Structral Design For Solar Cana S

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,397.447 B2

Heisler (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 19, 2013
(54) ROOF TRUSS COMPATIBLE FOR SOLAR 5,125,608 A * 6/1992 McMaster et al. ......... 248.163.1
PANELS 5,367,843. A 11, 1994 Hirai
5,505,788 A 4/1996 Dinwoodie
5,531,049 A 7, 1996 Hirai
(75) Inventor: Robert E. Heisler, San Mateo, CA (US) 5,706,617 A 1, 1998 Hirai
6,182,403 B1 2/2001 Mimura
(73) Assignee: Eco Solar Generation LLC, San Mateo, 6,415,580 B2 * 7/2002 Ojala .......... 52,794.1
CA (US) 6,563,040 B2 * 5/2003 Hayden et al. . ... 136,244
6,901,708 B1* 6/2005 Powers, III .................... 52/911
c -r 7,012,188 B2 3/2006 Erling
(*) Notice: Subject to any distic the t d this 7,185,471 B2 3/2007 Schmerber
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 7,260,918 B2 8/2007 Liebendorfer
U.S.C. 154(b) by 339 days. 7,434,362 B2 10/2008 Liebendorfer
7,797.905 B1* 9/2010 Smalley .......................... 52/643
(21) Appl. No.: 12/874,168 8,266,846 B2 * 9/2012 Schoell ....... 52,173.3
8.336,277 B1 * 12/2012 Rego et al. ..... 52,747.1
1-1. 2008.003514.0 A1* 2, 2008 Placer et al. ... ... 126,622
(22) Filed: Sep. 1, 2010 2008/O190047 A1* 8, 2008 Allen ........................... 52, 1733
O O 2008/0236058 A1 10, 2008 Antonie
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2011 FO252724 A1 Oct. 20, 2011
JP 10131442 5, 1998
Related U.S. Application Data JP 2001012O39 1, 2001
(60) Provisional application No. 61/324,712, filed on Apr. * cited by examiner
15, 2010. Primary Examiner — Phi A
(51) Int. Cl. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — The Mueller Law Office,
E04D I3/03 (2006.01) P.C.
E04D 3/8 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl. ............ 52/173.352/633:52,200,52/91.3; (7) ABSTRACT
126/623; 126/621 A roof truss compatible for solar energy panels, and a method
(58) Field of Classification Search ................... 52/91.3, for installing the roof trusses, incorporates a non-structural
52/90.1, 91.1, 173.3, 171.1, 200, 634, 633; top chord that may have a removable portion removed and
126/623, 621, 622; 136/244, 245 replaced by a solar assembly. The truss is structurally
See application file for complete search history. designed to Support the Solar assembly without the presence
of the non-structural top chord. A desired length of the non
(56) References Cited structural top chord may be omitted or removed during manu
facture of the truss, or may be removed at a future time for
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS installation of Solar panel assemblies. A Solar assembly for
4,162,595 A 7/1979 Ramos inserting into the Solar roof truss may include a panel enclo
4,178,912 A 12/1979 Felter Sure which has a channel for holding a solar panel, where the
4,238,912 A 12/1980 MacDonald panel is installed approximately flush with the roofline. The
4,239,031 A 12/1980 Granger panel enclosure may have an air space underneath the Solar
4,466,424. A 8/1984 Lockwood
4,526,161. A 7/1985 Kaicher panel, to allow for cooling air flow and water drainage.
5,036,833 A 8/1991 Quigley
5,092,939 A 3/1992 Nath 11 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets

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FIG. 7
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US 8,397,447 B2
1. 2
Reference now will be made in detail to embodiments of
RELATED APPLICATIONS the disclosed invention, one or more examples of which are
illustrated in the accompanying drawings.
This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent FIGS. 1A-1B are front views of an embodiment of a roof
Application Ser. No. 61/324,712 filed Apr. 15, 2010, entitled truss of the present invention, including a non-structural top
“Solar Roof Truss and Embedded Solar Energy System.” chord;
which is hereby incorporated by reference for all purposes. FIG. 1B depicts the roof truss of FIG. 1A with a portion of
10 the non-structural top chord removed;
BACKGROUND OF THE DISCLOSURE FIG. 1C is a front view of another embodiment of a roof
truss of the present invention;
Rooftop Solar energy systems are a common mode for FIG. 2 is a perspective view of an embodiment of a plurality
installing Solar panels on a building. Solar panels may be of roof trusses of the present invention;
retrofitted on top of existing roofs, or may be incorporated
15 FIG.3A shows a simplified exploded perspective view of a
into a roof during new construction. For retrofit installations rooftop energy system of the present invention;
on top of an existing roof, each installation must be built as a FIG. 3B shows an assembled perspective view of the sys
custom design for each home and be engineered to satisfy tem of FIG. 3A;
local authority inspectors, both of which make retrofits a FIG. 4 illustrates a cross-sectional view of a solar assembly
installed into a roof, corresponding to section 'A' of FIG.3B;
costly process. Retrofits can compromise the integrity of a FIG. 5 is a perspective view of end section C of FIG. 4;
roof, be visually unappealing, and incur high labor and mate FIG. 6 is a perspective view of mid-section D of FIG. 4;
rial costs. The structural design of the Supporting roof trusses FIG. 7 depicts a perspective view of an embodiment of a
may require modification or rebuilding in order to make them joining bracket of the present invention; and
compatible with the Solar panels being installed. 25 FIG. 8 is a cross-sectional view corresponding to an
Solar energy systems may also be incorporated into a roof embodiment of Section “B” of FIG. 3B.
during construction of the building instead of being retrofit
ted. For instance, various designs for photovoltaic panels, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
fluid heat exchangers, and heated air systems to be installed EMBODIMENTS
on top of a roof or built into the underlying roof structure have 30
been seen in the art. However, Such custom approaches A solar roof truss compatible for installation of a solar
require specialized structures that must be incorporated into energy assembly is disclosed, in which the solar roof truss
the design of the building itself. Solar roof tiles and shingles allows the option of installing the Solar energy assembly
for use as a roofing material are another approach for install during construction of a building or at a future time. The Solar
ing Solar components into new roofs. Solar roof tiles and 35 roof truss is pre-engineered to house a solar assembly and
shingles provide a more visually appealing Surface, but can support the weight thereof, thus reducing the cost of retrofit
also require retrofitting of the roof structure and be costly. ting if the panels are installed at a future time. A non-struc
Thus, there remains a need for solar rooftop systems which tural memberis incorporated into a roof truss to provide space
reduce cost, improve standardization, and are easy to install for a solar assembly. The non-structural member is positioned
while maintaining reliability and maintainability. 40 to define the roofline of a building such that the solar assem
bly may be installed approximately flush with the roof line.
SUMMARY OF THE DISCLOSURE For the purposes of this disclosure, “roofline' shall refer to a
finished roof. Such as the top surface of shingles, tiles, shake,
A roof truss compatible for Solar energy panels and method or other type of roofing material installed onto the roof. The
of installing the Solar panels into a roof having the roof trusses 45 non-structural member can be configured into standard roof
is disclosed. The roof truss incorporates a non-structural top truss designs, which allows for a visually appealing Solar
chord that may have a removable portion removed and rooftop system without requiring custom or specialized sys
replaced by a solar assembly. The truss of the present inven tems to accommodate Solar components. Furthermore, the
tion is structurally designed to support the Solar assembly Solar roof trusses are amenable to various sizes of solar arrays.
without the presence of the non-structural top chord. In some 50 FIGS. 1A and 1B show an embodiment of a solar roof truss
embodiments, the non-structural top chord is omitted or 100 of the present invention. Truss 100 includes a top chord
removed during manufacture of the truss. In other embodi 110 in one half of the truss 100, a non-structural top chord 120
ments, the Solar roof trusses may be covered with roofing above top chord 110, and another top chord 130 in the second
material, and then the roofing material and a portion of the half of the truss. Truss 100 also includes a bottom chord 140,
non-structural top chord removed at a future time to make 55 web members 150, a central post 155, a peak truss plate 160,
them suitable for installation of solar panel assemblies. The and truss plates 165. Truss members 110, 120, 130, 140, and
non-structural chord has an upper Surface defining the roof 150 may be standard lumber sizes such as 2"x4" and 2"x6", or
line, so that the installed solar assembly may be installed other sizes as required to meet the necessary building speci
approximately flush with the roofline. fications. While typically all members of a truss are structural
A Solar assembly for inserting into the Solar roof truss is 60 components, the solar roof truss 100 beneficially provides the
also disclosed. The Solar assembly includes a panel enclosure non-structural top chord 120 to enable the truss 100 to be
which has a channel for holding a Solar panel, the channel compatible for installation of a Solar assembly at a present or
being located near an upper edge of the panel enclosure. In future time. Non-structural top chord 120 serves as a dummy
Some embodiments, the panel enclosures may belongitudinal chord, preserving a space into which Solar panels may be
and configured to slidingly receive a row of Solar panels. The 65 embedded. When non-structural top chord 120 is full length,
panel enclosure may have an air space underneath the Solar extending from the peak 170 of the truss to the heel 175 at the
panel, to allow for cooling air flow and water drainage. gutter line of the truss as in FIG. 1A, the roof may be entirely
US 8,397,447 B2
3 4
covered with roofing material without any solar panels. When chord 120 to be cut, may be tailored to the number and size of
the non-structural top chord 120 has only a partial length Solar panels desired for installation.
present, as in FIG. 1B, the removable length of non-structural The non-structural top chord 120 is positioned in the truss
top chord 120, as indicated by the dashed lines 125, allows for 100 such that the upper surfaces 122 and 132 of top chords
placement of a Solar assembly. 120 and 130 define a roofline for a building into which the
The truss 100 is designed to support the weight of a solar truss 100 will be incorporated. The structural top chord 110 is
assembly without the presence of top chord 120. That is, therefore below the desired roof profile. In embodiments
non-structural top chord 120 is a non-loadbearing member of where the non-structural top chord 120 is initially manufac
truss 100, with its length whether full length or partial not tured with only a partial length, the roofline would be defined
impacting the structural integrity of the truss 100. In some 10 by a line extending along of the upper Surface 122 of the
embodiments, the non-structural top chord 120 may be ini partial length toward the heel 175 of the truss 100; that is, the
tially manufactured as a partial length. When manufactured upper surface of where a full-length chord would be if
with a partial length, the removable portion of the non-struc present. The truss 100 may be configured in a conventional
truss pattern, Such as the Howe-type design as embodied in
tural chord is not a physical piece but may be defined as the 15 FIGS. 1A and 1B. In other embodiments, other standard
space continuing from the partial length and extending from trusses may be used as the basis of a solar roof truss. In
down to the heel of the truss. In other embodiments, the truss embodiments in which a conventional truss is modified with
100 may be manufactured and installed into a building with a a non-structural chord, the non-structural chord would take
full-length non-structural top chord 120, with the full length the place of a standard top chord, similar to FIG. 1A, and the
being divided or cut at a future time into a partial length and standard top chord would be positioned below the non-struc
a removed length. The future time can be at the discretion of tural chord.
a user, Such as months or years after being built into a roof. FIG. 1C, for example, illustrates a solar roof truss 200
The non load-bearing top chord 120 establishes a space into based on a Fink-type of standard truss, in which all web
which a Solar assembly may be installed, which advanta members are angled except for a vertical central post. Similar
geously enables a building to be compatible for Solar energy 25 to solar roof truss 100 of FIGS. 1A-1B, solar roof truss 200 of
panels at any time during the life of the building. Because the FIG. 1C has a structural top chord 210, a non-structural top
truss 100 is designed to support the weight of a Solar assem chord 220, a second structural top chord 230, a bottom chord
bly, retrofitting and re-engineering of a roof, along with the 240, web members 250, and a central post 255. Non-struc
associated costly permits and inspections, may be reduced or tural top chord 220 may be cut at any distance from peak 270.
eliminated. 30 In the embodiment of FIG. 1C, for example, a cut line 280 is
In the embodiment of FIG. 1B, only a partial length oftop shown in which approximately half of the lower portion of
chord 120 near truss plate 160 at the peak of the truss 100 is non-structural top chord 220 will be removed. The cut length
present. As described above, the non-structural top chord 120 of non-structural top chord may be determined according to
may be manufactured with a partial length. In other embodi the dimensions of the solar assembly to be installed, which
ments, the non-structural top chord 120 may be manufactured 35 may include a single panel or an array of many panels.
with a full length, with the full length being cut and a portion In embodiments in which the solar roof truss is based on a
removed in the field, after installation into a roof. Top chord conventional truss, the Solar roof truss advantageously
120 may be shortened by cuttingata desired location along its reduces the cost of custom-built designs for installing Solar
length, according to the size of the Solar assembly to be panels. In yet other embodiments, the non-structural top
installed, and then removing any truss plates 165 attaching 40 chord may be built into a custom-designed truss, for instance
top chord 120 to the roof truss 100. In FIG. 1B, the space 125 to meet the designs of a specific building. Embodiments of the
vacated by the removed portion of top chord 120 provides a Solar roof trusses of the present invention may be applicable
recessed area into which a Solar assembly may be inserted. to various types of building, including but not limited to
Because the space 125 is recessed, the resulting embedded residential, commercial, warehouses, and carports.
Solar energy system has a visually appealing benefit of being 45 While the top chord 120 of FIGS. 1A and 1B is shown as a
approximately flush with the roof line. Having the roof line single chord, or rafter, immediately adjacent to top chord 110.
flush with the solar assembly also minimizes shading effects other variations are possible for configuring a non-structural
of the Surrounding roof on the Solar panels. In one embodi chord to provide a space for a solar assembly. For example,
ment, for example, the top chord 120 may be a 2x6" chord, the non-structural top chord 120 and top chord 110 may have
resulting in a vacated space 125 having a six inch height for a 50 a vertical space between them. In an example of Such an
solar assembly to be installed. In another embodiment, a solar embodiment, a non-structural top chord may be a 2"x4"
assembly may be seated only partially into the depth of the chord, to save weight and/or cost compared to a 2"x6" chord,
recessed space to accommodate thicker roofing materials and be attached to a structural top chord with 2" high blocks
Such as tile. For example, an installed Solar assembly may in order to achieve a desired 6" space for solar assemblies. In
protrude two inches above the Surrounding trusses, or rough 55 another embodiment, the non-structural top chord may be
roof, to allow tiling material to fill the remaining two inch configured from multiple pieces. Such as multiple pieces
height up to the edge of the solar assembly. In other embodi placed end to end, or multiple pieces stacked vertically. In any
ments the Solar assembly may extend any height above the variations, the non-structural top chord remains characterized
Surrounding trusses as required to accommodate the thick in that it preserves a length and a vertical space Sufficient for
ness of the particular roofing material to be used, so that the 60 installing a solar assembly, and is positioned with its upper
solar assembly is approximately flush with the finished roof surface defining a roofline. Other embodiments for position
line. ing a non-structural top chord with a desired height relative to
In the embodiment of FIG. 1B, a majority of chord 120 has the structural top chord may be achieved by one of ordinary
been removed, allowing for multiple solar panels to be skill in the art without departing from the scope of the inven
installed in the space 125. Use of the solar roof trusses 100 65 tion herein.
allows for a modular Solar roof design, in that number of FIG. 2 shows a plurality 190 of roof trusses 101 installed
trusses 100 to be removed, and the length of non-structural into a roof. Trusses 101 are similar to the roof trusses 100 of
US 8,397,447 B2
5 6
FIGS. 1A and 1B, but embodied with web members in a rials known in the industry. Note that panel enclosure 320,
different exemplary truss structure. Intact trusses 192 at the bracket 360, cleat 370, end bracket 384 and flashing 382 are
ends of the plurality 190 have the top chord 121 intact, while depicted in FIG. 4 as having space between parts for clarity,
a cut Subset 195 between the intact trusses 192 of the roof but in actual construction may be seated immediately adja
have only a partial length 124 of the non-structural top chord cent to each other. Roofing sheet 380 may be, for example, a
provided. The removable sections of the non-structural top plywood sheet onto which composition roofing, tiling, or
chords—which as described above may be a piece removed other roofing material may be mounted. Additional materials
from a full-length chord, or which may represent the space may be inserted within the solar assembly 30 as desired to
where a full-length chord would have occupied in the case of provide further weatherproofing Such as plastic sheeting
the truss being built with a only partial length provide the 10 between backing sheet 350 and panel enclosure 320, sealants,
recessed space 125 into which a solar assembly may be and caulking.
inserted. The number of trusses selected for cut subset 195 In the embodiment of FIG. 4, panel enclosure 320 has a
may be as few as one or up to any number as needed to bottom surface 322 and two sidewalls 324, with channels 326
accommodate the size of a desired solar assembly. In one near the upper edges of the side walls 324. Having the chan
embodiment, when the cut subset 195 includes all of the solar 15 nels 326 positioned near the upper edges of the side walls 324
roof trusses present, intact trusses 192 bordering the cut sub results in solar panels 310 being approximately flush with the
set 195 may be conventional or other non-solar roof truss. Surrounding roof line. In other embodiments as described
Similarly, the removed length, that is the full length of the above, the upper edges of side walls 324 may protrude above
non-structural top chord minus the partial length remaining in the height of the backing sheet 380 to accommodate the
the cut Subset, may embody any length to enable insertion of thicknesses or heights of various roofing materials. Panel
the particular solar assembly. The recessed space 125 has enclosure 320 may beformed from, for example, sheet metal.
dimensions defined by a) a height from the upper Surface of a In some embodiments, the panel enclosure 320 may be 20-28
structural chord 111 to the upper surface of non-structural gauge stainless steel. Channels 326 in the embodiment of
chord 121, b) a width spanning from trusses 193 and 194 FIG. 4 are in a “C” shape, allowing solar panel 310 to be slid
bordering the cut subset 195, and c) a length of the removed 25 into the channels 326. Having channels 326 receive solar
portion of the non-structural chords in the cut subset 195. In panels 310 in a sliding manner beneficially retains the solar
Some embodiments, strapping may be added as required for panels 310 within the enclosures 320 while allowing for easy
the envelope effect on the building. removal of the solar panels 310 for maintenance or replace
FIGS. 3A and 3B depict an example of how a solar assem ment. Other configurations for channels 326 are possible,
bly may be installed into a solar roof truss system. FIG. 3A 30 such as an "L' shape in which panels are vertically inserted
provides a simplified exploded view of the assembled rooftop into the enclosure. The channels 326 in FIG. 4 are embodied
solar energy system 300 shown in FIG. 3B. The system 300 as integrally formed into panel enclosure 330, by being bent
includes solar panels 310, panel enclosures 320, roofing at Successive angles to form the “C” shape. Having channel
material 330 covering the roof area around the solar panels 326 formed integrally may reduce component and manufac
310, and a plurality of roof trusses 340. In this embodiment, 35 turing costs of the panel enclosure 320.
panel enclosures 320 are longitudinal pans placed in the In one embodiment of installing solar panels 310 into a
recessed area 345 of roof trusses 340. Abacking sheet such as roof, a first solar panel 310 is slid into the enclosure 320, and
plywood (not shown) may be placed under the pans to provide positioned at the uppermost position of the recessed space,
weatherproofing. The solar panels 310 are then placed into toward apex of the roof. Any Subsequent Solar panels to be
the panel enclosures 320. Roofing material 330 may be any 40 installed may then be slid into place, until the desired number
material known in the art such as composition, shake, slate, or of panels are stacked in a row along the panel enclosure. The
tiles. Solar panels 310 and panel enclosures 320 may be bottom-most panel may then be retained in place by holding
installed at the same time that roof trusses 340 are constructed mechanisms including but not limited to cotterpins, retaining
into a building. Alternatively, roof trusses 340 may be con clips, clasps, brackets, and the like. Individual panels may be
structed into the building with all of the non-structural chords 45 easily accessed for repair or replacement by releasing the
being full-length, making the roof compatible for Solar panels holding mechanism from a particular row, and then sliding
310 and panel enclosures 320 to be installed at a future time out one or more panels for servicing.
as a replacement for any roofing material that previously had The panel enclosure 320 may be one longitudinal piece
been covering the entire roof. While solar energy system 300 continuously extending from the gutterline of the rooftoward
is shown in FIGS. 3A-3B as an array of twenty-four solar 50 the peak of the truss such as depicted in FIG. 3A. In other
modules, any number and arrangement of modules is pos embodiments, such as in FIG. 8, the panel enclosure 320 (430
sible. For instance the solar assembly 300 may be one large in FIG. 8) may include multiple segments pieced together
single panel, or one row of three panels, or an array of any lengthwise. Shorter enclosure segments may advantageously
number of panels for achieving the desired power output. facilitate handling of the panel enclosures during transport or
FIG. 4 depicts a cross-sectional view of section A of FIG. 55 installation.
3B, detailing an embodiment of solar assembly 300 installed Further details of FIG. 4 may be seen in combination with
into a roof. Solar assembly 300 is mounted into the recessed the perspective views of FIG.5 and FIG. 6. FIG.5 depicts end
space bordered by structural top chord 347 on the bottom and section C of FIG. 4, where the panel enclosure 320 abuts
non-structural top chord 349 in a bordering truss to the side. non-structural top chord 349 of a bordering truss, while FIG.
Solar assembly 300 includes panel enclosure 320, solar panel 60 6 depicts mid-section D. between adjoining panel enclosures.
310 mounted into panel enclosure 320, a backing sheet 350, a Note that for FIG.5, non-structural top chord 349 may instead
bracket 360, and a cleat 370. Also shown in FIG. 4 are a be the top chord of a conventional or other truss, in instances
roofing sheet 380, flashing 382, optional end bracket 384, and where it is desired to use a standard truss in areas where solar
electrical conduit 390. Backing sheet 350 may be, for panels are not installed. FIG. 5 depicts an embodiment in
example, a plywood sheet. Bracket 360, cleat 370, and end 65 which bracket 384 of FIG. 4 has been omitted, and in which
bracket 384 may be fabricated from, for example, sheet metal flashing 382a has been incorporated as an integral extension
or plastic. Flashing 382 may be standard roof flashing mate of panel enclosure 320a. Having flashing 382a integral with
US 8,397,447 B2
7 8
panel enclosure 320a may reduce manufacturing and instal 410 are positioned to leave a gap 422 between the solar panel
lation costs. Flashing 382a may include optional features and adjacent roofing. As shown by arrows 422,424, 426, and
Such as a lip or groove at its terminating end, not shown, to 428, the gap 422 is fluidly connected to airspace 420 between
facilitate joining the flashing to adjacent roofing material. solar panels 410 and bottom of panel enclosures 430, allow
Panel enclosure 320 is mounted on backing sheet 350, which ing water drainage and air currents to flow underneath the
may be, for example, plywood. Backing sheet 350 is located solar panels 410. Circulating air currents 424 and 426 may
on the upper surfaces oftop chords 347, and serves to seal the provide beneficial cooling to the solar panels 410. The air
roof from the interior of the building. Panel enclosures 320 space 420 also allows for precipitation to drain (arrow 428) to
are joined and sealed to each other by joining elements the gutter 490, and for debris to be flushed out from under
embodied as bracket 360 and cleat 370 in FIG. 6. Brackets 10 neath the panels 410. In one exemplary embodiment, for a
360 may be mounted to backing sheet 350 by, for example, Solar roof truss system in which a non-structural chord is a
nails, screws, adhesive, or other fastening materials. Bracket 2"x6" chord, the chord height allows six inches of total space
360 and cleat 370 may be formed from materials including, to be available for a solar assembly to be embedded. The air
but not limited to, sheet metal, plastic, or composites. space 420 may consequently have a height of approximately
In the embodiment of FIGS. 4 and 6, bracket 360 has a 15 two to four inches, depending on the thickness of the Solar
bottom tab hooking underneath one panel enclosure 320 and modules, backing sheet, and other components installed into
a top tab inserted into a slot in a neighboring panel enclosure the assembly.
320, where the detent is formed by the bottom edge of the In the embodiment of FIG. 8, multiple panel enclosures
channel326. Bracket360 connects adjacent enclosures 320 to 430 are utilized to span the length of the solar assembly 400.
each other, and also provides additional structural Support for In this embodiment, the lip 431 of one panel enclosure is
the solar assembly 300, for instance to support loads from configured to fit into the end 432 of the adjoining enclosure,
environmental stresses or the weight of personnel when per so that the lip 431 forms a water-resistant overlapping joint.
forming maintenance. Cleat 370 is slid over the top lip of The enclosures 430 may be joined by other methods, such as
channel 326, and may be secured and sealed to enclosure 320 tabs, slots, crimps, screws, Sealants, or other joining methods
by one or all of various methods including crimping, caulk 25 known in the art. Alternatively, one panel enclosure may
ing, bonding, welding, or other joining processes known in extend the entire length as described in previous embodi
the art. Cleat 370 may be a continuous piece extending the mentS.
entire length of a row of panel enclosures 320, or may be Electrical connections between Solar panels may be con
multiple pieces joined together in a lengthwise fashion. The nected via conduits that run through pre-drilled holes in the
overlapping natures of bracket 360 and cleat 370 with the 30 side of each pan, underneath Solar modules, as illustrated in
panel enclosures 320 provide a waterproofseal between panel FIG. 4. The conduit may then be routed to an inverter
enclosures 320. Other joining elements are possible, such as mounted near a main panel. If micro-inverters are used that
brackets of other shapes, clamps, clips, interlocking tabs, and is, inverters for each individual solar module—the conduit
the like. may go directly to the main house panel instead of having a
A perspective view of one embodiment of bracket 360 is 35 single inverter for the array. Other wiring embodiments are
shown in FIG. 7. Bracket 360 has a bottom tab 362, a first possible. For instance, individual Solar modules may be con
upper tab 364 and a second upper tab 366. Tab 364 folds to nected in series or parallel, and may have a common ground
one side of the bracket 360 while tab 366 folds to the opposite W1e.
side, beneficially enabling the bracket 360 to secure two Note that although embodiments have been shown with a
adjoining enclosures. Multiple brackets 360 may be placed 40 plurality of Solar roof trusses, a single Solar roof truss may be
along the length of a panel enclosure 320 for securing the utilized. In Such an embodiment, the recessed space for a solar
enclosures 320 to each other and to the backing sheet 350. In assembly would have a width spanning from an adjacent
another embodiment, the bracket 360 may be sufficiently truss, across the single Solar roof truss, and to the adjacent
long to stabilize the entire length of the panel enclosure with truss on the other side of the solar roof truss. Furthermore,
the use of the one single bracket. The bottom tab 362 may be 45 while the recessed spaces for Solar assemblies are depicted in
fastened to backing sheet 350 by nails, screws, or other fas this disclosure as being bordered on either side with trusses,
teners known in the art. other types of end Surfaces other than trusses may instead
Returning to FIG. 6, an air space 328 between the solar enclose the edges of the recessed space. Alternative end Sur
panel 310 and the panel enclosure 320is shown. The air space faces may include, for example, walls made of concrete,
328 allows for air circulation to cool the solar panels 310, and 50 plywood, brick, sheet metal or other material. The end sur
also to allow for drainage of water, Such as rain or other faces need only to be spaced apart from the one or more solar
precipitation, to empty into a gutter. FIG. 8 illustrates an roof trusses with enough distance to provide space for a solar
embodiment of the air and water circulation path for a solar assembly. Additionally, other types of Solar assemblies may
assembly 400, shown in a cross-section from the gutter line at be installed into the solar roof trusses described in this dis
the heel of the truss to the peak of a roof (e.g., section “B” of 55 closure.
FIG. 3B), taken through a mid-portion of a row of solar While the specification has been described in detail with
modules. respect to specific embodiments of the invention, it will be
In FIG. 8, solar modules 410 have an airspace 420 between appreciated that those skilled in the art, upon attaining an
the underside of solar modules 410 and the bottom of the understanding of the foregoing, may readily conceive of alter
panel enclosures 430. The panel enclosures 430 are placed on 60 ations to, variations of and equivalents to these embodi
top of a backing sheet 440, which is mounted on structural top ments. These and other modifications and variations to the
chord 450 of a supporting truss. The solar assembly 400 is present invention may be practiced by those of ordinary skill
bordered toward the peak end of the roof by non-structural top in the art, without departing from the spirit and scope of the
chord 480 and a roofing sheet 470, onto which flashing 465 is present invention, which is more particularly set forth in the
mounted. Roofing sheet 470 is mounted onto the partial 65 appended claims. Furthermore, those of ordinary skill in the
length of non-structural top chord 480. Flashing is coupled to art will appreciate that the foregoing description is by way of
Surrounding roofing material, not shown. The Solar panels example only, and is not intended to limit the invention. Thus,
US 8,397,447 B2
it is intended that the present subject matter covers such length and the removable portion, and wherein the removable
modifications and variations as come within the scope of the portion is removed after the roof truss has been installed into
appended claims and their equivalents. a building.
What is claimed is: 4. The system of claim 1 wherein the partial length is
1. A roof truss system compatible for Solar energy panels, 5 located at the peak of the truss.
comprising: 5. The system of claim 1 further comprising a plurality of
a roof truss comprising: roof trusses.
a structural top chord having a first upper Surface; and 6. The system of claim 1, the Solar panel assembly com
a non-structural top chord above the structural top chord, prising:
wherein the non-structural top chord has a second 10 a panel enclosure having a bottom and two opposite side
upper Surface, wherein a line extending along the walls;
second upper Surface from a peak to a heel of the roof a channel positioned near an upper edge of each of the side
truss defines a roofline, and wherein the non-struc walls, wherein the channels are capable of receiving a
tural top chord comprises a partial length and a Solar panel; and
removable portion; 15 a Solar panel placed in the channels of the panel enclosure.
wherein the roof truss is engineered to accommodate the 7. The system of claim 6 wherein the solarpanel is approxi
weight of a solar panel assembly after the removable mately flush with the roofline.
portion of the non-structural top chord is removed; 8. The system of claim 6 wherein the channels are built
end Surfaces facing and spaced apart from both sides of the integrally into the panel enclosure.
roof truss; and 9. The system of claim 6 further comprising:
a recessed space having dimensions defined by a) the a backing sheet located on the first upper Surfaces in the
length of the removable portion of the non-structural top recessed space;
chord, b) a height from the first upper surface to the a plurality of panel enclosures placed onto the backing
second upper Surface, and c) a width spanning between sheet; and
the end Surfaces: 25 joining elements joining the plurality of panel enclosures
wherein the dimensions of the recessed space are Suitable to each other and to the backing sheet.
for accommodating a solar panel assembly. 10. The system of claim 6 further comprising an air space
2. The system of claim 1 further comprising a roofing between the solar panel and the bottom of the panel enclosure,
material covering the roof truss, wherein the roofing material wherein the air space allows air or fluid flow to a gutter line of
is removed at a future time in a desired area; and wherein the 30 the roof.
recessed space and the Solar panel assembly are located in the 11. The system of claim 6 wherein the channel is capable of
desired area. slidingly receiving a solar panel.
3. The system of claim 1, wherein the non-structural top
chord further comprises a full length divided into the partial k k k k k

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