maintenance and repair personnel should be
trained for electric mining loader because of the fact that the experienced
operators, mechanics and electricians are scarcely available; because, electric
loaders are not yet widespread as the mechanical loaders.

Şekil 7. An overview of the openpit gold mine ( Conway 2014)


Electrical mining loaders have overcome the bias that the loaders are merely
used in material handling and in auxiliary applications. The electric loaders are
used as main earthmoving equipment in addition to material handling and
favoured for lower fuel consumption, especially in countries where there is a
heavy tax burden on fuel.

Travel To Dump (TTDMP) makes up 51 percent of the Total Cycle Time

(TCT); whereas, Dump (DMP) makes up 23 percent of the Total Cycle Time.
These two stages compose of 74 percent of the total cycle time. Therefore, for a
productive electric mining loader operation in order to reduce the duration of
these two steps to be investigated; position of the haul truck with respect to the
loader (truck spotting) and the dumping height of the loader (bucket and truck
match), and skill and experience of the operator are the factors affecting the
period of the stages.

The significance of the Target Payload (TPLD) for both the loader and the
haul truck can not be ignored. For an efficient operation, OEM suggests that the
bucket and tray loads should not deviate off the target payload more than ±5
percent which is assumed to be the optimum payload for a sound and productive
operation in the target payload zone (Paterson 2015). Overloading should be
avoided, exceeding the target payload more than the specified + 5 percent is
detrimental to the equipment in the long run. On the other hand, underloading
i.e. the deviation in minus (-) direction means using the equipment under its
capacity which implies loss of money for the mining operation.

Having less number of moving parts implies better reliability,

maintainabiliy thus higher availability of the equipment by definition.
Furthermore, fewer components to stock indicates that the comperatively modest
amount of funds to be allocated for stocking spare parts and components.

Anon. a, 2012; JoyGlobal P&H, Generation 2 Wheel Loader Product Overview, P&H Mining
Equipment Inc., Milwaukee, USA.

Conway, J. 2014; Unpublished photographs, Joy Global, UK.

LeTourneau, R.G., 1972; Mover of Men and Mountains, The Autobiography of R.G.
LeTourneau, Moody Publishers, Chicago, USA

Lovejoy, C., 2013; Providing power to people, Mining Magazine, July 2013, London, U.K.

Fleet, M., 2012; Personal communications on “Hybrid Drive Electric Mining Loaders”,
Longview, Texas, USA

Norris, J., 2015 : Personal communications, P&H Mining Equipment LeTourneau Factory.,
Texas, U.S.A.
Orlemann, E.C., 2009; R.G. LeTourneau Heavy Equipment, The Electric Drive Era 1953-
1970, Iconografix, Wisconsin, USA

Ozdogan, M., 2013 : Unpublished photograph, İdeal Makina Danışmanlık Ltd., Ankara

Ozdogan, M. ve ark., 2015 : DE Sürüş sitemleri ve yükleyicilere uygulanması – Olay

çalışması, IMCET2015, Antalya, 2015

Paterson, L., 2015; Personal communications, JoyGlobal P&H, Milwaukee,WI, U.S.A.

Wood, A., 2013; Electric drive mining class wheel loaders as primary production tools,
IMCET 2013, Antalya, Turkey.

Wood, A., 2014; Personal communications, JoyGlobal P&H, Wigan, U.K.

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