Untia Duunit: (12) United States Patent

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(12) United
States Patent (10 ) Patent No.: US 9 , 757 ,663 B2
(45) Date of Patent: Sep. 12 , 2017
(54 ) CURVED LIQUID COLLECTOR TRAYS 4 ,427 ,605 A * 1/1984 Meier .............. B01D 3 / 20
202/ 158
USEFUL IN PRESSURE VESSELS 5 ,118 ,449 A 6 / 1992 Wade et al.
(71 ) Applicant: Chevron U .S .A . Inc., San Ramon, CA 5 , 132 ,055 A * 7 /1992 Alleaume ............ B01D 3 /008
(US ) 261/ 114 .5
5 , 147,584 A 9 / 1992 Binkley et al.
5 ,277, 848 A 1/ 1994 Binkley et al.
(72 ) Inventor: Jaan Taagepera , Benicia , CA (US) 5 ,338,517 A * 8/ 1994 Evans , III B01D 3 / 009
203 /DIG . 6
( 73 ) Assignee : CHEVRON U .S . A . INC ., San Ramon , 5 ,547,617 A 8/ 1996 Lee et al.
CA (US ) 5 ,702,647 A 12/ 1997 Lee et al.
5 , 762,668 A * 6 / 1998 Lee B01D 3 / 16
( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 261/ 114 . 1
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 7 , 118 ,654 B2 * 10 / 2006 Hammon .... B01D 3 / 24
U .S .C . 154 (b ) by 11 days. 202/ 110
8 , 118 ,284 B2 * 2 /2012 Alzner ................ B01D 3 /008
(21) Appl. No.: 14 /928, 142 261/ 114 . 1
8 ,517,354 B1 8 /2013 Binkley
( 22 ) Filed : Oct. 30 , 2015 8 ,540 ,218 B2 9/ 2013 Binkley et al.
9 , 360 ,252 B2 * 6 / 2016 Furlong ........ . B01D 53/ 263
2008/ 0277260 A111/ 2008 Binkley et al.
(65) Prior Publication Data 2010 / 0288624 Al 11 /2010 Kim et al.
US 2017 /0120162 A1 May 4 , 2017 2012 /0118399 AL 5 / 2012 Binkley et al.
2012 /0211347 AL 8/2012 Kim et al.
6 Int. CI. * cited by examiner
B01F 3 /04 ( 2006 .01)
BOID 3 /32 (2006 .01)
B01D 3 /20 (2006 .01) Primary Examiner — Charles Bushey
(52) U .S . CI. (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Karen R . DiDomenicis
CPC ............... B01D 3/ 324 (2013 .01); B01D 3/20
(2013 .01) (57) ABSTRACT
(58 ) Field of Classification Search Disclosed is a collector tray for collecting liquid in a
CPC . B01D 3 /008 ; B01D 3 /20 ; B01D 3 /24 ; B01D pressure vessel such as a distillation column. The collector
3 /324 ; B01D 5 /009; B01D 53/ 185 tray includes a liquid collecting surface having a curved
USPC .................. 261/97 , 110 , 114 . 1, 114 .2 , 114 .5 shape such that the liquid collecting surface is generally
. See application file for complete search history. upwardly concave or upwardly convex , and includes at least
(56 ) References Cited one chimney through the collector tray . The collector tray
can be formed by attaching a plurality of collector tray
U .S . PATENT DOCUMENTS panels to one another to form the collector tray having the
liquid collecting surface . Methods for installing the collector
3 ,259 , 380 A * 7 / 1966 Brown .................. B01D 3 / 18 tray and retrofitting a pressure vessel are also disclosed .
4 ,140 ,212 A * 2 / 1979 O ' Blasny ............... B01D 3 /00
196 / 114 11 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets


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FIG . 1A
(Prior Art)
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FIG . 2A
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FIG . 2B
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FIG . 3A
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FIG . 3B
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FIG . 3C
US 9 ,757,663 B2
CURVED LIQUID COLLECTOR TRAYS least one existing substantially planar collector tray is
USEFUL IN PRESSURE VESSELS removed from the pressure vessel. The at least one replace
ment collector tray having the curved liquid collecting
FIELD surface is installed in the pressure vessel .
The present disclosure relates to liquid collector trays DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
useful in pressure vessels such as distillation columns.
These and other objects , features and advantages of the
BACKGROUND present invention will become better understood with refer
10 ence to the following description , appended claims and
Liquid collector trays, also referred to simply as trays, are accompanying drawings where :
used in pressure vessels such as distillation columns in order FIG . 1A is a cutaway drawing of a pressure vessel
to enhance fluid separation . One known type of liquid utilizing a chimney tray according to the prior art.
collector trays is the chimney tray , as shown in FIG . 1A and FIG . 1B is a perspective drawing of a chimney tray
FIG . 1B . The chimney tray 9 is commonly used to draw off 15 according to the prior art.
a liquid stream , e .g . a liquid intermediate product or a FIG . 2A is a cutaway drawing of a pressure vessel
circulating reflux stream , from a nozzle 24 in a vessel 18 . utilizing a collector tray according to one exemplary
Alternatively, the chimney tray can be used to combine the embodiment.
liquid from above within the vessel with a liquid feed to the FIG . 2B is a cutaway drawing of a pressure vessel
vessel. While the chimney tray 9 is collecting liquid 4 , vapor 20 utilizing a collector tray according to another exemplary
2 passes through a chimney riser 12 therein to the sections embodiment.
above. These trays are commonly built to withstand low FIG . 3A is a cutaway perspective drawing of a collector
loadings of applied forces and thus are subject to occasional tray in a pressure vessel according to one exemplary
overloads due to process upsets. Such overloading can cause embodiment without the chimney risers shown .
substantial damage to vessel internals leading to degraded or 25 FIG . 3B is a cutaway perspective drawing of a collector
lost processing functionality. For example, inadvertent intro
ntro tray in a pressure vessel according to one exemplary
duction of water into a vessel is known to cause such embodiment with the chimney risers shown.
damage when the water “ flashes” to steam . When the water FIG . 3C is a cutaway perspective drawing of a method for
flowing through a pipe along with the oil is suddenly installing a collector tray according to one exemplary
exposed to a hot , low pressure area , it flashes or expands 30 embodiment in a pressure vessel.
rapidly , thereby creating the risk of physical damage to
vessel internals . DETAILED DESCRIPTION
The traditional approach to avoiding such damage , when
elimination of the source of the overloading cannot be In one embodiment, a collector tray useful for collecting
eliminated , is to make the traysmore rugged . This is usually 35 liquid in a pressure vessel is provided . Referring to FIG . 2A ,
accomplished via the use of thicker tray panels and addi- a pressure vessel 18 has a vessel wall 18A , also referred to
tional structural reinforcement. herein as a shell , containing an internal space 20. In one
There exists a need for a liquid collector tray and a embodiment, the pressure vessel is a distillation column.
pressure vessel utilizing the tray which would resist damage The vessel 18 has one or more fluid inlets 25 for receiving
caused by excessive loading in a less costly way . It would 40 liquid , a liquid outlet 26 , a vapor outlet 27 and a draw -off
further be desirable to have a lighter weight and /or more nozzle 24 . Positioned within the vessel wall 18A , and
compact liquid collector tray. secured or attached there to , is at least one collector tray 10
for collecting liquid 4 . The collector tray 10 has a liquid
SUMMARY collecting surface having a curved shape . The curved liquid
45 collecting surface can be generally upwardly concave as
In one aspect, a collector tray useful for collecting liquid shown in FIG . 2A , or generally upwardly convex as shown
in a pressure vessel is provided . The collector tray includes in FIG . 2B . The collector tray 10 has at least one chimney
a liquid collecting surface having a curved shape such that also referred to as a chimney riser 12 for allowing vapor 2
the liquid collecting surface is generally upwardly concave to pass through the collector tray 10 while avoiding contact
or upwardly convex , and includes at least one chimney 50 with the liquid 4 collected in the collector tray 10 .
through the collector tray. The collector tray can be formed in one embodiment, shown in FIGS . 3A - 3C , the collector
by attaching a plurality of collector tray panels to one tray 10 is made up of multiple collector tray pieces 16 , also
another to form the collector tray having the liquid collect - referred to herein as tray panels . The collector tray pieces 16
ing surface . are attachable to one another to form the collector tray 10 .
In another aspect, a pressure vessel is provided utilizing 55 FIG . 3A shows the collector tray 10 without the chimney
the collector tray. The pressure vessel can be a distillation risers 12 , so that openings 16A are visible . FIG . 3B shows
column. the collector tray 10 with the chimney risers 12 in place .
In another aspect, a method of installing at least one Conveniently , the multiple collector tray pieces 16 can be
collector tray is provided in which the plurality of collector passed through an opening 18B such as a manway in the
tray pieces are passed through an opening in the pressure 60 pressure vessel wall 18A , the manway having a cover 18C .
vessel. The collector tray pieces are the attached to one The collector tray pieces 16 can be attached to one another
another to form the collector tray in the pressure vessel. The by bolts 22 . In one embodiment, the collector tray 10 is
collector tray is then supported by a vessel wall of the made up of from three to 100 collector tray pieces 16 . In one
pressure vessel. embodiment, the collector tray 10 is made up of from three
In another aspect, a method of retrofitting a pressure 65 to 50 collector tray pieces 16 .
vessel having at least one existing substantially planar In one embodiment, a liquid draw off nozzle 24 is
collector tray therein for collecting liquid is provided . The at provided in the vessel wall 18A . In one example, the liquid
US 9 ,757,663 B2
draw off nozzle 24 is located proximate the collector tray 10 quantities, percentages or proportions, and other numerical
such that liquid 4 collected in the collector tray 10 can be values used in the specification and claims are to be under
removed from the pressure vessel 18 through the liquid draw stood as being modified in all instances by the term “ about."
off nozzle 24 . Accordingly, unless indicated to the contrary , the numerical
In one embodiment, the collector tray 10 is supported by 5 parameters set forth in the following specification and
tray support rings and fixed in place in a manner similar to attached claimsare approximations that can vary depending
conventional flat, planar panel trays . The tray support rings upon the desired properties sought to be obtained by the
can be modified as necessary as would be apparent to one of present invention . It is noted that, as used in this specifica
ordinary skill in the art. The tray support ring can be a single tion and the appended claims, the singular forms “ a ," " an ,"
piece or multiple pieces. The tray support ring can be welded 10 and " the ,” include plural references unless expressly and
to the vessel shell 18A . The collector tray 10 can then be unequivocally limited to one referent. Also , “ comprise ,”
placed onto the tray support ring. Trays for medium to large “ include” and its variants , are intended to be non -limiting,
diameter vessels may require structuralbeams for support, in such that recitation of items in a list is not to the exclusion
addition to or instead of the tray support ring . Such beams of other like items that may also be useful in the materials ,
can be attached to the vessel shell 18A by bolting to clips 15 compositions, methods and systems of this invention.
welded to the shell or by being supported in “ beam seats" This written description uses examples to disclose the
which are welded to the shell . Alternatively, collector trays invention , including the best mode, and also to enable any
10 can be welded directly to the shell 18A . person skilled in the art to make and use the invention . The
Referring to FIG . 3C , a method for installing a collector patentable scope is defined by the claims, and can include
tray 10 in a pressure vessel 18 according to one embodiment 20 other examples that occur to those skilled in the art. Such
will be described . In this embodiment, the components 100 other examples are intended to be within the scope of the
including the set 10 A ofmultiple collector tray pieces 16 , the claims if they have structural elements that do not differ
chimney risers 12 and the bolts 22 are passed through the from the literal language of the claims, or if they include
opening 18B such as a manway in the pressure vessel wall equivalent structural elements with insubstantial differences
18A . Inside the vessel 18 , the collector tray pieces 16 are 25 from the literal languages of the claims.
attached to one another to form the collector tray 10 having
the curved liquid collecting surface . The thus formed col- What is claimed is:
lector tray 10 can then be supported by the vessel wall 18A , 1. A collector tray useful for collecting liquid in a pressure
either by supporting the assembled tray 10 upon tray support vessel, the collector tray comprising :
rings welded to the vessel wall 18A or by welding the 30 a . a curved liquid collecting surface is upwardly concave
assembled tray 10 directly to the vessel wall 18A . or upwardly convex ; and
In one embodiment, a method is provided for retrofitting b . at least one chimney through the curved liquid collect
a pressure vessel having at least one existing substantially ing surface for allowing vapor to pass through the
planar collector tray , e .g . that shown in FIG . 1 . The existing collector tray while avoiding contact with the liquid
substantially planar collector tray is removed from the 35 collected in the collector tray.
pressure vessel. In one embodiment, this existing substan 2 . The collector tray of claim 1 , wherein the curved liquid
tially planar collector tray is made up of multiple tray panels collecting surface comprises a plurality of collector tray
which are disassembled within the vessel 18 and removed pieces configured to be attachable to one another to form the
through the manway 18B . The collector tray 10 having the curved liquid collecting surface.
curved liquid collecting surface can then be installed . The 40 3. The collector tray of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of
collector tray 10 can be installed according to the method collector tray pieces comprises from three to 100 collector
described above. tray pieces .
The collector tray 10 is more resistant to overpressure and 4 . A pressure vessel comprising:
excessive loads than known flat, substantially planar collec a . a vessel wall containing an internal space ;
tor trays . Use of the collector tray 10 can enhance the 45 b . a collector tray positioned within the vessel wall for
inherent reliability of process columns with respect to inci collecting liquid , comprising:
dents of inadvertent flashing of water. i. a curved liquid collecting surface is upwardly con
The liquid collector tray 10 can be thinner and therefore cave or upwardly convex ; and
lighter weight than conventional trays . Having lighter ii. at least one chimney through the curved liquid
weight components typically results in lower cost in new 50 collecting surface for allowing vapor to pass through
construction . For post- construction applications , lighter the collector tray while avoiding contact with the
weight components are generally safer and easier for work liquid collected in the collector tray ; and
ers to handle . Alternatively, panels with the same weight as c. a liquid draw off nozzle in the vessel wall .
conventional tray panels can be made larger, resulting in 5 . The pressure vessel of claim 4 , wherein the pressure
fewer joints between panels . This would advantageously 55 vessel is a distillation column .
reduce assembly time. The liquid collector tray 10 enables 6 . The pressure vessel of claim 4 , wherein the liquid draw
greater structural robustness without increasing weight, thus off nozzle in the vessel wall is located proximate the
providing a more compact liquid collector tray. This is a collector tray such that liquid collected in the collector tray
benefit in the case of a vessel retrofit. In some cases there is can be removed from the pressure vessel through the liquid
not enough room to add properly sized structural beams to 60 draw off nozzle .
increase the strength of conventional flat panel trays. 7 . A method of retrofitting a pressure vessel having at least
It should be noted that only the components relevant to the one existing substantially planar collector tray therein for
disclosure are shown in the figures, and that many other collecting liquid , comprising:
components normally part of a pressure vessel are not shown a . removing the at least one existing substantially planar
for simplicity . 65 collector tray from the pressure vessel ; and
For the purposes of this specification and appended b . installing at least one collector tray according to claim
claims, unless otherwise indicated , all numbers expressing 1 in the pressure vessel; wherein the installing includes
US 9 ,757,663 B2
supporting the at least one collector tray by a vessel
wall of the pressure vessel.
8 . A method of retrofitting a pressure vessel having at least
one existing substantially planar collector tray therein for
collecting liquid , comprising:
a . removing the at least one existing substantially planar
collector tray from the pressure vessel ; and
b . installing at least one collector tray according to claim
2 in the pressure vessel; wherein the installing includes :
i. passing the plurality of collector tray pieces through 10
an opening in the pressure vessel; and
ii. attaching the plurality of collector tray pieces to one
another to form the collector tray having the liquid
collecting surface ; and
iii . supporting the collector tray formed by a vessel wall 15
of the pressure vessel.
9 . A method of installing at least one collector tray
according to claim 2 in the pressure vessel, comprising :
a . passing the plurality of collector tray pieces through an
opening in the pressure vessel; and 20
b . attaching the plurality of collector tray pieces to one
another to form the collector tray having the liquid
collecting surface ; and
C . supporting the collector tray formed by a vessel wall of
the pressure vessel. 25
10 . The method of claim 7 , 8 or 9 , wherein the collector
tray is supported by the vessel wall of the pressure vesselby
placing the collector tray on one or more tray support rings
attached to the vessel wall.
11 . The method of claim 7 , 8 or 9 , wherein the collector 30
tray is supported by the vessel wall of the pressure vessel by
directly welding the collector tray to the vessel wall.
* * * *

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