SWTH, D120 - TS8-01

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Issue: 07

Date: 03/09/2022
NR/L2/SIG/30014/D120/TS8-01 Page: 1 of 11
AWS Signalling Works Test Specification

Includes: All conventional (e.g. “BR” style and Howells equipment)

Permanent Magnets and Electro and Suppressor Inductors.
Vortok 24V DC Hard Wired Version Suppressor Inductor.
Vortok plug coupled Series 1 and Series 2 ranges of Inductors
and Permanent Magnets.
Excludes: Any other type of AWS, including Yardene Single Arm AWS
Magnets, and AWS magnets fitted temporarily for TSRs and
Related Test Specifications: None.
Related Standards: RIS-0775-CCS AWS and TPWS Application Requirements
GERT8075 AWS and TPWS Interface Requirements;
NR/L3/SIG/10663 Signalling Maintenance Specifications;
NR/L3/SIG/11303/2U05 Train Warning & Protection Systems:
Automatic Warning Systems (AWS);
NR/GN/SIG/19040 Signalling Equipment Technical Advice
Notice (Sigtan 040) - Train Protection System;
Vortok AWS Installation Manual (TM150919).
NOTE: All relevant Technical Instructions, Notice Boards, SINS, Reliability
Improvement Alerts (RIA 000) and Standards and Guidance Notes relevant
to this type of equipment are to be checked for new instructions.
Related Design details: Signalling Scheme Plan, Signal Sighting Assessment Record,
Location Area Plan, Bonding Plan and Equipment Housing
Pre-requisites: Cables tested. Equipment Housing sufficiently tested prior to
Function testing.
During testing, Green Suppressor Inductors shall not remain energised for longer than twenty
minutes otherwise the coil insulation might be damaged due to overheating.
During testing, the voltage across a Green Suppressor Inductor shall not exceed the
maximum shown, otherwise the strength of the Permanent Magnet might be permanently
reduced. If the maximum voltage is accidentally exceeded, the Suppressor Inductor is to be
de-energised and the Permanent Magnet checked with an S & P Indicator.
Relays, Test Equipment (other than S & P and Gauss meters, and plug coupler break-out
boxes), Electro Inductors and other magnets are not to be stored, transported or brought
within 600mm of a Yellow and 1200mm of a Green Permanent Magnet. This also applies to
all types of Suppressor Inductors.
Watches and credit cards are to be kept well clear of all Magnets and Inductors.
This Test Specification is formed of the following sections, which correlate to the competency
levels identified in B410 for this type of equipment or testing.

1. Inspection
2. Wire Count and Continuity
3. Function Tests

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AWS Signalling Works Test Specification

4. Correspond
General definitions of terms are given in E110, terms specific to this specification are defined
in Table 7 at the end of this Test Specification.

NOTE: Hard wired Vortok Standard Strength AWS Suppressor Inductors (cat 062/006813) are available
for use on a limited number of sites as detailed in the Product Acceptance Certificate. These are of a
level surface design and fixings are only available for installation on concrete sleepers.
NOTE: There are 2 Series of Vortok plug coupled AWS; both are of a level surface design. The newer
Series 2 range are identified by the words “SERIES II” cast into the top of the magnet / inductor cover.
Fixings for Series 2 are compatible with the earlier Series 1 magnets / inductors and can be used as

functional replacements, however Series 2 AWS are not backwards compatible to Series 1 AWS in all
circumstances. Series 2 AWS inductors draw less current, and can therefore be powered by Object
Controllers with a lower current output.
1.1.2 Check the AWS equipment provided is either the correct Yellow or Green type, in
DC Traction areas.
1.1.3 Check the required ramp(s) are fitted (bi-direction lines require ramps at each
NOTE: Vortok end ramps are optional, although middle bridging pieces are always required to cover the
cable connections.
1.2.1 CHECK FOR NO DAMAGE (D115/DT1-02).
1.2.2 Check that there are no obvious signs of cracks, terminal chamber access bolts
operate smoothly and the cable entry is intact.
1.3.2 Measure the AWS longitudinal position and Check this in accordance with the
Signalling Scheme Plan and Signal Sighting Assessment Record. For AWS
positioned at the default position of 180m, the tolerance is +20m, -10m.
NOTE: AWS can be positioned at the previous default position of 230m for lines with a linespeed
>100mph. When a change is being made to AWS on such lines, Design are to assess whether to
perpetuate the existing arrangement or to move the AWS to 180m.
1.3.3 Measure the longitudinal distance between the magnetic centres of adjacent
Permanent Magnets and Electro Inductors and Check this is 700mm (+50mm /
-0mm), when measured along the track centre line.

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AWS Signalling Works Test Specification

1.3.4 Measure the height of the AWS, and Check: The height of conventional Permanent Magnets and Electro Inductors is
within ± 12 mm with respect to rail level. Where standard Fastclip or eClip mounting kits are not used for Vortok
AWS, the height of Vortok Permanent Magnets and Electro Inductors is
within 2 to 5 mm below rail level for new rail.
NOTE: The Vortok Fastclip and eClip mounting kits set the AWS at the correct height which allows
for 14mm of permitted rail wear, and there is no requirement to measure the AWS height. Where
Fastclip and eClip mounting kits are not used the required height to a worn rail should be calculated
using the rail wear measured in accordance with the Vortok AWS Installation Manual (TM150919)
attached to the Vortok AWS Product Acceptance. The tool recommended in this manual is Lawton
Tools Rail Wear Gauge 039/028152, with the rail wear being between 0mm for new rail and 14mm
for fully worn rail. The height of Permanent Magnets used as Depot Test Magnets is within 50
to 80mm below rail level.
1.3.5 Check the AWS is positioned centrally between the rails, 10mm, unless
specified otherwise.
1.3.6 Check, by referring to Table 1, that there are no other AWS, that are effective for
a train movement in the same direction, within 4 seconds train running time,
calculated at the maximum permissible speed.
Speed MPH Distance m Speed MPH Distance m
125 224 60 107
120 215 50 90
110 197 40 72
100 179 30 54
90 161 20 36

80 143 10 18
70 126
Table 1 Distance travelled in 4 Seconds
1.3.7 Check there are none of the following types of equipment, applicable to
movements in the same direction, between the AWS and the signal or sign to
which it applies:
a. Another main signal;
b. Another AWS magnet;
c. A Permissible Warning Speed indicator sign;
d. A Permissible Warning Speed indicator sign;
e. A warning board for a temporary or emergency speed restriction or an ESR
NOTE: Be aware the provision of a new AWS might invalidate any existing TSR Design.

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AWS Signalling Works Test Specification

1.3.8 In DC Conductor Rail Traction areas, Check there are no cross-track traction
feeder cables, traction return bonds or impedance bonds within 3.5m on the
approach side of the AWS, and, by referring to Table 2, within 1.5 seconds train
running time beyond the AWS.
Speed MPH Distance m Speed MPH Distance m
125 84 60 40
120 81 50 34
110 74 40 27
100 67 30 20
90 60 20 14
80 54 10 7
70 47

Table 2 Distance travelled in 1.5 Seconds

1.3.9 In 4th Rail DC Traction areas, Check: The central conductor (4th) rail shall not approach within 2m of the AWS or
ramps and shall have a minimum gapping of 6m; No connections to the 4th rail are within 3.5m of the AWS; The 3rd rail gap is at least 2m longer than the gap of the 4th rail.
1.3.10In AC OHLE Traction areas, Check: There are no Automatic Power Control (APC) magnets within 3.5m on the
approach side of the AWS, and within 75m beyond the AWS. At S&C, no part of an unsuppressed AWS permanent magnet is less than
750 mm from the running edge of a switch rail or diamond crossing that can
be used by a train with an active automatic power control (APC) receiver.
1.3.11Check the AWS magnet / inductor has been installed not less than three sleeper
beds from any fish plated rail joint.
1.4.2 Check fixing plates on concrete sleepers, coach screws and packing pieces on
wooden sleepers.
1.4.3 Check the AWS is firmly fixed down and any required extension plates are fitted
between the ramp and the magnet / inductor.
NOTE: Extension pieces are not required with the Vortok Rapid Fit Frames. It is not permitted for Vortok
Rapid Fit Frames to be fitted to cable management sleepers.

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AWS Signalling Works Test Specification


2.1.1 WIRE COUNT (D115/DT2-01 §1) .
2.1.2 Check that the internal links are connected correctly for the specified operating
voltage as below.
2.1.3 Check that the surge arrestor (Diode or Resistor) is fitted to the outgoing side of
the final links to the Inductor and is correctly connected.
NOTE: Vortok AWS inductors are designed with spark quench diodes as part of their internal circuitry
and there is no requirement to perform this test.
2.2.1 CONTINUITY TEST (D115/DT2-01 §2) internal strapping on conventional Electro
Inductors to Table 3.
Yellow Series (24V DC) 60Ω
Mk1 +ve to 4 -ve to 1 Strap 2 to 3
Mk2 (f irst issue) +ve to 1 -ve to 4 Strap 2 to 3
Mk2 (late issue) +ve to 4 -ve to 1 Strap 2 to 3
Yellow Parallel (12V DC) 15Ω
Mk1 +ve to 4 -ve to 1 Strap 1 to 2 Strap 3 to 4
Mk2 (f irst issue) +ve to 1 -ve to 4 Strap 1 to 2 Strap 3 to 4
Mk2 (late issue) +ve to 4 -ve to 1 Strap 1 to 2 Strap 3 to 4
Green Mk 2 (60V DC) +ve to 4 -ve to 1 No Straps required
NOTE: Internal strapping does not apply to the Vortok range of AWS magnets.
Table 3 Electro Inductor Strapping
2.2.2 Using Table 4, Check the maximum loop resistance of tail cables, and maximum
cable lengths where shown, are not exceeded. Details of approximate lengths
for other cables are also shown for reference.
Casing 2.5mm2 Cable 10mm2 Cable
extends Nominal Max Loop Max Loop
Inductor Type below Coils
sleeper Voltage Resistance / Resistance /
level Length Length
Standard Strength Electro Inductors
Parallel 12V DC 1.6Ω (≈95m) --------------
Yellow Electro Mk 1 YES
Series 24V DC 6.2Ω (≈375m) --------------
Parallel 12V DC 1.4Ω (≈85m) --------------
Yellow Electro Mk 2 NO
Series 24V DC 4.9Ω (≈300m) --------------
Yellow (YE) Vortok (24V DC Version) 4.5Ω (≈275m)
NO ------------- 24V DC 2.5Ω (≈500m)
Yellow (YE) Vortok (Series 2 24V DC 4.8Ω (≈290m) 4.6Ω (≈1000m)
NO ------------- 24V DC
Version) Electro
Yellow (YE110) Vortok (Series 2 110V 16.5Ω (≈1000m) 4.6Ω (≈1000m)
NO ------------- 110V AC
AC Version) Electro


Copyright Network Rail

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AWS Signalling Works Test Specification

Casing 2.5mm2 Cable 10mm2 Cable

extends Nominal Max Loop Max Loop
Inductor Type below Coils
sleeper Voltage Resistance / Resistance /
level Length Length
Extra Strength Electro Inductors
Cable to T/J
110V AC --------------
10.7Ω (≈650m)
Green Electro Mk 2 NO -------------
T/J to AWS
60V DC --------------
0.8Ω & ≤50m #
Green (GE) Vortok (110V AC Version) 7.2Ω (≈440m) 4.6Ω (≈1000m)
NO ------------- 110V AC
Green (GE) Vortok (Series 2 110V AC 8.2Ω (≈500m) 4.6Ω (≈1000m)
NO ------------- 110V AC
Version) Electro
Standard Strength Suppressor Inductors
Yellow Suppressor (Howells cat
YES ------------- 24V DC 1.65Ω (≈100m) --------------
Yellow Suppressor (Vortok 24V DC
Hard Wired Version NO ------------- 24V DC 1.6Ω (≈95m) --------------
cat 062/006813)
Yellow (YS) Vortok (24V DC Version)
NO ------------- 24V DC 1.5Ω (≈90m) 1.5Ω (≈270m)
Yellow (YS) Vortok (Series 2 24V DC 1.65Ω (≈100m) 1.7Ω (≈290m)
NO ------------- 24V DC
Version) Suppressor
Yellow (YS110) Vortok (Series 2 110V 14Ω (≈850m) 4.6Ω (≈1000m)
NO ------------- 110V AC
AC Version) Suppressor
Extra Strength Suppressor Inductors
Green Suppressor Mk 2 NO ------------- 110V DC 0.8Ω & ≤50m # --------------
Green (GS) Vortok (110V AC Version) 4.2Ω (≈260m) 2.5Ω (≈500m)
NO ------------- 110V AC
Green (GS) Vortok (Series 2 110V AC 5.3Ω (≈325m) 4.6Ω (≈1000m)
NO ------------ 110V AC
Version) Suppressor
# The 50m maximum length of tail cable between the transformer and a Green Extra Strength Inductor limits the
length of cable exposed to the risks of traction return paths and different earth potentials, etc. , in DC traction
NOTE: Where a cable is plug coupled at both ends, it is acceptable to check the cable length recorded on the
manufacturer’s label instead of checking the cable resistance.
NOTE: The 10mm2 cable lengths shown allow additionally for 30m of 2.5mm2 cable for terminating to the AWS
using a plug coupler.
NOTE: For conventional AWS, where design other than that shown in typical circuits using 2.5mm2 cables, is
provided, following project specific assessment the approximate tail cable lengths shown above can be
increased, but the maximum loop resistance values should not be exceeded.
NOTE: It is theoretically possible to increase the tail cable lengths for Vortok Series 2 AWS, but this is subject to
project specific assessment, and in all cases the voltages at the AWS are to be compliant with §3.2 for Electros
and §3.5 for Suppressors.
Table 4 Maximum Tail Cable Resistance / Length


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AWS Signalling Works Test Specification

3.1 Test the surge arrestor (Spark Quench) as follows: -
3.1.1 Diode; Check circuit isolated, disconnect one leg of the diode and: -
On electronic meters the diode test function shall be used to Test the spark
quench diode (audible beep one way, nothing on the other),
If using an analogue meter the resistance range shall be used to Test the spark
quench diode (low, typically 100Ω, one way, and high, typically several thousand
Ω, the other way).
3.1.2 Resistor; Check circuit isolated, disconnect one leg of the resistor, Measure the
resistance and Check this is correct.
3.1.3 Reconnect equipment on completion and independently verify.
NOTE: Vortok AWS magnets are designed with spark quench diodes as part of their internal circuitry and
there is no requirement to perform this test.
3.2 Electro Inductor Voltage and Current Tests, and Dynamic Earth Tests

3.2.1 Test Electro Inductor Voltage and Current is in accordance with Table 5,
measuring the voltage across the Electro Inductor terminals and the current in
series at any convenient point in the circuit.
Casing Max
extends Nominal Minimum Maximum Nominal
below Coils Current
Inductor sleeper Voltage Voltage Voltage
(Not Drawing
level More)

Standard Strength Electro Inductors

Parallel 12V DC 10.5V DC -------------- 0.75A
Yellow Electro Mk 1 YES
Series 24V DC 21V DC -------------- 0.38A
Parallel 12V DC 10.8V DC -------------- 0.85A
Yellow Electro Mk 2 NO
Series 24V DC 21.6V DC 24V DC 0.45A
Yellow (YE) Vortok
NO ------------- 24V DC 21.6V DC 26.4V DC N/A
(24V DC Version) Electro
Yellow (YE) Vortok
NO ------------- 24V DC 21.6V DC 26.4V DC N/A
(Series 2 24V DC Version) Electro
Yellow (YE110) Vortok
NO ------------- 110V AC 99V AC 121V AC N/A
(Series 2 110V AC Version) Electro
Extra Strength Electro Inductors
Parallel 24V DC -------------- -------------- 2.3A
Green Electro Mk 1 # YES
Series 48V DC -------------- -------------- 1.15A
Green Electro Mk 2 NO ------------- 60V DC 51V DC 60V DC 1.5A
Green (GE) Vortok
NO ------------- 110V AC 99V AC 121V AC N/A
(110V AC Version) Electro
Green (GE) Vortok
NO ------------- 110V AC 99V AC 121V AC N/A
(Series 2 110V AC Version) Electro
# This type of AWS is obsolete; parameters provided for the testing of alterations to the circuit for this equipment
See NOTES on next page.

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AWS Signalling Works Test Specification

NOTE: Voltage parameters for Vortok AWS should be ±10% of the nominal voltage. These are more restrictive
parameters than those shown in NR/SMS/Part Z to allow for in service degradation.
NOTE: A plug coupler break-out box is required to test the voltage on plug coupled AWS. Prods are not to be
used on plug couplers due to the risk of damage to the connectors.
NOTE: Current measurements are not required for Vortok Series 1 and Series 2 AWS as the current is variable;
it is automatically adjusted by the electronics within the AWS, based on voltage and temperature, to provide the
required flux level.
Table 5 Electro Inductor Voltage and Current Parameters
3.2.2 In conjunction with the Electro Inductor Voltage and Current Test in §3.2.1, carry
out a Dynamic Earth Test using the same process as stated in NR/SMS/Part
B/Test/052 for power worked points, but with the Electro Inductor de-energised
and then energised.
3.3 Test Permanent Magnets and Electro Inductors for Strength and Polarity for all
possible controlling signal aspects, and Check that the Electro Inductor is only
energised when the signal is a ‘Green’ aspect, or semaphore distant arm is in the ‘Off’
NOTE: When using an S & P meter, a correct indication is one that enters the “Green” indication with either a
letter “P” for a Permanent Magnet or “E” for Electro Inductor. The Electro Inductor is to present a “Red”
indication when not energised.
NOTE: Conventional Green AWS require a 46mm wooden block spacer fitted under the S & P meter; this is
not required for any Vortok AWS.
3.4 Test Electro Inductors for Residual Magnetism.

NOTE: When using an S & P meter a correct indication is one that enters the ‘Red’ indication rapidly when
the Electro Inductor is de-energised.
NOTE: Conventional Green AWS require a 46mm wooden block spacer fitted under the S & P meter; this is
not required for Vortok AWS.
3.5 Suppressor Inductor Voltage and Current Tests, and Dynamic Earth Tests
3.5.1 Test Suppressor Inductor Voltage and Current is in accordance with Table 6,
measuring the voltage is to be taken across the Suppressor terminals and the
current in series at any convenient point in the circuit.
Casing extends Nominal Minimum Maximum
Inductors below sleeper Nominal
level Voltage Voltage Voltage Current (Not
Drawing More)

Standard Strength Suppressor Inductors

Yellow Suppressor
YES 24V DC 22.8V DC 25.8V DC 1.26A
(Howells cat 062/006785)
Yellow Suppressor
(Vortok 24V DC Hard Wired NO 24V DC 22.8V DC 26.4V DC # 1.5A
Version cat 062/006813)
Yellow (YS) Vortok
NO 24V DC 21.6V DC 26.4V DC N/A
(24V DC Version) Suppressor
Yellow (YS) Vortok
(Series 2 24V DC Version) NO 24V DC 21.6V DC 26.4V DC N/A
Yellow (YS110) Vortok (Series 2
NO 110V AC 99V AC 121V AC N/A
110V AC Version) Suppressor

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AWS Signalling Works Test Specification

Casing extends Nominal Minimum Maximum Nominal
Inductors below sleeper
level Voltage Voltage Voltage Current (Not
Drawing More)

Extra Strength Suppressor Inductors

Green Suppressor Mk 2 NO 110V DC 93.5V DC 121V DC 2.3A
Green (GS) Vortok
NO 110V AC 99V AC 121V AC N/A
(110V AC Version) Suppressor
Green (GS) Vortok (Series 2
NO 110V AC 99V AC 121V AC N/A
110V AC Version) Suppressor
# It is acceptable for this voltage to be as high as 32V DC where the AWS is fed via a full wave rectification
T/J, and the multimeter used is not a True RMS meter.
NOTE: Voltage parameters for Vortok plug coupled AWS should be ±10% of the nominal voltage. These are
more restrictive parameters that those shown in NR/SMS/Part Z to allow for in service degradation.
NOTE: A plug coupler break-out box is required to test the voltage on plug coupled AWS. Prods are not to
be used on plug couplers due to the risk of damage to the connectors.
NOTE: Current measurements are not required for Vortok Series 1 and Series 2 AWS as the current is
variable; it is automatically adjusted by the electronics within the AWS inductor, based on voltage and
temperature, to provide the required flux level.

Table 6 Suppressor Inductor Voltage and Current Parameters

3.5.2 In conjunction with the Suppressor Inductor Voltage and Current Test in §3.5.1,
carry out a Dynamic Earth Test using the same process as stated in
NR/SMS/Part B/Test/052 for power worked points, but with the Suppressor
Inductor de-energised and then energised.
3.6 Test Suppressor Inductors for Strength and Polarity
3.6.1 Test Suppressor Inductors, with the exception of Green Mk2 Suppressor
NOTE: When using an S & P meter, a correct indication is one that changes from the ‘Green’ indication
with a letter “P” to a “Red” indication when the Suppressor Inductor is energised.
NOTE: Conventional Green AWS require a 46mm wooden block spacer fitted under the S & P meter;
this is not required for any Vortok AWS.
NOTE: It is not possible to test Green Mk2 Suppressor Inductors using an S & P meter due to the
physical configuration of these inductors.

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AWS Signalling Works Test Specification

3.6.2 Test Green Mk2 Suppressor Inductors using a Gauss meter.

When the Suppressor Inductor is energised, holding the Gauss meter in the test area
shown in Figure 1, at 115mm (+1, -0mm) above Rail Level, Measure the flux and
Check it is 12 Gauss / 1.2m Tesla.
When the Suppressor Inductor is de-energised, holding the Gauss meter in the test
area shown in Figure 1 at 200mm (+1, -0mm) above Rail Level, Measure the flux and
Check it is between 50 Gauss / 5m Tesla and 208 Gauss / 20.8m Tesla.
NOTE: Due to the configuration of Green Mk2 Suppressor Inductors, with permanent magnet modules
(known as “wings”) mounted on either side of the main body in which the coil is housed, it is only
possible to carry out this gauss test once the AWS has been fully assembled on-site. Gauss testing of
other types of AWS is completed as part of factory testing.

Figure 1
3.7 Complete the appropriate Record Card.

4.1 Correspond the signal aspect to the AWS Electro Inductor indication. This test shall
be repeated for all possible controlling signal aspects and Check that the Electro
Inductor is only energised when the signal is a “lamp proved” “Green” aspect, or
semaphore distant arm is in the “Off’” position.
NOTE: Where climbing aspect controls are not provided in the signal circuits, the HR, or equivalent, should
be provided in the AWS circuit.
4.2 Test Suppressor Inductors correspond to the controlling function to prove that
suppression is applied correctly.
NOTE: Suppressor Inductors are usually associated with signals applying to moves in the opposite direction
to the signal under test, and therefore the Suppressor Inductor should only be energised when correct wrong
direction signal(s) is set, along with any track occupation for economisation.
NOTE: Where a contactor relay is provided for the suppressor, this is to be down proved.

Copyright Network Rail

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AWS Signalling Works Test Specification

Specific Definitions
Term / Abbreviation Definition
APC Automatic Power Control
The meter specifically used for testing the magnetic flux of conventional Green
Gauss Meter
Suppressor inductors.
Strength and Polarity Meter. The meter specifically used for testing AWS Magnets
S & P Meter
and Inductors.
Table 7 Specific Definitions


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